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-2012 2010


Research Team
Jacob Enoh Eben Bijoue Togoh Thierry Kpehor Bassey Alaga

Editorial Team

Charles Kojo Vandyck Jimm Chick Fomunjong Ramde Yaya

Layout and Design

Steven Adusei Osei Bobie Gyebi

Copyright 2009 by WACSI All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsover without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For more information, contact:

West Africa Civil Society Institute

No. 9 Bingo Street, East Legon P. O. Box AT 1956 Achimota, Accra - Ghana Tel: +233 (0) 30 2542 010 / 2522 589 Fax: +233 (0) 30 2522 588 Printed in Ghana by ColorsPRO

Table of Contents
About the Implementing Organisations About WACSI About Trust Africa About OSIWA Introduction Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Cape Verde Chad Cote DIvoire Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone The Gambia Togo 7 7 7 7 8-9 10 - 18 19 - 26 27 - 42 43 - 46 47 - 50 51 - 57 58 - 105 106 - 110 111 - 113 114 - 122 123 - 129 130 - 133 134 - 138 139 - 169 170 - 179 180 - 190 191 - 196 197 - 202

About the Implementing Organisations

The West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) was created by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) to reinforce the capacities of civil society in the region. The Institute was established to bridge the institutional and operational gaps within civil society.
Vision: To strengthen civil society organisations as strategic partners for the promo-

tion of democracy, good governance and national development in the sub region.

Mission: The objective of the Institute is to strengthen the institutional and technical

capacities of CSOs in the formulation of policies, the implementation and promotion of democratic values and principles in West Africa. The role of WACSI is to serve as a resource centre for training, research, experience sharing and political dialogue for CSOs in West Africa. The Institute makes its plea through policy dialogue to discuss current issues affecting West African States. Reference documents are regularly published by the Institute and distributed to political leaders.

About Trust Africa

Trust Africa is an independent foundation that strives to secure the conditions for democracy and equitable development throughout the continent. Led by Africans, we convene dialogues, catalyze ideas, and provide grants and technical assistance to organizations working to advance these goals. At Trust Africa, we believe that institutional collaboration across Africa offers the best hope for developing lasting solutions to such intractable challenges as violence, discrimination, and economic isolation. Through agenda-setting workshops, collaborative grants, and technical assistance, we encourage African institutions to work together for a safe, free, and prosperous future. Trust Africa also makes small grants for capacity building to promote sound management, transparent governance, effective communication, and sustainable results among nongovernmental organizations in Africa. We not only cultivate these qualities in others, by providing technical assistance, but also strive to embody them in our own operations.


The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) was created in December 2000 as part of the world network of 32 autonomous foundations founded and supported by George Soros. These non-profit-making foundations share in the commitment to work for an open society. Based on the principle that no one has monopoly of the truth, an open society recognises the different points of view and always remains open to improvement. In practice, open societies are characterised by the priority of law, democracy, respect of diversity and human rights, liberalisation of markets, information to the people and the dynamism of civil society.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

It has become widely accepted that civil society is essential to governance, peace and development in West Africa. The region has witnessed an exponential growth in diverse configurations of civil society groups working at different levels of society. While the activities and achievements of a significant number of these groups are visible and have gained recognition, in reality, most civil society contributions remain unknown and undocumented. Furthermore, the level of collaboration and networking within the civil society sector is limited given the challenges of communication and transportation in West Africa. As a result there is often duplication of initiatives. In 2007, WACSI carried out a needs assessment among civil society actors in West Africa. One of the key outcomes of this assessment was a request from CSOs that the Institute develop a regional directory of civil society organisations in the region. WACSI took up this request and embarked on an 18-month project to develop a regional directory for civil society. The project which involved researching civil society in the 18 countries which make up geographical West Africa revealed more substantial challenges facing civil society. Specifically, a sizeable amount of civil society organisations are not registered or operate within a legal context. Many function in loose structures making it difficult to categorise them. Furthermore, a number of organisations function without physical addresses or telephone numbers making their inclusion in the directory problematic. The final product of the directory is the beginning of a continuous process of cataloguing civil society in West Africa. This maiden edition contains over 2,500 organisations working in 18 countries including, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, The Gambia, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad. Given the challenges encountered in compiling the directory, WACSI acknowledges that this is not an exhaustive list. Therefore, the institute is committed to reviewing and updating a published version of the directory every two years. However, an online version of the directory available on WACSIs website (www.wacsi. org) can be updated regularly and civil society actors are invited to register or update their contact details. WACSI envisions that this directory will facilitate the process of identifying civil society organisations working in specific locations. It will also enhance the potential for networking among civil society and increase possibilities for building cross regional constituencies for advocacy. WACSI recognises the contributions of a number of people in developing this directory. They include; Jacob Enoh Eben, Bijoue Togoh, Thierry Kpehor, and Bassey Alaga. Thelma Ekiyor

Executive Director WACSI

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Il est unaniment clair que la socit civile est essentielle la bonne gouvernance ; la paix et le dveloppement en Afrique de louest. On constate une croissance exponentielle de diverses organisations de la socit civile intervenant dans des diffrents niveaux de la socit. Pendant que les activits et les ralisations dun nombre signifiant de ses organisations sont visibles et reconnues, la plupart des contributions de la socit civile restent mconnues et non documentes. En plus, le niveau de collaboration et de rseautage au sein du secteur de la socit civile est limit due aux problmes de communication et du transport en Afrique de louest. En consquence ; il ya rptition des initiatives. En 2007, WACSI a men une tude sur les besoins au sein des acteurs de la socit civile en Afrique de louest. Lune des principales proccupations des acteurs tait que linstitut mette en place un rpertoire rgional des organisations de la socit civile. WACSI a pris note et a entam un projet de 18 mois sur la conception de ce rpertoire rgional de la socit civile. Le projet qui ,consiste lidentification des organisation de la socit civile dans les 18 pays que compte lAfrique de louest sur le plan Gographique a rvl beaucoup de problmes que rencontre la socit civile. Spcifiquement un nombre lev des organisations de la socit civile ne sont pas enregistr ou travaille dans un contexte lgal. Il est difficile de catgoriser les structures tant donn quelles sont mal organises. A cela sajoute le fait que bon nombre des organisations fonctionnent sans adresse ni numro de tlphone rendant leur intgration dans le rpertoire problmatique. Le produit final du rpertoire est le dbut dun processus continu de cataloguer la socit civile en Afrique de louest. Cette premire dition contient plus de 3,000 organisations travaillant dans 18 pays que sont : Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guine, The Gambie, Sngal, Guine-Bissau, Cape Vert, Nigeria, Cameroun, Mauritanie, Mali, Niger and Tchad. Etant donn les difficults rencontres dans llaboration du rpertoire, WACSI reconnait que ce nest pas une liste exhaustive. Par consquent linstitut sengage la rvision et la mise jour dune version publier du rpertoire chaque deux an. Bien quune version lectronique du rpertoire est sur le site de WACSI (www.wacsi. org) et peut tre mise jour rgulirement, les acteurs de la socit civile sont invites sinscrire et mettre jour leurs contacts. WACSI souhaite que ce rpertoire facilite le processus didentification des organisations de la socit civile travaillant dans diverses localits. Il accroitra le potentiel du rseautage au sein de la socit civile et augmentera les possibilits de construction dun pole rgional pour la plaidoirie . WACSI reconnait la contribution la dun nombre de personnes dans la conception de ce rpertoire. Nous citons ; Jacob Enoh Eben, Bijoue Togoh, Thierry Kpehor, et Bassey Alaga. Thelma Ekiyor

Directice Executive WACSI Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Benin is an independent republic, with a democratic government, which lies on the Gulf of Guinea. The capital city is Porto-Novo although the commercial capital is Cotonou. Other major cities are Abomey and Kandi. The official language is French and various local languages (Hausa in the north and the languages of the Fon and the Yoruba in the south) are also spoken. The local currency is the CFA-Franc. The economy of Benin remains dependent on subsistence agriculture, cotton production, and regional trade. Growth in real output has averaged around 4%, but rapid population growth has offset much of this increase. Inflation has subsided over the past years. In order to raise growth, Benin plans to attract more foreign investment, place more emphasis on tourism, facilitate the development of new food processing systems and agricultural products, and encourage new information and communication technology.

Le Benin
En bordure du Golf de Guinee, Le Benin est une rpublique indpendante avec un gouvernement dmocratiquement lu. La capital politique est Porto-Novo pendant que la capital conomique est Cotonou. Les autres villes importantes sont Abomey et Kandi. Le Franais est la langue officielle, cependant le Benin possde plusieurs langues locales dont le Fon et le Yoruba au Sud). Le CFA est la monnaie d change du pays. Lconomie du Benin reste une conomie dagriculture de subsistance, production de coton et de commerce rgional. La croissance relle est environs 4%, mais la croissance rapide de la population a un impact sur cette croissance. Linflation a diminu depuis plusieurs annes. Dans le but damliorer la croissance, le Benin projette attirer les investissements trangers, mettre laccent sur le tourisme, faciliter le dveloppement des systmes de traitements des denres alimentaires et des produits agricoles et encourager les nouvelles technologies de la communication et de linformation.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Benin - Capacity Building

Association pour un Dveloppement la Base Organisation Non Gouvernementale (ADB_ONG) Conseil des ONG en Activite du Benin

BP 423, Saint Michel, 09, Cotonou, Benin Tel: + 229 96 98 48 Fax: + 229 32 03 93 Email:

B.P. 1245, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 33 23 79 Fax: +229 31 25 20

Groupe Universel dEtude Politique et Economique

Centre dInformations Regionales pour le Developpement (CIRD)

Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 36 03 55

Route de lIITA, Immeuble Agence de Presse Proximites pres de la quincaillerie MACELEC; 02 BP 1112, Cotonou Email: /

Groupe dEtude et de Recherche sur la Democratie et le Developpement Economique et Social en Afrique

01 B.P. 1258, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 33 43 33 Fax: +229 33 44 99 / +229 33 43 32 Email:

Benin - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Africa Peace

Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 97076408 Email: Web:


Groupe dAide au Developpement et a la Paix

Carre 815 Missite, 01 B.P. 2167, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 32 57 42 Fax: +229 31 38 09

02 B.P. 265, Bohicon, Benin Tel: +229 510 836 Email:
Association Medias et Paix

Institut Universitaire pour laPaix et le Developpement de lAfrique

Abomey, Calavi Email: /

03 B.P. 2686, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 302 130 Fax: +229 312 002
Ecole Iinstrument de Paix

Vivre Ensemble avec nos Differences

B.P. 36, Parakou, Benin Tel: +229 61 00 70

Carre 40, Quinlenda II, Maison Feu Zannou-Tchoko, Etienne, P.B. 261, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 21 34 19 Fax: +229 21 25 25

Benin - Democracy & Good Governance

Association Beninoise de Droit au Developpement

Lot 2068; 04 BP 0608, Menotin Email: /

Association de Lutte contre le Racisme, lEthnocentrisme et le Regionalisme (ALCRER)

c/o Zongo Cotonou, 1 B.P. 2769, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 310 019 / +229 315 911 / +229 314 626 Fax: +229 313 445 / +229 314 534 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Dialogue on Democratic Decentralization (DDialogue)

Programme de Development Municipal, Module Afrique, de lOuest et Centrale 01 BP 3445, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 90 030 560 Email: Web:
Front des Organisations Nationales Contre la Corruption (FONAC)

Observatory of Democracy and the Good Governance in Africa

C / 1059 Place dEtoile Rouge, 071 B.P. 35, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 321 920

CHITOU Wassi, Ganhi, Cotonou Email: Observatoire Democratie Developpement 02 B.P. 659, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 29 82

B.P. 2193 Goho Abomey, Benin Tel: +229 511246 Fax: +229 511744 /
Transparency International-Benin

Reseau des ONG Beninoise pour la Gouvernance Democratique

03 B.P. 2174, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 21 30 80 38 40 Fax: +229 308039 Email: Web:

Benin - Education
Organisation pour la Recherche, lAutoPromotion et lEducation des Populations de Base

03 B.P. 3140, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 331 099

Benin - Environment and Sanitation

Alpha & Omega Environment

127 Natitingou, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 238 21619 Email:
Association pour le Developpement Autocentre et la Sauvegarde de lEnvironnement

Jeunesse Action Environnementale

Azove - Aplahouse Mono, 01 B.P. 3051, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 46 31 30

Les Amis de la Terre Benin

B.P. 287, Abomey, Benin Tel: +229 50 04 93 / +229 50 16 71


B.P. 1162, Jericho, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 21 05 Fax: +229 30 22 05 Email:
Mobilisation de la Charite pour un Developpement Integral

B.P. 142 POBE, Oueme, Benin Tel: +229 463226 Benin 21 03 B.P. 3630, Jericho, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 29 62 Fax: +229 30 51 11

B.P. 24, Come/Mono, Benin Tel: +229 05 97 48 B.P. 92, Aplahoue, Benin Tel: +229 49 44 85 Email:

Voisins Terre et Developpement

B.P. 1264, Parakou, Benin


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Benin - Health

01 B.P. 5879, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 352 164 /+229 045 753 Email:
Bien-etre Partage

Groupe de Recherche et dAction pour le Developpement Humain

03 B.P. 3338, Godomey-Womey, Benin Tel: +229 49 01 30

Centre des Ouvres Sociales la Veine

Carre 1786 Parcelle N Fidjrosse Kpotu, 02 B.P. 637, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 60 64 Fax: +229 30 60 64 Email:
Humanite Vivante

B.P. 29, Cov, Benin

P.B. 121, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 52 65 Fax: +229 21 25 25

Jeunesse Beninoise et SIDA

Groupe dAction pour le Bien Etre Social

04 B.P. 172, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 32 43 34 Fax: +229 32 43 34 Email:

B.P. 1584, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 95 88 91 Fax: +229 21 21 25 Email:
Organisation des Femmes Handicapees du Benin

03 B.P. 803, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 314947 Fax: +229 30 06 32 / +229 33 20 70

Benin - Human Rights & Justice

Action des Chretienspour lAbolition de la Torture

B.P. 216, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 312 427 / +229 300 233 Fax: +229 313701 / +229 313 809

Groupe dAction pour la Justice et lEgalite Sociale

04 B.P. 778, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 33 61 05


B.P. 222, Lokosssa, Benin Tel: +229 411 596

Association pour la Promotion des Droits d lHomme

Calavi Quartier Agori, 01 B.P. 4033, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 360 313 / +229 314 401 Fax: +229 302 816
Que Choisir Benin

07 B.P. 0222, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 32 15 82

Coalition Human Rights Task Group

05 B.P. 970, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 335 853 Fax: +229 334 241
Societe Africaine de Droit International et Compare

Immeuble Patisserie La Gastro, Mosque Cadjehoun, 3 eme etage, Av du Canada; 08 BP 396 Tri Postal Email:
Grande Dignite Humaine

01 B.P. 2167, Cotonou, 01, Benin Tel: +229 32 57 47

Solidarite Sans Frontiers

01 B.P. 4755, Cotonou, Benin

01 B.P. 3393, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 35 07 58 Fax: +229 30 23 38

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Benin - Poverty Alleviation

Association Beninoise pour la Promotion de lauto - emploi CENUDHO-D

03 B.P. 0076, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 300 181 Fax: +229 322 123

08 B.P. 1120, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 08 82 65

Centre de Communication des Humanistes du Benin

Association Internationale de Solidarit et dEntraide pour le Dveloppement (AISED)

03 B.P. 2982, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 32 31 37

Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 50 39


Association Nationale Solidarit-Emploi pour le Cameroun (APAIB)

02 BP 502229, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 06 92 76 Email:

B.P. 13, Bant, Benin Tel: +229 54 03 38 Fax: +229 54 02 62 Email:
ONG Autre Vie

Association Pour la Campagne Contre la Faim et Pour la Developpement (ACFD)

B.P. 1865, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 31 69

02 B.P. 685, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 94 29 01 Fax: +229 21 44 60 Email:
Rseau dAppui au Dveloppement des Capacits pour les Coopratives

Benin Vision

03 B.P. 2583, Cotonou, 03, Benin Tel: +229 30 52 49 Fax: +229 30 52 49

B.P. 1236, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 21 330 639 Fax: +229 21 331 506 Email:

Benin - Rural Development

Action Internationale Pour le Dveloppement du Milieu Rural en Afrique

B.P. 066, Hougogb, Benin

Centre Beninois pour le Developpement des Initiatives a la Base

Association Beninoise pour lEveil et le Developpement

B.P. 208 Bohicon (siege), 06 B.P. 2394, Cotonou, PK 3, Benin Tel: +229 511 600 / +229 315 474 Fax: +229 310 354 Email:
Association Beninoise pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales

B.P. 256, Bohicon, Benin Tel: +229 51 06 35 Fax: +229 51 07 33 Email:

B.P. 295, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 95 23 83

Rev Developpement

01 B.P. 539, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 222 014 Email:

B.P. 388, Abomey, Benin Tel: +229 93 09 48

Rseau Chrtien pour le Dveloppement (RCD)

Centre de Recherhe et des Initiatives pour lauto-Promotion du Monde Rurale (CERIAM)

01 B.P. 5964, Cotonou, 01, Benin Tel: +229 04 44 40

03 B.P. 4217 lot 1470bis vdoko Middji, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229026849 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Vision pour le Developpement des Communautes Rurales

B.P. 29, Klarek, Benin Tel: +229 49 43 46

Benin - Women & Children

Association des Femmes Juristes du Benin

04 B.P. 0331, Cotonou, 04, Benin Tel: +229 331 696 / +229 321 711 Fax: +229 322 786 Email:
Association Femme et Vie

Enfants Solidaires dAfrique et du Monde

08 B.P. 0049, Tri postal, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 52 37 / +229 30 24 90 Fax: +229 30 52 37 / +229 31 38 37 Email:
Federation Nationale des Associations des Femmes Beninoises

03 B.P. 262 Jericho, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 313 112 Fax: +229 315 429
Association Femme Lonlon-Beha

BP 01-3263 ou BP 937, Benin Tel: +229 21 314 807 / +229 314417

04 B.P. 511, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 322 075 Fax: +229 322 661

Reseau pour lIntegration des Femmes des ONG et Associations Africaines

Association Soeurs Unies lOeuvre

Carre 1115, Maison Gomez Wologuede, 02 BP 937, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 02 90 Email: /
Business and Professional Women (BPW)

C478 Maison Houessou, Rue de la Station Dovonou, Bar Tito, Cotonou SACHIL (Save Children) 01 B.P. 4726, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 76 04
Social Alert-Benin

01 B.P. 2522 Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 21 302071 Fax: +229 21 304463
Union des Femmes Musulmanes du Benin

C/489 Jericho, rue de la station Dovonou 02 BP 937 Cotonou Email:

Club Imagireve - Imagination et Reves dEnfants

B.P. 1331, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 33 06 64

Union des Femmes Methodistes du Benin

03 B.P. 3961, Jerico, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 38 14 69 Fax: +229 32 51 96 Email:

B.P. 571, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 49 87 Fax: +229 32 41 03

Benin - Youth
Association des Diplomes sans Emploi du Benin

B.P. 9183, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 331 099

Association for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

Association des Jeunes de Menontin

01 B.P. 2255, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 311 226 / +229 305 776

House Akodjetin Bienvenu, Agblangandan, P.B. 9038, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 336 220 / +229 333 585
Association Jeunesse Ambition

Association des Jeunes pour le Progress

03 B.P. 1139, Recette Jericho, Benin Tel: +229 334 753 / +229 901 158

P.B. 2173, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 222 643 Fax: +229 212 525

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012



01 B.P. 544, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 323 390

Club Planete Jeunes Alliance des Jeunes Beninois

Mutuelle de Jeunes Chretiens pour le Developpement

01 B.P. 2753, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 321 711 Fax: +229 322 786
Club Planete-Jeunes Peace

C / 4300 Segbeya Nord, 03 B.P. 0343, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 335 824 Fax: +229 335 824
Organisation de la Jeunesse Revolutionnaire du Benin

P.B. 351, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 212 199

Coalition APASIC ONG Action Jeunesse

01 B.P. 2746, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 31 08 26 / +229 35 02 84 Email:

Organisation de la Jeunesse Revolutionnaire Beninoise

Lot 1877 Fifadji, Maison Ahouansou BP 876 Calavi Email: P.B. 227, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 222 643 Fax: +229 212 525

Collective des ONG de Jeunesse du Benin

04 B.P. 1276, Cadjehoun, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 300 524 Fax: +229 322 909

Organisation de la Jeunesse Revolutionnaire du Beninoise

Ferme Internationale de la Jeunesse

04 B.P. 0214, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 304 770 / +229 303 181 Fax: +229 310 050
Jeunes pour la Culture et la Paix

B.P. 707, Parakou, Benin Tel: +229 610 280 / +229 300 524 Fax: +229 610 710 / +229 310 050
Organisation de Protection des Droits de lEnfants, des Jeunes et de la Femme

B.P. 131, Natitingou, Benin Tel: +229 82 16 26

Jeunesse Groupe Nouvelle Ethique

02 B.P. 685, rue 512 quartier Houinm, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 62 07 / +229 94 29 01 Fax: +229 22 62 07 Email: B.P. 01 SE, Mono, Benin Tel: +229 430 292
Rural Youth Christian Movement

Lucien Agbota, 01 B.P. 4007, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 324 108 / +229 323 267 Fax: +229 323 275 Email:
Jeunesse Nationale Autonome du Benin

Union de la Jeunesse Beninoise

06 B.P. 125, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 333 442

04 B.P. 0214, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 30 05 24 / +229 30 47 70 Fax: +229 31 00 50 / +229 32 29 09

Benin - Other

01 B.P. 4655, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 325 742

Aides Jeunes Rencontre Cyrabel

Association des Bonnes Volontes pour lExcellence

B.P. 16, Igolo, Benin Tel: +229 263 0 33 / +229 30 0 9 06

Association Groupe Accueil

03 P.B. 2501, Jericho, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 320 323 / 323 775 Email:

P.B. 1026, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 315 169 Fax: +229 312 079


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Association Orukutuku

B.P. 80, Dassa-Zoume, Benin Tel: +229 324 300 Fax: +229 324 300
Benin Developpement

B.P. 197 Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 95 954 034

Global Alternative


03 B.P. 1126, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 98 00 63

Centre Africa Obota

04 B.P. 0362, Cadjehoun, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 305 090 Fax: +229 311 754
Groupe dAssociations pour la Promotion de lArt et la Culture

04 B.P. 607, Cadjehoun, Cotonou Tel: +229 933672 / +229 944436 Fax: +229 305271 Email:
Centre Songhai

03 B.P. 2836, Jericho, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 904 817 Fax: +229 300 404 / +229 313 809

B.P. 597, Porto Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 50 92 Fax: +229 22 20 50 Email:
Centre des Actions pour le Developpement de lArt et de la Culture

Groupe de Recherche et dAction pour le Bien-Etre Social

04 B.P. 0172, Cotonou, 04, Benin Tel: +229 32 43 34 / +229 30 29 32 Fax: +229 32 43 34 / +229 30 28 73 Email:
Groupe Recherche Developpement

P.B. 2303, Abomey, Benin Tel: +229 501 680

Cine-Club Le Messager

7 Rue Etienne, c/n 107 Quartier Oganla Posta, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 214 741
Club dAmitie Benino-Neerlandais

04 B.P. 580, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 310 700 Fax: +229 302 205

01 B.P. 970, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 320 074

Handi-Club Sport

B.P. 171, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 313 240 Fax: +229 314 553

Conscience Civique Universelle

03 B.P. 215, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 06 80 97

Federation Internationale des Mouvements dAgriculture Biologique

c/o Jean Bosco Houedessou, B.P. 06, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 334 547 Fax: +229 302 353 Email:

B.P. 80, Dassa-Zoume, Benin Tel: +229 324 300 Fax: +229 324 300
Fleche Noire Sporting Club

B.P. 295, Ouidah, Benin Tel: +229 34 70 32 / +229 91 70 90 Email:

Institut Superieur Panafricain dEconomie Cooperative

08 B.P. 541, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 302 152 / +229 321 028

01 B.P. 1843, Porto-Novo, Benin Tel: +229 22 55 26 Fax: +229 42 72 09 Email: /

B.P. 1236, Recette principale, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 33 06 39 Fax: +229 33 15 06 Email: ispec@bpomtmet.bk

05 B.P. 389, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 90 39 92

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012



P.B. 06394, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 312 520 Fax: +229 312 075
LOeil dAujourdhui

ONG Elan

Maison Sani Agatha lot 120 quartier Awhanleko, 12e arrondissement, Cotonou Email:
ONG Tourisme Plus

01 B.P. 3980 R.P., Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 307 285 Email:
Ligue pour la Defense du Consommateur au Benin

B.P. 1674 Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 601340 Email:

Parti de la Nouvelle Politique pour le Developpement

Rue de IIITA, Immeuble Agence de Presse Proximities, 02 BP 1112, Cotonou

Maison des Collectivites Locales Benin

01 BP 4784; Quartier Gbenonkpo, Cotonou

ONG Developpement 2000

B.P. 07 - 0155, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 32 35 87 Fax: +229 32 34 42

Scoutisme Beninois

01 B.P. 1913, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 32 40 01

P.B. 2560, Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 323 833 Fax: +229 323 833


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso (formerly known as Upper Volta) is an independent republic with a democratic government, which lies to the west of Niger. The capital city is Ouagadougou, which is where the countrys international airport is situated. Other major cities are Koudougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. The official language is French, in addition to which, the most commonly spoken languages are Moore, Dioula and Peul. Education is provided free of charge and is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 14. The local currency is the CFA-franc. Burkina Faso has few natural resources and a weak industrial base. About 90% of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture, which is vulnerable to periodic drought. Cotton is the main cash crop and the government has joined with three other cotton producing countries in the region - Mali, Niger, and Chad - to lobby in the World Trade Organization for fewer subsidies to producers in other competing countries. Since 1998, Burkina Faso has embarked upon a gradual but successful privatization of state-owned enterprises. Having revised its investment code in 2004, Burkina Faso hopes to attract foreign investors.

Le Burkina Faso
Le Burkina Faso (ancien Haute Volta) est une rpublique indpendante avec un gouvernement dmocratique. Le pays se trouve louest du Niger avec pour capitale Ouagadougou. Les autres villes importantes sont Koudougou et Bobo-Dioulasso. La langue officielle est le Franais en plus des langues communment parles telles que le Moore, Dioula and Peul. Lducation est gratuite et obligatoire entre 7 et 14 ans. La monnaie dchange est le CFA. Le Burkina Faso possde des ressources naturelles limites et une capacit industrielle faible. Environ 90% de la population pratique une agriculture de subsistance qui est vulnrable en priode de scheresse. Le coton est la principale culture de rente et le gouvernement sest associ aux trois autres pays producteurs de cotton de la rgion- Mali, Niger, and Tchad pour plaidoyer pour un commerce quitable au niveau de lorganisation Mondiale du Commerce. Depuis 1998, le Burkina Faso a entam graduellement la privatisation de ses entreprises dEtat. Apres la rvision du code des investissements en 2004, le Burkina Faso espre attirer les investisseurs trangers.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Burkina Faso - Capacity Building

Cellule Nationale de Renforcement des Capacities des Organizations de la Societe Civile Secretariat des Organisations Non Gouvernementales

Rue Begnon Damien Kone, Porte 102 Cite, An III Email:

B.P. 131, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 01 75

Secretariat Permanent des ONG

Centre dEtudes Economiques et Sociales de lAfrique de lOuest

B.P. 305, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 97 10 17 / 97 23 06 / 97 16 84 Fax: +226 97 08 02 Email:

01 B.P. 131, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 62 63 Fax: +226 30 52 80

Burkina Faso - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Association pour la Paix et la Solidarite

01 B.P. 1940, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 342 196 Email: Web:

Commission Episcopale Justice et Paix (CJP)

11 BP 1261 CMS, Ouagadougou Rue 207, Porte 737, Secteur 2, Samandin Email: /

Burkina Faso - Democracy & Good Governance

Center for Democratic Governance

S/c PNUD 01 BP 575, Ouagadougou Immeuble des Nations Unies, Koulouba (secteur 4), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 335 881 Email: Web:
Le Groupe dEtudes et de Recherchs sur la Democratie et le Developpement Economique et Social au Burkina (GERDDES)

Organisation Catholique pour le Developpement et le Solidarite (OCADES)

01 B. P 1195, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 370 043 Email:

02 BP 5301, Ouagadougou 02, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 305 336 Email:

Burkina Faso - Education

Association dAppui lAlphabetisation et la Formation Professionnelle Association des Scolaires de Tamplan

B.P. 10103, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 76 671414 Email:

01 B.P. 1318, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 38 78 / 30 66 71 01 B.P. 4259, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 34 70 89

Association des Eleves et Etudiants de Tenoule


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Association of Muslim Students in Burkina Faso

01 B.P. 1817, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 27 89

Association PENGDWENDE

Federation Burkinabe des Associations et Clubs UNESCO

Avenue Houari Boumedienne Rue 5 183 01 BP 3411 Ouagadougou 01 Email: /
Association Som-Waoga pour lEducation et la Formation

09 B.P. 823, Ouagadougou, 09, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 72 15 / 30 72 15 Fax: +226 31 56 14

Federation des Unions des Groupements Naam

B.P. 100, Ougadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 55 04 11 / 55 01 10 Fax: +226 55 01 62 Email:

01 BP 4820, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 55 07 05 / 55 09 80 Fax: +226 55 07 05

Union des Jeunes pour lEducation et la Culture

03 B.P. 7050, Ougadougou, 03, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 38 07 51

Burkina Faso - Environment & Sanitation

Association pour le Developpement de Sono

02 B.P. 5467, Ouagadougou, 02, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 61 16

Club CPN Les Amis de la Nature

BP 76 Reo / Sanguie, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 445 015 Email:
Sahel Vert

Centre Regional pour lEau Potable et lAssainissement a Faible Cout

03 B.P. 7112, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 38 58 / 31 03 60 / 31 03 59 Fax: +226 31 03 61 Email:

B.P. 46, Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 55 02 76 Fax: +226 55 02 23 Email:

Burkina Faso - Health

Action on Disability and Development Programme de lAfrique de lOuest Francophone (ADD/PAOF) Association Catholique des Amis des Malades

BP 2226, Bobo Dioulasso, Houet Email:

AIDS Empowerment and Treatment International

c/o St Camille Parish, 01 B.P. 364, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 300 182 Fax: +226 360 563 01 B. P. 2162, Ougadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 383 299 Email:

Association SOS SIDA, Jeunesse Mobilisee

BP 5897 Av de la Liberte, Kadiogo Email:

Association dAppui et dEveil Pugsada

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Email:

Coalition des Familles Dans la Lutte Contre le HIV/ SIDA et la Pauvrete

01 B.P 5417, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 34 19 16 Fax: +226 34 19 16 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Comite National de Lutte Contre la Pratique de lExcision

B.P. 515, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 79 15 / 31 15 71 / 30 47 08 Fax: +226 31 67 37

HANDICAP International

Reseau Acces aux Medicaments Essentiels (RAME)

04 BP 8038 Ougadougou 04 Rue 9 03, Porte 144, Secteur 9, Kadiogo Email:
The Global Fund

01 BP 541 Ouagadougou 01 Email:

B.P. 7009, Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso Email: Web:

Burkina Faso - Human Rights & Justice

Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT) Burkinian Community Action Association

02 B.P. 5093, Ouagadougou 02, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 255 151 Email:
Association Le TOCSIN

01 B.P. 4071, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 35 02 Fax: +226 36 36 30

LUnion Interafricaine des Droits de lHomme

01 B.P. 937, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 354 790 Email: Web:
Amicale pour la Promotion de lEquilibre Social

01 B.P. 1346, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 61 45 Fax: +226 31 61 44 Email: uidh@fasonet.inf

Mouvement Burkinabe des Droits de lHomme et des Peuples

01 B.P. 6186, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 308408 Fax: +226 313052

01 B.P. 2059, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 31 50 Fax: +226 31 32 28

Burkina Faso - Poverty Alleviation

Association de Lutte Contre la Pauvrete

B.P. 2525, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 324 832 Fax: +226 313 359 / 332 830
Association Vive le Paysan

Centre Djiguiya-Prajo 33

B.P. 2889, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 25 74 20 / 23 25 48 Fax: +226 20 98 18 95

FAARF Credit Service

05 B.P. 6274, Ouagadougou, 05, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 3 16 36 Fax: +226 305 280 Email: B.P. 109, Djibo, Soum, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 55 10 10 Fax: +226 55 10 10
Caisse Villageoise dEpargne et de Credit

OuagadougouBurkina Faso Tel: +226 31 15 93 Fax: +226 31 62 73 Email:

Reseau des Caisses Populaires du Burkina Faso

38, avenue Raoul Follereau, 01 B.P. 5382, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 48 41 / 33 20 05 Fax: +226 304 910 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Union Regional des Cooperatives dEpargne et de Credit

B.P. 150, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso - Rural Development

Association Nationale dAction Rurale

01 B.P. 2314, Avenue Dimdolobson, Rue 3.24, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 32 53 Fax: +226 30 32 53 Email:
Centre de Formation Rural de Faunboanli

International Service

UNAIS, BP 6143, Porte 1103, Rue du Dr Goarnisson, Sector 1, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 307 191 Fax: + 226 50 314 290 Email:

B.P. 03, Diapaga, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 79 10 15

01 B.P. 2978, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 301 844 Fax: +226 50 301 844 Email:

Confdration Paysanne du Faso

Burkina Faso - Women & Children

Amicale des Femmes Forestieres du Burkina Faso

05 B.P. 6246, Ouagadougou, 05, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 300 909

Association of Widows and Orphans of Burkina Faso

01 B.P. 2226, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 78 95

Association Burkinabee pour la Survie de lEnfance

Association pour la Promotion Feminine

Avenue du Kadiogo; 02 BP 5262 O uagadougou 02 Email:

Association des Femmes Pag-la-Yiri

B.P.133, Goaula, Poni, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 870121

Entraide Feminine Bukinabe

09 B.P. 335, Ouagadougou, 09, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 34 00 Fax: +226 31 24 21

01 B.P. 339, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 81 39 / 36 45 44

Promo-Femmes / Developpement Sport

Association des Femmes Responsables de Famille

01 B.P. 2161, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 83 18

B.P. 2532, Houari Boumedienne, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 30 52 Fax: +226 31 30 52 Email:

Association Feminine Pour lEntraide au Developpement Durable

Reseau Interafricain Francophone des Femmes sur la Defense des Droits et la Violence Contre la Femme

03 P.O.Box 7124, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 324 752

01 B.P. 2532, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 30 52 Fax: +226 31 30 52

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Reseau de Communication, dInformation et de Formation des Femmes dans les ONG

01 B.P. 6473, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 22 25 Fax: +226 31 22 25

Reseau Inter-Africain de Lutte Contre les Violences Faites aux Femmes

01 B.P. 2532, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 30 52 Fax: +226 31 30 52

Reseau de Formation et dInformation sur les Droits Humains de la Femme

Union des Femmes Islamiques du Burkina

01 B.P. 633, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 33 70 / 36 36 89 Fax: +226 30 67 67

Reseau Femmes Africaines et Droits Humains

B.P. 04, Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso 01 B.P. 623, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 33 70

Women Action Research and Training Group

01 B.P. 633, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 33 70 / 36 36 89 Fax: +226 30 67 67

Burkina Faso - Youth

Association des Jeunes Dvous

01 B.P. 729, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 70265770 Email:
Association des Jeunes Dynamiques

Espoir Jeunesse du Troisieme Millenaire

01 B.P. 1267, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 603 6337

01 B.P. 4103, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 5031 2742 Email:
Association Jeunesse Action Developpement

Fondation pour le Developpement de la Jeunesse

BIRBA porte 824, BP 5165 Ougadougou Email:

Initiatives des Jeunes pour lEmploi et le Developpement au Burkina Faso

06 B.P. 9286, Ouagadougou, 06, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 362 163 / 364 727
Association Jeunesse Environnement Developpement au Sahel

01 B.P. 4239, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 97 23 61 / 36 38 61

Jeunesse Agricole Catholique Burkina Faso

01 B.P. 6404, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 32 48 70 / 32 48 72 Fax: +226 36 58 76 / 30 90 03

c/o Pere Gerard Riblier, Mission Catholique, B.P. 03, Diapaga - Fada Ngourma, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 79 19 25 / 79 01 34 Fax: +226 77 00 77
Jeunesse de lAssociation des Evangeliques / SIM - Burkina Faso

Association pour la Rromotion de la Jeunesse Africaine et le Developpement

09 B.P. 324, Ouagadougou, 09, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 02 13 x 407

Institute a lEcole Protestante, B.P. 267, Fada, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 77 00 53

Convention Nationale des Associations et Mouvements des Jeunes du Burkina

Reseau Africain Jeunesse Sante et Developpement du Burkina Faso (RASJ/BF)

03 B.P. 7050, Ouagadougou, 03, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 38 07 51

09 BP 324 Ouagadougou; secteur 17 Quartier Cissin, Kadioga, Burkina Faso Email:,


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

SOS Jeunesse et Defis (Youth and Challenges)

01 P.O.Box 4599, Ouagadougou Email:

Burkina Faso - Other

Agence de Promotion des Materiaux Appropris Citoyens du Monde

01 B.P. 3814, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 313 764
Anthropos International

01 B.P. 3689, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 391 628 Email: Web:

06 B.P. 9987, Ouagadougou, 06, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 300123

Association AM.M.I.E.

B.P. 2889, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 98 12 77 / 97 11 90

Federation des Eglises et Missions Evangeliques

B.P. 320, Ouahigouya, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 55 09 24 Fax: +226 55 09 24 Email:
Association des Guides du Burkina Faso

01 B.P. 108, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 361 426 Email:

01 B.P. 4910, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 19 83

Association Esperance 57

B.P. 383, Bobo-doioulasso, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 23 25 48 Fax: +226 88 00 31 Email:
Association PEM LON

09 B.P. 977, Ouagadougou 09, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 366 017 Email: Web:

Fdration Nationale des Organisations Paysannes

Generations in Solidarity Association

B.P. 167, Toma, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 76647651 Email:
Association Raymond Paaga (ARP)

01 B.P. 6160, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 36 21 17 Fax: +226 36 21 17

03 BP 7118 Ouga 03, Pissy - Kadiogo Email:

Catholic Relief Service Burkina Faso

Groupement Sainte Perpetue / Weend Som Paseta Group

01 B.P. 469, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 50 343 474 Email: Web:

01 B.P. 5466, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 73 92

Guides - Burkina Faso

01 B.P. 2311, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 00 28

Humanitarian Assistance Association

Cercle dAssistance, de Formation dEmploi et de Stages

Boulevard France-Afrique, Secteur 16, 01 B.P. 6368, Ougagougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 42 34 / 38 15 10 Fax: +226 38 14 89

01 B.P. 1690, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 31 14 68

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Mouvement de lUnion Africaine

05 B.P. 6235, Ouagadougou, 05, Burkina Faso

Organisation Nationale des Syndicats Libres

Radio Rurale Locale de Poura

Province des Bale, Department de Poura, BP 65 Email:

SAWADOGO Bila Abdoulaye

01 B.P. 99, Ouagadougou, 01, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 30 72 77 / 43 01 50 Fax: +226 30 72 77

Birba porte 824, 01 BP 5165, Ouaga 01 Email:

Organisation pour le Reinforcement des Capacities de Developpement (ORCADE)

03 BP 7021 Ouagadougou


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

The former French Cameroon and part of British Cameroon merged in 1961 to form the Republic of Cameroon. Cameroon has generally enjoyed stability, which has permitted the development of agriculture, roads, and railways, as well as a petroleum industry. Despite a slow movement towards democratic reform, political power remains firmly in the hands of President Paul BIYA. Cameroon has one of the best-endowed primary commodity economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Still, it faces many of the serious problems facing other underdeveloped countries, such as stagnating per capita income, a relatively inequitable distribution of income, a top-heavy civil service, and a generally unfavorable climate for business enterprise. International oil and cocoa prices have a significant impact on the economy.

Le Cameroon
Lancienne colonie Franaise, le Cameroun et la partie du Cameroun Anglais en 1961 pour former lactuel Cameroun. Le Cameroun est un pays stable ce qui permet le dveloppement de lagriculture, le routes, le chemin de fer ainsi que lindustrie du ptrole. En dpit dune avance lente vers les reformes dmocratiques le pouvoir politique reste dans les mains du Prsident Paul Biya. Le Cameroun possde lune des meilleures matires premire pour son conomie en Afrique subsaharienne. Cependant il continue davoir de srieux problmes que rencontrent les autres pays sous-dvelopps, savoir le faible revenue par habitant, la distribution ingale des ressources du pays, une administration publique trs lourde ainsi quun environnent malsain pour le dveloppement des affaires. Les prix du cacao et du ptrole inluencent lconomie du pays.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Cameroon - Capacity Building

Association des Volontaires Camerounais pour la Formation et la Recherche au Developpement

B.P. 2832, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 0923 Fax: +237 22 23 0923

Coalition des ONG et OCB du Cameroun Oeuvrant dans le Domaine des Etablissements Humains

Association of Womens Information and Coordination Offices

B.P. 14836, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 26 25 75 /22 23 98 28 Fax: +237 22 23 46 77 Email: Web:

B.P. 5024, Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon Email:

Association pour le Soutien et lAppui la Femme Entrepreneur

Coalition des Organisations Africaines pour la Securit Alimentaire et le Dveloppement Durable

B.P. 5213, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 29 70 Fax: +237 33 42 29 70 Email:
Cabinet Speed Works Ltd.

B.P. 11813, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 68 48 Fax: +237 22 22 86 55 Email:

Collectif des ONG pour la Scurit Alimentaire et le Dveloppement Rural

B.P. 4511, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 43 22 73

Cameroon Association of Woman Entrepreneurs

S/c Mme Doven Nispa, B.P. 13213, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 43 16 79 Fax: +237 33 42 89 56

B.P. 2338, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 91 99 Fax: +237 33 42 30 06 Email:

Fdration des Associations Fminines du Cameroun

B.P. 14702, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 40 01 Email:

International Relations Institute of Cameroun (IRIC)

Center for Private Sector Development

B.P. 11131, Yaound, Cameroon Fax: +237 22 31 97 21

Centre Fminin pour la Promotion du Dveloppement

B.P. 1637, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 03 05 Fax: +237 22 31 03 05

B.P. 8376, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 13 17 Fax: +237 22 31 13 17 Email:

Organisme de Dveloppement, dEtude de Formation et de Conseils en Abrg (ODECO)

Centre for Action-Oriented Research on African Development

B.P. 13429, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 18 25 Fax: +237 22 23 18 25 Email:

B.P. 4263, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 39 84 Fax: +237 22 23 94 04 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cameroon - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

African Strategic and Peace Research Group

Cameroon Email: Web:

Association for Nonviolence

Ecumenical Youth Peace Initiative Commission

P.O. Box 359, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 20 34 Fax: +237 33 36 20 36 Email:

B.P. 2988, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 50 38

Association Mondiale pour LEcole Instrument de Paix

Initiatives Agency for Peace and Development

P.O. Box 7715, Mfoundi, Essos Quarter, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 98 02 06 / 22 23 96 99 Fax: +237 22 22 62 62 Email:
Cameroon Action Network on Small Arms

P.O. Box 4005, Mfoundi, Vallee Nlongkak, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 74 53 97 Email:

International Club for Peace Research (ICPR)

BP 12214, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 60 23 34 Email:

Rue 1276, Peace House, Descente Avenue Germaine, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 39 59 Email: Web: Mankon Bamenda, Cameroon Email:
Peaceworkers Cameroon Peace Makers Society and Partners

Cameroon Youths and Students Forum for Peace

BP. 3873, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 32 93 61 Email: Web: (Under construction)

P.O. Box 1218, Limbe, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 79 58 76

The Centre for Action-Oriented Research on African Development (CARAD)

Club International pour la Recherche de la Paix

B.P. 13942, Yaound, Cameroun Descente avenue Germaine, rue 1276, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 43 03 / 22 23 10 96 Email:
Commission Diocesaine Justice et Paix

B.P. 13429, Central Post Office, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 318 25
The Ecumenical Youth Peace Initiative Commission (EYPIC)

P.O.Box 1836, Mfoundi, behind College Retraite, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 04 83 Email:
Ecumenical Service for Peace

PO Box 359, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 20 34 Email:

The World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)

P.O.Box 12214, Norbert Kenne Memorial Peace House, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 20 05 /33 31 20 06 Fax: +237 22 31 22 55 Email: Web:

B.P. 7715, Yaounde, Cameroon Email: Web:

World Conference of Religions for Peace Cameroon

P.O.Box 1638, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 95 45 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Cameroon - Education
Africa Book Development

B.P. 727, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 56 32 68 Fax: +237 22 23 07 68 Email: a
Association Chrtienne des Foyers

Educ Actions

B.P. 5515, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 98 37

Fdration Nationale des Associations de Parents dlves

B.P. 550, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 63 05

Association des lves et Anciens lves de lESIEC - AMPAC

Bd. des Nations Unies, B.P. 1831, Douala, Cameroun Tel: +237 33 43 32 82 / 9 49 59 49 Fax: +237 33 43 32 82
Global Education and Environment Development Foundation (GEED Foundation)

Douala, Cameroon Tel: +2379985 67 13 Email:

Association cole et Dveloppement

B.P. 5123, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 04 44 Fax: +237 22 23 04 44

P.O. Box 566, Mile Two Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 75 55 58 Email:

Ligue pour lEducation de la Femme et de lEnfant

Association pour la Formation et lInsertion sociale de lAdolescent et de la Femme

B.P. 11 648, Avenue Hamadou Ahidjo (face marche central), Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 01 28 Fax: +237 22 22 85 60 Email: Web:

B.P. 14702, Yaounde, Cameroun Tel: +237 222 40 01 Fax: +237 223 14 53 Email:
National Book Development Council

Benevolent Community Education and Rural Development Society

Opposite Paramount Hotel, Appt 3, Box 364 Buea, Fako Division, South West Province, Cameroon Email:
Organisation pour lducation et la Protection de lEnfant Africain

P.O. Box 368, House No. 15, Federal Quarters, Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 52 52 06 Fax: +237 33 32 21 06 Email: Web: P.O. Box 247, Bamenda, Northwest Province, Bamenda, Cameroon Fax: +237 33 36 21 11
Centre dEducation Populaire et dAnimation pour le Dveloppement

B.P. 4295, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 08 66 Fax: +237 33 42 72 15

Research for Enterprise, Industries, Technology and Development (EITD Research)

Cameroon Association of University Women

P.O. Box 168, Kumba, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 35 41 47 / 33 35 92 61 Fax: +237 33 35 41 47 / 33 35 41 47 Email: Web:
ROCARE (Cameroun)

B.P. 12741, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 77 62

Centre dExcellence de Nkong-Kwalla: Bibliothque Suzanne et Joseph Tjga

B.P. 7915, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 57 64 Fax: +237 22 22 46 35

B.P. 6294, Douala, Cameroon


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cameroon - Environment & Sanitation

African Forest Action Network

P.O. Box 2503, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 97 02 Fax: +237 22 23 07 68

Association Camerounaise des Jeunes pour la Promotion des Initiatives de Dveloppement et pour la Protection de lEnvironment

Centre for Environment and Development

B.P. 3430, Etoa-Meki, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 38 57 Fax: +237 22 22 38 59 Email: Web:
Centre for the Environment and Rural Transformation

B.P. 15402, Bepanda, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 96 90 Fax: +237 33 42 58 16 / 40 46 32

Association des Femmes pour lAssainissement et la Protection de lEnvironnement

P.O. Box 170, Limbe, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 33 22 47 Fax: +237 33 33 22 47 /33 33 23 00
Centre International dtudes Forestires et Environnementales

B.P. 11709, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 93 85 Fax: +237 22 20 89 12

Association for Development, Communication, and Environment

B.P. 2503, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 97 02 Fax: +237 22 23 97 01 Email:

P.O. Box 252 Buea, Camtel Building, Clerks-Quarters Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 32 35 05 Email: Web:
Association pour la Coopration des glises, lEnvironnement et le Dveloppement de lAfrique Centrale

Centre pour lEnvironnement et le Dveloppement

BP 3430, Etoa-Meki, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 38 57 Fax: +237 222 38 59 Email: Web: org/index.php

B.P. 3008, Bonanjo, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 47 31 45

Cameroon Network for Development and Environment

P.O. Box 837, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 54 69 Fax: +237 22 23 94 91 Email:

B.P. 59, Nanga-Eboko, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 86 05 Fax: +237 22 23 46 42

Cercle des Amis de la Fort pour le 21e Sicle

Centre pour lEnvironnement et le Dveloppement Rural

Cellule pour le Developpement Integre et LEnvironment

P.O. Box 140, Garoua, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 58 21 20 Email:

B.P. 7455, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 40 35 18 Fax: +237 33 40 64 03 Email: Web:

Fondation Camerounaise dActions Rationalisees et de Formation sur lEnvironment

Centre de Recherches Forestires Applique et de Dveloppement

Carrefour Mvan, Messa, Yaounde

B.P. 885, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 08 92 Fax: +237 22 31 08 94 Email:

Fondation pour lAmelioration de lHabitat et la Protection des Materiaux Produits Localement au Cameroun

B.P. 8147, Yaounde, Cameroon

Forum des Amis de la Nature

BP 4696, Yaounde, Cameroon Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


B.P. 12909, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 21 35 Fax: +237 22 22 29 88 Email:
Promoters of Environmental Management in Sustainable Agriculture in Highlands Regions (PEMSAHR)


Sustainable Agro-Forestry Promoters

P.O. Box 514, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 15 88 Fax: +237 33 36 22 30

The Club for the Promotion of Hygiene, Sanitation and the Protection of the Environment

P.O. Box 4048, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 17 30 Fax: +237 33 36 22 30 Email: B.P. 2503, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 97 02 Fax: +237 22 23 97 01
Rseau Africain dActions Forestires

P.O. Box 24, Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 32 22 89 Fax: +237 33 32 22 89

The Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights (FEEDAR & HR)

Rseau Education Sant Dveloppement Environnement

P. O. Box 321, Kumba, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 89 52 01 Email: Web:
Trees for the Future

Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 29 58

Rural Women Environmental Protection Association

P.O. Box 5553, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 28 05 Fax: +237 22 21 53 98

World Conservation Union - Cameroon

B.P. 2186, Sonac Street, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 18 40 Fax: +237 33 36 18 40 Email:

B.P. 5506, Bureau regional de lUICN pour lAfrique Centrale, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 64 96 Email: Web:

Cameroon - Health
Africa Famille et Progrs

B.P. 4395, Siege Social, Yaound, Cameroon Fax: +237 22 29 21 00 / 24 75

African Action on AIDS, Inc.

