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Pro-Life Manna Part 2: 37 Years after Roe

Is it apparent what abortion is. For ages, human beings of good will tried to show the real truth
on a myriad of issues. Subsequently, in our generation we are no exception to this. Being Pro-
Life isn’t one temporary occurrence. It’s a lifestyle, attitude, aptitude, and lifestyle. The
fundamental part of being Pro-Life is having the view that all life from conception unto
elderly stages of life have equal value and are equal in the eyes of God. Therefore,
opposition to Roe V. Wade reflects that continued promotion of the creed that abortion
certainly enacts injustice against unborn human beings. For years, there have been the
pro-abortion crowd manufacture faulty arguments in attempting to justify the view that
abortion somehow is a quaint procedure and it’s legitimate for a person to do. The
refutation of that assumption is that abortion (especially if it’s on demand, which Roe v. Wade
legalizes in a great degree) dehumanizes life. Abortion rips a baby’s body parts out and
destroys the life for no legitimate purpose or reason whatsoever. It’s a barbaric act that’s a
throwback to the infanticide murders in the ancient Greek & ancient Roman Empires. Pro-
abortionists distort what choice is. Abortion doesn’t promote choices, it
ends them simply against other human beings. A choice can only exist
among human beings when human life exists. The concept of ripping babies apart
deviates from the concept of altruism. I believe in altruism or proposition that you don’t only
care for yourself. You care for the concerns and intentions of your fellow human beings. That
relates to compassion, tolerance, and charity to all human beings. This also entails that we
care for our neighbors, people from foreign nations, and the oppressed in the world. The good
news is that people in our Millennial Generation or Generation Y are more Pro-Life than the
Baby Boomers. We figure out in the real of ultrasound, science, theology, and philosophy that
the intrinsic value of human life overrides any attempt to destroy innocent human life for no
reason. Fortunately, some pro-abortionists have recanted their previous stances and are now
Pro-Life. One example is a person named Dr. Bernard Nathanson. He was once
headed America’s largest abortion clinic in New York City. He superintended
about 75,000 unborn babies being murder. He later ideologically exist as a
Pro-Life writing his in book called “Aborting America,” that: “…There is no
longer serious doubt in my mind that human life exists within the womb from
the very onset of pregnancy…” We still have a long way to go, because Roe isn’t
eliminated and a high level of abortions transpire globally. One truth about abortion is that the
corporate elite endorse, fund, and promote abortions internationally not just nationally in
America. That is one major flaw in the pro-abortionists’ rhetoric. That is why you see the big
billion dollar Foundations like the Ford & Rockefeller Foundations (some of the same groups
that aided Hitler and eugenics movements in America plus Europe) giving money to Planned
Parenthood, NARAL, etc. Books, the internet, DVDs, Cds, and other sources back up this
view time after time again.

Planned Parenthood is the most powerful abortion provider in the world. They have
hide their history of Margaret Sanger promoting eugenics, killing infants, going into a
Klan rally in the 1920’s, and whose early Planned Parenthood members had nefarious
character (like being pro-Nazi, pro-eugenics, being racist, etc.). Sanger was born in
1879. He picked up Malthusian thoughts from Emma Goldman. Goldman had
connections with Malthusians in France. Emma promoted Bolsheviks in Russia,
Fabians in England, and Anarchists in Germany. She promoted free love, hatred of
capitalism, and the virtues of assassination. Emma Goldman had the Anarchist
magazine called “Mother Earth” promoting contraception and liberated sex. She was a
puppet of the Communists and the Communists were funded by the more powerful
international bankers.

Thomas Malthus originated Malthusianism. Malthus was an Anglican clergyman

who believed that human population would overtake resources in the world to
cause a food crisis in the future causing millions of people to die of starvation,
famine, etc. Of course, Malthus faulty predictions didn’t come into fruition. Yet, his
philosophies are a backbone of evil eugenicists then and now (in the form of
promoting the lie of world overpopulation, which has been especially debunked in
the 21st century. There is an under population crisis in Japan, Russia, parts of
Europe, etc.). Havelock Ellis introduced Margaret Sanger to more information about
eugenics. Sanger (who met eugenicists H. G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw) used
birth control as an excuse to promote eugenics. She even called for the Plan For Peace
whereby disabled people were literally segregated from society and placed in
concentration camps in the 1920’s. Sanger’s “Pivot of Civilization”
Civilization” book
bashed charity, which is a honorable tenet of humanity and called human beings
defectives, etc. HG Wells ironically wrote the introduction for Pivot of Civilization. In
1931, she founded the Population Association of America with Henry Pratt Fairchild.
Fairchild was once the Secretary-Treasurer of the American Eugenics Society. Fairchild
was a racist and anti-Semite. He wrote a book entitled, “The Melting Pot Mistakes” that
heavily denigrated Jewish people. These are the nefarious characters that Sanger
associated with. Even one member of the Supreme Court named Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Jr. advanced eugenics. He was appointed by then President Theodore
Roosevelt. He served from 1902 to 1932. He issued the pro-sterilization verdict in the
case of Carrie Bukc in 1927. He said the following wicked words:

“…It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring
for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who
are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains
compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting Fallopian tubes. Three
generations of imbeciles are enough.” (War Against the Weak, Eugenics and
America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black, Four Walls Eight
Windows, New York, 2003, pp. 120-122).

Even George Kennan didn’t want to promote democratization, the raising of living
standards, and the objective of incorporating human rights in the world. That plan is
something that I don’t subscribe to obviously. Ironically, Planned Parenthood targets
mostly Black American and Hispanic American communities in the USA with their
clinics, etc. She was apart of the new eugenics era in America society. She was funded
by the Rockefellers, the Mellons, and the Ford Foundations. By 1964, the Rockefeller
and Ford Foundations gave Sanger’s organization $100 million. In 2010, the UNFPA and
other groups promote population control policies globally. The extension of Malthusian
thought inspired Marxism, Fascism, Feudian, and Darwinian Evolution according to
George Grant.

