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Submitted by: Tavanpal Singh XII - A

Unemployment is the state in which a person is without work, available to work, and is currently seeking work.

It is a situation where there is non-availability of job for the persons.

Its an situation in which a person who is physically capable, mentally willing to work at existing wage rate does not find any job and is forced to remain unemployed


as a nation is faced with massive problem of unemployment. Unemployment can be defined as a state of worklessness for a man fit and willing to work. It is a condition of involuntary and not voluntary idleness.
Some features of unemployment have been identified as follows: The incidence of unemployment is much higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Unemployment rates for women are higher than those for men. The incidence of unemployment among the educated is much higher than the

overall unemployment.
There is greater unemployment in agricultural sector than in industrial and other major sectors.

Types of Unemployment



Cyclical unemployment

Sudden unemployment

Unemployment caused by failure of Industries

Unemployment caused by deterioration in Industry and business

Seasonal unemployment

Voluntary unemployment
In this type of unemployment a person is out of job of his own desire, doesn't work on the prevalent or

prescribed wages. Either he wants

higher wages or doesn't want to work at all. It is in fact social problem leading to social disorganization. Social problems and forces such as a revolution, a social upheaval, a class struggle, financial or economic crisis a war between nations, mental illness, political corruption mounting unemployment and crime etc. threaten the smooth

working of society. Social values are often regarded as the sustaining forces of

They contribute to the strength and stability of social order. But due to rapid social change new values come up and some of the old values decline. At the same time, people are not is a position to reject the old completely and accept the new altogether. Here, conflict between the old and the new is the inevitable result which leads to the social disorganization in imposed situation. In economic terminology this situation is voluntary unemployment

Involuntary unemployment
In this type of situation the person who is unemployed has no say in the matter. It means that a person is separated from remunerative work and devoid of wages although he is capable of earning his wages and is also anxious to earn them. Forms and types of unemployment according to Hock are. Cyclical unemployment Sudden unemployment Unemployment caused by failure of Industries Unemployment caused by deterioration in Industry and business Seasonal unemployment

1.Cyclical unemployment - This is the result of the trade cycle which is a part of the capitalist system. In such a system, there is greater unemployment and when there is depression a large number of people are rendered unemployed. Since such an economic crisis is the result of trade cycle, the unemployment is a part of it.

2. Sudden unemployment - When at the place where workers have been employed there is some change, a large number of persons are unemployed. It all happens in the industries, trades and business where people are employed for a job and suddenly when the job has ended they are asked to go.

3.Unemployment caused by failure of Industries - In many cases, a business a factory or an industry has to close down. There may be various factors responsible for it there may be dispute amongst the partners, the business may give huge loss or the business may not turn out to be useful and so on.

4.Unemployment caused by deterioration in Industry and business - In various

industries, trades or business, sometimes, there is deterioration. This deterioration may be due to various factors. In efficiency of the employers, keen competitions less profit etc. are some of the factors responsible for deterioration in the industry and the business.

5.Seasonal unemployment - Certain industries and traders engage workers for a

particular season. When the season has ended the workers are rendered unemployed.
Sugar industry is an example of this type of seasonal unemployment.

CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT 1) Rapid Population Growth 2) Limited land 3) Seasonal Agriculture 4) Fragmentation of land 5) Backward Method of Agriculture 6) Decline of Cottage Industries 7) Defective education

8) Lack of transport and communication

9) Inadequate Employment Planning

Unemployment in different countries Almost all the countries, irrespective of developed or developing or underdeveloped, in the world are suffering from unemployment.. Different countries have different types of unemployment. The rate

of unemployment is low in the developed countries compared to the

developing and the underdeveloped ones.