B.P. 4340, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 54 86 Fax: +237 22 20 54 86 Email:
Association Camerounaise pour le Bien tre Familial

Rue Njonjo Bonapriso, 11086 Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 40 7753 Fax: +237 33 40 4912 Email: Web:
Association Nationale de Soutien aux Personnes ges au Cameroun

Association Mondiale des Elites Infirmes

B.P. 188, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 96 55 03

B.P. 11994, Yaound, Cameroon

Baptist Health Center

B.P. 7315, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 39 22 66 Fax: +237 33 40 31 18

Association de Recherche-Action en Sant Reproductive

B.P. 2039, Messa, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 14 86


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cameroon Association for Adolescents Health

Organisation Sant des Femmes Chretiennes

P.B. 5547, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: + 237 22 31 68 89 Fax: +237 22 22 18 73

B.P. 948, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 27 78

Reseau sur lEthique, le Droit et le SIDA

B.P. 12741, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 04 03

Centre dAnimation Sociale/Sanitaire

21 Rue de la Grde mosquee, BP5877, Tsinga Email:

Service Catholique de la Sant

Cercle des Volontaires Camerounais pour le Bien-tre Communautaire

B.P. 814, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 90 33 /22 20 83 96 Fax: +237 22 22 03 34

Hope Foundation

B.P. 767, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 32 27 46 Fax: +237 22 32 27 46

Society for Women and AIDS In Africa Branche Camerounaise (SWAA CAMEROUN)

P.O. Box 8802, Yaounde 14, Yaounde, Cameroon Email: Web:
International Association for the Fight Against AIDS

B.P. 7315, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 40 31 18 Fax: +237 33 40 31 18 Email:
The Global Fund, Cameroon

B.P. 8134, Yaound, Cameroon

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

PO Box 12909, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 01 72 Email: Web:

B.P. 6157, Avenue du General de Gaulle, 14, rue 1030, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 58 59 Email: Web: B.P. 4826, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 49 81
National Association for the Rational Use of Drugs Main dans la Main

Trauma Centre Cameroon (TCC)

BP 30346, Adjacent to Lycee Biyem Assi, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 35 27 Fax: +237 22 31 22 55 Email: Web:
Union Nationale des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapes du Cameroun

P.B. 340, Buea, Cameroon

National Students Union for the Control of AIDS

B.P. 5349, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 76 90 Fax: +237 22 22 18 73

B.P. 8313, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 10 24 Fax: +237 22 22 10 24

Cameroon - Human Rights & Justice

Action des Chretiens pour LAbolition de la Torture

82 Mankon, Archbishop House, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 666 088 Email:

Association des Juristes Camerounais pour les Droits de lHomme

B.P. 5911, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 90 64 Fax: +237 33 42 22 30 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


B.P. 20447, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 62 62 Fax: +237 22 22 9833

Association des Juristes Chretiens pour la Justice, la Paix et la Protection de lHomme

Association of Human Rights and Torture Defenders

PO Box 269, First Floor, Storey Building Opp. High Court, Kumba, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 03 06 13 Fax: +237 33 35 40 09 Email: Web: P.O.Box 315, Ntarikon,, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 3362111 Email:
Inalienable Rights Human Rights Clinic and Education Centre

Global Conscience Initiative

P.O.Box 157, SWP, Cameroon Email:

Association pour la Promotion des Droits de lHomme en Afrique Central

P.O.Box 11628, Catholic University Campus, Ekounou Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 54 99 Email:

4th Floor, Immeuble SOPECAM, P.O.Box 8309, Deido, Littoral Province Email:
International Federation of Women Lawyers in Cameroon (FIDA)

Association pour le Respect des Droits de lHomme

B.P. 5392, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 68 17 Fax: +237 22 22 61 75

B. P. 126, Limbe, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 33 23 85

La une des Droits de LHomme et des Libertes

Cameroon Students Human Rights Club

B.P. 8216, Yaound, Cameroon Email: B.P. 4661, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 21 46 Fax: +237 22 22 18 73
Colombes Sans Frontires

P.O.Box 290, Diamare, Domayo Quarter, Maroua, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 54 37 59

Ligue des Droits et Libertes (League of Rights and Civil Liberties)

Civic Education and Human Rights Association

P.O.Box 811, Immeuble Tchouamo Alexis Bafoussam Cameroon Tel: +237 33 44 49 54 Email:

B.P. 14892, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 48 62 Fax: +237 22 22 18 73

Fdration dAfrique Centrale des Associations pour la Promotion des Droits des Personnes Handicapes

Mouvement pour la Defense des Droits de LHomme et des Libertes

P.O. Box 472, Diamare, Harde Quarter, Maroua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 29 33 92 Email: B.P. 20317, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 61 17 Fax: +237 22 22 60 82 Email: Web:

B.P. 30515, Biyem Assi, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 31 76 90 Email:
Fdration des Juristes Africaines

National Commission of Human Rights and Freedom (NCHRF)

B.P. 14195, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 44 76 Fax: +237 22 23 17 96

Nouveaux Droits de LHomme (New Human Rights Group)

32 rue polyclinique Bastos, P.O.Box 4063, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 52 45 94 Email: /


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

B.P. 13702, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: 237 22 31 85 50

Organisation pour la Promotion des Droits de lHomme de la Democratie

The Human Rights Eye and Education Centre

P.O.Box 91, Kumba, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 84 24 20 Email:

SOS Droits de LHomme et Democratie

P.O.Box 377, Diamare, Avenue Kakatare, Maroua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 29 19 71 Email:

P.O. Box 1930, Mbengwi, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 40 41 Fax: +237 33 36 23 78 Email: Web:

Volunteers for Prison Inmates

Cameroon - Poverty Alleviation


B.P. 10087, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 16 57


BP 185 Casier 376, ESSOS Centre Email:

Groupe de Lutte Contre la Pauvret Mawanda Ma Synodical

Association des Conseillers en Economie Sociale et Familiale du Cameroun

B.P. 25 195, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 99 41 19 Fax: +237 77 59 57 72 Email:

B.P. 5632, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 37 86 Fax: +237 33 42 40 22

Association des Handicaps Moteurs et Ampputs du Cameroun

Micro-Finance et Dveloppement

B.P. 5349, Nlongkak, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 67 90

CARE International

B.P. 4340, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 54 86 Fax: +237 22 20 54 86 Email:

B.P. 422, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 17 14 /22 20 65 63

Civil Society Coordination Against Poverty

Mouvement International Contre la Pauvrete en Afrique

B.P. 6851, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 221 56 2 05 Fax: +237 22 21 5605 Email:

P.O. Box 8258, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 76 59 90 Email:

New Integrated Collective Initiative for Poverty Alleviation (NICOLIPA)

Cooprative dEpargne et de Crdit des Femmes Rurales du Dja et Lobo

B.P. 24, Sangmelima, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 28 83 36

Credit Cooperative Populaire Cameroun

P. O. Box 552 Mukonje, Kumba, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 79 37 93 Email: Web:

SOS Women - Cooperative deEpargne de Credit et de Promotion de lInvestissement

B.P. 7928, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 61 92

Fondation Chantal Biya

B.P. 1936, Rue Henri Dunan, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 20 00 Fax: +237 22 23 05 04 Email:

B.P. 12100, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 41 75 Fax: +237 22 23 41 75 / 22 22 21 34 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Cameroon - Rural Development

Actwid Kongadzem

P.B. 16, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 33 55 00 Fax: +237 33 36 31 36 Email:
Association des Femmes Rurales Sans Accs

Community Independent Development Resource Centre (CIDR)

P.O.Box 58, Buea, South West Province Email:

Dikome Balwe Development

B.P. 14 625, Yaound, Cameroon Fax: +237 22 21 61 17

P.B. 2719, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 68 50


Association Jeunes Education Sant Environnement Dveloppement a lEst

Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 98 03 39 / 237 222 0441 Fax: +237 99 98 03 39

Association pour la Promotion des Initiatives Communautaires Africaines

B.P. 12043, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 47 11 01 Fax: +237 33 37 18 43

Research Institute for Development and Communication Strategies

B.P. 5946, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 42 12 28 Fax: +237 22 43 17 30

P.O. Box 147, Kumba, Southwest Province, Cameroon Tel: +237 771 1490 Fax: +237 335 4009 Email:

Bokwai Common Inititative Group

P.B. 57, Bua, Bokwai Village, Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 32 25 86 Fax: +237 33 32 26 30
Centre dAccompagnement de Nouvelles Alternatives de Dveloppement Local

Rural Integrated Development Programme (CRIDP)

P.O.Box 879 Mankon-Bamenda Mezam Division, North West Province Email:
Socit Cooprative de Gestion et dEncadrement Rural

P.O. Box 3799, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 31 40 Fax: +237 22 20 55 20 Email: P.O. Box 6485, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 60 24 85 Email:

B.P. 43, Maroua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 29 20 98 Fax: +237 22 29 33 30

Communities for the Years 2000 & Beyond

Union des Femmes Actives pour le Developpement du Grand Nord Cameroun Ngaoundr, Cameroon

Tel: +237 77 39 79 48 Fax: +237 22 25 14 96 Email:

Cameroon - Women & Children

Actwid Kongadzem

P.B. 16, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 33 55 00 Fax: +237 33 36 31 36 Email:
Association des Femmes Rurales Sans Accs

Association Jeunes Education Sant Environnement Dveloppement a lEst

Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 98 03 39 / 237 222 0441 Fax: +237 99 98 03 39

Association pour la Promotion des Initiatives Communautaires Africaines

B.P. 14 625, Yaound, Cameroon Fax: +237 22 21 61 17

B.P. 5946, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 42 12 28 Fax: +237 22 43 17 30


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Bokwai Common Inititative Group

P.B. 57, Bua, Bokwai Village, Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 32 25 86 Fax: +237 33 32 26 30
Centre dAccompagnement de Nouvelles Alternatives de Dveloppement Local

Research Institute for Development and Communication Strategies

P.O. Box 147, Kumba, Southwest Province, Cameroon Tel: +237 771 1490 Fax: +237 335 4009 Email:
Rural Integrated Development Programme (CRIDP)

P.O. Box 3799, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 31 40 Fax: +237 22 20 55 20 Email: P.O. Box 6485, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 60 24 85 Email:

Communities for the Years 2000 & Beyond

P.O.Box 879 Mankon-Bamenda Mezam Division, North West Province Email:
Socit Cooprative de Gestion et dEncadrement Rural

Community Independent Development Resource Centre (CIDR)

B.P. 43, Maroua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 29 20 98 Fax: +237 22 29 33 30

P.O.Box 58, Buea, South West Province Email: Dikome Balwe Development P.B. 2719, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 68 50

Union des Femmes Actives pour le Developpement du Grand Nord Cameroun

Ngaoundr, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 39 79 48 Fax: +237 22 25 14 96 Email:

B.P. 12043, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 47 11 01 Fax: +237 33 37 18 43

Cameroon - Youth
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team

P.O.Box 360, Kumba

Cameroon Dynamic Youth Forum

Association Camerounaise Jeunesse Avenir

B.P.1190, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 98 8983 Fax: +237 33 42 67 65 Email:

P.O. Box 20413, 32 Ave Polyclinique Bastos, Yaounde, Cameroon Email: P.O. Box 8433, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 17 05 Email:
Cameroon Youth Development Foundation

Association Enfants Jeunes et Avenir

B.P. 5988, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 92 93 Fax: +237 22 20 90 03

Catholic Youth Federation: Archdiocese of Bamenda

Association pour la Promotion des Jeunes

P.B. 8325, C/o Pierre Sobze, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 40 11 20

P.B. 16, Bamenda Archbishops House, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 12 42

Association pour le Dveloppement des Femmes et des Jeunes

Limbe, Cameroun Email:,

Centre dAnimation des Jeunes Pour lAppui au Developpement

B.P. 2213, Messa, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 00 92 Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Jeunesse Africaine pour la Cooperation lIntegration, le Developpement et la Democratie

Mouvement Humanitaire pour la Jeunesse Dsoeuvre

B.P. 20464, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 54 41 Fax: +237 33 42 52 67 B.P. 1963, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 17 98 Fax: +237 22 31 17 98

P.B. 10, Bameka, Bamendjou, Cameroon

Network of African Youths for Development (NAYD)

Jeunesse Agricole Catholique - Cameroon

Cameroon Email: Web:

Presse Jeune

Jeunesse ouvrire chrtienne - Cameroun

B.P. 11527, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 17 78 Fax: +237 22 31 17 78 Jeunesse sans frontires B.P. 6912, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 40 26 02 Fax: +237 33 40 26 02 Email:

B.P. 12147, 17, rue Sebastien Essomba Abbe (Ecole de Police), Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 72 41 Fax: +237 22 20 96 35 / 22 22 62 62 Email:
The Buea Youth Foundation (BYF)

P.O. Box 88, Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 7775 31 92 Email: Web:
Youth Alert Association (YAA)

Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOCCAMEROON)

P.O. Box 185 C106, BonamousadiYaounde. New Bridge Linking Bonamousadi and Obili, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 75 66 14 57 Email:

P.O. Box, 11220, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 45 46 47 Email:

Youth Outreach Programme

P.B. 5185, Suite 105, NWCA Building, Commercial Avenue, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 10 80 Fax: +237 33 36 31 95

Cameroon - Other
Abang Farmer Common Initiative

P.O. Box 203, Cameroon Email:

Action for Sustainable Development

AID - Cameroun

B.P. 4573, Yaound, Cameroon Fax: +237 22 23 98 37

Amicale Internationale

B.P. 1354, Bafoussam, Cameroun Tel: +237 44 30 02 Fax: +237 44 34 36 B.P. 14836, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 61 69 Fax: +237 22 23 46 77

B.P. 6579, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 21 14 Fax: +237 22 22 62 62

Association Camerounaise pour le Marketing Social

Action pour le Bien-tre dans la Cit

B.P. 14025, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 92 24 Fax: +237 22 20 92 24

Africa Association of Free Trade

P. O. Box 25131, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 27 68 Fax: + 237 22 22 18 73

Association Culturelle Misson de Rcration

B.P. 5251, Douala-Akwa, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 37 27 94 Fax: +237 33 42 05 64 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Association de Professionnelles Africaines de la Communication

Centre Humanitaire Polyvalent de Douala

B.P. 5266, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 5612 Fax: +237 22 21 5612

B.P. 4 511, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 43 22 73 Fax: +237 33 43 22 73

Association des Compresss et Retraits des Brasseries du Cameroon

Cercle International pour la Promotion de la Cration

B.P. 6825, Yaound, Cameroon

Association des Guides du Cameroon

P.B. 11910, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 93 95 Fax: +237 22 22 62 62 / 22 22 62 63

Association Nationale de Comits des Langues Camrounaises

B.P. 1256, Bafoussam, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 44 62 67 Fax: +237 33 44 66 69 Email: B.P. 8376, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 70 51 Fax: +237 22 22 18 73

Cercle pour la Promotion du Dveloppement

B.P. 2905, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 91 43 Fax: +237 22 31 91 43 Email:

Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Cameroon

Association pour la Promotion Agricole, Sociale, Artisanale et Culturelle

P.O. Box 16, Garoua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 27 25 73 Email: Web: B.P. 147022, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 40 01 Fax: +237 22 22 40 01
Citizens Civic Education

B.P. 511, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 18 73

Association Rene Cassin du Cameroun (ARCC)

13 allee Nfandena (derriere rue Foe), Quartier Omnisport, BP 2020 Yaounde Email:
Atelier Material Audio-Visual

Coalition des ONG Camerounaises pour la Scurit Alimentaire

B.P. 1984, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 66 75 Fax: +237 22 20 66 75

BP 267, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 08 34 Email:

Bibliotheque Pilote Provincial Jean Louis Njemba Medou

Cohsion des Femmes et des Jeunes sans Emploi pour la Promotion des Activits Agricoles

B.P. 11676, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 52 32 P.O.Box 1963 Yaounde Email:

B.P. 108, Ebolowa, Cameroon Email:

Conference Episcopale Nationale du Cameroun

Centre dAppui au Dveloppement Alimentaire

B.P. 1823, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 37 52

Countryside Foundation for Sustainable Development

Centre de Recherch et dAction pour le Developpement Durable

P.O. Box 4975, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 75 83 10 Email:

Centre dExcellence pour la Promotion, lInnovation et le Developpement

P.O. Box 14302, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 79 13 Fax: +237 22 20 35 19 / 22 21 55 71 Email:

Danse Traditionnelle Bantou Cameroun Folklorique - ESSINGANG

B.P. 3774, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 69 87

B.P. 765, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +41 79 820 88 60 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


B.P. 193, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 76 50 50

Emmaus International - Cameroon

Elat Meyong

Gold Touch

B.P. 7599, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 71 95

P.B. 5189, Foncha Street, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 33 61 394 Fax: +237 33 33 62 464 Email:
Groupe des Arboriculteurs de Badjouma Foui

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cameroon

P.O. Box 6, Ngaoundere, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 25 20 66 Email: Web:

B.P. 850, Garoua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 27 21 23

Groupe dInitiative Commune des Paysannes de Bogso

Fdration Panafricaine des Associations et Clubs UA

B.P. 2905, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 91 43 Fax: +237 22 31 91 43 Email:
Fondation AfricAvenir

B.P. 128, Bogso Eseka, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 28 65 19 Fax: +237 22 20 54 86 Email:
Groupe dInitiative Commune Oyili de Mueng

Bonaberi, Ancienne route, face Hotel Royal Palace BP 9234 Douala Email:
Fondation de lEau au Cameroun

B.P. 102, Sangmelima, Cameroon B.P. 6045, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 22 38 Fax: +237 77 71 37 33
Help Out

HABITAT for Humanity International

B.P. 4511, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 43 22 73 Fax: +237 33 43 22 73 Email:
Fondation Fact

P.O. Box 582, Molyko, Buea, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 62 21 12 Email: P.O. Box 638, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 14 88 Fax: +237 22 22 01 27 Email:
Institut Panafricain pour le Dveloppement (UF-PD) Hope For Africa - Cameroon

B.P. 20477 ESSOS, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 98 33 Fax: +237 22 22 62 62 Email:
Fondation Famille Chretienne

B.P. 20447, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 62 62 Fax: +237 22 22 98 33

Fondation Zang

B.P. 4056, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 40 37 70 Fax: +237 33 40 30 68 / 33 42 43 35 B.P. 338, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 36 83 Fax: +237 33 36 36 83 Email:
Kaotal-Union Integrated Development Foundation

B.P. 7840, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 46 67 Fax: +237 22 22 61 75

GIC Agricultrice et Artisans du Cameroun

B.P. 11648, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 01 28 Fax: +237 22 22 85 60 Email:

B.P. 40, Keokeo Doumrou Kaele, Maroua, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 29 31 98 Fax: +237 22 21 48 43


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

B.P. 275, Sangmelima, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 28 90 10 Fax: +237 22 28 83 94

Le Conseil des Fdration Paysanne du Cameroun

La Vitrine


B.P. 3586, Messa, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 27 03 Email:

Partnership, Management and Support Programme

B.P. 20144, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 47 04 B.P. 357, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 39 02 99 Fax: +237 33 42 57 59 B.P. 10, Eseka, Cameroon Tel: +237 77 74 77 50 Email:
LEtoile Flamboyante Les Ateliers de Bonapriso

P.O. Box 7124, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 41 04 73 Fax: +237 33 43 29 17 Email:

B.P. 5062, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 97 54 B.P. 12399, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 43 39 37 Fax: +237 33 43 29 17
PRIFACARD Centre Prestige club

Population Communication

Mission dAmnagement et dEquipement des Terrains Urbains et Ruraux

B.P. 1248, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 13 23 Fax: +237 22 23 31 13

Mission de Promotion des Materiaux

Finance Control Building 2nd Floor, P.O.Box 28, Kumbo, Bui Division, North West Province Email:
Projet-Avenir 2000

B.P. 14938, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 3720

Modern Beekeepers of Cameroon

B.P. 13802, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 30 30 65 Email:

Mouvement National des Consommateurs

B.P. 14179, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 31 68 89 Fax: +237 22 22 18 73

Rseau APM Afrique

B.P. 4074, Rue 1611, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 45 66 Fax: +237 22 22 62 62
Network for Farmers Agriculture and Modernization in Africa/ Cameroon

B.P. 10.008 (or 20.008), Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 53 89 Fax: +237 22 22 62 62 / 22 22 62 63

Rseau International des Cliniques Juridiques

B.P. 10.008, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 21 53 89 Email:

Ocean City Radio

B.P. 7063, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 20 84 31 Fax: +237 22 20 84 31 Email:

P.O. Box 270, Limbe, Cameroon Email:

Organisation Nationale des Promoteurs du Progres (ONPP)

Reseau National des Associations de Tantines

BP 14 606 Email:

Semeur de la Charit

B.P. 3785, Messa, Yaounde, Cameroon Tel: +237 88 74 07 28 Email:

501 Rue New Bell, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 42 92 14

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Service dAppui aux Initiatives Locales de Dveloppement (SAILD)

B.P. 11955, Quartier Elig Esono, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 46 82 Fax: +237 22 22 51 62 Email:
STV Group

Synactuicam/Camnatuit-Syndicat National des Chauffeurs et Transporteurs Urbains et Inter-Urbains

B.P. 3911, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 15 38

Syndicat Departmental des Chauffeurs de Taxi Professionnels du Mfoundi

Boulevard de la Liberte, Residence, Kassap, BP 4883


B.P. 5276, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 23 94 46 Fax: +237 22 22 54 02

Union Nationale Danses Traditionnelles

P.O.Box 125, Buea, Cameroon Email:

Sustainable Agriculture and Self-Help Information Center

B.P. 1831, Bd des Nations Unies, Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 99 49 57 49

Villes et Populations Horizon 2050

P.O. Box 5175, Bamenda, Cameroon Tel: +237 33 36 25 55 Fax: +237 33 36 24 64 Email:

B.P. 7810, Yaound, Cameroon Tel: +237 22 22 58 46


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cape Verde
Cape Verde is an independent island republic which lies in the Atlantic Sea off the bulge of Africa and forms part of the Atlantic Ocean islands region of Africa. The capital city is Cidade de Praia. Other major towns are Mindelo and Sao Filipe and the port of Porto Novo. The official language is Portuguese but Crioulo is the everyday language. The local currency is the Cape Verde Escudo. This islands economy suffers from a poor natural resource base, including serious water shortages exacerbated by cycles of long-term drought. The economy is serviceoriented, with commerce, transport, tourism, and public services accounting for about three-fourths of GDP. Although nearly 70% of the population lives in rural areas, the share of food production in GDP is low. About 82% of food must be imported. The fishing potential, mostly lobster and tuna, is not fully exploited.

Le Cape Verde
Le Cap Vert est une ile rpublique qui est situ dans locan atlantique et fait partie des iles Africaines. La capitale est Praia. Les autres villes importantes sont Mindelo, Sao Filipe et le port de Porto Novo. La langue officielle est le Portugais mais le Crole est pal aussi couramment dans le pays. La monnaie dchange est le Cape Verde Escudo Lconomie de lile souffre de pauvret des ressources naturelles, labsence deau potable due la scheresse prolonge. Lconomie est base sur les services, le commerce, le transport, le tourisme et les services publics font 3 quarts du GDP du pays. Presque 70% de la population vie en Zones rurales, et la part de lagriculture est faible. Environ 82% des denres alimentaires sont importes. La pche est lactivit principale mais particulirement le lobsterd et le tuna, ne sont pas totalement exploit.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Cape Verde - Capacity Building

European Commission Delegation

C.P. 122, Praia, Cape Verde

Juventude para Democracia

104, Rua 5 de Julho, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 61 56 94 Fax: +238 2 61 72 94

Cape Verde - Education

Assoiacao Acadmica do Maio

Ave Sao Jose 148, Calheia Riba, Ilha do Maio, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 61 16 42

Cape Verde - Health

Amigos de Berco - ABC - Patim

P.B. 41, Gabinete de Desenvolvirento Regional, Fogo e Brava, S. Filipe Fogo, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 81 12 41 Fax: +238 2 81 12 34

B-K-86 Beleza Communidade

Lagoa do Metinho, Conselho da Riberia Grande Santo Antao, Cape Verde

Cape Verde - Human Rights and Justice

The Cape Verdean Women Lawyers Association

Rua Pedro Alvares Cabral, CP-103, Pleateau, Praia Email:

Cape Verde - Poverty Alleviation

Grupo Nova Esperanca

B.P. 744, Ecole dInfirmieres, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 61 70 13

Cape Verde - Rural Development

Associacao de Amigos Ribeirao (AMIRIBEIRO)

St Anto, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: + 238 2 24 12 03 Fax: + 238 2 24 12 68


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cape Verde - Women & Children

Associaao de Apoio a Auto-Promoao da Mulher no Desenvolvimento

C.P. No. 568, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 62 17 75

Organisation des Femmes du Cap-Vert (OMCV)

Avenue dOUA, Helada Santo Antonio, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 62 17 75 Fax: +238 2 62 17 22

Association dAppui lAuto-Promotion de la Femme au Dveloppement

Avenida Andrade e Corvo, Caixa Postal 213, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 61 24 55 Fax: + 238 2 61 25 39

Cape Verde - Youth

Associacao Joao Paulo II

Rua Francisco Pinheiro, C.P. 14, Vila do Maio, Ilha do Maio, Cape Verde Tel: +238 55 11 54
Assoiacao Socio Cultural e Recreativo: os Amantes Faja Domingas Benta

Association Juventus Matao

B. P. 656, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 62 17 75 Fax: +238 2 62 17 22

Fdration Nationale de la Jeunesse

Faja Domingas Benta, Rebeira da Torre, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 17 86
Association Jeunesse Calabaceira

B.P. 818, Rua 5 de Julho 152, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 61 72 93 Fax: +238 2 61 17 70
Organizacao Juvenil la Tour

B. P. 565, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 62 17 75 Fax: +238 2 62 75 22

C/o Csar Chantre, Ponta Dosol, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 15 01 Fax: +238 2 21 16 33

Cape Verde - Other

Amigos de Orione

Boca de Curoja, rua Grande, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 10 62

Assoiacao Nos Dever

Rua S. Jose 171, Calheia, Ilha do Maio, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 61 16 42
Assoiacao Xadrez Porto Novo - S. Antao

Asemana Radio Azul

Rotunda de Palmarejo C.P. 36-C, Praia, Cape Verde

Associaao Artistica e Cultural Teatro Experimentos Frank Camadorin

B. P. 476, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 33 6 75 Fax: +238 2 32 19 17

Delegaguera Saude Porto Novo, Lombo Meio, le Prof Tecnico Laboratorio, Ilha Santao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 22 11 30 Fax: +238 2 22 11 30
Bokaron Grupo Musical

C.P. 46 Sicen, S. Filipe Fogo, Cape Verde

Estrela Brilhante

Assoiacao Juvenil Black Panthers

B. P. 677, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 63 10 52 Fax: +238 2 62 26 60

Concelho da Ribeira Grande, Pinhao de Cima, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 16 09 Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Estrela da Noite

Lougar de Duene, Ribeira Torre, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 14 69
Grupo Acao Social Joao Paul II

Grupo Recreativo Berefunda

Lagoa do Metinho Conselho da Ribeira Grande, Santo Antao, Cape Verde

Grupo Recreativo Desportivo e Carnavalesco Fantazia

Centro Panoquial Nossa, Stnhona do Rosario, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 11 07

Grupo Coladera

Cobom, S., Filipe Fogo, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 81 15 89

Inter Futebol Clube Porto Novo

Sao-Filipe Fogo, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 81 12 57

Grupo Coral do Liceu S. Filipe

Porto Novo 15, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 22 14 03 Fax: +238 2 22 11 74
Malta Impulso

Liceu de S. Filipe, S. Filipe, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 81 15 87 Fax: +238 2 81 13 07

Grupo Cultural Lindas Flores

Ribeira de Torre, Caboco de Cosco Santo Antao, Cape Verde

Nossa Tradicaon

Vila do Maio, Ilha do Maio, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 55 11 54

Grupo Desportivo e Cultural de Cha Igreja

Ribeira Grande, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 29 93 07 Vila Do Maio 4, Ilha do Maio, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 55 14 15

Ondas Do Mar

Cha de Igreja, Santo Antao, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 31 63 57

Grupo Desportivo e Cultural Impar


Sao-Filipe, Ilha do Fogo, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 81 15 55

Grupo Desportivo e Cultural-Meio Espanha

Ribeira da Torre, Faja Domingas Benta, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 21 14 78

Figueiras S. Pedro Apostolo, Santo Antoa, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 55 13 70

Grupo Desportivo Fiorentina

St. Filomena, Sao Filipe Fogo, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 81 19 09

Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Cap-Vert - Centrale Syndicale

Vila do Maio, Ilha do Maio, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 55 13 70

B.P. 123, Praia, Cape Verde Tel: +238 2 611 305


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Chad gained its independence from France in 1960 and thirty years of tribal violence followed. In 1990 Idriss Dby, who enjoyed good relations with Libya and Sudan, gained power after a lengthy military offensive launched from bases in Chad and Sudan. Dby declared himself President. President Dby began to implement multiparty democracy, a process which was hampered by civil unrest and dissension among politicians. The process gained impetus in 1992 when opposition parties were legalised. This was followed by the establishment of a transitional legislature in 1993. Chads primary agricultural economy will continue to be boosted by major foreign direct investment projects in the oil sector that began in 2000. At least 80% of Chads population relies on subsistence farming and raising livestock for its livelihood. Chads economy has long been handicapped by its landlocked position, high energy costs, and a history of instability.

Le Tchad
Le Tchad a obtenu son indpendance de la France en 1960 puis sen ait suivi 30 ans de violence tribal. En 1990 Idriss Deby, a profit de ses relations avec la Libye et le Soudan, pour prendre le pouvoir partir de ses bases au Tchad et au Soudan. Il commence appliquer la dmocratie et le multipartisme, un processus frein par les manifestations populaires et la dissension parmi les politiciens. Le processus a pris un nouvel lan en 1992 quand les partis de lopposions furent lgaliss. Il est suivi par ltablissement dune lgislature de transition en 1993. Lconomie Tchadienne auparavent agricole va connaitre un essor grce aux investissements trangers dans le secteur ptrolier dbut en 2000. Au moins 80% de la population Tchadienne pratique une agriculture de subsistance. Lconomie du Tchad a t depuis longtemps handicape par sa situation de pays enclav, les couts lvs de lnergie, et linstabilit politique.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Chad - Capacity Building

Cellule de Liaison et dInformation des Associations Feminines

B.P. 4307, Ndjamena, Tchad Tel: +235 53 30 71 Fax: +235 53 30 74 Email:

Organisation pour la Formation et lAnimation au Dveloppement

B.P. 1396, Ndjamna, Chad Tel: +235 53 41 26

Centre dInformation et de Liaison des ONG (CILONG)

B.P. 907, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 515 410 Fax: +235 534 499 Email:

Chad - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

African Strategic and Peace Research Group (AFSTRAG) Union des Femmes pour la Paix

Rue 606, porte 841, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 56 16 Email: Web:

B.P. 1298, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 49 25 Fax: +235 51 53 14

Chad - Democracy & Good Governance

Transparency International - Chad

BP 1084, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 52 4498 Email: Web:

Chad - Education
Syndicat des Enseignants du Tchad Union Nationale des tudiants Tchadiens

B.P. 2174, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 06 31 Fax: +235 51 93 65

P.B. 1117, Rectorat, Universite de Ndjamena Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 44 44 Fax: +235 51 40 33

Chad - Environment & Sanitation

Association Alternative Energy

Av Charles Degaulle, Entre Rue de Betail, BP 1312 Email:

Club UNESCO des Combattants de lute Contre lAvance du Dsert

Sahel Solidarit

B.P. 815, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 92 45

P.B. 909, CEG No II, Ndjamena, Chad


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Chad - Health
Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad (AFJT)

BP 4089, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 53 30 74 Fax: +235 53 30 74 Email:

Cercle des Jeunes Peintres Handicapes du Chad

Ex Pharmacie de lamitie, axe Zongo, Aura et horizon 2000, BP 2116 Email: B.P. 449, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 52 34 34
Croix Rouge du Tchad

Chad - Human Rights and Justice

Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion et la Dfense des Droits de lHomme (ATPDH) Droits de lHomme Sans Frontieres (DHSF)

BP 4082, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 88 53 Email:

Djekourninga Kaoutar Lazare

P.O. Box 4510 Email:

Ligue Tchadienne des Droits de lHomme (LTDH)

Boit Postale 4589 Ndjamena Email:

BP 2037, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 91 09 Email:

Chad - Poverty Alleviation

Rseau dAppui aux Iniatives dpargne et/ ou de Crdit au Tchad World Vision International-Chad

B.P. 470, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 43 69

Union des Clubs dpargne et de Crdit du Mayo-Kbbi (UCEC/MK)

B.P. 9, Pala, Chad Tel: +871-762-524 638 Fax: +871-762-524 640 Email:

Porte 173, Rue Canal des Jardins, Quartier Ardep-Djoumal, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 75 99 Email: Web:

Chad - Rural Development

Action et Cooperation pour le Developpement

B.P. 43 17, Ndjamena, Tchad Tel: +235 51 44 26

Association pour le Dveloppement en Milieu Rural

Association dAppui Pour le Developpement Communautaire

B.P. 1366, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 51 98

B.P. 01, Sarh, Tchad Tel: +235 681 362 Fax: +235 681 468

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Chad - Youth
P.B. 2014, 1544 Ave Mobutu, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 89 23 Fax: +235 51 89 23
Association Jeunesse Anti-Clivage Jeunesse Agricole Chrtienne - Chad

Association Jeunesse Sans frontiere Tchad

S/c Procure Diocsain de Moundou, B.P. 61, Mondou, Chad Tel: +235 69 14 59 Fax: +235 69 12 11
Organisation des Jeunes pour la Promotion et le Developpement (OJPD)

B.P. 4524, NDjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 55 01 Fax: +235 52 14 52 Email:
Club UNESCO Plante Jeunes

Bld du 10 Octobre 2003, BP 1703 Email: / P.O. Box 1166, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 34 45 Fax: +235 51 40 60

P.B. 909, CEG No II, Chad Tel: +235 51 50 14 Fax: +235 51 50 14

Secours Catholique et Dveloppement

Forum des Organisations Tchadiennes de Jeunesse

P.B. 1689, Fojet S/C Dumonerig des Lyces, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 43 56 Fax: +235 51 78 40 Email:

Chad - Other
Organisation Tchadienne dAppui aux Initiatives de Dveloppement Radio FM Liberte

B.P. 4233, Ndjamna, Chad Tel: +235 51 50 79 Fax: +235 52 94 18

4589 Ndjamena, Chad Email:

Organisation Tchadienne pour le Dveloppement

B.P. 470, Ndjamena, Chad Tel: +235 51 43 69


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cote DIvoire
At the time of Cte dIvoires independence (1960), the country was regarded as French West Africas most prosperous, contributing over 40% of the regions total exports. When Houphouet-Boigny became the first president, his government gave farmers good prices for their products to further stimulate production. Coffee production increased significantly, catapulting Cte dIvoire into third place in world output behind Brazil and Colombia. By 1979 the country was the worlds leading producer of cocoa. It has become Africas leading exporter of pineapples and palm oil. For 20 years, the economy has maintained an annual growth rate of nearly 10% the highest of Africas non-oil-exporting countries.

La Cote DIvoire
Au moment ou la Cte dIvoire obtenait son indpendance en (1960), elle tait le pays Francophone le plus prospre de lAfrique de louest avec 40% du total des exportations de la rgion. Quand Houphout-Boigny est devenu le premier prsident, son gouvernement a mis laccent sur les prix des produits agricoles afin de stimuler le dveloppent de lagriculture. La production de caf sest accru de faon signifiante plaant le pays au troisime rang mondial aprs le Brsil et la Colombie. Depuis 1979 la Cote dIvoire occupe la premire place en production de Cacao. Elle est aussi devenue leader en Afrique dans lexportation lananas et lhuile de palme. Pendant 20 ans lconomie a maintenu une croissance de denviron 10% le plus haut des pays Africains non producteurs de ptrole.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Cote DIvoire - Capacity Building

African Futures/NLTPS

01 B.P. 1747, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 22 26 69 Fax: +225 20 22 26 64 Email: Web:
Collectif des ONG Actives en Cte dIvoire

Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa (NESDA/REDDA)

20 B.P. 425, Abidjan, 20, Cote dIvoire

Convention de la Societe Civile Ivoirienne (CSCI)

Banque africaine de dveloppement, B.P. 95 Guichet annexe BAD, Abidjan, 24, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 20 58 31 Fax: +225 20 20 59 22 Email: Web:

08 BP 2056 Abidjan 08 Email:

Cote DIvoire - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

African Strategic and Peace Research Group (AFSTRAG)

Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Email: Web:

Organisation des Femmes dEburnie pour la Paix

Coalition de la Societe Civile pour la Paix et Development en Cote dIviore (COSOPCI)

Abidjan-Plateau, RDC Immeuble la Pyramide, 08 BP 1078, Abidjan 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 33 52 85 Email:

14 BP 1928, Abidjan 14 Email:

Triangle Action Developpement Vie (TADVIE)

Federation des Organizations de la Societe Civile Ivoirienne pour la Paix (FOSCIP)

09 BP 287, Abidjan 09, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 23 50 11 87 Email:

Vision et Action des Femmes Africaine contre les Guerres (VAFAG)

08 BP 1078, Abidjan 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 33 52 85

Mouvement Panafricaine de la Jeunesse Feminin pour la Paix (MOPAJEF)

03 BP 2299, Abidjan 03, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 43 26 09 Fax: +225 22 42 16 11 Email: Web:

23 BP 205, Abidjan 23, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 52 29 26 Email:

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP)

Cocody, deux plateaux derriere le restaurant Las Palmas, Cite SICOGI A, Baitment G, 1er etage, porte 78 Email:

Cote DIvoire - Democracy & Good Governance

Afrique Democratie Developpement (ADD)

20 BP 1206, Abidjan 20, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 42 40 82 Email:

Association Internationale pour la Dmocratie en Afrique

B.P. 803, Abidjan, 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 07 07 59 83 Fax: +225 20 21 48 57


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Coalition pour le Plaidoyer Anti-Corruption et la Transparence en Cote dIviore (COPACT-CI)

Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)

Yopougon Ananeraie; 01 BP 7699, Abidjan Email:

Bd Latrille, Residence Angoua, Route du Zoo, Cocody II Plateaux

Mouvement International des Femmes Dmocrates

Democracy, Peace and Development

04 BP 2692, Abidjan 04, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 05 95 72 04 Email:

B.P. 3785, Abidjan, 23, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 23 45 01 77 Fax: +225 20 22 73 50
Transparency International Ivory Coast

Gouvernance et Culture de Developpement (GCD)

09 BP 4408 Abidjan, Plateau Email:

Universite dAbidjan, BPV 179, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 47 09 05 Web:

Cote DIvoire - Education

Association Chrtienne des lves et tudiants Protestants de Cte dIvoire

08 B.P. 05, Abidjan, 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 44 43 78 Fax: +225 22 44 10 35

Fdration Nationale des Associations et Mouvements dducation Permanente de Cte dIvoire

09 B.P. 2580, Abidjan, 09, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 22 51 10 Fax: +225 20 21 59 70

Cote DIvoire - Environment & Sanitation

Cote dIvoire Ecologie

10 BP 838, Abidjan 10, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 21 14 75

Cote dIvoire Femmes Environnement et Developpement

Rseau pour lEnvironnement et le Dveloppement Durable en Afrique

B.P. 2553, Abidjan, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 24 83 87 / 26 67 07 Fax: +225 24 83 87

24 B.P. 95, Guichet Annexe BAD, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 20 54 19 Fax: +225 20 20 59 22 Email:

Cote DIvoire - Health

Association des Femmes Vivant Avec le VIH/Sida en Cote dIvoire International Committee of the Red Cross

Yopougon Toit Rouge, derierre la Gendarmerie, 03 BP 1916 Abidjan 03 Email:

Coordination des ONG de la Vallee du Bandama en Lutte Contre le SIDA (COVABLSI)

B.P. 459 01, Rue J 47, lot no 2261, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 40 00 70 Email: Web:


Network of African People Living with HIV/ AIDS (NAP+)

Family Health International, Cote dIvoire (FHI)

Deux-Plateaux Vallon, Derriere Le Centre Commercial, Immeuble Avodire Bloc B 1 er Etage, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 40 50 10 Web:

11 BP 632, Abidjan 11, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 44 01 14 Email: Web:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Renaissance Sante Bouake

Quatier Residentiel, BP 1233 Yamoussokro Email:,

The Global Fund, Cote dIvoire

BP V4, Abidjan Immeuble Tour C 16e Etage, Cote dIvoire Email: Web:

Cote DIvoire - Human Rights & Justice

African Center for Human Security (ACHUS)

BP 718, Abidjan 22, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 05 33 45 37 Email: Web:
Amnesty International

Conseils dActions Humanitaires Muslimanes de Cote dIviore (CAHM-CI)

05 BP 606 Abidjan Email:

Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits de LHomme (LIDHO)

04 BP 895, 166 LGTS RDC BAT AC, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 48 62 20 Email: Web:
Association des Femmes Juristes de Cote dIvoire (AFJCI)

28 BP 906, Abidjan 28, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 47 03 75 Fax: +225 22 47 03 76 Email: / Web:

Mouvement Ivoirien des Droits Humains

P.O. Box: 01 B.P. 455, 1, rue Chemin de Fer, Abidjan Plateau, Abidjan 04, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 22 24 38 Fax: +225 20 21 76 22 Email: Web: 01 B. P. 1427, Abidjan, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 21 69 51 Fax: +225 20 21 26 96
Association des Juristes de Cte dIvoire

Cocody 11, Plateaux Rue J-43, villa 151, 28 BP 385, Abidjan 28, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 41 06 61 Email:

Cote DIvoire - Poverty Alleviation

Assistance Chrtienne Internationale aux Dshrits (ACHID)

06 B.P. 1903, Abidjan, 06, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 05 94 25 27 Fax: +225 05 94 25 27 Email:
Caisse dpargne Financiere pour le Dveloppement de la Petite Enterprise

Gambaga Presby Outcast Home Project (GO HOME)

P.O. Box 17, Gambaga, Telecom Exchange Area, East Mamprusi, Gambaga, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 712 39 71

08 B.P. 2323, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire

Dveloppement par lpargne et le Credit (Development Through Savings and Credit)

01 B.P. 3531, Bamoro Village S/P, Bouak, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 44 99 01 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Cote DIvoire - Rural Development

Bureau Ivoirien pour le Developpement (BID)

04 BP 844, Plateau, Abidjan 04, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 05 79 92 82 Email:

INADES - Formation

08 B.P. 8, 15, av. Jean Mermoz-Cocody, Abidjan, 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 44 31 28 Fax: +225 22 44 06 41 Email:

Cote DIvoire - Women & Children

Assistance Internatinale a lEnfance Couer et Action Comit International des Femmes Africaines pour le Dveloppement

21 BP 226 Abidjan Email: /

Coalition des Femmes Leaders de Cote dIvoire

01 B.P. 5147, Plateau, avenue Nogues, Immeuble Noges, 1, etage, Abidjan, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 22 93 84 Email:
Fdration Ivoirienne du Scoutisme Fminin

04 BP 309, Abidjan 04, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 41 71 08 Email: Web:

08 B.P. 12, Abidjan, 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 43 53 73 Fax: +225 20 22 03 66
Reseau Ivoirien des Organisations Feminines (RIOF)

15 BP 950, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +255 20 21 14 75 Email:

Cote DIvoire - Youth

Association des Jeunes Dplacs de Guerre en CotedIvore Resident Abidjan (AJDG.RA) Jeunesse Dvoue de Marcory (J.D.M.)

07 B.P148, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 235 00955 Email:
Association Jeunesse et Enfance

B.P 3297, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 05 63 71 23 Email:

Jeunesse tudiante Catholique Fille

14 B.P. 218, Abidjan, 14, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 24 39 48 07 14 BP 1928, Abidjan 14, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 24 48 00 77 Email: Web:
Fdration Nationale des Unions de la Jeunesse Rurale de CI Club Union Africaine

08 B.P. 1932, Abidjan, 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 42 04 12 Fax: +225 20 21 05 09 Email:
Jeunesse Etudiante Catholique Garcon

08 B.P. 1932, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 45 72 27 Fax: +225 21 05 09 Email:

16 B.P. 932, Abidjan, 16, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 21 87 49

Groupement des Jeunes Agriculteurs de Oddia

Jeunesse Militante du Parti Libral de Cte dIvoire

08 B.P. 2274, Abidjan, 08, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 23 45 26 87 Fax: +225 20 37 67 16 50 B.P. 753, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 21 48 88 Fax: +225 20 21 48 89

C/o C.R.F.S., P.B. 52, Sirasso, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 36 86 15 81 Fax: +225 36 86 12 94

Jeunesse Ouvrire Chrtienne - Cote dIvoire

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Rassemblement des Jeunes Rpublicains

06 B.P. 1440, Abidjan, 06, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 44 33 51 Fax: +225 23 46 08 11

Cote DIvoire - Other

Affilies ICEM en Cote dIviore

01 BP 4690 Abidjan 01 Email: /

Eclaireurs Unionistes (Groupe Kennedy)

13 B.P. 1038, Abidjan, 13, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 22 47 59 Fax: +225 20 22 56 29

Africa Culture Developpement (ACD)

10 BP 426, Desiree Bognini Djomand, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 33 48 31 Email: 09 B.P. 1795, Abidjan, 09, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 24 39 37 90 Fax: +225 21 35 52 24
Alliance pour une Autre Afrique (Alliance for a new Africa) Aidons les Tous Russir

11B.P.155, Koumassi sogefiha N296 (bloc gris), Abidjan, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 780 7754
Forum of African Civil Society for Sustainable Development

24 B.P. 95, Guichet Annex BAD, Abidjan, 24, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 20 54 19 Email:

10 BP 838, Abidjan 10, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 21 14 75 Email:


Groupement Vocation Cooprative (GVC)

P.B. 16, Dikodougou, Cote dIvoire

ONG Espace & Vie

Yopougon Toit rouge, derriere Gendarmerie, 03 BP 1916 Abidjan 03 Email:

Association des Institutions Africaines de Financement du Dveloppement (ADFI)

Immeuble Traore, Lot 1349, 4eme etage, Mosquee de la Colombe, Koumassi Remblais; 10 BP 2455 Abidjan 10 Email:
Positive Africa

01 B.P. 1387, Abidjan, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 20 40 90 Fax: +225 20 20 47 52 Email:
Association des Scouts Catholiques CI

BP 5908, Abidjan 01, Cocody, 2 Plateaux, 01 Abidjan 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 22 41 31 51 Email: Web:

01 B.P. 959, Abidjan, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 20 22 35 22 Fax: +225 20 22 35 22
Association Ivoirienne pour Linux et les Logiciels Libres

16 BP 1187, Abidjan 16, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 23 52 06 82 Email: Web:
Syndicat National des Agents de la Presse Privee de Cote dIviore (SYNAPP-CI)


Centre Panafricain dEtudes et de Recherches en Relations Internationales et en Education pour le Dveloppement


Union Gnrale des Travailleurs de Cte dIvoire

22 B.P. 559, Abidjan, 22, Cote dIvoire Email:

05 B.P. 1203, Abidjan, 05, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 21 24 26 95 Fax: +225 21 24 08 83


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Women Bakers Association

01 B.P. 1182, Abidjan, 01, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 07 08 89 29

Women in Cote dIvoire Experience (FCIEX)

23 BP 4200, Abidjan 23, Cote dIvoire Tel: +225 23 65 71 70 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Ghana has been a country of firsts. In 1957 it was the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to emerge from colonialism and before an economic crisis in the late 1970s experienced the highest GNP on the continent. Ghana also experienced the trauma of military takeovers long before others suffered similar fates. But Ghana has rebounded after launching one of the first and more stringent economic recovery programs in the region nearly a decade and a half ago. It has been pioneering the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) since May 1999 as a new way of managing the development process. Ghana was also among the first group of countries to subject itself to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), an instrument voluntarily acceded to by Member States of the African Union as an African self-monitoring mechanism and carried out by civil society and other stakeholders.

