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From Speech to Print Matching Units of Speech to Print

The Global Level Prosodic: musical level of language where inflections, tone of voice, expressions, etc are present.
The Word Level Matching speech to written words. Sounds in Words Students will segment sounds and phonemes to match to letters and print.

Characteristics of the Emergent Stage of Reading and Spelling

Emergent Reading Pretend Reading (mock linear) Paraphrase or spontaneous retelling. Memory Reading Accurate recitation of text. Directionality Realize they need to read left to right, top to bottom. Concept of Word (COW) Ability to finger point or track accurately to words in print while reading from memory.

Emergent Writing

can hold writing materials and marks on paper.

Middle They

begin to approximate the top to bottom linear arrangement Symbol Salad

Emergent Writing (contd)

Late Children begin to use letters to represent speech sounds in a systematic way. Phonemic awareness Ability to divide units of speech into the smallest units of sound (phoneme) Phonics Consistent relationship between sounds and letters.

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