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Treatment for our film

Within this treatment, I will be implicating how our product uses context;
media concepts, and how it will appeal to a target audience. I will also delegate
what media languages will be imported; what genre we have chosen; how our
characters are to be represented; and where our product will be in the filming

To start with, our product is a short, 2 minute thriller movie opening. With
help from our 90 minute synopsis, we hope that our product will be distributed
through word of mouth, as well as in cinemas, (like the disaster/horror/thriller
movie Cloverfield, which was distributed through word of mouth). The
distribution in cinemas would hopefully increase consumption, and in that case,
more word of mouth. As well as this, we hope to distribute our film promotion
on the internet, in an act to gain more viewers to watch it in cinema. This all is
to increase our profit margin range.

Target Audience
The target audience we feel is best for this film, is a wide range of young
people and adults, male and female, of the age 15 and above. This is because
of the violence and strong language involved in the narrative. As well as this,
the typical conventions you'd find in a thriller, are basically the types of props
used; the typical locations, (like the film Flight 713, which is about an
aeroplane hijacking). Most hijacking films are thriller genres, some cross
between action and thriller. Another thriller film is Snakes on a Plane. Another
thriller convention is a clear antagonist and protagonist, as well as either a
simple or complex narrative, like the TV programme Silent Witness.

As this film will be seen in cinemas, the effect of our design would have
to include surround sound, so the sound of our film would need to be quite
confound and strong, in order to keep the grip of the audience's pleasure.
Another effect would be the suspension that the audience would appeal to, in
order to watch it, so that means we'll need to keep the suspense strong. This
would mainly be made through the use of the characters, their dialogue, their
actions, and the props.

The following concepts, media languages; institutions; representations; and

genre, will be explained throughout the next part of this treatment.

Media Languages
The style of our product is going to be the style of a thriller, where the
typical conventions you might find, are that of chases, suspension, location,
lighting etc. The forms and conventions will be used in a manner of speaking
throughout our film, from just a normal camera angle, (low angle shot on
antagonist, to show how strong he is; high angle shot on the girl who trips,
losing her phone, to show how weak she is; point-of-view shot in a low angle
shot, to give the suspense the consumers would show, and the sympathetic
excuse of feeling sorry for her) to the experience of chases by foot, as well as
by vehicle; a usual choice of convention that you would most likely find in a
The sound that will be consisting in our thriller, is the sound of dialogue,
(when Carla is trying to sort out her phone that crashed and smashed on the
college floor; the speech given by Toby at this moment). The dialogue hopefully
would give a sense of suspense to the audience, as well as the sound of heavy
breathing. Another sense of suspense, consists with the scene with the car
crashing into Alex; the deranged student trying to kill everyone; at the end of
our sequence.
The structure of our sequence maybe quite advanced, as when we have
the title of the thriller, a voice is heard saying, 'our worst nightmare, has
returned'. This is the type of level some trailers of very successful films would
have used, to inspire the act of the audience, going to see the film. A particular
part of our opening, is the part where it is night time. The lighting involved here
is of typicality to what a thriller would hold, where darkness is knowing to what
might happen in the narrative.

Our distributor could well be the cinemas in England first, and then other
regions of the British Isles considering Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
We will then start considering the other countries like France, Germany and
Spain. Globalisation is our key to a wide range of consumers all over the world,
as we believe this will grant us our profit. The name of our production company
could be Legacy.

Whenever there is a horror movie, a typical stereotype is the blondes,
who always die first unless the film has a different meaning and narrative.
However, in thrillers, there's always something strange going on which catches
the attention of other characters and our consumers, not necessarily at the
very beginning of the movie. In our film, the stereotype of men being strong is
shown with Alex, after he started to kill under the control of Edward Wolfe, he
began taking control over Edward, stopping himself from causing more harm.
This is also broken to men being weak, with what happens to Edward Wolfe in
our whole movie, (not being able to control himself with what he is doing) and
then Edward being killed by the police, in order to stop the whole menace
breaking out even more.

With our opening, we will keep the type of genre as thriller, but to make
matters comply a different view of thriller, it may become an action/thriller,
with the help of the synopsis for the 90 minutes. Our typical setting for the
opening is inside a college building, the next generation of learning, because
our main antagonist Edward Wolfe, was killed still in his senior school years. I
could write ideas for the whole film, that gives an idea of the different key parts
of the synopsis. Our typical iconography would be the use of weapons and
locations that would be found within a thriller movie as well as an action movie.
The conventions will be that of a thriller which probably isn't going to collide
with the conventions you'll find within an action genre.

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