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+ AMDG Pacia, Palou, Ponco Ricamata, Soriano, Tanada Group # 5 Microscopes 16,17,18 EAT RIGHT. LIVE LONG!

Analysis: We noticed that the nutrient that most of the food samples had was chloride while the least nutrient found in the food samples were protein and starch. The onion had the most number of nutrients present in it and the least were the camote and liver. Performed July 18, 2012 Submitted July 26, 2012

Answers to the Guide Questions: 1. No, there was no food in which all the nutrients were present. The most accurate one was the onion as it only lacked protein. The food with the least nutrients were the liver and sweet potato with 2 nutrients each. Fats and protein for the liver while starch and chloride for the sweet potato. 2. Milk is considered sufficient for babies because it contains plenty of nutrients. The fat in milk helps them develop their nerves and brain. It also helps strengthen a child's bones. Yes milk is still good for grown-ups. It is very good for the bones. Some drink low fat though because whole milk is fattening.

3. All of these food samples contain nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are found in the nucleus of cells. They are DNA. Since we know that all living cells contain DNA, any food which are/were living, contain nucleic acids. These include things such as fruits, vegetables, or meats. 4. We would recommend the onion to be an essential part of ones diet. We say this because starch, glucose, vitamin C, chloride, and lipids. The only nutrient it lacks is protein. Knowing this, we can conclude that the onion is the most complete out of the food samples, and eating these will give us the most amount of nutrients.

+ AMDG Pacia, Palou, Ponco Ricamata, Soriano, Tanada Group # 5 Microscopes 16,17,18 Reflection: We agree with the saying because it is figuratively and scientifically true. If we eat a lot, the tendency for us it to grow (whether vertically or horizontally) a lot too. If we eat healthy, our body also gets healthy (unhealthy, vice-versa). Scientifically speaking, our bodies absorb nutrients from the food we eat which affects our bodies external and internal functions. Performed July 18, 2012 Submitted July 26, 2012

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