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The Pennsylvania Republican State Committee is targeting the petitions of U.S.

Senate candidate, David Christian, with the intention of knocking him off the ballot.
"Over the last two weeks our volunteers worked very hard to sign up Republicans interested in putting David Christian on the ballot for U.S. Senate. We followed the rules, operated within the parameters and received more than the necessary signatures to be on the ballot," said David Christian. "Now the same Republican Party I have worked so hard for, for decades has decided to target my campaign." The Christian Campaign was notified over the weekend by numerous sources, including some state leaders, that the Republican State Committee had planned to file its challenges this Tuesday. The campaign expected all along to be challenged, because of Christian's strong support in Southeast Pennsylvania. It was alarmed to learn however, that strong arm tactics aimed at the intimidation of volunteer petition circulators were being used by the Bucks County Republican Committee. The Committee's Vice Chair, Pat Poprik, in a phone call, allegedly threatened the reputation and livelihood of a circulator, who has a longstanding and exemplary history of service within the county party. "It's shameful. It's becoming evidently clear that Party insiders realized that they have made a serious mistake by endorsing an Obama supporter, who also supported one of the most liberal elected officials we have ever had in Congress." said Campaign Manager Skip Salvesen. The David Christian for Senate campaign intends to fight the challenge.

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