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1 *t,

The Easy Way



Bg Dr. Gaurl ShankarKapoor { of Bhava Deepika,Ratna Pradeep, Kerala l{,lrrtttor ! ' Astrolog (Hlndi) and Translator of Phaladeeptka, ' Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Vol. II, Hora Shatak, Sanket Nldhl etc.)

lf .E


l f : i ' t i i : t { r q . r I ' r : r ,i:r . i

16' Anssrl Road' ?T{-1S3$ (INDrAl NEWDELHr-r IOOO2 ,.-ri*rni)q

Lesson I Introductory Lesson-A.strologl ls not fortune-telling; but an exacl sclence. lt ls a branch of Ved.a,sAstrologl has descendedfrom Brahma the CreatorAstrologl ts not fataltstlc: but a scleneeof tendencles. Lerron II I


The Zodtracand the Solar System-the twelrrc stgns of the Z,odtac--planets-motlon of planets-retrograde and dlrect moUon of the planets. Lerlon III l8 Planets, Slgrc (rasls, and ConstellaUons (nakshatra-o] -yogas, ttthls, Rltus, Solar months, Lunar months, Shukla and lklshna Pakshas. Lcsron IV


Natural characterlstlcs of Rasts-Forms of horoscope used ln Northern and Southern hrdla--4lasslllcailon of Rasls vlz. Movable, Ftxed and Dual; Fiery, Earthy, Atry and Watery Prtshthodaya, Slrshodaya. and Ubhayodaya. LeSCOn V The natural charaeterlstles of planets---ssg c.aste and nature (benefles and malellcs), thelr qualtUes, dtrectlons, colours, humours, seasons, gems, metals. tastes, ages. prestdlng detUes, dhatus, senses, aspects, thelr owrr houses and slgns of exaltation and debllltation.





Further lnformatlon about planets-planetary llmbs, shape and stature-planetary bodles, ptanetary perlods-dlseastas caused by planets-relaflons slgnllled 'know by planets-general horV' about planetsfrtendshtp and enmlty amongst planets.

4 Lesson VII


Casttng of horoscope-lnformatlon of necessary ltems concerned wtth castlng a horoscope, vtz. longttude, latitude, sidereal time, date of birth, time of birth, Indian Standard Time and Local Mean Ttme-Place of Birth-how to flnd out ascendant or lagna -use of Lahiri's Table of Houses-practtcal examples.

Lcsson VIII
Casting of horoscope (conthued) -how to wortr out X House or M.C. and the Cusps of the other houses. Lesson f,K



Castlng of horoscope (contlnued) -worktng out the longttudes of planets with the asslstance of Lahlrfs Ephemerls-how to use proportlonal logartthm gtven tn Lahtbt's ephemerls<rection of Bhava Chaltt or Bhava Chakra{uspal or Bhava Madhya Chart. LeCEOn X ErecUon of Navarnsha Chart-table of navamsha.

78 8l

Lcsson trC
Houses (Bhavas) and their natural sigtrlllcattonskendra, trikona, panaphara and apokltma housesupachaya houses-Lagna ls both kendra and trlkona. Lesson XII


(statesl-ExaltaPl,anetary strength and aucsthas tlon---own house-happy---shantha-powerful-undtstress-bad-tn happy-helpless-ln fear; sthanabala-dtgbala-chestab ala-kalabala-d rtgb alanalsarglkabala. LcsEon lilII


The maJor and mlnor perlods of planets ln Vlmshot-

5 tart Dasa System-How to calculiate balance of Mahadasha of a planet at btrth-Tables of sub-pertods of planets. Iesson ffV 98

Effects of birth ln various constelliations {nakshatrcs/ and yogas-how to flnd yoga at blrth.

Lesgon X\y'
EIIects of Ristng signs and Janma Rasls. Legton I(VI


Effects of planets ln dtfferent slgns (rcsts). Lcsgon I(I|II lg2

General effects of Planets In dtlferent houses (Bhava)

Lesson XVm
EIIects due to ownershlp of varlous houses by plranets-Mcraka or deatli tnlltctrng planets.


Lesson llf,tr
Ausplclous and tnausplclous planets for dtfferent ascendants (Iagnas) by vlrtue of their owrrershtp of varlous houses.


Ierron I(K
General effects of lords of houses l, 2, 3, etc. when postted lr houses I to Xtr. fcs.on XXI



Rahu and Kethu-Speclal eharacterlsilcs of these shadonly planets-when Rahu and Kethu become favourable. Ierconr X:gI, XXIII, XXfV t74Ja2,t86 Judgement of horoscope-gutdtng prtnetples for the Judgenent of a horoscope<omparaflve lmportance

6 of Lagna and Chandra Lagna-Karakas for natural and functlonal maleflcs and the part they play ln the of the strongest Judgement of horoscope-Effect planet in the horoscope of the nailrrc.

Leson XXt/
Yogas l.e. ausplclous and lnausplclous combinailons of planets ln a horoscope and thelr effects ln the and Dartdra Judgement of a horoscope-Dhana yogas-yogas for wealth, name and farne---selected RaJayogas-Panchmahapurusha yogas.



JO(ll[, ]OfVII


Results of Dashas (major pertods) and Antardashas (mlnor perlods) of planets--{h"oge ln results on account of the favourable or unfavourable state and placement of planets ln a horoscope-the results of Dashas and antardashas of planets acrordlng to the lordshtps of houses and modificaUon ln results accordtng to their state and placement ln the horoscope.

Female Horoscopy-Dlfference between the exam lnatton of male and female horoscopeq-4eneral effects ofJanma Nakshatras, Yogas, Lagna3 and Jarrma Rast etc.--General ellects of planets ln dlfferent houses ln female horoscope-Etfects of Thrtmsamsas of Lagna or Chandra ln a female horoscope-KuJa or Manglt Dosha.





Eflects of transtt of planets (Gocharphal)'-Importance of Janma Rast (Moon stgyr) for gaugtng the elfects of transtts of varlous planets--Ceneral effects of narlous planets' transltlng places reekoned from Chandra Lagna-Spectal elfects of Shant's translt tn the l2th. lst and 2nd houses-Informaflon about vedha or obstructlon houses for planets durlng transtt.

From the Author

For quite a long time there has been a persistent demand for an up-to-date and dependable self lnstructor on Hindu Astrologl whlch could be of practtcal and useful assistance to those who contemplate an initial study of the subJect. This book ts unique in the sense that it is written ln very simple, lucid and lnstructive way and lessons by one who has long personal experience of teaching astrologl. The lessons are sodeslgned as to take the students up the ladder step by step until they reach a stage when they would be able to declpher the future wlth ease and understandt. The pa.rtieular attraetlons of the book are its lessons on rn easy method of casting the horoscope, fixing the longitudes of the planets and houses framing the Bhava chaltt and Navamsha charts, effects of lords of various houses, ln other houses, Judgement of the horoscope, RaJayogas, Female Horoscropy and effects of transit of planets, full details of Vimshottari Dasa are also given in the relevant lessons. Whtle an effort has been made to be concise; but abcuracy, reliabilit5l and completeness of lnformation on the various aspects of the subJect have not been sacrlficed for the sake of brevlgl. The author is confident that tf the lessons ln the book are studied with due care and serlousness, the reader wlll IInd himself fully conversant wlth the subject in a short time, and he wtll be ln a position to clearly understand, make use of more advanaed and classical works on Hindu Astrologr. There ls no doubt whatsoever that a real and long felt want has been met by the ushering in of thls publication. 7