Here, we will discuss about the unemployment situation in some countries:

Australia: Australia has been suffering from unemployment problems for a long time, precisely thirty years starting from 1940. Of late, the Australian government has reduced the rate of unemployment significantly. Presently the rate of unemployment is only 4.4%. In Australia unemployment means work without pay for at least one hour in a week, provided that the eligible worker is actively searching for job during the period. Japan: Although unemployment rate in Japan is low compared to the other developed countries in the world but still, it is a serious concern for the Government In 2003, the country's unemployment rate was 5.4%. In the next year, the unemployment rate improved to 5.3 %. In 2005, the rate of unemployment experienced

a fall and became 4.7%. In the next year the rate decreased again and stood at 4.4%.
In 2007, the unemployment rate came down to 4.1%. So it is visible that the rate of unemployment is showing a decreasing trend, which is a great achievement of the Japanese government

Egypt Egypt has been suffering from high unemployment rate. In 2005, the unemployment rate went up to a record high, 14%. The Ministry of Manpower and Trade Unions has failed to balance between the workers' right and the interests of the private companies.

The structure of unemployment in Italy is complex, based on the market

interactions and disaggregated unemployment rates. Unemployment in this

country is characterized by mainly three dimensions namely, age differential, regional and gender differential. However, Italy has been suffering from high rate of unemployment

United States of America In US, the rate of unemployment has been fluctuating in the range 4% to 10% since 1960. In the mid 60s, the rate had been steady at 5% whereas, during the 1980s, the rate went up to almost 8%. In the 1990s, the unemployment rate

averaged at 5%. In 2008, the unemployment rate in US is nearly 5.1%.

The unemployment scenario in India has always been quite acute. With a huge

population and slow growth of job opportunities, unemployment has been

widespread in India. Large scale unemployment has led to several socioeconomic problems like poverty, malnutrition, antisocial and criminal activities, drug and substance abuse, etc. The lack of proper unemployment insurance schemes has further aggravated this problem. In the early 1990s, major economic reforms were undertaken in India. One of the major objectives of these economic reforms was to boost employment in the Indian economy. However, though the economic reforms were successful in raising productivity and attracting FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), the growth in job opportunities was not as high as had been expected.

COUNTRIES Australia Japan Egypt Italy United States of America India

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 5.2 4.5 9.4 10.2 8.2 9.8

Unemployment Rate
5.2 Australia 4.5 Japan


8.2 9.4 Italy USA India 10.2

UNEMPLOYMENT IN PUNJAB UNEMPLOYMENT in Punjab, especially among the educated youth, is very high. On March 24 the problem of unemployment was debated in the Vidhan Sabha. In response to a question, Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal stated that there are 9.58 lakh persons unemployed in the state.

STATES Gurdaspur Sangrur Ferozepur Jalandhar Hoshiarpur

UNEMPLOYMENT PERSONS 1.57 lakh 1.17 lakh 92,247 58,886 54,111

Ludhiana Mansa

46,651 42,648

Survey conducted by the Labour Bureau, Chandigarh, Ministry of Labour, revealed a high incidence of unemployment in Punjab. The survey suggested 10.5 per cent of the total workforce as unemployed in the state against the national average of 9.4 per cent. The high incidence of unemployment is accompanied by widespread drug addiction among Punjabi youth. This deadly combination is rapidly pushing

Punjabi youth to the threshold of a lost generation. At this critical juncture, the
state should assign top priority to mitigate the problem of unemployment and in the process improve the growth profile of the state and also save youth from being an easy prey to drugs.

Steps taken by the government to control unemployment

Apart from the programs which are mainly aimed at the development of infrastructure, such as construction of small and large dams, canals and roads, the government strategies to generate employment are closely associated with poverty-alleviation programs. Nevertheless, the government has undertaken many special programs to generate employment opportunities.

The Major Steps Are As Follows:

Rural Works Program

Integrated Dry Land Agricultural Development National Rural Employment Program The Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program Skill Development

The government has implemented a number of schemes for providing low cost capital to the small enterprises and self-employed persons. The schemes are aimed at developing their entrepreneurial ability, guiding them in preparation of project reports for financial assistance and giving technical and professional help in running their businesses. Financial institutions like banks have helped in this

process by providing credit facilities at concessional rates. These measures have

brought about positive results in recent years as a new class of entrepreneurs different from the earlier family-based businesses has emerged.


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