America is something else. I will mention though that in America like other places, it can
certainly motivate you to fight for the principles that our forefathers bleed and died for. These
principles include religious liberty, the right of due process, the right to be secured in our
persons, the right to bear arms, the right of free speech, the right to not experience cruel and
unusual punishment, the right to be tried by jury in trials, and other basic precepts. These
precepts don’t make me fear anything in this world. These precepts give me strength and
sound judgment to carry on improving my life. I didn’t came here in this world to be a docile
servant of the elite. I came here to be a strong, independent man not fearing anything but God.
I will live my life and going forward bettering my personal self. Just because something is legal
doesn’t mean that the law is right. In human history, we’ve lived through immoral laws. Roe V.
Wade is one example of an immoral law that promotes false ethics:

“…In 1944, a physician in Germany could participate in genocide with

legal sanction. In America he would have been a murderer. In 1977, in
America, a physician could perform an abortion with legal sanction. In
Germany, he would have been a murderer. We have come 360 degrees on
the moral compass." (M. Baten & W. Enos, "Questions of Authenticity and
Situational Ethics," Cancer Bulletin, vol. 29, no. 4, 1978)

*I Want to mention the following. I don’t agree with Laurence M. Vance on every
issue and lately he stereotyped Pro-Lifers again. He wrote that many Pro-Lifers
collectively care about the unborn and don’t care about war. That’s an utter and
complete lie. The reason is that tons of Pro-life oppose abortion and don’t agree
with the war on terror. Also, regardless of what Vance rights, real Pro-Lifers have
concerns for foreigners, the unborn, and all human life. All human life have equal
value. Tons of us disagree with Iraq and Afghanistan wars plus realizing the
destabilizing costs of both occurrences. Tons of Pro-Life people I know including
myself sympathize with the soldiers dying in these war including the civilians who
died as well. He can talk about hypocrisy all he wants, but why doesn’t he
expose the hypocrisy of pro-abortion people agreeing with abortion, yet
claim to be against the war on terror Some of these hypocrites claim to
respect the freedom of choice, but they deny the unborn the choice to live on
Planet Earth. Vance lied and said Pro-Lifers aren’t consistent. No, we are
consistent. We respect life in the unborn and life after birth as well. We have true
respect for citizens in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the world over. Also, Pro-life human
beings have written and spoke about the right to life among all human beings (and
opposed war). Vance won’t expose the hypocrisy of some pro-abortion
people claiming to have tolerance of freedoms, yet they support restricting
the free speech rights of pro-lifers in the public arena (near clinics and even
in a CBS pro-life ad featuring Tim Tebow).
So, Laurence Vance uses stereotypes to intimidate people, yet I won’t fall for
his trick. He supports Ron Paul when Ron Paul agrees with the Authorization for
Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (Pub.L. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224, which was
enacted September 18, 2001). We should never let anyone disrespect Pro-Lifers
without a strong response. See, Lance is angry, because a real Pro-Life group
called the American Right to Life League (that supports personhood legislation)
made an article about legitimate questions about Ron Paul’s’ Pro-Life credentials.
Darrell Birkey, who is the ARTL research director, said that: “…If Paul runs for the
presidency in 2012, "pro-lifers will be alerted in advance to his pro-choice
record…the last election voters thought Ron Paul was pro-life. We want folks to know
the truth…Ron Paul is pro-choice, state by state…Should a state have the right to
allow slavery? Pro-lifers will be shocked to see Paul's actual record…” You don’t have
a state by state decision to promote or reject slavery or murder, therefore abortion is
universally evil in the world over. Kelly McGinley have written similar words on Ron Paul.
Ron Paul follows the Austrian School of Economics (whose founders & leaders
have been caught being extremists, having ties to the CNP, the Mont Pelerin
Society, the Ecumenical Heritage Foundation, and supporting the globalist Pan
Europa movement. Ludwig von Mises supported the Pan Europa movement. This
movement was the precursor of the European Union. This is something Vance
doesn‘t want people to know), which some of its members agreed with the robber

It seems my eyes are getting open to expose the evils of crony capitalism and
Communism. This school of faulted economics probably originated with the
views of Adam Smith. Smith promoted the unscriptural, immoral doctrine
that the love of money and a sole self interest (even if it leads to hedonistic
acts) was needed in the world. Adam Smith in his other works reject the
education of the poor too. Smith believed that if the economy worked by itself with
the mystical “invisible hand” without any government interference, then the
economy will expand and prices will stabilize. History proves that this doesn’t work
since wicked people always use this method to exploit the poor, while enriching
the profits of multinational corporations. Adam Smith supported British colonialism
and was sponsored by the British East India Company's Lord Shelburne. That should tell
you something. The Austrian School of Economics view that the markets alone
have “god-like“ powers to stabilize the economy without nothing else when
markets have been manipulated by the elite for thousands of years. Isn’t it
obvious, that some in the Wall Street international banker crowd have been
involved in fraud, corruption, and other evils even recently with Bankergate
in 2010. Why doesn’t Vance talk about CFR-connected Geithner and
Bankergate? I wonder. It’s not a Left/Right paradigm deal. It’s a freedom vs.
tyranny deal. You don’t hope for recessions and depressions to end by doing
nothing. You do something to help people suffering and dying literally in the world.
To his credit, Mises opposed eugenics and population control. Although, the von
Mises Institute defends the robber barons and the Rockefellers involved in
eugenics, oligarchy in industries, etc. Markets should have a role in the economy,
but they aren’t gods. God is God. The other extreme is Communism, which
doesn‘t work since a command and control center controlling the whole
economy is authoritarian and centralizes wealth into a few hands.
Communism was used by the Jesuits and other groups for eons. Karl Marx
viewed man was just a political animal without creative discovery properties
(as taught by Aristotle). Marx believed in the British Opium War (ironically
the British East India Company’ opium monopoly existed) and other aspects
of the British Empire. Communism immorally makes an individual just a cog
in the state hampering individual initiative and rapid economic plus
technological growth. Communism in essence like fascism promotes
tyranny not liberty. You need technological development and infrastructure
development along with other solutions to assist the economy. This will
increase the Real and Nominal GDP, have a consistent Price index, etc. Wisdom
is needed in life. People like Lance are in one paradigm (that follows
Ron Paul and Paul supports Ayn Rand. The atheist Ayn Rand
supported selfishness at the expense of helping others. She rejected
man‘s sacrifice to his fellow man, which is contrary to moral
tradition of compassion , charity, & assistance for the human race),
yet I’m won’t get into a realm of limited thinking. I will expand my
thinking to conceptualize the world as a battle between humanity
and the global elitists.