Ctqu}rtmrTqs LcsEon I



Before we explain what is Astrologl or Jgotlsh we must make it qutte clear to the students that astrologl is not an art of fortune-telting as understood. It ts on the other hand as much an exact science like physics or chemistry. In fiact tt is a divine science which has come to us as a gift from the gods. In the ancient India our sages had developed by their untiring spiritual exerclses a dlvtrre eye (Dtuga drl'shtt) by whJch they could see the movements of plianets and thetr efrectson human beings. In those days of the past, astrologr was a subJect which all disciples of a Guru had to learn and tt is through thls medla of instruction that it has come down to us. Astrologr is a branch of Veda Medanga) with the ald of which it is possible to know about all the past and future events by considering the position of lagna and planets at birth or at the tlme of putting a query. Astrologl has three broad divislons, namely: Slddhanta, deals wtth the Slddhanta and Hora. Samhttc. fumhltlr with the world astronomical slde of the sclenc, errents arrd Hora with horoscopy of human and animate obJects. According to tradition, our sages who, with the strengfh of thelr spiritual powers, were able to have were direct contact wlth our creator l.clrd Brahmo, science. Then the sages lnitiated by the Lord into divine propagatd these for the benefit of humanit5l. What at present we have in our Htndu astrologr we owe entirely

to those sages and the prlnciples l,aid down by them sflll hold good as they were when they came from ihe mouths of those sages. It wlll be worthwhile for those who want to enter this divine field, to know the names of those great men who put these principles in urriting fior the benefit of others. They are Varahamihira, ftaldasa, Varunchi, Vashlsta, Vyas, parashara, Venkatesa, kashyap, Neelkantha, Jayadeva, Ganapathi, Satyachaqra, Manitha, Jeerra Sharma, Bhaskaracha4la, Aryabhatta and many others. Though when our country lost its independence there was a kind of black out of thts divlne scilnce; but the science did not die and went on flourishing and we now see today that except those who Just for thl sake of saying say that astrolqgr ts a great bluff, there ls hardly any body who does not (though someflmes not openf) belierre ln this scienee and seeks its assistance, pa.rticularly when he is in distress. It ls true that astrologl is a sclence oI rendencles, ard a fatalisttc or determlnlstic approach to horoscopes ard events is not ealled for. In thls connecilon we may quote frequently repeated prlnciple of astrobg! oonstantly: 'Phalant gratrcharen suochyanti manlshinah, ko vakta tartamyasya Vedhsam vina. *Those who knour astrologr can indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except thl creator Brahma, can say wlth oertainty.what will deflnitely happen?" We have stated thls at length so that the students who are anxious to learn thts gieat and divine sclenc, whether as a hobby or for professional purpases should not take it as a joke or fun. They should alsobe clear that

ll tlre lessons whlch will be given by us are not sufllcient to make them a great Pandit ln astrologr. These lessons are aimed only to give them a complete grounding in the prfunciples of Hindu astrologl and with that strong base (lf they make it so by their slncere and serious study of the lessons) they could plunge further into this lield and advanee their knowledge by study of the classlcal texts available in the market and by research and practical experience. Astrologr is a wlde ooean and one can spend hts life in studying it and yet he would be far away from the perfectness but a sincere and serlous attention to our make them able to cast and lessons will undoubtdly limit of accuracy dependtng on read a birth chart-the their intelllgence, lnsight, intultive capacit5l, sincerety and lastly the grace of God. We will advise the students that since tt wiU be our eflort to make these lessons selfsullicient, they should not, to avoid confusion in ttreir ninds during the period they are on the course, study any book on astrologr except those recommended by us 'Introdrrctory lesson. later in this We also must emphaslze that as Astrologl ls a dlvine science we must study tt with a plous mind and with faith and always start the study after offerlng the god of Knowledge and prayers to god Ganapathlafter paying homage toyour preceptor (guru). Ifyou have studies will no faith in what you have to learn-your prove fruitless. One should, whlle learning astrolog$, have falth in it and one who Soes to consult an astrologer should go wtth faith h him. This we must emphas?e again and again. In thls connection for the benefit of the students we , tn his will point out what the Great Varahamihira work Britrat Samhtta sald about the monumental qualities one should possess to become a good

astrologer. He said, *The astrologer should be good with well proportioned, undiformed limbs, riust |ookfg be a-ble to explain questions put by others, should worship the devas, observe fast and penance, should be able to- suggest remedies and shanfis, should be thoroughly trained tur calculations of tt. po"fiior." planets, and well-versed wlth works on astrolqg5r....- "f Now we should not linger on any more with the lntroduction and come to our course of instrucilons w-hlch begin with the next lesson. we recommend to the students to begin with the following books: (f) Lahiri's "Tables of Ascendants,. Thts book ls available with all booksellers who sell books on Astrologr. (2) Lahiri's 'Indtan Ephemeris' for lgZB or the current one available_ Students in Delhl can obtain it from RrnJan Publlcatlons, 16 Ansarl Road, New Delhl_2. Th;; be required for casting the horoscope anJ :-T:_*l out rrruung tfre position and longitude of planets itc. We -wtttr will not deal in our lesson" tnd castinf;i-; horoscope wtth the help of a pcrnchanga i" o.r, experlence has shoum that for casting ttr6 noroscope, Lahlri's Tables ol'Ascendants' and r,aiiri's .npnemeiiJ are not only easier but are more scientiflc and girr" *ora accurate results. T}:e ponchcngc method is ,rit *rorrs,

could lead to errors ln casflng the horoscope. "rra,it"r"d*'il"? Nory we gtve our blesstngs to our students and we pray to the Lord Ganapatht that the lessons whJch they will hereafter have occaslon to read ana stuay mai bestow them knowledge they are anxtous to gain. Good Luck!

but.1o-two panchongcrs similar are

l3 Ieron II




We will advise the carefully as it will be basic facts about the them to grasp properlv Zodhc

students to study thls lesson very the proper understandireg of the Solar System that would enable ttre lessons that will follow.

First rryeshould know what is meant by the Zrdlac. Tndlac is a broad belt in the heavens extending about 9 degrees on each side of the ecliptic. Ecliptic is the path of the Sun which (path) passes exactly through the centre of the Zcdlae. The Zodiac is an imaglnar5r circle of 36O degrees and our ancient learneds divided this circle lnto twelve equal parts of 3O degrees each. Each equal part of 30 degrees ls known as a sign (or a rasiJ. The TndLac is called Bhacho,kara in Sanskrit, and it revolves on its axls once in a dav from east to west. Stgne or Rasts Thus nre have twelve stgtrs in the 7rd,lae, namely: Aries (Mesha), Taurus Url"shabh), Geminl (Mtthuno.), Cancer (Kataka or Karka), Leo {Stmhal, Vtrgo (Kanga), Libra (Tula), Scorpio Arlschtk), Sagittarius (Dhanus or Dhanu), Capricorn (Makara), Aquarius (Kumbha) and Pisces (Meena). As already mentioned above, each of these signs has a stretch of 30 degrees tn the Zdiac. Planets The planets which, according to astrologr, have most powerful lnlluence on the earth are nine in number,

namely: Sun fRaul, Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangal or K4Ja), Mercury (Buddha), Jupiter {Guru or Brahaspatl), Venrrs (Sukra,l, Satum [Sani), Rahu and Ketu. The last two are called shadour5r planets (chhaga grahas) as they do not have physical or celestial bodies Itke the other seven planets- Of the two places where the Moon crosses the ecliptic (that is, the path of the Sun), the north polnt ts known as Rchu and the corresponding south point which is exactly l8(P away from the former ls called Ketu. Inspite of the fact that they are not celestial bodles like other planets, they are very sensitive and effective points and tt ls on aceount of thetr powerful Influence on the earth, our ancients have ranked them as planets ln Hindu astrolqgr. In western astrologl though some recognition is now being glven to Rchu and Xetu, mostly these planets flnd little lmportance tn thelr predictive system. On the other hand the western astrologers have given signiflcant placc to the newly discorrered planets Uranus (also called Herschel), Neptune and Pluto. In Hindu Predietive Astrologl, however, we do not generally give any importance to them, because they are at a very great distance from the earth, and very slow moving pl,anets. The view taken is that thelr in{luence ls more on mundane alfairs that ls, events affecting masses as a whole and not on indivlduals. We shall, therefore, e><clude these planets from our lessons whlch are malnly lntended for beginners. Now tocome to the planetary system with which we are cpncerned., let us mentlon that each pLanet exercises his influence on the earth according to his streng;th, positton and dignity etc., ln the zodiac dt the time of btrth of an indMdual or even ln day to day a-ffairs. As regards the inlluence according to power and position of a planet

l5 at a partlcular ttme, the necessary discussion wlll be held at the approprlate stage. In thts lesson we shall mentlon only the prellmlnarles about them. end Motlons of Plenetr Movemcntr All the planets (Rahu and Ketu excepted) perform the double function of not only revolving on thelr own a-:ds(from West to East), but also round the Sun. Saturn ls the most dlstant from the earth. Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon come nert in order of thetr dlstance from the terrestrlal globe. Thus we sE that the Moon is nearest to the Earth. The veloclty of each as tts distance from the earth planet dtminlshes lncreases. We shall now glve you an ldea of the average motion of the various planets. Students are advtsed to have thts firformation always at the ttp of thetr tongue as it wtll prove useful to them when they oome to actual working of the motions at the time of preparlng a birth chart. It should not, however, be forgotten that motions that would be given here are only average motlons. In actual practlce the students will flnd very frequently that on certain days the actual motlons are sltghtly less or more' Thls is due to the fact that the planets while rwolving round the Sun, owing to cpsmic influences, become somewhat irregular ln thelr morements. To understand thls very clearly a thorougfi knowledge of astronomy le required wh'ich is beyond the scope of our lessons. The Sun moves at the rate of roughly one degree of the zodiac in one day composed of 24 hours ard takes 365 days and 6 hours to complete a circle in the zodiae' The Moon takes the average rate of one hour and 48 mlnutes to go through a degree of thts sPac.

