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MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER This Copyright applies only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code. MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. ****************************************************************** MLOAD PORTED TO MATLAB FROM LPC-55 C RELEASE 3-19-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION Loads the LPC matrix using an optimized algorithm for the covariance method. Inversion is performed in a separate routine. DESIGN NOTES The covariance method for obtaining direct form predictor coefficients is described in Rabiner and Schafer, DIGITIAL PROCESSING OF SPEECH SIGNALS, Prentice-Hall, 1978, pp. 403-404. Note that the PHI matrix here is not a traditional covariance matrix. "Covariance" usually refers to the correlation of a signal with its mean removed. This matrix shall be called "covariance", however, since it is symmetric and has the properties of a covariance matrix. The matrix loading procedure exploits redundancy in the matrix structure, since columns of PHI vary by only one product term. The process of end-correction is used to load columns beyond 1. See Also: Version 52 release notes. VARIABLES INPUTS awinf speech OUTPUTS phi psi Length of analysis window Preemphasized speech data Covariance matrix Covariance vector

% INTERNAL % V - Internal vector used to compute first column of phi % start - PHI matrix index % i - General purpose counter % r - row counter % % CONSTANTS % ORDER - Linear prediction order % MAXORD - Linear prediction order % % ****************************************************************** function [ phi, psi ] = mload( awinf, speech ) % DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES global MAXORD ORDER; % INIT INTERNAL VARIABLES phi = zeros( MAXORD, MAXORD ); psi = zeros( MAXORD, 1 ); % LOAD FIRST COLUMN OF TRIANGULAR COVARIANCE MATRIX, PHI start = ORDER + 1; V = speech( start-1:awinf-1 ); for i = 1:ORDER phi(i,1) = sum( speech( start-i:awinf-i ) .* V ); end % LOAD LAST ELEMENT OF VECTOR PSI psi( ORDER ) = sum( speech(start:awinf) .* speech(start-ORDER:awinf-ORDER) ); % END CORRECT TO COMPUTE REMAINING ELEMENTS OF PHI MATRIX for r = 2:ORDER phi(r,2:r) = phi(r-1,1:(r-1)) - ... ( speech(awinf+1-r)*speech(awinf-1:-1:awinf+1-r) )' + ... ( speech(start-r)*speech(start-2:-1:start-r) )'; end % END CORRECT TO OBTAIN REMAINING COMPONENTS OF PSI VECTOR psi( 1:ORDER-1 ) = phi( 2:ORDER,1 ) - ... ( speech(start-1)*speech(start-2:-1:start-ORDER) ) + ... ( speech(awinf)*speech(awinf-1:-1:awinf-ORDER+1) );

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