CBS is facing a pro-abortion pressure to scrap a Pro-Life ad featuring Tim Tebow. This
advertisement Focus on the Family plans to run is about life. Tebow is the University of
Florida football star whose mother chose life over abortion. This is despite that a
debilitating medical condition she experienced during her pregnancy with Tebow. Focus on
the Family had produced the air and it's set to air during the Super Bowl. It won't confirm
the content prior to its airing. The ad could feature the story about how Tebow's mom
refused an abortion. There are a coalition of pro-abortion groups calling on CBS to reject
the ad. The New York-based Women's Media Center is coordinating the attack on the ad.
Another group doing the same is the pro-abortion National Organization for Women, the
Feminist Majority, and other groups. Jehmu Greene is the President of the Women's Media
Center. She falsely stated to AP that: "...An ad that uses sports to divide rather than to unite
has no place in the biggest national sports event of the year -- an event designed to bring
Americans together..." An ad about Tebow being glad to be conceived in the world is
hardly as representation of using divisive rhetoric in attempting to divide Americans. CBS
officials told AP that they approved the air for airing and that they would block an issue ad
not "appropriate for air." Tebow defended the ad in an interview with
reporters on last Sunday. He said that: "...I know some people won't
agree with it, but I think they can at least respect that I stand up for
what I believe," Tebow said. "I've always been very convicted of it (his
views on abortion) because that's the reason I'm here, because my mom
was a very courageous woman. So any way that I could help, I would do
it..." Gary Schneeberger is the spokesman for Focus on the Family. He told AP that
officials in the pro-life group are a little surprised by the life-affirming ad. "There's nothing
political and controversial about it," he said. "When the day arrives, and you sit down to
watch the game on TV, those who oppose it will be quite surprised at what the ad is all
about." The Super Bowl ad would be costly as a spot during the game and 3 30-second
commercials before it would reportedly run about 2 to 3 million dollars, but it provides an
unique exposure to a large national and international audience. The pro-life group
confirmed earlier this month that it will air a 30-second ad both right before and during the
Super Bowl. Schneeberger would not divulge the content but said Tebow agreed to appear
but said that Tebow agreed to appear in the ad, because he feels strongly about his pro-life
convictions. Jim Daly is the Focus on the Family President and chief executive officer. He
said in a statement that the Tebow message comes at a good time because he thinks that
families need to be inspired. "Tim and Pam share our respect for life and our passion for
helping families thrive," Daly said. "Focus on the Family is about ... strengthening families
by empowering them with the tools they need to live lives rooted in morals and values."
Schneeberger said that the money for the ad campaign from donors who made special gifts
to the pro-life group above and beyond their typical donations. Schneeberger said that every
cent for this ad was paid for by generous donors who specifically gave for this project
because they are excited about this opportunity for Focus to show who we are and what we
do. The ad could feature the story of Tebow's birth. Pam Tebow and her husband
were Christian missionaries in the Philippines in 1985. They prayed for their son
Timothy before she became pregnancy. Pam entered into a coma after she contracted
amoebic dysentery. That is an infection of the intestine caused by a parasite found in a
contaminated food or drink. The treatment for the medical condition would require strong
medications that doctors told Pam had caused irreversible damage to Tim, so they advised
her to have an abortion. Tebow refused the abortion and cited her Christian faith as the
reason for her hope that her son would be born without the devastating disabilities
physicians predicted. She ultimately spent the last 2 months of her pregnancy in bed and
eventually gave birth to a health baby boy in August 1987. Tim Tebow would win the
Heisman award in 2007 and then lead the Florida Gators football team to the national
championship a year later and he is likely a top draft pick for 2010. Whether CBS would
allow the potential Focus pro-life ad to air was a question when news of the ad first came
up earlier this month. NBC rejected a pro-life Catholic ad about an ultrasound of an unborn
baby and asks what would happen if President Barack Obama had been a victim of
abortion. Reasonable people can disagree or agree with the ad as it's very controversial.
After several days of negotiations, an NBC representative in Chicago told the group that
NBC and the NFL are not interested in advertisements involving "political advocacy or
issues." Yet, the Tebow ad is not controversial at all and it has a right to be
shown. CBS now is not using the word of “abortion” in the ad, because of
pressure groups. It‘s hypocritical for NOW, etc. to criticize Tebow‘s ad, but
won‘t go after the misogynist, female exploiting ads are common among
Super bowl commercials for years. Life is important and pro-life people aren't
intimidated in this affair.
2010 March for Life marches