16 Mars moves at the average rate of 45 days for 3O degrees or takes I-l /2 days per degree. Mereury filoVS at the average rate of I-l /2 degees a day but there is difference between the movement of Mars and Mercur5l. Mercury is very close to the Sun and due to solar influence, his movement is very unsteady. He completes the average run in 27 days. He hardly takes a day to move in each degree, but moves on more rapidly for sometime, gets in front of the Sun and then begins to move slowly and goes backwards of the Sun. But in these double motions of backwards and forwards, Mercury never gets away more than 28 degrees in either dlrection of the Sun. Jupiter is allotted one year in eactr sign of 3O degrees but generally it is found that he stays in a sign for a little less than a year. Venus moves almost at the rate of I degree per day. Saturn takes about 2-l/2 years or 3O months to move in a sigp of 30 degrees and thus he takes I month to move in a degree. Rchu and Ketu who always move tn the reverse direction take 18 months to travel through each sigtr of the zodiac. As stated above Rahu and Kefu always move ln the reverse directlon. In other words they are always in retrograde motion. The Sun and the Moon are never retrograde. The remalning planets are direct ln thelr motions, but in the course of thetrJourney tn the zodlac they are obstructed by eertain Invisible forces, as a result of whlch they become statlonar5l lior a wtdle, get backward movements and again after sometlme, they regain their natural courses. Th'ls phenomenon of golng backwards is called retrogression. It ts sald that these


planets become retrograde when they are at a certain distance from the Sun and when they move away from that distance they become direct. It is also said that actually the planets never move backwards but appear to move in thls manner as seen from the earth. AsJar as u)e are concerned we should remember that the Sun and the Moon alwogs haue dtrect mouement. Rahu and Kefrt alwags moue backward. The other planets have both dlrect and retogtade movements.

18 Lcrcon III


In thts lesson we take you further and give more lnformatlon about planets (grahas), signs frasls) and also knowledge about c.onstellations {nakshctras), yogas, tlthls (lunar date) etc. But before we do so it will be useful for the students to have some knowledge of the preliminarles which will be a useful additlon to their knowledge. These prellminarles are: ll) Rltur or Serconr Amon$st the Hlndus we have slx seasons, namelyVasanthrr (spring (these fall fn the lunar months of Chalta arrd Valscrkha; Greeshma (summer) (Jgestha (Ratny season) (Srauan and and Ashada); Varsha (Autumn) (Asutn altd Karilka); Bhadras); Sarad Hemantha (nrtnter) (Mrlgshtr and Pausa); Slslr (winter) lMagha and Phalguna). (2) Sohr Monthr A Solar a parflcular twelve solar (l) The

month begtns from the date the Sun enters sign. As there are twelve rasis there are months as under: month of Mesha (April 20 to May l9) Pl The month of Vrlshabhc (May 20 to June 19) (9) The month of Mtthuno (June 20 to July 19) (,1)The month of l(ato,krr or Karka (July 20 to Aug I 9 ) (E) The month of Stmha (Aug 2O to Sept 19)

l9 (6) The month of (7) The month of (8) The month of (9) The month of Kanga (Sept 2O to Oct 19) ?ula (Oct 2O to Nov 19) Vrischlk (Nov 2O to Dec 19)

Dhanu (Dec 2O to Jan 19) (fO) The month of Makara (Jan 20 to Feb 19) (11) The month of Kumbha (Feb 2O to Mar 19) (12) The month of Meena (Mar 20 to Apr 19) In the above table the dates of Solar months are only approximate. In actual practice the dates may va4/ in a particular year by a day or two either side. (3) Lrurar Monthc The lunar months are also twelve in number. The nune of each lunar month is given according to the constellation falling on the Full Moon day of the parttcular month. While the solar month may extend to 3O or 31 days as the Sun takes about a rrionth to traverse a sign (rast), the lunar month is generally of 27 to 29 days during which the Moon, who is the fastest moving planet, travels along all the signs of the Zodlac. Thtts the solar month is the pertd durtng which the Sun stays irt a partlcular sign (rast) and the lunar monttr ts the period during whtch the Moon completes her round through all the twelve signs of the 7,odiac. The twelve lunar months are: Cho,Itrrr Valsakh Jgestha Ashadho Sro,uana Bhadra March-April April-May May-June June-July July-August August-September

20 Asurin Kartika Mrtgshir Po:usrr Magha Phalguna Septemnber-October October-November November-December December-Januar5l January-Februar5r February-March


(4) Shukfa and Ilrlshna Pakshas and Tlthls This is a matter of common knowledge that the Moon waxes and wanes. By'waxes' it is meamt that the 'wanes' it is meant the Moon becomes fuller and by reverse. On the New Moon day we find that the Moon only looks like a thin semi-circular disc. Then every day the semi-ctcle becomes thicker and bigger until after the lSth days of the New Moon day we have the Moon full of tlght in a complete ci.rcle. This is a full Moon and we call Thus the Full Moon day as Poornlma or Parnamasi' we call the from the New Moon day to the full Moon day, Moon as a'waxing Moon'. After the full Moon day the Moon starts reverse process and the circle of light gets smaller and smaller until it completely disappears after 15 days of the full Moon Day. This day is known as Amauasga and the weakening Moon during this period 'waning Moon. ls called in astrological terminolos/ as The period of fifteen days from the new Moon day to the full Moon day is known as Shukla Paksha or the bright hatf of the lunar month and the period of fifteen is known as to Amauasga days from Poornamasl Krlshna Paksha or the dark half of the lunar month. Thus there are thirty lunar days. These are called ?ithis. The new Moon day is the first ?ithi andAmauo"sAq. ls the SOth ?ithl. But in common parlance, new Moon day is the first dthl or Shukla Po,kshrr and the lsth Titht

2L of Sukla Paksha isPoornlma. Then instead of calltng the 16th lunar day as 16th tithi, we call it the lirst ttthi of Krishna Paksha and so on until the Amauasya is 15th tithi of Krishnc Paksho,. In actual practice the thirty lunar days may be equal to 27 to 29 solar days. Planets Although in lesson number two we have had an idea of the planets and signs, it will be useful for the students to know their English and Hindl nunes and the astrological sSrmbols allotted to them. Though we do not propose to use symbols in our comin$ lessons yet tt is necessary for the students to get acquairrted with them because in many books on astrologr frequent use ls made of these symbols to save space. Here we may also state that after giving both the English and Hindi nrmes of the planets and si$ns, ln future lessons we wlll use only the Hindt narnes which ls only approprlate for the study of the Hindu system of astrologr. There are nine planets as recognised by the Hlndu Astrologl. They are as follows: English Name Hlndt Name SgmboI Sun Raul or Surga Moon

Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Dragon's Head Dragon's Tail

Chandra or Soma KuJa or Mangal Budha or Soumga Guru or Brahaspatl Sukra or Bhrtgu Sanl or Manda Rahu or Sarpa Ketu or Stldtt



22 order' (In, our future lessons we will' in the above Kuia' Budha' use ttre names of planets as Raui' Chandro' and Ketu)' Guru, Sukra, Scni,'Rohu Stgns [Rasls) si$ns of You have already seen that there are twelve etc" are as follows: these rasis the Zodiac. Their ,l.itt" and Kehr not are owned by the seven planets-Rahu
owing anY rasi. Engllsh Name l. Arles 2. Taurus 3. Gemlni 4. Cancer 6. Leo O. Virgo ?. Ltbra E. ScorPio 9. Sagittarius Hlndt

Sgmbot Shape Name the Ram T) Mesha 6 Vrisbabha the Bull II the Twlns Mithuna S Kataka or the Crab
Karka Sinrha KanYa Tula Vrischik Dhanu the Lion the Mrgin the Balance the Sc-orpion the man with arrow and the horse as hls htnd part the Crocodtle the Water Carrler the Flshes n 1l :G Tfl. {

I'ord Mars Venus Mer:ury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Juplter

lO. Caprlcorn 11. Aquarius 12. Plsces

Makara Kumbha Meena

l'3 I

Saturn Saturn tluplter

we (Sig;ns in Htndi are calld Rasls' In future lessons only the Hindi narnes will use'the word Rasi for sign and of Rasis will be used).

