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Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME

5200 N, Centra/ Expwy, ;?Jf&RERSPE6096

Dellas, Tex, 75206

Vacuum Deaeration - A New Unit operation

for Waterflood Treating P ants


& L. Carlberq, Continental Ofl Co.

American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
This paper was prepared for the 57st Annua/ Fa// Technics/ Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers of AIME, he/din New Orleans, Oct. 3-6, 7976. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more
than 300 word% Illustrations may not be copied, The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of
where and by whom the paper is presented, Publication elsewhere afte; publication in the JOURNAL OF
request to the Editor of the appropriate journal, provided agreement to give”proper credit is made. Discussion of
this paper is invited.

ABSTRACTo sulfite ion scavengersin some systems.

rm Conoco uBes vacuum deaerationin treating In those systemswhich requiredeaeration,
seawater for injectionin Californiaand the need 18 baaed on thoee reactionsinvolving
Dubai. With multistaEe towers,oxygen concen- oxygen;e.g., corrosion,oxidationof ferrous
tration in the effluentwater is reducedto iron in solution,growth of aerobicbacteria,
cO.05 uIg/L,precludingneed for corrosion etc. Of these, corrosioncontrol la probably
inhibitortreatment. Improvementsin the the most important.s Corrosioncontrolby
Dubai towers are noted, as are problems,8uch removalof dissolvedoxygen Is particularly
a8 foamir?,which have been encountered. Data importantin waterfloodoperations. For lar~e
on throughputand oxygen concentration are waterfloodsystems,the economicsof a capital
included. expense for vacuum deaerationare often more
favorablethan the continuingoperatingexpense
Vacuum deaerationof wate 18 a method of chemicalscavenging.
known and uied for many year8.~,6,7 That use,
however,has been limitedby coet and avail- Recent coat eatimate8were $450,000for
able technology. Severalwritera ascribea a vacuum tower,vacuum pumps and booster pump
practicallower limit of 0.3 mg/ 0.5 mg/L to deaerate100,000b/d from 6.5 mg/L oxygen
oxygen in the effluentwater when using vacuum to Le8e than 0.02 mg/L. Chemicalscavenging
deaeration.1s2*11Gas strippingand chemical with catalyzedsodium sulfite (32 cectellb)
scavenginghave been consideredmore practical would run $212,500per year.forchemicals
anawerawhen truly low dlseolvedoxygen alone.
concentration are re uired for waterflood
2 Theee methods have Improvementstn vacuum strippingtechnol-
proven satisfactoryin numerousapplications ogy have made thie a practicaland economically
where availabilityof gas for strippingor the acceptableunit operationfor use in waterflood
economicsof chemicalscavengingdid not treatingsystems. Basically,these improvements
preclude their use. The limitsdvolubilityof are in the use of multistage,packed columns,
calcium sulfitehas also interferedwith and water ring vacuum pumps which can handle
Referencesand illustrationsat end ~F-
. ..”..-.. -“.-.-.. *“.. . . .,-” “*,** “. M,-* *“*, . “*, “m*a#.wM-i.. **M*#*,, * “.-_..-
the water vapor, ae well 88 the gases being in its opexat~onto the vapor pressureof the
~emoved from the in?luentwater* lLquid ueed se the teal. Henc$~,liquids
other than water are sometimesused. In
The principalsof vacuum deaeratordesign deaeratinawater, that limitationhas no real
have been outklnedby eeveralwritaru.6*7*14 mean&n& end water is used as the seal. When
Diffueionof diaualvedgamea from the liquid used with air ejector8,liquid rina pump8 are
film to the gae-liquidinterfacela the rate capableo ~preseureeas low as 0,3 An. H8
