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By Lahry Sibley
Ezekiel 20:22Yet I withheld My hand and acted for My name's sake,
that it should not be debased and profaned in the sight of the
[heathen] nations, in whose sight I had brought them forth [from
If Yahweh's name was that highly regarded by Himself, how is it that those
who call themselves "His people" today, pay it no mind, shrug it off, call him
what they may?

May I please remind you, that in 33 AD when the new covenant was ratified
by the shed blood of Yah'shua, that the name "G-O-D" or the name "J-E-S-
U-S" did not exist, they were completely unknown.

Small wonder people today have little regard for Yahweh. They are
indifferent to His names. All the various names given in Hebrew, the tongue
of the language of Yahweh, that define His character and nature are all
swallowed up and lost in the generic and meaningless name of G-O-D.

If one would simply do a word study on the term "my name", and read each
scripture where it occurs (albeit that the term is used by David and others
about themselves here and there), I think they would be awestruck. Look up
the definitions of each term and you will be amazed at what you miss by
using G-O-D, supreme being.

If it is so important to Yahweh, and it is, why is it not important to those

who say they are His people? He even had the temple built for His name. Yet
stuborn self willed so called church people use a generic name and don't
even realize they are being ripped off by satan. NO WONDER YOUR PRAYERS
ARE NOT ANSWERED. He said "ask in my name". If you don't know His
name, how can you use it, pray tell?
14But cursed is the [cheating] deceiver who has a male in his flock
and vows to offer it, yet sacrifices to the [sovereign] Lord a
blemished or diseased thing! For I am a great King, says the Lord of
hosts, and My name is terrible and to be [reverently] feared among
the nations.

Where oh where, is the fear of the Yehovah and respect for His name? I'll
tell you where. It went to a voice crying in the wilderness, alone with
wisdom, but few go out to hear that voice. Small wonder knowlege abounds,
according to the Word of Yehovah. But wisdom has long since vanished
among the franchised so called churches. The fear of Yehovah is the
beginning of wisdom. No fear, no wisdom, blind leading the blind. All headed
for the pit. Selah
Mal 2:1AND NOW, O you priests, this commandment is for you. 2If
you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to My
name, says the Lord of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you,
and I will curse your blessings; yes, I have already turned them to
curses because you do not lay it to heart. 3Behold, I will rebuke your
seed [grain--which will prevent due harvest], and I will spread the
dung from the festival offerings upon your faces, and you shall be
taken away with it. 4And you shall know, recognize, and understand
that I have sent this [new] decree to you priests, to be My [new]
covenant with Levi [the priestly tribe], says the Lord of hosts. 5My
covenant [on My part with Levi] was to give him life and peace,
because [on his part] of the [reverent and worshipful] fear with
which [the priests] would revere Me and stand in awe of My name.

Admittedly, I walked for over 65 years in ignorance, taken in by lies and

deceptions of cunning men and false prophets. But I have repented, and
Yahweh has heard my prayers and forgiven me. I have a depth of joy and
love in my soul, that I have not known previously.

Yahweh understands that we have been misled and lied too. His desire is for
us to know the truth, and that the truth set us free. Beloved, the names "G-
O-D" and "J-E-S-U-S" are not HIS NAMES. I pray the revelation power of the
Holy Spirit upon you, that you may see how much you've been cheated out
of, by profaning His names using terms He never gave us. OH, Yehovah,
have mercy upon us as a people. Forgive us our ignorant transgressions.
Redeem us from this curse of stupity and rebellion, and transform us into
hearts who love You, fear You, and stand in awe of You and rejoice in YOUR
NAME, not man's aboration of a name. Forgive us oh Yehovan, and cleanse
us from this unrighteousness. In Yah'shua's Holy Name we ask it. Amen and

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