2g (Nakshatrao) Constellrtlonr as explained While there are twelve signs or rasls martea by 27 constell'ations above, the Zodiae is further Asrllnl The first constellation or nckshatras. point of'Mesho' Each nakshata ry wtth first "ynctroni""s13o20'of arc.-(Here I may exphfn ttrat mark ,io".rr"" ' ' lndicates mlnutes)' indlcates degree and the mark' but of the stretch These are not meiasurements of tlme; oc'casions to use similar of the nahshatara. We will have rasl's ln future measurirrg indications for planets and measures l3o 20' of arc and lessons. So one nokshar:cHindi word) of 3" eonslsts of four quarters (or padzs the or nakshatrcrs 20' each. Thes 27 constellatlons and nakshatras are both comprlse a rasl. The rasis zero degree of reckorred from ttre Jrrr" polnt, namely, tlre ?rd'l^c' the Mesha, tlte first rast or sign of the are owned by the Llke the rasls the nakshatras have Rcrhu and Kehr varloue planets. Here even The hilenty se\ten ownershlp over certain nakshatrcrs' below: nakshatras and their lords are glven
Nakshatra 1. Aswlnl l. Bharlrl E. Krlttlka l. Rohlnl 6. Mrtgstra 6. Arldra ?. Punanrasu t.PushYaml g.Asbsha fO. MaSha Inrd Ketu Shukra Ravt Chandra KuJa Rahu Guru Shanl Budha ketu Nakshatra 11. Poorvaphalgunl 12. Uttaraphalgunl 13. Hasta 14. Chttra 16. Swatl 16. Vlshakha 17. Anuradha lE. Jpstha Lard Shukra Ravl Chandra KuJa Rahu Guru Shanl Budha

I\Ickshatra 19. Moola 2O. PoorvaAshada 21. UttaraAshada 22. Shravan 23. Dhanishta Lord Ketu Shukra Ravi Chandra KuJa ' Ncrkshatra Lord Rahu Guru Shani Budha

24. Satabhisha 25. Poorvabhadra 26. Uttarabhadra 27. Revatt

We have already mentioned earlier that one rasl contains 2-l /4 nakshafas. The [ongitudinal span of a rasi being 3O" and of a nakshatra being l3o 2O', the nakshatras are acrcomodated under the twelve rasls as shown in the following table:
Rasls l. Mesha Nakshatrcs Span In Degree & mlnutes Asroinl (1,2,3,4) e to l3o-20' Bharlnl (1,2,3,4) 13-2O' to 2e-4O' Krtttika (1) 2e-4O' to ?e-OO' Krltttka (2,3,4) e b le-OO' Rohinl(1,2,3,4) Ie b 23-20' Mrtgstra (1,2) Mrlgstra (3,4) Arldra (1,2,3,4) Punaruasu (1,2,3) 4. Kataka or Karka, Punarvasu (4) Pushgaml (1,2,3,4) Aslesha (1,2,3,4) Magha (1,2,3,4) Poonto-phalgunt (1,2,3,4) 23-20' e 6-40' 2e-OO' e 3o-2O' Ie-4O' e 73-20' to b "to to 3e-OO' e-4O' 2e-OO' se-OO'

2. Vrlshabha

3. Mtthuna

6. Slrnha

ta to to to to

3'-2O' Ie-4O' le-OO' 73-20' 2e-4O'

lJttara-phalgunl (1) 6. Kanya Uttara-phalgunl (2,3,4) 2e-4O' e


3e-OO L0-OO' 23o-2O' 7e-OO' 6-40' 2e-OO' 7e-oo' 3-2O' le-4o se-OO I3-2O 2e-4O' ?e-OO' le-OO' 2g-2O' ?e-OO' e-4O' 2e-W)' 3e-OO' 3-2O' le-40' 3e-O3'

to to |e-OO' Hasta (1,2,3,4) Chttra (1,2) 23o-2O' to to Chltra (3,4) e 7. TuIo (1,2,3'4) to 6o-40' Surotl tt Vlshakha (1,2,3) 2e-OO' (4) to e 8. Vrlshchtka VLshakha 3-2O' ta Anuradha(1,2,3,4) to le-4O' Jgeshtha(1,2,3,4) e to Moola (1,2,3,4) 9. Dhanu (I,2,3,4) 73-2O' to Pooruashada to 2e-4O' Uttarashada (7) (2,3,4) e to Uttaro'shada lO. Mokara to Shrauona (1,2,3,4) le-OO' (1,2) 23o-2O' to Dhant-shta e to Dhanlsha (3,4) ll. Kumbha (I,2,3,t1) e-4O' to Shotabhlsha to Poorvabhadra (1,2,3) 2e-OO' (4) e to Pooruabhadra 12. Meens

Reuatl (1,2,3,4)

30-20', 7e-40'

to to

The ffgures l, 2, 3 or 4 wlthln brackets agalnst ttre names of nakshatras are thepadas vlz. I ts flrst pada, 2 is 2nd pada and so on. It will be seen that some nakshatras have all their fourpddas within a rasl whlle the others have only one, two or tlrree pada.s and tJre The remaining ones falUng under the next rasl.

26 signiflcanc and use of these dispositions wtll be clear to the students when they come to a more mature stage in their lessons, but Just to give them some idea in this regard we shall give one or two examples. It will be seen that under Mesha there are four prrdas ofAsrrrlnl, fourpadas ofBharlnt and one pada of Krttitlka. Now, if the longttude of the Moon or the Sun or any other planet is Mesha l5o-20', tt lialls in lstpadcr of Bharlnl whlch e<tends from l3o-2o'to 16o-4o'. If the longltudes of the planet is Vrishchika 3"-45' it falls under the firstpada of Anuradhc whlch extends from 3o-2O'to 6o-40'. The position in respect of the first example ls that Mesha being the rcrsl, the rasl lord is KuJa or Mangal and tlre nakshata betng Bharinl, the nakshatra lord is betng In the second example, the rasl Shukra. being Vrlshchika the rcsl lord is KuJa and nakshata Vlshakha, the nakshaba lord is Guru. Thus wittrin one rast there will be lnlluence of two planets, namely of the rcrst lord as well as of the na,kshafrl lord. The effect of ttrese lnfluences will be dealt with when we reach tlre stage ofjudging a nativity (nativity mezrns birth chart of a native or individual).

27 Leccon fY


In thts lesson lt would be our effort to acqualnt you with detailed lnformatlon in regard to the rashls; but before we do so. it would be useful for the students to know what a birth chart, horoscope or Janma Kundall looks like and how these rashls flt in the structure of the Janrna Kundali. As we propose to confine ourselves in these lessons to the Hindu system of Astrolory we glve you below the form of the horoscope in the south Indla ancl in NorthIndi,a. Thesevery forms are adopted lnother parts of the country with sligltt modlflcations.
I*Form oJ Horosape used ln South ktdla
Mesha Vrlshabha

Il--form oJ Horoscope Jollouted In North Ind,la




!lakara Vrlshchtka





The difference ln ttre two forms is that in Form I the rashis will always be at the locations (houses) as shown ln the form. If the rising sign or lagna is Mesha, the house contatntng the Mesha rashl in the form will become the lagna (Ascendant) and also the first house.

Then in cloclrwise direction we will have the subsequent houses. If the Lagna falls, say, in Dhanu rashi, the house cpntaining Dhanu rashi will become the Lagna and the first house and the subsequent houses will be counted in the clockwise manner from that house. In the Form II, that is, the one followed in North India the house marked I (First) will always be the Lagna whatever be,the rising sign. For example, the rising sign is Tula or in other words the Lagna falls in Tula rashi, we will put the lagna in the first house. Thereafter, we mova in anti-clockwise direction and the second house will be in Vrischika rashi, the third in Dhanu rashi and so on. If the rising sign is Simha then the Lagna in Simha rashi will be the first house. The second house will be in Kanya rashl and the thlrd in the Tula and so on. Another difference is that in the form used in South Indla the number of rashi is not written in the chart and one has to remember the plac reserved for Mesha and other rashls would always remain the same. In the former used in North India we show the Lagna by putting the rising sign in the first house and the eleven signs subsequent to rising sign in the other eleven houses. Example I Example II


