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Anti-Stress substitute of Coffee Ashwaganda Celestial Bru is a naturally caffeine-free unique ayurvedic preparati on containing finely processed extract

of Ashwagandha and roots of Chicorium int ybus, which increases concentration and reduces stress,fatigue and allied sympto ms. Ashwagandha is highly valued for it's restorative action in the functioning of t he nervous system.It corrects loss of memory arising out of long term stress,ill ness and overwor .It is powerful Rasayana, meaning that it acts as an overall to nic for greater vitality and longevity.It balances the mind (Prana Vata), essent ial for happiness in the face of mental of emotional stress.It is also well now n for its powerful immune enhancing benefits.It nourishes all the bodily tissue s (Dhatus), including the joints and nerves and it helps clear impurities from t he various channeis of the body. Ashwagandha Celestial Bru is a brain and digestive tonic which improves stamins and physical endurance. It is suitable for daily drin and best choice for all m embers of the family. Directions: Ta e 1/4 teaspoonful of Celestial Bru in a cup:Add hot or cold water as desired filter, add sugar to taste. Suggested use: 3-4 times a day. Presentation: 50 gm or 100 gm poly pouch in a box. Herbal Coffee

Ashwagandha Restore vitality in those suffering from overwor and nervous exhaustion1 Produces anti-stress activity and stimulates immune responses2 Lowers anxiety, mental fatigue and maladjustment problems3 (Clinical trial) Increases hemoglobin levels, red blood cells and improves sexual performance.4 ( One year trial on human volunteers). Chec s gastritis, hyperacidity and peptic ulcer.5 Treats inglammatory diseases such as lupus and reumatoid arthritis6 Chicorium Intybus Contains vitamins and minerals7 Increases flow of bile and tones digstive tract.8 Eliminates toxins from the body.8 Ref. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Indian Materia Medica : 1292-1294, 1976 Phytotherapy Res : 3(5), 201-206, 1989 Probe : 20(3), 201-208, 1981 J.Res. Ayur. siddha : 247-251, 1980 Nagarjun : 36(4)73-75, 1982; Nature; 138, 32-37,1936 Indian J.Pharmacology 27-29, 1970 The Encyl.Medicinal Plants New Yor 187, 1996 New Herbals, London 44, 1989

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