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We are the team- Fusion.

Formed under the instruction of our honorable course instructor Ms. Ishrat Jahan to carry out a workshop based on a social crisis.

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Primary Objective
To analyze on the issue Drug Addiction in Bangladesh To have a clear understanding about the activity of a workshop.

Secondary Objective

To trace the causes of Drug Addiction in

Bangladesh To analyze the causes of Drug addiction with the help of statistical tools and techniques. To analyze and recommend on the mentioned issues.

To gather experience and knowledge of doing a professional report.

Topic Selection
We have selected Drug Addiction in Bangladesh for following reasons:

Drug addiction is a curse of our country. Drug addiction is badly impact on our economic growth. Drug addiction increases crime. The most Common Problem in the country.

What is drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain Drug addiction is a condition characterized by an overwhelming desire to continue taking a drug to which one has become habituated through repeated consumption because it produces a particular effect, usually an alteration of mental status.

Types of Drugs found in Bangladesh


Phensidyl Ganja Pethidine Yaba



Sleeping pill Tranquilizer Seduxene Diazapam Ika Gum

Sources of Information
Primary sources: Primary sources are original materials on which other research is based. We collected our primary data from interviewing a sample of 100 respondents. They are from all walks of the society including addicted person, student, office goers, doctor, journalist etc.

Sources of Information
Secondary sources
Website. Newspaper and popular magazine articles Review articles and literature reviews Dictionaries and encyclopedias

Handbooks and data compilations

Biographical works Bibliographies Commentaries Journal articles Text books History.


Failure Love Job Examination Study workload


Availability of drugs


Lack of entertainment Peer pressure Unethical culture

New experiment Gateway drugs Low income Low cost Easy access to drugs

Unemployment Money Status Inadequate salary Drug Addiction

Financial difficulties
Family stress Job stress

Quarrel with parents

Low status in society Non supportive family Unrest with family and society

Poverty Poor education system

Corruption in law enforcement agency Political Backup


Lack of knowledge about drugs

Lack of enforcement of law

Cause & Effect Analysis

Data Sheet

Data Sheet (contd..)

Bar Chart

Solutions & Recommendations

Drug abuse solutions can be viewed two perspectives: National and Social.

National Perspective
Drug addiction problem has to be taken with the high priority from the government and its related institutions. Concerned administration should be reshuffled. Culprits, those who are hidden in the police, BDR and narcotics control department, must be punished. Govt. has to put priority to reduce the demand, supply and harm of drugs in the country.

Social Perspective
Leaders of social institutions like schools, colleges, clubs etc. should come forward to build resistance against drugs. Putting emphasis on Prevention & Early intrusion Developing a personal resistance or maintaining a positive peer. Family Bonding should be valued and maintained. All medias should promote a mass anti drug campaign.

People from all spheres should know the harmful effects of drug abusing and the devastation it causes.

Social Perspective Continued

Most Importantly self pledge against drugs for the young generation. Treatment and Rehabilitation for drug addicted should be fair, consistent and efficient. Drug-addiction campaigns and programs should be taken in a wider aspect. Celebrities should take steps to create awareness about drug addiction. Because seeing them, many fans get the inspiration to avoid drug addiction.

When a disease breaks out like en epidemic in all segments of the society, it indicates a social change. In Bangladesh this symptom has been observed. It is not only the youth; drug addiction has also grabbed the social leaders. Even the teachers and physicians who are supposed to guide the society are more or less getting addicted. Law enforcing agencies and other concerned authorities are in most cases either refraining from their job or associated with the drug business. A more intensive research, action program, and social movement are needed. It is also needed to strengthen family and social values and religious ethics in order to maintain a stable and drug-free society.

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