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Condensatepurificationwith Ultra.sep
with an oil contentof 5o/oon average,condensateis too harmful
to the environmentand must not passinto the wastewaterwithout
p u r i fi c a ti o The
n . s pec ified
c rit ic avl alueby legislation
is at a maximum
of 20 mg/l (measured accordingto DIN EN ISO9377-2)- some local
regulations of todayare evenmorerestrictive. Ultra.airsystemsfor oi7
water separationfulfiltheserequirements, reducedisposalcostsand
protectthe environment.
A l l s i z e sh a v ebeenappliedfo r t he Deutsches Institutfur Bautechnik
(Str u c tu r E a ln gineeringIns t it ut e) .

Featuresand Benefits
I Separationof compressedair condensatereqardlessof which type of compressor
u b r i c a nis
t apo lied.
I For each capacitywe offer the correctsolution;6 modelsfor compressorcapacities
rangingfrom 180m3/hup to 8400m3/h.
I Any typeof compressor can be applied.
I A n y ty p eo f c o ndens a tdra
e inm aybe applied.

I Doesnot incorporate/require a condensate

(Therefor thereis no bacteriabuild-up)
I S i m p l eto ins t a ll.

I S i m p l eand fa s tfilt erc hangepro cedur e.

I S e r v i c ed ra ininc o rpo ra t ed
fo r draininothe heaviermodels.
I Opticaloverflowindicator.

I O i l r e s i d u vea l u e< 1 0 p . p . m .
I Testvalveand testset includedfor samplingpurposes.
I P r o te c t ivcelo t hings uppliedas s t andar d.

The Ultra.sepcondensateseparatoris designedto separateall types of compressedair


Co n d e n sa teem uls io nsc reat edt hro u gheither miner aland/orsyntheticlubr icantsw il l b e
succesfully separatedby the Ultra.sep.

A l l U l tr a . s emo
p delsc a nac c eptc o nden sate
dischar ge
fr omintelligent
dr ains,timerdr ainsf,l oat
dr a i n sa n d manua dra
l insA. ddit io nacl ondensate can be addedmanuallv.

TESTkit to ensureproperoperation
With the testset,the purityof the watercan be tested.The testset - which is includedin the
systembtower head,is availableat all times.

for condensatesupply
The unitsincorporate 2 or 4 brassthreadedconnections (depending on the model).
Th i ssi mp l i f i es the c o nnec t io o
n f m o rethanone condensate
dr ainund incr eases
the flexi b i l i tv
d u r i n gl i n k i n gu p .
The U|tra.Sepseparatesall types of compressorcondensate
Th e U l tr a . Se pis des igned,t o s epa ra teminer allubr icants
and syntheticlubr icantsfr om th e
co n d e n sa teC.o ndens a t em
e uls io ns c reatedthr ougheitherminer aland/orsynthetic lubr ican ts
w i l l b e su c c e sfully
s eparat ed
by t he Ult ra.sep.
Specialelementsare availablefor Polyglycol applications,pleaseconsultthe factory.

Principleworkingsof the PURO

Polypropylene hasthe perfecteffecton oil. lt attractsoil and capturesit,almostas if it drawsoil
likea magnet.Thatsimplicityand our technologyare at the rootof the Ultra.Sepefficiencyto
cle a nv i r tu a l lall
y t y peso f c o ndens at e, or not.

Subsequent speciallyselectedactivatedcarbonto polishout the

re m ani i n gc o nt amnant
i s.

TechnicalData UItra.Sep
Max. compressorcapacitiesfor
al! climates

Screwand Oil Piston

UAS injectedrotary compressor
5 210m3/h 210m3/h
'15 480m3/h
30 1200m3/h 1200m3/h
60 2100m3/h 2100m3/h
120 4200m3/h 4200m3/h

240 8400m3/h 8400m3/h
A l l D a ta :N m 3/ h.
Ex am ple:S c rewc o mpr essor , per for mance
total 1200Nm3/h.
selectUAS -3 0

lot (a

The Function
oily compressor
condensate (emulsifiedor not)may be discharged
in to the Ultra.sep
rangeof separatorsthroughthe inlets(.1).
The condensate getsdepressurisedin the centraldepressurising
The oilycondensateflowsrnthe centraldepressurisingchamberfirstthrougha largeparticalfilter
the condensateflowsfromlhe centraldepressurisingchimberin to the
tower# 1 (4)'afterwhjchthe condensateflowsthrougha highcapacity oil adsorbing
(5),to ensureseparationtakesplace'Inthissecondfiltratioń
phasemostof the oiIis adsorbed'

The pre-cleaned condenate,which will now containvery littleoil, will flow throughtthe third
filtrationphasein tower # 2 (6),which containsan activatedcarbonelement(7)
purrficationis achievedbeforebeingdischargedthroughthe outlet(8).Thisthirdfiltrationpnase
ensuresthat possibleremaining oil contaminants
areadsorbedand polishedout.

