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Smita Roy

The use of cockroach almost makes the viewer disgust in the thought as conveys the awful reality of poverty. The caption suggests that babies that are born in poverty do not have food to survive on.

The disturbing picture used in this advert gets viewer to have a closer look at the poster.

The whole advert itself encourages individual to donate money because it makes the viewers believe that we take our life for granted whilst theres others who dont even get the basics they require.

The position of the baby makes the advert more effective as it symbolises the babies vulnerability and the idea of helplessness.

The use of baby creates more empathy for the viewers as it makes us audience think about our responsibility in making sure that no babies starve.

Unlike other adverts, this advert Smita Roy uses no image which is really effective because it just conveys the straight forward message and shows how serious about it they are. The uses of black reflect the serious issue of child abuse and also represent the depression and sadness of the whole concept.

The simple fact will grave in the viewers minds and will get them to think. Statistics also make the advert much more reliable and effective.

The slogan is sharp, factual and is an imperative that gives the view on child abuse of the majority in 1 simple sentence and evokes the viewers to do their bit. The use of green for the logo in the sudden black represents positive intentions of this charity and also encourages others to donate and help out.

Finally the use of simple font and very less text puts across the message effectively and conveys how genuinely the need our help.

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