limitingstep.14 Other varlablebto be absolute.f
consideredincludesurface area, liquid film
thickness,time, concentrationgradient, TWOphIlt8 NOWin Service
salinity. The first comprehensivevacuum deaeration
system for Conocowee in the San Miauelito
Baeis for deaerationtower design is this field near VenturaeCalifornia. 16 Here,
eq~~at$on: Pacific ocean water 18 treatedfor waterflood
service. One three-staaetower handle8 up to
cl-ce Z.......(l)
(~U)L “ ln— 50,000 barreltiof water per day, with each
C2 etaae evacuatedby a separate,oil sealfi
With the value of C@ determinedfrom the vacuw pump. Influentinto the tower hae
been treatedwith acid to reduce the pH and
Henry’e law relationship:
8hift the bicarbonateequilibriumtd C02.
C*=P xc Removingthie carbon dioxide in additionto
● (2)
am” ● “ ● “ “ “ ● “ ● “ the oxygen hae precludedcarbonateecdle In
the watar injectioneystem. Tower effluent,
Evaluationof HL ie a functtonof tower strippedof C02, wan neutralizedwith eodlum
packing and ?peratingconditions. For various hydroxide. Carbon dioxideremovalmarkedly
increaaedthe load on the tower and was a
ring and eaddle pack%nae,Sherwoodand
sig@ficant factor in tower design.
fiolloway15have developedthe empiricaleque-
Tower pe~formsncehae been as required
fOr Optimumwader treatment. Oxy@!n in the
effluentwater can be reduced to about 0.01
rnah and carbon dit!xideto le8e than S ms/L.
However, this hae not been accompl%ehed
Values of a ranae from 80=550 and n from
0.22-0.46,the actual value dependenton the without problems:
form and eize of packina ueed. Conoco ln8talla-
tione have used Maspac FN-90 packingwhich is 1. Foaminawithin the tower precluded
effectivedeea8ification. Ga8@8 trapped
not coveredby these conetants, Performs..:,a
within the foam were carriedthrouah the
4ata ia availablefrom the manufacturer.17
tower then redissolvedwhen preseureaaain
The prime advantaaeof multi8taaeover reached atmospheric. A small amount of
ein@e-8tage towere for equal aae removal i8 in defoamer,about 1/4 ppm, mu8t be added to the
influetit water line in order to reach accepta-
the @e volumewhich must be handled. Vacuum
ble dt8aolvedga8 leve18,
pump capacitiesare baeed upon condition at’
the pump intake. Table 1 comparee the calcu-
2. Vacuu~ pump operationhas been
lated gas volumesat pump euction for single-
staae tower operationwith vol.’uaes from a hindered in two significantays, Water
three-etagetowerwhere the bulk ot the di8- has accumulated in the pump oil from both
eolved aase8 are removedat hiaher ab801ute condensedvapor and a carry-overof a mist of
the acidicwater in the tower. Too, some of
the free bromine in the water, aa a reeultof
chlorinetreatment,ie drawn into the vacuum
All condition8and ba8ee of calculation
were othezwieethe came for both case8. The phps. TM8 combinationof free bromine and
capacityrequiredfor the sin@e-staae operation an acidicwater emulsionwith pump 021 has
caused degradationof the oil and resultedin
te areater then any commerciallyavailable
vacuum pump. Only with multlstaaetowere can mechanicalfailureof valvee and bearinae in
Oxyaen reZ)OVd to <().()2 ❑8/L, a8 In pr@8ent the pumpe. Even with variouspump oile and
cleanupeyetems,the problemshave per8ieted.
Conoco plante,be a practicalreality.
Consequently,acidificationfor scale control
Liquid ring vacuum pumps have been die- by C02 removalin the tower 18 no lonaer
cu8aed in two recent papere.3814 Significantly in u8e. Oxygan removalcontinuest~ be
this type pump is well 8uited to vacuum deaera- 8atiefactory.
tion becaueeof ite ability to handle water
carry-overfrom the tower. It is limited
. “w.”
---- -------- . . .