With the Ultra.Sep 240 the polishedwaterflowson to a fourthfiltrationphasein tower# 3 (9)in
whichthereis a secondactivated carbonelement(10)for finalfiltrationpiio, to discharge
the outlet(1'l).Dueto the fourthfiltrationphasethe totalcontacttimebetweenthe elementsand
condensate is increasedto a levelthat alowsa greatcondensate flow and a subesquent capacrty

Oil residue
once the Ultra.sepseparatorsare installedcorrectlyand properlymatchedwith the
capacity,the oil residueremainingin the waterwill be in accordance
with localwaterauthoritv
S e r v i c i ndgr a i nv alv e
On c e a y e a r we rec o m m enda t ho ro u ghcleaning/ser vicing of the
thew holeunitcan be dr ained
U l tr a . s e pF. o rhealt ha nd s a fet yreas o ns
f ro m i tswa te rco nt entby o peningt he s er vicing dr ainvalve.

Clothing kit
F o r h e a l tha n d s afet yrea s o nst he Ult r a.sepunitsand r eplacement
e l em e n tsa r e suppliedc o m plet ewit h a pr otective clothingkit. The
con te n to f th e k it is :fac em as k ,glo v esand over all.

Hook up featurefor the largermodels

A l t h o u g h the o v erall s izes o f the
- U l tr a . se pmo d elsare c o m pa c tin des i gn,the
v l a r q e r m o d e l s ha v e an a ddit io nalhook- up
2 4 0 c a n be po s it ioned
f e a l u r eT. h e U l t ra . s eo in
a 9 O - d e g r e(ec o rnerpo s it io n) o r a 1 8 0 - degr ee
(f l a ta g a i n s th
t e wa ll po s it io n) .

Condensatedistributorfor large condensateflow

A l t h o u g hth e Ult ra. s ep capacityof 70m3/min,
2 4 0 ha s a c o m p r essor
i t is p o s si b l eth a t c ert ainla rgea pplic a t ionsr equir etw o or mor eunits
Int hes ec a s esit is rec o mmended
t o b e i n s ta l l e d. thatthe condensate
i s e q u a l l yd i str ibut ed in t o t he s epa ratorso s that the elementsar e

.'.iY I Activatedcarbon I Condensate emulsions c r e ate d

I f i l te r - E l e m ent thr ougheitherminer alan d /or
synthetic w ill b e
lubr icants
succesfullysepar atedby th e
w hiteeleme n t.
Ultr a.Seo's
I Activatedcarbon filters I l-)i<nn<:hla filfar< I Pure gas filters
I Adsorptiondryers T Dust collectors I Refrigerationdryers
I Air aftercoolers I High-performancef ilters I (on: r:f nr<

I Air recivers I | - .i'nłh - n r a < < l l ra fi Itorę I S i l i c o n - f r efei l t e r s

I Bagfilters I H y d r a u l i fci l t e r s I Steamfilters
I B r e a t h i n g - aui rn i t s I L i q u i df i l t e r s I Sterilefilters
! Chillers I Membrancedryers I Systemsolutions
I C o n d e n s a t ed r a i n s I O i l - v a p o uar b s o r b e r s
I CycloneSeparators I Oil/waterseparators

I Air flow measurement I EnergyPerformance- I Leak detection
I A i r q u a l r t ym e a s u r e m e n t c o m p | e t ep o r Łof | i oo { I L e a s in g
I C o n d e n s a t er e s i d u aol i l compressedair servicesfrom I Maintenance agreement
a n al a s i s one source I Oi l-aerosolmeasurements
I Contracting-compressed air I E n e r g yS u r v e y- a n a l s i so f t h e I P a r t i c l em e a s u r e m e n t s
s u p p l yp r o v i d e da t a compresseoarrsysrem T Ramnto nli:nnn<i<

m3 price I E n e r g yU t i l i t y- c o m p r e s s e d
air and condition monitoring
! Dew-pointmeasurement s u p p l yw i t h o u t a n y I Rental service
I Differentialpressure INVCSIMCNI I Repair service
measuremenT I F uIl - s e r v i c ea g r e e m e n t
I E n e r g yA u d i t I H i r e - p ur c h a s e
: lnton rit\/ tA<t<

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