29 In example I, accordlng to Form I given previously the rising sign is Dhanu. If we move clockwise the second house will tall in Makar, the thlrd tn Kumbha and ultimately the twelfth house will fall in Vrlshchlk. In example [I, we have indicated the number of sign of rashi ttrat has risen. In other words we have indicated the rashl of the Lagna (In English termlnologl Lagna ts called the Ascendant) No. 7 means Tula rasi. So the lagna is Tulia and moving in the anti-cloclrwlse order, we wlll have the second house in Vrishchlk, the third ln Dhanu and ultimately f 2th in Kanya rashl. In thls forrn all the houses are marked by the numbers of thelr rashls. Students will do well to remember the detailed given above ol the two forms of charts description at present most of the books on Hlndu Systern because of Astrologl in English available in the market use the South Indta form of the horoscrolre, whlle those tn Hindi use the North India form. ' Now we come to the characteristics of the Rashis. Although lt would take some more spac we wlll give various characteristics in tabular form wherever possible and in descriptive form where they carurot be eastly tabulated. Moueable Signs (Chara) l. Mesha 4. Kataka 7. Tula 10. Makara 2, 5. 8. 11. Ftxed Slgns (Sthtro) Vrlshabha Si.mha Vrishch,ika Kumbha Dual Stgns (DwIsu;,abhaua) 3. 6. 9. 12. Mtthuna IGnya Dhanu Meena

(the Moveable slgns are also called dhatu or or root and the dual ones mirreral, the ftxed stgns moola

as JeeDa or livtng). Flery (NntTatwa) l. Mesha 5- Stmha 9. Dhanu AlrC Earthg (PrtthwlTatwa) (VaguTatwa) 2. Vrlshabha 3. Mlthuna 7. Tula 6. Kanya I l. Kumbha lO. Makara Shshodaga lRising with thelr heads) 5. Stmha 6. KanYa 7. Tula 8. Vrlshchtka ll. Kumbha Watery (JalTahpoJ 4. Kataka 8. Vrlshchtka 12. Meena

Prlstlodaya (Rlstng from hind parts) l. 2. 4. 9. lO. Mesha Vrlshabha Kataka Dhanu Makara

Ubhagodaga (Rlslng both ways) 3. Mithuna 12. Meena

All Slrshodaya signs are called diurnal signs (they are satd to be powerful durtng the day births). All Pristhodaya signs and Mithuna are called Nocturnal signs (they are said to be powerful during the nfght). Meena ts a hvtlight sign. All odd slgps, viz., Mesha, Mitltuna, Simha, Tula' Dhanu and Kumbha are male slgns. They are also called cruel or flerce slgns. All even signs, vlz., Vrlshabha' Kataka, Kanya, Vrlshchika, Makara and Meena are called female signs. They are treated as gentle or soumyc signs. The various signs represent the eigfit directions as follows: Mesha and Vrishabha East, Mithuna SouthEast, Kataka and Simha South, Kanya South-East, T\rla and Kumbtra North and Meena North-East. and Meena ane Brahmlns, Kataka, Vrtshctrika Mithuna' Mesha, Simha and Dhanu are Kshatrtgas,

3t Tula and Kumbha are Vatsgas and Makara are Sudras.

Rashl l. Mesha L Vrlshabha Colour Red . Whlte

and Vrishabha,
Abdes Forest


Short Curved or crooked body l,ong l,ong Medlum Medlum Medlum Medlum Long Long Cunred or drooked body Short

Fteld, Meadow

3. Mtthuna l. Kataka

Green Plnk Brown Grey Vartegated Black Golden Yellow Varlegated

6. Slmha O. Kanya 7. Tula t. Vrlshchllra e. Dhanu lO. Makara ll.Kumbha

Bed chamber, village Pond or plt wlth water Mountain cave Land wlth water and vegetatlon Market Place Hole Battle-fleld Forest with plenty of water Place frequented by potters Water

13. Meena

Deep Browrt

Vrlsttabha, Simha, the latter tralf of Dhanu and the flrst half of Makara are called Quadruped (four legged or Chatuspad) sigps. Mithuna, I{anya, Tulia, the flrst half of Dhanu and Kumbhaare said tobe Human signs. Kataka, Vrtetrchika and Meena are Keeto (reptile) signs. (In actual practlce only Vrishchika ls generally treated as a Keta stgn.)

32 By now we hope that the students have got an idea of the zdiac and the various signs of the zodiac. This zodiac is represented for astrological purposes in the form of birth chart or horoscope. The whole zcdlac consisting of the twelve signs represents the body of the supreme whom for astrological purposes we call t}re Kalapurusha. The twelve signs according to Brahat parasara Hora stand for head (Mesha), face and ttrroat (Vrishabha), neck and arms (Mithuna), Heart (Kataka), stomach (simha), waist (Kanya), Navel (Tula), private parts (Vrishchika), thlghs (Dhanu) legs (Makara), ankle (Kumbha) and feet (Meeia). Here while considerhg the limbs of Kalapurusha one more thing is to be remembered. Mesha is the flrst sigfr of the zodiac. Therefore, in the natural zodiac or natural horoscope Mesha is the Lagna and is, therefore, the first limb of t}re Kalapurusha. But what actually happens is that at the ttme of the birth of the child any gf the twelve signs may rise and that rising sign wiil become Lagna. This rising sign will then be treitedls the first limb of the native and the succeeding slgns will represent the other limbs in the order given in the previous paragraph. For example, if tlle Lagna is Tula, then Tula will represent the head of the native and the l2th sign from Tula, vlz.,l{artyawill represent the feet of the rrative.

33 Lesson V


As we have already stated earlier ln our lessons that ln the Hindu system of Astrologr we are concerned with only nlne planets, vlz., Ravi, Chandra, KuJa, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shanl, Rahu and Ketu- All these planets have their natural characteristics (or Karakatwas) whtch have to be carefully ta.ken lnto account at the ttme of the study of the btrth chart or Janma Kundali. Sex: Ravl, KuJa and Guru are males; Chandra, Shukra and Rahu are females and Budha, Strani and Ket are eunuchs. Caste: Guru and Shukra are Brahmtns, Ravl and Mangal Kshatriyas, Chandra Valsya, Budha mixed caste (some are of the view that Chandra ls Kshatriya and Buddha Vaisya), Shanl Shudra and Rahu-Ketu are outcastes (Chandals). No' Guru, Shukra and waxlng Chandra are natural benefics (Shubhas). Kuja when alone or with the above natural benefic pl,anets becomes a natural beneflc. If he ls associated wttl. a maleflc plianet he bec-omes a malefic. Ravi, the wa:dng Ch,andra., Shanl, Rahu and Ketu are natural maleflcs. Some authorides are of the vlew, whJch we share, that Ravi who gtves light and llfe to the universe cannot be a malefic. Being hot and dry Ravi should be treated as a cruel (Krura) planet. In the Western system of astrologr Ravi is treated as a natural beneflc. As regards Chandra, she ls treated as wa:dng and beneflc from the 8th day of Shukla paksha tthe Urtgtrt

34 half) up to the 8th day of Krishna Pakstra (the dark half of lunar month). On the other days she is treated as waning and maleflc. Quallttes: Ravi, Chandra and Guru are of Satwik (pure or good) nature, Budha and Shukra are of RaJas (active, emotlonal, passionate) nature and the rest: namely, KuJa, Shani, Rahu and Ketu are of Tamas (dark, lgnorant nature). Dlrectlons: The Sun rules over East, Chandra North-West, Kuja South, Budha North, Guru NorthEast, Shukra South-East, Shanl West and Rahu SouthWest, (Ketu has the same direction to rule as Rahu). Ravi Colours: Dark red Chandra Wtrite KuJa Deep red Budha Green Guru Golden Shukra White Shanl Blue or Jet black Rahu Dark honey coloured(some assiglr the same colour to Rahu as to Shani) Ketu Brown . Note: In the prevlous lesson we have mentioned the colours of the rashls. Though colours are assigned to the rashJs, they are lnlluenced by the colours of the planets tlrey are associ;ated with. For exa.mple, the colour of Simha is said to be brown, but if Ravi is posited in Stmha rashl, the rashi will take the colour of Ravi. ffumours: Ravt and Kuja have ptfta or btle as the chlef humour of thelr body; Chandra and ShukraVo,trr and kqpha orwlnd and phlegm; Guru kapha, Shanlua6a

35 orwlnd, Budha a mlxture of all humours. Rahu acts llke Shani and Ketu as KuJa in this respect. RauI : Rules over blle, heart, braln, head. eye and bone. Chandra: Breast, saliva, womb, water, blood and , l5rmphatic and $andular systems. KuJa Bile,, nose, fiorehead, sinews, fibre and muscular tlssues. AMomen, tongue, lungs, bowels, nerve Budha centres, bile and musctrlar tissues. Guru Phlegm, blood, thtghs, flesh and fat and arterlal system. Ovarles, eyes, generatlve system, Shulna Kldneys, water, semen and phlegm. Shanl Feet, wind, acids, knees and marrow. While the scope of our lessons will not cover the very wtde and complicated subJect of 'Medtcal Astrologr' on whlch many learneds have publlshed separate books, we have glven this informatlon here to enable the students to have an idea wtrat parts of the body and what kinds of troubles those parts will suffer tf the planets controlling them are afiIicted. (The word 'alllction' means 'adverse efiect'). Seasons.' Shukra rules over Vrrsant Rltu, Ravi and (summer), Chandra over Varsha. KuJa over Grlshmc (ratrr), Budha over Sarad (autumn), Guru over Hemanta (beginning of winter), and Shani over Slsir (wtnter). Gems, metals and tastes: Ravi's preclous stone is ' mantkga or ruby; Chandras pearl or mott, KuJa's coral or moonga, Budha's emerald or panna, Guru's Pushparaga or PukhrqJ or topaz, Shukra's diarnond or heera, Shani's neeliam or sapphtre, Flahu's gomedh, IGtu'e ucrldurya or cat's eye.