These marches consist of people of many ages and background to promote the pro-life truth.
Increasingly over the past few years, more younger people are among those expressing their
constitutional right to protest and outline their legitimate grievances toward the government. From
300,000 to 500,000 people were in Washington D.C. to proclaim opposition to abortion. A clear
majority of Americans are Pro-Life or agreed with numerous Pro-Life principles. That’s a fact in
2010. Once in the 1990’s, some folks were ashamed of being called Pro-Life. Now, it’s different.
More and more human beings are thankful being Pro-Life and we are willing to express ourselves.
Protests existed not only in Washington, D.C., but in state capitols and city parks. There was a
massive march in the West Coast in San Francisco, California. The San Francisco West Caost
Walk for Life has more than 35,000 pro-life human beings acting in a jubilant mood to outline their
respect for life. The people walked from Justin Herman Plaza to the Marina district. People walked
with toddlers holding hands with grandparents and college students. They waked banners and in
San Francisco it was their largest crowd in its 6 year history.

6,000 people came to promote the pro-life truth in the Capitol of Washington state. "You know, if we
get the life issue wrong, we get every single other issue wrong," state Rep. Matt Shea told the
crowd, according to the Tacoma Daily News. Thousands of pro-life advocates marched all over
downtown Little Rock, Arkansas on Sunday as Arkansas Right to Life hosted the annual
March for Life there. ARTL spokesman Emmett Guillory "We can talk about healthcare, the
economy, troubles in the world, but if we don't get right the life issue, those quality of life issues don't
matter, so hopefully they'll come to realize that and become passionate and support the pro life
movement." For 36 years in a role, pro-life people of all ages meet in Syracuse, New York.
There were almost 200 people there promoting adoption not abortion. People realize all
every life is a blessing not from the government, but from the hand of God with value and
worth. As high as 10,000 people gathered for the March for Life in downtown Dallas,
Texas. Last year, the number was about 5,000 people. There were similar protests in
Lincoln, Nebraska, and all across America. So, this issue is certainly a matter of life and
death literally.

Personhood Bills

The personhood movement is a new movement in the Pro-Life Movement. What is

it? This is about a pro-life strategy that is being waged on numerous fronts in the
United States. Personhood bills call for state constitutional amendments to
recognize the personhood of all human beings from the beginning of life to
natural death. Almost 40 states have begun a Personhood plan through legislative
and voter initiatives. Some pro-lifers agree with this process and some don’t.
People who agree with wanting personhood bill passed subscribe to the notion
that these bills can effectively ban abortions in the USA. Dan Becker is the Georgia
Right to Life President. He said that the pro-life movement in Georgia have grown
in leaps and bounds ever since the Personhood initiative started in Georgia in
about 10 years ago. The reinvigoration of the pro-life movement in Georgia have
occurred in street activists, state government, pro-life ministries, etc. One of the co-
sponsors of the Personhood voter initiative in Florida is Patricia McEwen. She is
form the LCI or the Life Coalition International, who has inspired Zulu Africans to
be pro-life in the continent of Africa (Abortion is legal now in South Africa). The
victory of the pro-life truth will occur in the streets basically in clinics is prayer,
evangelism, and mercy toward human beings. Some abortion clinics have closed
down throughout America. Don Kazimir, coordinator of the diocesan Respect Life
Office for the past 14 years, who has been in the pro–life movement since 1976, recently
said, "I have never seen so much stuff going on all over the nation. The Obama election has
energized the pro–life movement." Numerous folks are coming into the Personhood
movement. The church does need the responsibility to use their pulpits to expose that
abortion is murder in thorough terms with clear evidences. The real church have been doing
this for a very long time though, so I want to make that point perfectly clear.

More Abortion History

Abortion has a long history. It extends thousands of years ago. Folks already realize its
nefarious past. The 1869 Offense Against the Persons Act was passed by the British
Parliament to punish people who do abortions (and it acknowledge that life begins at
conception). Laws that criticized abortion didn’t punish women who were victims of
abortion in America. Studying two hundred years of legal history, the American Center for
Bioethics concluded: "…No evidence was found to support the proposition that women were
prosecuted for undergoing or soliciting abortions. The charge that spontaneous miscarriages could
result in criminal prosecution is similarly insupportable. There are no documented instances of
prosecution of such women for murder or for any other species of homicide; nor is there evidence
that states that had provisions enabling them to prosecute women for procuring abortions ever
applied those laws. The vast majority of the courts were reluctant to implicate women, even in
a secondary fashion, through complicity and conspiracy charges. Even in those rare
instances where an abortionist persuaded the court to recognize the woman as his
accomplice, charges were not filed against her. In short, women were not prosecuted for
abortions. Abortionists were. The charges of Planned Parenthood and other "pro-choice"
proponents are without factual basis. Given the American legal system’s reliance on precedent, it is
unlikely that enforcement of future criminal sanctions on abortion would deviate substantially from
past enforcement patterns…" (Women and Abortion, Prospects of Criminal Charges
Monograph, American Center for Bioethics, 422 C St., NE, Washington, DC 20002, Spring

Time have change and certain groups and policies in terms of abortion have gradually been
more pro-abortion over time. The oath of Hippocrates disagreed with abortion, but not the
modern one today. Although, I don’t agree with swearing oaths. The American Medical
Association in 1859 once called abortion the slaughter of children and unwarrantable
destruction of human. In 1967, the AMA called abortion just an interruption and the
induced termination of a pregnancy. In other words, the AMA back in the 19th century
condemned abortion and medical abortionists. Today in 2010, the AMA is the opposite.
The 1948 Declaration of Geneva promoted the view that Life begin in conception. It
said that:

“…I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity. I

will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due; I will
practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient
will be my first consideration; I will respect the secrets which are confided in
me; I will maintain by all means in my power the honour and noble traditions
of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers; I will not permit
considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics, or social standing to
intervene between my duty and my patient; I will maintain the utmost respect
for human life, from the time of conception; even under threat, I will not use
my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity. I make these
promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honour…"
Hence, the history of abortion is a troubling one. Even Planned Parenthood masquerades as
a group seeking the freedom of choice, but they advance population control measures
internationally. These measures including dangerous sterilizations and according to Pro-
Lifers forced abortions (even in American society. They have promoted federal entitlements
payments to encourage abortions) negate the real concept of the freedom of choice. Planned
Parenthood try to limit the free speech rights of pro-life protesters around abortion clinics
as well. This is contrary to charity (that Sanger bashed. She hated social workers,
philanthropists, and clergymen promoting charity toward their fellow human beings).
Sanger admitted that there should be “more children from the fit, less from the unfit,”
which is the bigoted ideal of eugenics. Sanger desired more burdens on the poor, while
having welfare for the rich. That is why Planned Parenthood according to George Grant
used literature to call for the elimination of child care, medical attention, scholarships,
housing, loans, and subsidies to poor families. Also, there are other evils like marriage and
child taxes existing.
Lydia Jones is a Title X and a Medicaid eligible welfare mother of 4. She went to the
Planned Parenthood clinic to her home and Planned Parenthood tried to talk her into
sterilizing her. She walked out, because PP officials tried to bully her and lied about having
children are a burden in society.

Lydia said that: “…The counselor just kept lecturing me about how I needed
to do this, and that I should have done it a long time ago. She told me that
my children were a burden to society. Well, let me tell you, I love my children.
And they’re a burden to no one. My tow oldest are in college, working their
way through. The other two are straight A-students and bound for
scholarships. I maybe poor, and I may be Black, but I’m not gonna be bullied
by these people into despising the heritage God has given me.”

Lydia is right. Children are the heritage God gives unto parents. Maria Cefuentes is a social
worker in Albuquerque. She said that: “…I really don’t know how Planned
Parenthood ever got the reputation for being an advocate for poor and
minority women…Every chance they get, the clinic personnel here remind
poor and Hispanic women that they can’t raise a family, that to have children
is irresponsible, and that they aren’t capable of deciding for themselves.
They are constantly pushing for sterilization, even for very young girls. It’s
reprehensible to see that kind of racism go unchallenged…” Recently,
Planned Parenthood accepted money from callers posing as Racist Donors, who
desired Black Babies to be Killed. So, Planned Parenthood exploits and have harmed the
poor spanning decades in America and the world. The good news is that people of many
backgrounds and across the Earth are standing up against abortion for abortion isn’t an
example of tolerance or a tolerable procedure. Abortion is the total representation of
inhumanity toward humanity in which innocent life is destroyed.

The Abortion & Breast Cancer Link

On this issue, there has been a lot of controversy. Some believe that an
abortion/breast cancer link is real and others don’t. In recent years, new evidence has
existed that establishes a possible abortion/breast cancer link. Dr. Joel Brind is a
biology and endocrinology professor. He co-authored a meta-analysis
demonstrating an abortion/breast cancer link (or the ABC link). Brind believed
that studies refusing to expose the BABC link are either predetermined by experts
handpicked by Dr. Louise Brinton or pro-abortion extremists (using the
government for assistance). At the time of February 2003, 29 out of 38 studies
conducted worldwide over 40 years showed an increased ABC risk, but the NCI
workshop nevertheless concluded it was "well established" that "induced abortion is
not associated with an increase in breast cancer risk." Now in April 2009 ironically,
Dr. Louise Brinton co-authored a research paper. This is published in the prestigious
journal Cancer Epidemiology, Bomarkers, and Prevention. The research paper
concluded that the risk of a particularly deadly form of breast cancer that attacks
women under 40 raises 40 percent if a woman has had an abortion. The paper’s
subtitle listed Brinton’s position at NCI. Ironically, the paper included 2 studies of
Brinton’s 2003 NCI “experts” that was initially rejected. This is a bombshell that the
pro-abortion crowd is surprised at. So, this new 2009 paper says that abortion can
increase breast cancer in certain circumstances. This is the first time in history where
there is mainstream confirmation of the ABC link in a high level (even after the cover
up of this fact). It‘s apparent that real science confirms that life is very special to
preserve in the womb.

Research proves that women in China see a 17% higher breast cancer risk from abortion.
Chinese researchers found this out. Their study found that women who have had abortion
face a 17 percent chance of contracting breast cancer than women who carried their
pregnancy to them. One leading American scientist believes that the increased risk is even
higher. Peng Xing and his colleagues conducted a case control study in northeast China.
They examined reproduction factors associated with subtypes of breast cancer. The
discovered that a statistically significant overall adds ratio of 1.17 (or 17% increased breast
cancer risk for all subtypes combined) among women who had induced abortions. The
study excludes the possibility of a flaw called "report bias' because abortion isn't
stigmatized in China. Communist officials require women a lot who violate the one-child
family planning policy there to have abortion. This is done so Chinese women are
considered reliable reporters of their abortion histories. Xing and his colleagues also found
an increased risk of breast cancer for women who delayed their first full term pregnancy.
This is a frequent phenomenon among women who have an abortion of their first baby.
Professor Joel Brind of Baruch College believes that the Chinese study underscores the risk
of abortion because of its high prevalence in China. In his review of 10 prospective studies
on the ABC link for the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons in December, 2005,
Professor Brind explained that it's hard to do an epidemiological study accurately in
communist countries where exposure to abortion affects most of the study population.
Brind said that abortion in China is as high as 56% of its population. According to him
since abortion is so common in China, women in the small unexposed population (or the
comparison group) are a minority group and don't represent a typical population. Brind
commented that this group is atypical since they represent a high risk subgroup. "Women
without abortions in China are more likely to be childless or to have late first full-term
pregnancies, which are accepted risk factors for breast cancer," Brind added. A Turkish
study found earlier this year that a statistically significant 66% increased risk for women
contracting breast cancer after having an abortion. Karen Malec is the President of the
Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer. She said that these 2 studies (if they are
conducted outside the control of the U.S. National Cancer Institute and other
Western governmental agencies or organizations) proves that abortion increase
the risk of breast cancer. "The Chinese and the Turkish studies are relevant
considering the debate over government-funded abortion through healthcare
reform," she told and that: "Government-funded abortion means
more dead American women from breast cancer." Malec says studies reporting no
abortion- breast cancer link have been proven in medical journals to be stupendously
flawed. So, it's easy to prove that abortion has tons of risk factors among women. Mark
Crutcher written a book and blockbuster entitled “Lime 5” that exposed the abuses of the
abortion industry in America. It cites enumerable cases of women severely injured or killed
by abortion. It proves with documentation of abortionists raping and sexually assaulting

