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Audience Research

Survey Results

How old are you?
Our audience research showed that more than half of our audience were between the ages of 14 and 19. The next were 20 to 25 year olds. This helps us when deciding what certificate to rate our trailer. The age range also gives us an idea of what features our teaser trailer should encompass.

14-19 20-25

30-35 36+

Our results showed that 59% of our survey participants were male. This affects the way in which we will construct our teaser trailer. It will have to be more masculine based, in order to engage the male audience.

Male Female

A majority of our audience go to the cinema either monthly or weekly. Going monthly implies that it would have to be a film that they really wanted to see. Going weekly implies that trailers may influence the film they go to see the next week.

How often do you go to the cinema?

Daily Weekly

Monthly Other

What genre of film do you most like to watch?

Our survey participants equally like the genre of Film Noir and Crime/Gangster movies. This is very helpful as the teaser trailer we are doing is a Crime/Gangster film, in the style of Film Noir.

Film Noir Thriller Horror Crime/Gangster

How do you find out about films you may like to watch?
Trailers Word of Mouth Posters

Magazines Film Reviews Radio Spots Newspapers Other

The three main ways in which our audience find out about upcoming films is through posters, trailers and word of mouth. My group will be making a film poster in addition to the teaser trailer.

Are you interested in film reviews?

52% of people said that they were not interested in reviews. This means that their perceptions of the film are mainly due to watching the trailer than listening to what someone has written about it.


Do you watch films that aren't for your age group?

80% of our audience have a tendency to watch films that are not for their age group. This enables us to use a variety of different features in our teaser trailer as we are not limited when it comes to audience preference.

Yes No

What method do you use the most to watch films?

Cinema DVD Illegal Downloading

Sky Movies Film 4 Other

Where do you watch trailers?

TV Internet Cinema

Where do you view film posters?

Film Magazines Billboards

Posters on buses
Public Transport Other

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