A second generationaeawat~rplant in These oxygen levels cannotbe reached,

the Arabian Gulf offshoref%om Dub&: has however,without proper performancefrom all
been in service about two years. Three equipment. We have found that salt deposits
parallelvacuum towers are included,ewh are formed in tha air e~ectoraby seawater
hendl%ng 110,000barrels per day. In the mist exiting the towers. These deposits
design of these towers,and the associated reduce the effectivenessof the ejectors,and
vacuum eystem, changes have been includedto oxygen levels in the effluentwater czeep
improve reliabilityand performanceover %hat up. Washing the ejectorswith fresh water at
of the San M1.guelitoplant, Meet significant about 12-hourintervalsmaintainsejector
of these is the use of Nash AT 2004 two-tszageP efficiency(TableIX).
wate-ring vacuum punps rather than the pre-”
vious oil seal type. Problemsof oxidationand We found it necessary,too, to ehut off
water contaminationof the oil have been chlorine treatmentduring our Winkler oxygen
exchangedfor the lesser evils of corroeion teetine. Althoughvirtuallyall cholorine
and bacteria. A single pump now s?ezvsseach and brominewere removndin the towers (o-
tower, evacuatingthe three stages through tolidinetestswere negative),sufficient
separateeductorsystems. In an emergency, halogen remainedto react as oxygen in the
two towers can be coupled EO a single vacuum Wink3.erprocedure. There was no such inter-
pump. Pump capacityis not sufficientfor ferencewith the instrumentaloxygen measure-.
acceptabl~operationin this mode, but partial ments.
deaerationto about 0.2 mg/L can be meincalned
in both towers. Use of defotmerin the tower continue8to
be mandatory. Even though the foamingten-
Corroaionprotectionwithin the towers is dency of the Arabien Gulf vater is slight, it
the result of plastic coatings,resistant is sufficientto interfere+?itheffectivegas
materiels,and a rubber liningover the inner removal. TMe was originallyshown true in
tower surface. the Californiaplant and verifiedin early
test work at the Dubai plant. Defosmerlevels
During performancetestingof these are maintainedat about 0.2 mg/L in the
towers, a modifiedWinkler titrationbased on influenttitream.Handlingproblems,however,
ASWD888-64T was used to determinedissolved have necessitateda change in the defoamer
oxygen. We found good reproducibilitybetween from that originallyused in Californiaand
this procedureand measurementstaken with later in I)ubai.
a specialpolarographicoxygenmeter18 at the
0.02 me/L level. Consequently,daily quality A corrosion-bacterialproblem is not
control for the plant As based on the instru- unexpectedin a liquid ring vacuum pump and
mental oxygen measurements. the attendantexchangesystem to dispel the
heat resultingfrom gas compression. In this
These towers normallyoperate at 3,200 g’~m warm, aeratedenvironment,corrosionproducts
with a maximum design capacityof 48200 gpm. and biologicalgrowthscan easily proliferate,,
Based on Equation 1, wit~Ce << C2, reductionof pluR flowlines,end interferewith pump
oxygen from 7.17 uIg/L(Air Saturationat 700:?) operation. Adequatecontrol of these pro$lema
to 0.01 mg/L 3,500 gpm slmuld require 6.6 calls for an oxygen corrosioninhibitorand
transferunits which conform with tower biocide,both of which must be nonfoaming.
at theee conditions. By actselmeasurement, The resultshave been acceptablein Dubai.
however,we find less oxygen exiting the first
stage then is predictedby calculation. This As with any water treatmentand injection
is ascribed to entranceeffects--deaeration facility,these plantu have requiredoperator
taking >lace in the spray sectionabove the attention. For the San Migue3itoinstalla-
actual packing. But, since some 90 percent of tion, this is normeliy8 hours per day from
the remainingoxygen ehould be removed in each one man, This is a small @ant--50,000 b/d--
stage, the effect on the final o:~gen concen- coneequently,a portion of that the is used
tration is minimal. in routinemaintenance. The operatorwas
trainedoneite.”For the Dubai plant--330,000
Typical oxygen meesureme,ltsin effluents b/d, offshore,of greater complexity--24-hour
from the three towers are Bholn in Table II, attentionis maintainedby a foremenand
with throughputratee varying from 1,800 to two ~peratore. Again trainingwas onslte.
3,600 gpm. Throughoutthis range,,effl.uent
water readilymeets the 0.02 mg/L oxygen level NOMENCLATURE
called for in the plant deeign. Our actual
meeeurementsagree closelywith predicted Catm = volubilityat one atuoepherepartial
performanceof thasa towere. pressure,mg/L. See Figure 1
Cl = volubilityin inlet stream, mg/L
C2 - volubilityin effluent stream, mg/L
——------- —--- ---- WATERF100nTREATMENT
----- —------ -- —--------- PTANTC
“, k ““e”

Ce = equilibriumvolubilityat liquid-gas

AC = change in diesolvedgae concentrathn,


D = key componentdf.ffusivity;
HL D height of liquid transfer
unit, feet
51 Byars, H. G., and Gallop,B. R., “lnjec-

tion Water + Oxygen = Corrosionand/or
Well PluggingSolids,”Met. Perf.,
Knoedler,E. L.S and Bomlla,C. F.,
“VacuumDegasification in a Packed Column,”
L = liquid rate, lbs/hr ft2 Chem. Eng. Prog.50, 3, 129-133*March,
hW = molecularweight of gas 1954 ●