Planned Parenthood’s possible super abortion center

Thousands of people march against the new Planned Parenthood abortion business in
Houston, Texas. This Houston facility may be the largest abortion facility of its kind in the
nation. It's a 6 story Planned Parenthood abortion "super center" that's located in the
middle of 4 minority neighborhoods. The pro-life advocates represent people of all races.
They criticized Planned Parenthood for relocating to a former bank building next to
3 predominantly Hispanic and one African-American neighborhood. Family Research
Council president Tony Perkins was on hand to deliver an address. He warned that
Planned Parenthood's Houston abortion super center will most likely be a prototype for
the so-called "preventative care" center under President Barack Obama's health care plan.
He said that the health car bill in Congress should be stopped of Planned Parenthood will
get more money for building more abortion centers. "Make no mistake about it, the
present health care bill gives bureaucrats in Washington great discretion in how they dole
out funds and to what programs. Most of these decisions will be made by Kathleen
Sebelius, the former governor of Kansas who has a record that made her the most pro-
abortion governor in America," he said. Local pro-life advocates don't want a giant
abortion business in their backyard. Vickie Soliz of Houston told the Houston Chronicle
that she grew up in her neighborhood (and that building was the old Sterling bank. She
said that no one wants an abortion clinics there. Soliz commented further that they
wouldn't put it up in Kingwood or the Woodlands). Lou Engle, president of The Call, the
group that spearheaded the protest, talked with about the event. "Planned
Parenthood is targeting these minority pro-family communities, both for their finances
and the restriction of their populations," he said. He noted that key African American,
Latino, and political leaders came to speak and hold a nationwide press conference along
with the protest. "On Martin Luther King's holiday, we want black Americans and Hispanics
to raise their voices and say we're not for this in our neighborhood," Engle said. "We're
meeting with networks of Hispanic pastors who are saying they are not wanting this in
their neighborhood. I just spoke with 30 black pastors today who are standing with us on
this." Engle believes that people should raise their voice against abortion and for abortion.
Public opinion is shifting into the pro-life position in America for years. Engle believes that
Houston is the new epicenter of pro-life activity to end abortions. Planned Parenthood
released a statement in response to the event. "Our new building on the Gulf Freeway will
be the largest Planned Parenthood building in the U.S.," the abortion business said. "It will
be our administrative headquarters for 35 counties in Southeast Texas and Louisiana."
Officials said abortions will be done there on babies through 19 weeks into pregnancy.
Pregnant people should be respected indeed. The truth is that abortion is still murder and
adoption is one out of many solutions to stop it.

Alexandra Nuñez

Alexander Nunez was killed after a botched abortion claimed her life. This occurred at the
A-1 Women’s Care abortion center located in Jackson Heights. The location did other
surgeries and was accredited by The Joint Commission on July 13, 2009. Jackson Heights
is a predominately Hispanic neighborhood. The abortion place was only recently licensed in
July of last year to do surgical procedures that required anesthesia (Pro-Life people called
the place as run-down). She is of Hispanic descent and the abortion center is located in
Queens, New York. In an interview with a local newspaper, staff at the abortion center
were dismissive of the woman’s death. This has prompted outrage from a pro-life group
that monitors abortion facilities. The abortion facility lied and said that everything went
properly in the abortion procedure and they are still booking women for abortions. A
woman said that the patient was transferred to the hospital and that she didn’t die at the
clinic (and nothing happened there). Even Operation Rescue President Troy
Newman said to that: “…Nothing happened there -- except
fatal injuries during a botched abortion which cost a woman her life…It is so
typical of abortion clinics to hide the truth, but this time, the truth is out.
The clinic is under investigation, and we will be forwarding information
about this tragedy to the New York State Medical Board and demand
disciplinary action against the abortionist…” Newman commented that abortion
Epstein operated the facility. Epstein has been protested by pro-life groups. The truth on the
A-1 Women’s Center ought to be known and made completely transparent. The botched
abortion caused officials responding to an emergency call from the A1 Medicine facility at
94-45 Roosevelt. Officials found Alexandra Nuñez bleeding very heavily from an abortion
procedure. She was rushed to Elmhurst Hospital Center. Later, she was pronounced dead.
An investigation by the NYPD is coming and Raymond Kelly denies any form of
criminality. This news have stunned her family. "I'm upset because I never got a chance to
say goodbye," sister Daisy Davila, 19, told the News. "She didn't want anyone to go with
her. I made dinner and lunch [yesterday] hoping she would come back." "We're not angry.
We just want to know what happened," said Davila, who told the newspaper her mother did
not believe in abortion. "She was a strong woman, always happy. I looked up to her." The
whole truth should be known in this situation. The truth is abortion carries a lot of risks and
women have died from abortions unnecessarily stretching thousands of years.

