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Action Plan in English

PROGRAMS / PROJECTS Enhancement of Learning Every Child a Reader Program ( RARE ) R - Reading is A - Amazing R - Relaxing and E - Exciting OBJECTIVES Directly address the thrust of the Dep Ed to make every Filipino Chlid a reader by the end of the year Equip / Provide the pupils with the necessary skills and materials to improve their reading abilities in Reading in English and Filipino Develop the reading ability of pupils and encourage the pupils to love reading books STRATEGIES Profiling of learners using Phil - IRI and offers tools ; Dolch Basic Sight Words Gray Oral Reading Test Close Test Maze Test PERSON INVOLVED Principal Teacher English Teacher Grade I - VI pupils TIME FRAME Year Round SOURCE OF FUND / ESTIMATED COST local fund EXPECTED / OUTPUT Reading performance have increased by at least 5% Reading habit and genuine love for reading Number and percentage of non-readers decreased and pupils under frustration reading level Require pupils to read every 20 minutes before classes in the morning and afternoon and during vacant periods Motivate teachers to have functional mini-library in their classrooms Require all pupils to read at least 2 books a year and to submit a report Pupils teacher Whole Year Reading abilities of pupils should have been improved and likings for book should have been developed Reading and writing skills of the pupils should have been improved

BRB - Book Reading Report

Develop the reading and writing skills of the pupils

teachers pupils

August Mar-13

Project SRP (Strategic Reading Program

Develop reading skills of learners

Intensified classroom reading practices Practice additional reading

Grades I - VI pupils

year round

Reading skills improved Enhance reading comprehension

materials RTW ( Revitalized Teaching of Reading / Writing Develop / enhance reading skills of pupils Intensify classrooms exercises on reading and writing Display / Read model compositions Procure additional reading references Identify learners who have difficulties in tool subjects Program remedial instructions Monitor progress and evaluate outcomes Eng and Fil teachers pupils July to Mar 2013 Reading and writing skills developed and enhanced independent readers and creative writers

RIMES-F ( Remedial Instructions for English )

Improve learning competencies of pupils

teachers pupils

July to Mar 2013

achievement level improved

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