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Abhlnandan ChaLLer[ee

Anlrudh CauLam Cherakuwada

8avl 8an[an kumar 8edlya
W key llgures
W Alms Cb[ecLlves
W CrganlzaLlonal SLrucLure
W uemocraLlc luncLlonlng
W Cl1u Conference
W AfflllaLlon lees
W Areas of lnLeresLs AcLlvlLles
#All AnlMALS are equal
some AnlMALS are more equal Lhan
Anlmal larm
Ceorge Crwell
kL? llCu8LS
W naLlonal lederaLlon lounded 1971
W 8esulL of spllL ln Al1uC whlch was sequel Lo
Lhe spllL ln Cl
W Cl1u emerged owlng Lo lLs alllance Lo Lhe
W number of members grew from approx 0817
mllllon durlng lLs foundaLlon Lo 32mllllon
Cl (MarxlsL) Cl(MaolsL)
kL? llCu8LS
W 1he currenL presldenL Mr Ak
W 1he flag of Lhe Cl1u ls red ln colour wlLh
hammer and slckle ln cenLre ln whlLe colour
wlLh Lhe leLLers Cl1u verLlcally on Lhe lefL
Const|tut|on of the Centre of Ind|an 1rade
Un|ons(wltb omeoJmeots moJe lo tbe leveotb
coofeteoce of cl1u belJ lo cbeoool ftom
uecembet 91J 200J)
1 1he name of Lhe organlzaLlon shall be CLn18L
Cl lnulAn 18AuL unlCnS (Lo be deslgnaLed ln
abbrevlaLed form as Lhe Cl1u)
W LxplolLaLlon of Lhe worklng class should be
ended by soclallzlng all means of producLlon
W Poldlng fasL Lhe ldeals of soclallsm Lhe Cl1u
sLands for Lhe compleLe emanclpaLlon of Lhe
socleLy from all explolLaLlon
Cl1u llghLs
(a) agalnsL all encroachmenLs on Lhe economlc and
soclal rlghLs of workers and for enlargemenL of
Lhelr rlghLs and llberLles lncludlng Lhe rlghL Lo
sLrlke for wlnnlng defendlng and exLendlng Lhe
freedom of Lhe democraLlc and Lrade unlon
(b) for Lhe recognlLlon of Lrade unlons on Lhe basls
of secreL balloL
(c) for Lhe progresslve lmprovemenL of wages for
reducLlon of worklng hours for provlslon of
decenL houslng and lmprovemenL of Lhe llvlng
condlLlons of Lhe workers
(d) for securlLy of full employmenL rlghL Lo work
and agalnsL Lhe hazards of unemploymenL
(e) for full and adequaLe soclal securlLy leglslaLlon
Lo proLecL Lhe workers and Lhelr famllles agalnsL
slckness accldenL and old age provldlng
adequaLe maLernlLy lnsurance and penslons for
wldowed moLhers and dependenL chlldren and
every oLher Lype of soclal securlLy for effecLlve
conLrol of Lhe worker subscrlbers over Lhe
rovldenL lund and LSl CorporaLlons
(f) for equal wages for equal work
(g) lor Lhe abollLlon of dlscrlmlnaLlon based on casLe llke
unLouchablllLy on sex and rellglon ln relaLlon Lo
employmenL wages and promoLlon
(h) for Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe democraLlc rlghLs of Lhe
(l) lor proper vocaLlonal Lralnlng
(!) for ellmlnaLlon of llllLeracy
(k) helplng workers organlze unlons where none exlsLs
for rallylng Lhe workers ln a slngle unlon by unlLlng
Lhe rlval unlons ln one lndusLry
lC8 1PL A8CvL MLn1lCnLu
W 1he Cl1u whlle supporLlng Lhe democraLlc demands of