An Alabama Planned Parenthood Center is on Probation

This Planned Parenthood abortion business is based in Birmingham, Alabama. An

undercover video found that this clinic was hiding a potential case of sexual abuse. So, it’s
placed on probation by state officials. The video that many folks already know about
showed a Planned Parenthood employee telling a woman posing as a teenager about how
she can evade the state’s parental consent law. Even back in July of 2009, a video showed a
staffer at Planned Parenthood telling a woman (who appears to be a victim of statutory rape
that “we bend the rules.” The incident in July of 2009 have the pro-life advocate Lila Rose
pretending to be a 14 year old statutory rape victim. The PP counselor told Rose that:
“…does sometimes bend the rules a little bit" rather than report sexual abuse to state authorities.
This means that the Alabama Planned Parenthood abortion facilities has until next week to submit a
plan to the state health department on how it will fix the problems of not properly reporting cases of
sexual abuse of minors to authorities as required by state law. This request came after investigators
for the department discovered that Planned Parenthood showing girls, who are aged 13-15, having
abortion even though they were obviously victims of statutory rape. The document also found
Planned Parenthood failed to comply with the parental consent law Alabama has in place. That
requires parents to sign off no an abortion before a teenager is allowed to have one. Randy
Christian is of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. He is shock by the tape at the time
since a 31 year old should never have sex with a 14 year old period. Planned Parenthood
promises an internal probe after this incident via a statement. They claim they want to
protect teens, but abortion have dangerous side effects against women even death. Abortion
clinics are closing down nationwide and that’s good. Yet, there is still a long way to go
where life is promoting and the injustice of abortion is fully exposed plus extinguished.


Euthanasia is still here and it's evil. It was famously utilized by the Nazis and
their physicians against non-Aryans, Jewish people, the handicapped, and
other human beings. Holland was the first modern nation to legalize
euthanasia. There are many doctors who believe in neo-eugenics. One
example is the words said by Dr. James D. Watson in the May 1973 issue of Prism
(which was published by the American Medical Association). The article was entitled
"Children from the Laboratory." He said that children born after days after birth
can die under certain circumstances: "...I think we must re-evaluate our basic
assumptions about the meaning of life. Perhaps… no one should be thought of as
alive until about 3 days after birth…. If a child were not declared alive until 3
days after birth, then… the doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so
chose.” This sick comment didn't come from a Nazi, but a doctor in America.
These actions occur in partial birth abortion. The Supreme Court in January 22, 1973
federalized legalized killing pre-born children in abortion (which is a form of
eugenics and euthanasia). Planned Parenthood loves this since their goal was to use
"birth control" as a tool to promote forced sterilization, abortion, and getting rid of
what PP founder Margaret Sanger called "dysgenic stock." Margaret Sanger's Negro
Project wanted to decrease the black American population. PP president Faye
Wattleton (black) on CNN’s “Crossfire” (January 1, 1987) said: “We have received
contributions from people who want to support us because they want… all black
women to stop having children.” Planned Parenthood’s nefarious is transparent. About
this same time, Bishop Peter Proeku Dery of Ghana revealed that “there was
pressure [by the World Bank] to legalize abortion, although the Church and the
people have so far been able to prevent this. For how long, I don’t know.” The Aletha
Report was created in February 1974 by the pro-euthanasia Task Force on Death and
Dying. They wanted a 10 year plan to achieve their goals like changing the “values of
self and the values of society,” death and dying education programs, living wills, etc.
The report was 42 pages long created in secret. Even by August 16, 1977, North
Carolina Governor James B. Hunt Jr. supported tax payer funding of abortion since
he used the sick analogy of not wanting stunted or handicapped kids. This was the
same time (August 1977) an HEW medical consultant (Dr. Ursula Anderson),
approached the NC Division of Health Services to prepare a plan to “regionalize child
health care” as part of a national strategy. In other words, the plan wants to force a
child and family to be the primary source of primary care. New Agers have always
promoted massive depopulation of the Earth too. In July of 1980 New Ager
Barbara Max Hubbard received a nomination at the Democratic Convention to be
the vice-Presidential candidate. She authored the book called "The Book of Co-
Creation" in 1980. The book said that she wanted 1/4 of the earth population to
be eliminated as "defective seeds." She wants he and other to be in charge of
the selection process to kill people in the Earth. She wrote that: "...she and
her compatriots “are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He
selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.” This is
extreme of course. Ronald Reagan allowed the U.S. Department of Education to have
hearings on survival games. This involved whether children would be willing to kill (in a
lifeboat game, an air raid shelter game, and a spaceship game). A Mrs. Dellinger
testified: “A survival game in which my seventh grade son participated in required
him to eliminate five out of ten whom they did not have room for on a spaceship. This
is a subtle way to accept genocide, to become desensitized to euthanasia and
infanticide, and to destroy religious beliefs (for the clergy man is always the oldest,
or nearly the oldest, and he is certainly to be eliminated).” This was the same year
Governor Richard Lamb of Colorado said old people have “a duty to die.” So,
euthanasia is always evil.

