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Program Disclosure for Viking Parents

(Time, money, and personal commitment agreements)

1. I may be asked to help the squad with practice, games or other

activities. I will assist where and when I can help the squad to have
a positive and successful cheerleading experience.
2. The participation fee includes; TNT registration fee, league dues, ,
coaches, team supplies, spirit parties, all camps (competition,
stunting and sideline dance camp) Utah Cheer Championship
competition fee, showcase fees as well as administrative costs.
Depending on which program your daughters team is doing
maximum cost is $250 which is split up in equal payments
3. Team classes at TNT are required. All squad members must attend
at the 2 hour assigned time. The rest of the squad cannot practice
without everyone in attendance. Classes will begin in May and
end in October.
4. Falling behind on class dues may cause your daughter to sit out
during a game/ games or she may not be allowed to compete. More
than 30 days behind you may be dismissed and/or turned over to
the attorney.
5. My daughter is REQUIRED to attend the competition camp and 2
hours a week in the gym.
6. My daughter will participate in the Strawberry Days Parade,
Lindon Parade, will cheer at 10-16 football games in the fall, and
at least one cheer competition
7. My daughter can expect 1-2 practices per week lasting 1 ½ - 2
hours. My daughter will be expected to attend ALL practices in the
gym and with cheer coach.
8. Time offs will be on Spring Break, Memorial Day weekend,
Independence Day, July 24th , Labor Day weekend, and UEA
weekend. No demerits will be given for girl’s camp or school
9. Demerits will be tracked by coach and cheer mom. My daughter
will make up demerits according to the squad’s guidelines.
10. Purchase of all required uniform and accessory items range
between $250 - $400 depending on grade level. Optional items are
available and range between $15 - $50.
11. Squad pictures will be taken in the fall. My daughter will attend
even if we are not purchasing portraits for the squad pictures.
Portrait packages range between $ 15-$ 30.
I as a parent/guardian of ____________________________________
Have read and agree to uphold these agreements.

Signature _________________________ Date ______________

Print name_______________________ Relationship ______________

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