36 Ravi's metal ls copper, Chandra's bell metal, KuJas cpper, Budhas lead, Guru's gold, Shukras silver and Shani's iron or steel, Rahu's metal is lead. The metal of Ketu is also lead. Ravfs taste is pungent, Chandra s saltish, KuJa s bitter, Budha's mixed, Guru's sweet, Shukra's sour, Shani's astringent. Ages oJplanets: Ravi represents a person aged 5O years, the Moon one of 7O years, Kuja one of 16 years, Budha one of 2O years, Guru one of 30 years, Shukra one of 16 years, Shani and Rahu one of 8O and IOO years. Ketu is similar to Rahu. We are giving this as a matter of general lrrformation; but probably this will not be of much use later ln our lessons. Actually the original writers have not clearly stated how this information is to be utilised. Some is utilised for have stated that this information the thief through the process of Prasna recognising Kundali (Horar5l astrology). That is beyond the scope of our course. The presldlng dettles oJ the planets Rudra or Shiua The Dtvine Mother Paruatt Kartikega (Shrt Gornapatt) Vlshnu Bro,hman or Shiua Lakshml Yama or Rudra Kartikega (Some say that Rahu is a :. worshipper of Durga) ' Brahmn Ketu The intentton of givingthls information is thatwhen a native suffers on accpunt of the aflliction of a particular ' Ravi Chandra KuJa Budha Guru Shukra Shani Rahu

37 planet or during hls Mahadasha or Ant;adasha, he should worship the deity concerned to get relief from his troubles and difliculties. Dhohts or phgstcal constituents uarlous planets, i Ravi bones, Chandra blood, KuJa marrow, Bud.ha skin, Guru fat, Shukra semen, Shani muscles. Elements (Tatuas): There are flve elements constituting the enflre universe namely prtthul, Jala (water), TeJas or fire, Vagu or wind and Akasha or ether. Ravi and Kuja ov,rn fire, Chandra and Shukra water, Buddha Prlthul, Guru ether and Shanl wtnd. Planetarg Cablnet: Ravi and Chandra are the Royal Couple, KuJa the Commander-in-Chief, Budha the Crown Prince (guuarqfl, Guru and Shukra the ministers, Shani the servant (and so are Rahu and Ketu). Senses: Ravi and Kuja govern from (eyes); Chandra and Shukra taste (tongueh Budha smell (nose), Guru sound (earh Shani, Rahu and Ketu touch (skiny. Aspect oJ the planets: (While we erre giving all possible general informations about planets to makC our lessons as self-sufficient as possible, we are poindng out at appropriate places what ls of stgniflcance and lmportance for the purpose of our course. It may please be noted that the prtnctples regardlng aspects are oJ uerg great Importance for the Judgement of horoscopes and should, therefore, receive very careftrl attention of the etudents). The planets have four kinds of aspects. In other words, they look at certain houses or planets posited therein in this manner: The mode of looking at the Brd and lOth houses from one occupied by the planet is termed as l/4 aspe<t, looking at Sth and 9th ts l/2

38 aspect; looking at 4th and 8th houses is 3/4 aspeet; looking at 7th or the opposite house is treated as full aspect. For the Judgement of horoscopes only full aspects are taken into account. Alt the planets aspect the 7th house from the house in which they are posited. KuJa has full aspect to the seventh house as well as his aspects to the 4th and 8th houses from him are considered full, that ls, as powerful as the 7th aspect. Similarly in the case of Guru the aspect to the 5th ano gth houses from hlm and in the case of Shani his aspects to the 3rd and the loth houses from lrtm are consldered as powerful a^sthe aspect to the 7th house. Some are of the opinion ttrat Rahu and Ketu also have special Sth and 9th aspects; but we are of the view that they aspect only the 7th house from them. Planets, their houses, thelr exaltatlon and debllltatlon If a planet is po'sited in his orvn rashi he is said to be in his own house or Sr.uakshetra. lf he is in the sign of exaltation he is said to be exalted (uchcha), tf he is tn his debilitation slgn he is said to be in debilitation (neecha). In betu'een Sroakshetra and exaltation, there is another point of strength for a planet. He achleves that , strength when he is in }lls Moola'blkoncr sign. The following table gtves the lnformatton above in a clear form Rasht owned bg hlm Stmha l. Ravl 2. Chandra Kataka Mesha 3. Kuja and Vrlshchtka Planet mentloned

Rashl oJ Roshl oJ Moolaexaltatton debllttatlon trlkona Rashl Tula Mesha Stmha Vrlshabha Vrlshabha Vrishchtka Kataka Makara Mesha

39 4. Budha 6.Guru O. Shukra 7. Shanl Mlthuna and Kanya Dhanu and Meena Vrlshabha and Tula Makara and Kumbha Kanya Dhanu Tula Kumbha
Kanya Kataka Meena Tula Meena Makara Kanya Mesha

8. Rahu

9. Ketu

Vrtshchtka Vrishabha (Acrcordlng (Actordlng to some to some Dhanu) Mtthuna) Vrlshchtka Vrlshabha (same remarks as against Rahu)

It wtll be seen tn the aborrc table that tn the case of all the planets except Chandra one of their slgns is in their Moota-trikona rashi also. So in order to differentiate kshetra the what ls Swakshetra and Moola-trikona principles have to be followed. For Ravi the following tnitial 2Ooportion of Simha is his Moola-trikona and the remaintng lO'is his Swakshetra. For Chandra the first 3o of Vrishabha constttute his exaltation portion and the remaining 27" as his Moola-trikona. For KuJa the flrst l2o portton of Mesha is his Moola-trlkona and the rest his Swakshetra. For Budtra the first half i.e. up to l5'is his o<altation portion and 16"-20" portion is hls Moolatrlkorra and the nest ls Swakshetra. For Shukra the first 20e portton of Tula ls hls Moola-trikona and the rest is Swakshetra. For Stranl the flrst 2Oeportton is hts Moola-trlkona and the rest i,s Swakshetra. for Budha tlrc For KuJa the whole of tbeVrishchika,

40 whole of Mithuna, for Guru the whole of Meena, for Shukra the whole of Vrishabha and for Shani the whole of Makara are also Swakshetras. These rashis are the negative rashls of these planets. In their negative signs the planets arc less assertive and active as they are in their positive signs, viz., those signs in which they have their Moola-trikonas. In the table above we have given the exaltation rashis of the various planets. But the planets at times are at their highest exaltation points. For Ravi the highest exaltation (Poramochcha) point is lOo of Mesha, for Chandra 30" of Vrishabha, for Kuja 28 of Makara, for Budha 15o of Kanya, for Curu 5o of Kataka, for Shukra 27" of Meena and for Shani 2Ooof Tula. lO'of Tula, 3" of Vrishchika, 28' of Kata,ka, I 5o of Meena, 5' of Makara, 27" of Kanya, 2O' of Mesha are respectively the lowest debilitation (Parama neecha) points of these planets. Similarly the opposite sign of a planet in exaltation is the sign of his debilitation. This can be seen in the table glven above.