Le Ghana
Le GHANA est le premier pays subsaharien tre indpendant en 1957.Son conomie est lune des plus florissante avec le GNP les plus lvs en Afrique jusqu la crise des annes 1970s. Le Ghana aussi connu une succession de coup dtat militaire. Mais le Ghana a rebondi aprs avoir lanc le premier et le plus rigoureux des programmes conomiques il ya une dcennie et demie. Cela a t un cadre de dveloppent bien compris et le premier depuis 1999 dans la nouvelle gestion du processus de dveloppement. Le Ghana tait aussi parmi le premier groupe des pays Africains a se soumettre au Mcanisme dvaluation par les pairs(APRM), qui est un instrument volontairement crer par les tats de lunion Africaine en tant quun mcanisme dauto -suivi conduit par la socit civile et dautres acteurs.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Ghana - Capacity Building

Aidez Small Project International Ghana

P.O. Box NB 29, Accra, Ketu District, Viepe Aflao Town Tel: +233 962 30 500 Email:
African Entrepreneurial Resource Agency

Centre for African Survival and Livelihood Development (CASLID)

P. O. Box ER 403, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 24 234 4095 Email:
Centre for International Training and Education

Accra North, Accra, Ghana Email:

Amasachina Self Help Association

P.O. Box 257, Wa - U/W, Kpaguri - Upland road, Wa, Ghana Tel: +233 756 20 602 Email:

P. O. Box CT 3247, Cantonments, Tema Municipal Area, Ghana Tel: +233 21 814704
Centre for Job Creation and Environmental Protection

Association of Small Scale Industry

P.O Box 198, Kpando, North Dayi District, Kpando, Ghana Tel: +23324 4075031 Email:
Bet-J Volta Self Help Development Organisation

P. O. Box AD 250, Adisadel, Cape Coast, Kakumdo, Ghana Tel: +233 42 37038 Email:
Club for Life and Development

Box HP 34 Ho Volta Region, Near Dome Catholic Church Tel : +233 92 266 78 / +233 20 8175640 Email :
Bonwire Life Planning Skills

P. O. Box AD 153, Cape Coast, Abura/ Asebu/Kwamankese, Asebu Ohiaba, Ghana Tel: +233 42 36573
Creative Teching Project (CTP)

Box 138, Wa, UW, Wa, Ghana Tel: +233 756 22247
Darlings Human Development Foundation

P.O. Box 35, House no. B 108, Ejisu/ Juabeng, Bonwire, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8298015
Business Development Consultancy Centre (BADECC)

P.O. Box 10046, 7th lane south Odorkor, Accra Metro, Sakaman Dansoman, Accra North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 32 49 54 Email:
Embik Self Help International

P.O. Box 656, Yendi, Ghana Tel: +233 71 25483 Email:

Carre Mentors and Entrepreneurship Development Resources

P.O. Box 353, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 77 88 05 Fax: + 233 21 77 24 09

P.O. Box TA 233, Old Tafo - Kumasi, Afigya Sekyere, Old Tafo Abrakaso, Ghana Tel: +233 24 33 05 406 Email:
Focus on Your Strengths (FOYS)

Celestial Investment Human Development Association

P.O. Box 157, House number BSS/ B45/2, Birim South Akim Oda, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4577054 Email:

P.O. Box 7, Akropong-Akwapim/ Box 133 Madina, House No. K.K., 30, Akwapim North, Abiriw - Akwapim, Ghana Tel: +233 21 50 08 58 Email:
Foundation for Human Development

P.O. Box AK 111, Akatsi, District, Akatsi, Ghana Tel: +233 966 44 101

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Foundation for International Human Development and Environmental Studies

P.O. Box 5425, Accra-North, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 27 55 92 69 Email:
Future Developers

Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC)

P.O. Box 19452, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 30 60 69 Fax: +233 21 23 16 87 Email:
Integrated Productivity & Development Centre

P. O. Box AN 15634, Tema Municipal Area, Ashaley Botwe, Accra North, Ghana Tel: +233 28 259 930
Ghana Partnership for Development of Human Resources

Box 689, Ministries, Accra Tel: +233 21 761 809 / 761 810 Fax: +233 21 761 811 Email:

P.O. Box GP 2338, Accra, Mensah Sarbah Rd. Accra Metro, Kokomlemle, Ghana Tel: +233 21 232 470 Email: Ofuman Agriculture Project, Box 43, Wenchi
Gratson Training Centre

P.O.Box 226, Bolgatanga, UER Tel: +233 71 243 06 Email:

Olinga Foundation for Human Development

Graduate Farmer Training Scheme (GFTS)

Box 7726, Accra North C125/3 Osabukwe Close, Farrar, Ababraka, Accra Tel: +233 21 245613 Email: Box 958, Madina, Accra Hse No 254/4, Amon Kotey Link, Nkwatantang, Madina Tel: +233 21 508 794 Email:
West Africa Civil Society Institute

P.O. Box 438, Mampong Ashanti, Sekyere West, Mampong Ashanti, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4132937 Email:
Human Dignity Promotion Program

Self Help Initiative Support Services (SISS)

P.O. Box 629, Darkuman - Accra, Kokomlemle, Accra Metro, Kokomlemle, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 523511 Email:

No 9 Bingo Street, Christian Center, East Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 542010 Fax:+233 21 522588 Email: Web:

Ghana - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Africa Security Dialogue and Research (ASDR) African Peace Network (APNet)

P. O. Box LG 347, No. 27, Kofi Annan Avenue, North Legon, Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 51 05 15 Email: Web:

P.O. Box DC 297, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 244 249 Email:
Center for Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies (CECOTAPS)

P.O. Box 78, Damango, West Mamprusi, Damongo, Ghana Tel: +233 717 22100 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Centre for Conflict Resolution - Ghana (CENCOR)

Peaceful Solutions Society of Ghana

P.O. Box 33, Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 773 049 Fax: +233 21 761 744 Email:
Ewutu Peace and Unity Foundation

P. O. Box SP 267 Saltpond, Central Ghana Tel: +233 20 8165890 Email:
Plan Peace Int.

P. O.Box 324, Flamingo street, Awutu/ Efutu/Senya Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 43 22 11 86
Grassroot Empowerment and Peace Group

Box CT 3207, Cantonments Tel: +233 21 506 583 Email:

The World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)

P. O. Box SW 669, AGONA SWEDRU, Happy Corner Street, Dwenho, Agona, Agona Swedru, Ghana Tel: +233 244 885991 Email:
Mediation & Change

PO Box 164, Bekwai Ashanti, Ghana Web:

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP)

P.O. Box 5945, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 778 507 Fax: +233 21 778 500 Email:
Northern Ghana Peace Project (NGPP)

P.O. Box CT 4434, Cantonments, C542/18 Ashiakle Street Extension, Ablemkpe, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 775975 Fax: +233 21 776 018 Email: Web: PO Box CT 3140, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana Tel: +225 22 411 421 Email: Web:

West African Action Network on Small Arms (WAANSA)

P.O. Box 87, Damango, Ghana Tel: +233 717 22101 Email:

Ghana - Democracy & Good Governance

Africa Leadership Forum

P.M.B Sakumono, 28 Solapost Sakumono, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 76 30 28 Fax: +233 21 76 30 29 Email:
Centre for Democratic Development (CDD)

Dialogue on Democratic Decentralization (DDialogue)

Yankah & Associates, Accra, Ghana Email: Web:

Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG)

P. O. Box 404, Legon, Accra; 95 Nortei Ababio Loop, Ga East, North Airport, Ghana Tel: +233 21 776142 Email:
Centre for the Promotion of Democratic Governance (CEPRODEG)

P.O. Box CT 5767, Cantonments, Number 10 Palm Street, East Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 518017 Fax: +233 21 518018 Email: Web:

P.O. Box TL 1970, c/o YARO, Tamale, Radio Savana Road, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 91116 Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Transparency International - Ghana (TIGhana)

c/o Ghana Integrity Initiative, Accra, Ghana Email: Web:

Ghana - Education
Academic Impact Mission

P.O. Box 11, West Akim District, Asamankese Town, Ghana

All Africa Students Union

Civil Rights Education for Democracy and Human Rights (CREDHR)

P.O. Box M. 274, State House, Bay 1, 8th Foor, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 54 61 Fax: +233 21 71 48 21 Email:
Anchito Foundation for Education and Self-help

TUC International Department, P. O. Box 701, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 666 803
Computer Education Foundation

P. O. Box 51, Cape Coast, Pedu Estate Street, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 33566
Concerned Teachers Organisation

P.O. Box DM 54, Damango, West Gonja, Damango, Ghana Tel: +233 24 64 45 119 Email:
Association of African Universities

P. O. Box 6-2, Hse No, E20 Old Estates, Koforidua, Old Estate Road, New Juabeng, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 81 24103 Email:
Dagbani Literacy Project

P.O. Box 5744, Aviation Rd. Extension, Airport Residential Area, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 77 44 95 Fax: +233 21 77 48 21 Email: Web:
Book Search

P.O. Box YD 144, Yendi - Saboba roa, East Dagomba, Yendi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3186261
Development Assistance To School Farms (DASFA)

P. O. Box MP 2260, Mamprobi- Accra, Ga West, Weija, Ghana Tel: +233 244 293520
Bright Future

P. O. Box UC 301, Cape Coast, Elmina Road, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 37 596 Email:
Education and Food for the Needy Foundation

P. O. Box OS 3001, Dangbe West District, Dodowa Town, Osu, Accra Tel: +233 244 642597 Email:
Centre for Active Learning and Integrated Development (CALID)

P. O. Box AS 869, Ashaiman, Ghana Tel: +233 244 32 55 39 Email:

Education Quality for All (EQUALL)

P.O. Box E/R 409, Tamale, Bolgatanga road, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 24151 Email: P.O. Box KW 227, Keta, District, Vui, Ghana Tel: +233 24 412 1318
Civic Educators Association

Box 48 Lawra, Lawra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 83 89 43 01 Email:

Education Quality for All Project

Box 2, c/o GES, Bole, District Bole, Ghana Tel: +233 24 20 72 764 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Educational Development Fund for Muslim Youth

Box 108, Wa - U/W, Jengbeyiri Opani Street, Wa, Jengbeyiri, Ghana Tel: +233 20 93 82 402
Eduneedy Foundation

Ghana Information Network for Knowledge Sharing

Awutu/Efutu/Senya, District Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 43 22 10 58

Excell Foundation

Box AN 10533, Accra-North, Ghana Okodan Street, Osu, Accra Tel: +233 21 701 2137 Fax: +233 21 762926 Email:

P. O. Box CT 5621, Tema Municipal Area, Lashibi, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 22 41 40 89

P.O. Box 78, Tumu - UW, Sissala East, Tumu, Ghana Tel: +233 20 832 55 33 Email:
Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition

Ghana Institute of Linguistic Literacy and Bible Translation

P.O. Box 2516, Atomic Rd, Ga West, Haatso, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 50 12 69
Faith Vocational Institute

Extra Mile Africa

Box GP 1804, Accra, Ghana 66 Patrice Lumunba St, Airport Residential Area, Accra Email:

Higher Education Support Group

P.O. Box 792, Tamale, Tishegu, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 24 350

First Intercom Training Technology (FIIT)

Private Mail Bag, Community 2, Tema, Rev. Dagadu Street, Tema Municipal Area, Community 10, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 30055
Hope Foundation

P. O. Box ML 487, Ga West, Malam, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 277 73 53 78

Foundation for Free Learning and Merit Education

P.O. Box 218, Asamankese, James town, West Akim, Asamankese, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8234946
Ibis - Education for Development

P. O. Box AH 9182, Ahinsan- Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 27 888 638 Email: Web:

Friends for Orphan Education Society

P.O. Box AZ 95, Klikor-Ablagame street, Ketu, Klikor, Ghana Tel: +233 24 40 64 413 Email:
Gamashie Centre for Edu. Environment Dev. (GACEED)

P.O.Box CT 5061, Cantonments, Ibis - Accra Office, Ashaiman Office, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 775 773 Email: Web:
International Movement of Catholic Student (IMCS PAX ROMANA)

Box 166, UST, Kumasi Tel: +233 51 604 52

John William Montessori School

Box GP 3102, Accra, Gamashie Community Library Block, Atokolante Tel: +233 21 687 090 Email:
Ghana Book Trust

P.O. Box 6780, Tanaso-Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 66 20 Fax: +233 5 15 04 47

Northern Network for Educational Development (NNED)

Box LG 536, Legon, Accra Tel: +233 21 502 495 Fax: +233 21 502 495

Box 521, Education Ridge, Tamale Tel: +233 71 26023 Fax: +233 71 26023 Email: Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Union pour lEtude de la Population Africaine

P. O. Box A408, National Population Council Building, Rooms 105, 106 and 107, Ministries, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 7434133 Fax: +233 21 680420 Email: Web:

Ghana - Environment & Sanitation

A Rocha Ghana

P. O. Box KN 3480, 37 Oracle Road, Ga West District North Kaneshie Town, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 244 53 17 73 Email:
Action for Sustainable Development

P. O. Box GP 17427 Accra, Plot 86/87 Kwabenya, Ga West, Kwabenya, Ghana Tel: +233 27 741 7692 Email:
Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization

City Environmental Foundation

Box 105 Tumu, Off Chief s Palace road, Sissala East District, Tumu Town, Ghana Tel: +233 20 84 20 949 Email:
Centre for Agricultural and Health Development

P.O. Box 507, Ansaful Street, Swedru Road, Winneba, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 27 741 2981 Fax: +233 21 311 531 Email:

P. O. Box 477, Dormaa Ahenkro Tuesday Market road, Dormaa, Dormaa Ahenkro, Ghana Tel: +233 24 337 0566
Centre for Environmental Education and Information

Concern for Humanity and Nature Centre (CHANCE)

P. O. Box HH232, HOHOE, Butcher Lane, Hohoe, Ghana Tel: +233 20 819 7350 Email:
Conservation Foundation

c/o Assin North District Assembly, P. O. Box 99, Assin North, Assin Fosu, Ghana Tel: +233 244 038947
Centre for Environmental Law and Development

P. O. Box 77, Agona Ahanta, Ahanta West, Agona Ahanta, Ghana Tel: +233 31 23993 Email:
Council for Agricultural Development and Rural Urban Transportation

C 800/4 Kusia Street, Kokomlemle, Box 3794, Accra Email:

Centre for Integrated Rural Environment Development

P.O. Box 63, Madima, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 28 21 45 75 Fax: +233 28 77 29 48

P.O. Box TL 1829, Tamale, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 26047 Email:
Earth Service

Citrus Growers and Marketing Association of Ghana

P.O. Box 412, Akim Oda, Birim South, Akim Oda, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8137304

P.O. Box AN 19486, Accra Metro, District, Kokomlemle, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 24 47 97 638 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Environmental Concern Office

P. O. Box AD 148, Siwudu, off Abura Road, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 32 751 Email:

Friends of the Earth

PMB, GPO, Accra, No. 4 Adamafio street, Accra Metro, Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 232 89 67 Email:
Friends of the Earth Environmental and Man Int. (FOTEEMI)

Environmental Development Association of Ghana

P.O. Box GP 935, Ga West, Kaneshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 31 14 97 Email:
Environmental Management Association

Box 408, Along Tamale Savelugu main road, Savelugu Nanton, Savelugu, Ghana Tel: +233 244 703 950
Friends Of The Peasant Farmer

Box 7848, Accra-North, 3 Kimberly Avenue, Okashie, Accra Tel : +233 21 668 009

P.O. Box Kf 2678, Koforidua, House No. C18 - (Cocoa Station Street), New Juabeng, Oyoko, Ghana Tel: +233 24 488 2050
Friends of Trees and River Bodies

Environmental Protection Association of Ghana

P.O. Box AS 32, A.S.W, Asi-Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 51 29 950 Fax: +233 51 23 016
Environmental Sanitation Programme (ENVISAP)

P. O. Box 30, Sunyani road -Tanom, Techiman, Ghana Tel: +233 243 266 926 Email:
HEPO Human and Environment

Box AJ 83, Ajumako C/R Email:

Hope for Life

P.O. Box 765, Accra Kpado road, North Dayi, Sovie Agbayeme, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 51 096
Environmental Vanguard

P.O. Box G.P. 1445, Accra, Ghana Email:

Evergreen Club of Ghana

P.O. Box 687, Nsawam, Akwapim South, Nsawam, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4020315 Email:
Human and Environmental Protection Organisation - HEPO

P.O. Box 168, Trade Fair Centre, La, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 761 058 Fax: +233 21 772 593 Email:
Forum West Resources

P. O. Box 306, Agona Swedru, Agona Tel: +233 277 682815 Email:
Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kumasi (KITA)

P. O. Box 26, Main Street, Aowin-Suaman, Enchi, Ghana Tel: +233 395 22 087
Foundation for Environment, the Needy and the Sick

University Box 293, KNUST Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 51 604 448 - 9 / 20 813 7164 Fax: +233 51 60443 Email:
Kajelo Agro Forestry Project

P.O. Box 57, Kade, Kwaebibirem District, Adankrono, Ghana Tel: +233 24 21 14 520 Email:

Box 55, Navrongo Kandiga Tree Planting Club Box 163, Bolgatanga
Natural Research Management and Sustainable Agricultural Partnership (NARMSAP)

P.O. Box 5628, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 5160208 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Save the Global Masses

P.O. Box 1271, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 21 54 71 67 Fax: +233 21 22 09 99

Ghana - Health
4-H Ghana

P.O. Box Kf 680, Koforidua, Joe Lartey Street, New Juabeng District, Koforidua Town, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 86 304 Email: Kwaebibirem District, Otwereso Town, Ghana Tel: +233 88 22 259
Abutiakope Keep Fit Club Abrabo Pa AIDS Awareness Association

Ahafo Ano North District Society of the Physically Challenged

c/o SDA primary school, P.O. Box 88, Tepa AshantiS D A Primary school Ahafo Ano North, Tepa, Ghana Tel: +233 242 66 47 70
Ahenbronoso Care Foundation (ACF)

P. O. Box 46, Ahenfi Street, Techiman, Ghana Tel: +233 244 59 00 31 Email:
Aid Care Society

Keta District, Keta Abutiakope Town, Ghana

Adu Boahen Health Foundation

Box 1610, Osu, Accra No 3 Hearts Lane, Kokomlemle, Accra

AIDS Volunteers Ghana Association (AVGA)

P.O. Box ST 8, Sports Stadium Kumasi, Lahana Avon Junction, Kumasi Metro, Sokoban Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 45 28 325
Africa Health Research Organization (AHRO)

P.O. Box 162, Nkawie Toase, Nkawie, Ghana Tel: +233 244 70 28 12 Email:
Akrofufu AIDS Awareness Club

P.O. Box NT 31, New Town, Ghana Tel: +233 21 31 80 05 Web:
Afrilife Foundation

P.O. Box 114, Anyinam, Atiwa, District, Akrofufu, Ghana Tel: +233 242 28 87 74
Akyem Tafo Community Based Organisation for HIV/AIDS and Poverty Alleviation

P.O. Box 30, Ejisu, House No. EJ 19 block IX, Ejisu/Juabeng, District, Ejisu Town, Ghana Tel: +233 244 56 86 78
Afriweb Foundation

P.O. Box 34, Old Tafo, Near Old Tafo station, East Akim, Old Tafo, Ghana Tel: +233 27 77 17 548
Alcoholic Drug Addicts Destitute Rehab Centre (ADADERC)

P.O. Box HP 550, Ho, Afriweb Foundation District, Ghana Tel: +233 91 25 115 Email: Agbozo Junction, Box SA 476, Somanya Email:
Ahado Belo Health Care Service Against AIDS and Poverty

P. O. Box SC 279, Shama Ahanta East District, Sekondi town, Ghana Tel: +233 244 88 62 48 Email:
Alliance Against AIDS

P. O. Box 353, C/o Non-Formal Education, HOHOE District, Ahado, Ghana Tel: +233935 22762

P. O. Box 29, New Market Square, Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 29 972


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Allowuley HIV/AIDS Prevention Society

P. O. Box 4, Tikobo No. 1, Allowuley-Allen Geenzuley, Jomoro, Allowuley, Ghana Tel: +233 31 33 670
Angels of Hope Centre

Ben Newman Hope Care Foundation

P. O. Box KD 514, Kanda Accra, Nsawam - Asamankese road, West Akim, Asuotwene, Ghana Tel: +233 20 895 3373 Email:
Bethel Clinic Compassion Foundation

P. O. Box 106, 55 Lowcost Street, Wassa Wes, Tarkwa, Ghana Tel: +233 362 207 68
Anlo Anti-AIDS Club

P.O. Box AK 107, Akasti Gagbakope, Akatsi Denu Road, Akasti Gagbakope Tel: +233 966 44323

P.O. Box AW 8, Anloga, Deku road, Keta, Woe, Ghana Tel: +233 24 34 75 944 P.O. Box 1, Anyako, Nolifi road, House no. AK 006, Keta, Anyako, Ghana Tel: +233 244 17 55 13 P. O. Box Kf 1221, Koforidua, Ahemfie Street, New Juabeng, Asokore, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 73 746
Association for Promotion of Oral Health & Dental Education / Medical Support Services Asokore Community Health Committee Anyako E.P HIV/AIDS Programme .

P.O. Box 450, Koforidua, New Juabeng, Betom, Ghana Tel: +233 81 22859
Better Life Organisation

Betom Community Health Committee

P.O. Box 124, Kadjebi, District, Kadjebi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4589278
Beware of AIDS

Box 23, Offinso Ashanti

Bonkron AIDS Awareness Volunteers

P.O. Box 17, Tepa Ashanti, Ahafo Ano North, Bonkron, Ghana Tel: +233 24 383 2958 P. O. Box 213, Techiman, Ghana Tel: +233 24 324 4050

P.O. Box 0204, Osu, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 775 833 Fax: +233 231 396 Email:

Bronkyempem Care Foundation

Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders (ACRE-GHANA)

Brotherhood HIV/AIDS Club

P. O. Box 352, ABB Dormaa, Dormaa Ahenkro, Ghana Tel: +233 648 22 477 Email:
Ayakorase/Dominase HIV/AIDS Club

c/o English Arabic school, P.O. Box 9, Adugyama, Ahafo Ano South, Adugyama Tel: +233 51 35470

Catholic Family Reproductive Health Project (CFRHP)

P.O. Box 8, Berekum, Ghana Tel: +233 64 22 20 70

P.O. Box 88, Main Tamale Bolga road, West Mamprusi, Walewale Tel: +233 715 22057
Cedar Foundation Ghana

Barniekrom HIV/AIDS Campaigners

P.O. Box 2, Barniekrom Mankranso, Ahafo Ano South Barniekrom, Ghana Tel: +233 24 371 1896
Basic Needs Ghana

P.O. Box C 565, Cantonments Accra, Ghana

Centre for Integrated Rural Environment Development

P.O. Box 1140, 2nd road, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 24245 Email:

P.O. Box 63, Madima, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 28 21 45 75 Fax: +233 28 77 29 48

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Chance and Hope Foundation Ghana

Box KN 4199, Kaneshie, Accra, Accra Rehabilitation Centre, Off Barns Road Tel : +233 21 674 661 Fax : +233 21 674 668 Email :

P. O. Box 50, New Town, Dormaa, Ahenkro, Ghana Tel: +233 648 22 036 Email:
Dr Asiama Herbal Practitioner Association

Dormaa Traditional Healing Centre

Charity Care Foundation

P. O. Box AD 363, Adisadel, Cape Coast, Komenda/Edna, Eguafo/Ebire, Elmina, Ghana Tel: +233 243 222998 Email:

P.O. Box 188, Konongo A/A, Borgers town, Asante-Akyem North, Dwease, Ghana Tel: +233 24 257 2537

Ebenezer HIV/AIDS Club

Box 4, Akim Kotokuom, Birim North, Akim Kotokuom, Ghana Tel: +233 24 343 6302
Christian Care Foundation

Christian AIDS Awareness Outreach

P. O. Box 28, Offuman Road, Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 652 22 241 P. O. Box 16, Ezinnllbo, Ghana Tel: +233 31 30 727
Faith & Hope Support Group Ezinllbo Community HIV/AIDS Project

Box 63, Mampong - Akwapim, Akwapim North, Mampong, Ghana Tel: +233 872 22131

Clekona Care International

P.O. Box 198, Berekum, Ghana

Compassionate Care Foundation (CCF)

P.O. Box 14, St. John Hospital, Koforidua, New Juabeng, Ghana Tel: +233 81 20 641
Faithfulness HIV/AIDS Campaigners

P.O. Box 80, Mamponteng, In between Fawoade and Mamponteng, Kwabre, Mamponteng, Ghana Tel: +233 51 74685
Danwene HIV/AIDS Drama Group

Ahafo Ano South, District Abesiwa, Ghana Tel: +233 24 47 10 971

Family Health Foundation

P.O. Box 108, Ayerede Nkoranza,Nkoranza, Ayerede, Ghana Tel: +233 24 2675219

P. O. Box SK 890, Sakumono, Tema, Tema Municipal Area, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 21 81 23 42 Email:

P. O. BOX 63, C/O District Assembly, Dormaa Ahenkro, Dormaa, Danyame, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 16 451
Dompoase Human Life CBO

Danyame Nsesereso HIV/AIDS Club

Fellowship Association of Medical Evangelism

Box 16563, Accra North, Community Two, H/No AL 14, Tema

Fitness and Environmental Aid Club (FEAC)

P.O. Box 9, Dompoase Adansi, Dompoase - Fomena main street, Adansi North, Dompoase, Ghana Tel: +233 58 22 09 49 Email:
Dormaa Traditional Healers and Birth Attendants Association

P.O. Box 23, Bolgatanga, Navrongo road, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 90 539
Foundation for Juvenile Health and Development

P. O. Box 217, Dormaa Ahenkro, Kumi Daa Street (KDS), Dormaa, Dormaa Ahenkro, Ghana Tel: +233 648 22 02

P. O. Box KY 123, Bungalow no A 2 Kitco Campus, East Akim, Kibi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 31 42 009 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Foundation of Orthopidics and Complex Spine

P.O. Box CT 3971, Cantonments Accra, Plot 174 - 9 Ako Adjei street, Ga East, East Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 51 21 23 Email:
Fountain of Life Care

Ghana Registered Nurses Association (GRNA)

P.O. Box 34, Juaso A/A, Asante Akim South, Juaso, Ghana Tel: +233 531 24 810
Ghana Society for the Blind

P. O. Box 34, Ellubo, J omoro, Ellubo, Ghana Tel: +233 345 22 077 Email:

Box 3065, Accra Tel: +233 21 221 614 Fax: +233 21 230 831

Ghana Society for the Physically Disabled

Friends of HIV/AIDS Patient

P.O. Box 12, Biemso 1 via Dwinyama, Ahafo Ano South Biemso 1, Ghana Tel: +233 24 427 1995
Friends of the Sick

P. O. Box 93, Twifo-Heman/Lower Denkyira Twifo Praso, Ghana Tel: +233 372 28 052
Global Health for Peace

P. O. Box 12, District Kofi badukrom, Ghana Tel: +233 648 22 309

P.O. Box 9, Mafi-Kumase main road, house no. MEB/G 031, North Tongu, Mafi-Kumase, Ghana Tel: +233 91 28597
Global Nourishing Organisation

Ghana Association of the Blind

P. O. Box AC 496, Accra, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +233 21 68 01 02 Email:
Ghana Blue Cross Society

P.O.Box 4, Mafe-Kumase V/R, Ghana Tel: +233 91 26583 Email:

Gomoa Nyankuadze HIV/AIDS Campaigners

Box 13017, Accra Tel: +233 21 779810 / 244 860068

Ghana Federation of the Disabled

P. O. Box 39, C/o Isaac Donkor, Apam, Swedru - Winneba Road, Gomoa, Gomoa Nyankuadze, Ghana Tel: +233 24 327 6883
Good Food Ghana

P.O.Box AC 40, Art Centre, Accra Tel: +233 21 240 530 Fax: +233 21 240 530 Email:
Ghana HIV/AIDS Network (GHANET)

P. O. Box AT 597, Achimota Accra, Accra Metro, Nii Boye Town, Achimota, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 407232 Email:

P.O.Box MB 533, Ministries, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 783 923

Ghana Material Resource Centre for the Disabled

PMB TUC, Accra Tel: +233 21 229 013 Fax: +233 21 229 013 Email:
Hairdressers and Beauticians Association HIV/AIDS Project

P. O. Box CT 4789, Adabraka, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 701 03 82 Email:
Ghana Red Cross Society

P. O. Box 29, Half Assini, Hasco Road, Jomoro, Half Assini, Ghana Tel: +233 31 32932
Health Foundation of Ghana

P.O. Box 33, Bolga, Ministries road, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 20 891 33 74

Box OS 2915, Osu, Accra Tel: +233 21 765 579 Fax: +233 21 760 751 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Help the Blind

P. O. Box AN 15218, Accra North, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +233 21 239508
Herb Research Foundation

Presbyterian Church of Ghana Health Services (PCG)

Box 462, Ho

P.O. Box 1800, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 25 11 Fax: +233 21 66 55 94 Email:


P. O. Box 236, Wenchi, Offuman Road, Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 277 153573 Email: wenchi-hivaidsfunclub@yahoo. com
Our Lady of Mercy Community Services

Box AH 1341, Achimota Tel: +233 21 769 496 Fax: +233 21 769 496
Sight for Africa

P.O.Box 138, Opposite Mayaga Hotel, Prison-Tono Road, Navrongo, Upper East Region, Ghana Tel: +233 24 315 0094 Email:
Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana

Box NB Nii Boiman, Accra Tel: +233 21 229 208 / 229 291 Fax: +233 21 249 763 Email:
Sight Savers International, Ghana

Box 5756, Accra Tel: +233 21 310 369 Fax: +233 21 304 567 Email:
Prevention of AIDS and Drug Abuse Foundation (PADAF)

Box 18190, Airport, Accra, 58 Patrice Lumumba Road, Accra Tel: +233 21 784 134 / 784 135 Fax: +233 21 780 227 Email:
The Global Fund, Ghana

652/2B Mision St. Ext. Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 762711

P O Box M44, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 684215 Email: Web:

Ghana - Human Rights & Justice

Oloti Street, Labone Email:
Centre for Initiative Against Human Trafficking Africa Legal Aid Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI)

P.O. Box 2212, Tamale, Dagomb Street, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 24742 Email:
Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL)

British Council, Box GP 771, Liberia Road, Accra Tel : +233 271 170 Fax : +233 21 240 330 Email :
Fetish Slave Liberation Movement

P.O. Box MP 2989, Mamprobi - Accra Ghana, F12/5 Cantonments Road, Danquah circle, Accra Metro, Osu Danquah circle, Ghana Tel: +233 21 206155 Email:

P.O. Box 25, Adidome, Off Main Adidome Road, North Tongu, Adidome, Ghana Tel: +233 90 22 10 329

Freedom of Information Coalition

c/o Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, 9 Samora Machel Road, Asylum Down, Box CT 6136, Accra Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Gender Studies and Human Right Documentation Centre

Box 6192, Accra North, No 8 Gbatsunaa Street, Nyaniba Estate Tel: +233 21 760687 / 760688
Ghana Committee on Human and Peoples Rights

Good Governance and Human Rights Advocates (GGHRA)

P.O. Box KW 115, Keta, District Anloga, Ghana Tel: +233 24 312 9162
Hope for Justice

Box 207, Accra, Ghana International Press Centre, Accra Tel: +233 21 669600 / 234 692 Fax: +233 21 220307

P. O. Box 218, Asamankese, West Akim, Asamankese, Ghana Tel: +233 24 463 1913 Email:
Legal Resources Centre

Ghana National Coalition on the Right of the Child

Osu Kuku Hill, near Done Well Insurance Tel: +233 21 768 551 Fax: +233 21 768 551

House C 270/14, Wawa Lane, Dzorwulu P. O. Box GP 13310 Email:, pedusei@
The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative & Right to Information Advocacy

Ghana Research and Advocacy Programme (G-RAP)

PMB, Accra North Post Office, No. 14 Ridge Street, Opposite Accra High School Main Entrance, North Ridge, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21-239 853 Fax: +233 21-239 853 Email: Web:

P. O. Box GP 771, Accra, Ghana Email:

Ghana - Poverty Alleviation

Abibiman Sankofa Cultural Movement

P.O. Box 260, Suhum, Ghana

P. O. Box 21, Agona District, Duakwa Town, Ghana

Action Aid

Abontendomhene Duakwa Community Fund

P.O. Box M10, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 502 907 Fax: +233 21 232 898 Email:
Amansan Aid Ghana

African Poverty Reduction Network

P.O. Box 19083, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 764 931 Fax: 233 21 764 930 Email:

East Akim, Kibi, Ghana Tel: +233 21 24 10 60

Asagyam Help For The Needy (ASAHN)

Africa 2000 Network (IPRP)

House # B147/26 Akweteman, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 41 28 60 P.O. Box GP 2259, Mankessim Road, Ajumako/Enyan/Essiam, Enyan Denkyira Tel: +233 243 085161 Email:
Bethel Aid Foundation

P.O. Box 1662, Tamale, 1st Road, West Dagomba District, Tamale Town, Ghana Tel: +233 71 22 940 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


P. O. Box MC 0163, C.K. Manns Street, Shama Ahanta East District, Takoradi Tel: +233 31 25852 Email:
Cafacayo Charity Organization

C. K. Manns Charity Foundation

Centre for Reviving Humanity

P.O. Box 2697, Sunyani, Starlet 91 Street, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 25186 Email:
Charities Aid Foundation

P. O. Box 623, Nii Boye Town, Olympic Street, Accra Metro, Circle Tel: +233 21 255891 Email: P.O. Box MA 107, Ho, Off Akrofu Bame Road, Sokode Gbogame Tel: +233 24 459 5582 Email:
Care and Support Foundation Care and Concern Action Group

Box OS 2956 Osu, 2nd Soula Street, North Labone Estate Tel : +233 21 771 953 / 784 447 Fax : +233 21 701 1260 Email :

Charity International Ghana

P.O. Box 46, Somanya, House no. C 144/4, Yilo Krobo, Somanya, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3359484 Email:

P.O. Box AN 12709, Accra-North, Nkwanta District, Nkwanta, Ghana Tel: +233 27 7615208 Email:
Care for Deprived Communities (CDC)

Charity Kingdom International

P. O. Box TN 1004, Teshie Nungua, Ga West, Amasaman, Ghana Tel: +233 21 414073
Charity Rescue Mission

Box 14, Bole District Assembly, Bole Kumasi Road, Bole, Ghana Tel: +233 746 22023 Email:
Care International

P.O. Box DE 49, Denu, Royal base Hedzranawo street, Ketu, Hedzranawo, Ghana Tel: +233 962 30048 Email: P. O. Box 497, Agona Swedru, Agona District, Swedru Nantefa, Ghana Tel: +233 24 483 3064
Christian Relief Organisation Christ Care Rural Mission Foundation

P. O. Box 163, Ahanta Kwasimintim road, Shama Ahanta East, Takoradi Tel: +233 31 32190 Email:
Caring Line Crisis Centre

P. O. Box AX 942, Agona Ahanta, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 31 91108 Email: P.O. Box 70, Guamani/Tamale, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 72 22646 Fax: +233 71 22041
Center for Family Support Catholic Relief Services - Ghana

Box 475, Nsawam Tel : +233 244 570 786

P. O. Box 47, C/o Abura Dunkwa, Abura/Asebu/Kwamankese, Ghana Tel: +233 24 440 2500 P. O. Box TN 1046, Tema Community 11, Teshie Nungua Estate, Off Hospital Road, Tema Municipal Area, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 22 305103 Email:
Commitee Help Ghana

Comfort for the Depressed

P. O. Box CO 2264, Tema Municipal Area, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 244 116957 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Community Action to Serve the Deprived

P. O. Box 2553, Tamale, Gumani New road, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 24 454 1902 Email:
Community Charity Foundation

Freedom from Hunger

P.O. Box 01705, Osu, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 774 828 Fax: +233 21 773 587 Email: P. O. Box AF 86, Methodist Mission Street, Assin North, Ghana Tel: +233 244 05 70 99

P.O. Box KS 10863, Kumasi, Ejisu/ Juabeng, Ejisu, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4389405 Email:
Concern Universal

Friendly Hands Foundation

Friends Foundation for Social Awareness

DTD 45, Cantoments Accra, No. 35 Dadebu Road, Osu, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 21 761436 Email:
Disaster Volunteers of Ghana

Box 497 Madina, Madina Social Welfare Centre, Accra

Friends Of Christ Relief Agency

P.O. Box HP 814, Ho, District Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 24 47 34 074 Email:
Djankrom Welfare Society

P. O. Box 69, Jomoro, Half Assini, Ghana Tel: +233 277 40 21 56 Email: P.O. Box 14, Juaso A/A, Market store no. 16, Asante, Akim South, Juaso, Ghana Tel: +233 24 34 30 882
Friends of the Disadvantaged, Elderly and Children - FRIDEC Friends of the Deserted

Box 346, Nsawam, Akwapim South, Djankrom, Ghana Tel: +233 24 37 27 873 Email: New Juabeng, District Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 81 23 480
Family Haven Efm Needy Help Foundation

P.O. Box MA 315, Off Mawuli school road, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 62 167 Email:
Friends of the Needy

Box MD 1194, Madina, 39 Legon Hill, University of Ghana Tel: +233 21 501 032 Fax: +233 21 501 032 Email:
Food for the Home Project

P. O. Box 133, District, Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 652 226 29

Friends of the Underprivileged

P. O. Box 417, Ashaiman, H/No. D/369, Asensu Lane, Tema, Municipal Area, Ashaiman, Ghana Tel: +233 22 303 022
Ghana Ecumenical Association for Agriculture on Poverty Alleviation

Box 177 Bolgatanga, Dulugu (Near Meat Factory)

Foundation for the Deprived in Ghana

P.O. Box 526, Accra, Assin North, Assin Brofoyeduru, Ghana Tel: +233 244 18 41 77

P.O. Box 479, Ofankor, Winnba - Accra Road, Accra Metro, Weija, Ghana Tel: +233 244 98 87 85 Email:
Global Action Against Poverty

P. O. Box 1139, Shama Ahanta East, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 277 43 39 87 Email:

Fracel Helping Hand Foundation

P.O. Box 14, North Tongu, Mafi-Kumase, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4756377

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


P.O. Box 246, Kpando, North Dayi, Kpando, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4075031 Email:
Global Organisation for Foundational Aid

Global Needs Ghana

Humanitarian Services Organisation

P.O. Box 15, c/o SEDA, Effiduase Ashanti, Sekyere East Akrofoso, Ghana Tel: +233 24 342 9809
Humanitarian Welfare Services

Box 345, Kumasi road, Akwapim South, Adoagyiri, Nsawam Tel: +233 832 22472 Email:
Help Age Ghana

P.O. Box 7, c/o GES, Tepa Ashanti, Ahafo Ano North, Tepa, Ghana Tel: +233 24 302 9643
Humankind International

Box 01803, Osu, Accra Tel: +233 21 778 896 Fax: +233 21 777 971 / 773 611
Helping Humanity - Ghana

Hi-Ghana Box, KIA 16505, Airport Tel: +233 27 603 425 Fax: + 233 21 240 484 Email:
The Global Fund, Ghana

P.O. Box 55, Agogo, House no. 151, Asante-Akyem North, Agogo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 423 7316
Humanitarian Action Network

P.O. Box 450, Somanya, Social welfare road, Yilo Krobo, SRA Somanya, Ghana Tel: +233 24 310 5259
Humanitarian Foundation

P O Box M44, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 684215 Email: Web:
World Vision International WV Ghana

P. O. Box CO 2848, Tema Municipal Area, District Lashibi, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 24 438 3476 Email:

3 Kotei Robertson Street, North Industrial Area, Kaneshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 226 643 Email: Web:

Ghana - Rural Development

P. O. Box 2096, Osu- Accra, Accra Metro District, Kokomlemle Town, Ghana Tel: +233 20 21 12 799 Email:
Abor Community Based Organisation A Rural Development Organization Action For Rural Education

P. O. Box 11, Twifo-Heman/Lower Denkyira District, Twifo Praso Town, Ghana Tel: +233 42 30 495 Email:
Action on Disability and Development

P.O. Box AB 16, Keta District, Abor Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 40 55 976 Email:

P.O. Box 13 Aburi, Akwapim South District, Aburi Ahenfie Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 21 74 068 P.O. Box 15795, Accra-North, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 28 24 20 61

Aburiman Community Based Organiasation

P.O. Box 306, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 22 213 Fax: +233 71 22 213 Email:

Action For Integrated Development (AID)

c/o G.E.S. P.O. Box 96, Ejura Sekyidumasi District, Ejura Kyenkyenkura Town, Ghana Tel: +233 20 85 01 423

ActionAid for the Rural Dweller


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Alesikpe Community Based Organisation

P. O. Box Kf 634, New Juabeng District, Koforidua Town, Ghana Tel: +233 81 23 055 Email:
Afaataba Co-Operative Society

P.O. Box SK 7, Sogakope, Accra Aflao road, South Tongu, Alesikpe, Ghana Tel: +233 243 97 73 72 P. O. Box 75, WEIJA, Gomo, Gomoa Dominase, Ghana Tel: +233 244 09 3144 Email:
Allies in Development

Box 46, Bolgatanga, Kamega Bawku West

Afram Plains Development Organisation

P.O. Box KK 4, Figa Street, Krachi West District, Kete Krachi Town, Ghana Tel: +233 95 32 21 66 Email:

Allies in Development Actions (AIDAGhana)

P. O. Box WJ 75, Jomoro, District, Half Assini, Ghana Tel: +233 21 853 044 Email:
Alternative Initiative for Development

Agency for Sustainable Development

P.O. Box MA 382, Ho, District, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4207402 Email:
Agents Of Development For The Rural Community

P.O. Box 92, along main Bolga - Tamale road, West Mamprusi, Walewale, Ghana Tel: +233 715 22 097 Fax: +233 715 22097 Email: P.O. Box 10190, Kumasi, First junction at Bosofour, Sekyere West, Mampong, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 58 730 Email: P.O. Box 328, Manprobi Accra, North Tongu, Adidome, Ghana Tel: +233 21 666746 Email: P.O. Box 7, Bodweasi, Sekyere East, Bodweasi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 331 87 68
Ashan Development Centre Animia Development Club Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Amaniampong Developers Association

Box 324, Meat Marketing Board Building, Bolgatanga

Agogo - Hwidiem Disaster Volunteers and Farmers Association

P.O. Box 2, Agogo, Ananekrom road, Asante-Akyem, North Agogo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 25 77 784
Ahafo Community Development Agency

P.O. Box 78, Ahafo Ano North District, Mabang Town, Ghana Tel: +233 242 21 22 86 Email: P. O. Box MC 1344, Axim Tarkwa road, Agona Ahanta Town, Ghana Tel: +233 312 10 47
Akwapem Community Development Programme Ahantaman Development Foundation

Box 130, Akropong-Akwapim, Akropong - Adukrom road, Dawu Akwapim, Ghana Tel: +233 81 24 453 Email:
Akyeapim Rural Development Association

P.O. Box SE 1307, Suame - Kumasi, Off Kumasi - Offinso Highway, Afigya Sekyere, Denase, Ghana Tel: +233 244 97 78 83 Email:
Assemblies of God Relief and Development Services (AGREDS)

P.O. Box SD 271, Accra, Ghana Fax: +233 21 669 394 Email:

P.O. Box CT 482, 38 Avenue Street, Gamel Abdulnaser Road, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 90 62 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Associates in Development

P.O. Box C. 361, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 77 63 22 Fax: +233 30 25 89

Association for Rural Development Accra

Bowiri Rural Radio Farm Forum

STC P.O. Box 571, Kaneshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 766 360 Fax: +233 21 238 490

c/o Box 537 Hohoe Tel : +233 20 817 4511 / +233 21 238 192 Fax : +233 21 238 192 Email :
Centre for Active Development

Association for the Sustainable Development of Rural Communities

P.O. Box 1658, Sunyani, District, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 24 401 2284 Email:
Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development

c/o Rex Asanga, P.O. Box 351, Bolga, Upper East Region, Ghana Tel: +233 07 56 29 80
Association of Community Improvement and Support Services (ACISS)

P.O. Box 291, Wa, Ghana Tel: +233 756 22 094

P.O. Box TL 1504, Tamale, Bolgatanga road, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23512 Email:
Centre for Community Studies, Action and Development (CENCOSAD)

Asunsu No. 1 and 2 Development Club

P. O. Box 53, Asunsu No 1, Ghana Tel: +233 648 22 020

Atronkkwa Development Committee

P. O. Box 1, Komenda/Edna Eguafo/ Ebire, Atonkwa, Ghana Tel: +233 243 45 51 90

P. O. Box JT 22, James Town, Accra,B 33/12 Chaban Street, Ga West, Darkuman, Ghana Tel: +233 21 324226 Email:
Centre for Community Support Services (CEFCOSUS)

Ban - Gumanga Integrated Rural Development Society

P.O. Box YD 132, Yendi, Kili, Yendi, East Dagomba, Yendi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4454314 Email:

P.O. Box HP 1109, Ho, Ho-Nyive road, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 27924 Email: P.O.Box 1930 Tamale
Centre for Development Communication

Bemdiribo Integrated Development Agency

c/o Box 100, Bimbilla, Masaka, behind the Bimbilla Police Station, Nanumba North, Bimbilla, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23961-GES Bimbilla
Birim North Integrated Project

Centre for Development Initiatives (CEDI)

Box 96, Tumu - UW, Tumu Gwolu road, Sissala East, Tumu, Ghana Tel: +233 20 9248742
Centre for Resources, Support and Development International (CERAD)

P.O. Box 65, New Abirem, Birim North, New Abirem, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4934722 Email:

P.O. Box MA 342, Ho - Sokode road, Ho, Ghana Email:

Bonsua Twumasen Community

Centre for Rural Enterprise Development (CRED)

P.O. Box 72, Tumu - UW, Tumu Gwolu road, Sissala East, Twumasen, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3830731

P. O. Box 51, Ajumako, Ajumako/Enyan/ Essiam, Ajumako, Ghana Tel: +233 41 21432 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Box DM 41, Damongo, N/R, J.S.Q2, Damongo, West Gonja, Damongo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3564116 Email: P. O. Box 2239, Sunyani, District, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 26899 Email:
Centre for Sustainable Development

Centre for Rural Improvement Services

Community Action for Development (CAD)

P. O. Box TL 1617, Tamale, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23058 Email:
Unity Alert

P. O. Box 837, Nkoranza road, Techiman, Ghana Tel: +233 20 815 8994 Email:
Community Awareness Club

Centre for Sustainable Development Initiative (CENSUDI)

c/o Box 151, Wa, UW, Wa District, Ghana Tel: +233 756 22459
Centre for the Development of People

P.O. Box KW 128, Keta, District, Dzelukope, Ghana Tel: +233 966 42617
Community Development Action Group (COMDAG)

P.O. Box 5601, Kumasi Metro, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 51 24581 Email:

P.O. Box 690, Akim Oda, Opposite Liberty Rransport Station, Birim South, Akim Oda, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4881713 Email:
Community Development and Advocacy Centre (CODAC)

Centre for the Empowerment of Rural People

East Dagomba District, Ghana Tel: +233 24 415 5211

Changed Community Oganisation

P.O. Box 28, Kibi, East Akim, Locost, Ghana Tel: +233 24 317 7237 Email:

Box CD 143, Tema, SSNIT flat comm 3 site B / Block 3A Room 3, East Akim, Wirenkyiren Amanfrom / Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 24 432 1385
Community Development and Environmental Protection Association

Christian Community Development Association

P.O. Box 273, Sunyani, District, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8760708 Email:
Christian Rural Aid Network

P. O. Box MC 443, Takoradi, Shama Ahanta East, New Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 31 22 232

Community Development and Human Resource Enhancement Group

Box 437 Ho, Afede Street, Ho Bankoe

Community Development and Youth Advisory Centre (CODEYAC)

P .O Bpx UC 97, B15/3 Russel Street, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42-33572 Email:
Common Action For Rural Development (CARD)

P.O. Box 599, Tamale, Kalpohini, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4597805 Email:
Community Development Awareness Forum (CODAF)

P.O. Box 75, Kete Krachie, Krachi West, Kete Krachie, Ghana Tel: +233 953 22001 Email:

P.O. Box HP 1268, Togbe Howusu Street, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 25247 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Community Development Concern

P.O. Box HP 473, No. 8 rose street, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 26897 Email:

Dagbon Social Development Association

c/o P.O. Box YD 1, Yendi, Balogu Residential Area, East Dagomba, Yendi, Ghana Tel: +233 744 22353
Danish International Development Agency

Community Development Consult Network (CODESULT)

P. O.Box 63, Wassa Amenfi West, Asankrangua, Ghana Tel: +233 24 303 4480

P.O. Box 1, District Assembly, Kete Krachie, Krachi West, Kete Krachie, Ghana Tel: +233 953 22055
Denkyiraman Foundation

Community Development Foundation

P.O. Box 41, Akokoaso -Akim Oda, Birim North, Akokoaso, Ghana Tel: +233 882 2393

Upper Denkyira, District Dunkwa on Offin, Ghana Tel: +233 37 22 872

Community Integrated Rehabilitation of the Blind (CIRB)

P.O. Box 19, World vision street, Nkwanta, Ghana Tel: +233 71 25766
Community Research Initiated Project Organisation (CRIPO)

P. O. Box 10479, Accra North, Ga West, Odorkor, Ghana Tel: +233 21 31 58 94 Email:
Development Alternatives Services Foundation

Development Action Association

P. O. Box MP 2875, Mamprobi, Accra, Mfantsiman Saltpond, Ghana Tel: +233 21 404659

P.O. Box Tl 1799, Tamale, 87 Rice City, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 24 44 78 632 Email:

Community Resources Development Foundation

P.O. Box 8, Vakpo, Wusuta Vakpo trunk road, North Dayi, WusutaResettlement, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8184048 Email:

P.O. Box 332, Akosombo, Between Shell And Goil Filling Stations, Asuogyaman, Atimpoku, Ghana Tel: +233 24 29 370 96
E-Life Development Agency

Development Focus Foundation

Concern for Education in Rural Areas (CERA)

P.O. Box RY 333, Kumasi, Ahafo Ano South, Mankranso, Ghana Tel: +233 24 475 6440 Email:
Corncern Citizens of Tutu

P.O.Box 571 Techiman, 1st Floor Room 3, No 1 Carge Division Tel : +233 20 813 7993 Email:
EANFOWORLD for Sustainable Development

P.O.Box 17070 Accra North

P.O. Box 12, Tutu, Akwapim North, Tutu, Ghana Tel: +233 24 478 4882
CTF Centre for Development

P.O. Box MD 772, Madina, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 50 26 73 Email:
Efutu Development Foundation

Ecumenical Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

P.O. Box MD 1172, Madina, 1.5km from Madina social welfare, Ga East, Ogbojo Madina, Ghana Tel: +233 21 515817 Email:

P. O. Box KU 294, Kings Street, Awutu/ Efutu/Senya, Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 432 22 076 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Ehihamo State Acting Groups

P.O. Box SA 426, Somanya, Yilo Krobo, Somanya, Ghana Tel: +233 24 480 2236 Email:
Foundation for Better Tomorrow (FOBET)

Future Hope Development Agency

P.O. Box 683, Kumasi, Office no. 18 block D - Akyawkrom, Ejisu/Juabeng, Ejisu, Ghana Tel: +233 51 27 011

P.O. Box TA 84, Accra Aflao road, Ketu, Denu, Ghana Tel: +233 24 22 44 173 Email:
Foundation for Integrated and Strategic Development

Ghana Association of Private Voluntary Organisations in Development (GAPVOD)

P.O.Box 40, Sandema, U/E Region Email:

P.O.Box A17, La, Accra First Circular Road, 3rd Block, Stadium Cantonments Tel: +233 21 254 670 / 20 822 0812 Fax: +233 21 701 1590 / 761 719 Email:
Ghana Cities Missions

Foundation for Security & Development in Africa (FOSDA)

P.O. Box CT 3140 Cantonment, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 811291 Email:
Friends of Rural Development

P. O. Box CC 1346, 15/4 Buckman Avenue, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 58 421 Email: P.O. Box GP2338, Mensah Sarbah Road, Accra Metro, Kokomlemle, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 232 470 Email:
Growth Intergrated Development Programmes Ghana Rural Reconstruction Movement

P.O. Box 65, Kete Krachie, Bank road, Krachi West Kete Krachie, Ghana Tel: +233 953 22 066
Friends of Rural Development in Ghana (FORD-G)

P. O. Box 568, Wa - U/W, Opaani-Fongo lane Hse no. C202, Wa, Ghana Tel: +233 24 420 2566 Email:
Friends of Rural Dwellers

P. O. Box 35, ADA, Dangbe East, Big Ada, Ghana Tel: +233 968 22346 Email:
Hacfast Development Foundation

P.O. Box BG 75, Begoro, Fanteakwa, Begoro, Ghana Tel: +233 24 31 76 362 Email: P. O. Box MC 11, New John Sarbah road, Shama Ahanta, East, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 244 52 06 86 Email:
Future Eye for Development Friends of the Nation

P. O. Box 267, Takoradi, Ahanta West, Agona Nkwanta, Ghana Tel: +233 31 26158 Email:

Help Tafo Trust

P.O. Box 187, New Tafo - Akim, off Kukurantumi - Old Tafo Road, East Akim, New Tafo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 331 6355 Email:
Human Development Foundaton

P.O. Box 342, Akim Oda, Hse no B 27 Ahenbronsu, Kwaebibirem, Akyem Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 20 828 1879 Email:

P.O. Box Kf 2295, Koforidua, New Juabeng, Koforidua Tel: +233 24 3208675 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Initiative Development Ghana

P.O.Box 19382, GPO - Accra, 13 Hill Street, Nima Tel: +233 21 249 109 / 305 458 Fax: +233 21 249 109 Email:
Institute for Information and Development (INFODEV)

Pan Africa Organisation for Sustainable Development

E037 Anevon court, Parakuo Estate, D.T.D, Community 15, Lashibi, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 22 404 517 8 / 402371 Fax: +233 22 404 518 Email:
Partners in Development International

Box MA 279, Ho Tel: +233 20 816 3110 / 91 283 60 Fax: +233 91 265 85 Email:

P.O. Box 163, Offinso-Ashanti, Ghana Tel: +233 051 20 334

People Nnoboa and Rural Development Association

Kachito Community Development Centre

Box 632 Tamala; Box 68 Damongo Damongo Main Street (Adjacent GCB), Damongo
Konongo Community Environment and Development