oLher secLlon of Lhe people seeks Lhe help of oLher
democraLlc forces and organlsaLlons ln Lhe common
flghL Lo replace Lhe presenL bourgeolslandlord reglme
by a democraLlc reglme of Lhe people
W 1he Cl1u ralses lLs volce agalnsL Lhe growlng
dependence of our economy on Amerlcan and oLher
forelgn monopoly caplLal and plllng up of forelgn debLs
whlch ls leadlng Lo severe explolLaLlon of Lhe worklng
class and creaLlng a dangerous slLuaLlon for naLlonal
W 1he Cl1u romotes re|at|ons of so||dar|ty wlLh Lhe
peasanLs and agrlculLural workers ln Lhe flghL for land
agalnsL usury and renL and hlgh LaxaLlon and lend every
help Lo Lhe forces of agrarlan revoluLlon Lo supporL ln full
Lhe sLruggle of Lhe agrlculLural workers for hlgher wages
and decenL condlLlons 1he Cl1u belleves LhaL no lasLlng
lmprovemenL ln Lhe economlc condlLlons of Lhe worklng
class ls posslble wlLhouL a compleLe llquldaLlon of Lhe
feudal land relaLlonshlp and endlng Lhe monopoly of Lhe
blg landlords
W lL flghLs for a forelgn pollcy based on frlendly relaLlons
wlLh nelghborlng counLrles opposlng war and supporLlng
peace and naLlonal llberaLlon movemenLs
W lL helps peoples ln Lhelr flghL agalnsL lmperlallsL
domlnaLlon and aggresslon and render all asslsLance Lo
naLlonal llberaLlon movemenLs agalnsL lmperlallsm
W 1he Cl1u flghLs for Lhe malnLenance of world peace
agalnsL all lmperlallsL ploLs for unleashlng world war
agalnsL nuclear war and for Lhe abollLlon of all nuclear
and oLher weapons of mass desLrucLlon
W lL flrmly adheres Lo Lhe poslLlon LhaL no soclal
LransformaLlon can be broughL abouL wlLhouL class
sLruggle and shall consLanLly repel aLLempLs Lo Lake Lhe
worklng class along Lhe paLh of class collaboraLlon
W romoLes lnLernaLlonal solldarlLy and unlLy
wlLh Lhe workers of oLher counLrles ln Lhe
common flghL for soclallsm promoLe fraLernal
relaLlons and deep bonds of unlLy wlLh
workers and people of soclallsL counLrles
W lL flghLs for peaceful coexlsLence beLween
sLaLes belonglng Lo dlfferenL soclal sysLems
C8CAnZA1lCnAL S18uC1u8L
naLlonal Level
(CenLral CommlLLee/Ceneral Councll)
SLaLe Level
(SLaLe CommlLLee)
unlL Level
(AfflllaLed unlons/rlmary unlon)
W Ceneral Councll
1 resldenL
4 vlce resldenLs
1 Ceneral SecreLary
noL more Lhan 4 secreLarles
1 1reasurer
W Members are elecLed on Lhe basls of LoLal
afflllaLed membershlp of Lhe unlon ln each
sLaLe aL Lhe raLe of one delegaLe for every 300
W 1he Ceneral Councll meeLs once ln Lwo years and
Lhe sLaLe councll aL leasL Lwlce a year
W 1he day Lo day operaLlons and admlnlsLraLlon are
carrled ouL by Lhe Ceneral SecreLary and hls sLaff
aL Lhe sLaLe level
W 1o furLher lLs ob[ecLlves Lhe varlous meLhods
adopLed by Cl1u are
lnLenslflcaLlons of Lhe class sLruggle
1he Cl1u conslsLs of
(l) Lhe afflllaLed unlons
(ll) Lhe delegaLes assembled aL Lhe Lrlennlal or
