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Corporate Midlothian Midlothian Buccleuch Dalkeith EH221DN

Resources Council House Street Director John Blair


26 June 2012

Ms Kezia Dugdale MSP M1.07 The Scottish Parliament EDINBURGH EH991SP

Dear Ms Dugdale Newlandrig Speed Limit Thank you for your letter dated 25 May 2012 regarding the above matter. I apologise for the delay in replying but I was keen to arrange a meeting with Campaign Committee prior to updating you. Myself and my Roads colleagues met with the Leader of the Council, one of the Local Councillors and members of the Campaign Committee recently. The meeting was constructive and Roads officials presented details of current government guidelines on the introduction of such a speed limit. Following discussion and listening to the Campaign Committee's case for its introduction, I have agreed that a 30mph speed limit be introduced. It was emphasised to the group that initial discussions with Lothian and Borders Police indicated that they were not keen to see a 30mph set. Furthermore the police would find it difficult to enforce due to there being very little building frontage in the village. I also agreed to forward details of the proposed extent of the restrictions in due course. I trust that this information is of use to you but if you require any further details or clarification on any part, please do not hesitate to contact my colleague Neil Dougall on 0131 561 3215. Yours sincerely

John Blair Director, Corporate Resources john. c.c Neil Dougall, Business Manager

Your Ref: Our Ref: JB/LG f:\corporateresourcesdirector\directorate\letters\dugdale newlandrigspeed Iimit.doc -

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