P.O.Box TL 1123, Tamale, Northern Region, Ghana Tel: +233 71 240 23 4 Fax: +233 71 240 43 Email:
Plan Ghana

P.O. Box 259, Konongo, A. A, Ghana Tel: +233 51 0531 203 Fax: +233 51 28 317
Namalteng Integrated Development Programme

PMB Osu Main Post, Accra Tel: +233 21 773 370 / 764 405 / 778 039 Fax: +233 21 776 102 Web:
Programme for Rural Integrated Development (PRID)

P.O. Box 91, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 072 2409

Nkwantakese Rural Development Centre

c/o Postal Agent, Nkwantakese, Kumasi, Ghana

Northern Ghana Network for Development

P.O.Box 373, Bolgatanga Room 30, Block A, Ministries, Bolga Tel: +233 72 2342
Rural Development Support Organisation

P.O.Box 1736, Tamale Tel: +233 71 247 97 Email:

P.O.Box 497 Tamale

Northern Needy Services and Community Development (NONSCOD)

P.O.Box 5124, Kumasi, Plot 3 Block QN, Patasi, Kumasi Tel: +233 51 397 88 / 360 60 / +233 20 811 3469 Email:
Rural Help Integrated

Nsoatreman Rural Bank Ltd

P.O. Box 1614, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 27 057 Email:
Oboomman Rural Action Program

P.O.Box 166, Bolgatanga Tel: +233 72 3040 Fax: +233 72 3040

Rural Media Network

Box 97, Mpraeso Tel: +233 846 220 46 / +233 7 529 956 Fax: +233 846 220 46

Box 863, Tamale Tel: +233 71 241 77 Fax: +233 71 239 07 Email:
Rural Programs Support (RPS)

Box TL 1371, Tamale Tel: +233 71 241 97 / 2240 Fax: +233 71 247 53


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Rural Radio Farm Forum (BRRFF)

c/o Box 537, Hohoe Tel: +233 20 817 4511 / +233 21 238 192 Fax: +233 21 238 192 Email:
Village Enterprises and Rural Development Organization

Wassa Association of Communities Affected By Mining (WACAM)

P. O. Box 558, Tarkwa, Ghana Tel: +233 362 20137 Email: / Web:

P.O. Box 102, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 66 35 54 Fax: +233 66 59 60

Ghana - Women & Children

P.O. Box 065, OSU/ Castle, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 14 70 Fax: +233 21 22 03 03 Email:
6th March Womens Foundation 31st December Womens Movement Africa Centre For Human Development (ACHD)

Box OS 273 Osu C499/4 Rolyat Castle Road, Kokomlemle, Accra Tel : +233 21 223 031/ +233 24 1340 Fax : +233 21 220 138 Email :

P.O. Box 456, Municipal Assembly Street, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 24 33 62 561 Email:

African Centre for Human Development

Aboadaka Womens Life Develop Association

Akwapim South District, Aburi Town, Ghana Tel: +233 21 41 47 85

Abibiman Foundation

c/o South Tongu district administration, P.O. Box SK 15, Sogakope, Police station road, South Tongu District, Sogakope Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 44 87 898 Email:
African Federation of Women Entrepreneurs (AFWE)

P. O. Box TBT 1, Aggrey Road Link, (B), Tema Municipal Area, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 21 39 18 Email:

Achimota Women Association

P.O. Box 7600, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 222 459 Fax: +233 21 222 459 Email: Web:

P.O. Box 8505, Accra-North, Asunafo North District, Mim Town, Ghana Tel: +233 61 26 541
Adidome Apostolic Vision Women and Children Foundation

African Women Development Fund (AWDF)

P.O. Box 40, Off Adidome main road, North Tongu District, Adidome Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 44 27 978

PMB CT 89 Cantonments, Plot No. 78, AWDF House, Ambassadorial Enclave, East Legon, Accra Tel: +233 30 2521 257 / 2923 626 / 28 722 006 Email: Web:
African Women International

Advocates and Trainers for Women Advancement and Rights (ATWWAR)

P. O. Box TD 1256, Kikam Takoradi Road, Jomoro District, Kikam Town, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 31 26 356 Email:

P. O. Box SC 623, Sekondi, Liberation Road, Shama, Ahanta East, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 20 841 08 23 Email:

Agobisa Womens Association

Box 207, Bolgotanga

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Alliance for African Women Initiative

P. O. Box TA 551, Taifa, Accra Email: /

Amantinaman Virgins Club

Box 92, Bawku, Near The District Assembly Offices Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +23320 8120256 Email: P.O. Box 608, Berekum, Ghana Tel: +233 642 22455 c/o Dept. of Community Development Box 34, Bimbilla Bimbilla - Yendi trunk road, Nanumba North District, Bincheratanga Town, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23015
Brong Ahafo Women Development Foundation Binchera Womens Group Berekum Virgins Club Beauty in Virginity

Bawku East Women Development Association (BEWDA)

P.O. Box 30, Bompata, Asante Akim South Bompata, Ghana Tel: +233 24 29 63 545

Anlo Afiadenyigba Ladies Development Association

P.O. Box KW 146, Keta, District Anlo Afiadenyigba, Ghana Tel: +233 966 42030 Email:
Apostolic Vision Women Foundation

P.O. Box AK 53, Akatsi, District, Akatsi, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 78 370
Ashanti Regional Queen Mothers Association

P.O. Box 971, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 228 544

P. O. Box 326, Wa Road, Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8208724

Canadian Feed the Children

Association for African Women in Development

P. O. Box 14, Old Market Street, Wenchi, Wenchi Town Tel: +233 65 22 22 44

Box 2509 Tamale, Josinayili road, West Dagomba District, Gurugu town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 49 72 501 Email:
Association of Women in Development Experts

Association for Womens Empowerment

P. O. Box 1639, 42 Examination Loop, North Ridge, Accra Metro Tel: +233 21 255957 Email:

Caring Moses Orphanage

P.O. Box 219, Offinso Ashanti, SAT 97, Offinso, Twumansen Quarters Tel: +233 24 353 4819
Catholic Action for Street Children

P.O. Box 7600, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 222 459 / 225 300 Fax: +233 21 222 459 / 228 398 Email:

P. O. Box 709, Madina, Nanka Bruce Lane, Larterbiokorshie, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +233 21 313266

Bakpaba Womens Group

c/o Community Development Dept. Box 34, Bakpaba, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23015

Central and Western Fishmongers Improvement Association (CEWEFIA)

P. O. Box EL 25, Komenda/Edna Eguafo/Ebire, Elmina, Ghana Tel: +233 244 278377

Baobab Children Foundation

P. O. Box AD 534, Komenda/Edna Eguafo/Ebire, Kissi, Ghana Tel: +233 42 37241 Email:

Centre for Development of Vulnerable (TECH)

P. O. Box 249, Techiman, Zongo, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8162116


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Centre for the Empowerment of the Vulnerable

P.O. Box 1898, Sunyani District, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 28364 Email:

Children of Zion

P.O. Box 14, Adidome, North Tongu, Adidome, Ghana Tel: +233 24 484 9286

Children Orphaned by AIDS Center

Chacoe Womens Ministry

P.O. Box 5202, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 303 418 P. O. Box AD 232, Cape Coast, Tantri street, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 33146 Email:
Child Development and the Elderly Care Centre Child Care International

P. O. Box BC 273, Burma Camp, Accra, Dangbe West, Dodowa, Ghana Tel: +233 21 250480 Email:
Children We Care Foundation

P.O. Box 240, New Tafo-Akim, new Tafo Opars - Kukurantumi Road, East Akim, Kukurantumi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3450859 Email:

P.O. Box DS, 2130, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 242 805 Fax: +233 21 660 788
Child Education Assistance Project

Box 30, Adanso-Akwapim,On the main road,Akwapim North, AdawsoAkwapim, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4063746 Email:
Child Soul Ghana (CHISOGHA)

P.O. Box AZ 5, Anglican school street, House number AG 2/H/054, Ketu, Agbozume, Ghana Tel: +233 24 340 5773
Coalition and Advocacy for Women Empowerment (CAWE)

Christian Women Association

P.O. Box MA 377, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 24 496 7232 Email:

P. O. Box AX 1020/P. O. Box MC 235, Agona Ahanta, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 277 701777 Email:
Child Welfare Foundation

Countryside Childrens Welfare Home

P. O. Box BJ 69, Awutu Bowdwiase, Bodwiase-kasoa road, Awutu/Efutu/ Senya, Bodwiase, Ghana Tel: +233 24 454 8673 Email:

Box 183, Nkawkaw, Along Accra Kumasi Road, Kwahu West, Nkawkaw, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4511955

Datoyili Womens Coalition

P.O Box AK 117, Akatsi, Off Accra Aflao Road, Akatsi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 2147056 Email:
Children of the Light

Children of the Earth

Box ER 478, Tamale. House No A Ext 130, Gumbini Rd and Agric Ridge / Baptisi Mission Residence Tel : +233 71 247 18 / 244 468 978 Email : P. O. BOX LT 605, Laterbiokorshie Accra, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +23321 25 75 99 Email:
Defence for Children International - Ghana Deaf Kids Nursery Ghana

Box 143, Aburi, block 4 Berekusu road, Akwapim South Aburi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 341 9613 Email:

P.O. Box FN 812, IIR Atinpogya Buokrom road, Kumasi Metro, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 51 29 187 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Deprived Single Mothers Assistance Scheme

Federation of African Media Women

DTD House of Kings12/2, Community 11, Tema Municipal Area, Tema Community 11, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 30 88 09 Email:
Dininani Womens Group

Lushibi, Tema, Accra Email:

Federation of Mosulim Women Association in Ghana (FOMWAG)

Box 351, c/o Abdulai, Bimbilla, Community Centre road, Bimbilla,Nanumba North, Bimbilla, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23 015
Diocesan Development Office - Women and Development

Box 3, Tumu - Titco road, Sissala East, Tumu, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 79 707

Federation of Muslim Womens Association in Ghana

P.O. Box 351, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 72 32 63 Fax: +233 72 3263

P.O. Box MS 156, Achimota, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 403 256 Fax: +233 21 772 764 Email: Gomoa District, Ghana Tel: +233 21 30 38 23
FIDA Ghana

Fete Women For Sustainable Development

Dr Asase Memorial Childrens Home

Box 665 HU, V/R, Housing Bridge, Ho H/No D3/33

Dzudzeidayiri Women Group

c/o Box 4, Wa

East Akim Private Midwives Association

Box 16505, Accra North, Kojo Thomson Road Tel: +233 21 225 479 Fax: +233 21 230 035 Email:
Forum for African Women Educationists (FAWE)

P.O. Box 116, East Akim, New Tafo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 315 0094

P.O. Box 13, Asokore Ashanti, Sekyere East, Asokore, Ghana Tel: +233 24 40 76 711
Emofra Africa

Ellen White Virgins Club

P.O.Box NW 356 Nsawam; Fotobi on Nsawam-Aburi road, Akuapem Municipal, Eastern Region Email:,
Foster Parents Plan International

P. O. Box CT 5032, Accra Metro, Adabraka, Cantoments, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 24 97 95 Email: P.O. Box 825, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 23 011 P.O. Box SK 134, Sogakope, Police Station Road, South Tongu, Sogakope, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 15 938 Email:
Every Child Ministries ENOWID Foundation

PMB, Osu, (Opposite City Savings Company), Accra-Labadi Road, Osu, Accra Tel: +233 21 778 039 Fax: +233 21 776 102
Foundation for African Womens Advancement (FAWA)

P.O. Box 44, G. Accra, Accra Metro, Larterbiokorshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 78 00 24
Foundation For Deprived Children in Ghana

P. O. Box TF 526, Trade Fair site, Accra, 7th old La Road, Asccra Metro, La, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 244 61 11 40 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Foundation for Female Photo Journalists

Box 1826, Osu, 11 Agbonby Street, Bubiashie Tel: +233 244 658 900 Fax: +233 21 258 811 Email:
Foundation For Single Parents

Ghana Child Resource Institute (GCRI)

P. O. Box 508, La Accra, Accra Metro, Osu, Ghana Tel: +233 277 450 693
Ghana Congress on Evangelisation Womens Ministry

P. O. Box CS 8535, Manheam palace, Tema Municipal Area, New town, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 212 419
Foundation for the Needy Child

P. O. Box 281, C/o Dunkwa on offin, Canary Road, Upper Denkyira, Dunkwa On Offin, Ghana Tel: +233 372 28 284
Ghana Federation of Business and Professional Women

P.O. Box BG 56, Begoro, Fanteakwa, Begoro, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 80 114
Frank Duff Memorial Street Child Project

Box 16892, Accra North, Ghana Trade Fair Centre, La, Accra Tel: +233 243 148 177
Ghana Girl Guides Association

P.O. Box SE 2443, Kadjebi, Breman West, Ghana Tel: +233 244 60 18 13 Email: fduffmemostreetchildprogram@
Future Women Foundation

P.B. 98, Dodowa Road (Off Independence Ave.), Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 34 94

Ghana Hairdressers and Beauticians Association

P.O. Box 321, Abesase - Twebabei, Berekum Abesase - Adom Twebabi, Ghana Tel: +233 642 22 168

P. O. Box 12, C/O Dunkwa on Offin, Brumase Street, Upper Denkyira, Dunkwa On Offin, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 22 029

Galayiri Suntaa Women Group

Ghana Registered Midwifes Association (GRMA)

Box 12, Galayiri Jirapa


P.O. Box 34, Juaso A/A, Asante Akim South, Juaso, Ghana Tel: +233 24 264 45 42
Ghanaian Women Foundation for Development and AIDS Prevention

P.O. Box M 273, Accra, GNCC No 11 5th Avenue Ridge, Accra Tel: +233 21 255 259 Fax: +233 21 232296 Email:
Ghacoe Womens Ministry

P.O. Box 102, Wenchi, Tain, Nsawkaw, Ghana Tel: +233 24 32 682 10
Girl Child Development Foundation (GH - GICDEF)

P.O. Box M273, GNCC No. 11 5th Ave. Ridge Accra, Accra Metro, Rige, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 212 55 259 Email:

P.O. Box 209, Nsakaw, Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 20 882 5946
Girls Growth and Development

Ghana Association of Women Entrepreneurs (GAWE)

P.O. Box 7600, Accra North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 222 459 Fax: +233 21 228 398 Email:

P. O. Box 999, West Dagomba, Josinayili, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 910 33 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Global Action for Women Empowerment (GLOWE)

Hour of Grace Home and Orphanage

P.O. Box 1124, District Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 28384 Email:
Glorious Children

Boti falls road, Yilo Krobo, Huhunya, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3125397 Email:

P. O. Box DS 1836, Dansoman, Asiamah Junction, Accra Metro, Dansoman, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 28 240663 Email:
Gomoa Queen Mothers Association

International Association for the Advancement of Women in Africa

Box 5737, Accra North Tel: +233 21 221 399 Fax: +233 21 775 737

International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)

c/o Gomoa Ditrict Assembly, Apam Beach Road, Gomoa, Apam, Ghana Tel: +233 24 403 0545

Greater Accra Queen Mother Association

P.O. Box 593, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 776 269 Fax: +233 21 662 443

Box 16502, Accra North C7 34/3 4th Cresent Link, Asylum Down Tel: +233 21 229 283 Fax: +233 21 229 283 Email:
Kaleo Baptist Women Development Programme

Box 104, Wa

Green Care and Girl Child Foundation

P. O. Box WB 190, Winneba, Commercial Street, (Ekem Yard), Awutu/ Efutu/Senya, Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 244 675307
Hairdressers and Beauticians Association

Kaleo Womens Group

Box 65, Kaleo

Lolonyo Womens Club

P.O. Box 260, Konongo A/A, Asante-Akyem North Konongo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4777360

P.O. Box 1562, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 77 28 38 Fax: +233 21 77 67 12

Manya-Krobo District Queen-Mothers Association

Helping Hand Association for Womens Development

Box 207, Odumase, Krobo Tel: +233 244 803 666 Email:
Methodists Womens Assembly

P.O. Box 3430, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 18 09

P.O. Box 4, Bogoso, Ghana

Helping Rural Women Enterprise (HERUWE)

P. O. Box 56, Breman Asikuma, Asikuma Odoben Road, Asikuma/Odoben/ Brakwa, Asikuma, Ghana Tel: +233 244 260596 Email:
Hope for Future Generations

Orphanage Help Women Group

P.O. Box 54, Jasikan-Buem, Ghana

Progressive Womens Movement

P. O. Box 153, Mankessim, Mfantsiman, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8120303 Email:

PO Box CE 11709, Comm. 11 Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 3878 Email:

Rehoboth Catering and Orphanage

P.O. Box DD 80, Dodowa, Ghana Tel: +233 21 672 747 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Relief for Rural Women

Box MA 77, Ho Tel: +233 91 275 60 Email:

Rural Womens Association (RUWA)

Women AIDS Control Organisation

P. O. Box 189, Half Assini, Jomoro District, Ghana Tel: +233 24 341 6368
Women Assistance and Business Association

c/o Miss Veronica Munya, NCWD, Bolgatanga

S.D.A. Church - Womens Ministries Department

P.O.Box 13039, Accra, Greater Accra Region Email: P.O. Box 3, c/o R. C. church, Nkwanta District, Nkwanta, Ghana

P.O. Box 34, Darkuman, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 30 86 34 Fax: +233 21 30 86 34
Safe Motherhood Organisation

Women and Development Project (WEDEP)

Box 73, Ejura Tel: +233 56 522 077 Email:

Setorsusu Women Co-operative

Women and Youth Development Association (WOYODA)

P.O.Box 1. Likpe Bala

P. O. Box 2769 Accra / P. O. Box 80 Gomoa Ankamu, Manford Road, Gomoa District, Gomoa Apam, Ghana Tel: +233 244 824 115 Email:
Women Carriers Group

Society for the Physically Disabled Womens Wing

P.O. Box 982, Mamprobi, Accra, Ghana Fax: +233 21 66 315

Society of Ghana Women Medical and Dental Practitioners

P. O. Box 10, C/O Gishegu Health Centre, Health Centre Road, Gushegu, Ghana
Women Concern Foundation

P.O. Box 116 Korle Bu, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 23 38 63 Fax: +233 21 77 27 05
The Ark Foundation

P.O. Box 551, Kumasi - Sunyani road, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 24 497 8943 Email:
Women in Action Front

P.O.Box AT1230, Achimota, Accra Main Haatso Atomic Road, Opposite Step Publishers Email:
The International Association for the Advancement of Women in Africa

Box 114, Adoagyiri Nsawam, Hospital road, Akwapim South, Adoagyiri, Ghana
Women in Agricultural Social and Health Programmes

P.O. Box 9578, KIA, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 502 903 Fax: +233 21 237 423 Email:
United Womens Front

Vui juncion - Lagoonside road, juncion Keta District, Vui Town Tel: +233 966 428 60
Women in Business Association

P.O. Box AK 40, Akatsi District, Ghana Tel: +233 24 386 4620 10 Joe Reindorf St, Parakuo Estate, Dome P.O. Box GP 14550, Accra, Ghana Email: /

P.O. Box 12697, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 12 76 Fax: +233 21 78 00 19

Widows and Orphans Movement (WOM)

Women, Media and Change (WOMEC)

P.O. Box 582, Ministries Block D, Bolgatanga, Upper East Region Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Women Peace and Security Network Africa (WIPSEN-A)

PMB 36, Gawe House, Twin Octagonal Buildings, Adabraka, Osu, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 244632701 Email: Web:
Women Welfare and Development

Womens Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)

P.O. Box CT 5604 Cantonments, 13 Anmeda Street, Roman Ridge, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 781 003 Email: Web:

P.O. Box MP 2369, Mamprobi, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +233 24 462 5008 Email:
Womens Action and Solidarity Aid

Womens Refuge - Africa and Horizon Girl Child Development

P.O. Box 1650, Sunyani District, Ghana Tel: +233 61 28 282 Email:
Womens Assistance and Business Association (WABA)

P. O.Box CT 3382, Cantoments, Accra, Dangbe West Dodowa Town, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 411 794,
Womens Research Group

P.O. Box 13039, No. 212 Laami - Dwahe Street, Ga East District, Adenta, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 818 49 45 Fax: +233 21 51 85 30 Email:
Womens Association For Childrens Welfare (WACWEL)

P.O. Box 59, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 50 07 86 Email:
Womens World Banking Ghana

P.O. Box 2989, Accra Metro, Kokomlemle, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +233 21 667 748
World of Friends Orphanage

P.O. Box 129, Jasikan, Old Accra Tamale Road, Guaman, Guaman Town, Ghana Email:
Womens Health and Development Initiative Society

P.O. Box 558, Berekum, Ghana Tel: +233 20 811 5124

P.O. Box X 635, FNT Kumasi, House no. C15 Chirapatre Estate, Kumasi Metro, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 27 74 10 453 Email:

Ghana - Youth
Abossey Okai Youth Club

c/o P. O. Box 7527, Abossey Okai - Odorkor Rd. Accra Metro District, Abossey Okai Town, Accra North, Ghana
Aborvia Youth Voluntary Organisation

P.O. Box 18, Ho District, Abutia Teti Town, Ghana VAG Regional Office Complex, North OLA Estates, Cape Coast, P. O. Box UC 2, University Post Office, Cape Coast Tel: +233 (0) 42-37746 / 34927 Fax: +233 (0) 42 34927 Email: Web:
Abusua Foundation

Abutia Youth Association

c/o P.O. Box AB 65, Keta District, Abor Town, Ghana Tel: +233 91 91 056


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Action on Youth and Community Development

P. O. Box TL 784, Tamale, West Dagomba District, Tamale Town, Ghana Tel: +233 71 25 873 Email:

Association of Rural Youth Friends of Development (ARYFODEV)

PMB 11, Kpando, North Dayi, Kpando, Ghana Tel: +233 244 84 82 05 Email:
Atorkor Youth Association

Africa Youth Peace Call (AYPC)

Box 5451, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233-24-465456 Email: Web: aypc2002/aypc1
Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization (Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya)

P.O. Box AW 78, Atorkor-Anloga.Keta, Atorkor, Ghana Tel: +233 24 37 12 101

Atwima Youth Centre For Development

P.B. 2327, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 77 68 45 Fax: +233 21 77 25 93

P.O. Box 59, Atwima Nwabiagya, Abuakwa, Ghana Tel: +233 27 77 36 122 Email:
Baika Youth Association

Ajumako Kokoben Youngsters Club

c/o Postal Agent, Old Baika via Hohoe Jasikan District, Old Baika Town, Ghana
Bonyere Methodist School AIDS Awareness Group

P. O. Box 1, Ajumako, Asempaneye Street, Kokoben, Ghana Tel: +233 412 15 33

Akim Kotoku Abodom Youth Club

P. O. Box 5, Bonyere Methodist School Street, Jomoro, Bonyere, Ghana Tel: +233 31 33533
Bosuso Youth Association

Box 33, New Abirem, Birim North, District, New Abirem, Ghana Tel: +233 243 64 84 73

P.O. Box 229, House no. W 62 C, Akwapim North, Amamfo Tel: +233 27 76 76 044
Anidaso Youth Association

Amanfo Youth Association

PMB Bosuso, Fanteakwa, District, Bosuso, Ghana Tel: +233 27 6751127

c/o district assembly, Asuogyaman District, Atimpoku, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3719 785

P. O. Box 13463, No. 8 Third Ringway, Accra Metro, Ring way Estate, Accra Tel: +233 21 229933 Email: P.O. Box 5, Tano South, District, Bechem, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8609693
Charity Brotherhood Youth Organisation Catholic Youth Organisation

Bridge Foundation

Anyamam Social Youth Club

c/o Mr P. T. Huago, Anyamam Presby Primary, Sege - Ada, Dangbe East, Anyamam, Ghana Tel: +233 24 37 15 296
Arise Youth Initiative Network

Box 57, Mankessim

c/o St John Boscos Practise, School Post Office Box II, Navorongo, Ghana
Courage Youth Association

Christian Young Farmers

P.O. Box AK 55, Akatsi District, Akatsi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4137314 Email:

P.O. Box 76, c/o Mr. Akaare Edward, Gowrie, Bongo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 2327770

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Dagaaba Youth Association

c/o P.O. Box 209, Akim Oda, Birim South, Akim Oda, Ghana Tel: +233 20 897 0305

Friends of the Youth

Eagle Leaders Group

P. O. Box 39, c/o Abura Dunkwa, Abura/ Asebu/Kwamankese, Abura Dunkwa, Ghana Tel: +233 42 33 785

P.O. Box 606, U.E.R, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 24 21 55 377 Email:

Future Generations International - FUGI

ECOWAS Youth and Citizens League

P.O. Box 11588, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 21 25 39 47 Email:

P.O. Box MA 132, Ho, District Ho, Ghana Tel: +23391 27087 Email:
Future Leaders Club

P.O. Box 37, Block G 5, Ejura Sekyidumasi, Ejura, Ghana Tel: +233 24 413 9314 Email:
Ekumfi Essakyir Youth Peer Development Project

Ejura Youth Health Organisation

P. O. Box 34, C/o District assembly JSS, Nkawie - Toase, TE plot 63 block D, Atwima Nwabiagya, Toase, Ghana Tel: +233 20 86 34 506
Future Leaders Youth Club

P. O. Box 12, Ekumfi Essakyir, Ghana Tel: +233 43 51 02 92

Estrak Foundation

P. O. Box 305, Koforidua, Paaches road, Nsukwao, New Juabeng, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 41 797 Email:

Gboxome Youth Multi Purpose Co-Operation

P.O. Box SU 331, Asamankese road, Suhum/Kraboa/Coaltar, Kumfai, Suhum, Ghana Tel: +233 244 86 60 23 Email:

Box 22, Hohoe

Ghana Progressive Youth Movement

Fact for the Youth in the Southern Sector Organisation - FYSSO

P.O.Box 564, STC, Accra Tel: +233 51 277 95 Fax: +233 51 277 95 Email:
Ghana Scouts Association

P.O. Box SK 192, Accra Aflao road, South Tongu, Sogakope, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 55 734 Email:
Fostered Youth Association

P.B. 108, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 36 27

Ghana United Nations Student and Youth Association

P.O. Box 2253, Area - No. 2, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 28 688

Bay 1, 5th Floor, State House, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 54 61 Fax: +233 21 22 99 88
Ghana Young Artisans Movement

Foundation for Youth Sensitisation

P.O. Box 68, Dzodze, Mite road, Ketu, Dzodze, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 39 231

Industrial Area, Opposite Osa Workshop, Accra P. O. Box 12737, PMB MD 140 Madina, Redco Flat Street, house no. 2, Nkwantanang, Ga East, Madina West, Accra North Tel: +233 21 911 536 Email:
Ghana Youth Empowerment Foundation

P.O. Box KW 149, Keta, District Woe, Keta, Ghana Tel: +233 24 32 85 222

Foward Ever Youth Co-operative Farmers and Marketing Society Limited


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Gilam Youngsters

P.O. Box 167, Education Ridge, Tamale, Ghana

New Patriotic Party - Youth Wing

P.O. Box KP 12, Kpeve - Peki road, South Dayi, Kpeve Newtown, Ghana Tel: +233 91 27805
Happy Youth Association

Global Youth Aid Association

P.B. 7384, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 22 19 52 Email:

Northern Region Youth and Development Association (NORYDA)

P. O. Box 114, Hohoe, Adja Kwaku Street, Hohoe, Gbi Abanse, Hohoe, Ghana Tel: +233 24 457 7670 Email:
Help the Youth

P.O. Box 1488, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 22655 Email:
Rescue Mission Ghana

P.O.Box 2196, Tema, Ghana

Society for the Welfare of Young People in the Rural Area

P. O. Box 100, C/o Henry Oduro Aboagye dropong, H/no. W/27, Akwapim North, Amanokrom, Ghana Tel: +233 24 2829837 Email:
Hohoe Youth Development Centre (HYDEC)

P.O. Box 1181, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 236 462 Fax: +233 21 221 744

The African Youth Alliance (AYA)

P. O. Box 164, Hohoe, Gbi Ahado, Hohoe, Ghana Tel: +233 935 22461 Email:

7 Ring Road East P. O. Box 1423 Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 773 890 Email: Web: ghanateam.htm
Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA - Ghana)

International Christian Youth Exchange (ICYE)

1st Otswe Link, South Labadi, La, Accra Tel: +233 21 779 555 / 760 117 Fax: +233 21 779 556 Email:
Life-Link Ghana

P.B. 738, Castle Road, Adabraka, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 47 00 Fax: +233 21 22 62 46
Young Peace Builders Network (Ghana)

P.B. 168, Bay 1, 5th Floor, State House, Accra/Nsawam Tel: +233 21 66 25 73 Fax: +233 21 66 55 78
National Union of Ghana Students

P.O. Box CT 1566, Cantonments Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8117 765
Young Womens Christian Association

P.O. Box 157, Legon, Office of the Head of Civil Service (OHCS), Room 36, Ministries, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 250 307 Fax: +233 21 250 307
National Youth Council - Ghana

P. O. Box 295, Sunyani, Sunyani District, Ghana Tel: +233 208 166 882 Email:

Youth - Tomorrow International Ghana (YOUTH-TI)

P.B. 777, National Youth Centre, Kaneshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 22 12 46 Fax: +233 21 22 27 45

P.O. Box KS 8236, Atwima NH 25, Atwima Nwabiagya District, Adum Kumasi Nerebehi, Ghana Tel: +233 208 385 683 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Youth Action International

P.O. Box 376, Legon-Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 500 505 Fax: +233 21 504 204 Email:
Youth Action on Reproduction Order (YARO)

Youth in Action for Development (YIAD)

P.O. Box 1774 Kumasi Ghana, Prempeh II, Top of Kumais Home Store Building, Kumasi Metro, Adum Town, Ghana Tel: +233 244 766 664 Email:
Youth Ministry Division Methodists Church

Box 45 Tumu, Tumu - Leo road, Sissala East District, Tumu Town, Ghana Tel: +233 756 910 53 Email:
Youth Advocacy

Cape Coast District, P.B 20, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 33 00 6

Youth Network for Human Rights and Democracy

P. O. Box 101, Holy Family Hospital road, Techiman Tel: +233 653 220 93

Youth Peace Mission International

Youth Aid Ghana

P. O. Box CO 2600, Tema, Tema Municipal Area, Tema Tel: +233 22 20 67 83 Email:
Youth Development and Rural Empowerment Foundation (YODREF)

P O Box UC 206, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 347 67
Youth Realities Network (YourNet)

P.O Box MA 337, Starlets 91 Street, Near State Insurance Company, Ho, District Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 24 310 42 86 Email:
Youth Development Foundation - Ghana

Ga East District, Ashaley Botwe / Topeasi Ashaley Botwe / Topeasi, Ghana Tel: +233 277 703 624 Email:
Zongo Youth Foundation

P.O. Box 4941, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 51 29 185 Fax: +233 51 23 622 Email:
Youth Development Project

P.O. Box 633, Nsawam, Accra - Kumasi road, Akwapim South District, Adoagyiri Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 429 23 00 Email:
Zuta Agro-Forestry Youth Club

P.B. 1271, D-6 Rd-3, Blk D, 3 Road Ridge, Cape Coast Tel: +233 21 66 48 59

P.O. Box AK 11, Akatsi, Accra Aflao road, Akatsi District, Akatsi Town, Ghana Tel: +233 966 44 052

Ghana - Other
1976 Year Group

P.O. Box KJ 218, Ahenkro Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 5 14 79 62

441 Welfare Association (FFOWA)

P.O. Box A 11, Aboabo, Sekyere East District, Bomeng Town, Ghana P. O. Box 12, Ahanta West District, Princess Town, Ghana
ABC Bridge

Abaawa Hagai SAA Foundation

Box NM 318, Nima, Accra, Nima Kanda Highway Area, Accra Tel: +233 21 237 298 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Ablaze For Christ

P. O. Box AF 209, Assin North District, Assin Fosu Town Tel: +233 244 94 86 31
Abotare Tailors and Dressmakers Association

African Development Programme (ADP)

P.O. Box 92, Nkwanta, Nkwanta Town, Ghana

Abotere Mankunim

P. O. Box CT 3918, Cantoments, Abeka Lapaz-Malam Motorway, Darkuman, Ghana Tel: +233 21 30 63 45 Email:
African Footprint

P.O. Box 37, TZ 9, Tepa Zongo.Ahafo Ano North District, Tepa Zongo Town, Ghana
Abroskebs Humanity and School Canteen Foundation

P. O. Box CC 147, Greenhill street, Cape Coast Tel: +233 42 31 686 Email:
African King Foundation

P.O. Box DJ 79, Ketu District, Dzodze Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 310 4070 Email:

P.O. Box 36, Awor ye street , Hse number 198, East Akim District, Osiem Town, Ghana Tel: +23324 4688601 Email:
African Renaissance Project


P. O. Box 352, ABB, Dormaa District, Dormaa Ahenkro Tel: +233 648 22477 Email:
Action Now

P. O. BOX 2946, Liberation Road, Shama Ahanta East, Takoradi Town, Ghana Tel: +233 244 56 74 09 Email: africanrenaissanceproject2001@
African Rural Evangelistic Association

P.O. Box SK 192, Accra Aflao road, South Tongu District, Sogakope Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 55 734
Action Time Foundation

P.O. Box AK 209, Kumasi Metro, Anloga - Oforikrom extension, Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 243 50 88 67 Email:

P. O. Box EL 288, Komenda/Edna Eguafo/Ebire Elmina Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 42 77 903 Email:
Africa For Jesus Commission

P. O. ox SW 46, Agona Swedru, Swedru, Ghana Tel: +233 243 8740 41 Email:
Ahanta West Civic Union

Agona Civic Union

Box 1905, PPAG House Odorkor (Opposite MTTU, Accra Winneba Road)
Africa Radio Drama Association

P. O. Box 70. Olld axim road, Ahanta West District, Agona Ahanta, Ghana Tel: +233 312 56 99

Akavo Evangelistic Mission

P.O.Box AN 8486, Accra North H/N C559/7 Kpehe Accra Newtown 145 School Road Tel : +233 21 245 970 Email :
African Assistance Plan

P.O. Box AD 42, Adidome hospital market road, Adidome Town, Ghana Tel: +233 91 91 127 Email:
Akpakope Kekeli Farming Group

P.O. Box 1178, Nkwabeng NN1/D (North), Sunyani Town, Ghana Tel: +233 61 25 135 Email:

P.O. Box 10, Mafi-Kumase, North Tongu, District, Akpakope, Mafi-Kumase, Ghana Tel: +233 244 94 90 37 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Akwamu Social Club

P. O. Box 12, Dormaa Akwamu Street, Ghana Tel: +233 64 82 20 20

All - Age Development Centre

Andrews Mana Ebibiman Foundation

P. O. Box AX 1008, Shama Ahanta East District, Takoradi Tel: +233 31 25729

Andyrose Foundation

P. O. Box KA 30660, Fodome Road, Hohoe, Ghana Tel: +233 935 22153 Email:

P.O. Box AN 11630, Apagya Street, Asikuma/Odoben/Brakwa, Asikuma, Ghana Tel: +233 277 51 8002

Anopa Bosuo

All Africans Farmers Network

P. O. Box DD 46, Dodowa, Dangbe West, Dodowa, Ghana Tel: +233 244 23 68 15
Alliance For Initiative and Development

P. O. Box 34, Mesidan, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 16 191

Antwirifo Social Club

c/o P. O. Box 63, Antwirifo, Ghana Tel: +233 20 820 8747

Applied Vessel Int

P. O. Box AM 56, Amasaman, Ga West District, Afiaman Pokuase, Ghana Tel: +233 244 42 86 88 Email: c/o Rev. Agyeman Jackson, P. O. Box 427 Community 18, Tema Municipal Area, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 212548
Amangoase Adinkra Kente Weavers Association Alpha and Omega Care

P.O. Box 3038, Accra, Akwapim South, Nsawam, Ghana Tel: +233 24 46 78 118
Apumporongo Secretarial Services

Box 163, Bolgatanga, Opposite Regional Police HQ Fax : +233 72 2239 P.O. Box SK 56, Sogakope, Off Adidome road, along Agorkpo town street, South Tongu, Agorkpo, Ghana Tel: +233 244 98 68 18 Email:
Assemblies of God Mens Ministry Arise and Fight IT

P.O. Box 4, Ntonsu, Kwabre, Ntonsu, Ghana Tel: +233 24 28 17910

Amantem Nkwanta Action Group

c/o R.C. JSS, P.O. Box 13, Amantem Nkwanta, Birim South, Amantem Nkwanta, Ghana Tel: +233 88 22 744

P.O. Box KY 99, Kibi, Apapamu road, East Akim, Kibi, Ghana Tel: +233 244 17 97 62 Email:
Association of Church Development Project

Amantena Anuado Kuo

P.O. Box 2, Amantena, Asante-Akyem North, Amantena Tel: +233 24 3551614

Ampa Resource Foundation

P.O. Box 687, Nsawam, Hospital road, Akwapim South, Nsawam, Ghana Tel: +233 24 460 35 67 Email:
Anchor Foundation

P.O. Box 1411, Tamale, Gumani road, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 23 24 51 Email:
Association of Jasikan Civil Society

P. O. Box JA 72, District Assembly street, Jasikan Town Tel: +233 242 159899
Atiwa Life Development Project


P.O. Box 148, Kade, Adjacent District Assembly, Kwaebibirem, Kade, Ghana Tel: +233 24 30 59 065

P.O. Box 11, Sekyere Atiwa, Atiwa, District, Sekyere, Ghana Tel: +233 24 35 74 960

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Jasikan, Jasikan - worawora road.Jasikan, Atonkor, Ghana Tel: +233 243 90 76 95

Awareness Sports and Culture Association

Atonkor Buem Union

Berisung Association

c/o Mr. A.A A ndrews P.O. Box 36, Yendi, Star Nite, East Dagomba, Yendi, Ghana Tel: +233 744 22341
Best Life for All

P.O. Box KW 269, Keta. District, Tegbi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 47 92 949 Email:

P.O. Box 145, Akropong - Akwapim, Akwapim North Akropong, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8178144

Awoma Cooperative Farming Association

P.O. Box 6, Kobo No.3, Awoma WW 12k, Kute Buem, Ghana Tel: +233 20 83 48 227
Ayile Nya Shrine

Best of Mankind Foundation

P.O. BOX MC 2312, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 244 035095 Email: P.O. Box 13, /P.O. Box 15, Ankaase/ Ejuratia, Kwabre Ejuratia, Ghana Tel: +233 24 412 2193 - Comm cemtre

P.O. BOX 90, Half Assini, Ghana Tel: +233 31 32771

Biakoye Farmers Association

B E F J Organisation

P.O. Box VN 4, Vane-Avatime, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8163056 Email:
Baah Salvation Army

Biakoye Hairdressers Association

c/o R. C. Church, P. O. BOX 19, Ososo. Jasikan, Nkonya Wurampong, Ghana Tel: +233 936 50653

P. O. BOX 8, Baah, Ghana Tel: +233243 133846

Baanu Ye Farmers Association (BAFA)

Bibir Ghana

c/o methodist church, P.O. Box 5, Adwumakase, Ghana Tel: +23324 4899800

P.O. Box 2476, Tamale, Opposite Old market, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8166633 Email:
Bible Missionary Society

Badukrom/Babianiha/Benekrom Tailors Association

Box 6456, Accra-North, Bishops Gate, Accra

P. O. Box 121, Kofi badukrom, Ghana Tel: +233648 22309 P. O. Box 95, Nzema East, Aiyinasi, Ghana Tel: +23320 8588272 Email:

Bible Society of Ghana

Baptist International Mission

P. O. Box 761, Accra, High Street, Accra Metro, James Town, Ghana Tel: +233 21 663803 Email:

P.O. Box 19395, Accra North, Ghana


c/o Soale Mahama, Box 1107, Tamale

Behavioural Change Club

c/o Dept. of Communication Development, Effiduasi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4162091

Bensons Blackpepper Society

P.O. Box 51, Asamankese, Suhum junction - Asamankese road, West Akim, Birika Email: P.O. Box 851, Akim Oda, Birim South, Ghana Tel: +233 20 8119482 Email:
Birim South Carpenters Association

Birika CBO

WLI-Agorviefe, Box 185, Hohoe, Volta Region, Atangba Street, Volta Region

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Birthright of Accra

P. O. Box 6661, Accra North, Ga West, Abeka Lapaz, Ghana Tel: +233 21 240376 Email: Box 207, Bolgatanga
Biu Farmers Assiociation

P.O. Box KN 2065, Kaneshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 24 95 15 Fax: +233 21 24 95 15 P. O. BOX 1042, Abura/Asebu/ Kwamankese, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 30013 Email:
Calvary Redemption Global Ministry

Calvary Christian Ministries

Boafo ye na Farmers Association

P. O. Box 33, Jasikan, District, Worawora, Ghana Tel: +233 243 078890

Catholic Dicesan Development Office

Bomdwen Progressive Farmers Association

c/o P.O. Box 49, Plot 75 block C, Kwabre, Mamponteng, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3451683

Box 47, Wa - U/W, Upland hotel road, Wa - Kpaguri, Ghana Tel: +233 756 22413
Catholic Mens Fellowship

Bomiriso Food Farmers Association

P.O. Box 69, Konongo A/A, AsanteAkyem North, Bomiriso, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3338132

P. O. Box 14, Big Base Bar Street, Dormaa, Dormaa Ahenkro Tel: +233 648 22266 Email:
Catholic Organisation for Social Religious Advancement (COSRA)

P. O. Box 17, Dr. Glonnar Street, Jasikan, Baglo Buem, Ghana Tel: +233 243 524655
Boneben Cooperative Association

Bonboku Rock Foundation

c/o Ministry of Agriculture, P. O. Box 62, Okagyakrom, Ghana Tel: +233 243 383914

P.O. Box 382, Mampong Ashanti, Within Cathollic Diocese of Konongo/ Mampong, Sekyere West, Bosofour Mampong Tel: +233 24 4180326 Email: P.O. Box AD 23, Adidome, Zion road, North Tongu, Adidome, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3913637
Center For Participatory Development (CEPAD)

Center for Cultural and Social Development

Brakwa Society

P. O. Box 7, Ankobea Street, Asikuma/ Odoben/Brakwa, Brakwa Tel: +233 41 21608

Breman Baako

Asikuma/Odoben/Braka, Baako, Ghana Tel: +233 24 403 1847

British Club Association

P.O. Box 207, Effiduase, Opposite Lorry Station, Sekyere East, Effiduase, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4560297
Central Mosque Club

P.O. Box 4307, Kumasi, Opposite Aline Cash Building, Kwabre, Mampongteng Tel: +233 24 3472339
Budas Designers Association

P.O. Box 211, Berekum, Ghana Tel: +233 642 22358

Centre for Active Development

P. O. Box 973, Kaneshie, Accra, Ga West, Kaneshie, Ghana Tel: +233 21 612109 Email:

P.O. Box 1658, Sunyani, District, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 24 401 2284 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Centre for Domestic Development Service (CEDODEV)

Coalition for Labour Programmes

P.O. Box 2337, Sunyani, Abesim Kumasi road, Sunyani, Ghana Tel: +233 61 23938 Email:

Box LT 333, Lartebiokorshie, Between Radio Gold and Salvation Army Tel : +233 21 300 519 / 20 816 3076 Email : P. O. Box 378, Winneba, Awutu/Efutu/ Senya Sankor-Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 432 22470
Comfort In Christ Coast for Christ Baptist Ministries

Centre for Economic And Social Initiatives

Box 120, Bechem, Off Bechem-Sunyani Road, Adjacent the District Assembly P.O. Box 4, Tutu Akwapim, House no. TW/142, Akwapim North, Tutu Akwapim, Ghana Tel: +233 24 486 2448
Chrismek Rights Foundation (CHRIF) Chiripong CBO

P.O. Box 450, Somanya, Social Welfare Road, Yilo Krobo, Somanya, Ghana Tel: +233 24 497 2528 Email:
Christ Crusaders Church

P. O. Box MB 647, Ministries Accra, Fadama Close, Accra Metro, North Kaneshie, Ghana Tel: +233 21 229479 Email:
Common Cause Ghana (CCG)

P. O. Box 13/P. O. Box CT 1874, Breman Asikuma / Cantonments, Asikuma/ Odoben/Brakwa, Breman Asikuma, Ghana Tel: +233 21 764284
Christ Warriors Foundation

P. O. Box 76, Jasikan, District, Jasikan, Ghana Tel: +233 91 27133 Email: P.O. Box 1256, Tamale, Davi Street Vitim Estates, West Dagomba, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 27 7154959 Email: P.O. Box 306, House no. BE3/35, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 26945
Consumers Association of Ghana Community Action Common Ground Leaner Centre

P. O. Box GP 1179, Accra, Ga West District, Amasaman, Ghana Tel: +233 24 405 9175
Christian Council of Ghana (CCG)

P.O. Box 919, Osu, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 776 678 Fax: +233 21 776 725
Christian Friends Union

P. O. Box SP 250, Saltpond, Kk Street, Mfantsiman Saltpond, Ghana Tel: +233 24 498 5545

Box TF 81, Pavilion E, Trade Fair Centre La, Accra Tel : +233 21 220 009 Fax : +233 21 232 459
Co-Operation for Development of Emerging Countries (COSPE)

Christian Social Action Movement (CHRISAM)

P.O. Box KS 3684, Kumasi, 34 SE 53058 Avenue, Kumasi Metro, Atonsu Agogo, Ghana Tel: +233 24 480 7717
Christians Benevolent Welfare Union

P. O. Box 25, Axim, Hospital Road, Nzema East, Axim, Ghana Tel: +233 31 92 362 Email:
Credit Union Association

P.O. Box AZ 36, Agbozume, Accra Aflao Road, Ketu, Agbozume, Ghana Tel: +233 24 480 4993

Box 69, Wa, District, Wa, Ghana Tel: +233 756 22323

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


P.O. Box MA 305, House no. BW2/30, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 27355 Email:
Cross Roads Africa Mission

Cross Cultural Solutions

P. O. Box 14, Enchi, Aowin-Suaman, Enchi, Ghana Tel: +233 395 22 092
Diadem Foundation

Devascom Foundation

P.O. Box HP 942, Ho, District, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 24 361 5593 Email:

P. O. BOX 1112, Takoradi, 4th Karafi Street, Ahanta West, Agona Nkwanta, Ghana Tel: +233 31 25 164 Email: c/o Postal Agent, Dzita, Keta, Dzita, Ghana Tel: +233 966 42 896
Djanman N Yaa Ku Disade Eco-Farms Association

CUSO, Ghana

No 3 Koi Street, Osu, Ako Adjei, P.O.Box 9070, Kia, Accra, Ghana Tel : +233 21 776 087 / 771 488 / 774 848 Fax : +233 21 772 948 Email : P.O. Box 26, c/o Dan K Addo, GGL Accra, Coastal Bus Stop-Spintex road, Tema Municipal Area, Spintex road, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3060428 Email:
DANFOPA Damolink Dream Foundation

PMB , Pokuase, Ga District, H/No 003, Chiefs Palace, Djanman, Pokuase

Dornorgbor Wetland Farmers and Fishermen Association

P.O. Box AW 28, Anloga, Quarters road - Dornorgbor, Anloga, Ghana Tel: +233 24 21 16 664 P. O. Box DW 492, Dunkwa-On-Offin, Abakesieso, Upper Denkyira, Dunkwa on Offin, Ghana Tel: +233 243 12 21 19

Dunkwa Offin Tailorong Foundation

P.O. Box 413, Takoradi, Mpohor Wassa East, Daboase, Ghana Tel: +233 31 77206 P.O. Box AK 191, Akatsi, District, Agbamate, Ghana Tel: +233 24 48 39 833

Dasi Adzena Memorial Foundation

Dynamic Alliance Foundation

Dedeli Foundation

P.O. Box SK 186, Off Adidome road, South Tongu, Sogakope, Ghana Tel: +233 24 40 69 287 Email: P.O. Box AZ 2, Agbozume, Agbozume E.P. school road, Ketu, Agbozume, Ghana Tel: +233 24 36 01 127
Destiny Outreach Organisation Dekaworwor Biscuit Producers Association

P.O. Box Kf 735, House Number Ef 46, Suhum Road, House No EF 46, Suhum street, New Juabeng, Effiduase, Ghana Tel: +233 81 21 736 Email: dynamicalliancefoundation@ P.O. Box 6, Asamankese, Roman down, West Akim, Asamankese, Ghana Tel: +233 20 81 57 626 Email: P.O. Box 596, Old Estate, New Juabeng, Old Estate, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 81 20 108 Email:
Eastern A/G Foundation Eagle Impact Generation

P. O. Box Kf 925, Koforidua.New Juabeng, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 08 351 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Ebenecyros Power Project

Box 82, Broadcasting road, Akwapim North, Mampong Akwapim, Ghana Tel: +233 872 22 131 Email:

Faith Association

P.O. Box 37, C/o Nkoranza, A -Line H/no. NP0010, Nkoranza, Ghana Tel: +233 24 453 5475
Faith Foundation Garnet, Int, Ghana


P.O. Box 8204, Accra-North Tel : +233 21 506 171 2

Edinaman Drama Troupe

P.O. Box 410, Dansoman Eststes, North Dayi, Kpando, Ghana Tel: +233 24 42 37 238 Email:

P. O. Box 8, Elmina, Ghana Tel: +233 244 94 95 55

Farmers Society of West Akim

El-Shaddai Campaigners

P. O. Box 32, Bechem, Ghana Tel: +233 20 86 14 791

Embracing Hidden Talents Network

Box 84, Adeiso Tel: +233 277 759763 / 244 266 111 Email:
Family Concern

P.O. Box DS 2310, Dansoman - Accra, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 24 42 21 489 P. O. Box 335, Ysepemso Street, Awutu/ Efutu/Senya, Yepemso, Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 277 79 95 15 P.O. Box 7, Osiem - Akim, Nsuase Street, East Akim, Osiem, Ghana Tel: +233 27 76 09 363
End Time Restoration Ministry Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Osiem Emmanuel Light Association

Box 163, 3rd Floor Meat Marketing Board Building, Bolgatanga P.O. Box 40, Berekum, District Berekum, Ghana Tel: +233 21 81 34 72 Email: P. O. Box 345, Wenchi, District Wenchi, Ghana Tel: +233 652 22 723
Fed Kastle Promotions Farmers Services and Credit Union Farmers Care Foundation

P. O. Box 33, Hospital Road, Nzema East, Axim, Ghana Tel: +233 342 22 651 Email:
Evangelistic International Ministry

P. O. Box SP 256, Saltpond, Mfantsiman, Ghana Tel: +233 244 50 97 46 Email:

Feed Thy Flock Foundation

114 Bradley road, 23 Warren Arkansas 71671, Bolgatanga, Ghana Tel: +233 01 87 02 26 36 /26
Faila Cooperative Food and Marketing Wulensi

P.O. Box MA 370, Ho, RTC yard, Ho, Ghana Tel: +233 91 25 154
Fodome-Abledze Farmers Society

Box 12, Fodome Helu, Volta Region

Forces of Light

P.O. Box 12, Near the Wulensi Post Office, Nanumba South, Wulensi, Ghana Tel: +233 71 24 158
Faith and Fire Revival Ministries International

P.O. Box B-15, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 21 766 031

Foundation Associate of Career Organisation (FACO)

P. O. Box 85, Twifo-Heman/Lower Denkyira, Twifo Damang, Ghana Tel: +233 24 441 1305

P.O. Box 57, Dumanafo road, Kwabre Mamponteng Ashanti, Ghana Tel: +233 24 39 89 855

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Foundation for Future Christian Workers International (FFCWI)

Friends of Jesus Club

P. O. Box 1181, Kaneshie, Accra, Adeoba Link, Accra Metro, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 08 242 Email:
Foundation for Grassroots Initiatives in Africa - GRASSROOTS AFRICA

P. O. Box 1, Atifi Street, Asikuma/ Odoben/Brakwa, Nwomaso, Ghana Tel: +233 41 21 497

Friends of Ghana Lay Foundation

P. O. Box CT 2041, No. 10 Madina New Road, Ga East, Madina, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 51 49 23 Email:
Foundation for Intercultural Exchange

P.O. Box AD 5, C/o Salem guest house, Adidome, North Tongu, Adidome, Ghana Tel: +233 24 49 21 304
Friends of The Masses

P.O. Box 34, Bechem, Tano South, Bechem, Ghana Tel: +233 632 22 071

P. O. Box OS 214, Osu Accra, Accra Metro, La, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 78 42 42 Email:

Future Hope People

P. O. Box 965, Agona, Swedru, Ghana Tel: +233 20 84 84 347

Free Expression Ghana (FEG)

Frankeve Foundation

P.O. Box AD 879, Komenda/Edna Eguafo/Ebire, Kissi, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 244 168 250 Email:
Future Watch Foundation

P.O. Box 207 or 14561, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 237 004 Fax: +233 21 237 004 Email: P.O. Box TS 96, A-Street, 2nd Avenue, Opposite Majestic Spot, Greda, Estate, Accra Metro, Teshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 871 9647 Email:
Frenocks Theatre Group Free World Foundation

P. O. Box TN 1662, Teshie Nungua Estate, Accra Teshie, Accra Metro, Ghana Tel: +233 20 816 3429 Email:
Ga Man Saamo Kpee

Box 18 Accra, Bukom Square, Accra

Gab Farmers Association

Box 2, Kofiase Mampong

Gap Bridge Foundation

P. O. Box 2080, New Juabeng, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 24 44 83 290 Email:

P.O. Box AS 38, Asamankese, West Akim, Asamankese Tel: +23320 8157567 Email:

Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Box 9722, Kia, Accra Tel: +233 21 772 471 Fax: +233 21772 990 Email:
Friends Foundation

P.O. Box 34, c/o Juaso A/A, Asante Akim South, Dwendwenase, Ghana Tel: +233 24 371 48 60 P. O. Box JA 70, C/O Jasikan, District Jasikan, Ghana Tel: +233 243 504 074
Generation Concern - Offinso Ashanti Garages Association

GAR Fund Advantage Group

P.O. Box 252, Kwahu West, Awenare, Ghana Tel: +233 24 41 27 486 Email:

P. O. Box 2, Plot 16 block 25, Offinso Antoa New Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 346 72 20


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Generation Helpers

P. O. Boxs 23, Hohoe, Alavanyo Dzogbedze, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 33 271 P.O. Box KW 234, Keta, District Dzelukope, Ghana Tel: +233 966 42 258

Ghaa National Association of Poultry Farmers

Ghana Action Club

P.O. Box 01668, Abavana Junction, Accra Metro, Mamobi, Osu Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 229 253 Email:
Ghana National Tailors and Dressmakers Association

Ghana Action Network on Small Arms (GHANSA)

Accra, Ghana Email:

Ghana Alert

P.O. Box 1657, Koforidua, New Juabeng, Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 81-221 51
Ghana Peasant Farmers Network

Box C 1945, Cantonments, Accra #1, 3rd Dade Walk, North Labone Tel: +233 21 761 541
Ghana Community Radio Network

P. O. Box DD 46, Dangbe West, Dodowa, Ghana Tel: +233 21 767 479 4th Sakumo Link, Lartbiokoshie P.O.Box MP 2989 Mamprobi, Accra, Ghana Email:

Ghana Publish What You Pay Coalition

Addis Ababa Rd Corner, Lagos Ave, East Legon P.O.Box KA9482, Accra Ghana Email: P.O. Box 1643, Hospital Road (Central), New Juabeng Koforidua, Ghana Tel: +233 81-26041
Ghana Hairdressers and Beauticians Association Ghana Government Pension Association

Ghanaian Danish Community Programme (GDCP)

P. O. Box TL 764, Tamale Kumbungu road, Tolon Kumbugu, Dalun, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 22 776 Email:

P. O. Box 12, C/O Dunkwa on Offin, Brumase Street, Upper Denkyira, Dunkwa On Offin, Ghana Tel: +233 20 82 22 029
Ghna Heritage Conservation Trust

P.O. Box C 2569, Accra Tel: +233 21 414 169 Email:
Global Agenda Network (GLOANET)

P. O. Box 454, Chapel Square, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 30 264 Email: Web:
Ghana Integrity Initiative

P.O. Box AX 1495, Takoradi, Ghana Pt 230, Near Sycamore Medical Centre Road Tel: +233 244 547 350 Fax: +31 239 60 Email: P. O. Box AM 244, Ga West, Amasaman, Ghana Tel: +233 244 591324 P. O. Box SW613, Agona Swedru, Ghana Tel: +233 244 429853 Email:
Globycom International Global Progressive For All

PMB CT 317, Cantonment, Accra Osu, Adzoatse Street, Near Dragon 88 Tel: +233 21 782 364 Fax: +233 21 782 365 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


P. O. Box CE 11570, Tema, C road, Hse. No. C 22, Tema Municipal Area, Tema Community 5, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 208507
Golden Gleam Foundation

Gods Harvest Foundation

Gyatekuma Servant Leader Project Inc. (GASELEP Inc.)

