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Topic: The Structure Of Atom

Subtopic: Contribution of Scientists Toward The Development Of Ideas On The Atomic Structure

J.J Thomson

John Dalton

Ernest Rutherford

Neils Bohr

James Chadwick

John Dalton (1766-1844)

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From his experiment and observation he suggested that atom were like tiny hard balls Each chemical element had its own atom that differed atom other in mass

J.J Thompson (1856-1940)

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He discovered the electron This is tiny negatively charge particle that is much, much smaller than any atom He imagine the electron as the bits of plum in a plum pudding

James Chadwick (1891-1974)

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He discovered the neutron in 1932.

James Chadwick (1891-1974)


Nucleus in atom is extremely small as compare to the entire size of the atom. It can be compare to the size of a marbles in a football stadium where the marbles represents the nucleus and the stadium the entire atom.

Neils Bohr (1895-19621)

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The most common isotope of carbon 12C. Orbiting the nucleus are electrons,each with insignificant mass but a single negative charge. Electrons are found in orbitals, which may have rather complex shapes.

Different Historical Model

Scientists Dalton J.J Thomson Rutherford Niels Bohr James Chadwick Models Solid, tiny,indivisible particles As the plum pudding model Includes the solid nucleus in the center of the atom Electron are fixed to orbital The nucleus of an atom is extremely small as compared to the entire size of the atom

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