speclal sesslon of Lhe Cl1u Conference
(lll) 1he Ceneral Councll
(lv) 1he Worklng CommlLLee or Lhe Ceneral Councll
(v) 1he SLaLe Conference Lhe SLaLe CommlLLees and
SLaLe Counclls
1he Ceneral Councll shall comprlse (l) Cfflce 8earers (ll) 423 oLher
members elecLed by Lhe general sesslon of Lhe Cl1u Conference as
per norms noLed below
1he 423 seaLs as above wlll be dlsLrlbuLed among Lhe SLaLe
CommlLLees of Lhe Cl1u ln proporLlon Lo Lhelr respecLlve
membershlp sLrengLh Lo Lhe LoLal membershlp of Lhe Cl1u formlng
Lhe basls of elecLlon of delegaLes Lo Lhe general sesslon of Lhe Cl1u
(LxplanaLlon 1hls 423 shall lnclude 123 members of Lhe Worklng
CommlLLee as ln SecLlon 10(1)
1he delegaLes from each sLaLe shall elecL Lhe member(s) from Lhe
respecLlve sLaLe as per number deLermlned as aL (a) above
1he names of members of Lhe Ceneral Councll elecLed as above
shall be approved by Lhe general sesslon of Lhe Cl1u Conference
1PL Cl1u CCnlL8LnCL
W 1he Ceneral Sesslon wlll meeL once ln every Lhree years 1he
sesslon wlll be called Lhe Cl1u Conference lL ls Lhe hlghesL
organ of auLhorlLy ln Lhe Cl1u and all bodles of Lhe Cl1u
derlve Lhelr auLhorlLy from lL
W 1he Conference wlll conslsL of Lhe delegaLes elecLed by Lhe
consLlLuenL unlons ln accordance wlLh Lhe rules under Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe offlce bearers of Lhe Cl1u wlll have Lhe
same sLaLus as Lhe elecLed delegaLes
lunC1lCnS Cl 1PL
W AdopLlng Lhe programme and Lhe general pollcy
of Lhe Cl1u maklng such changes ln Lhem as are
consldered necessary ln Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe
worklng class
W ulscusslon and adopLlon of Lhe reporL presenLed
by Lhe Ceneral SecreLary dlscusslon and adopLlon
of such oLher reporLs LhaL may be presenLed by
Lhe Ceneral Councll on Lhe quesLlons of Lhe
W LxamlnaLlon and dlscusslon of quesLlons puL Lo
Lhe Conference by consLlLuenL SLaLe CommlLLees
and consLlLuenL unlons
W ass resoluLlons on currenL quesLlons affecLlng
Lhe worklng class
W 1ake declslons on afflllaLlons of unlons on
dlsafflllaLlon and oLher Lype of dlsclpllnary
W LlecLlon of Lhe Ceneral Councll and Lhe offlce
W LlecLlon of Lhe Cfflce 8earers
W 1he Conference wlll flx lLs own agenda
W lL wlll pass Lhe audlLed SLaLemenL of AccounLs
Number Venue Date res|dent Genera| Secretary
1sL CalcuLLa 2831 May 1970 81 8anadlve 8amamurLl
2nd Lrnakulum 1822 Aprll 1973 81 8anadlve 8amamurLl
3rd Mumbal 2123 May 1973 81 8anadlve 8amamurLl
4Lh Chennal 1113 Aprll 1979 81 8anadlve 8amamurLl
3Lh kanpur 1317 Aprll 1983 81 8anadlve Samar Mukher[ee
6Lh Mumbal 1822 Aprll 1987 81 8anadlve Samar Mukher[ee
7Lh CalcuLLa 1317 lebruary
L 8alanandan Mk andhe
8Lh aLna 37 March 1994 L 8alanandan Mk andhe
9Lh kochl 2126 Aprll 1997 L 8alanandan Mk andhe
10Lh Pyderabad 2731 uecember
L 8alanandan Mk andhe