P. O. Box WB 100, Winneba, 174/12 Commercial Street, Awutu/Efutu/Senya, Winneba, Ghana Tel: +233 432 20102
Hacky Films Foundation

P. O. Box 267, Hohoe, Hohoe Jasikan Road, Hohoe District, Hohoe, Ghana Tel: +233 244 741593 Email:

Golden Sunrise Ghana

P. O. Box 17576/P. O. Box 26, AccraNorth/Apam, Gomoa, Apam, Ghana Tel: +233 21 687108 Email:
Hadinkae Club

P.O. Box KN 664, C/o EPME, Kaneshie, Ga West, Achimota, Ghana Tel: +233 24 320 5060 Email:
Good Counsel Foundation

c/o postal agent, Ahenkro, Boamang junction, Afigya Sekyere, Ahenkro, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4959046
Hand in Hand International Adesua Nkosuo

P. O. Box 272, Atokwashie Street, Komenda/Edna, Eguafo/Ebire, Elminas, Ghana Tel: +233 42 36226 Email:
Government Accountability Improves Trust (GAIT II)

P. O. BOX 436, Dormaa Ahenkro, Tuesday Market Rd. Dormaa, Dormaa Ahenkro, Ghana Tel: +233 648 22453
Hand Maid Economic Network

P.O. Box 478, c/o Wa U/W, Dorimon road, Wa, Ghana Tel: +233 756 91074 Email:

P. O. Box MC 1422, Takoradi, Tadisco Road, Shama Ahanta East, Takoradi, Ghana Tel: +233 31 26727 Email:

Grassroots Initiatives Programme (GRIP)

P.O. Box ST 67, Sports Stadium Kumasi, Number G2 Asokwa, Adjacent Victory Secondary School, Kumasi Metro, Asokwa Kumasi, Ghana Tel: +233 51 81311 Email:
Great Provider Charity Foundation

P.O. Box Kf 45, Koforidua, Akkwadum suhum road, New Juabeng, Effiduase, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3557644 Email:
Hands Of Love Organisation

Hands Of Faith Foundation

P.O. Box 508, Konongo A/A, Odumase - Ahyiaem Road, Asante, Akyem North, Konongo, Ghana Tel: +233 351 25556 Email:

P. O. Box 128, C/O Central Assemblies of God Church, Ashiaman, Tema Municipal Area, Official Town, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 244 291840
Hands Of Mercy Outreach

Gyamire CBO

P.O. Box 5, Asokore, House no, B 133, Sekyere East, Asokore, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4256971

P. O. BoxTS 596, TESHIE.Tema Municipal Area, Teshie, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 244 212973 Email: P.O. Box 95, Aflao, Ketu, Aflao, Ghana Tel: +233 91 91309
Happy Home International


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

P.O. Box 10, Mafi-Kumase, Mafi-Kumase Secondary School Road, North Tongus, Mafi-Kumase, Ghana Tel: +233 24 3467773 Email:
Heres a Message That Will Bring You Chills

Helping the Perishing

Hot Springs Organisation (HOSPRO)

P.O. Box 786, Teshie, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 716 410 Email: P.O. Box AK 172, Akatsi, bedzo road, Akatsi, Ghana Tel: +233 24 470 5526 Email:
Human Needs International Human Action

Box 48 Lawra, Lawra Town, Ghana Tel: +233 20 83894301 Email:
HESI International Incooperated

P. O. Box GP 20514, Ga East, District, Madina, Accra North Tel: +233 277 776978 Email:

P.O.Box GPO 19000, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 20 811 3247 / 21 685 240 Fax: +233 21 685 240 Email: P. O. Box AD 346, Adisadel, Cape Coast, Ghana Tel: +233 42 32055
Interlove International Human Services Trust

Hill of Hope Prayer Camp

P. O. Box AD 584, Cape Coast, Nkamfoa Edukrom Road, Abura/Asebu/ Kwamankese, Nkamfoa-Edukrom, Cape Coast Tel: +233 20 8180608 Email:
Hoega Haborbor - Klogokope

P.O. Box 1, Tegbi, Keta, Tegbi, Ghana Tel: +233 966 42937
Hope For Ghana

Box LT 618, Lartebiokoshie, Accra 18th St, No 15 Dansoman Estate Tel: +233 21 305 299 / 42 303 50 Fax:
International Christian Association for Rural Evangelism

P.O. Box Kf 2333, Koforidua, New Juabeng, Koforidua Tel: +233 24 4563332
Hope for Humanity

Box SP 268, Saltpond Tel: +233 21 311 497 / 311 579 Fax: +233 311 498 Email:
Kalijiisa Co-operative Society

P.O Box 1, New Edubiase, Adansi South, Adansi South, New Edubiase, Ghana Tel: +233 527 20976
Hope for the Future (HOPEFOTEF)

Box 35, Sandema

Learning Helping Living NGO

P. O. Box 400, Ashaiman, Tema Municipal Area, Ashaiman, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 277 419509 Email:
Hope Spring Foundation

P.O.Box DS 1583, Dansoman Estate Tel: +233 21 304 782 Email:
Liberian Dance Troupe (LDT)

Buduburam Refugee Camp, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 24 4236132 Email:
Lutheran Media Ministry

P.O. Box AH 1267, No. 104 Mandon Lane - West Haatso, Ga West, Haasto, Achimota Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 503931 Email:

Box 17008, Accra North, B738/10 Osiapen Street, Accra Tel: +233 21 220993 / 223 487 / 252 876 Fax: +233 21 233 155 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Mankinds Advancement, Upliftment and Development (MAUD)

Obra Foundations

P. O. Box 14447, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 778507 Email:

Market Access Promotion Network (MAPRONET)

Box 63 Adeiso, E/R Tel: +233 21 300877 / +233 20 8128794 Email:
Opportunities Industrialisation Centre Ghana

Box TL 1773, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 260 45 Fax: +233 71 260 45 Email:

P.O.Box 6241, Accra

Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU)

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

P.O. Box LG 730, 30 Duade Street, Kokomlemle, Legon, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 2424 70 Fax: +231 21 2210 84 Email: Web:
Media Foundation for West Africa

P.O. Box M 386, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 508 855 Fax: +233 21 508 851 Email: P.O.Box 1336, Tamale, Ghana Tel: +233 71 232 72 Fax: +233 71 222 94 Email:
Pentecostal Social Services

Partners in Participatory Development

30 Duade Street, Kokomlemle, Accra, Ghana Email:

Mount Horeb Glory Ministries

Box 1254, Sunyani, B/A, Ghana 4th Floor, SSNIT House, Sunyani Tel: +233 24 624 596 / 636787 Fax: +233 61 272 03 / 254 73 Email:
Muslim Family Counselling Services

International Headquarters, P.O. Box 2194, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 76 25 81 Fax: +233 21 77 47 21
Pentecost Social Services

P.O. Box AS 549, Asawasi Kumasi, Asawasi Community Centre, Kumasi Metro, Kumasi Town, Ghana Tel: +233 24 469 3877 Email:
Muslim Relief Association of Ghana (MURAG)

Box DC 803, Dansoman, Accra Opposite Kpogas Furniture, OdorkorMallam Road, Accra Tel: +233 21 777 611 Fax: +233 21 774 721
Peoples Action for Winning Life All-Round (PAWLA)

P.O.Box 8749, Accra North C161/2 Kojo Thompson Road, Ampem Hse 2nd Floor, Accra Tel: +233 21 248 068 Fax: +233 21 248 068 Email:
New Energy

Headquarters, P.O. Box TM 83, Tumu, U/W/R, Ghana Tel: +233 756 22851 2 / 22212 Fax: +233 756 22851 Email:
Peoples Society

P.O Box AT 1196, 12 Onyankele Street, Achimota Accra Tel: +233 24 4892378 Email:
Philantropist Host Family Services

Box 811, Tamale C22, Opposite Bank of Ghana Offices, Tamale Tel: +233 71 227 66 / 230 86 Fax: +233 71 22488

Box MA 378, Ho, V/R, Ghana


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Plan Life

P.O. Box DM 101, 2nd Adjumah Crescent, Opposite Macmillan, South Industrial Area, Accra Metro, Makola-Accra Tel: +233 21 247538 Email:

Survivors for Change (SfC)

c/o Mr. Vincent Azumah, P.O. Box AN 19083, Accra-North, Ghana Tel: +233 20 813 3996 Email: Web:
Tamale Archdiocesan Development Office

Box 207, Bolgatanga Tel: +233 72 234 87 Fax: +233 72 234 87 Email:

P.O. Box 43, Ghana Tel: +233 72 32 40 Fax: +233 71 24 25

Trades Union Congress (TUC)

PMB Kia, Accra Tel: +233 21 228 206 Fax: +233 21 223 218 Email:
Resource Links Foundation

P.O. Box 701, Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 25 68 Fax: +233 21 66 71 61 Email:

Voluntary Workcamps Association of Ghana

P.O.Box KS 12154, Kumasi Tel: +233 24 460 875 / 461 088 Email:
Ricerca E Co-operation

P.B. 1540, High Street, External Communication (Behind P & T), Accra, Ghana Tel: +233 21 66 34 86 Fax: +233 21 66 34 86
Waterway Entrepreneur Association

Box LG 348, Legon, 16 Church Cresent, Labone, Accra Tel: +233 21 782 090 / 783 969 Fax: +233 21 761 569 Email:
Rita Marley Foundation

P. O. Box 1710, House no. AM 9, Community 5, Tema Municipal Area, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 206 800
Wealth Guide Society

Box 34, Aburi-Akuapim Tel: +233 87 622 071 Fax: +233 21 508 016 Email:
School for Life

P. O. Box 11483, Community 11, Tema Municipal Area, Tema, Ghana Tel: +233 22 305 082

Box 787, Tamale Tel: +233 71 220 23 Fax: +233 71 220 23

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

P.O.Box Kia 30284, Airport, Accra No 6 Mankata Close, Airport Residential Area, Accra Tel: +233 21 774 782 Fax: +233 21 772 332 Email:
Social Enterprise Development Foundation

G11 Regimanuel Estate, Nungua Barrier, Sakumono, Accra Tel: +233 21 716 860 Email: Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Le Guinea
Guinea possesses major mineral, hydropower, and agricultural resources, yet remains an underdeveloped nation. The country has almost half of the worlds bauxite reserves. The mining sector accounts for more than 70% of exports. Long-run improvements in government fiscal arrangements, literacy, and the legal framework are needed if the country is to move out of poverty. Investor confidence has been sapped by rampant corruption, a lack of electricity and other infrastructure, a lack of skilled workers, and the political uncertainty because of the death of President Lansana CONTE in December 2008. International donors, including the G-8, the IMF, and the World Bank, cut their development programming significantly in response to the coup. Growth rose slightly in 2006-08, primarily due to increases in global demand and commodity prices on world markets, but the standard of living fell.

Le Guinea
La Guine possde dnormes ressources minrales, des ressources en eau et agricoles. Cependant elle reste encore une nation sous-dveloppe. Le pays a presque la moiti des rserves de la bauxite du monde. Le secteur minier compte pour plus de 70% des exportations du pays .Une amlioration des procdures fiscales, de lducation et un cadre lgal est ncessaire pour chasser la pauvret du pays. La confiance des investisseurs a t mise en mal par la corruption galopante, un manque dlectricit et dautres infrastructures, un manque de travailleurs qualifies, une instabilit politique cause de la mort du president Lansana CONTE en Dcembre 2008. Les donateurs trangers y compris le G-8, le FMI et la banque Mondiale ont coup leur aide au dveloppement pour protester contre le coup en Guine. Il ya eu une lgre croissance entre 2006 et 2008 due laugmentation de la demande mondiale des matires premiers et des prix sur les marchs mais le niveau de vie a baiss.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Guinea - Capacity Building

Association Guinenne des Femmes Chercheurs

B.P. 1014, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 21 26 98 Fax: +224 30 41 29 62

Centre dEtude et de Recherche pour lIntgration Rgionale et le Dv de lAfrique - Ex Cerdes

Centre du Commerce International pour le Developpement (CECIDE)

B.P. 2210, Kaloum, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 22 03 61 Fax: +224 30 45 10 16

Corniche-Nord, Commune de Dixin, Immeuble Soguico, Rue DI - 001 Email: /

LAtenne Regionale de la Coordination des ONG de Guinee

BP 98, Labe, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 51 09 57

Guinea - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

The World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)

B.P. 964, Conakry, Guinea Email: Web:

Guinea - Democracy & Good Governance

Research Insitute on Democracy and Rule of Law

First International Bank, 6eme Avenue de la Republique Email: /

Guinea - Education
P.B. 193, NZrkor, Guinea Tel: +224 30 91 03 93
Club UNESCO NZrkor

Guinea - Environment & Sanitation

Guine cologie

B.P. 3266, 14 Rue DI 501, Dixinn, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 46 24 96 Fax: +224 30 46 50 39 Email: lEnvironnement et la Sant B.P. 3401, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 55 60
Organisation Guinenne pour

Rseau pour lEnvironnement et le Dveloppement Durable en Afrique

B.P. 3266, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 42 12 09 Fax: +224 30 42 19 09

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Guinea - Health
Association Guinenne pour la Reinsertion des Toxicomanes

B.P. 1368, Quartier Cameroun, Commune de Dixinn, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 55 18 60 Email:
Comunita di S. Egidio - ACAP NGO

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

BP 3204, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 455 788 Email: Web:

Rue DI 257, Donka/Camayenne, Commune Dixon, Cite Ministerielle, Corniche Nord Email:

Reseau Guineen des Associations de Persons Vivant avec le VIH (REGAP+)

Almaya, face Marche Niger, Cote Patisserie le Damier, Commune de Kaloum Email:

Guinea - Human Rights & Justice

African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promoters (ACHHRP) Les Memes Droits pour Tous (MDT)

B.P. 250, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +41 22 800 34 64 Email:

BP 5728 Email:

Quartier Miniere, Commune de Dixon, P.O. Box 4955 Email:

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)

African Human Rights and Democracy Fund

Organisation Guineenne de Defense des Droits de lHomme et du Citoyen (L.O.G.D.H)

B.P. 2476, Taouyah, 375 rue RO, 073, Commune de Ratoma, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +244 30 463 786 Email:

Guinea Tel: +224 30 910 793 Email: Web:

Guinea - Poverty Alleviation


B.P. 3190, Conakry, Guinea

Guinea - Rural Development

Association dappui aux Initiatives Communautaires (ADIC)

B.P. 1359, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 27 78 Email:

Reseau African pour le Developpement Local (RADEL)

Programme dAppui aux Initiatives de Base - Projet PNUD

Secretariat Permanent, BP 3208, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 214 972 Email:

S/c PNUD, B.P. 40, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 15 58 Fax: +224 30 41 24 58 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Guinea - Women & Children

Amazonian Initiative Movement

030 BP 564, Conakry, Guinea Email:

Appui aux Femmes du Secteur Informel

Coordination des ONG Fminines de Guine

B.P. 2176, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 13 10 97 10

B.P. 1359, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 42 29 63 Fax: +224 30 41 27 78 Email:
Fondation Maman Henriette Cont

Association des Femmes de Lanseboundji

B.P. 170, Commune Matam, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 22 02 67 Fax: +224 30 46 50 39

B.P. 4007, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 34 30 Fax: +224 30 41 35 57

Groupement des Femmes dAffaires de Guine

Association des Femmes Entrepreneurs de Guine

B.P. 3009, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 45 38 99

B.P. 790, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 46 38 42 Fax: +224 30 45 10 61 Email:

LAssociation Guinenne pour lAllgement des Charges Fminines

Association Guineenne pour lAllegement des Charges Feminines (AGACFEM)

(OPIP) B.P. 2024, Quartier Lansboundji, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 49 85 Fax: +224 30 41 49 85

6848 Quartier Lancebounyi, Conakry, Matam Email:

LAtenne Regionale de la Coordination des ONG Feminines de Guinee (COFEG)

Coalition Nationale de Guinee pour les Droits et la Citoyennete des Femmes

Sandervalia, Rue KA 022, Kaloum Sanderlavia Email:

BP 2176, Immeuble Kebe 1er etage Kaloum, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 910181 Email:
Mano River Womens Peace Network (MARWOPNET)

Commission Nationale des Femmes Travailleuses de Guine

B.P. 237, Bourse du Travail, Corniche sud KA 004, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 41 87 Fax: +224 30 41 39 90

B.P. 1359, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 451 867 Fax: +224 30 422 963 Email:
Sabou Guinea

Cooprative de Construction des Femmes de Lansbundji

BP 6621, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 226 039 Email:

Commune de Matam, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 46 26 70 Fax: +224 30 41 35 88

Guinea - Youth
La Federation des Associations de la Jeunesse Guineene (FAJEG)

Immeuble Barry III, 2eme Transversale Bambeto

Union des Jeunes pour le Developpement (U.J.D)

Guinea Tel: +224 30 210 699

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Guinea - Other
Aide la Famille Africain

Immeuble Fawaz, Carrefour Chinoix Dixina, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 42 32 83

All Africa Editors Conference West Africa

Guine Development Foundation

Immeuble Balde Zaire, BP 4968, Sandervalia, Conakry Email:

B.P. 183, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +22430 414 497 Fax: +224 30 442 012 Email: Web:
Institute dEconomie Africaine

Association des Anciennes Normaliennes de Guine

Polytechnique, Batiment Bissandougou Email:

B.P. 1960, Conakry, Guinea

Association des Journalists de Guinee

BP 391 Republique de Guinee

B.P. 6048, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 60 34 48 06 Fax: +224 30 43 32 05 Email:
Syndicat Libre des Enseignants et Chercheurs de Guinee (SLECG)

Patrimoines du Sud

Association des Volontaires pour la Securite Alimentation

B.P. 6048, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 34 48 06 Fax: +224 30 43 32 05 Email: B.P. 1580, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 46 46 69

Dixinn, Conakry Email:

Union des Anciennes Rufisquoises de Guine

B.P. 1214, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 46 18 60 Fax: +224 30 46 21 60

Centre de Promotion Agricole et de Technologies Adaptes

B.P. 530, Conakry, Guinea Fax: +224 41 31 45

Union Guinenne des Volontaires du Dveloppement

Coalition dOrganes de Presse sous la Direction de Le Lynx

B.P. 67, Labe, Guinea Tel: +224 30 51 11 95 Fax: +224 30 51 10 64

Immeuble Balde Zaire, 3e Etage 5e Avenue X 7e Boulevard, BP 4968, Sandervalia, Conakry Email:
Confdration Nationale des Travailleurs de Guine

B.P. 237, Bourse du travail, Corniche sud KA 004, Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 30 41 50 44


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Guinea-Bissau depends mainly on farming and fishing. Cashew crop yields have increased remarkably in recent years, and the country now ranks fifth in cashew production. Guinea-Bissau exports fish and seafood along with small amounts of peanuts, palm kernels, and timber. Rice is the major crop and staple food. However, intermittent fighting between Senegalese-backed government troops and a military junta destroyed much of the countrys infrastructure and caused widespread damage to the economy in 1998; the civil war led to a 28% drop in GDP that year, with partial recovery in 1999-2002. Before the war, trade reform and price liberalization were the most successful part of the countrys structural adjustment program under IMF sponsorship. The tightening of monetary policy and the development of the private sector had also begun to reinvigorate the economy. Because of high costs, the development of petroleum, phosphate, and other mineral resources is not a near-term prospect. Offshore oil prospecting is underway in several sectors but has not yet led to commercially viable crude deposits.

Le Guinea-Bissau
La Guine-Bissau dpend principalement de lagriculture et de la pche. La culture dacajou a considrablement augment ces dernires annes, plaant le pays prsent au cinquime rend de production dacajou. La Guine-Bissau exporte du poisson et de fruits de mer, une petite quantit darachides, des noix de palm, et du bois. Le riz est l`aliment de base. Cependant les combats entre larme Sngalaise et la junte militaire ont dtruit beaucoup dinfrastructure du pays et caus des dommages lconomie en 1998; la guerre civile a rduit le GDP de 28% cette mme anne, avec une croissance partielle entre 1999-2002. Avant la guerre, la reforme sur le commerce et la libralisation des prix a t le programme le plus russit des ajustements structurels sous le FMI. La restriction de la politique montaire et du dveloppement du secteur priv ont commenc redynamiser lconomie du pays. Avec des couts levs, lexploitation du ptrole, le phosphate et dautres ressources naturelles ne sont pas la proccupation actuelle du pays. La recherche de lor est en cours dans plusieurs domaines mais na pas encore abouti un rsultat viable et commerable de dpts de ptrole.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Guinea-Bissau - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

African Strategic and Peace Research Group (AFSTRAG)

Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Email: Web:

Programme De Demobilisation, Reinsertion Et Reintegration Des Ex-Combattants

Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 223 473 Fax: +245 223 471 Email:

Guinea-Bissau - Health
Secretariat Technique National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA (STNLS)

Hospital 3 de Agusto, Bairro de Ajuda, Bissau Email:

Guinea-Bissau - Human Rights & Justice

Caritas Guinea-Bissau

Avenida 14 de Noviembre, 1001 Bissau Codex, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 25 10 57 Email: Web:
Legal Information and Orientation Centre

Liga Guineense dos Direitos Humanos (LGDH)

Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 255 985 Email: Web:

Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 206 720 Email:

Guinea-Bissau - Poverty Alleviation

ActionAid Guinea-Bissau

P.O. Box 47, Rua 5 de Julho 30A, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Email: Web:

Guinea-Bissau - Rural Development

Projecto Demelhoramento dos Bairros de Bissau

R. Domingos Ramon, Camara Municipal de Bissau, Bissau, 34, Guinea-Bissau Email:
Projet dAmelioration des Quartiers de Bissau


Radio Communitaria de Bafata

Radio Sol Mansi

Parroquia S. Ana Mansoa, Mansoa, Guinea-Bissau Email:

Avenue Domingos Ramos, B.P. 34, Bissau, Guinee-Bissau Tel: +245 202 350 Fax: +245 202 350


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Guinea-Bissau - Youth
Association de Developpement et dAppui a la Jeunesse

Faculdad de Direito, P.B. 17, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 25 30 83

Guinea-Bissau - Other
FASPEBI Bijagos Radio

FASPEBI, Bubaque, Guinea Bissau

Ganda Community Radio & Multimedia Centre

Ilha de Paz

Radio Gandal, P.O.Box 56, Gabu, Guinea-Bissau Email:

rua Angola No 13/a, C.P. 955, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 20 33 25 Fax: +245 20 29 35 Email:

Guinean Association for the Study of Alternatives

BP 343, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau Tel: +245 2 04 198 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Civil war and government mismanagement destroyed much of Liberias economy, especially the infrastructure in and around the capital, Monrovia. Many businesses fled the country, taking capital and expertise with them, but with the conclusion of fighting and the installation of a democratically-elected government in 2006, several have returned. Liberia has the distinction of having the highest ratio of direct foreign investment to GDP in the world. Richly endowed with water, mineral resources, forests, and a climate favorable to agriculture, Liberia had been a producer and exporter of basic products - primarily raw timber and rubber. Embargos on timber and diamond exports have been lifted, opening new sources of revenue for the government. The reconstruction of infrastructure and the raising of incomes in this ravaged economy will largely depend on generous financial and technical assistance from donor countries and foreign investment in key sectors, such as infrastructure and power generation.

Le Liberia
La guerre civile et la mauvaise gestion de ltat ont dtruit lconomie du Libria, spcialement les infrastructures dans et autour de la capitale Monrovia. Beaucoup dhommes daffaire ont quitt le pays en apportant avec eux leurs capitaux et leur expertise. Mais avec llection du gouvernement dmocratiquement lu en 2006 plusieurs dentre eux reviennent. Le Liberia se distingue de par son taux lv dinvestissement tranger au niveau du GDP mondial. Le pays est riche en eau, ressources minrales, forts, et un climat favorable lagriculture. Il est producteur et exportateur des produits de base par example le bois et lhva. Lembargo sur lexportation du diamant et du bois a t lev ouvrant la voie de nouvelles ressources au gouvernement. La reconstruction des infrastructures et la croissance des revenues dans une conomie ravage dpendront largement dune assistance technique et financire des donateurs et des investissements trangers dans les secteurs cls comme les infrastructures et lnergie.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Liberia - Capacity Building

Randall Street & UN Drive, 1st floor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 06 548 517 Email:
Family and Gender Empowerment Initiative in Liberia Creative Associates International The Christian Empowerment and Sustainable Program (CESP)

13th Street Sinkor, UMC Compound, Monrovia 1000 Tel: +231-888 733 1440 Email:

P.O. Box 10-1905 Email:

People Organizing Initiatives and New Trends for Economic Development (POINT)

Mega Compound, Randall Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 228 037 Email:

P.O. Box 2792, Point Incorporated, 0708 - A - 078, 19th Street Sinkor, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 227 838/ 513 272

Liberia - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Africa Peace Mission

c/o Institute for Peace, Health & Development, P.O. Box 1920, Musu Apt. St. Edwards Parish, Logan Town, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 225 953 Fax: +231 227 838
American Refugee Committee International (ARC)

Benson and Buchanan Streets, Liberia Tel: +231 655 0199

Danish Refugee Council

Center for Trauma Counseling and Conflict Resolution

Atlantic House, Tubman Blvd., Congo Town, (Catholic Hospital Junction), Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231-6-546-600 Email:

P.O. Box 5332, Cape Palmas Harper, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 88162146 Email: Web:
Edward Peal Center for Reconciliation and Renewal

Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (JPC)

P.O. Box 10-3569, Ashmun Street, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 227 657 Fax: +231 226 006 Email:
Center for Media Studies & Peace Building (CEMESP)

P.O. Box 10-1010, 1000 Monrovia 10, United Methodist Church, 13th Street Sinkor, Tubman Boulevard, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 651 4856 Email:
Finnish Refugee Council

Bestman Building, Buchanan & Benson Streets, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 651 4357 Email: Web:

Dennis Compound, Mamba Point, Liberia Tel: +231 077 510 096 Email: Web:
Hope for the Nation

Ganta City, Hope Village, Nimba County, Liberia Tel: +377 518 846 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


International Association of Educators for World Peace

Peace Building Resource Centre (PBRC)

Lynch Street, Room 802, P. O. Box 5860, Monrovia Email:

Jesuit Refugee Service - JRS

Floor, Above, Motoroal Shop, Randall Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 533 481 Email: Web:
Liberia Action Network on Small Arms (LANSA)

P. O. Box 2427, 2nd Floor Bestman Building, Benson and Buchanan Streets, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +377 47 526 492 Email:
Peace Winds Japan

Old CID Road, Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 06-571-179 Email: Web:
Peacebuilding Reconciliation Group (PBRG)

Monrovia, Liberia Email:

Sinje Town, Garwula District, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia

Premiere Urgence

Ministry of Public Works Building, Lynch Street Email:

Liberian Baptist Peace Fellowship

Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Sinkor, 21st street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 065 45 06 Email:

P.O. Box 390, Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational, Convention, Baptist House, Tubman Boulevard, Monrovia Tel: +231-6-514 706 Email:

12th Street Payne Avenue Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 06 531 706 Email:
The Perry Center for Peace, Stability and Development

National Federation for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation

P.O. Box 4242, 2nd Floor Luke Building, Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 773 377 Email:
Norwegian Refugee Council

Perry Drive, Perry Avenue, P.O. Box 153, Paynesville, Liberia Tel: +377 4751 4875

United Nations Missions in Liberia (UNMIL) Legal and Judicial System Support Division

Room 403A, Pan Africa Plaza

House #1, Mega Compound, Randall Street, South Beach, Adj. St. Teresa Convent Compound, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +377 4752 3630 Email: Web:
OXFAM GB Liberia

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP)

P.O.Box 10-2259, CHAL Compound, 7th Street Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 651 9765 Email:
ZOA Refugee Care

Bright Compound (next to UNICEF), UN Drive, Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 6 574 900 Email: Web:

3rd Street Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 06 531 622 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Liberia - Democracy & Good Governance

Association for Reconstruction Through Democracy Center for Peacebuilding and Democracy

P.O. Box 19935, Accra-North, Liberia Tel: +231 21 311 53

Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA)

P.O. Box 2428, Paynesville, Redlight, Lcuna Building, Liberia Tel: +37747 550 444 Email:

Tel: +23106542933

Campaign for the Promotion of Democracy in Liberia (CPD)

P.O. Box 4356, Monrovia, Liberia Email:

Corner of Carey and Macdonald Streets Email:

Civic Education and Good Citizenship Movement (CEGCM)

Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia

Center for Democracy and Elections (CENDE) Inc

103 Benson Street, P.O.Box 10-5522, 1000 Monrovia Email:

Center for Democratic Empowerment (CEDE)

Tel: +231 06511824 Liberia Democratic Institute (LDI) Tel: +231 06514348
Liberia Democratic Watch (LDW)

Tel: +231 06513037

P.O. Box 10-3679 1000 Monrovia 10, 11a Broad Street Snapper Hill, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 226 959 Email:

Partners for Democratic Development (NAYMOTE)

YMCA Building, Tubman Boulevard Email:

Liberia - Education
Development Education Network

Dementa Road, Gbarnga City, Bong County, Liberia Tel: +873 761 279 05
International Center for Media Studies and Development in West Africa (INCEMSADWA)

Liberia Institute of Journalism (LIJ)

2nd Floor, Suite 2, Kashouh Building, Broad and Johnson Streets, Monrovia, Liberia Email:
Liberia National Students Union

116 Carey Street, Garnett Building, 1000 Monrovia P.O.Box 10 - 3495 Email:

P.B. 10-9020, C/o University of Liberia, Monrovia, 1000-10, Liberia Tel: +231 22 79 98 Fax: +231 22 60 00

Liberia Bible Translation and Literacy Organization (LIBTRALO)

P.O. Box 10-2575, Methodist Compound, 17th Street, Sinkor, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231-226 560 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Liberia - Environment & Sanitation

P.O. Box 10-4875, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Email: /
Center for Environmental Education and Protection of Liberia CCC Agro Action

18th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 065 33 893 Email:
Lutheran World Federation / World Service

P.O. Box 20-4364, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 225 119 Fax: +231 226 005 Email:
Concern Worldwide - Liberia

12th Street Beach, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 065 152 55 Email:

VP Road, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 518 954 Email:

Liberia - Health

98 UN Drive, Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 22 72 74 Email:

Mercy Corps

Bailey House, Newport Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 514 672 Email:
Northwest Medical Teams International

Christian Health Association of Liberia (CHAL)

P.O. Box 10-9056, 7th Street Sinkor, 1000 Momrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 226 823 / 226187 Email:
Equip Liberia

ELWA Compound, Paynesville, Liberia Tel: +231 065 438 08 Email:
Trauma Healing And Reconciliation Program (THRP)

Liberia Tel: +377 518 846 Email:

Tel: 06-528-626/06-554-696

Heal and Restore Hope Inc (HARHOP)


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Adjacent the Faith Healing Temple Church, Bushord Island, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 992 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Liberia - Human Rights & Justice

Christian Centre for Human Rights Protection and Community Service Liberian Human Rights Observer

c/o National Human Rights Centre of Liberia Building, 42 Carey Street, P.O.Box 3822 Email:
Foundation for International Dignity (FIND)

P.O. Box 10-2929, Memarinna Building, Front and Randall Streets, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231-221 190 Email:
National Human Rights Center

Khouri Building 1st Floor, Corner of Broad and Johnson Streets Email:
Foundation for Human Rights & Development (FHORD)

42 Carey Street Email:

Peace Building Resource Center Inc. (PBRC)

Tel: +231 06-515-470/06-526-492

Tel: +231 06668819

Institute for Media Development & Dignity (IMEDD)

Research and Documentation Center on Human Rights (RDCHR)

P.O.Box 1348, Carey / Johnson Streets, Monrovia Email:

P.O. Box 724, Lynch Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 838 Email:

International Center for Transitional Justice

Kings Building (Adjacent US Embassy) Mamba Point Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 (0)5 818 984
Justice and Peace Commission (JPC)

Rural Human Rights Activist Program (RHRAP)

P.O. Box 3078, Raymond Building, Broad Gurley Streets, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 65 159 53 Email:
S. Edward Peal Center For Reconciliation And Renewal

National Catholic Secretariat P.O. Box 10-3569 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 077513997 Email:, P.O. Box 3822, Via Town, Adjacent Beever Company, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231-227 334 Email: Benson Street, off Lynch Street, Monrovia, Liberia Email:
Liberia Civil and Human Rights Alliance

Tel: +231 06-567-478


P.O. Box 10-1517 1000 Monrovia 10, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 226 944
The International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Liberia Coalition for Freedom of Expression

Tubman Boulevard, Catholic Hospital Junction, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 06 530 538 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Liberia - Poverty Alleviation

Adventist Development & Relief Agency (ADRA) Samaritans Purse

23rd Street, Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 6 518 798 Email:
Catholic Relief Service-Liberia (CRS Liberia)

1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 06 530-960 Email:


19th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 06 516 493 Email:
Mercy Ships

P.O Box 2656, ELWA Compound, Paynesville, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 06 592 190 Email: Web:
World Vision International

M/V Anastasis LMC Freeport of Monrovia, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 435 425 Email: Web:
Outreach for the Poor Ministry

P. O. Box 2617, Coconut Plantation, Mamba-Point, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 226 832 Email: Web:

P.O.Box 5084, Nelson Street, 1000 Monrovia 10 Email:

Liberia - Rural Development

Community Assistance for Rural Development (CARD)

P.O. Box 4086, Gbandi Community, Kakata City, Margibi County, Liberia
Community Empowerment for Sustainable Development (CESD)

Liberian Islamic Union for Reconstruction and Development (LIURD)

P.O. Box 1500, Katata City, Margibi County, Liberia

P.O. Box 6209, Fish Market, Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 330 227 / 514 256 Email:
Service and Development Agency

Community Services and Development Organization (COSADO)

Tel: +231 06518363

P. O. Box 430, Sinkor Old Road, Opposite Grassroot Cinema, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia

Liberia - Women & Children

Association Of Disabled Females International (ADFI)

Tel: 077010582/06517185/ 077438136

Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL)

Buchanan Child Community Based Care (BUCCOBAC)

P.O. Box 6727, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 330 Email:

4000 Buchanan, 10 Dark Forest Field Community, Lower Harlandsville, Liberia Email:
Christian Childrens Fund (CCF)

UN Drive Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 536 283


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Liberia Muslim Women For Peace (LIMWOP)

Tel: +231 06513624/06665383/ 06558859

Society For Women And Aids In AfricaLiberia (SWAAL)

Tel: +231 06-516-501/06-519-252

SOS Childrens Village - Liberia

Liberian Women Empowerment Network (LIWEN)

Tel: +231 0770259-878/06-640-987

Liberian Womens Initiative (LWI)

P.O. Box 1063, 11 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 095
Liberia Women Media Action Committee (LIWOMAC)

P. O. Box 1924, National Coordination Office, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 292 Email: Web:
Traditional Women United For Peace (TWUP)

Tel: +231 06-561-331

Tel: +231 06-559-302/06-883-814

Mano River Womens Peace (MARWOPNET-Liberia)

Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 375 Fax: +231 226 144 Email:
Media Women Center for Development and Democracy (MEWOCEDE)

c/o Liberia National Commission fro UNESCO, 4th Floor, Room 413, E.G.W King Plaza, Broad Street, Monrovia Email:
Women and Children Development Association of Liberia (WOCDAL)

Women Aid Incorporated

Tel: +231 06512442/04775983

Gurley Street, P.O.Box 2614, Monrovia District 4 Email: P.O. Box 2703, Monrovia, Liberia P.O. Box 1570, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 484 Fax: +231 226 723 Email:
Save the Children UK (SCF)

Women and Children Rehabilitation Resource Center

Plumkor Community, 7th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia Email:

Women NGO Secretariat

National Federation of Liberian Women

National Womens Commission of Liberia

Tubman Boulevard, Congo Town Email:

Women Of Liberia Peace Network (WOLPNET)

Tel: +231 06-538-933/06-492-45

Young Women Organized For Sustainable Development (YWOSD)

Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 226 538 Email: Web:

Tel: +231 06-533-526

Liberia - Youth
Federation Of Liberian Youth (FLY)

Tel: +231 04721866

National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections

Mano River Youth Parliament

1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Email:

Box 10-5402, Monrovia, Liberia Email: P.B. 1010, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 22 37 22

Student Christian Movement of Liberia

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Liberia - Other
Center for Liberian Assistance Inc.

Tel: +231 06550691

Christian Empowerment And Sustainable Program Inc. (CESP)

Tel: +231 06-549-997/06-552-691

Church Aid Inc

3rd Floor, Corner of Broad and Gurley Streets, P.O.Box 695, Monrovia Email:
Margibi Organization Network Secretariat

Magic Radio Monrovia

Community Women Training Centre (CWTC) Building, Northwest Avenue, VOA# 1Road, P.O.Box 6567 Email:
Inter-Religious Council Of Liberia (IRCL)

Kakata City, Margibi County, Monrovia, Liberia

Press Union of Liberia

Tel: +231 06-531-112/06-520-624/06565-607

Liberia Media Center

P.O. Box 4209, Benson Street, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 227 105 Email:
Prisoners Assistance Program - PAP

1st Street Sinkor, Jallah Town Road, P.O. Box 1153

Liberians United to Serve Humanity (LUSH)

P.O. Box 5705, 1000 Monrovia 10, 2nd Floor, Luke Building, Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia Email:
Project Network Outlook (PNO)

16th Street, Gibson Avenue, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Tel: +231 228 035

Tel: +231 06516946

Send Foundation Visions in Action

Lutheran Church of Liberia/Lutheran World Federation / World Service/Trauma Healing Reconciliation Program

Tel: +231 06590595 15th St and Gardner Ave, Sinkor, Monrovia 1000, Liberia Tel: +231 06-538 593 Email: Web:

P.O. Box 10-1046, 13th Street, Sinkor, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia Tel: +231 226 633/ 226 262 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Mali is among the 25 poorest countries in the world, with 65% of its land area desert or semi-desert and with a highly unequal distribution of income. Economic activity is largely confined to the riverine area irrigated by the Niger. About 10% of the population is nomadic and some 80% of the labor force is engaged in farming and fishing. Industrial activity is concentrated on processing farm commodities. Mali is heavily dependent on foreign aid and vulnerable to fluctuations in world prices for gold and cotton, its main exports. The government has continued its successful implementation of an IMF-recommended structural adjustment program that is helping the economy grow, diversify, and attract foreign investment. Mali has invested in tourism and a tractor assembly factory.

Le Mali
Le Mali fait partie des 25 pays les plus pauvres au monde, avec 65 % de ses terres qui sont dsertiques ou semi-dsertiques et une rpartition trs ingale des revenus. Lactivit conomique est largement confine la zone riveraine irrigue par le Niger. Environ 10 % de la population est nomade et environ 80 % de la population active est engage dans lagriculture et la pche. Lactivit industrielle est concentre sur la transformation des produits agricoles. Le Mali est fortement dpendant de laide trangre et vulnrable aux fluctuations des prix mondiaux dor et de coton, ses exportations principales. Le gouvernement continue la mise en uvre russie dun programme dajustement structurel recommand par le FMI qui permet de dvelopper et de diversifier lconomie et galement dattirer les investissements trangers. Le Mali a investi dans le tourisme et dans une usine dassemblage de tracteurs.

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Mali - Capacity Building

Association Conseil pour lAction

Qinzambougou Rue 560 Porte 77, Pres de la Clinique de la Paix, BP E 408, Bamako, Mali Email:,
Comit de Coordination des Actions des ONG

Groupe de Recherche dEtude de Formation Femme - Action (GREFFA)

GREFFA BP: 68, Gao, Mali Tel: +223 2820419 Email:

National ONGs Committee - SECO-NGO Mali

B.P. E 3216, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 21 12 Fax: +223 2 22 23 59 Email:
Coordination Rgionale des ONG

BP 3264, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 29 30 41 Email:

B.P. 379, Segou, Mali Tel: +223 2 320 527 Fax: +223 2 37 20 70

Mali - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Association Regionale des Femmes pour LEducation et la Paix

P.O.Box 06 BP, Gao, Mali Tel: +223 282 00 16

National Coaliton of the Civil Society for Peace and the Fight Against the Proliferation of Weapons (CONASCIPAL)

International Institute for Peace and Security

BP E2539, Magnambougou-Est, Plateau no.2 Lot no.1, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 773 789
Mouvement National Des Femmes Pour La Sauvegarde De La Paix Et De LUnit Nationale (MNFPUN)

BP 3910, Bamako, Mali Tel: +233 2 214 948 Email:

The World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)

B. P. 1583, Bamako, Mali Web:

BP 3910, Bamako, Mali Tel: +232 6 799 130 Fax: +223 2 23 06 42 Email:

Mali - Democracy and Good Governance

Parti pour la Dmocratie et le Progrs

B.P. 53, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 31 58 Fax: +223 2 22 64 52

Transparency International - Mali (TI-Mali)

BP 3041, Directeur NTominkorobougou Rue 659, Porte 632, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 225 999 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Mali - Education
Association Malienne dInitiatives et dActions pour le Developpement

B.P. 3179, Rue Gr. Ousmane Traor Porte 1662, Badialan III, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 81 58 Fax: +223 2 22 23 59
Conseils Appui pour lducation la Base

Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa

BP E 1854, Bamako, Mali Email:, tourek@

B.P. 2310, rue 650, porte 1034, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 23 56 58 Fax: +223 2 22 31 42

Mali - Environment & Sanitation

Association Malienne des Amis du Sahel

B.P. 1606, Sogominko, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 22 08 12 Fax: +223 22 08 12

Association Malienne pour la Conservation de la Faune et de lEnvironnement

Badialan II, rue Soundiata Porte 2029, Entre les Anciennes Salles de Cinema ABC et Lux
Organisation Malienne pour lEnvironnement, la Jeunesse et le Dveloppement

Fondation pour le Developpement au Sahel (FDS)

B.P. 2921, Rue No -9, porte A3, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 23 51 79 Fax: +223 23 51 79

Association pour la Formation et lEducation Environnementale au Sahel

Segou Quartier Medine, Rue 108, Porte 1009, BP 320, Segou Email:

B.P. 9003, Rue 938, P 409, Zone industrielle, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 25 19 06 Fax: +223 2 23 19 06

Environment and Development Action in the Third World (ENDA) - Mali

BP 3123, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 231 775 Email: Web:

Mali - Health

BP E4120, Rue 550 Porte 31 Quinzambougou, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 672 10 40 Email:

Association de Lutte Contre le Tabac, lAlcohol et les Stapefionts au Mali

B.P. E4755, Rue 232 Porte 1633 Hippodrome, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 643 9875 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Mali - Human Rights & Justice

Association Malienne des Droits de lHomme

B.P 3129, Av. Mamadou Konat, Porte No 400, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 22 34 62 Fax: +223 22 34 62

Mali - Poverty Alleviation

Projet Caisses Villageoises dpargne et de Crdit Autogres World Vision International-Mali

B.P. 45, Niano, Segou, 223, Mali Tel: +223 2 35 20 15 Email: B.P. 198, Rue 232, porte 1482, Hippodrome, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 31 95 Fax: +223 2 21 96 40 Email:

Rseau des Caisses dpargne et de Crdit du Mali-Nysigiso

Hippodrome, rue 214 porte 576, Route de koulikoro (Face Sotelma), Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 21 38 20 Email: Web:

Mali - Rural Development

Appui aux Collectivits Dcentralises pour un Dveloppement Participatif (ACODEP)

B.P. 120, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 23 45 07 Fax: +223 23 54 26 Email: Web:

Convergence dAppui au Development Integre a la Base (CADIBA)

Rue 2, Bat 1158, BP 8 Markala Segou, Siege National Email:

Association pour le Dveloppement Integer des Villages du Hair

B.P. 205, Mopti, Mali Tel: +223 2 43 01 97

Mali - Women & Children

Association Citoyenne pour la Defense des Droits et des Enfants et des Femmes Association des Femmes ducatrices du Mali

Kalabankoro Adeken, BP 5025 Email: B.P. 2401, Rue 328, Porte 191, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 228 75 89 Fax: +223 277 49 40 Email:

Association de Recherche-Action Femmes et Dveloppement

B.P. E 4, Kalaban Coura route de laroport, Rue 30, Bamako Tel: +223 2 77 16 38 Fax: +223 2 22 44 81 Email:

Association des Femmes Entrepreneurs du Mali

Association des Femmes Catholiques (Catholic Women Association)

B.P. 1459, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 200 315 Fax: +2232 200 325 Email:

Parisse Sacre - Coeur B.P 298, Mali Tel: +223 229 69 05


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Association des Femmes Teinturires du Mali

B.P. 1459, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 20 03 25 Fax: +223 2 20 03 25 Email:

Coordination des Associations et Oorganisations Fminines

B.P. E810, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 22 36 87

Association du Sahel dAide la Femme et lEnfance

Groupe Pivot / Droits et Citoyennete des Femmes

B.P. 6049, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 23 40 84 Fax: +223 2 23 16 53 Email:

BP 2814, Avenue Cheick Zayed, Porte 103 Dravela-Bolibana, Bamako Email:
Groupement dAppui aux Initiatives conomiques des Femmes

Association Internationale de Femmes Francophones

B.P E-787, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 48 57 Fax: +223 2 22 08 68

B.P. 2511, Rue 300, Hippodrome, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 21 23 59 Fax: +223 2 22 23 59
GUIDO pour la Promotion des Femmes

Association pour le Progrs et la Dfense des Droits des Femmes Maliennes

B.P. 1740, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 29 10 28 Fax: +223 2 29 10 28 Email:

B.P. 225, Badala Rue Leipzig, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 57 80 Fax: +223 2 22 82 97

LAssociation pour le Progrs et la Defense des Droits des Femmes Maliennes (APDF)

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Afrique (CATW)

787 Immeuble Djire, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 29 10 28 Fax: +223 2 232 362 Email: Web:
Collectif des Femmes du Mali

B.P. 1740, Avenue Cheick Zayed Immeuble Djir, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 29 10 28 Fax: +223 2 29 10 28 Email: BP E 1576, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 223 320 Email:

Le Mouvement National des Femmes pour la Paix (MNFP)

B.P. E653, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 23 13 09

Oeuvre Malienne daide lEnfance du Sahel

Comit dAction pour les Droits de la Femme

B.P. 2653, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 222 256 Email:

B.P. 2323, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 3 22 29 12 Fax: +223 3 23 07 85

Commission Nationale des Femmes Travailleuses

Reseau Femmes Communication (RFC) RFC, Gao, Mali

Bourse du travail, B.P. 169, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 36 99 Fax: +223 2 22 84 52
Cooprative des Femmes pour lEducation, la Sant Familiale et lAssainissement (COFESFA)

Tel: +223 6 05 20 99

Rseau Jigiyaso des Femmes

S/c World Education, B.P. 2137, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 98 57 Fax: +223 2 22 02 91
Save The Children (UK)

B.P. 2977, Rue 132, Porte no. 851, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 229 127 Fax: +223 2 239 307

B.P. 2145, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 30 16 Fax: +223 2 22 42 55 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Women in Law and Development in Africa Mali (WILDAF)

B.P. 1823, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 91 82 Fax: +223 2 22 91 82

Womens Association for Peace Initiatives (AFIP)

BP 2281, Hippodrome, Rue 234, Porte 1288, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 6 752 143 Email:

Mali - Youth
Association des Jeunes Diploms pour le Dveloppment Agro-Pastoral Mouvement de la Jeunesse ADEMA PASJ

Carrefour des Jeunes, P.B. 91, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 22 43 11

Jeunesse Agricole Croyante

P.B. 1791, Rue 151 X 96, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 23 57 48 Fax: +223 2 22 07 87

B.P. 10, Parroisse Catholique, Karrangosso par Koutiala, Mali Tel: +223 2 62 02 70 Fax: +223 2 62 05 20

Mali - Other
Assistance aux Initiatives de Dveloppement

B.P. 01, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 37 20 70 Fax: +223 2 37 20 70

Association Nouvelles Initiatives

Association des Consommateurs du Mali

P.B. 2712, Torokorobougou, rue 409 Porte n 7, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 22 15 04 Fax: +223 22 18 5
Association pour le Dveloppement Actif et Participatif

B.P. 8061, Badalabougou, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 72 45 Fax: +223 2 22 84 52

Association GANGAN

B.P. 25, Koutiala, Mali Tel: +223 2 640 218

Immeuble Babou Toure Commune de Pelegana, Route Nationale 6 Pres de lAtelier Dom Email:
Association Libre pour la Promotion de lHabitat et du Logement

Association pour le Dveloppement des Activits des Productions et de Formation

B.P. 3267, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 21 00 33 Fax: +223 2 21 00 33

B.P. 1881, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 84 40 Fax: +223 2 22 84 40 Email:
Association Malienne des Metiers dElectricite (A.M.M.E)

Centre Amadou Hampt B

B.P. 1511, 8 rue Missira, Porte 1052, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 30 82 Fax: +223 2 23 91 18
Centre de Formation pour le Dveloppement des Activitis de la Population

Lafiabougou Rue260 Porte N393, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 462 2679 Fax: +223 462 2679
Association Malienne pour le Suivi de lOrientation des Pratiques Traditionnelles

B.P. 284, Rue 78 Porte N0. 610, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 29 38 78

Galle Association pour le Dveloppement des Activits de Production et de Formation

B.P. E. 1453, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 23 58 95 Fax: +223 22 01 42

B.P. 3267, Rue Achkabaa Porte 1854, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 21 00 33 Fax: +223 2 21 00 33


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Gard - Nord

B.P. 217, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 23 05 95 Fax: +223 2 23 05 19

Groupe de Recherches et dApplications techniques (GRAT)

B.P. 2502, Hippodrome rue 254, porte 953, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 21 43 41 Fax: +223 2 22 43 41 Email:
Les Dmystificateurs

BP: E5564, Carrefour des jeunes de Bamako, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 222 431 Email:

B.P. 1881, 266 Porte 105, Bamako, Mali Tel: +223 2 22 90 37

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Mauritania has extensive deposits of iron ore, which account for nearly 40% of total exports. The nations coastal waters are among the richest fishing areas in the world, but overexploitation by foreigners threatens this key source of revenue. The countrys first deepwater port opened near Nouakchott in 1986. Before 2000, drought and economic mismanagement resulted in a buildup of foreign debt. In February 2000, Mauritania qualified for debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative and nearly all of its foreign debt has since been forgiven. In December 2007 donors pledged $2.1 billion at a triennial Consultative Group review. A new investment code approved in December 2001 improved the opportunities for direct foreign investment. Mauritania and the IMF agreed to a three-year Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) arrangement in 2006 and Mauritania made satisfactory progress, but IMF and World Bank suspended their programs in Mauritania following the August 2008 coup. Following the July 2009 Presidential elections, the IMF and World Bank agreed to meet with the Goverment to discuss a resumption.

