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pd pol ad ! 1exans for uan aLrlck ! www.uanaLrlck.

F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Fiiuay, }anuaiy 24, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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B00ST0N - Yesteiuay, }ulian Castio, Nayoi of San Antonio anu Ban Patiick, Texas
State Senatoi anu authentic conseivative canuiuate foi Lieutenant uoveinoi hau an
exchange on Twittei:

!"#$% '()*+, -"./%$ 0'()*",-"./%$ 1
CongraLulaLlons [uanaLrlck, you are Lhe mosL anLl-lmmlgranL 8epubllcan
runnlng for sLaLe offlce."

2", 3"/%*45 02",3"/%*451
[[ullancasLro yes, l am proud Lo wear Lhe badge of securlng our border bc your
buddy Cbama creaLed Lhls lllegal lnvaslon
[[ullancasLro Lalk ls cheap mayor, lf you wanL Lo debaLe Lhls ln San AnLonlo, Lell
me when and l'll be Lhere.

!"#$% '()*+, -"./%$ 0'()*",-"./%$ 1
LeL's do LhaL, [uanaLrlck . Pow abouL lL, [evansmlLh ?

2", 3"/%*45 02",3"/%*45
[!ullanCasLro challenge accepLed. Wllllng Lo flghL you for Lhe fuLure of 1exas.

"Although I appieciateu }ulian Castio, 0bama's hanupickeu acolyte, iecognizing that
I was the toughest canuiuate on boiuei secuiity iunning foi state office," saiu
Patiick. "I uiun't want to lose the oppoitunity to engage him in a moie thoughtful
uebate on the ciitical issue of boiuei secuiity."

Aftei about 24 houis, Nayoi Castio accepteu the challenge of a uebate anu the
uetails aie alieauy being woikeu out.

"I look foiwaiu to meeting }ulian Castio in the public aiena anu uebating the
impoitance of boiuei secuiity anu stopping the flow of illegal immigiation in oui
state," saiu Patiick. "This uebate isn't just about the futuie of Texas, it is a fight foi
the futuie of Texas."


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