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1. Early Adulthood is said to be between the ages of 17-35, do you agree? Explain in at least one sentence.

2. You are currently entering the early adult transition phase of early adulthood, what do you see as the
landmarks of this period in your life?

3. Which of the two do you feel is more important, independence from your parents or financial
independence? Explain in at least a sentence.

4. What do you think are the most important accomplishments of entering the adult world?

5. In three words describe being a responsible member of society.

6. What do you think the age 30 transition is?

7. What do you see yourself doing at age 30?

8. What is “making it” in your opinion?

9. What do you see as settling down?

10. In a couple of paragraphs, describe your vision of early adulthood (17-35). What are your goals and
expectations? How will you gain independence? What do you see your social set as?)

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