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my heart, was the true number : But l am fo fat from

thinking that I have under-rated them, that I fufpert
I have rather made them mere than they are. How-
ever, this controverfy will Cow be determined, there
living now orders given, as I am informed, to all the
Officers concerned. in the window-tax, to make an
coati retutn of all the cottages, as well as. the rated
hoofer, in each of their feveral diftrids. In the
mean time, thc Gentleman and I differ in this, that
he fuppofcs above 40e,000 cottagm mom than I
can pullibly imagine.
Let us now fee upon what grounds, and by what
method of reafoning hc determioes his numbers.
lie makes a diviLon of the 69o,000 taxed hoofer in.
to three clalks, placing 200,000 of them in thc open
country and villages, and soo,000 in the market and
inferior towns, and tbe next, viz. i9o,000, in the
the cities end great towns ; foc which divifion he has
nothing to direel him s no woof, nor exelrobzbillII.
And as it is a mere arbitaary fuppotition, I reafoning
and calculations founded upon it arc nothing to the
purpuk, and the number of houfes or people com-
puted from thence mull be folic or uncertain. But
et, upon this fuppounon, as if it was abInlutcly
certain, he grxs on to compute the honks and people
in each divifion.
As to the Erik, he fays he has counted all the
hooks in nine contiguous parifhes in. Berkfhim, in
which he has found the whole number to Ix s813,
and thofc charged to the duty to bc only syy ;
and therefore the cottages are to the rated bodes
22 411 10 177, Of above two to Of.. And from
this he affunns, that the whole number of halfer
thro' the villages and open country in England will

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