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Unit 28 – Advert Evaluation15 Evaluation of 3x adverts evaluating the following 

My three adverts consist of one billboard ad, one bus stop poster and finally a social
media post.
I chose to have a common theme in each of the ads so that it is easily recognisable as
three ads from one campaign. I done this by having the same slogan across all three.
The Slogan is ‘Don’t let life drag you down, Talk to someone’ the intention of this
slogan is simply to let the young people know that life can get hard. Not every young
person knows much about mental health, or has experienced problems through
themselves or another. I wanted my slogan to let them know that the problems they
experience are not solely their own and someone has also experienced it. they should
talk to someone rather than let the harsh times in life drag them down and gold them
back form their potential.

The colour scheme is consistent with the orange background and red border. I chose
this colour scheme because I feel as though it stands out and would catch the attention
of any young people looking. The colour orange is alarming to people but doesn’t
indicate danger or problems like the colour red does which is why orange is the main

The billboard ad shows a close-up of a young girl looking straight towards the camera
with a very despondent look on her face. In the frame she is surrounded by some
examples of things that may provide stress and cause poor mental health in young
people. This includes a baby as it can be hard to raise a child when you yourself are
not grown up yet, social media can be bad for a young person’s mind and mental
health. Being excluded from social groups and events, having long term illnesses and
more. I intended to catch young people’s attention with these images. It may resonate
with them and they may seek help as they know that someone understands their
problem. I also wanted to create a further relatability through the use of the plain
folk’s technique as I felt that seeing an ordinary young person feeling down will
encourage the audience to also seek help. At the bottom of the ad, I have included a
link to a website for the client. The girl is centred on the advert as i want it to be clear
to the audience that she is the main focus as opposed to the things surrounding her, as
are the audience themselves. I chose to use a black and white image as I believe it is a
good way to exemplify the gloomy way she must be feeling.

In the Bus-stop ad it is a similar concept to the billboard. I had the same image of the
sad young girl looking towards the camera. Unlike the other ad which showed things
alluded to what may have caused stress, this ad simply shows a raincloud above her
head. This is intended to illustrate her feeling dull and sad, the cloud hanging over her
head similar to how it would be done in cartoons, which a younger audience will have
been more recently into.

The final ad is the social media post. This is different to the other two. In this ad a
young person is seen walking into the distance. They are pictured with heavy balls
chained to their hands and feet. Thes balls are each labelled with a cause of stress and
problem for young people such as bullying. It looks as though they are being weighed
down by the heavy objects. This image is strongly related to the slogan as it seems as
though the balls/problems are weighing them down. The person in the image has their
back to the camera which I believe is a good way to relate to the audience. That
person walking could be anyone, including themselves.
As pictured, I believe that the best way to distribute this ad is via Instagram. The
survey I took made it clear that amongst the apps suggested, the young people
surveyed prefer to use Instagram followed by YouTube.

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