4l Lesgon VI


Llmbs Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Shukra Head Face Chest Shape Quadrangular Clrcular Damaru(Drum like shape) Triangular Ecliptical Octogonal Stnture Normal hetght Short Short Tall Tall Normal

Shani Rahu Ketu

Hips Belly Pelvls & sexual organs Thighs Wtndow TWo hands 1 Trvo legs /A line

Short Tdt Tdl

Note In preparing lockets, rings etc., the shape of one's favourable planet will be propiflous (that ts, tt will appease the planet more effecttvely). bodleg Budha, Guru and Shukra are blpeds (turo bgggd). Ravl, KuJa and Shanl are quadrupeds (four bgged). Chandra and Rahu are centtpeds (wlthout legs). Ketu ls brped (two legged). Planetery pertodr Shanf ard Rahu have one year, Ravl six months Plenetary

42 (aga'na), Budha two months, Guru one month, Shukra fifteen days, KuJa one day and Chandra forty-eight minutes. (This information is not so useful in horoscopy as in the Judgement of Prasna kundalis). It may also be added to make thts informailon complete that Chandra, KuJa, Shani and Rahu are Dhatu (mineral)planets. Ravi and Shukra are Moola (vegetable) planets. Budha and Guru are Jeeva planets. It will also be useful for the students to know that Ravl represents heat, light and physical evoludon. It ts a planet of vitali$. Chandra denotes humours and mental evolution. Chandra is called Manas Karaka. KuJa denotes physical force and passion. Budha represents speed and mathematical proportlons. Guru is a planet of expanslon. Guru gives intellectual evolution, universal harmony and knowledge. Shukra controls spac, electrici$r and emotion, Shani rules over fime and Me prlnctples. It is also very often called a planet of restrlction and obstruction. Shani delays the fruits of labour; but does not deny them. Shani makes people work hard to achieve their ambitions. Rahu and Ketu denote destructive forces such as dissolution and disintegration. Rahu has more of these qualiiles. He is also said to be a decepttue planet. Ketu, while a great malefic, is also called Mokshakaraka. Ketu is also Gycn kataka and gives salvation to the soul. by planets Raul: Ferrer dominated by liver and heart, eye diseases, dental troubles, nguyalglia (nervous pain). caulcd Chandra: Sleeping diseases, drowsiness, diseases of lungs (asthma and consumpUon), diarihoea, lunacy, IXreascs

43 phlegmatlc complaints, tastelessness, debility, digestive di"otd.ts, Jaundice, impurit5r of blood, infantile troubles, danger from water, cholera and other watery diseases' K4Ja: Bilious fever, injury in the marro\rr of the bone, heat troubles, small-pox, ulcers' blood pressure' Budho: Nervous dlsorders, diseases of the brain' epllepsy, skin dtseases, anaemia. Guru: Llver complaints, phJegmatic diseass' ear trouble. fatal disease of cancer, jaundice' Anaemia' bilious complaints, diseases Shukra: caused by of semen, venereal diseases, urinary dlseases and those of the se><ualorgans. Shani: Windy anct phlegmatic complaints, bellybodily dyspepsia, rheumatism' ache, paralysis, deformit5l, cerebral disorders, Shani tends to make the diseases chronic. Rahu o:nd Ketu: Epidemics, hysteria, diseases caused by eating poisonous things, eptlepsy, carbuncle' cancer, dropsy, ec?'ema and other skin diseases like leucoderma and leprosy. These two planets are cause of some cliseases which are difficult to diagnose' They also give suclden attacks of diseases. Ketu ls known to have caused heart attacks also. Here we should also rernember that Rahu is like Shani and Ketu is like Kuja. While Rahu is a cold planet, Ketu is hot like Kuja' Relatlons stgntfled bY Planets or Ravi and other planets are called Karakas for father' sigfiificators of certain relatives. Ravi is Karaka Chandra for mother, KuJa for younger brothers and sisters. Budha for maternal uncle, Guru for children and elder brother, Shukra for wife or husband and Shani for servant. Rahu stands for maternal and Ketu for paternal

44 grandfather. Buddha also represents the adopted son. There are authorities who say that for day birth Ravi represents father and Shukra mother. For night birth Shani becomes father and Chandra mother. While the students are free to form their own opinions in this respect when they go in for advanced and deeper study of the subject. We hold, on the basis of our several years experience, that whether the birth is in a day or at night, we should treat Ravi as representing father and Chandra as mother. We do not find any logic in making their significators of father and mother to Shani and Shukra who by their natural characteristics are not at all suited to fulfil these responsible roles. A general 'know how' to planets Raui: Has a square body, pink eyes, spa.rse hair both on the head and body. He has no permanent residence, is lazy, has attractive and dominating appearance and speech. He is brave and wrathful. Chandra: She has a corpulent body (fat body), is young as well as old, is white in complexion, has lovely eyes, black and thin hair, has tender speech and mild temper. She is proficient in politics and is intelligent. KuJa: He has a slender waist, curly and shining hair, fieroe red eyes, cruel nature, is fickle-minded. He has a generous heart. He is expert in striking hard and bears marks of burning and weapons. He is well disciplined and brave. He is also passionate and aggressive. Budha: He bears a gren tint, is full of veins, is pleasant in speech, is fond of fun. He has red and long eyes. He governs skin. He is well-versed in politics and has lots of information on various topics. He has even limbs. He is learned.

45 Curu: He has golden complorion, brourn eyes and hair. He has a corpulent and tall body. He is very wise and learned and has noble qualities. He is very eloquent and also governs wealth and knowledge (particularly of a higher type). He has a loud and heavy voice. He is adept in politics. We very often call him Dhana karaka and Rajga (crlpa karaka. He is the preceptor of gods (deuas), He is also Santan-Karaka. Shukra; He has black curly hair, huge body, wheaty compledon. He has amiable and attractive personality, broad eyes and plenty of virility (sexual ,titallt!). He is henpacked and is given to fraud. He ts the preceptor of demons (asuras). Shani: He is drak, liame, l,azy, with sunken eyes, lean body, prominent veins, thick nails and protruding teeth. His hair is coarse and thlck. He ls dirty, angry, dreadful, full of wrinkles, clad in black clothes, foolish and a tale bearer. His hands and feet are very long. He is merciless and melancholic (depressive nature). Frlendshlp and enrnlty amongst planetr As we have friends, best friends, enemies, bitter enemies and neutrals in our life, so do have the planets. The following table gives the inborn (also called permanentl or nolsarglkJrtendshtp and enmltg amongst them.
Planets l. Ravi 2. Chandra Friends Chandra, KuJa and Guru Ravt and Budha Ravt. Chandra and Guru Enemles Shukra and Shanl Nll Budha Neutrals Budha The rest Shukra and Shanl

3. KuJa

46 4. Budha Ravi and Shukra Chandra KuJa, Guru and Shani

6. Guru 6. Shukra 7. Shant

Ravi, Chandra and Kuja Budha and Shanl Budha and Shukra Budha, Shani and Shukra

8. Rahu and Ketu

Budha and Shukra Ravi and Chandra Ravl. Chandra and KuJa Ravf, Chandra and Guru

Shanl Kuja and Guru Guru


It will be signtficant to note in the above table that Chandra has no enemy and Guru is not enemy of any planet. Apart from the permanent frtendship and enmit5l amongst the planets, we also take into account the temporal (or Tatkalik) enmity and friendship amongst planets as positecl in a particular horoscope. Plianets posited in the second, thlrd and fourth, and twelfth, eleventh and tenth houses from a particular planet are his temporary frlends. The planets posited in the first, fifth, stxth, seventh, eighth and ninth houses from him become his temporary enemies. After taking intoaccount the natural relationships, we come to know what their actual relatlonship is in a particular horoscope. Thls is done in the follorving murner:
1. Permanent Friends (Nalsargk Mttra) 2. Permanent Frtend (Nalsorgik Mltra)

Temporary frlend (Tatkallk Mitra) + Temporary enemy (Tatka,Ik Shctru,l

= Best Friend (Adht Mltra) = Neutral (Sama)

8. Permanent enerny fiIalscrgik Shatru] 4. Permanent enemy fNatsorglk Shahu,l 6. Permanent neutral (Nalsarglk Somal 6. Permanent neutral (Naisargik &tma)

Temporary enemy (Tatkallk Shctru + Temporary o Frlend (Tatkallk Mltra) + Temporary Frlend (To|*.allk Mltra) + Temporary enemy (TatkaliJr Shatru,l

= Bitter enemy (Adhl Shatru) = Neutral (Sama) Friend (Mitra) Enemy (Shatru)

For the guldance of the students thls by an lllustrative horoscope.

