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Thompson for Congress, Evans and Chesbro for state

The Times-Standard
Eureka Times Standard

Posted:10/29/2010 01:22:51 AM PDT

There's no doubt that voters across California and the nation are angry, and divided. The problems we're facing are
monumental, and the solutions are difficult at best. We commend all of the candidates for their desire to serve in elected
office, and we urge voters to do their own research and find the voices that best represent where they stand on the many
issues facing California and the nation. Here are our views on the candidates:

1st Congressional District

It is with pride and without reservation that we endorse Mike Thompson for another term in the United States House of
Representatives. He has earned it.

Since 1998, Thompson has worked tirelessly on behalf of his district and has proven an effective and influential
representative -- no small feat for someone representing a diverse and rural district.

The three challengers seeking to unseat Thompson this year -- Republican Loren Hanks, Libertarian Mike Rodrigues and the
Green Party's Carol Wolman -- all bring positive attributes to the table.

We commend Hanks' decades of service in the armed forces and his fiscally conservative nature. We applaud Rodrigues for
running with the stated goal of raising the level of debate and bringing different viewpoints to the table. And we appreciate
Wolman's Green credentials.

All have run commendable campaigns. However, Thompson is the easy choice. His record is unmatched, and full of
examples of his knowledge and desire to effectively improve the lives of his constituents.

California State Legislature

Make no mistake, the state of California is on the precipice of disaster. A structural deficit all but ensures budgets that are
billions of dollars in the red for years to come. We have an education system that is failing miserably, and now ranks among
the worst in the country in per-pupil spending. Our prisons are bursting at the seams. A looming pension crisis seems poised
to exacerbate all the state's critical issues, and a broken initiative system constantly threatens to add to the state's laundry list
of problems.

At times like these, it's tempting to turn to new ideas and promises of change. However, change for the sake of change is part
of what landed California in this mess, as term limits have only served to shackle the Legislature, putting all institutional
knowledge and power into the hands of lobbyists and staff.

We believe that experience matters and are consequently endorsing Noreen Evans for Senate and incumbent Wesley
Chesbro for the Assembly.

Evans brings six years of experience as an assemblywoman to the Senate race and, quite frankly, it shows. She knows the
ins and outs of state government and, though she sticks hard to her espoused Democratic ideals, she has a proven ability to
work across the aisle. It is also obvious that she has given a lot of thought to how she will represent the sprawling 2nd District,
which includes rural and urban interests that are sometimes in conflict.

Republican Lawrence Wiesner is a strong, fiscally conservative candidate who brings decades of experience as a certified
public accountant to the table. He has some good ideas, but has never held a political office of any kind, and his idea to make
high school attendance voluntary is truly scary.

Libertarian Ed Musgrave, a qualified write-in candidate, brings little to the table. It is also difficult for us to seriously consider
Libertarian Ed Musgrave, a qualified write-in candidate, brings little to the table. It is also difficult for us to seriously consider
anyone for public office who answers an earnest and important debate question in song.

In short, Evans is a professional. She has spent years studying the state's issues, has worked extensively in the Legislature
and has developed a huge list of supporters throughout the state. Evans gets our vote.

On the Assembly side, we first want to commend Chesbro's challenger, Karen Brooks, for running an impressive grassroots
campaign. She has proven herself to be a quick study on the issues facing California and has shown she is willing to listen to
her constituents.

If Brooks should come up short in this race, we would fully encourage her to run for local office, where her energy and
passion would be an asset and where she could build the experience necessary to effectively work in Sacramento.

Chesbro, on the other hand, has a proven track record. His hyper focus on the 1st District has helped to minimize the impacts
of the current budget crisis on the North Coast. He has effectively worked with Republicans in a coalition of lawmakers
looking out for the best interests of rural areas throughout the state.

Like Evans, Chesbro has earned wide-spread support from a diverse set of groups and individuals throughout the state. He
can add our name to the list.

The North Coast has an opportunity that is exceedingly rare in this age of term limits -- to be represented by two senior
members of the Legislature.

Here's hoping we take advantage of it.

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