Le Mauritanie
La Mauritanie a de vastes gisements de minerai de fer, qui reprsentent prs de 40 % de ses exportations totales. Ses eaux ctires sont parmi les plus riches zones de pche dans le monde, mais cette source essentielle de revenus menace de surexploitation par des trangers. Le premier port en eau profonde du pays t cr prs de Nouakchott en 1986. Avant 2000, la scheresse et la mauvaise gestion conomique a entran une accumulation de la dette extrieure. En fvrier 2000, La Mauritanie a t lue pour lallgement de sa dette dans le cadre de linitiative en faveur des Pays Pauvres Trs Endetts (PPTE) et la presque totalit de sa dette extrieure a t allge depuis. En dcembre 2007, les donateurs se sont engags pour loctroi de 2,1 milliards de dollars au cours dun bilan triennal du Groupe Consultatif. Un nouveau code dinvestissement approuv en Dcembre 2001 a contribu amliorer les possibilits pour les investissements directs trangers. En 2006, la Mauritanie et le FMI ont convenu dun accord sur la Croissance et la Rduction de la Pauvret (FRPC) sur une priode de trois ans et la Mauritanie a fait des progrs satisfaisants, mais le FMI et la Banque Mondiale ont suspendu leurs programmes en Mauritanie aprs le coup dtat aot 2008 ; aprs les lections prsidentielles de juillet 2009, le FMI et la Banque Mondiale ont accept de rencontrer le gouvernement afin de discuter dune ventuelle reprise.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Mauritania - Capacity Building

Association Franaise des Volontaires du Progres (AFVP) Fdration ds ONG Mauritaniennes

BP 50, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 3479 Fax: +222 525 7048 Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 2990

B.P. 4949, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 2 52 902 Fax: +222 2 52 902

Federation des ONG Internationales de Mauritanie

Mauritania - Democracy & Good Governance

Association pour la Promotion de la Democratie et lEducation Civique (APDEC) Transparency International - Mauritania (TI)

Sis Bagdad Lot no 53 Email:

BP 199, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 25 32 25 Email: Web:

Mauritania - Health
Association Mmauritanienne de Lutte Contre la Lepre et la Tuberculose Medicus Mundi Catalunya

BP 1931, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 4479

BP 40124, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 529 4273 Fax: +222 529 4273
Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres

Association Mauritanienne pour la Sant des Femmes, Enfants et le Dveloppement

B.P. 4472, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 2 57 139 Fax: +222 2 59 010

BP 2719, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 2640 Fax: +222 525 2640
SOS Pair Educateurs

Association Mauritanienne la Promotion de la Famille

B.P. 3127, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 56 078 Fax: +222 56 078
Medicos del Mundo

El Mina Extension, Lot no J5, BP 6486 Nouakchott Email:, sydribril@

BP 2867, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 259 0876 Fax: +222 259 0876

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Mauritania - Human Rights & Justice

Association Mauritanienne des Droits de lHomme SOS Esclaves

Siege Social, Nouakchott, Immeuble El Najah no A09, BP 1780

Foundation des Actions Humanitaires

BP 4302 Email:

Ilot L a cote de lAncienne Maison des Jeunes, FAH BP 2243, Avenue du Stade Teyarett, Nouakchott Email: /

Mauritania - Poverty Alleviation

Agence pour la Promotion des Caisses Populaires dpargne et de Crdit

B.P. 5008, Nouakchott, Mauritania

Association Amicale des Pauvres

Union des Caisses dpargne et de Credit des Artisans

B.P. 42, Zourate, Mauritania

Association pour la Promotion de la Microenterprise

B.P. 5217, Lot No. 028, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 92 75 Fax: +222 525 46 81 Email:
World Vision International - Mauritania

B.P. 1888, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 56 32 431 Email:

Caritas Mauritanie

BP 515 / 5220, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 6560 Fax: +222 525 5178
Mutuelle des Associations Feminines dpargne et de Crdit

WV Mauritania, Ilot 0 - 95m, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 5256988 Email: Web:

B.P. 835, Nouakchott, Mauritania Email:

Mauritania - Women & Children

Association des Femmes de lAfrique de lOuest

B.P. 2627, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 512 65 Fax: +222 513 58 BP 71, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 525 1080 Fax: +222 525 1831

Association Internationale des Femmes des Pays dexpression Franaise Francophones

B.P. 71, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 25 10 80 Fax: +222 25 10 80

Association des Femmes Fancophones (AIFF)

Association Mauritanienne pour le Bientre et le Secours de lEnfant et de la Mre

B.P. 2537, Tevragh - Zeina 532, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 25 99 72 Fax: +222 25 45 05 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Association pour le Dfense des dDroits de la Femme et de lEnfant

B.P. 3542, Immeuble UTM, Appartement No. 2, Nouakchott Tel: +222 525 0204 Fax: +222 529 0107 Email:

Union Mauritanienne des Femmes Entrepreneurs et Commerantes

Centre commercial Chinguetty, B.P. 2858, Nouakchott Tel: +222 25 37 88 Fax: +222 25 37 75

Reseau Mauritanien pour la Promotion des Droits de la Femme (RMPDF)

B.P. 1220, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 254501 Email: Web:

Mauritania - Other
Agency for the Promotion of the Universal Access to the Basic Services (APAUSB)

B.P. 5566, 64, Rue 23-002, Ksar Nouakchott, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 524 0999 Fax: +222 524 0997 Email: Web:

B.P. 6633, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 25 04 40 Fax: +222 25 11 83

Fdration de Foot-ball de la Rpublique Islamique de Mauritanie


B.P. 5275, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 40 303 Fax: +222 40 395

B.P. 566, Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: +222 2 504 24 Fax: +222 2 504 24

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranking near last on the United Nations Development Fund index of human development. It is a landlocked, Sub-Saharan nation, whose economy centers on subsistence crops, livestock, and some of the worlds largest uranium deposits. Drought cycles, desertification, and strong population growth have undercut the economy. Niger shares a common currency, the CFA franc, and a common central bank, the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), with seven other members of the West African Monetary Union. In December 2000, Niger qualified for enhanced debt relief under the International Monetary Fund program for Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) and concluded an agreement with the Fund on a Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). Debt relief provided under the enhanced HIPC initiative significantly reduces Nigers annual debt service obligations, freeing funds for expenditures on basic health care, primary education, HIV/AIDS prevention, rural infrastructure, and other programs geared at poverty reduction.

Le Niger est lun des pays les plus pauvres au monde, toujours au bas du classement sur lindice du dveloppement humain du Fonds de Dveloppement des Nations Unies. Cest un pays subsaharien enclav dont lconomie est centre sur les cultures de subsistance, le btail et lun des plus grands gisements duranium au monde. Les cycles de scheresse, la dsertification et la forte croissance de la population handicapent lconomie. Le Niger partage une monnaie commune, le franc CFA et une banque centrale commune, la Banque Centrale des tats de lAfrique de lOuest (BCEAO), avec sept autres membres de lUnion Montaire Ouest Africaine. En dcembre 2000, Le Niger, a t lu pour lAllgement de sa Dette dans le cadre du programme du Fonds Montaire International pour les Pays Pauvres Trs Endetts (PPTE) et a conclu un accord avec le Fonds sur la Croissance et la Rduction de la Pauvret (FRPC). Lallgement de la dette dans le cadre de linitiative PPTE rduit de faon significative les obligations annuelles lies la dette du Niger, ce qui libre des fonds pour les dpenses de soins de sant de base, lducation primaire, la prvention VIH/SIDA, les infrastructures rurales et autres programmes visant rduire la pauvret.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Niger - Capacity Building

Development Innovations and Networks

B.P. 12675, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 35 27 Fax: +227 20 72 32 04 Email:

Niger - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Maillon Africain pour la Paix et le Dveloppement

B.P. 11598, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 724 713 Email:

The World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)

B.P. 11177, Niamey, Niger Web:

Niger - Democracy & Good Governance

International Association for Democracy in Africa Transparency International - Niger

B.P. 13438, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 22 48 57

BP 10326, Niamey, Niger Email: Web:

Reseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et lAnalyse Budgetaire

Niger - Education
Association Nigrienne des Educatrices pour le Dveloppement

B.P. 887, Niamey, Niger

Education pour la Population et la Vie Familiale

Association Qui Cherche des Bourses dtude (ACBE)

B.P. 12.865, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 74 05 35 Fax: +227 20 73 74 34 P.B. 12004, Niamey, Niger

Avenue de luniversite, 10960 Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 73 31 16 Email:

Union des Scolaires Nigriens

Niger - Environment & Sanitation

Association Nigerinne des Scouts de lEnvironnement

B.P. 2013, Palais des Sports, Portes 322, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 49 63 Fax: +227 20 73 27 84 Email:
Association of Niger for the Protection of the Environment

Protection de lEnvironnement, Education et Alphabtisation

Paroisse Saint Gabriel de Garbado, B.P. 10270, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 70 06 Fax: +227 20 73 70 06 Email:

B.P. 10663, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 35 87 Fax: +227 20 74 19 72

Salubrit, Propret, Hygine et Techniques dAssainissement

B.P. 11309, Stade Seyni Kountche Salle 1077, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 51 34 Fax: +227 20 73 35 69

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Niger - Health
Association des Femmes Actives Contre le SIDA

4 Rue du Grande Marche, Lot 471 face de la poissonnerie du Golf Email:

Comite Nigrien sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles

B.P. 11631, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 752 725 Fax: +227 20 753 506

Association des Femmes Africaines Face au SIDA (SWAA)

B.P. 13 406, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 22 24 Fax: +227 20 72 42 07 Email: Web:

LAssociation des Femmes Nigriennes Face au SIDA

B.P. 13406, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 22 24 Fax: +227 20 72 32 33

Niger - Human Rights & Justice

Association des Femmes Juristes du Niger

B.P. 10689, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 28 90 Fax: +227 20 72 41 62

CROISADE / Association de Defense des Droits de lHomme et de Promotion de la Democratie

Villa 103, Quartier Terminus

Association Nigeriennes pour la Defence des Droit de lHomme (A.N.D.D.H)

Le Reseau des Journalistes pour les Droits de lHomme

BP 12859, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 733 999 Email:

95 Rue C.I 31 Cite Poudriere Email:

Niger - Poverty Alleviation


P.B. 13322, Niamey, Niger

Network of Peasants Solidarity without Borders

B.P. 2252, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 51 07 00 Fax: +227 20 51 07 33

VM Niger, Avenue des Djermakoyes, Rue Maurice Delens, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 754135 Email: Web:

World Vision International--Niger

Organisation Nigrienne pour le Dveloppement la Base du Potential Humain

B.P. 11835, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 24 24

Niger - Rural Development

Actions pour le Dveloppement Rural Intgr Appui aux Projets et Actions de Dveloppement

B.P. 12903, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 42 49 Fax: +227 20 74 13 55 Email: P.B. 361, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 74 03 24

B.P. 10444, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 39 93

Contribution au Dveloppement Rural

Agir pour les Zones Dshrites

B.P. 140907, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 74 09 07 Fax: +227 20 73 35 69 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Energie et Environnement pour le Dveloppement Rural


B.P. 13418, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 23 13 Fax: +227 20 72 40 15

B.P. 11265, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 73 52 02

Niger - Women & Children

Association des Femmes Commerantes et Entrepreneurs du Niger ONG SAPHTA

B.P. 10602, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 74 02 83 B.P. 2818, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 37 17

B.P. 11309, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 51 34 Fax: +227 20 73 35 69

Projet dAppui la MECREF et a lEntreprenariat Fminin

Association des Femmes du Niger

Association pour lIntgration de la Femme dans lconomie Nigerinne

PRAMEE, B.P. 13.871, Niamey, Niger Email:

Rassemblement Dmocratique des Femmes du Niger

B.P. 2636, Quartier Baudrire, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 74 03 39 Fax: +227 20 75 31 07

B.P. 11933, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 24 65 Fax: +227 20 73 20 15 B.P. 418, Naimey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 22 14

B.P. 10967, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 733 836 Fax: +227 20 733 836

Coordination des ONG et Association Fminines Nigriennes

Union des Femmes Enseignantes du Niger

Union pour la Promotion de la Femme Nigrienne

Femme - Jeunesse - Environnement - Sant

B.P. 10 271, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 47 76 Fax: +227 20 74 26 34 Email:

B.P. 13168, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 74 12 55 P.B. 10271, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 35 87 Fax: +227 20 73 23 74

Women, Youth, Environment, Health

Mutuelle dpargne et de Credit des Femmes du Niger

(Via Pierre Larooque), B.P. 10815, Niamey, Niger Email:

Niger - Youth
Association de la Jeunesse Panafricaniste Revolutionnaire

P.B. 13702, Celtho/OAU, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 74 05 65 Fax: +227 73 36 54

Association Nigerienne pour la Promotion des Jeunes

Association Nigerienne pour le Traitement de la Delinquance et la Prevention du Crime

Immeuble Maiguizo, Rue Kalley Amirou, BP 2981 Email:

Association of Niger for the Promotion of Youth

B.P. 12907, Stade General Seyni Kountche, Porte 1024, Niamey, Niger

B.P. 2178, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 42 11 Fax: +227 20 72 35 36

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Democratic Association of the Youth of Niger

P.B. 10663, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 35 87 Fax: +227 20 74 19 72 B.P. 10663, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 58 09 Fax: +227 20 74 19 72 B.P. 10663, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 35 87 Fax: +227 20 74 19 72
Rural Youth Organization

Youth Association for Support to the Promotion of Initiatives

National Coordination of Youth Organizations

B.P. 156, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 54 06 Fax: +227 20 73 41 85

Youth Club for the Protection of the Environment of Niger

Panafrican Youth Organization

B.P. 13610, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 58 09 Fax: +227 20 73 50 44 P.B. 10663, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 58 09 Fax: +227 20 74 19 72

Youth Environment Democracy Development

P.B. 10663, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 75 35 87 Fax: +227 20 74 19 72

Union des Jeunes Entrepreneurs du Niger

B.P. 5248, Niamey, Niger Email:

Niger - Other
Groupe Alternative du Niger

Quartier Poudriere, BP 10 948 Email:

Groupe dAppui au Mouvement Associatif

Scouts du Niger

P.B. 11157, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 73 26 56 Fax: +227 20 74 10 13


12 748, avenue Charles de Gaulle, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 24 51 Fax: +227 20 72 32 04
Oeuvre Nigrienne de Dveloppement Social

B.P. 862, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 32 56 Fax: +227 20 73 59 91


B.P. 10928, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 26 13 Fax: +227 20 73 35 69

ONG Naaba Aba

B.P. 13211, Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 72 41 53



Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Oil-rich Nigeria, troubled by political instability, corruption, inadequate infrastructure, and poor macroeconomic management, has undertaken several reforms over the past decade. Nigerias former military rulers failed to diversify the economy away from its overdependence on the capital-intensive oil sector, which provides 95% of foreign exchange earnings and about 80% of budgetary revenues. Following the signing of an IMF stand-by agreement in August 2000, Nigeria received a debt-restructuring deal from the Paris Club and a $1 billion credit from the IMF, both contingents on economic reforms. Nigeria pulled out of its IMF program in April 2002, after failing to meet spending and exchange rate targets, making it ineligible for additional debt forgiveness from the Paris Club. Since 2008 the government has begun showing the political will to implement the market-oriented reforms urged by the IMF, such as to modernize the banking system, to curb inflation by blocking excessive wage demands, and to resolve regional disputes over the distribution of earnings from the oil industry.

Le Nigeria est un pays riche en Ptrole. Troubl par linstabilit politique, la corruption, les infrastructures inadaptes la pauvre gestion macroconomique, le pays a entrepris des reformes pendant ces derniers dcennies. Les anciens dirigeants militaires du Nigeria nont pas pu diversifier lconomie afin de se dbarrasser de dpendance du secteur ptrolier. Ce secteur fourni 95% des gains des changes extrieurs et environ 80% du revenu du budget de ltat. Aprs la signature de laccord en attente avec le FMI Aout 2000, le Nigeria a reu une restructuration de sa dette avec du club de Paris et $1 billion de crdit du FMI, tous en fonction des reformes conomiques. Le Nigeria sest retire du programme du FMI en Avril 2002, aprs navoir pas respect les dpenses et les taux dchanges faisant de lui non ligible pour un crdit additionnel du Club de Paris. Depuis 2008 le gouvernement montre une volont politique dappliquer les reformes du march prconis par le FMI, savoir moderniser le systme bancaire, combattre linflation en contrlant les excs de salaires, en rsolvant les querelles rgionales sur la distribution des revenues du ptrole

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Nigeria - Capacity Building

African Agency for enhanced Socio-Ethics and Traditional Order (ASETO) Health & HIV/AIDS NGOs Coalition

P.O. Box 10692, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 2413669 Email: Web:
Centre for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS)

139, Nnebisi Road, 1st Floor Asaba, Delta State Tel: 08063399105, 08038784416, 08068107046 Email:
Human Development Initiatives (HDI)

Email: Web:

2 Iwaya Road, Onike-Yaba, Lagos Email:, 164a Iketa Way, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 269 3599 Email:

Consortium for Human Development through Community Action for Popular Participation

Human Resources Development Centre

Plot 556A Borno Street, Garki Area 10, Abuja Email:
Development Empowerment Society International

International Council on Social Welfare

P.O. Box 2858, Utimatics House, 17 Osahungboye Street, Lagos, Nigeria Email:
Development Forum and Skills Acquisition Center (DEFOSAC)

ICSW C/- Movisie P. O. Box 19129, 3501 DC Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel: 31 30 7892226 Fax: 31 30 7892111 Email: Web:
J & J development Consult

52 Egbeda-Idimu Road, Oja B/ S Egbeda, Lagos City, Nigeria Email:

Empower Citizen Organization

No 1 Dr. Waheed Crescent Off Ajala Close Sango Ogun State, Nigeria Email:

No 1 Retreat Centre Road Gwarandok Jos Plateau State Tel: 08033610650, 08037155721 Email:,
Ken Nnamani Centre for Leadership & Development

Empowerment and Action Research Centre

1 Wegbo Street (Off 56, Iwaya Road), Iwaya, Yaba, Lagos Tel: +234 1 864 656 Fax: +234 1 860 931
Grassroots Empowerment Network

1 Lundi Close, Mississippi Street, Maitama Email:

Mediation Training Institute

P.O. Box 328, 49 Ibong Road, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria Tel: +234 85 400 328 / 400 328 Fax: +234 85 200 285
Guidance and Counselling Development Association

Near Sarafatu Memorial Shopping Plaza, Opp Orji Housing Estate, Bauchi Road Email:

Suite 204, His Glory Plaza, Off Adetokunbo Ademola Cres, Behind UBA/Access Bank, (by Amogo Supermarket) Wuse 2, FCT, Abuja Tel: +234 09-2733120, 08034071812, 08051221935, 08087084824 Fax: +234 09-5242477 Email: / Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Niger Delta Professionals for Development (NIDPRODEV)

Self-Help Development Facilitators (SEDFA)

51 Enerhen Road, Enerhen, Warri, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 327 0549 Email:

Victory Plaza, Suite D5, 7 Onitsha Cresent, off Gimbiya Street, Area 11, Garki, Abuja Email:

Save our Community Africa - SOC-AFRIK

Sustainable Development Network Initiative (SDNI)

22, Osholake street / Odunfa Street Ebute Metta, East Lagos State, Nigeria Tel: 234-8055446774 Email: saveourcommunityafrica@gmail. com, saveourcommunityafrica@yahoo. com

c/o P. O. Box 770 Ikot Ekpene Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Tel: 0803 584 3466, 0705 5665626, 0802 7236917 Email: Web:

Nigeria - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

African Peace Awareness Movement

Obafemi Awolowo University, lle-lfe, Nigeria Tel: +234 36 233853 Email:

Centre for Development, Constitutionalism and Peace Advocacy

10 Mbonu Ojike Street, Ikenegbu Layout, Owerri Email:

Centre for Peace in Africa

African Peace Research Institute (APRI)

P.O. Box 51757, Falomo, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 34 37

African Strategic and Peace Research Group

P.O. Box 52580 Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 86 01 88 Fax: +234 1 26 65 126
African Strategic and Peace Research Group (AFSTRAG)

2 Isijola Road, Off Ikorodu Road, Ilupeju, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 302 1994 Email:
Centre For Peace Initiative & Development Ent (CEPID)

Shobowale House, No 302, Iju Waterworks Rd, Iju-Ishaga, Agege, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 471 3697 Email: Web:
Center for Peace and Civic Awareness (CEPCA)

P.O. Box 385, 7 Pump Street, Jos, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 700 404 Email:
Centre for Sustainable Development Education

PMB 7002, Area 1 Post Office, Garki, Abuja. Tel: 234-8055825579 Email:

Center for Peacebuilding and Socio-Economic Resources Development (CePSERD)

64A Yusuf Datti Road, F/Layout, Minna, Nigeria Email:

Centre for Conflict Resolution & Peace Advocacy (CCRPA)

2 Isijola Road, Off Ikorodu Road Ilupeju, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 288 1320

#2B, A Close, Road 21, Phase 1, Kado Estate Abuja P. O. Box 3679, Abuja FCT 900001, Nigeria Tel: (+234) 09 290 4926, 09 671 7833, 09 781 7312, 0805 083 0888, 0803 303 7398, 0805 083 0880 Email: / Website:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Christian Community Initiative for Peace and Development

Mediation International

31 C-to-C Plaza, Nkponkiti Roundabout, New Layout District City, Enugu Email:
Conflict Resolution Trainers Network (CROTIN)

Nitoko Guest House, Opposite BDGS, Yenagoa, Nigeria Email:

Corporate Mediators

P.O. BOX 5879, 16/18 Isolo Road, Ijegun, Via Ikotun / Egbe, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 811 1767 Email: Web:
Negotiation Conflict Management Group (NCMG)

P.O.Box 7076 Cell: +234-8033402265 Email: Web:

Excellent World Foundation

P.O Box 72001, 7, Ademola Str. S/W Ikoyi, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 2631 688-9 Email:

Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, University of Ibadan

Opute House Along RD Ozoro, Delta State Email: Web:
Initiative For African Peace (IFAP)

P.O Box 30374 Secretariat, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 472 2929 Email:

Peace and Development Project (PEDEP)

5, Abdou Diouf Street, Off Kwame Nkrumah Crescent Asokoro, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 407 1812 Email:,
Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution

10A Akintan Street, Dideolu Estate, Ogba Tel: +234 802 346 0521 Email:
Peace Campaign and Initiative

Plot 496 Abogo Largema Street, Off Constitution Avenue, Central Business, PMB 349, Garki, Abuja Email:
Inter-Faith Mediation Centre

2/4 Oluyoro Street, off Awolowo Avenue Old Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 2594 Email:
Peace Development Organization

East Wing, 6th Floor, NNL Building, No. 4, Muhammad Buhari Way, Waff Road, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 452 1875 Email:

P. O. Box 159, No. 30 Ibo Road, Gusau, Nigeria Tel: +234 63 201 885 Email:
Peace Transformation

Justice Development & Peace Commission (JDPC)

P.O. Box 35, 30 Airport Road, Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 258 394 Fax: +234 52 258394 Email:
Love and Peace Advocacy

Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Tel: +234 73 280 434 Fax: +234 73 280 620 Email:
Remedy International

P.O. Box 1528, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1`774 6719 Email:
The Front House

Isijola House, Ilupeju, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 4071812 Email:

40 Ogboli Road Igbusa Tel: 080-6339105 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

United Nations Association of Nigeria

P.O. Box 662, 315A Ikorodu Cresent, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 26 93 112
Visions of Peace And Civic Education

West Africa Network for Peacebuilding

Oremeji House, Opp.Oba Akinbiyi High School 2, Oremeji, Mokola, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 493 5680-1 Fax: +234 493 5681 Email: Web:
West Africa Civil Society Forum (WACSOF)

3 Soji Adepegba Close, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 1 8198282 Fax: +234 1 5546224 Email: Web:

Yakasai CBO

Yakasai Zumunta Clinic Opp. Shekara Girls Sec. Sch Kano City, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 352 8845
Zee Karatu Workshop

30 Lingu Crescent, Off Aminu Kano Way, Wuse II Email:

3 Conakry Crescent, Angwar Rimi Low Cost, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 786 8159 Email:

Nigeria - Democracy & Good Governance

Afro Centre for Devpt. Peace and Justice

P. O. Box 1011, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria Tel: 234 807 7610545, 234 803 616 2355 Fax: 234 56 302856 Email: / Web:
Alliance for Credible Elections (ACE-Nigeria)

Centre for Constitutional Governance

10 Afolabi Lesi Street, Ilupeju, P.O.Box 7247, Lagos Email:

Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD)

Plot 1267 Jima Plaza, Ahmadu Bello Way, Garki II, Abuja Email: Web:
Akwamfon Sustainable Community Association (ASCA)

Plot No 232, Yankari Street, off Parakou Crescent (off Aminu Kano Crescent) Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 671 6454 Email: Web:
Centre for Public-Private Cooperation

P. O. Box 770 Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Tel: (+234) 0803 584 3466, 0705 5665626, 0802 7236917 Email: Website:
Borno Coalition for Democracy and Progress

Merchant House, 37 Adekunle Fajuyi Road, Ekotedo, Ibadan Email:

Community Action For Popular Participation

Plot 556A, Borno Street Area 10, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 234 6780 Email:
Kudirat Initiative for Democracy (KIND)

Bukar Shaib House, 1 Bama Road, Maiduguri Email:

Civil Rights Initiatives Resource Centre (CRI)

No 241 Ibrahim Taiwo Road near UITH Ilorin, Kwara State. Tel: 08035778984, 08053104663, 031-759975 Email:

P.O.Box 60, Lanre Awolokun Street, Gbagada Phase 2 Estate, Gbagada, Lagos Email:

Niger-Delta Leadership Forum (BAYOF)

Bayelsa State Youth Federation of Nigeria Tel: +234 89 490 425 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Pan-African Development Education and Advocacy Programme

Transparency International - Nigeria

135, Zaria Road Funtua Katsina State, Nigeria Tel: +234 069-771-526, 0806-9825-846 Email: Web:
Pan African Movement

2nd Floor, 302 Iju Water Works Road, Iju-Ishaga, Agege, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 492 5535 Email: Web:
Vision Pals

P.O. Box 610, 2-5 Calcutta Crescent, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria

P. O Box 3193 Sapon Abeokuta Tel: 0803 864 3821, 0805 111 8266, 0803 839 3805 Email:
Voters Awareness Initiative

Socio-political Research & Development

P.O Box 3679 Abuja FCT 900001, Suite3 Foreign Affairs Quarter Limpopo Street, F.H.A, Mitama, Abuja city, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 413 2802 Fax: +234 9 413 2802 Email:

2nd Floor, Right Wing, Obafemi Awolowo; House, 29/31 Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos State Tel: 08033205436, 08066393577 Email: / Web: c/o TIN Suite, C206, No 11 Dunukofia Street, Area 11, Abuja
Zero-Corruption Coalition (ZCC) / Public Private Rights Watch (PPRW)

Nigeria - Education
Academic Associates Peace work

Plot 1765 Abubakar Cresent Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 316 4572 Email:
Academic Associates PeaceWorks (AAPW)

11 Oluyole Way, New Bodija

African Languages Technology Initiative

Bayanloco, Kafanchan,, Nigeria

Bayanloco Community Learning Centre

Plot 1765, Abubakar Koko Crescent, Off Maitama Sule Street, Behind WHO, Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 314 9009 Email: Web:
Action Against Ignorance & Illiteracy (AAII)

13 William Jumbo Street, Old GRA, PMB 6225, Port Harcourt Email:
Center for Law Enforcement Education

Center for Advanced Social Science

81, Ondo Street, Ebute-Metta East, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: 0805 651 0900 / 0702 770 2667 / 0803 401 7248 Email:,
African Dream Foundation (ADF 90)

26 Bamenda Street, Off Abidjan Street, Zone 3, Wuse, Abuja Email:

Centre for African Settlement Studies and Development

V688, Lantoro Road, Isale-Ake Junction, Abeokuta, Nigeria Tel: +234 805 522 0790 Web:

P.O. Box 20075 UIPO, 3, Ayo Adekunie Close, New Bodija Estate, Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 2726 Fax: +234 2 810 4536 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Centre for American Studies (CAST)

University of Nigeria (UNN), Nsukka, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 427 715 99 Email:

Development Education Centre

Centre for Development and Civic Education

P.O. Box 15723 UNEC P. O, No. 3/5 Dec Avenue, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 45 1000 Fax: +234 42 45 8499 Email:
Development Information Network

37 Ire-Akari Estate Road, Isolo, Lagos Email:

Centre for Education and Leadership Development

24/25 Kabuga Road, Opposite Bayero University, Kano P.O.Box 2075 Kabuga Road, Kano State Email:

P.M.B. 5314, The British Council, 54 Magazine Road, Jericho, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 241 0678 Email:

Development Studies Research Group

Centre for Enlightenment and Development Intervention (CEDI) Formerly Policy Research Services (PRS)

P.B. 2000, Owerri, Imo State University, Nigeria Tel: +234 83 23 10 90

Nigerian Centre for Research and Documentation

14 Ajao Road, Off Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 871 3998 Email: centreforenlightenment_ng@
Centre For Information & Development

G.P.O. Box 17532, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 0133 Fax: +234 2 241 0796 / 810 6711 Email:
Nigerian Institute of Homeopathy

P.O. Box 423, Woji, Port Harcourt Tel: 08037075530 ,08033424758, 08033326870 Email:

P.O. Box 8002, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 250 375 Fax: +234 42 250 336 Email:

Centre for Information Technology and Development

Pan-African Reconciliation Council & African Centre for Peace Education (PARC)

22B Gida Dubu, Yadi, Dutse, Jigawa State

Centre for Research and Documentation

P.O. Box 72, Kano, Nigeria Tel: 080-37183801 Fax: 234 064-316110, 668993 Email:

P.O. Box 9354, Marina, Lagos City 101221, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 773 1742 Email: Web: P.O. Box 1130, 52 Abitu Avenue, Calabar, Nigeria Tel: +234 87 236 251 Fax: +234 87 220 111 Email:
UNESCO Centre Abuja

Sajju Institute and Research Foundation

Centre for the Study of Economies in Africa (CSEA)

4 DEP Street, off Danube Street, Maitama, Abuja Email:

Computer Educational Support Initiative (CESI)

369, Agege Motor Road, Challenge, mushin, Lagos Tel: 01-8132478, 805 74 3256 Email:, Web:

Plot 22 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, National Merit House Maitama Abuja Tel: 234-96720610, 08063004767 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Values For Life Initiative

18 Akinola str. Aguda-Ogba Lagos, Lagos Nigeria Tel: 08024723515, 08038009830 Email: Web:

West African Management Development Institutes Network

C/o Ascon, P.M.B. 1004, Topo-Badagry, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 73 22 92

Nigeria - Environment & Sanitation

Africa Tropical Conservation

No.7 Makoko Road, Danny Estate, Yaba, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 337 0218 Web:

Delegation of the European Commission to the Federal Republic of Nigeria

African Centre for Environment Development and Information Network

P.M.B. 280, Garki, Abuja Tel: 23495244000 7 Email: Web:
Eco-Stewards International

P.O. Box 21445, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 5453 Email:
Africa Initiative For Environment Sustainable Network(IFESNET-AFRICA)

P. O. Box 1688, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Tel: 234-803-2155-848 Email:
Environmental Research Alliance

258 Ughelli Patani Road, Alele Station Complex, Ughelli, Delta State Tel: 080-80891854, 080-68354868, 07023220256 Email: Web:
Akpabuyo Bakassi Green Movement (ABGREMO)

P. O. Box 11452, Crown Chambers, 37 Ogbia Street, D/Line, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 236 682 Email: P. O. Box 10577 Ugbowo, #214 Uselu-Lagos Road, Benin City, Nigeria Email:
Environmental Rights Outreach Environmental Rights Action

23 Etinyin Abasi Street, Calabar, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 711 4770 Email:
Bio Earth International

P.O. Box 8110, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Centre for Population and Environmental Development

G.P.O. Box 6215, 20 Alaba Road, Marina, Lagos, Nigeria

Foundation Against Social Trauma & Environmental Ravages

Ugbowo Post Office, Benin City, Nigeria Email:

Children and the Environment

P.O. BOX 8673, Lagos Tel: +234 0802-308-7725 Email:

Community Conservation and Development Initiatives

P.O. Box 10208, Federal Secretariat, 42 Nsukka Street, Mile 1, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 33 25 32 Fax: +234 84 23 02 38
Foundation for African Development through International Biotechnology

E5A Gat Oboh Drive Millenium Homes Oniru Estate Lekki Tel: +234 01-7936418 / 2348023331018 Email: Web: www.ccdi.nigeria

P.O. Box 1457, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 45 93 60 Fax: +234 42 33 06 11 / 25 06 11 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Foundation For Healthy Environment And Human Development (FHEHD)

Man and Water Survival Project (MWSP)

P.O. Box 3232, 109 Ikenegbu Layout Owerri Tel: 083233888, 08037724000 Email: Web:
Friends of the Environment

P. O. Box 742, 198 Mbiama / Yenagoa Road, Amarata, Ovom, Yenagoa, Nigeria Tel: +234 89 490 666 Fax: +234 89 490330 Email:

P.O. Box 10627, 106/110 Lewis Street, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 26 47 435 / 26 33 988 Fax: +234 1 26 47 436 Email:
Friends for Preservation of Niger Delta (FEPEN)

Flat IB2, 17-19 Boyle Street, Onikan, Lagos Tel: +234 0802-301-4896, 0803-306-8248 Email: / Web:
NGO Coalition for Environment

Box 21 UST P.O.RSUST, Port-Harcourt Tel: 08056033350; 08033123808 Email:

GEO-MOB Social Response Centre

P.O. Box 2839, 65 Ndidem Usang ISO Road, Calabar, Nigeria Tel: +234 87 230 681 Fax: +234 87 230 681
Niger Delta Environmental Surveillance Agency

216, Victoria Street, New-Layout, Port Harcourt Tel: +234 08038755929, 08035505098 Email:
Greewatch Initiative and Sword Initiative

P.O. Box 26, Oleh, Delta State, Nigeria Tel: +234 8030803803 Email:
Nigerian Environmental Society

Ashby Plaza, 1st Floor, 7 New Bridge Road, Makurdi Email:
Human and Environment Development Agenda

P.O. Box 333, No. 11 Idodo Street, Achara Layout, Enugu Email:

20 Mojidi Street, Off Toyin Street, Ikeja, Lagos Email:

Human and Environmental Rights Action Network

Nigerian NGO Coalition for Human Settlement and Environment

P.O. Box 10627, 106/116 Lewis Street, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 3988 Fax: +234 1 264 7435

P.O.Box 2236, 12 Mbaise Road, Owerri, Nigeria

Initiative for Change and Empowerment (ICE) Foundation

Organization for Labour and Environmental Development, Africa (OLENDA)

13, Adejiyan str, Amukoko Apapa Tel: +234 08023853183, 08062166715, 08057705415, 10-7263343 Email:
International Foundation for Environment and Development

No. J-4 Odu Onyeka Close, 7th Mile Nkwelle-Ogidi, Ogidi Tel: +234 42 459969 Fax: + 234 42 456 904
Save Earth Nigeria

Olulu House II, Onukwuru Crescent, Ogbodo - Isiokpo, Kelga, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 232 386 Email:

P.O. Box 2149, 20 Joinkarama (Ogwa) Street, Port Harcourt Tel: +234 84 332 532 Fax: +234 84 230 238

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Save Life International

G.P.O. Box 14323, 7 Station Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 234 622 Fax: +234 84 234 62
Safe Water Africa Community

Total Care Unit

P.O.BOX 36849 Dughe Ibadan Tel: +234 02 7512484 Fax: +234 02 2313708 Email: Web:
The Tropical Forest Network

Total World Center, 9 Abua Close Rumuibekwe Estate Port Harcourt Tel: +234 084 799 422, 0805 847 9856, 0702 820 5916 Email: Web:
WaterAid Nigeria

P.O. Box 38471, Dugbe, Nigeria Fax: +234 2 241 338

P.O. Box 12941, Wuse District, Abuja, FCT Tel: +234-9-2342341 Fax: +234-9-2342345 Email: Web:

Nigeria - Health
Action Health Incorporated (AHI)

P.O. Box 803, Sabo Post Office, 17, Lawal Street, Off Oweh Street, Jibowu, Yaba, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 7743745 Email: Web:
African Initiative on Ageing

Basolan Family Health (BFH)

P.O. Box 25272 Mapo Hill, 1, Owoade Drive, Sanda Street SW8/672, Molete, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 311 915 Web:
Care and Action Research Non-Government Organization

P.O. Box 35743 Agodi, 34 Oyo Road, Sango, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 4338 Fax: +234 2 810 4338
AIDS Alliance in Nigeria

GPO Box 22, Gidan Jan-Block, Kagurna Close, Near GSS Sabon Tasha, Nigeria Email:

6 Coker Road, Ilupeju, Lagos Email:

Alliance AIDS Initiative (AAI)

P. M. B. 2017, No. 36 Iba Kaita Road, G.R.A. Katsina, Nigeria

Center For The Right To Health

PO Box 4183 UI Post Office, 15, University Crescent, old Bodija Estate, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 8102772 Web:
Association for Reproductive and Family Health

P.O. Box 6383, Shomolu, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 774 3816 Email: Web:
Centre for Health, Education & Development Communication (CHEDCOM)

P.O. Box 13259, 13, Osungbekun Street, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 1669 Fax: +234 2 810 1669

P.O. Box 16179, 167 Iju Road (Fagba B/ Stop) Ifako/Ijaiye, Ikeja, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 802 327 5938 Email:
Centre for Health, Environment and Safety Studies (CHESS)

Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Moor Plantation, Apata, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 3398 255 Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Centre for Health Promotion

GPO Box 1103, Calabar, No.46 Inyang street, by Ekpenyong Ekpenyong street, Calabar Tel: 08055629590, 07034767404 Email:
Centre for HIV / AIDS and STD Research (CHISTRE)

Global Health & Awareness Research Foundation (GHARF)

P. O. Box 13464, Jos, Nigeria Tel: +234 73 455454 Email:

Grassroots Health Organization Of Nigeria (GHON)

21 Warehouse Road, Apapa, Lagos Email: P. O. Box 2487, Sokoto, Nigeria Tel: +234 60 233 682 Email:

Centre For Peoples Health and Progress - 3P

No. 3 Abdu Sambo Street, Opposite Gandun Albasa Rail Line, Kano Tel: 08033144028, 08036128184 Email: / Web:

Health & Community Development Initiative

Coalition of NGOs on Health Population and Development

P.M.B. 21178, No. 1 Ikorodu Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 493 7937 Fax: +234 1 493 7937 Email:

45 Barracks Road, Agbagwu, Arochukwu, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 339 5337 Email:
International Committee of the Red Cross

Community Care Improvement Foundation

6 Ijeoma Street, Oyigbo, Rivers State Email:

436 Kumasi Crescent, Off Aminu Kano Way, Wuse II, Abuja Tel: +234 9 413 3683 Email: Web:
Joint Action Against HIV/AIDS Scourge (JAHAS)

Concerned Persons on Health and Environment

P.O. Box 7660, 25 National Street, Mile 3, Diobu, Port Harcourt, Nigeria P.O.Box 3862, Achi Street, Independence Layout, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 4 245 1249 Email:

Diocesan Action Committee on AIDS (DACA)

P. O. Box 63, Fmc Road Gusau Zamfara State Tel: 08069352259/08061585006 Fax: 8069352259 Email:

Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities

Esto Perpectua Development Initiative (EPDI)

P.O. Box 11785, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 08034706367; 08037195881 Email:

Suite 104, Gambo Sawaba Block, National Centre for Women Development, Better Life Str. Opp. New CBN, Central Area, Abuja Tel: 080 84927630 Email:
Journalists Against AIDS in Nigeria (JAAIDS)

Family Health International, Nigeria (FHI)

18 A/B Temple Road, Off Pa Alfred Rewane Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 267 0361 Email: Web:
Global Health & Awareness Research Foundation (GHARF)

P.O. Box 56282, 42 Ijaye Road, Ogba/ Falomo, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 7731 457 Email: Web:
Live Alive Foundation, Nigeria

P. O. Box 13464, Jos, Nigeria Tel: +234 73 455454 Email:

5 Oni Crescent, Unity Estate, Iju-Ishaga, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 8023687855 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Peniel Global Foundation

P.O.Box 2401,Osogbo Tel: +234 08065415092, 08037039757 Email:

Society for Water & Public Health Protection (SWAPHEP)

The Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)

3, Omorogbe Street, Off Egbon Street, Uselu-Lagos Road, Benin City Tel: +234 802 344 2419 Email: Web:
Staywell Foundation

815A Army Officers Mess Road, Agodi Gra Ikolaba, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 02760 Email: Web:
The International First Aid Society

24, Osuntokun Avenue, Old Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +2342 810 249 4234 Email:

P.O. Box 8419, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 523 2557 Fax: +234 42 250 336 Email:
Utmost Caring World

No. 1 Kareem Giwa Street, Opposite Trade Fair Complex, Abule, Osun, Nigeria

Nigeria - Human Rights & Justice

Access to Justice

9E Badagry Road, Off Marine Road, P.O.Box 1868 Tel: 234 - 01 - 5871279, 234 - 01 8980330, 234 803 770 3676 Fax: 234 - 01 -5871279 Email: Web:

Al-Mu-Minaat Social Advocacy Project (SAP)

65/67 Ikorodu Road, Fadeyi Bus Stop, Fadeyi, Lagos Email:
Bauchi Human Rights Network (BAHRN)

African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD)

c/o Bauchi YMCA, New Kari ByePass, Opposite Army Officers Quarters, Bauchi Email:
Bureau of African Labour, Human and Democratic Rights (BALHADER)

57 Alakuko Road, Caterpillar Bus Stop, Alagbado, Lagos Email:

African Foundations For Peace and Love Initiatives (AFPLI)

30 Afolabi Aina Street, Ikeja, Lagos Email:

Catholic Institute for Development Justice and Peace

P.O. Box 1397, Agege Lagos State. Lagos State. Tel: 08033542086, 01-7928774 Email: Web:
Alfacare Organization

c/o Box 302, Uwani, No. 1-3 Ikwuato Street, Enugu, Nigeria
Centre for Human Rights and Ethics in Development

Box 9551 T/Wada, A. H 7 Gamagari Rd, By Polytechnic Roundabout, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 62 411 747 Email:
Alliances for Africa (AfA)

29 Norman Williams Street, off Keffi Street, South West Ikoyi, Lagos Tel: +234 1 685 549 Email: Web:

PO Box 1084, Agodi Post Office, 37, Old Ife Road, Opposite Green Springs Hotel, Ibadan Tel: +234 803 331 1094 Email: / Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Center for Peacebuilding and Socio-Economic Resources Development (CePSERD)

Civil Society Action on Education for All

#2B, A Close, Road 21, Phase 1, Kado Estate Abuja P. O. Box 3679, Abuja FCT 900001, Nigeria Tel: 09 290 4926, 09 671 7833, 09 781 7312, 0805 083 0888, 0803 303 7398, 0805 083 0880 Email: / Web:
Centre for Rights and Development

Flat 6, Doyin House, Beside NEPA, Wuse Zone 4, Abuja Email:

Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC)

5 Maitama Gandhi Street, Plot 208 Shehu Shagari Way, By Bulet Garden, Asokoro, Abuja Email:
Committee for Advancement of Justice (CAJ)

Suite 2, 4, Irewole Avenue Opebi-Ikeja, Lagos - Nigeiria Tel: 234-18544052 Fax: 234 18544052 Email:
Childolescent and Family Survival Organization (CAFSO)

P.O. Box 2983, 12 Mbaise Road, Owerri, Imo State Email: Rights House, 43 Adeniyi Jones Avenue, P.O.Box 4602, Ikeja, Lagos Email:
Committee for the Protection of Peoples Dignity

Committee for the Defence of Human Rights (CDHR)

P.O. Box 15060, Agodi Post office, Ibadan 200003 Nigeria
Childrens Rights Network

P.O. Box 2774, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: 080 77260228, 080 33108838 Email: Web: vieworg.asp?ID=2309
Citizens Rights Awareness Initiative (CRAI)

1A Hussy Street, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 584 0288 Email:
Constitutional Rights Project (CRP)


Citizens Rights Initiatives (CRI)

C/o No. 70 Nwaniba Road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Tel: 0803-380-5713, 0802-303-3143 Email:
Citizens Rights Protection Society

P.O. Box 44478, 5 Ablona Close, off Fulolu Road, Surulere, Lagos Tel: +234 1 584 8498 Fax: +234 1 584 8571 Email:,
Constitutional Rights Project

Nigeria Email:

Plot 750 Panama Cres. Ministers Hill, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 413 5804 Email: Web:
Ethnic Minority Rights Organization of Africa

Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre (CIRDDOC)

Fourth Dimension Complex 16, Fifth Avenue, City Layout, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 459 969 Email: Web:
Civil Rights Concern (CRC)

P. O. Box 696, 63 Tejuosho Street, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 832 218

30 Edinburgh Road, Ogui New Layout, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 772 7378 Email:

366 Murtala Muhammed Way, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 26 30 910 Fax: +234 1 26 35 300 Email:

Federacion International de Abogadas

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Suite 14, Hilltop House, 13 Gwani Street, Zone 4, Wuse Email:
Gender and Development Action

Gender and Constitution Reform Network (GECORN)

Human Rights and Justice Group International (Human Rights Development Intl)

14 Adebola Street, Surulere, Lagos Email:

P.O.Box 3326, Surulere, 101014, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: 080-34923400 Email: Web:
Human Rights Africa

