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Phases of Development
Growth Morphogenesis Differentiation

Folding Of The Embryo

Folding occurs both in median and horizontal plane

Cranial Folding: Folding causes formation of foregut Septum Transversum ,Pericadial coelom ,oropharyngeal membrane and heart move ventrally Pericadial coelom moves ventral to heart,septum transversum caudal to heart, Caudal Folding: Caudal Folding caused by elongation of neural tube Formation of Hindgut and Cloaca, Connecting Stalk becomes ventral and Allotois is incorporated Lateral Folding: Formation of lateral folds due to growth of spinal cord and somites. Formation of Midgut Reductionn of Midgut and Umblical Vesicle connection of Omphaloenteric Duct Germ Layer Derivatives: Three Germ Layers Ectoderm , Mesoderm, Endoderm(Derivatives Important) Ectoderm:Complete Nervous System, Glands , Teeth and Dermis related,etc Mesoderm:Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory, Lymphatic,Reproductive system, etc Endoderm:Epithelial lining of visceral organs,etc

Control Of Development:

Results from genetic plan Development=Growth + Complexity Growth=Mitosis + Extracellular Matrices Complexity= Morphogenesis + Differentiation Changing from pluripotent to specialized by making choices Choices are made mostly by cues from immediate surrounding instead of cell lineage

"Interactions that lead to a change in the course of the development of at least one of interactants are called inductions" Tissue interact by Varying signals in the form of Molecules, Extracellular Matrix or Physical Contact Specificity of a given induction is property of reactivity of molecules rather than that of inductor To Respond to inductor , a cell must have appropriate receptors, transduction pathways and transcription factors Ability to respond is limited, Interactions may fail if interactants are too widely seperated HIGHLIGHTS OF FOURTH TO EIGHT WEEKS Fourth Week: 4 to 12 somites, neural tube formation, neuropores close at the end of week, First 2 and then 3 pairs pharyngeal arches visible, Elevation of head, heart pumps blood, Upper limb buds ventrolateral at 26 or 27th day otic pits(internal ear) and lens placode(lenses) visible At end 4th pair of pharyngeal arch and lower limb buds appear Rudiment of CVS system established

Fifth Week: Changes Minor,Enlargment of head, Face contacts head prominence 2nd pharyngeal arch overgrows forming Cervical sinus over 3rd and 4th Sixth Week: Shows reflexes response to touch Elbow, hand plate , digit rays development Shows spontaneous Movements, twitching of trunk and limb Swellings Auricular Hillocks develop in pharyngeal groove, groove becomes external acoustic meatus(External Auditory Canal) Eyes Obvious, head much larger bent over heart

Trunk and Neck begin to straighten Umbilical Herniation Seventh Week: Limbs go considerable change Notches appear b/w digital rays Ossification of bones starts Eight Week: Digits Seperate SCAPULAR VASCULAR PLEXUS appear and form a CHARACTERISTIC BAND around the neck Purposeful limb movements occur Ossification begins in femur All evidences of caudal eminence disappear DISTINCT HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS head forming half of embryo, neck established , eyelids obvious


Estimated by external characteristics, length and mostly crown-rump length Send "MedCom" (without inverted commas) to 9900 and receive all first year stuff FREE on ur mobile via sms daily... Prepared By: Muhammad Kamran For More Study Stuff.... Join Us @

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