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Product category - Chyawanprash

About Chyawanprash
It is an ancient health Ayurvedic health

It is used as energizer,rejuvenative and

immunity booster
It is also known as elixir of life

Market scenario
O Market size: 300 crore
O It is growing at pace of 15% per annum O Market player: Dabur, Emami and Himani

Problem definition

Though it consist of high nutritional value , it is perceive as a boring product amongst youth

O Product USP: Natural fruit Flavor

O Packaging strategy: 250 gm pack O Pricing: On every next purchase 25%


Target Audience
O Both male and female
O Age group: 15 & above O Household income: Rs.10,000 O Market: In small towns of country. Major

markets are Northern and Western India

Media Plan
Objective: To create awareness
O Radio: All India radio (15%)

O Television: Hindi GEC (30%)

O Print: Regional Newspaper( 30%)

O Activation: Roadshows (25%)

O 2 macho guys, bullying each other in front

of a crowd. O A very thin guy from the crowd says, aata majhi satakli and comes and slaps one of the macho guys O The macho guy faints and everyone in the crowd is astonished by his action O Product pack shot appears

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