11Lh Chennal 914 uecember
Mk andhe ChlLLabraLa
12Lh 8angalore 1721 !anuary
M k andhe Mohammed Amln
13Lh Chandlgarh 1721 March 2010 Akadmanabhan 1apan Sen
res|dent Akadmanabhan
Genera| Secretary 1aan Sen
1reasurer kan[ana N|ru|a
Mkandhe !lbon 8oy
Md Amln S uevroye
kanal 8aner[ee kall Chosh
1k8engara[an kPemlaLa (l)
k n 8avlndranaLh ulpankar Mukher[ee
k Curudasan M M lawrence
Shyamal ChakraborLy 8 Sudha 8haskar
AraLl uasgupLa (l) A Soundarara[an
kL 8a[a[ kCPabeeb
v ! k nalr ueben 8haLLacharya
Sk8akshl 8aghunaLhSlngh
MercykuLLy Amma (l) k k ulvakaran
S veeralah Manlk uey
8asudeb Acharla kashmlr Slngh 1hakur
Sukomal Sen S varalaxml (l)
S unyavaLl (l) MalaLhl ChlLLlbabu(l)
AlllLlA1lCn lLLS
W Lach afflllaLed unlon shall pay Lo Lhe Cl1u
An afflllaLlon fee aL Lhe raLe of Cne 8upee (8e1)
per member per calendar year sub[ecL Lo Lhe
mlnlmum of 8s40
1he annual subscrlpLlon of Lhe [ournal 1he
Worklng Class
Such oLher amounL as may be flxed by Lhe
Ceneral Councll and/or Lhe SLaLe CommlLLee ln
order Lo faclllLaLe Lhe funcLlonlng
All Lhree conLrlbuLlons vlde (a) (b) (c) above are
lnseparable parL of afflllaLlon fee
(a) 1he Ceneral Councll shall have Lhe power Lo dlsafflllaLe any
unlon whlch falls Lo pay lLs afflllaLlon dues or whlch ls wlllfully
worklng agalnsL Lhe lnLeresLs and Lhe consLlLuLlon of Lhe Cl1u
(b) 1he Ceneral Councll shall have Lhe power Lo remove any
offlcebearer gullLy of anLlworklng class acLlon lL shall have
Lhe rlghL Lo Lake slmllar acLlon agalnsL any member of Lhe
Ceneral Councll gullLy of Lhe above acLlon 8efore Laklng such
acLlon Lhe person concerned shall be glven an opporLunlLy Lo
explaln hls conducL
(c) 1he SLaLe CommlLLees and oLher bodles shall have slmllar
rlghLs ln relaLlon Lo Lhelr members
(d) 1he lndlvlduals or unlons concerned have Lhe rlghL Lo
appeal Lo Lhe Cl1u Conference or Lhe SLaLe Conference
agalnsL acLlon Laken by Lhe Ceneral Councll or Lhe SLaLe
Councll respecLlvely
(e) 1he Ceneral Councll shall have power Lo declde by a Lwo
Lhlrd ma[orlLy Lo dlssolve or reorganlse a SLaLe CommlLLee
or SLaLe Councll lf lL ls funcLlonlng agalnsL Lhe pollcles of Lhe
Cl1u or ls unable Lo dlscharge lLs responslblllLles because of
lnacLlvlLy or any oLher cause 8efore Laklng such acLlon Lhe
Ceneral Councll shall convene a meeLlng of Lhe SLaLe
CommlLLee or SLaLe Councll Lo glve a hearlng Lo lLs
members WlLhln slx monLhs of Laklng such acLlon Lhe
Ceneral Councll shall convene a Conference of Lhe unlons
of Lhe SLaLe Lo elecL SLaLe CommlLLee and/or SLaLe Councll
1he Cl1u assoclaLed wlLh eleven lndusLrywlse federaLlons
operaLlng ln lndla 1hey are
1) SLeel Workers lederaLlon of lndla
2) All lndla lanLaLlon Workers' lederaLlon
3) WaLer 1ransporL Workers' lederaLlon of lndla
4) All lndla Coal Workers' lederaLlon
3) ConsLrucLlon Workers lederaLlon of lndla
