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lthough earthquakes can have two types; they travel more or less together,
catastrophic effects, they can also but with different motions (Fig. 3.1). One type
reveal a great deal about the earth’s consists of Rayleigh waves, named after the
internal structure. The shock waves arising English physicist, Lord Rayleigh. They can be
from earthquakes pass through the interior of visualised as water waves travelling across the
the earth in different ways and provide the surface of a still pond after a pebble has been
evidence about the inaccessible interior tossed into the water. The second type of
regions of the earth. Several kinds of wave surface waves is the Love wave, named after
motions (P and S waves) produced by the the physicist A.E.H. Love. Motion in the Love
earthquakes are of a class called body waves wave is entirely horizontal, at right angles to
because they travel through the solid body of the direction of wave motion.
the earth. Body waves are distinguished from The waves travel at different rates from a
surface waves, which move along the free common source. Therefore, time interval
upper crust of the earth. Surface waves are of between their arrival at the recording station
will also vary. Besides, the density of rocks and
nature of the medium, whether solid or liquid,
through which the P and S waves pass, also
affect the propagation of waves. Based on
these observations, the earth’s interior has
been divided into three layers – crust, mantle
and core (Fig. 3.2).


Study of seismogram (a seismograph record)
has confirmed the existence of a spherical core
at the earth’s centre and has added insights
into its physical nature. In case the earth were
entirely solid, both P and S waves would travel
through in all directions. The body waves of
any large earthquake could be recorded
directly opposite its focus. It was, however,
found that there is a region on the globe
opposite the earthquake focus where S waves
are not received. That means, the S waves
cannot pass through the central part of the
Fig.3.1 : Forms of Surface Seismic Waves
earth because this part is made of a medium
A. Rayleigh Waves; and B. Love Waves

Fig.3.2 : Dimensions of the Earth’s Mantle and Core

which is not solid. Physicists have proved THE EARTH’S MANTLE

through experiments that S waves cannot be
The P waves make abrupt drop in velocity at
sent through a liquid medium. This proves that
the mantle-core boundary, whereas S wave
the earth’s core is in liquid state in contrast to
terminates at the mantle-core boundary
the surrounding mantle which is solid.
(Fig.3.3). Thus making a plane of dis-
The seismic waves bend as they travel
through the core and therefore, P waves are continuous surface between the core and the
not directly received in a zone, known as mantle known as Gutenberg discontinuity.
shadow zone, between 1030 and 1430 distant Through the earth’s mantle, upto nearly 2,900
from the focus. Also, S waves are not received km, the speed of earthquake waves is so high
there because they do not travel through the that only a very rigid and dense rock will
liquid core. Only surface waves are received in satisfy the observed conditions. Solid or rigid
this shadow zone. Beyond 1430 only P waves in this case means either crystalline or glassy.
passing through the core and surface waves It also means that, when subjected to the
travelling along the surface are received. From sudden twists and bends of earthquake waves,
the extent of the shadow zone, the earth’s core the rock behaves as an elastic solid, that is, it
is calculated to have a radius of 3,470 km, a changes shape when shear stresses are
little more than half the earth’s total radius. applied, but returns exactly to its former

shape when those stresses are removed. Thus,

the mantle consists of solid rock.
Based on the behaviour of seismic waves,
the mantle is sub-divided into two major parts
— the upper mantle and the lower mantle. The
upper mantle, extending from the crust to a
depth of about 650 km, includes the
asthenosphere, which occupies the upper 300
to 400 km. Rocks in the asthenosphere behave
as both a plastic solid and an elastic solid. The
matter possessing these remarkable
properties is an elastic-viscous substance —
it can be elastic and plastic at the same time,
depending on whether the forces that tend to
deform it are applied and released suddenly or
steadily. The presence of the soft layer or
plastic layer in the upper part of mantle was
suspected as far back as 1926 by
Temperature (K)

distinguished seismologist Beno Gutenburg.

He noticed that earthquake wave velocities are
slowed down below 150 km, after first
increasing rapidly from the surface to that
depth. This region is referred to as the low-
velocity zone.


The crust is distinguished from the mantle by
the presence of abrupt change in the velocity
of seismic waves. This corresponds to the
abrupt change in rigidity of the rock from crust
to mantle. The change in rigidity in turn is due
to change in mineral composition or in
physical state of the rocks. The P waves near
the surface travel at about 6 km per second
and this velocity increases gradually or
abruptly to the base of the crust, where it is
7 km per second. The surface of sudden
increase in wave velocity, which separates the
crust above from the mantle below, is the
Mohorovicic discontinuity, also called
Moho discontinuity or M discontinuity. It is
Fig.3.3 : The Earth’s Interior
named after the Yugoslav seismologist,
A. Increase in pressure with depth; B. Increase in
temperature with depth; C. Increase in density with Mohorovicic, who first recognised the
depth; and D. Velocity of P and S Waves. discontinuity in 1909.


Review Questions
1. Answer the following questions:
(i) Name the three layers of the earth.
(ii) What is a seismogram?
(iii) Name two types of surface waves.
(iv) How do the rocks of the earth’s mantle behave when subjected to the earthquake waves?
(v) What is asthenosphere?
(vi) What is the radius of the earth’s core?
2. Distinguish between:
(i) Body waves and surface waves;
(ii) Rayleigh waves and Love waves;
(iii) Gutenberg discontinuity and Mohorovicic discontinuity.
3. Write short notes on:
(i) Shadow zone; and (ii) The earth’s crust.
4. Discuss how do seismic waves suggest layering of the earth’s interior.
5. Describe the earth’s mantle.

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