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B.Tech (Food Engineering) 2011 Admission - Ist Semester

Cien 1101 BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING Part A (101= 10 marks) Fill up the blanks. 1. The standard size of brick is . 2. For ordinary Portland cement the compressive strength should not be less than .. at 28 days of curing. 3. For mild steel the yield strength is 4. Plain concrete is a mixture of . 5. Ultimate bearing capacity = Factor of safety 6. In chain surveying, only measurements are made . 7. The angle, a line makes with magnetic meridian is known as 8. In surveying, the art of determining relative heights or elevations of points is known as 9. Liquid waste from a community is known as 10. Minimum horizontal dimension for soak pit is Part B (103= 30 marks) Answer any 10 questions. 1. Differentiate between true bearing and magnetic bearing. 2. What is reciprocal leveling? 3. What is local attraction? 4. How temporary adjustment is done in theodolite surveying? 5. Explain the test for finding the specific gravity of cement. 6. Which are the tests conducted to measure the workability of fresh concrete? 7. How setting time of cement is determined in the laboratory? 8. Explain intersection method in plane table surveying. 9. What is tangential method in surveying? 10. Explain break point chlorination. 11. In a chain survey the length of a line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 935.4m. Afterwards, it was found that the chain was 0.04m too short. Find the true length of the line. 12. What are the tests for drinking water? Part C (65= 30 marks) Answer any 6 questions. 1. Describe the test for finding compressive strength of cement. 2. Explain the usage of steel in building construction. 3. With a neat sketch describe surveyors compass. Max. marks: 80 Time : 3 hours

4. Explain any two types of building foundations. 5. Write a note on principles of chain surveying. 6. The following bearings were observed while traversing with a compass. Line FB BB AB 45 0' 226 0' BC 98 0' 277 30' CD 29 30' 209 0' DE 324 30' 144 30' Mention the stations affected by local attraction and determine the corrected bearings. 7. The following consecutive readings were taken with a level and a four metre leveling staff on a continuously sloping ground 0.755, 1.545, 2.335, 3.545, 3.655, 0.525, 1.275, 2.650, 2.895, 3.565, 0.345, 1.525, 1.850, 2.675, 3.775. The first reading was taken on a bench mark whose R.L is 200 metres. Rule out a page of level book and enter the above readings. Calculate the reduced levels of the stations by height of instrument method and apply arithmetical check. 8. Plot the cross staff survey of a field ACDBFE from the field book measurements given in fig. A and determine the area of the field. B 1000 F160 K 750 J 600 140 D

E 150

H 300 G 200 0 A 120 C

Fig. A Part D (110= 10 marks) Answer any ONE question. 1. Explain various bacteriological tests for testing the quality of drinking water. 2. Describe 3 point problem in surveying. Also state the advantages and disadvantages of plane table surveying.


B.Tech (Food Engineering) 2011 Admission - Ist Semester
Cien 1101 BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING Part A (101= 10 marks) Fill up the blanks. 1. The main component of good brick earth is .. 2. The initial setting time of ordinary Portland cement should not be less than . 3. Full form of TMT steel is . 4. For general RCC works, the grade of concrete used is 5. The maximum intensity of pressure that can be transmitted to the soil without failure is known as 6. A graphical method of survey in which field observations and plotting proceed simultaneously is known as .. 7. The angle, a line makes with the true meridian is known as .. 8. Reduced level is the .. of a point relative to the datum. 9. Waste water from bath rooms, kitchen, washing places etc is known as .. 10. The vertical walls inside a septic tank are known as Part B (103= 30 marks) Answer any 10 questions. 1. Define a) Bench Mark b) Reduced Level 2. Convert the whole circle bearing to reduced bearing and reduced bearing to whole circle bearing a) 185 30' 45'' b) 247 42' 20'' c) N 46 35' E d) S 32 15' W 3. Differentiate between rapid sand filter and slow sand filter. 4. What are the IS code recommendations for setting time of cement? 5. Explain the term workability in concrete? 6. Write a note on radiation method in plane table surveying. 7. What is stadia method in surveying? 8. Explain jar test. 9. What do you mean by tempering of clay? 10. Explain local attraction in surveying. 11. In a chain survey, the length of a line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 765.2 m. Afterwards, it was found that the chain was 0.03 m too long. Find the true length of the line. 12. How the quality of drinking water is assessed? Max. marks: 80 Time : 2 hours

Part C (65= 30 marks) Answer any 6 questions. 1. Explain the physical test for cement. 2. Explain the laboratory tests for assessing the quality of bricks. 3. Describe various units of buildings. 4. Explain different types of foundations. 5. With neat sketches explain English bond and Flemish bond. 6. The following bearings were observed while traversing with a compass. Line FB BB AB 45 0' 226 0' BC 98 0' 277 30' CD 29 30' 209 0' DE 324 30' 144 30' Mention the stations affected by local attraction and determine the corrected bearings. 7. The following consecutive readings were taken with a level and a four metre leveling staff on a continuously sloping ground 3.845, 3.360, 2.925, 1.955, 0.855, 3.790, 2.640, 1.545, 1.930, 0.865, 0.665 The level was shifted after the fifth and eighth readinds. The first reading was taken on a bench mark whose R.L is 150.250 metres. Calculate the reduced levels of the change points and the level difference between the first and last points. 8. A line was measured with a steel tape which was exactly 30 m at 20C and pull of 50N and the measured length was 467.287 m. Temperature during measurement was 28C and the pull applied was 100N. The tape was uniformly supported during measurement. Find the true length of the line, if the cross sectional area of the tape is 0.02cm2. The coefficient of expansion per C = 0.0000117 and E = 2.1 105 N/mm2. Part D (110= 10 marks) 1. Explain two point problem in plane table surveying. Also state the advantages and disadvantages of plane table surveying 2. With a neat sketch explain the manufacture of cement.

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