6) All lndla 8oad 1ransporL Workers lederaLlon
7) LlecLrlclLy Lmployees lederaLlon of lndla
8) Sugar Workers' lederaLlon of lndla
9) All lndla !uLe Workers lederaLlon
10) All lndla lederaLlon of Anganwadl Workers and Pelpers
11) All lndla 8eedl Workers lederaLlon
W 1he emergence and susLenance of unlLed Lrade
movemenL of Lhe CenLral ubllc SecLor underLaklngs
(CSu) Workers ln lndla can be Lraced ln Lhe [olnL
convenLlon of Lhe CSu workers held aL Pyderabad on
2324 uecember 1977 AlLhough CS1u formally came
lnLo exlsLence a few years laLer acLually Lhls convenLlon
lald Lhe foundaLlon sLone for Lhe CS1u
W !olnL naLlonal convenLlon Look place aL new uelhl on 21
22 CcLober 1986 Around 300 Lrade unlons and 30
naLlonal lederaLlons of Lhe CSu workers represenLed by
over 800 delegaLes parLlclpaLed ln Lhe convenLlon
W A 14polnL CharLer of uemands (Cou) was adopLed ln
Lhe convenLlon 1he programmes Lo press for Lhe Cou
flnallsed ln Lhe convenLlon lncluded a naLlonwlde sLrlke
on 21sL !anuary 19871he convenLlon expressed lLs flrm
resolve Lo flghL Lhe pollcy of demollLlon and
prlvaLlsaLlon of CSus lnlLlaLed by Lhe Lhen 8a[lv
Candhl CovernmenL
W 1he oLher hlsLorlc declslon of Lhe same convenLlon was
Lhe formaLlon of CommlLLee of ubllc SecLor 1rade
unlons (CS1u) 1he foundlng consLlLuenLs of Lhe
CS1u were Cl1u Al1uC PMS 8MS !olnL AcLlon lronL
(!Al) 8angalore and CoordlnaLlon CommlLLee of
ubllc SecLor 1rade unlons Pyderabad
W CS1u ls really Lhe source of lnsplraLlon and symbol of
sLruggles for Lhe CSu workers ln Lhe counLry
W 1he Lop mosL prlorlLy Lask before Lhe CSu workers ls
Lo proLecL Lhe publlc secLor from Lhe llquldaLlng
onslaughL of Lhe pollcles of llberallsaLlon and
prlvaLlsaLlon AL Lhe same Llme Lhe urgenL economlc
lssues perLalnlng Lo Lhe currenL round of collecLlve
bargalnlng for Lhe 7Lh round of wage negoLlaLlons ls
also lmporLanL
W CS1u ls deflnlLely desLlned Lo dlscharge lLs hlsLorlcal
responslblllLles ln Lhls respecL
A8LAS Cl ln1L8LS1
W Crganlzed SecLor
Coal LlecLrlclLy SLeel Peavy Lnglneerlng
ConsLrucLlon LlecLronlcs Cll naLural Cas
producLlon and reflnlng eLrochemlcals
lerLlllsers harmaceuLlcals 8all 8oad Alr
WaLer 1ransporL orL uocks
1elecommunlcaLlons 1exLlle llnanclal oLher
servlce secLors lanLaLlon eLc
W AparL from Lhe organlsed secLor Lhe Cl1u has goL
ploneerlng role ln organlslng Lhe unorganlsed and
lnformal secLor workers whlch domlnaLe Lhe
numerlcal sLrengLh of Lhe work force ln lndla
MCn1PL? !Cu8nALS
1PL vClCL Cl WC8klnC WCMLn
W wwwclLucenLreorg accessed on 6
W wwwwlklpedlacom accessed on 3
SepLember 2011
Long Llve lnLernaLlonal SolldarlLy of Lhe
Worklng Class !
uown wlLh lmperlallsm !
uown wlLh neollberal lmperlallsL
CloballzaLlon !
Long Llve Soclallsm !
Workers of Lhe World unlLe !

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