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Name: bon U-Thai

Assessment Objective Two Lesson One Tasks

Aims and Objectives
Analyse a range of different research methods

1. What is the office for national statistics? The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial department which reports directly to the Parliament of the United Kingdom. 2. What is the website address? 3. What 7 key areas that the Home office Department of Government responsible for? a. Alcohol& drugs b. counter-terrorism c. d. e. crime equalities Immigration& passports

f. Police g. Science, research& statistic 4. Why do they produce crime statisitics? a. To see what they need to improve and what should they improve better. b. To get a general overview of crime such as if they are arresting more criminal, is that mean that the police is getting better at there job or is there are more criminal.

Name: bon U-Thai

5. State 5 facts about the British Crime Survey. a. It has been carried out eight times since 1982 - is regarded as the most reliable picture of crime in England and Wales. b. More than 40% of the crimes included in the BCS are not reported to the police and therefore don't show up in the official figures. c. The BCS can provide a better reflection of the true extent of crime because it includes crimes that are not reported to the police. The BCS count also gives a better indication of trends in crime over time because it is unaffected by changes in levels of reporting to the police and in police recording practices. These statistics are based on interviews and can provide a better reflection of the true extent of crime. For the crime types it covers.



6. State 3 statistics from the most recent crime survey. a. Recorded Crime - This is crime reported to the police. These statistics provide a good measure of trends in well reported crimes. b. They are an important indicator of police workload and can be used for analysing local crime patterns The statistics are more base on interview; it can provide a better reflection on the true of crime.


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