N = number of mols ?. Kingsbury,A. W,, and Phillips,E. L.,

(NTU)L= number of liquid transferunit~ “vacuumI)eaerator Design,”J. ?lng.
P = partial pressure,atwspheres Power, October, 1961, 331-338.
R R gb~ constant 8. Snavely,E. S.~ and Blount,F. G., “Rate
; : t81P~tu#, “R of Reactionof DissolvedOxygen with
Scavengersin Sweet and Sour Brines,”
W = water flow rate, lbs/min CorrosLon25,
.— October, 1969, 397-404.
~ R mol fraction 9. Snavely,E. S., “ChemicalRemovalof
Z = total height, feet Oxygen from NaturalWaters,”J. Pet.
n - constant for equation (3) Tech., April, 1971, k43-446.
a = conetantfor equation (3) 10. Weeter, R. F., “Desorptionof Oxygen from
P = liquid density lbs/fc3 Water Using Natural Gee for Countercurrent
N = viscosity,lbelfthr Stripping,”J. Pet. Tech., May, 1965,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 11. W@etsr, R. F., “Condition@ of Water by
Removal of CorrosionGases,’g J. Pet.
We should like to thank ContinentalOil Tech., February,1972, 181-184.
Company for permissionto publieh this paper. 12. A1.vis, R. L., “Comparis~lnof Waterflood
Also, thanks to Dubai PetroleumCompany and to CorrosionDetentionand MonitoringDevices,”
C. M. Hudgins, Dan Caudle, Marvin Yost, J. M. Mat. Perf., February, 1969, 39-42,
Neu, K. K. Kuravilla,and others for their 13. Adams, Gane H.$ “Vacuum DeaeratesZnjection
. obtainingthe data. Water at Low Cost for Pan Am,” Gil & Gas
J., ~!y 15, 1967, 93-96.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 14. McGill, James C., “Use Vacuum to Deaerate
InjectionWat@r,’~Oil & Gas J., April 21,
1. Mares, Gene H., “VacuumDeaerationin 1975, 69-71.
WaterfloodOperations,”API Paper 15. Sherwood,K. T., and Holloway,F. A. L.,
No. 851-41-H,OklahomaCity, March 29-31, 8’PerforMnceof Packed Towers--LiquidFilm
1967, Data for Several Packings,”Trans AIChE~
2* Power, S. T,, and Burnes, H. S., “Vacuum 36, 39-70, 1940.
DeaerationCombatsColdwaterCorrosion,” 16. Hud&ins,C. M., Jr., and Haneon, R. T.,
Chem. & Met. Eng.,43, 4, 180-184,April, “I?owConoco Floods with Seawater,”Oil &
1936. Gas J., February15, 1971, 71-75.
3. McGill,James, “How to Vacuum Deaerate 17: Dow ChemicalCompany,%spac Plastic
InjectionWater,” Oil & Gee J., October 1, Tower Packing--Applicatione Bulletin,”
1973, 81-84, September,1965.
4. Ollker, 1. I., “VacuumDeaerationof 18. Carlberg,B. L., and Matthews,R. R.,
Water--AnEffectiveMethod for Preventing “Water Qualltytinitor for Continuous’
Corrosion,”NACE Corrosion ’75 Payer No. 85 Field Use,” SPE Paper 4662, Laa Vegas,
Torcmto,Canada,April 14-18, 1976. Nevada, September30, October 3, 1973.


Oxygen Nitrogen Water Vapor
* fC3/min ft3/min

Single Stage Tower 45,160 24,780 29,090

Stage 1 679 382 452
Stage 2 688 402 457
Stage 3 682 382 437
Total 2,04,9 1,166 1,346


Inlet Tower Outlet

27,500 lbs/rainaeaweter 0.015 mg/L oxygen
680F 0.025 mg/L nitrogen
6.5 mg/L oxygen
10.5 mg/L nitrogen (AssumeCe =0.1” xC2)

OperatingPressure- XIIHg abs. c1 C2

Single Stage: 17.38 6.5 0.015

Stage 1 26.11 6.5 0.86
Stage 2 18.37 0.86 0.113
Stage 3 17.38 0.113 0.015

GeneralEquations- Basis: One minute of tower operation

N =W(AC) X 10-6 X& (4)


P02 ‘~


‘Total = ’02 + ‘N + ‘H20 (6)


‘H20 = ~ (7)

%20 RT
v (8)
H20 “—


Through Dissolved
Tower Oxygen
Date GPM ~ Remarks ‘

5-24 2900 0.007

2900 0’.012
2900 0.023

5-25 2880 0.027 Chlorinegeneratoron

2925 0.019 Chlorinegeneratoroff
2925 0.014
2925 0.027
2925 0.019

5-26 3600 0.010

3600 0.031)
3600 0.040) Eductorsrequired
3600 0.038) washing
3600 0.007 )
After eductor washing
3600 0.009 )

5-27 1800 0.015

3465 0.017
3465 0.012

5-29 3015 0.012

3015 0.014

5“30 2250 0.027)

2250 0.034) Eductorsrequired
2250 0.d48) washing




20 52


la 48

17 L\6

16 44

42 ~
40 >

38 5
36 ~



9 30

8 28


I I I 1 I 1
30 40 60 70 90


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