Assisted Suicide is a serious issue in the world. The global elite loves euthanasia.
Back in 1985, the RWJF or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation called for a
meeting to discuss about the dying in America. This led to recommendations from Dr.
Joanne Lynne, who is a proponent of withdrawal of nutrition and hydration would
receive at least $6 million from RWJF. In Dr. Lynn’s Handbook for Mortals, she
wrote: “…The courts have ruled, over and over, that using artificial nutrition or
hydration is a treatment decision just like chemotherapy or surgery, and that
families and doctors can choose to use or to forego this kind of treatment.” This is
sick stuff promoted by the neo-Malthusian Dr. Joanne Lynne. Terri Schiavo has been
in the debate of nutrition and hydration. She died in March 31, 2005. She was not
the first person killed by dehydration. Back in 1987, a 32 year old woman
named Nancy Ellen Jobes died of dehydration. This was done by her parents'
request. Even though 2 neurologists agreed that she was aware, responsive, and
purposeful. This is because the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld lower court
decisions that family members could refuse medical care even without clear
evidence of a patient’s wish. Three years after Nancy Jobes’ death, the Association
for Death Education and Counseling in its May/June 1990 edition of The Forum wrote
that “old and new issues are demanding our attention and action: euthanasia,
abortion,… rationing of health care and more.” The Forum appeared in the year that
Prince Philip said that he wanted to be reincarnated as a virus to kill human
population levels. Bertrand Russell's comment in the 1953 "The Impact of Science on
Society that he wanted a Black Death-like bacteriological war to decrease human
population levels (per generation then the survivors could procreate without making
in his mind the world too full. He's wrong for promoting such evil like that). Even
Jacques Cousteu wanted to kill 350,000 human beings per day. His comments in an
interview detailing this information is found in the UNESCO Courier in November
1991. This is similar to the statement made by Ted Turner in the Audubon magazine
in 1996 when he indicated a 95% reduction in the human population would be ideal.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian was famous for killing almost 100 people in suicides from 1990
and 1998. The next year, on September 1, 1999, the Texas Advance Directives Act
was passed with Governor George Bush’s signature allowing health care facilities to
pull the plug on critically ill patients even over the objections of family members.
Even on August 26, 2004, the Kentucky Supreme Court gave the State of Kentucky
the authority to end the life of a citizen even though it was contrary to the wishes
of the person's guardian at litem. Professor Eric Pianka wanted about 90 percent of
he world's population to die. Eric told this to an audience of over 400 Texas
Academy of Science members. He was awarded a league as a distinguished Texas
scientist in 2006. In 2007, Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich delivered an
address at UC Berkeley in which he wanted to use technology to allow people to die if
they are very old. Some like Betsy McCaughey claimed that the health care bill will
strip over 500 billion dollars over the next decade of Medicare (or elderly
assistance). Dr. David McKalip, a Florida neurosurgeon and a board member of the
Florida Medical Association, predicts: “The only doctors left in Medicare will be
those willing to ration care and practice cookbook medicine…. The health-reformers’
plan to cut spending on patients 65 and older won’t simply reduce end-of-life care, it
will also eliminate care for patients who are perfectly capable of surviving their
illness and going on with life.” Even regulatory Czar Sunstein (who agrees with
removing organs from people even if the don't show permission to do so. This is
found in his 2008 co-authored book called ("Nudge: Improving Decisions about
Health") in his 1993 book called "The Partial Constitution" complained that
restrictions on abortion, surrogacy, and free availability of pornography (I don’t
agree with pornography obviously) was troublesome. ABC’s “Nightline” on September
29, 2009 aired a segment on “Dr. Death” Philip Nitschke (an Australian) who
instructs the elderly on how to commit suicide. So, anyone saying that euthanasia
isn't a threat now in 2009 is kidding.

Another man in a supposed 23 year long coma speaks. He says that he was always
conscious. His name is Rom Houben. He was a victim of an automobile accident when
he was 23 years old. He was unable to communicate with other people while he was in
comatose state. Houben was paralyzed after the crash, but advances to medical
technology made his thoughts come alive via a computer. "I screamed, but there was
nothing to hear," he told the London Daily Mail newspaper. "I dreamed myself away,"
he said of how he coped with the situation. "All that time I just literally dreamed of
a better life. Frustration is too small a word to describe what I felt." Tests at the
time claimed that he was extinct. Newer tests just 3 years ago proved that Houben's
brain was functioning normally. His renewed ability to communicate is something he
calls a "second birth." "I shall never forget the day when they discovered what was
truly wrong with me - it was my second birth," he told the paper. "I want to read,
talk with my friends via the computer and enjoy my life now that people know I am
not dead." The British neurologist expert Dr. Steven Laureys has described
Houben's case in a new paper as "Medical advances caught up with him." The paper
shows that doctors used the internationally Glasgow Coma Scale to assess his
eye, verbal, and motor responses. Yet, the results were incorrect. Laureys
believes that doctors shouldn't be so apt to label patients as being in a
vegetative state, because such a diagnosis can be incorrect. He said that anyone
can be called unconscious now. The American bioethicist Wesley J. Smith commented
on the case and the implication it has for euthanasia including assisted suicide. Smith
said that we heard about PVS when some patients are not in a PVS. He wants many
ways to treat people with profound cognitive disabilities as fully human beings. The
brain can restore itself in some instances. There is always hope and Smith concludes
that Houben is here today because he wasn't dehydrated to death. "There is no
doubt he went through a horrendous experience, but thanks to treating him as a fully
equal human being by caring for him all those years and giving him tests late into his
disability–explicitly refused to Terri Schiavo–he is here today to tell tale and live the
rest of his life," he said. "And for goodness sake, whatever you believe about
these issues, don't talk in the presence of PVS or other apparently unconscious
patients as if they aren't there. Rather, always treat such people as if they
can hear you, because sometimes they can," Smith said. This is good news in that
Houben wasn't murdered in dehydration like Terri Schiavo was. A real alternative to
euthanasia is to give loving, competent care for the dying. There are hospices
worldwide wherefore these institutions deal with skilled, compassionate
care for the dying. The evil of euthanasia can be truly neutralized with the good
of goodwill and authentic assistance toward the whole human race irrespective of
their medical or physical condition.

By Timothy

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