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Please 1oin

The Adult Education Committee of UTLA

To meet & support
Bennett Kayser
Candidate Ior Re-Election
LA School Board, District 5
Sunday, September 28
, 2014
5:30 - 7:30 pm

At the home of
1ulie Singer
3567 Carnation Ave.
Silverlake, CA 90026
Hosts $250 Sponsors $100 Friends $50 Teachers $25

RSVP to Farrell Bender at 323-465-9655 or

I will attend on 9/28 Number oI Guests I cannot attend, but would still like to contribute

Please Make Checks Payable to:
Re-Elect Bennett Kayser For
School Board 2015

419 N. Larchmont Blvd., #37
Los Angeles, CA 90004

State election law requires the following information:


The maximum contribution permitted by law to Re-Elect Bennett Kayser For School Board 2015 is $1100 per person/entity.
Please note that a personal contribution will be aggregated with a contribution from a sole proprietorship you own, from an entity if you
control the entity`s contribution activities, from a general or limited partnership where you are a general partner and you own an
investment of 50 or more or in which the general partner holds a majority of voting rights, or from any business entity where you own an
investment of more than 50 or hold a majority of the voting rights. Contributions from two entities of any type may also be aggregated
under certain circumstances. Contributions must be from the donor`s own funds and may not be reimbursed by any other person.
Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
ID #1361502 Treasurer: Padilla & Associates
Additional information is available at
Labor Donated. Computer Generated.
Crcdi| Crcdi| Crcdi| Crcdi| Card Con|ribu|ions Card Con|ribu|ions Card Con|ribu|ions Card Con|ribu|ions (circlc onci: Visa MC (circlc onci: Visa MC (circlc onci: Visa MC (circlc onci: Visa MC

Pcrsonal Accoun| or Busincss Accoun| (circlc onci

Card Numbcr: _____________________________________
Lxp. _____/______
Sccuri|v Codc: ____________ (` - on back ol cardi

Sina|urc: ________________________________________
(Includc billin addrcss bclowi

We cannot accept money orders or
cashier`s checks
Cash contributions are limited to $25

The first 20 hosts or
sponsors receive a free
copy of the book !"#$"%
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