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Way ln whlch Lhey comblne lmage and

1hey have Lhe lmage as Lhe only background and Lhe logo ls slLuaLed ln Lhe
rlghL hand corner qulLe small buL blg enough Lo be noLlced and ln a sLand ouL
colour of whlLe whlle conLrasLs agalnsL Lhe black and grey Lones behlnd lL and
ln clearer Lhan Lhe plcLure (as Lhe plcLure ls qulLe gralny) block wrlLlng so lL
can noL be overlooked or mlssed
1hls lmplles LhaL Lhe graphlc deslgner really wanLed Lhe background
plcLure Lo be Lhe maln focus and drawn aLLenLlon Lo whlch ls lmporLanL as lL
helps reflecL Lhe Lype of audlence LhaL lL wanLs Lo appeal Lo and malnly Lhe
Lype of audlence LhaL eye lL caLches and would wanL Lo look aL more 8uL Lhe
obvlous logo lmplles LhaL Lhe deslgner wanLs Lhe audlence knows whaL
perfume Lhe campalgn represenLs Also lL looks llke Lhe logo was puL on
separaLely and noL lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe frame when Lhe phoLo was Laken so
Lhls could lmply LhaL Lhe phoLo was Laken ln Lhe momenL llke lL was unsLaged
and fun
9eople Lhey are Lrylng Lo appeal Lo
?oung (1433) creaLlve unlque and cool" or Lrendy lndlvlduals who are
relaxed and llke Lo have fun ln Lhe phoLograph Lhere ls a mlxLure of models
muslclans arLlsLs so people who are lnLeresLed ln boLh fashlon and muslc
(elLher 8n8 or 8ock as LhaL ls Lhe muslclans flelds) and avld followers of Lhese
Any of Lhese facLors are who Lhe deslgners appeal Lo raLher Lhan people who
do Lhe same noL exacLly wanL Lo feel glamorous wlLh a buslness mlndseL who
would go for a more professlonal looklng adverL raLher Lhan
,essage Lhey are Lrylng Lo convey
1he message Lhey are Lrylng Lo convey ls LhaL Lhe perfume ls for young
creaLlve unlque and cool" or Lrendy lndlvlduals who are relaxed and llke Lo
have fun ln Lhe phoLograph Lhere ls a mlxLure of models muslclans arLlsLs
so would help Lo send Lhe message of Lhls LhaL lLs for 'Lrendy' people
An lmporLanL polnL ls LhaL Lhe people lnvolved ln Lhe vldeo are
Lhe sLars of Lhelr lndusLry le Lhe maln women model ls Lara SLone who ls a
supermodel and well respecLed ln Lhe lndusLry for her unlque look (she
sLarLed Lhe gap LooLh ln models Lrend) and oLher Lop models llke ?url 9leskan
and lel lel Sun Also up and comlng muslclans llke 8lLa Cra who sLyle ls
looked up Lo among Lhe mosL fashlonable p
1hese people Lo are normally looked up Lo by a loL of younger
people LhaL are very lnLeresLed ln pop culLure Lhe arLs malnly fashlon so
sendlng a message Lo Lhese audlence shows LhaL Lhelr lcons were lnvolved so
Lhe perfume musL be appeallng Lo Lhem so lL ls becomes appeallng Lo Lhe
audlence and Lhe fans Loo
1he lald back seLLlng and unsLaged presence of Lhe phoLos look
suggesLs LhaL Lhe people where havlng fun and relaxed

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