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1- Brahmi Drink

Controls Anxiety

Promotes relaxation

Brahmi Drink is a unique phyto-beverage containing standardized extracts of herbs used for
centuries by Ayurvedic physicians to manage anxiety and support all aspects of mental functioning,
including Dhi (Comprehension) , Dhriti (memory) and Smriti (Recollection). The anxiolytic effects of
the active ingredient of this tea namely, Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) have been proved by a number of
scientific studies. Research studies have shown that Bacopa significantly decreases the symptoms of
anxiety by boosting the effects of certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin and acetylcholine.
Studies have suggested that medhya herbs decreases loco-motor activity, enhances elevated-plus
maze performance, and attenuates the acoustic startle response (ASR). Both Bacopa and Centella
promote relaxation and provide antioxidant support. By controlling excitability and relieving mental
fatigue, Brahmi tea will give you a fresh and rejuvenated feeling. You can drink steaming, rich cup of
Brahmi Tea during brain storming sessions and late-night pre-examination time study sessions.

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