Gender Awareness Trust

F3 Barnawa Shopping Complex, New Extension Kaduna-South, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 62 230 273 Fax: +234 62 245 449 Email:
Gender and Human Values Proactive (HUVAP)

P.O. Box 2959, SABO, 34, Aje Street, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 860 737 Fax: +212 679 2570
Human Rights Centre (HRC)

24, Oraifite Street, Abakiliki, Ebonyi Street, Nigeria Tel: +234 432 219 16 Email:
Human Rights Monitor

Suite 1, First Floor, Old Leventis Building, No 6 Ahmadu Bello Way, P.O. Box 8906, Kaduna Email:
Gender Rights Advancement and Development

3 Kanta Road, Kaduna Email:

Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (IHRHL)

P.O. Box 75041, 4 Dan Fodio Road Liver Pool Rd. GRA Apapa, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Email:
General Action Against the Violation of Child Right

P.O. Box 2292, 2b Railway Close, D/ Line, Humanity Complex, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 231 716 Email: Web: P.M.B. 505, 75B Mississipi Street, Maitams, Garki, Abuja Tel: +234 9 413 4152 Email:
International Human Rights Law Group

22 Osholake Street, Ebute-Metta, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 22 72481 Fax: +234 1 2690726 Email:

Human Aid Global Advocate (HAGA)

40 Abaraje Road, Orali Way B/Stop, Ikotun, Nigeria Tel: +234 080 333 208 66 Email: Web:
Human Rights Action Center

International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law

41 Miss Elems Street, 2nd Floor, Fegge, Onitsha, Anambra State Email: 14 Aina Eleko Lane, Onigbongo, Maryland, Lagos Email:
Lawyers Alert

Journalists for Democratic Rights (JODER)

101 Jubilee Road/Mosque Road, Aba, Nigeria Tel: 080-62541357 Email: Web:

NUJ House, 79 Ankpa Quarters Road Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

League for Human Rights

4 Leventis Grey Garden, Tafawa Belewa Street, Jos Email:

Legal Defence and Assistance Project

Partnership for Justice

8B Sule Abuka Crescent, Off Opebi Road, Ikeja Email:

Resource Centre for Human Rights and Civic Education

P.O.Box 3319, 3rd Floor, Lamlat House, 270 Ikorodu Road, Obaniboro, Anthony Village, Festac, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 493 5680 Email: Web:
Legal Research and Resource Development Center

HEDA Suite, 3rd Floor, 20 Mojidi Street, Off Toyin Street, Ikeja, Lagos Email:

Rights Enforcement and Public Law Centre (REPLACE)

1266/32 Amazon Street, Maitama, P.O.Box 11363 Garki

P.O. Box 75242, 386 Murtala Mohammed Way, Yaba, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 86 20 97 Fax: +234 1 86 20 97 / 61 04 50
Legal Resources Consortium

Socio Economic Rights Initiative (SERI)

28A Mojidi Street, Off Toyin Street, Ikeja, Lagos Email:
Liberty Now

1 Oseni Close, By Modupe Johnson Crescent, Off Adeniran Ogunsanya Street, Surulere, Lagos Tel: +234-1-5849 028 / 4705 626 Email: Web:

The Legal Defence and Assistance Project

8, Iboko Street, Uyo, Nigeria Tel: +234 85 203376, 802

Lamlat House, 270 Ikorodu Road, Anthony Village, Lagos, P.O.Box 3319, Festac, Lagos Email:
The Socio-Economic Rights & Accountability Project

19 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja

Niger Delta Network On Human Rights

National Human Rights Commission

P.O. Box 3185, 31 Ikwerre Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 80 37 070 140 Email:
Open Society Justice Initiative

4 Akintoye Shogunle Street, Off Unity Road, Ikeja Email:

West African Bar Association (WABA)

20 T.Y Danjuma Street, Asokoro District Email:

P.O. Box 11363, Plot 1266/11 Amazon Street, Off Alvan Ikoku Way, Maitama, Garki GPO, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 9 4133771, Email: Web:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Nigeria - Poverty Alleviation

A Better Community For All (ABC4ALL)

Box 14 Ekwerazu Ahiazu Mbaise, Imo st Tel: (00234)8023254679 / 8037529647 Email: Web:
Afri Foundation

Civil Rights Concern (CRC)

2nd Floor, Wadata House, Plot 1247, Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja Email:
African Refugees Foundation

30 Edinbutgh Road, Enugu, 13 Okesuna 2nd floor, st Lagos Island lagoa, 53 Maduka st. off Aroma junction Awka, 30 Edinburgh Road Ogui NewLayout, Enugu Tel: 08037723441, 08063581373 Fax: 234-42-253034 Email:
Community Development Initiatives (CDI)

P.O. Box 5051, Old Secretariat Road (off Oba), Akinjobi Street Ikeja, Lagos City, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 493 2901 Fax: +234 1 585 0962 Email:
African Underprivileged Childrens Foundation (AUCF)

P. O. BOX 14089, KANO Tel: 064 977473, 0803 314 4162, 0808 554 2212 Email: and
Development in Africa, Nigeria

P.O.Box 43,Surulere,Lagos Email:

Close 12 House 10 Satellite Town, Lagos State Tel: 080 233 54679, 01 470 3591 Email: Web:
Development Initiatives (DEVIN)

Akwamfon Sustainable Community Association (ASCA)

P. O. Box 770 Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Tel: 0803 584 3466 / 0705 5665626 / 0802 7236917 Email: Web:
Annabelles Bogi Development Initiative (ABDI)

P.O.Box 13836, Port Harcourt Nigeria Tel: 084 880 931; 0803 339 3027;0803 709 9655; 0802 603 7064 Email: Web:
Echekwu Damian Foundation

106 Hospital Road, P.O.Box 1196, Aba-Abia State Tel: 234.805.2662.964, 234.808.6784.112 Email:
Centre for Enterprise Development and Action Research (CEDAR)

P.M.B 175 Enyogugu, Aboh-Mbaise LGA, Imo State Email: P.O. Box 1911, Sabo-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 452 884 Fax: +234 1 452 563
Eko Greater Tomorrow Foundation ECOWAS Club of Nigeria

11 Oluyole Way, New Bodija, P.O.Box 20331, U.I. Post Office, Ibadan Email:
Centre for Human Development

1st Floor, Suite 1Truemed House, New Adeoyo Hospital Rd, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: 080-30770521 Email:; Web:

5, Ashabi Cole Street, Off Agidingbi Rd, Ikeja-Lagos Tel: 01-7733796, 01-4977942 Email:
Ekuri Initiative

C/o NGOCE, 66 Ndidem Usang Iso Road, Hepo Box 1004, Calabar, Cross River State - Nigeria. Tel: 080-35461507 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Farmers Alliance Against Poverty

P.O. Box 4158, 37 Adesida Road, Akure, Nigeria Email:

Fantsuam Foundation

Plato Foundation

Box 14 Ekwerazu Ahiazu Mbaise, Imo st Tel: +234 8023254679 Email:
Sponsor A Child

1 Fantsuam close, Bayan Loco, Kafanchan, Kaduna state. KDS Tel: 08073235844, 07030485364 Email: Web:
Guildance Community Development Initiative

Plot 300 Adeola Odeku Street, Victoria Island, Lagos Tel: +234 01-4610223 / 01-7946462 Email: / Web:
South Saharan Social Development Organisation (SSDO)

175,BOWEN University Road, P.O.Box 32, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria Tel: 2348034978700, 2348057783260 Email:

Imenem Multi-Purpose Co-operative Soicety (MPCS)

109 Uyo Road, Etinan, Etinan LGA Tel: 234 0802-658-9199 Email:
Lift Above Poverty Organization

55 Chime Avenue New Haven, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: 08033444233, 8033437688, 042-317156, 042-31758 Email: Web:
The Rights Center

P.M.B. 1729, 5, Eguadase Street (off Adpakpava Road), Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 600 756 Fax: +234 52 252 427 Email:

P.O. Box 6144, Shomolu, Lagos Tel: 231-1-5821181,08035864033 Fax: 231-1-5821181 Email:
WE-Women Network (WWN)

Lolly Sofi Foundation, Nigeria

G.P.O. Box 13102, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 0805 700 9901, 01-8112427, 02-8712175, 0803 396 4958 Email:

76/87 Ndidem Usang Iso Road, P. O. Box 1990, Calabar, Cross River State Tel: 08033491965; 08084222228 Email:

Nigeria - Rural Development

ABANTU for Development - Nigeria Country Office

P. O. Box 2604, Y. A. Ahmed Building, F6 Ahmadu Bello way, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 62 247 066 Email: Web:
African Centre for Rural Development & Environment (ACERDEN)

African Foundation for Development of Infrastructure and Social Services in Rural Communities

52 Adeniyi Jones Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos City, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 497 0854 Fax: 234 1 497 0086 Email:
Akwamfon Sustainable Community Association (ASCA)

22 Second Avenue, Trans-Ekulu, P. O. Box 2713, Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria. Tel: 080-35673526 Email: Web:

P. O. Box 770, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 584 3466 Email: Web:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Alternative Finance Link for Development

P.O. Box 29077 Secretariat, Ibadan, Nigeria Email:

Community Development and MicroFinance Round Table

Association for Community Development and Human Technology

P.O. Box 2219 Dugbe, 1, Awolowo Ave, Old Bodija, Ibadan Tel: +234 2 231 5043 Fax: +234 2 231 5043 Email:
Association for Community Welfare, Environment and Health Development (ACWEHD)

P.M.B. 1729, 1 Agbado Street, Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 223 24 27 Fax: +234 52 25 24 27 Email: P.O. Box 880, 148 Edem Road, Nsukka, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 770 830
Community Development Initiative

Community Development Partners (CODEP)

20b Sheik Adamu Road, Behind Ipata-Doje, Ilorin, Nigeria Email:
Center for Policy and Development

PMB 5277, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Tel: 84-611147,08033384155 Email: Web:

No1 Oluwatobi Close, By Stepping Stone Bus Stop, Mumuni Adio Badmus Road, Satellite Town, Lagos Email:
Centre for Advancement of Urban and Rural Planning and Development

Community Development Trust Fund

P.O. Box 11003, 19 Isaac John Street, Gra, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 1 497 4508 Email:
Community Maternal, Child Health Action Group

24 Isiokpo Street, D/Line, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 234 801 Email:

14/15 Federal Medical Centre, Shopping Complex, Gombe, Gombe State

Community Partners for Development (CPD)

P.O. Box 2429, 164 Ikot Ekpene Road, Uyo, Nigeria Tel: +234 85 20 10 31 Email:,
Christian Rural and Urban Development Association of Nigeria (CRUDAN)

Centre for Agricultural Rural Development

2 Akpakpan Street, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 333 8665 Email:
Community Right Initiative (CORI)

P.O Box 13484, Sabon Barki-Bukuru, Jos, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 324 7547 Fax: +23 41 263 6680 Email: Web:
Community Based Development - NGO Forum (CBD-NGO Forum)

P.O. Box 196, 12 Chinda Road, Off 1 Eligbam Road, Port Harcourt Tel: +234 844 883 90 Email:
Community Social Welfare Foundation

P.O. Box 1517, 104 St. Finbarrs College Road, Akoka, Lagos Tel: +234 1 493 0773 Email:

P.O. Box 13484 Jos, Crudan Office Comples, Sabon Barki-Bukuru, Jos Tel: 08037040355, 08034516912, 073-280434 Fax: 073-280434 Email: Web:

P.O. Box 1921, Akure, Nigeria Tel: +234 34 241 401

Development Action Agency


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Development Clinic International (DECI)

P.O. Box 3266, NNDC Building, 18/19 Ahmadu Bello Way, Suite TF3, 3rd Floor, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 62 246 201- 4/ Ext 2303 Email: Web:
Economic and Social Empowerment of Rural Communities

New Initiative for Social Development

3 Adebayo st, Moferere, old Coca-Cola Bus-stop, Ajilosun, Ado-Ekiti Ekiti State Tel: +234 030-205068, 08035777031 Email:
Niger Delta Development Foundation

P.O. Box 763, Okigwe, Imo State Email:

P.O. Box 11310, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 332 846 Email:

Nigerian Rural Development Project

Grassroots Development & Empowerment (GRADE) Foundation

5 Caulcrick Road, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 88 59 03

NYOMIDIBI Community Welfare Association

4, Awolowo Street, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Tel: 0805-4782838, 0802-5857803 Email:
Ilorin Community Developmet Network

13 Canaan Avenue, Nyakasang, Off Atimbo Road, Calabar

No 241 Ibrahim Taiwo Road near UITH Ilorin, Kwara State Tel: 08035778984, 08053104663, 031-759975 Email:
Initiative for Community Development (ICD)

Presbyterian Community Services and Development

26-29 Ehere Road, Ogbor Hill, Aba Email:

Pro-Natura International (Nigeria)

9 Tom Ifie Crescent, Behind Union Bank, Airport Road, Effurun - Warri, Delta State Tel: +234 08036681396, 08082476319 Email: / Web:
Initiative for Grassroot Advancement (INGRA)

P.O. Box 201 Lokoja Tel: +234 08065335537, 08033177259 Email:
Initiative for Sustainable Development for Rural Communities

37 Onne Road, GRA Phase 2, P. O. Box 7790, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Tel: (009) 234 (0)84 462510, (009) 234(0)84 463759, 0805 109 5069, 0803 255 4402, 0803 329 8380, 0803 709 6055, 0803 326 5042 Email: tracey.draper@pronatura-nigeria. org, austin.onuoha@pronatura-nigeria. org,,, Web:
Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC)

19 Nkwogu Street, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State Email:

Integrated Development Initiative Council

104 Barde Way, Jalingo Email:

1st Floor UAC Commercial Complex, 272/273 Central Business Area, Abuja Email:
Rotary International Nigeria

Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP)

6 Etonahia Close, off Olu Obasanjo Road, Port Harcourt, 17 Kenule Street, Bori Ogoni, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 233 907 Fax: +234 84 230 250 Email: Web:

P.M.B. 1096, Zaria, Nigeria Tel: +234 69 51 411 Fax: +234 62 239 200 Email: robert.zinser@t-online.dc

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Rural Development Initiative Nigeria

Department of Biochemistry, Delta State University, Abraka Delta State Tel: +234 07035121346, 08082471792 Email: ruraldevelopmentintitiative_ng@ 55 Barde Way, P.O.Box 987, Jalingo, Taraba State Email:
Silverline Development Initiatives Rural Integrated Development Initiative (RIDI)

Society for the Improvement of Rural People - Nigeria

P.O. Box 3125, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 259 761 Fax: +234 42 258 317
The Community Development Volunteers

P.O. Box 23974, Mapo Post Office, Ibadan, Nigeria

P.O. Box 923, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 357 2984 Email:

Society for Development & Community Empowerment(SDCE)

33 International Airport Road Rupokwu, P.O. Box 1540 Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: 08035007405; 07028110595 Email: / Web:

Nigeria - Women & Children

African Underprivileged Childrens Foundation (AUCF) Association of Women Librarians in Nigeria

24 Ilorin Street off Adelabu Street, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 482 3460 Web:
African Women Economic Development

P.O. Box 332, Yenago, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 335 923 P.O. Box 2029, GPO Marina, Lagos City, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 496 6109 Fax: +234 1 521 971

Bahai Office for the Advancement of Women

Peoples Club of Nigeria, Headquarters Office, Onitsha, Nigeria Tel: +234 46 480 317 Email:
African Women Empowerment Guild

BAOBAB for Womens Human Rights

Y.W.C.A Building, 29 Airport Road, GRA, Benin City Tel: +234 080-23060147 Email:; Web: P.O. Box 7969, 12 Bissau Road, Malali, Nigeria Tel: +234 62 240 557 Fax: +234 62 235 048
Agape Fellowship of Women Intercessors

P.O. Box 73630 Victoria Island, 232 A Muri Okunola Street, Lagos City, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 262 6267 Fax: +234 1 320 0484 Email:

CAFSO - Womens Rights Action Group (C-WRAG)

P.O. Box 15060, Agodi Post office, Ibadan 200003 NIGERIA Email:

Centre for Children and Women Intervention Programmes in Africa

No K8 Emir Close, Off Emir Road, U/Rimi, Kaduna Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Centre for Women Youth and Community Action

Family Hope Association

1 NACWYCA Street, P.O.Box 321, Lafia Email:

245, Nnebisi Road Asaba, Delta State Tel: +234-8063399105 Email:
Fantsuam Foundation

Champions of Womens Development Foundation (COWDEF)

P.O. Box 58 Kafanchan, Kaduna State

2b Lander Close, off Liverpool GRA, Lagos city, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 587 3892 Fax: +234 1 587 3492
Child Spacing, Family Health and AIDS Education Pilot Project

Federation of Female Nurses and Midwives of Nigeria

22 Bajulane Street, Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 82 04 83 Fax: +234 1 82 04 83

Rotary International, District 9120, Gboko, Nigeria Email:

Federation of Muslim Womens Association In Nigeria

Childsocent and Family Survival Organisation

131 Iwo Road Roundabout, Abe Bridge Bus Stop, Box 15060, Agodi Post Office, Ibadan Email: No. 23 Iyorchia Ayu Road, Mid-Belt Multi-media House, Wurukum, Makurdi, Nigeria Email:
Country Women Assistant Of Nigeria (COWAN)

22 Ahmad Talib Road, Kongo Campus, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria Tel: +234 69 320 96 / 69 32096
Female Leadership Forum

Childrens Rights Information Network (CRIN)

22 Lawal Street, Off Kudirat Abiola Way, Oregun Road, Ikeja, Lagos Email:
Forum of Nigerian Women in Politics

45 Owina Street, Off Sokponba Road, Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 253 942

No.7 Awosika Cresent Ijapo Estate, Akure, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 473 2547 Email:
Daughter of Zion Foundation

Foundation for Women Empowerment and Peace Initiatives (FOWEP)

P.O. Box 4775 7th floor, Cocoa House, Dugbe, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 350 4454 / 803 700 4562 Email:
Gender And Development Action (GADA)

Suite 47, Dansville plaza Apo-Abuja Tel: +234 09-2906280 Email: Web:
Development Awareness for Women in Ndiughe

14, Adebola street off Adeniran Ogunsanya street Surulere Lagos. Tel: 234-1-8966017, 234-1-7734636, 08033003536 Email: Web:
Girls Rights Agenda Intl

39 Abakaliki Road, Gra Ext, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 257 388
Dynamic Women International

Bola Immaculate Group of Schools, P.O. Box 18380, Dugbe, Ibadan Tel: +234 0803 325 8110, 0805 530 7770 Email:,

Suite B4, Shakir Plaza Michika Street, Area 11 Abuja. Nigeria Tel: 080-55212745 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Global Women for Sustainable Development (GWSD)

66 Airport Road, Oppt Delta Career College, Warri Tel: 0802 574 7050, 0805 476 5439, 0803 912 2431, 0805 641 8446 Email:
Golden Mothers of Nigeria

Jigawa Local Govt. H/Medical Dept., Jigawa, Nigeria Tel: +234 65 663 980

Jigawa Women Network Assess to Justice

Kano New Extension Women Association (KANEWA)

P.O. Box 53254, 14 Orayan Road, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos Tel: +234 1 54 50 353 Fax: +234 1 68 14 20 Email:
Grassroot Women Foundation (GWF)

P.O. Box 5340 J19, Bajju Street, Kawo New Extension, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 786 8083 Email:
Lifeline for Widows (LIFOW)

19/21 Abakiliki Road, GRA Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234-42-251886 Email:
Grassroots Women Sports International

P.O.Box 120. Ido Ekiti. Ido/Osi LGA. Ekiti State Email:
Light of Life Women Organization

18 Irerinde Street, Off Church Balogun, Osogbo, Osun State

Integrated Initiatives for Women and Youths(IIWY)

Box 35 Tunga Lowcost Housing Estate Minna Tel: +234 08068633236, 08056456490, 08058213577 Email:
Medical Womens Association of Nigeria

P.O. Box 7414, Wuse Abuja Tel: 234-9-5238960, 08023012451 Fax: 09-5238741 Email:

34 Market Street, E.B. Oyingo, Lagos, Nigeria

N. C. W. S.

c/o Ministry of Information Youths, Sport and Culture, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria
National Association of Nigerian Women in Business

P. O. Box 10335, Anglo-Jos Tel : +234-8060638330, 234-8037030902 Email: / Web:
International Federation of Women Lawyers

P.O. Box 2944, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria Email:

National Council of Womens Societies (NCWS)

335 Enugu Road, Awka, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 45 66 26 Fax: +234 42 45 69 04

P.O. Box 3063, Plot Pc 14, AhmedOnibudo Street, Lagos Tel: +234 1 615 592 / 63 16 37
National Women Peace Group

International Women Communication Centre (IWCC)

P.O. Box 1750, Nicon House, Ilorin, Nigeria Tel: +234 31 225 688
Iyalode Wuraola Esan Foundation (IWEF)

60 Ziks Avenue, Amazobia, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 507 7643 Email:
Niger Delta Women for Justice (NDWJ)

P.O.BOX 37441, G.P.O. Dugbe, Ibadan Tel: +234 02-7512188 Email: Web:

13 Agudama Street, D/Line, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 236 365 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Niger Delta Womens Movement for Peace & Development (NDWPD)

Society for the Welfare of Women Prisoners

28 N.D.C Road, Ozoro, Isoko North LGA, Delta State, Nigeria Tel: +234- 08068107046, 08076389834 Email: P.O. Box 2382, Lagos, Nigeria

P.O. Box 15653, 43 B Kenyatta Street, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 45 716 Fax: +234 42 455 841 / 258 811
Teenage Girls Empowerment Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Jos

Nigerian Association of University Women

Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team (NEST)

UIPO Box 22025, Oluokun Street, off Awolowo Avenue,Bodija, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 2644 Email: Web:
Nigerian League of Women Voters

Catholic Archdiocese of Jos, P.O. Box 494, Jos, Plateau State Tel: +234 08034522493, 08066365226, 08065756156,08034281993, 08032921524 Email:
The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

P.O. Box 5645, Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 253 661 Fax: +234 52 253 661 Obediah Foundation Email:
Police Officers Wives Association

UN House, Plot 617/618 Diplomatic Drive, 2nd Floor, Wing A, Central Business District, PMB 2851, Garki Email:

The Womens Technology Empowerment Centre - W.TEC

P.O. Box 5062, Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 4961 866
Project Alert on Violence Against Women

P.O. Box 50389, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos Tel: +234 18509782 Email: Web:
Wise Women Development Association

21 Akinsanya Street, Taiwo Bus Stop, Ojodu, Lagos

Raising Hope For The Woman & Child

No. 8 Kwai Close Nomansland, Kano city, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 453 0358
Women Action Organisation (WAO)

Rehabililtation Board (Premises) Abubakar Kigo Rd, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 329 5563 Email:
Rural Women Empowerment Network (RUWEN)

26A Eyo Edem Street, Off Hewett Street, Calabar, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 318 5653 Email:
Women Action Research Organisation

Atunwa Street, Off Ola-Ayinde Street, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 454 1915 Email:
Single Mothers Association of Nigeria (SMAON)

38A Umuezebi Street, Upper Chime, New Haven, P.O.Box 15672, Enugu Email:

Women Advocates Research and Documentation Center

C/O 70 Nwaniba Road Uyo, Uyo LGA Tel: +234 0803-876-2642, 0803-282-9210 Email: smaon_2004@yahoo,com

9 Amore Street, Off Toyin Street, Ikeja, Lagos Email:

Women Aid Collective

9 Umuezebi Street, New Haven, Enugu Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Women and Children of Hope

12 Berkley Street Onikan, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 804 6332 Email: womenandchildrenofhope2001@ Web: www.womenandchildrenofhope.html
Women and Children Support Initiative

Women in Independence, Self Sufficiency and Economic Advancement

Galadima Quarters, P.O. Box 2570, Yola Town, Adamawa State, Nigeria Tel: +234 75 624 764 Fax: +234 75 624 764

P. M. B. 1116, C/o Ministry for Women Affairs and Social Development, No. 1 Patrick Aziza Rd, Birnin Kebbi, Nigeria Tel: +234 68 321 715
Women and Youth Development Project

P.O. Box 1832, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria Tel: +234 87 224 836 Fax: +234 87 220 143 Email:
Women Justice Program

Women in Nigeria

No 241 Ibrahim Taiwo Road opp. POWA Shops, Ilorin Tel: 080 59374143 Email:

Women and Youth Foundation (WYF)

Jolly Nyame Bye-Pass, Jalingo, Taraba State Email: womenandyouthfoundation03@

Women And Youth Opinion Leaders Forum (WOLF), Katsina State Chapter

37C Foresythe Street, Lafiaji, P.O. Box 73586, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 2999 Fax: +234 1 263 2811 Email:
Women Law and Development Centre

P. O. Box 1406 Katsina, Katsina State Tel: 08039704584, 08054147484, 08061208430 Email:

P.O. Box 167, 366 Murtala Muhammed Way, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 86 73 20 / 86 80 41 Fax: +234 26 80 41 Email: 311 M/C Avenue, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 771 911 / 771 920 / 771 345 Fax: +234 42 77 06 44 Email:
Women Organisation for Gender Issues Women Literacy Volunteer Group

Women Economic Linkages Organisation of Nigeria

P. O. Box 2113, 82, Ikot Ekepen Road, 2nd floor, Uyo, Nigeria Tel: +234 85 20 31 84
Women Empowerment Initiative

P.O. Box 3726,Akure Ondo State Tel: 080 34277303 Email:
Women Enhancement Organization

Suite 0. 16 Women Dev. Centre. Garki Abuja; Lagos Office: WW Suite 21B22B, Enterance I, 2nd Floor, Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS), Lagos Tel: 0803 304 5126; 0803 325 3217 Email:; P.M.B. 028, Garki, Area 10 FCT, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 035 23 01 40 / 23 51 33 / 23 24 37 Fax: +234 035 23 20 80
Women Support and Development Women Sports of Nigeria

P.O. Box 124, Auchi No 3. Oyarekhua Lane, Jattu. Edo State Tel: 080 36091103 Email:
Women-In-Detention Rights Initiative (WIDRI)

76/87 Ndidem Usang Iso Road, P. O. Box 1990, Calabar, Cross River State Tel: 087-232967; 08036665072; 08055613441 Email:

Gidan Dare Bye Pass Road, NACRDB Building, Nigeria Tel: +234 62 234 987


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation

Plot 306, Gabes Street, P.M.B. 517, WUSE Zone 2, Abuja Tel: +234 9 523 6676 Fax: +234 9 534 6757 Email: Web:
Women United for Economic Empowerment (WUEE)

Womens Health Education and Development (WHED)

Plot 288, Lagos Street, Off Ladoke Akintola Boulevard, Garki II, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 923 421 84 Email: Web:

P. O. Box 882 Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Tel: 0803-876-2642, 0802-730-6816 Email:, Web:
Womens Right to Education Program

Womens Health Organization of Nigeria (WHON)

P.M.B. 21178, No. 1 Ikorodu Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 493 7937 Fax: +234 1 493 7937 Email:
Womens Right to Education Programme (WREP)

P. O. Box 10235, Suite 16 Garki Cornershop, Akintola Boulevard Road, Garki II, Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 339 0227 Email:
Womens Board Educational Cooperation Society

Block A, 3 Kaduna Court, Gaduwa Housing Estate, Near Legislative Quarters, Apo Village Email:

Womens Research and Documentation Center

P.O. Box 4240 98, Femi Ayantuga Crescent, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 585 0273 Fax: +234 1 585 0273 Email:
Womens Centre for Peace and Development (WOPED)

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 4077 Fax: +234 2 810 4077
Young Business & Professional Women

P. O. Box 4410, 17 Ago Palace Way, Okota, Oshodi, Nigeria Tel: +234-1-773-1015 Email:

#7 Clube Arched, Tinunbu Square, Lagos Island Tel: 08038157155, 08055955555 Email:

Young Womens Christian Association of Nigeria

Womens Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON)

P.O. Box 546271, 13, Okesuna Street (off Igbosere Road), Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 5300 Fax: +234 1 263 5300 Email: Web:
Womens Health and Economic Development Association

P.O. Box 449, 8 Moloney Street, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 0950 Fax: +234 1 263 0950 Email:
Zonta Club of Benin

P.O. Box 2665, 44 A Etuk Street, Uyo, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 20 39 44 Fax: +234 84 20 04 51 Email:

No. 2 Edaiken Avenue, Airport Road, Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 25 30 62 Fax: +234 52 25 36 61

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Nigeria - Youth
Africa Youth Development Alliance (AYDA)

1st Avenue, B Close House 5 Festac Town, Lagos Badagry Expressway, Nigeria Tel: +234 802 335 4679 Email: Web:
African Youth Development Foundation

BOMARAH Foundation

1, Tudin Wada Street, Opp Eldorado Cinema - By Airport Road, Kano Tel: 08023724904, 0802239861 Email: Web:
Centre for Adolescent Development, Health, Research and Empowerment

P.O Box 2983, 12 Mbaise Road (2nd Floor, Flat 6), Owerri Tel: +234 83 233101 Email: Web:
Africa Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF)

Plot 30151 Diye Village, Zarmaganda, Jos P.O. Box 10399 Unijos Post Office Email:

Centre for Adolescent Research Education and Sexuality (CARES)

Suite 309, Third Floor, Anbeez Plaza, Opp. Cac., Wuse Zone 5, Abuja Tel: 080-69128653 Email: Web:

PMB 1244, KM 4 New Port Expressway, Warri, Nigeria Tel: +234 5 325 4254 / Ext 4480 Email:
Concerned Youth Forum of Nigeria

Akpabuyo Youth and Development Initiative (AYADI)

1 Gibson Street, Calabar South, Nigeria Email:

Diplomat Youth Organisation

2 Ekpri Ikang Road, Akpabuyo Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 677 0632 Email:
All-Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association (ANUNSA)

P.O. Box 43 Aba, Abia State Nigeria Tel: 234-80-37328714 Fax: 082-223898 Email: Web:
Dutse Youth progressive Urioar

ANUNSA National Secretariat C/O United Nations Information Center, 17 Kingsway Rd. Falomo, Ikoyi, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 301 8584 Email: Web:
Arewa Youth Forum Zaria

C/o Village Devt. Initiative Investment Complex, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria
Fight AIDS Africa (Youth)

P. M. B. 1002, I Drama Rd/Zaria Rd, Kawo, Kaduna, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 311 2710 Email:
Association of Students Against AIDS, Nigeria

Post Office Box 1283 Tel: 080-3454-3458, 07027245208, 08072821113 Email:
First Aid Group of Young Muslim Congress of Nigeria

P.M.B. 774, 57A Ribadu Crescent, Tudun Nufawa, Kaduna Tel: +234 62 21 75 51
Foundation for Youth Development and Self Actualization (FYSA)

P.O. Box 713, Benin City, Nigeria Email:

Avuvu Young Twins Association

Block 115, Karu Site. Abuja, Nigeria. Tel: 0805 955 9529 Email:

No. 33 Oron Road Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Tel: 0806-254-0813 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Global Youth Development Center (GYDC)

43b Odudwa Crescent, GRA Ikeja, Lagos Email:

Niger Delta Professionals for Development (NIDPRODEV)

International (Youth) AIDS Prevention Network

P.B. 8685, School of Health Technology T/Wada, Nigeria

International Centre for Youth Development

Plot 211, P.T.I. Road, Effurun, Delta State Tel: +234 0805 851 1591, 0802 327 0549 Email: Web: Baadi Gbodi, Rivers State, Nigeria Email:
Southern Kaduna Youth Action for Peace Team Ogoni Youth Development Project

22 Uyo Street, Umuahia, Abia, Nigeria Tel: +234 88 221 389 Email:

International Youth Reformation Organization

Suite 11 goes plaza, jungle b/stop ifako ijaiye, ogba Lagos Tel: 08038583925, 10-2218122 Fax: 2302533 Email: Web:
Katsina Youth Forum

Kaduna State education Board, Jamaa Local Government, Kafanchan, Nigeria

Society for Youth Development & Orphaned Children (SYDOC)

P. O. Box 6122 Tel: 0803 434 5200 Email: P.B. 4014, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 81 03 201 Fax: +234 42 25 45 44

Student Christian Movement of Nigeria

P. M. B. 2068, Block 1 Flat 3 Bala Dan Sani Estate, Jibiya Road, Katsina, Nigeria Tel: +234 65 650 005
Leed Youth Africa

13 Airport Road, Kano Tel: +234 08037687031, 08065534107,08023724904 Email:

Life Vanguards Nigeria

Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE)

P.M.B. 7166, Aba, Abia State Tel: +234 08034510881, 08056673374 Email:
Taraba Youth Progressive Association of Nigeria

P.O.Box 2182 Osogbo Tel: +234-35207115 Email:,

National Council of Young Mens Christian Associations

P.B. 2106, 111 Borno Way, Ebute Meta, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 86 05 83 Fax: +234 1 86 05 83
Network for Youth Development and Transparency Project (NYDETRAP)

P.O. Box 456 Jalingo Tel: 08027803305, 08035361267, 08050267243 Email: / Web:
Wisdom Initiatives

158 Herbert Macaulay Street, Ebute-Metta, Lagos Email:

13, alhaji irorun street ijesa road, surulere lagos Tel: 080 28138932 Email:
Youth Advocacy Health Foundation

No.6 Owoseni Adesina Str. Off Asa-Dam Beside N.U.T. Secretariat, Ilorin, Kwara State Tel: 080 32425262, 50308568 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Youth Awareness Campaign Against AIDS (YACCA)

1st Floor, 8b Adenubi Close, off Allen, Avenue, By Oshopey Plaza, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 345 2011 Email:
Youth Empowerment & Child Labour Elimination Project (YCEP)

Youth Health and Development Action Project

No. 9 Orok Orok Street, Calabar, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 400 2568 Email:
Youth Media & Communication Initiative

Plot 19 Okon Edet Street, Anantigha, Calabar South, Cross River State Tel: +234 08055664267, 08035699514 Email: Web:
Youth Empowerment Scheme (PROJECT Y.E.S)

P.O.Box 8057, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja, FCT Tel: +234 08033448980, 07027820422 Email: Web:
Youth Organization Gospel Baptist Conference of Nigeria and Overseas

NO1 Matasa Drive, Off Okada Road, Bosso Low-cost, P.M.B 134, Minna Tel: +234 080 33770286 Email: Web: www
Youth for Development and Cooperation

47 Coates Street, Ebute Metta, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 61 11 31

Youth Resource Development Council

P.O. Box 987, 31 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Fax: +234 1 962 785
Youthaid Projects Inc

P.O. Box 3171, 7 Dotun Isijola Street, Aka-Okokomaiko Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria
Youth For Transparency International

126A Obadina Street, Omole Phase One, Ojodu, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 1 49 36 251 Fax: +234 1 49 36 251
Youths Against Drug Abuse and Child Trafficking (YADACT)

48 Cole Street, Ikate, Off Lawanson road Tel: +234 0803208577, 08033900000 Email: / Web:
Youth Golden-Path Development Initiative (YOGOPATI)

P. O. BOX 404 Choba Campus Uniport, Rivers State Tel: +234 08035482080, 08024721931 Email:

Opp. 62 Urualla Street, Mile One Diobu, Port Harcourt Tel: +234-84-484463 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Nigeria - Other
P. O. Box 7793, Mesinrinka House, 13, Aba Johnston Crescent off Adeniyi, Jones Avenue, Shomolu, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 493 1809/ 773 5130 Email: Web:
Africa Centre for Cooperate Responsibility (ACCR) Africa Infrastructure Foundation Christian Association of Nigeria

P. O. Box 64, Sokoto Rd, Along FMC Gusau, Adjacent Total/Texaco Filling Station, Gusau, Nigeria Tel: +234 63 202 494 Email:
Church Improvement Society

1 Ufuoma Close, Off Refinery Road, Ekpan, Warri Email:

P.O. Box 4992, Benin City, Nigeria Citizens Assistance Centre 4 Owolowo Street, Ikorodu Email:
Connect Synergy

African Foundation for Development of infrastructure and social services in communities (AFODISE)

Afodise suites 160 Nwaniba Road Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Tel: +234 08023100909, 08023787273, 08035289649, 085-202216 Email:
Amity Link Organization

No. 51 Adesiyan Street, Ilupeju, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 470 2745 Email:
Creative Minds

Flat 10, Ground Floor (behind 59, Creek Road), (by Crowther Street), Port Harcourt, Nigeria Tel: +234 84 483 954 Email:
Association of Church Development Projects

P.O. Box 8863, 30 Ajasa Street Onikan, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 1612
Family Aid Programme

Box 475, Lafia, NUJ House along MKD Road, Nigeria Email:
Farmers Development Union - Agodi

P.O. Box 1141, Nigeria Tel: +234 71 23 245 Fax: +234 71 23 808

5 Esighi Street, Off Bateba, Calabar Email:

Calvary Foundation International, Inc.

Budget Transparency and Accountability Network

P.M.B. 56, 2nd Floor, Brown House, Monatan Bus-Stop, Agodi, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 231 5891 Fax: + 234 2 231 8588 Email:
Global Advancement Initiative

P.O. Box 8002, Enugu, Nigeria Tel: +234 42 250 375 Fax: +234 42 250 336 Email:

13B Okigwe Road / Nwodo Street, Ozurumba Place, Owerri, Imo State Email:
Grassroots Development Organization (GRADO)

Centre for Public-Private Cooperation

Merchant House, 37 Adekunle Fajuyi Road, Ekotedo, Ibadan Email:

P. O. Box 2665, 72 Ndidem Usang Iso Road, Calabar Tel: +23487 210 213 Email:
Helpscape International

Trade Fair Complex, Sango, Box 22478, University Post Office, Ibadan, Nigeria Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Hope Interactive

16B Queen Elizabeth Street, Asokoro, Abuja Email:

Impact for Change and Development


95 Igbosere Road, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 263 1235 Email: Web:

306, Borno Way, Ebutemeta, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 803 301 9575 Email:
Independent Journalism Centre (IJC)

International Press Centre (IPC)

House 11 Dideolu Court, DIdeolu Estate, Ogba P.O.Box 15916, Ikeja, Lagos Email:
Life Vanguards Nigeria

P.O. Box 7808, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 492 4998 Fax: +234 1 492 4998 Email:
Independent Television Producers Association of Nigeria (ITPAN)

P.O. Box 2182, Osogbo, Nigeria Tel: +234 35 243 552 Email:
Love 2 Work

5 Mabinuori Dawodu Street, Gbagada Phase 1, Lagos P.O.Box 15294, Ikeja Email:
Information Aid Network

Nigeria Tel: +234 803 409 4491 Email:

Media World International

60 Francis Okediji Str, Old Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 7321 Email:
Innate Arts and Media

No. 81 Marina Street, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 1 264 2379 Fax: +234 1 264 2380 Email:
Muslim League for Accountability (MULAC)

24, Plot 1226A, Suez Cresent, Wuse Zone 4, Abuja Email:

5 Farakwai Street, PRP Roan Angwan Sanusi, Kaduna Email: c/o CIRDDOC Nigeria, Fourth Dimension Complex, 16 Fifth Avenue, City Layout Email:
National Coalition on Affirmative Action

Inspire Africa Foundation (IAF)

1 Adio Street, New garage, Gbagada, lagos, Nigeria Tel: +23417260741, +23494801016, +2348034241889 Email: inspireafrica.htm
Institute of Church and Society, Christian Council of Nigeria

National handicap Carers Association of Nigeria (NAHCAN)

P.O.Box 17303 Ikeja 100001 Tel: +234 08033287711, 08082678415 Fax: +234-1-4968409 Email:
NAXCOM Trust / Lifecare Initiatives

P.O. Box 4020 U.I Post Office, Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: +234 85 701 702 Email:
Institute of Media and Society

3 Esangbedo Street, off Independent Street, Upper Sakponba Road, Benin City

1A Akin Osayemi Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234 8033 079 828 Email:

Nigeria NGO Consultative Forum

P.O. Box 22025, House 5 Akinyele Estate (Off Solel Boneh Way), Nigeria Tel: +234 2 810 3720


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

c/o ANEEJ Secretariat, 123 1st East Circular Road Email:
Peasants Dragnet

Nigeria Publish What You Pay Coalition

The Institute for Media and Society (IMS)

1A Akin Osiyemi Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos Email:
The Unemployment League

P.O. Box 220, 11A Ajegunle Streetm, Sabo Ofin, Sagamu

PWYP / EITI Nigeria Coalition

Plot 208 Zakariyah Maimalari Road, Off Herbert Macaulay Way, Central Area, Abuja Email:
Senator Abraham Adesanya Foundation

P.B. 4364 Ekpoma, Department of History, Edo State University, Benin City, Nigeria Tel: +234 52 25 97 10
Trade Union Congress of Nigeria

P.O.BOX 6144, Shomolu, Lagos Tel: 231-1-5821181. 08023190156 Fax: 231-1-5821181 Email:

338, Ikorodu Road, Idi-Iroko B/Stop, Maryland, Lagos Tel: 080 33392088, 01-4701699 Fax: 01-5554822 Email:
Transition Monitoring Group

Social and Economic Rights Action Center

P.O. Box 13616, Ikeja Lagos Tel: +234 01-7646299, 01-5559457 Fax: +234 01-4968605 Email: / Web:

Block B, Flat 2 Ogun Court, Gaduwa Estate, Apo P.O.Box 11312 Garki, Abuja Email:

WAEC Building, 10 Zambezi Crescent, Maitama, Abuja

Zecomayo Conference and Multilingual Services

West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly

Tabitha Support Group Diocese of Otukpo (TSGDO)

Catholic Bishops House, P.O.Box 1400, Otukpo, Bunue Email:

Block A, Hall 2, Abuja Shopping Mall, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


In January 1994, Senegal undertook a bold and ambitious economic reform program with the support of the international donor community. This reform began with a 50% devaluation of Senegals currency, the CFA franc, which was linked at a fixed rate to the French franc. Government price controls and subsidies have been steadily dismantled. After seeing its economy contract by 2.1% in 1993, Senegal made an important turnaround, thanks to the reform program, with real growth in GDP averaging over 5% annually during 1995-2008. Annual inflation had been pushed down to the single digits. As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff and a more stable monetary policy.

En janvier 1994, le Sngal Enterprise une audacieuse et ambitieuse reforme avec le soutien de la communaut international des donateurs. Cette reforme a commenc avec 50% de la monnaie Sngalaise Franc CFA, qui tait a un taux fixe avec le Franc Franais. Il y eu Le contrle des prix par le gouvernement et lradication des subventions. Lconomie du Sngal a connu un rel progrs en 1993 quand le pays sest engag dans une reforme importante entrainant une relle augmentation du GDP de denviron 5% annuellement de 1995 a 2008.linflation annuelle a t combatu .En tan que membre de lUnion Montaire Ouest Africaine UEMOA, le Sngal travaille vers une intgration rgionale avec les tarifs extrieurs unies et plus de politique montaire stable.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Senegal - Capacity Building

B.P. 22543 Dakar Ponty, Immeuble les Dunes, 14 Rue prolong #65533, Sodida, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 864 1555 Email: Web:
Centre of Resources for the Emergence of Social Participation Awana Conseil pour le Dveloppement de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA)

B.P. 3304, Avenue C.A. Diop et Canal IV, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 9822 Fax: +221 33 825 9833 Email: Web:
Organisation de Formation et dAppui au Developpement

PDEF, Diamalaye, Dogoudane, P. O. Box BP 8502, Dakar

Conseil des ONG dAppui au Dveloppement(CONGAD)

B.P. 4109, SICAP Amitie 1, Villa 3089, Dakar Tel: +221 33 824 4116 Fax: +221 33 824 4413 Email:

B.P. 165, Bagadadji Kolda, Senegal Tel: +221 996 13 40 Fax: +221 996 13 82

Senegal - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

African Strategic and Peace Research Group (AFSTRAG) Centre for African Affairs and Global Peace

B.P. 11198, 82 Avenue Lamine Gueye, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 822 0465 Email: Web: Quartier Montagne Centrale, BP 71, Bakel, Senegal Email:
Association Regionale des Femmes pour la Recherche de la Paix Association KAFO/JIIDA FM

Angle Cheikh Anta Diop, X Rue A, Point E Email:

Militant de la Paix

BP 41, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 2084 Email:

Mouvement des Jeunes pour la Paix et LIntegration

Cite Biagui 1 Villa No. 10, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 1551 Boulevard Francois Xavier Dione, B.P. 3024, Thies, Senegal Tel: +221 9 51 25 76 Fax: +221 9 51 34 42 B.P. 10507, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 38 78

s/c CDEPS de Kolpa, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: + 221 33 996 1402 Fax: +221 33 996 1448 Email:

Caritas Senegal - Delegation Diocesaine de Thies

Movement Against Small Arms and Light Weapons in West Africa (MALAO)

Centre Africain pour lEducation aux Droits Humain et a la Paix (CAEDHU)

BP 5142, Mermoz 2e Porte Appartement 7495, Dakar, Dakar-Fann, Senegal Tel: +221 33 824 0933 Fax: +221 33 864 65 48 Email: Web: SUDFM Zinguinchor, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 2910
Reseau des Journalistes pour la Paix et LIntegration

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


The World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace (EIP)

B.P. 163, Villa no294, rue 2, chez Saliou Sarr Sam Path, Prs de chez Diouri, Thies, Senegal Tel: +221 33 951 7220 Email: Web:

Senegal - Democracy & Good Governance

Forum Civil

Immeubla MKR Corniche Ouest x Rue 9 Median, BP 25 554 Dakar, Senegal Email:,
Institut Africain pour la Democratie (IAD)

Institut Panos Afrique de lOuest (IPAO)

B.P. 1780, 3 Bd Djily Mbaye Imm. Fahd, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 823 5720 Fax: +221 33 823 5721 Email:

BP 21132 Dakar-Ponty, 6, rue du Dr. Calmette, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 8491666 Fax: +221 33 822 1761 Email: Web:
Transparency International - Senegal

Forum Civil, BP 2805, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 822 3836 Email: Web:

Senegal - Education
Association des Encadreurs de Collectivites Educatives du Senegal

Inspection de la jeunesse, Kaolack, Senegal Tel: +221 9 41 20 03 Fax: +221 6 31 82 12

Association Nationale pour lAlphabetisation et la Formation des Adultes (ANAFA)

Centre dEtudes des Sciences et Techniques de lInformation (CESTI)

Universite Cheikh Anta Diop Email:

Centre de Recherches et dEtudes pour Le Developpement en Afrique

Villa 17bis, Patte dOie Builders Nord Ext, Dakar Email:
Association Senegalaise de lEconomie Familiale

Quartier Deggo, Camberene, BP 26 195 Parcelles Assainies, Dakar Email:

Centre International dEtudes, de Recherche et de Reactivation Litterature, Artscultures

1 rue Andre Lebon, B.P. 3259, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 821 38 18 Fax: +221 821 69 16
Centre dEntrainement aux Ethodes dEducation Active du Senegal

B.P 5332, Poste de FANN, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 821 10 23 Fax: +221 821 51 09
Consultants Associes pour lEducation aux Medias

CEMEA du Senegal, P.B. 9013, Dakar-Peytavin, Senegal Tel: +221 51 11 74 Fax: +221 51 36 94

Route de Ouakam x Canal IV, Dakar, BP 45571

Ecole Nationale de Formation en Economie Familiale et Sociale

Avenue Malick Sy x Autoroute derriere le COSEC


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Formation en Langues et Cultures (FLAC)

B.P.850, 24 HLM Route de Dakar, Thie Thies, Senegal Tel: + 221 33 65039 26 Email:
Groupe AGORA pour lEducation aux Droits de lEnfant et la Paix

Handicap FormEduc

Rue Belfort x Avenue Malick Sy, BP 7520, Medina, Dakar Email:

World Education Senegal

BP 26 440 Dakar, Senegal Email:

BP 1079, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 4813 Email:

Senegal - Environment & Sanitation

Afri Center for Assistance and Protection of the Environment in the Sahel (CAPES)

P.O. Box 10801, HLM II, Av. Ch. A. Bamba, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 821 97 83 Fax: +221 826 16 80

Collectif Sngalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de lducation Relative a lEnvironnement

Association des Bacheliers pour lEmploi et le Developpement

B.P. 11184, Sicap Fann Hock, Cite 1 No. 5, Peytavin, Dakar Tel: +221 33 823 95 75 Fax: +221 33 822 04 30 Email:
Environment and Development Action in the Third World

Villa No. 19, Rue 13 x P, B.P. 12135, Castors, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 25 70 56 Fax: +221 24 13 76

Association pour le Dveloppement Economique, Social, Environnemental du Nord (ADESEN)

BP 3370, 4 et 5, rue Kleber, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 823 6391 Email: Web:
Rseau des ONG Africaines pour lHabitat

P.O. Box 495, 205, rue Calvet Sor, SaintLouis, Senegal Tel: +221 33 961 35 22 Fax: +221 33 961 31 14 Email:
Association Sngalaise pour la Dfense de lEnvironnement et des Consommateurs

B.P. 3370, s/c ENDA-Ecopop, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 3200 Fax: +221 33 825 3232 Email:

B.P. 13261, 19 Medima, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 823 20 01 Fax: +221 33 823 20 01 Email:

Union des Comites de Salubrite de la Ville de Thies

Immeuble Mourad Kebe, Quartier grand Thies, B.P. 161, A-Thies, Thies, Senegal Tel: +221 951 11 34 / 951 47 36 Fax: +221 951 51 73

Senegal - Health
Africa Consultants International

Baobab Training and Resource Centre, 509 SICAP Baobab, Dakar Email:
Alliance Nationale Contre le SIDA (ANCS)

Association des Handicaps des Iles de la Basse Casamance (A.H.I.B.C)

B.P. 10297, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 827 9489

B.P. 12401, Dpartement doussouye Ziguinchor, Dakar Tel: +221 33 855 91 62 Fax: +221 33 855 91 62 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Association des Tradipraticiens GESTU

Route National 1, BP 27 POUT region de THIES Email:


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Extension Cite Keur Damel, BP 15314 Email:

ENDA Sante

B.P 5681, Rue 6 Point E, Dakar Fann, Senegal Tel: +221 33 824 1293 Email: Web:
ONG PROMETRA International

56 Comico VDN, BP 374 Dakar-Fann, Senegal Tel: +221 33 867 0262

Family Health International, Senegal (FHI)

Immeuble EVA N93, BP 6134, Dakar Etoile Cite des Chercheurs, ISRA, Bel Air Email:
Reseau Africain de lEducation pour la Sante

Sacre Coeur III, Villa no 8897

P.O. Box 3335, 45 Avenue Cheikh anta diop ex route de, Ouakam, cote Immeuble rose, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 869 7000 Web:

The African Council of the NGOs of Action Against the AIDS (AfriCASO)

B.P. 28366 Dakar-Medina, 9513, Sacre-Coeur 3, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 867 35 34 Fax: +221 33 867 3534 Email: Web:

Senegal - Human Rights & Justice


9 Cite Sonatel 2, P.O.Box 25021, Dakar-Fann Email:

Vivre Caprec

BP 589 Thies Grand Standing Email:

Recontre Africaine pour la Defense des Droits de lHomme (RADDHO)

BP 15246 Fann, Villa 4024 Amitie 2, Allees Seydou Nourou Email:

Senegal - Poverty Alleviation


B.P. 3921, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 2058 Fax: +221 33 825 4287 Email:
International Association for the Campaign against Poverty and for Development (AIPED)

Laboratoire dEtudes de la Pauperisation et des Transformations Sociales (IFAN)

BP 206, Universite Cheick Anta Diop Email:,

Micro Fin (Rseau de Finance et dEntrepreneur)

B.P. 6708, 7 bis, Rue Wagane Diouf, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 823 99 39 Fax: +221 33 823 99 39 Email: Web:

S/c FDEA, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 20 58 Fax: +221 33 825 42 87 Email:

World Vision International - Senegal

WV Senegal, Pt E, en face de Keur Jaraf, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 865 1724 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Senegal - Rural Development

African Office for Development and Cooperation (OFADEC)

B.P. 1887 Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 832 2460 Email: Web:
Association La Lumiere Tambacounda

Federation Intervillagedisee des Organisations pour un Developpement Durable

Ecole Superieure, B.P. 5036, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 8 49 83 27 Fax: +221 8 35 75 46

Quartier Abattoirs, En face ACAPES, BP 310 Email:

Association Nationale des Maisons Familiales Rurales du Senegal

Fondation Rurale de lAfrique de lOuest (FRAO)

BP 131, ANMFR, Thiese, Quartier 10eme Email:

Comite Africain pour la Promotion du Developpement Communautaire Integre

C. C. P 13 Amiti III, N-o 4318, Dakar/ Fann, Senegal Tel: +221 33 824 14 00 Fax: +221 33 825 49 53 Email:
Fonds Rural pour le Dveloppement du Tiersmonde

BP 12-245, Dakar Email:

Conseil National de Cooperation et de Concertation des Ruraux

B.P. 184, Km 6, Route de Sangal KAM, Rufisque, Senegal Tel: +221 33 836 8831 Fax: +221 33 884 9246 Email:
Initiative de Formation Mobile de Radios Communautaires (INFORMORAC)

B.P. 249E, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 827 40 97 Fax: +221 827 41 01

Federation des Associations du Fouta pour le Developpement

Cite Malick SY, Villa no 59, BP 153, Thies, Senegal Email:

Sicap Liberte II, Villa 1382, B.P. 3865, Dakar, Senegal

Senegal - Women & Children

ALTERCOM Manoore FM 89.4

Sicap Liberte III, Rond Point Jet deau Appartemente n 4E Email:

Association pour la Promotion de la Femme Sngalaise (APROFES)

Association des Femmes Africaines pour la Recherche et le Dveloppement (AAWORD)

B.P. 12, Kaolack, Senegal Tel: +221 33 9 413 195 Fax: +221 33 9 413 195 Email: B.P. 1188, 99 Rue LLemoine, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 4674 Email:

B.P. 15367, Sicap Sacz-Greuz No. 8798, Dakar-Fann Tel: +221 33 824 20 53 Fax: +221 33 824 20 56 Email:, Web: viewOrg.asp?ID=1170
Association pour la Promotion de la Femme Africaine

Christian Childrens Fund (CCF) Senegal

Coalition des ONGs Africaines en Faveur des Enfants

Hann Montagne 06, Villa no 31/O Email:

Hipodrome Gate 637, BP E 2040, Street 254 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Collectif des Femmes pour la Defense de la Famille Dakar

B.P. 3098, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 51 36 44 Fax: +221 51 24 72

Femme Dveloppement Entreprise en Afrique (FDEA)

Conseil pour le Dveloppement conomique de la Femme Africaine

B.P. 3921, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 20 58 Fax: +221 33 825 42 87 Email:

B.P. 10532, Villa No. 20, Cit Front de terre II, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 5165 Fax: +221 33 826 0090 Email:
Defense for Children International - Senegal

Fondation dAssistance aux Orphelins

B.P. 3422, SICAP Liberte IV, No 5009, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 822 4073 Email: BP 3370, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 860 42 05 Fax: +221 33 860 42 05 Email: Web:

B.P. 10532, Liberte III, Villa # 20 Cite Front de Terre II, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 51 65 Fax: +221 33 8 26 00 90 Email: Sacre Coeur III, Villa no 45699

Hope for African Children Initiative (HACI)

Observatoire des Relations de Genre dans lEducation

Avenue Blaise Diagne, Ecole Clemenceau, 2eme etage droite, BP 10 740, Dakar Email:
Reseau Africain pour le Soutien a lEntreprenariat Feminine

Fdration des Associations Fminines du Sngal

B.P. 5967, Sicap Ryland, Cit Bakary II, Villa Aline Sifo D, Fann, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 827 22 54 Fax: +221 33 827 24 15 Email: Web:

Lot 71/A Domaine Sonepi, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 825 57 18

Reseau Imterafricain pour les Femmes, Medias, Genre et Developpement (FAMEDEV)

Federation Nationale des Groupements de Promotion Feminine du Senegal

Villa no 4492 B Amitie III, Dakar Email:

s/c CNCR, B.P. 249E, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 827 40 97 Fax: +221 827 41 01
Femmes Africa Solidarit (FAS)

P.O. Box 45077, Stele Mermoz Immeuble Rose, Apt. no. 31 C, Fann-Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 860 20 48 Email: Web:

Villa 8608 F Sacre Coeur II, BP 16425, Dakar Email:

Society for Women Against AIDS in Africa (SWAA)


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Senegal - Youth
Association des Jeunes pour le Developpement

Ecole El hadj Ndiarka Diagne, Fith Mith, Gudiawaye, Dakar Tel: +221 77 550 16 82 Fax: +221 33 893 70 49 Email: 18 Rue Ramez Bourgi X Beranger Ferraud, P.B. 21 876, Dakar- Panty, Senegal Tel: +221 22 00 75 Fax: +221 22 00 75

Jeunesse Etudiante Catholique du Senegal

Centrale des ouvres, 4 rue El H Mbaye Gueye, B.P. 1354, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 23 53 63 Fax: +221 23 45 63
Organization for African Liberal Youth

Conseil National de la Jeunesse du Senegal

Boulevard Dial Diop, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 822 0967 Fax: +221 33 823 6671 Email:
Union des Jeunesses Travaillistes et Librales

Groupe de Reflexion et d`Action pour le Developpement du Senegal (GRADES)

Medina Sam lot 95 villa 172, 27 kaolack, Senegal Tel: +221 9419071 Email:

Blvd. Dial Diop, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 822 0967 Fax: +221 33 823 6672 Email:

Jeunesse Ouvriere Chretienne / Feminine

c/o Frere Martin Ndiadye, B.P. 1354, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 8 23 53 63 / 23 53 17

Senegal - Other
Action and Development

44 Cite Lobatt FALL, Pikine, Dakar Email:

African Millenium Communication


Ave Blaise Diagne x Rue 13, Immeuble Rose, 2e etage Email:

HAMO 5, villa S 203, Dakar, Senegal Email:

Association des Professionnelles Africaines de la Communication

Bureau Senegalis du Droit dAuteur (BSDA)

7 Rue Saint Michel x Galandou Diouf

Catholic Relief Services Zinguinchor

B.P. 4234, 38, Boulevard de la Republique, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 21 08 15 Fax: +221 22 00 42
Association des Scouts et Guides Musulmans du Senegal

B.P. 711, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 4018 Email: Web:

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee

P.B. 4019 MJS, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 22 01 21 / 37 29 24 / 20 26 41

Association pour le Developpement Economique de Colobane

B.P. 5323, Dakar-Fann, Senegal Tel: +221 33 824 7127 Fax: +221 33 639 2455 Email:

Collectif des Organisations de la Societe Civile

B.P. 367, 2 Sud Rufique, Senegal Tel: +221 8 36 66 58 Fax: +221 8 26 71 18

Siege ENDA Graf 3D Scat Urbam Lot D/01 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Comite de Coordination pour le Developpement de Guinaw Rails

Quartier Talla Diene sis Marche Waranka Email:

Conseil des Organisations Non Gouvernementales (CONGAD)

Fondation Internationale pour le Developpement

B.P. 305, Louga, Senegal Tel: +221 9 671 018 Fax: +221 9 672 143 / 671 141
Forum du Tiers Monde (FTM)

Sicap Liberte III no 1983, BP 4109 Dakar Email:

SONEPI Lot no 31, BP 8444 Email:

Consortium General de Batiment et dEnterprise

B.P. 3501, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 821 1144 Fax: +221 33 821 1144 Email:

Forum of African Voluntary Development Organizations (FAVDO)

Direction Diocesaine des Oeuvres Catholiques

B.P. 23, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 822 4073 Fax: +221 33 834 41 97 Email:

B.P. 12093, Rue 4, Zone B, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 5547 Fax: +221 33 825 5564 Email:

Groupe de recherche et dAppui aux Initiatives de Developpement Endogene

B.P. 10.451 Dakar Libert, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 821 49 12 Fax: +221 33 822 11 50 Email:
Environnement et Dveloppement Activits

Villa 493 HLM las Palmas, B.P. 19208, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 837 38 02 Fax: +221 826 61 88 Cinema El Hadj Gueule Tapee, BP 28779, Dakar Email:
Guides du Senegal Groupe Image et Vie

B.P. 224, Ziguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 14 07 Fax: +221 33 991 24 94 Email:
Famille Artisan Foundation

B.P. 2888, c/o Caracolo, Villa No. 11, Hann Plage, Dakar Tel: +221 33 832 15 90 Fax: +221 33 832 15 73 Email:
Federation des Coeurs-Vaillants et AmesVaillantes du Senegal

4 Rue Elh Mbaye Gueye rue Sandiniery, P.B. 1354, Dakar Tel: +221 8 23 53 63 Fax: +221 8 23 80 76
Inter-Congres Ouest Africain

Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop Immeuble Tour Fenetre Mermoz Email:
International Center of Refugee and Development

P.B. 1354, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 8 23 53 63 Fax: +221 8 22 90 95 B.P. 269, Thies, Senegal Tel: +221 33 951 12 37 Fax: +221 33 951 23 52 Email:

Federation des ONG de Sngal

BP 1672, Yoff Rue YF 481 Nord Foire, Villa 85, Cote Sud Cimetiere Musulman Yoff Email:
Movement International pour le Developpement en Afrique (MIDA)

HLM 1 Villa no 147 Dakar, Senegal Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)

Union des Travailleurs du Senegal

B.P. 008, Dakar-Fann, Immeuble EPI, Boulevard du Sud et Rue des Ecrivains, Point E, Dakar, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 869 1024 Fax: +221 33 824 0942 Email: Web:
Population Council

B.P. 7017, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 837 88 21 Fax: +221 837 88 91

Union pour lEtude de la Population Africaine

B.P. 21007, Dakar Ponty, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 8 25 59 51 / 24 35 28 Fax: +221 8 25 59 55 Email:
United Nations Development Fund

BP 21027 Dakar-Fann, 143 Sotrac Mercmoz Email:

Programme SUD / CONGRAD

Immueble Faycal, 19 Rue Parchappe, Dakar Email:

BP 35, Boucotle Centre, Zinguinchor en face bar Nema, Zinguinchor, Senegal Tel: +221 33 991 4095 Email: Web:
Radio Penc-Mi FM 90.6

Sacre Coeur 1 Villa no 8408, P.O.Box 16 650, Dakar Email:

West African Journalists Association

West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR)

BP 70 Tiadiaye Email:

Radio Television Senegalaise (RTS)

17 Boulevard de La Republique, Dakar Email:

West African Museums Programme

Triangle Sud x Avenue Malick Sy, BP 1765 Dakar Email:

Rseau Africain pour le Dveloppement Intgr - Dakar

11 Route du Front de Terre Villa, no 6, BP 357, Dakar Email:

West African Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Network (WARIPNET)

B.P. 12085, Colobane, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221 33 825 7533 Fax: +221 33 825 7536 Email:
RISOA Imprimerie Communautaire Centre de Bop

Xamxam - Africa

Immeuble Honda 53, Boulevard Djily Mbaye, Senegal Email:

Sud FM

Bd Djily Mbaye x Macodou Ndiaye Email:

Trust Africa

Lot 87, Sacr Coeur 3 Pyrotechnie x VDN, BP 45 435 DakarFann, Sngal Tl: +221 33 869 46 86 Fax: +221 33 824 15 67 Email: Web:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone possesses substantial mineral, agricultural, and fishery resources, its physical and social infrastructure is not well developed, and serious social disorders continue to hamper economic development. Nearly half of the working-age population engages in subsistence agriculture. Manufacturing consists mainly of the processing of raw materials and of light manufacturing for the domestic market. Alluvial diamond mining remains the major source of hard currency earnings accounting for nearly half of Sierra Leones exports. The fate of the economy depends upon the maintenance of domestic peace and the continued receipt of substantial aid from abroad, which is essential to offset the severe trade imbalance and supplement government revenues.

La Sierra Leone
La Sierra Leone possde des ressources potentielles en minerai, agriculture, en pche. Cependant son infrastructure physique et sociale nest pas dveloppe et de srieux dsordres sociaux continuent de freiner son dveloppement conomique. Presque la moiti de sa population en ge de travailler est engage dans lagriculture de subsistance. Lindustrie consiste au traitement des matires brutes ainsi que la socit d lectricit pour le besoin domestique. Les mines de diamant restent la ressource principale comptant pour peu prs la moitie des exportations de la Sierra Leone. Le destin de lconomie dpend de la paix domestique et de laide de ltranger qui est ncessaire pour renflouer les revenues du gouvernement.


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Sierra Leone - Capacity Building

Capacity Builders SL

13 Fort Street Tel: +232 76-668642 Tel: +232 77-252885

Grassroots Empowerment for Self Reliance

Independent Research Associates Sierra Leone (IRA SL)

14 Earl Street Off Circular Road Tel: +232 033-286557 / 076-817590 Email:
Social Awareness and Development Movement

7 Percival Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 226 224 Fax: +232 22 226 224 Email:

6 Charlotte Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 221 569 Email:

Sierra Leone - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

America Refugee Committee (ARC)

16 Riverside Drive, Sierra Leone Head Office, Off King Harman Road, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 235 463
Campaign for Non Violence in Society

Conflict Management and Development Associates (C.M.D.A)

Tel: +232 76774404

FORUT Sierra Leone

16 Padema Rd. Tel: +232 33316912

24E Main Motor Road Wilberforce, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Search for Common Ground (SFCG)

Centre for Development and Security Analysis (CEDSA)

36 Bathurst Street Tel: +232 76600800 Email:

Talking Drum Studio P.M.B. 1039, 44 Bathurst Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 223082 Web:
You and Me Fourah Bay Development Organization

Conciliation Resources (CR)

17 (off ) Kingharman Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 241 221 Fax: +232 22 241 270 Email: Web:

10, Abbot Street, Fourah Bay, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone - Democracy & Good Governance

Campaign for Good Governance (CGG)

P.O. Box 1437, 11A Old Railway, Line Wilberforce, Freetown Tel: +232 22 235 623 Fax: +232 22 228 896 Email: Web:

Democracy Sierra Leone

2 Henry Street, Off Charles Street Tel: +232 033422331/ 077273135 Email:
Independent Election Monitoring Group

13 Fort Street Tel: +232 076/033647456

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Independent Observer

29 Rawdon St. AND 1 Short Street Tel: +232 033792334 / 227053 Email:
National Commission for Democracy

Network Movement for Democracy and Human Right

14 Earl Street (off Mend Street) Tel: +232 076-698279 Email:
Open Government Initiative (OGI)

Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Email:

National Democratic Institute Sierra Leone (NDI)

State House Tel: +232 033-468278 Email:

Society for Democratic Initiatives (SDI)

25 Rawdon St. Tel: +232 076627700

2nd Floor, 25 Pademba Road Tel: +232 033700030 / 033-647456 Email:

Sierra Leone - Education

Education for All Sierra Leone (EFASL) Coalition

C/o Sierra Leone Teachers Union Rogaland House Kissy Lowcost Step OR 16 Robert Street Tel: 0023233803740 Email:
Friends of Waldorf, Sierra Leone

Peoples Educational Association (PEA) Sierra Leone

90 Sanders Street Tel: +232 076-815202 / 033-521399 Email:

c/o NFHR, P.M.B. 1297, Freetown, Sierra Leone Email:

Partners in Adult Education (PADE)

P.O. Box 705, Adult Education House, 90 Sanders Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 242 276 Fax: +232 22 241 620 Email:

Sierra Leone Adult Education Association

90 Sanders Street

Sierra Leone - Environment & Sanitation

Concern Worldwide Sierra Leone

22 Carlton Carew Lane Thompson Bay, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 846 487 Email: Web: P.O. Box 1292, 2 Pike Street Brookfields, Freetown Tel: +232 22 220794 Email:
Destiny Agricultural Development Association Conservation Society of Sierra Leone

Environmental Foundation for Africa (EFA)

PMB 34, EFA Headquarters 1 Beach Road Lakka, Freetown Peninsula, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 611 410 Email: Web:
German Agro Action (GAA)

29 Big Waterloo St, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 220 396 Fax: +232 22 220 406 Email:

Project Liaison Office 33 Macauley Street, Murray Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 76 78 20 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Green Scenery

P.O. Box 278, Old Agriculture Building, Tower Hill, Freetown Tel: +232 766 22 317 Fax: +232 22 226 216 Email: / /

Livestock Extension and General Services (LEXES)

26A Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 231260 Email:

Sierra Leone - Health

CARE Sierra Leone (CARE SL)

35/35A Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 234 227 Fax: +232 22 234 280 Email: Web:
Christian Aid - Sierra Leone

International Medical Corps (IMC) Sierra Leone

6 Wilberforce Valley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 234948 Web:

Medecins Sans Frontierses Holland (MSF-H)

8 Kosie Williams Drive, Off Aberdeen Road (Sir Samuel, Lewis Road), Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 234 625 Fax: +232 22 232 821 Email: Web:
Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone (CHASL)

4 Ngobeh Drive, Cockle Bay, off Aberdeen Road, Freetown Tel: +232 22 231272 Email: msfh-sierraleonehom@field. Web:
Mdicos del Mundo

4B Kingharman Road, PMB 20, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 241374 Fax: +232 22 241257 Email:
Handicap International

2 Man of War Bay Road Aberdeen, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 234285 Email: Web:

National Council for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency

43A Freetown Road, Lumley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 230 522 Fax: +:232 22 230 522 Email: Web:
International (HKI)

47 Kissy Road, P. O. Box 409, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 80 80 / 22 31 90 / 22 35 88 Fax: +232 22 31 90 / 22 44 39
Pujehun District Relief and Rehabilitation Agency

P.O. Box 724, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 229 105
The Shepherds Hospice Sierra Leone

35 Nelson Lane, off Old Railway Line, Tengbeh Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 637 272 Email:

433 Bai Bureh Road, PMB 1115 Lower Allen Town, Freetown Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Sierra Leone - Human Rights & Justice

ActionAid International Sierra Leone (AAISL) Manifesto 99 Human Rights

36A Freetown Rd. Lumley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 231 392 Email: Web:
Action for Social Rights

63 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 224 733 Fax: +232 22 227 848 Email:
National Advocacy Coalition on Extractives (NACE)

C/o NMDHR 14 Earl Street Tel: 077-893267

Aficare Sierra Leone

PMB 164, 145, Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 233 340 Email:
Amnesty International - Sierra Leone Section

82 Soldier Street, Off Circular Road National Commission for Democracy and Human Rights 13 Fort Street Tel: +232 076-889959 / 033-520480 PMB 1297, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 220 406 Fax: +232 22 220 406 Email: afhr@sierratel.s
Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD)

National Forum for Human Rights (NFHR)

P.M.B. 1021, 16 Pademba Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 227 354 Fax: +232 22 222 053 Email:

Centre for Human Rights and Development

2nd Floor, P.O.Box 29 Liverpool Street, Freetown Email: 18 Dundas St. Email: 5 Percival Street Tel: +232 076734033 Email: Tel: 076702206 Email:

29 Main Motor Road, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 229937 Fax: +232 22 225486 Email: Web:
Organisation for Development and Human Rights (ODHR)

Foundation for International Dignity (FIND)

16 Pademba Road Tel: +232 076-626733 / 033-765379

Human Rights Reporters Network (HRRN)

Sierra Leone Court Monitoring Programme

P. O. Box 30, Wellington Street Email:,

Sierra Leone Law Reform Commission

Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)

Lawyers Centre for Legal Assistance (LAWCLA)

First Floor, Red Lion Building, 65 Sierra Steven Street Tel: +232 22 240440 Fax: + 232 22 236019 Email: / Web:

3A Wellington Street, Western Area Email: The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone 37 Wellington Street Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Sierra Leone - Poverty Alleviation

Action Contre la Faim (ACF)

60B Cape Road, Aberdeen, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 601 723 Email:
Alliance for Sustainable Development

Hands Empowering the Less Privileged in Sierra Leone (HELP-SL)

47 John Street Caritas Makeni 22 Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 233760 Fax: +232 22 241 023 Email:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

P.O. Box 724, 48A Charles Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 227 421 Fax: +232 22 224 439 Email:

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

35 Frazer Street, Off Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 232230 Fax: +232 22 234099 Email: Web:
Life for Relief and Development (LIFE)

29 King Harman Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 236 093 Fax: +232 22 228 646 Email: Web:
Christian Aid for Under-Assisted Societies Everywhere - Sierra Leone (CAUSE SL)

39 Lightfoot Boston Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 225 006 Email: 117 Jomo Kenyatta Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 233694 Fax: +232 22 233707 Email: Web:
World Relief Sierra Leone Oxfam

Sierra Leone Email: Web:

Christian Extension Services Sierra Leone (CES)

PMB 605, 100 Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 231 455 Fax: +231 222 32043 Email:

2 UN Drive Off Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 651 588 Email: Web:
World Vision Sierra Loene (WVSL)

39 Freetown Road Lumley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 230725 Email: Web:

Sierra Leone - Rural Development

Action for Development Sierra Leone (ADSL)

4B King Harman Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 242108 Email:

Adventist Development and Relief Agency Sierra Leone (ADRA-SL)

PMB 294, 97 A Off Main Motor RD, Congo Cross, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 233 425 Email: Web:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Association for Rural Development (ARD)

21 Liverpool Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 223194 Email:
Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI)

Kailahun District Development Foundation (KADDF)

Old Agriculture Building, Tower Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 229 661 Email: 46 Charles Street, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 229049 Email: 18 Fleck Street

COOPI in Sierra Leone, 59 Spur Road, Freetown Tel: +232 22 233511 Email: Web:
Counterparts in Rehabilitation and Development in Sierra Leone (CORD-SL)

Pan African Development Initiative (PADI)

Sierra Leone Farmers Association

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone - Women & Children

50/50 Group of Sierra Leone

4 West Street, Freetown Email:

Center for Safe Motherhood, Youth and Child Organisation (CESMYCO)

Fifty Fifty Group Sierra Leone

17 Kingharman Road, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 33 313 109 Email:
Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)

3/5 Dundas Street

Children Associated with War (CAW)

25 Kinsella Street, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 33 552 424 Email:
Christian Childrens Fund (CCF)

4 Hill Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 227 076 Fax: +232 22 227 763 Email:
Grassroots Gender Empowerment Movement (GGEM)

132, Wilkinson Rd, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 228 322 Fax: +232 22 229 365 Email: Web:
Current Evangelism Ministries, Womens Network for Peace

P.M.B. 659, 57 John Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 240 215 Fax: +232 22 240 809 Email:
Help A Needy Child International Sierra Leone

PMB 882, 7 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 224 994 Fax: +232 22 224 439 Email: 42 Siaka Stevens Street Tel: +232 033-504315 Tel: +232 033-594365 Email:

49 Pademba Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 223640 Email:
Mano River Womens Peace Network (MARWOPNET)

Defence for Children International SL

Department of Chemistry, Fourah Bay College, Freetown Tel: +232 22 238 235 Fax: +232 22 224 260 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Mount Carmel / Church Womens Association

49a Siaka Stevens Street, P.M.B. 11, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 227 171

Sierra Leone Women Development Movement

12, Soko-upper Street, Kenema, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone

The Mothers Union - Sierra Leone

Nennehs Children Fund for Sierra Leone

92 Campbell Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone, c/o 49 Crown Street, Suite 5B, Brooklyn, NY 11125, USA Tel: +1 718 774 6367 / 24 20 70 / 774 63 67
Partners Women Commission

Tower Hill, P.O. Box 726, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 222 615
War Child Canada (WCC)

90 Sanders St.

Pikin-to-Pikin Movement - Sierra Loene

No. 4 Kaningo Drive, Pipeline, Juba, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 238 433 Web:
War Child Holland

13 Macdonald Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 746220 Email: Web:
Plan Sierra Leone

20B Thailand Drive, Babadorie Lumley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 239 206 Email: Web:
Womens Forum Sierra Leone

6 Cantonment Road, off King Harman Road, Freetown Tel: +232 22 242 067 Fax: +232 22 240 942 Email:

7 Percival Street 076-790044 Email :

Womens Network of the Methodist Church

Right To Play

Country Office 34T, off Freetown Road, Lumley, Freetown Tel: +232 22 234 181 Email: righttoplay_sierraleone_cm@
Save the Children

c/o P.O. Box 64, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 227 529 / 222 216 Fax: +232 22 227 539
Young Womens Christian Association Sierra Leone

22G Kingharman Road Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 240 732 Email: Web:

National Headquarters, Bismarck Johnson Street, Brooksfield, P. O. Box 511, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 240 383 Fax: +232 22 224 439

Sierra Leone - Youth

Catholic Youth Organization

P.B. 86, Kenema, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 4 24 45

Centre for Coordination of Youth Activities

GOAL Sierra Leone

114 Pademba Road, Sierra Leone Email: Web:

Independent Youth Forum (IYF)

55 Campbell Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 7660 6419 Email:

1 Murray Town Road, Western Area Tel: +232 22 241 781 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


International Christian Youth Exchange

19B Hannah Benka-Coker Street, Private Mail Bag 1048, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 24 14 85 Fax: +232 22 22 44 39
Maroon Town Youth Organization

Students Partnership Worldwide (SPW)

37 Frazer Street, Off Wilkinson Road (via Pipeline), Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 810 550
United Youth for Success and Development

8 Wilberforce St.

26 Williams Street Email:

West African Youth Network (WAYN)

45 Fort Street Tel: +232 033-444074

National Youth Coalition

Room 40-41, Main Bowl, National Stadium, Freetown Email:

Young Mens Christian Association (Sierra Leone)

Network Movement for Youth and Childrens Welfare Sierra Leone

C/o NFHR 29 Big Waterloo Street Tel: +232 076-717096 / 030-717096 Email:

Sierra Leone Fellowship of Evangelical Students

32 Fort Street, P.B. 243, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 22 36 08 Fax: +232 22 22 92 78
Young Leaders Sierra Leone

c/o The General Secretary, 33 Garrison Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 222742 Email:
Sierra Leone Scout Association

Sierra Leone National Stadium, Freetown Email:

Youth and Child Advocacy Network

OAU Drive, Tower Hill, P.B. 781, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 22 65 41 Fax: +232 22 22 232
Sierra Leone Youth Empowerment Organisation (SLYEO)

43 Big Waterloo Street

Youth Development Movement (YDM)

24 Main Motor Road, Congo Cross, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 609451 Fax: +232 22 234 547 Email: / /

c/o PMB 37, 17F Main Motor Road, Opposite FOMACO, Calaba Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 263605 Email:
Youth Development Project (YDP)

P.O. Box 1151, 8B Regent Road, Lumley, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 33 550 328 Email:

Sierra Leone - Other

ABC Television - Africa

Marketing Department, ABC TV-Africa, 54 Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 33 725 753 Email: Web:

Action Plus

First Floor, 145 Circular Road Email: All Works of Life (AWOL) 35 Barthurst Street Tel: 076470288 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


15 Main Motor Road, Brookfields Tel: 033-603159 Email:

Association of Christian Professionals (ACP)

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone (ELCSL)

32 Pademba Road Tel: 077928828 Email:

Awareness Times

PMB 1155, The Lutheran Centre, Consider Lane, Calaba Town, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 264 648 Fax: +232 22 26 4508 Email:
Independent Radio Network

17 Garrison St. Tel: 077321006 Email:

Awoko Newsmagazine

P.O. Box 49 Sanders Street, Freetown Email:

International Organisation of Good Templars (IOGT) Sierra Leone

47 Percival Street Tel: 076537029


5 Hannah Benka-Coker Street, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 229703 Email:
Marie Stopes Society Sierra Leone (MSSSL)

35 Wilkinson Road Email:

Community Radio Network

32 Victoria Street, P.O. Box 267, Freetown Email:

Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (CCSL)

Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 231027 Email:

Mercy Ships Sierra Leone (MSSL)

P. O. Box 404, 4A King Harman Road, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 240 569 Fax: +232 22 421 109 Email:
Evaluation Development Research Associates Consultancy (EDRA)

P.O. Box 416, Aberdeen West Africa Fistula , Centre, Sierra Leone Cape Rd, Aberdeen Roundabout, Freetown Tel: +232 76 920 844 Email: Web:
Pentecostal Assembly of the World (Inc) Mission

P. O. Box 253, Freetown, 50 Bathurst Street, Freetown Tel: +232 22 220 980 Fax: +1-206-338-5912 Email:
Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone (EFSL)

433 Bai Burch Road, Allen Town, P.M.B. 884, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Association of NonGovernment Organizations (SLANGO)

14 J Wilkinson Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 233 680 Email:
Sierra Leone IT Society

35 Circular Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232-22-228 670 Fax: +232-22-228 670 Email:

14 Earl Street Tel: +232 077-519060

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Useful People Sierra Leone (UPSL)

2 Goderich Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 22 228161 Email:
Campaign for the Voiceless

Inter-Religious Council

33 Garrison Street, Youth Centre Tel: +232 076602230

Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ)

1 King Harman Road Tel: 076896886 Email:

International Rescue Committee

31 Garrison Street Tel: +232 030205357 Email:

Wesleyan Church of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Program 35 Frazer Street, Off Wilkinson Road Email:

P.O. Box 33, Makeni, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 052 383


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

The Gambia
The Gambia has sparse natural resource deposits and a limited agricultural base, and relies in part on remittances from workers overseas. About 80% of the population depends on the agricultural sector for its livelihood. Small-scale manufacturing activity features the processing of peanuts, fish, and hides. The Gambias natural beauty and proximity to Europe has made it one of the larger markets for tourism in West Africa, boosted by government and private sector investments in eco-tourism and upscale facilities. In the past few years, the Gambias re-export trade - traditionally a major segment of economic activity - has declined, but its banking sector has grown rapidly. Unemployment and underemployment rates remain high; economic progress depends on sustained bilateral and multilateral aid, on responsible government economic management, and on continued technical assistance from multilateral and bilateral donors.

La Gambie
La Gambie possde des gisements pars en ressources naturelles, une agriculture de base limite et elle sappuie en partie sur les envois de fonds de ses travailleurs ltranger. Environ 80 % de la population dpend du secteur agricole pour sa subsistance. Les activits de fabrication artisanale comprennent le traitement de larachide, du poisson et du cuir. Sa beaut naturelle et sa proximit avec lEurope a fait de la Gambie un des plus grands marchs pour le tourisme en Afrique occidentale, stimul par les investissements du gouvernement et du secteur priv dans lco-tourisme et dans installations haut de gamme. Au cours de ces dernires annes, le commerce de rexportation de la Gambie, - traditionnellement un secteur majeur de lactivit conomique - a diminu, mais son secteur bancaire a connu une croissance rapide. Les taux de chmage et du sous-emploi restent levs ; le progrs conomique dpend de laide bilatrale et multilatrale continue, dune gestion conomique responsable de la part du gouvernement et de la poursuite de lassistance technique de la part des donateurs multilatraux et bilatraux

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


The Gambia - Capacity Building

Association of Farmers, Educators and Traders (AFET)

P.O. Box 5095, Brikama Town, Kombo Central, The Gambia Tel: +220 4 484611 Email: Web:
Forum for African Women EducationistsThe Gambia (FAWEGAM)

Self Reliant Development Association (SERDA)

P.O. Box 2036, 53/54 Kairaba Avenue, K.S.M.D, Serrekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 2238 Email:
The Association of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Gambia (TANGO)

58 Garba Jaumpa Road, Bakau New Town, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 5036 Email:

Gambians for Self-Employment (GAMSEM)

BP 392 S/Kunda Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 7771 Fax: +220 449 7772 Email: Web: ngowgwb.html

Box 996, P.M.B. 81, Banjul, The Gambia

The Gambia - Environment & Sanitation

Worldview The Gambia

49 Garba Jahumpa Road, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 6990 Email:
Foundation for Research on Womens Health, Productivity and the Environment (BAFROW)

West African Bird Study Association

c/o Atlantic Hotel, P.B. 676, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 8601

Box 2854, 214 Tafsir Demba Mbye Road, Tobacco Road Estate, Serre Kunda, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 5270 Fax: +220 422 3266 Email:

The Gambia - Health

African Network for Information and Action Against Drugs-Raid

Kerewan, P.O.Box 480, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 7720162 Email:

The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP)

Foundation for Research on Womens Health, Productivity and the Environment (BAFROW)

P.O.Box 2990, 49 Garbo Jahumpa Road, Bakau New Town, Serrekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 7416 Email:

Box 2854, 214 Tafsir Demba Mbye Road, Tobacco Road Estate, Serre Kunda, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 5270 Fax: +220 422 3266 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

The Gambia - Human Rights & Justice

ActionAid - The Gambia

MDI Road PMB 450 Serekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 4392 244 Email: Web:
African Commission on Human & Peoples Rights

Institute for Human Rights and Development (IHRD)

P.O. Box 1896, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 6421 Email: Web:
International Society for Human Rights (ISHR)

P.O. Box 673, 90 Kairaba Avenue, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 2962 Fax: +220 4390 764 Email: Web:

P.M.B.457 Serekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 5039 Email:
Transparency International - Gambia

The Point Newspaper, P.O. Box 2135, Fajara, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 7937 Email: Web:

The Gambia - Rural Development

Anglican Mission Development Ministries (AMDM) Kanifing East Youth Development Society

Bishopscourt P O Box 51 Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 7405 Email: Web:
Campaign for Development and Solidarity - Forut

P.O. Box 97, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 0501 Fax: +220 449 6042

Trust Agency for Rural Development (TARUD)

50 Garba Jahumpa Road Bakau, New Town, Banjul Tel: +220 449 5622 Email:
Community Action for Development Association (CADA)

P.M.B 362, Gunjur Town, Kombo South, Western Division, Serrekunda, Kombo South, The Gambia Tel: +220 448 6312 Email:

P. O. Box 2072, Serrekunda, BundunKunda, Bore-hole, KMSD, Serrekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 4380

The Gambia - Women & Children

Agency for Rural Women Association

P.O. Box 2896, Serrekunda, The Gambia

Association for Promoting Girls and Womens Advancement (APGWA)

Agency for the Development of Women and Children (ADWAC)

P. O. Box 828, Kerewan, North Bank Division, Kerewan, Banjul Tel: +220 77 20 106 Email:

74 Kombo Sillah Drive, Sere Kunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 2826 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Child Protection Alliance

Tango Building Fagara M Section, Bakam, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 8694 Email:
Forum for African Women EducationistsThe Gambia (FAWEGAM)

National Women Farmers Association (NAWFA)

3E Marina Parade, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 420 2502 Email:
SOS-Kinderdorf International

58 Garba Jaumpa Road, Bakau New Town, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 5036 Email:
Gambia Children Aid

P.M.B 28, Hermann Gmeiner Drive Highway (Kotu), Banjul Tel: +43 512 3310-116 Email: Web:
The Gambia Womens Finance Association (GAWFA)

P.O. Box 2090, Manjul Kunda, Kombo, St. Marys division, Serrekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 460 6417 Email:
Gambia Womens Finance Association (GAWFA)

PO Box 2358, Serre Kunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 7063 Email: Web:
Women Association for Counseling and Rehabilitation (WACAR)

P.M.B. 81, Independence Drive, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 7064 Email: P. O. Box 5137, Nema Kabilo, Brikama, The Gambia Tel: +220 991 1792 Email:
National Association of Youth and Children Organization Hope for the Children

P.O.Box 2358, Serrekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 2830 Email:
Women In Service Development Organization and Management (WISDOM)

P.M.B. 108, Jimpex Road, Kanifing East, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 4 390536 Fax: +220 22 53 85 Email:
Womens Bureau

Tango Building Fajara, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 0525 Email:

14/15 Marina Parade, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 8730 Email:

The Gambia - Youth

Kanifing East Youth Development Society

P.O. Box 97, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 0501 Fax: +220 449 6042

National Youth Council (NYC) Gambia

National Association of Youth and Children Organization

Independent Stadium, Bakau, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 5617 Email: Web:
The Gambia Young Mens Christian Association (GYMCA)

Tango Building Fajara, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 0525 Email:

P.B. 421, Hagan Street 5, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 2647 Fax: +220 439 0793


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Young Womens Christian Association of Gambia

P.B. 974, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 2692

The Gambia - Other

Agency for Personal Service Overseas (APSO) Lend a Hand Society (LAHS)

P. O. Box 2164, 29 New Town Road, Bakau, Serrekunda Tel: +220 4 495 550 Email: Web:
Boka Loho Organisation of The Gambia (BLOG)

P.O. Box 2914, 18 Radio Gambia Road, Kanifang, Serekunda Tel: +220 439 0550 Email: Web:
Liberian Association in the Gambia

Latrikunda Sabiji, P.O.Box 4153, Bakau, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 1630 Email:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Gambia

P.O. Box 51, Banjul, Serekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 926422 Email:
National Council of the Gambia

P.O.Box 568, 60 OAU Boulevard, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 7120 Email: Web:
Gambia Artisanal Fisheries Development Agency (GAMFIDA)

Kanifing South, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 2647 Email: P.O. Box 5472, Brikama, Kombo Central, The Gambia Tel: +220 448 4994 Email:
Njawara Agricultural Training Centre (NATC) National Savings and Credit Association

7 Dodou Jasseh Street, Bakau New Town, Banjul Tel: +220 449 5584 Email:

Initiatives Development Association of The Gambia (IDAG)

P. O. Box 1546, Banjul, Street A No. 5, Bakoteh Housing Estate, Serekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 464 030 Fax: +220 393 274
International Organization of Good Templars

P.O.Box 2106, Serrekunda. Njawara Village - L.B. District - North Bank Division (NDB), Serrekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 990 5749
Pan African Islamic Human Development Programme

50 Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 2786 Email:
Islamic Relief Association (ISRA)

P.O. Box 2551, No. 6, Kombo Silla Drive, New Jeshwang Highway, Serekunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 4855 Fax: +220 437 4855
People in Action

P.O. Box 1028, Banjul, 220, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 7771 Fax: +220 449 7772

P.O. Box 2542, 32 Sayerr Jobe Aronne, SereKunda, KMC, SereKunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 437 0418 Email:

Presidents Award Scheme / GYBT

P.O. Box 902, Bakua New Town, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 6541 Fax: +220 449 6043

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Sanyang Family Helper Project

Sanyang Village, Kombo South, Western Division, Kombo South, The Gambia Tel: +220 990 9384
St. Marthas Society (S.M.S)

The Gambia Labour Congress

P.O. Box 508, 6 Albion Place, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 8 227 641 Fax: +220 8 227 214
The Gambia Workers Confederation

P.O.Box 242, St. Charles LWanga, Fajikunda, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 6604
Stay Green Foundation (SGF)

P.O. Box 698, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 422 2754 Fax: +220 422 2754
Visaca Promotion Centre (VPC)

P.M.B. 113, Essau Lower Nuimi District NBD, Banjul Tel: +220 771 0265 Email:
The Gambia Girl Guides Association

P.O.Box 2338, Training Centre, Brikama-Ba, Central River Division (CRD), Latrikunda Sabiji, KMC, Serrekunda Tel: +220 437 3012
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

P.B. 691, 10 Kairaba Avenue Kanifing, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 439 0510 Fax: +220 439 2866

22, Atlantic Road, fajara, P.O.Box 667, Banjul, The Gambia Tel: +220 449 4026 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

This small, sub-Saharan economy is heavily dependent on both commercial and subsistence agriculture, which provides employment for 65% of the labor force. Some basic foodstuffs must still be imported. Cocoa, coffee, and cotton generate about 40% of export earnings with cotton being the most important cash crop. Togo is the worlds fourth-largest producer of phosphate. The governments decade-long effort, supported by the World Bank and the IMF, to implement economic reform measures, encourage foreign investment, and bring revenues in line with expenditures has moved slowly. Progress depends on privatization, increased openness in government financial operations, progress toward legislative elections, and continued support from foreign donors. Economic growth remains marginal due to declining cotton production, underinvestment in phosphate mining, and strained relations with donors.

Cette petite conomie subsaharienne est fortement tributaire la fois de lagriculture commerciale et de subsistance et elle offre 65 % des emplois de la population active. Certaines denres de base doivent encore tre importes. Le Cacao, le caf et le coton, gnrent environ 40 % des recettes dexportation, le coton tant la plus importante des cultures dexportation. Le Togo est le quatrime producteur mondial de phosphate. Leffort dcennal du gouvernement, avec le soutien de la Banque mondiale et du FMI, de mettre en uvre des mesures de rforme conomique, dencourager linvestissement tranger et apporter des revenus selon la ligne des dpenses a peu peu disparu. Le progrs dpend des effets de la privatisation, dune ouverture accrue dans les activits financires du gouvernement, de lavance vers des lections lgislatives et de laide continue des donateurs trangers. La croissance conomique reste marginale en raison de la baisse de production du coton, du sous-investissement dans les mines de phosphate et des relations tendues avec les donateurs

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Togo - Capacity Building

Auto Promotion Rurale pour un Developpement Humain Durable (ADHD)

02 BP 20412, Rue Limousine Agoe Assiyeye, Anome, Lome Region Maritime Email:
Centre dEtudes Techniques et dAppui aus Actions de Dveloppment (CETAAD/ONG)

Comit dAction pour la Promotion de lAgriculture

P.B. 20639, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 3632

Faitire des Units Coopratives dEpargne et de Crdit du Togo (FUCEC)

BP 21, Tsevi, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 330 42 36 Email: P.B. 20224, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 226 8822 Fax: +228 226 9099

B.P. 3541, Bretelle Be-Klikame, Togo Tel: +228 222 2574 Fax: +228 222 2570 Email:

Comit dAction de la Promotion de lEmploi

Togo - Conflict Resolution & Peace Building

Association Internationale des Educateurs pour la Paix du Monde (AIEPM)

BP 80250, Rue 106 (Rue Hodo), Av. Des Hydro-TGB, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 947 23 28 Email: Web:
Ecole Instrument de Paix (EIP)

Reseau Interafricain dEtudes sur la Violence et dEducation pour la Paix (RIEVEPAfrique)

BP 10085, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 226 00 43 Email:

The Togolese Foundation for Peace/ Fondation Togolaise pour la Paix (FTP-TFP)

B.P. 4139, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 225 1939 Email: Web:

S/c Plan Togo, Sokode Program Area, BP 34, Sokode, Togo Tel: +228 550 0598 Email:

Togo - Democracy & Good Governance

Groupe de Reflexion et dAction, Femme Democratie et Developpement GF2D

Angle Rue Aassinam et rue Khraa, BP 14455 Email:

Ligue des Independents pour la Transparence (LIT)

Mouvement dAction pour le Renouveau Social

B.P. 81347, Rue Akpabi (Tokoin hpital), Lom, Togo Tel: +228 222 3616 Fax: +228 221 2082
Movement for Justice and Solidarity / Urban and Rural Mission (MJS/URM)

Batiment de la Pharmacie Verte, Etude du maitre Terra Katcha, Carrefour de la Nouvelle Lonato, Lome Email:

BP 30169, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 7334 Email:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Programme dAide pour le Dveloppement Economique et Social

B.P. 20472, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 226 8448

Togo - Education
Association africaine dducation pour le dveloppement (ASAFED)

B.P. 3907, Rue des Hydrocarbures, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 221 6316 Fax: +228 221 6316 Email:

Canadian Universities Services Overseas (CUSO)

Association Culturelle de Promotion et de Protection des Droits de lEnfant et dEducation au Dveloppement

B.P. 8848, Route de Kpalim, Cassablanca-Tokoin, ct de la Fongto, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 29 77 Fax: +228 222 3094 Email: Web:
Union Chretienne pour lOrganisation au Dveloppement ducatif, conomique et Social ( UNICODES)

P.B. 80500, Bepa Souza-Angle Av. de Souza, rueTradition-Loi, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 2124 Fax: +228 221 5228
Association Togolaise Pour la Sensibilisation et lAlphabtisation

B.P. 558, S/c Info House, Kpalim, Togo Tel: +228 4 410 848 Email:

P.B. 394, Sokode, Togo Tel: +228 550 0773

Togo - Environment & Sanitation

Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de lEnvironnement du Togo (ANCE) Les Amis de la Terre -Togo (ADT-Togo)

03 BP: 30.676, Rsidence SITTO, Fin du pav Adidoadin, Rue N10, 4 me Rue gauche, Immeuble 203, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 336 22 89 Fax: +228 222 29 91 Email: Web:

BP 20190, 63, Rue Amoussime, Casablanca (College Plateau), Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 1731 Fax: +228 222 1732 Email: Web:

Togo - Health
Action Sante pour Tous (AST)

Cote du CEG de Baguida, BP 13533, Prefecture du Golfe Email: Bat face Eglise Evangelique, Avenou, Lome 04 Email:
Aides Medicales et Charite

Club Initie pour la Lutte Contre le SIDA (CILSIDA)

Cote du Chef, Quartier Assou Adamavo II, Lome BP 6033, Prefecture du Golfe Email:
Groupe Chretien Contre le SIDA au Togo (GCCST)

Immeuble ONG/GCCST, Adidogome Glinkomegan, Carrefour hotel, Ananas, BP 12161 Email:

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Togo - Human Rights & Justice

Amnesty International (AI)

BP 20013, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 2 225 820 Email:

La Conscience

Neighborhood of Davie Modji, Face AJEGAT Email:

Togo - Poverty Alleviation

Faitire des Units Coopratives dEpargne et de Crdit du Togo (FUCEC)

B.P. 3541, Bretelle Be-Klikame, Togo Tel: +228 222 2574 Fax: +228 222 2570 Email:

Togo - Rural Development

Action Pour un Developpement a la Base

B.P. 1596, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 81 07 28 Email:

Jeunesse Pionnire Rurale

Conseils Gestion Afrique Togo / Initiatives des Communauts de Base (CONGAT/ICB)

B.P. 12-515, 100 m au Nord-Ouest de lEglise des Freres, Franciscains dAdidogome, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 227 5173 Fax: +228 227 6938
Service Allemand de Dveloppement (DED)

BP 1857, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 220 6221 Email:

Frres Agriculteurs et Artisans pour le Dveloppement au Togo

B.P. 1510, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 221 6449 Fax: +228 222 1749 Email:

P.B. 60, Kpele Adeta, Togo Tel: +228 448 0015 Fax: +228 448 0015

Togo - Women & Children

Club UNESCO Feminin la Colombe

B.P. 80498, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 221 4965 Fax: +228 222 7794

Deprived Childrens Home

Angle Rue Aassinam et rue Khraa, BP 14455 Email:

Reseau des Organisations Femininines dAfrique Francophone (ROFAF)

Groupe de Reflexion et dAction, Femme Democratie et Developpement GF2D

B.P. 7717, Rue 99 Maison 461, Aflao Gakli, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 251 4567 Email:
Femme et Monde Rural

Villa no 3714 Boulevard Jean Paul II, 03 BP 30888 Email:

SOS Childrens Village (Village dEnfants)

B.P. 30246, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 226 0513 Fax: +228 226 8448

BP 1394, 112 Rue Kiwadjoi, Wuiti, Togo Tel: +228 226 0106 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

BP 7755, Lome, Angle Georges Mensah / Khra Hanoukpe Email:,

Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF)

Togo - Youth
Association des Jeunes pour le Dveloppement Intgral de la Cit

P.B. 80640, 58 rue de lAgriculture, Toxoin Kodome, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 0904

Comite daction pour la rinsertion des jeunes

P.B. 289, Atakpame, Togo Tel: +228 440 0213 Fax: +228 11 00 033

Association des Jeunes Volontaires pour le Progrs

P.B. 20224, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 221 8822

JEC TOGO: Catholic Youth Organisation of Togo (CYO)

Association for Self Promotion of Unemployed Youth and Agricultural Groups in Togo

04 BP 163, Lome, 04, Togo Tel: +228 908 98 67 Email:

Jeunesse Pionnire Rurale

B.P. 56, Tsevie, Togo Tel: +228 330 4200 Fax: +228 330 4200

Cercle des Jeunes pour une Societe de Paix - CJSP

B.P. 12-515, 100 m au Nord-Ouest de lEglise des Freres, Franciscains dAdidogome, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 227 5173 Fax: +228 227 6938
Young Womens Christian Association of Togo (YMCA)

59 Rue de la paix Agoe Kilidjan, BP 20363, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 2 613 021 Email:

B.P. 13066, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 226 5098 Fax: +228 226 5098

Togo - Other

BP 20516, Golfe, Togo Email: Web: B.P. 3161, 25 rue de Cebevito, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 5156
Association de Sauvegarde pour le Dveloppement Economique et Social AMIS

Association Scout du Togo

P.B. 10014, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 226 90 05 Fax: +228 226 90 05

Association Sauve la Sante et la Flore (ASSAF)

BP 94 Tsevie, Boloumodji Email:

Association Village Renaissance

P.B. 1522, 205 Bd Felix Houphouet Boigny, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 2 27 92 76
Association Dcouverte Togo Profond

BP 279, Sokode, Togo Email: Web:


P.B. 8775, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 222 4980 Fax: +228 222 0719

B.P. 1005, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 221 2447 Fax: +228 222 1087

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012


Bahaie Community of Togo

BP 1659, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 221 2199 Email:


BP 139, Atakpame Email:, gafivtogo@

Groupement JAMREGO

Genie dAppui a la Fille de Village (GAFiV)

s/c Rue des Franciscians Adidogome, BP 80909, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 945 88 42 Email:
Centre Afrika Obota (C.A.O.)

BP 31107, Dedeke, Togo


3023 rue des Tecks, qt Agbalepedo, Lome Email:


B.P. 81190, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 948 10 64 Email:

Club des Acteurs pour lEpanouissement de Populations Purales

P.B. 20685, Lome, Togo


B.P.81391, SOVIEPE 69 Petit a Petit, Lome, Togo Tel: +228 254660 Fax: +228259892 Email:
Maison du Journalisme

441 Rue Tohoun, 01 BP 61049, Lome Email:

Rue Akladjenou Quartier Nkafu Cerfer Email:

South Panafrican International


B.P. 82, Notse, Togo Tel: +228 442 0024 Fax: +228 442 0067 Email:
Fdration Togolaise des Association et Clubs UNESCO

B.P. 1832, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 222 2442 Fax: +228 221 5706

Volontaire-Globalisation ( V GLOB)

P.B. 3226, Lom, Togo Tel: +228 226 6154 Fax: +228 222 0266

B.P. 9090, 228, AFG, Djidjoil, Lom, Togo Tel: +228-9142216 Email: Web:


Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012



Civil Society Directory for West Africa 2010 - 2012

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