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My partner and I spoke about ways of making our

product more appealing to our target audience

and we thought that if we added slang into it, it
would be something that they could relate to.

Pariah (EDITED)

(Starts with music from the film and voices in the background)

Voice: From the creators of ‘Blood and Bone’

Falling this summer presents, Pariah

Starring Debbie Adedeji

-‘Why do they hate me?’

And Orrin Duhaney

-‘Ahh some any girl man low it!’

-Groundbreaking show film of the year’ says The Sun

Reviewer 1: Pariah was a great film I was blown away

Fade into music and fade out

Reviewer 2: Pariah is such an emotional film.

Voice: This summer, Pariah.

Fade out.

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