South IndlanJorm
tagn r Ravt Budha Shukra lhandra

we sha,ll explatn

North IndlanJorm
Fhrd &dha Slrukra



Guru KuJa Ketu

Chandra 1

Shani 10

Guru ltuF Kstu

(Please note the Lagna is Mesha, the first sign of the zodiac. The number (l) shown in the second example horoscope which is the same as first except in form stgnifies Mesha rashi and number (2) as Vrishabha and so on. Students are, by notv, expected to remember the various rashis by their serlerl numbers). For want of space it will not be possible for us to give

48 the natural and temporal and then the combined relationship of all the planets; but we will, for the sake of guidance, give illustrations of one planet viz., Ravi. For Ravl Budha: Budha is permanent neutral and being in the first house (i.e. in the same house) with him, he is his temporal enemy. So Budha being a permanent neutral and temporal enemy becomes his enemy (Shatru). Shukra; Shukra is Ravi's permanent enemy. He ls also his temporal enemy. Therefore, he becomes his bitter enemy (Adhi Shatru). Chandra: Chandra is Ravi's permanent friend and being in third house from him becomes his temporal friend also. He has, therefore, become Ravi's bcst friend (Adhi Mitra). Curu: Guru is Ravi's permanent friend and being in the fourth house from him becomes his temporal friend also. He, thus, is his best friend (Adhi Mitra). Kuja: Kuja is a permanent friend of Ravi ancl like Guru he is also his temporal friend. So he also becomes his best friend (Adhi Mitra). Ketu & Rahu; These two planets are not taken into account for this purpose. Shani; Shani is a permanent enemy of Ravi and being in the ninth l-rouse from him he becomes his temporal enemy also. Shani is, thus, bitter enemy (Adhi Shatru) in this chart. In this manner we can work out for all planets and tabulate them. The table so prepared is called Panchadha Maitri-chakra. While permanent relationships amongst planets is generally given more weight, the relationship formed in a particular chart by the position of planets is

49 also to be considered whlle Judging the horoscope pa.rticularly at tlre time of Mahadasha of one planet and thle antardasha of the other. What Mahadasha (maJor (minor perlod) are, will be period) and antardasha dlscussed at the appropriate stage. for the gutdance of the students the Panchadha Mattrt-chakra of the planets in the example horoscope has been prepared and is gfven below. The students are advised to themselves work thds out also and then check it with the table given here: MAITRI CTIAITRA PANCIIADIIA Shatru AdhI Adhl Mitra ?tanet Shatru Mltra (Enemy) (Bttter (Frlend) (tsest enemy) Frtend Chandra, Budha Shukra l. Ravt Shanl Guru, KuJa Shanl Ravt, 2. Chandra Guru, Budha KuJa Shukra Chandra, Shanf 8. KuJa Scma (Neutral)

Shukra Guru'

4. Budha Guru, T
KuJa '

Shukra' Chandra. Shant

6. Shukra Guru, KuJa



KuJa Budha' Chandra' Shant

?. Shant KuJa

50 In the next lesson we shall proceed with the method of casting a horoscope. The students are advised to very diligently rnake a revision of lessons one to six because the contents of these preliminary lessons will prove of great assistance later wlren we come to the sta$e of judging or reading a horoscope. Actually the students should always have the main and important natural chalacteristics of the rashis and planets on the tip of but when their tongue. It might look difficultprtmaJacie, of times they would find they read the lesson a number that it is not so.


(Original Text with Translation, Notes & Extraustive Commentary in lucid English)

by Dr G. S. Kapoor

51 Lcsron Vtr


Before we come to actual procss of casting a horoscope, it ls necessarSr to have general information in regard to the items and terms which will be used in this regard. (ll Longltude; As the students already know longitude is the arc drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole to mark the distanc or location ln degrees of a particular place from a central place. Thls central place ls Greenwlch. All cities or places are located either to the west or the east of Greenwich. Let us take Delhi for tnstance. The longitude of Delhi is 77"-13' east. This mearrs that Delhi ls 77"- 13' east of Greenwich. 121 Latltude: Thls ts the arc to mark dlstance or location ln degrees and minutes of a particular place north or south of Equator. For example, latitude of Delhl ls 28o-39' north. This means the latttude of Delhl is 28o-39' north of Equator. (31SlderealTtme: Thls is the time taken by the earth to make one full rotation. It is not exactly 24 hours, but goes on changing according to increase or decrease in the durations of days and nights. It is called vernal equlnox time and it is a measLrre of earth's rotation with respect to the equinox which has avery small retrograde motlon. At the Greenwich Observatory there is a special clock which indicates the sidereal time for each moment of the day or nlght. We have mentioned this for lnformatlon only. Thefe wilf be no dlltrculty tn this respect as we

52 have ready made tables of sideral time in the Table of Ascendants by Shri N. C. Lahiri which I have already advised the students to possess, as without it, it will not be possible to cast the horoscope. For the purpose of erecting a birth chart or horosc.ope followtng information is needed: lll Date oJ Blrth: According to Hindu system of astrologr a day is counted from sunrise of one day to the sunrlse of the other day. Suppose a birth takes place at I A.M. at the night between Frlday, the 23rd March 1973 and Saturday, the 24th March 1973. Accordtng to Hindu system it will be a birth on Friday and not on Saturday, but when the date of birth is noted it should be clearly stated that the time after mid-night is between Friday, the 23rd March and Saturday, the 24th March. If we only say Friday I AM, there may be confusion whether it was before sunrlse on Friday or after sunrise. (2lTtme oJBtrth: The time of birth whether it ls A.M. or P.M. should be ascertalned. There is some controversy as to what constitutes the exact time of birth. Some are of the opinion that the exact time ls when the head or limb of the child appears. Others say that the time of birth ls when the head comes out fully. There is yet another view which we endorse that the exact ttme of btrth ts the moment when the child is completely severed from umbilical chord of the mother and becomes an independent entit5l. In spite of these, principles tn practice, we find that the correct or the exact time of birth is seldom available. Sttll people ln India particularly those in urban areas who possessed clocks, time pieces or watches and who were lrrterested tn the preparatlon of correct blrth charts of thelr ctrildren did maintaln cprrect ttme of blrth to

53 some extent. Now-a-days ln rural areas also this ls done and ln urban areas the births are generally arranged in hospitals. Our experience, however, shows that even ln hospitals on marry an occasion the enact time of birth is not noted as the doctors arrd nurses are more lnterested in the safe delivery of the child ttran the recordtng of the time of birth. (3) Place oJ Blrth: The place of btrth ls very necssary to determine the Lagna at a particular place crorrectly. We should also, as far as possible, know the latitude and longttude of the place. The "Table of Ascendants'by Lahiri has given the Latitudes and Longttudes of the important cities of Indla and of many foretgn oountrles. If thns information ls not found in the book we may have to take the asslstance of a standard Atlas. Another point whlch ls very important to note that tn India the Indian Standard Time was advanc.ed by one hour from lst September, 1942 to 15th October 1945 for war purposes and was thus 6 hours and 3O mlnutes ahead of the Greenwich Mean Tlme (G.M.T.). Arry recorded tlme of thts period should, therefore, be rduced by one hour to obtaln I.S.T. for erecting the birth ctrart. For the purpose of the determination of the ascendant or Lagea we have to convert the Indtan Standard Time lnto Local Mean Tlme. There are two urays to flrd out the Local Mean Tlme-<ne from tahlng the longltudinal distance from the Greenwich whose longitude ls @ or from the Central Station of Indira the longttude of whtch has been put as 82o-3O'East. In the Lahtrt's Table of Ascendants' the Longitudes as w'ell as the time whdctr ls added or deducted to convert the varlous places ls already glven, but still we may come across places whlch are not ln t}lts ltst. In ttrat,case we shall ffrst have to flrd out the Longttude of that place-from tlre Aflas and ttren

54 cpnvert it tnto hours, minutes seconds etc., and lind out the Loeal Mean Time witlt reference to the central station ln India that Longitude of which, as has been stated above, has been fixed as 82o-3O' E or 5 hours and 30 minutes in time. We will explain this by an example. The I.S.T. of a birth at Hathras is 9-15 A.M. the longitude of Hatlrras is 78'-9' E. We have to find the L.M.T. of birth. The formula for converting the Longitude into tlme ls 15" = I hour or 6O minutes. 1o = 4 minutes. If we divide 78"-6' by 15, the time will come to 5 hours 12 minutes and 24 seconds. Now we deduce it from the longitudinal time of the Central Station, vlz., 5 hours 3O rninutes. We get the difference between the I.S.T. and L.M.T. as 17 minutes 37 seconds. Thus the L.M.T. of the above birth at Hathras would be: Hr. Min. S. OO A.M. I.S.T. 915 37 17 Minus... 57



Having explained the method of finding out L.M.T., we will now work out the ascendant (Lagna) of a boy born at Delhi at 9-15 A.M. on the l5th March, 1973. We will do this with the help of Lahiri's'Table of Aseendants'. We will go stage by stage pointing out the pages from which the relevant information ls taken. As there may be very htghly educated or mature persons amongst the students going through these lessons eagerness may arlse tn their minds to know in detail why the various processes are being followed. We would advise such students to be patient because after they have learnt the prelimtnaries they would, by thelr further advanced studles, be able to satisfy their eagerness and curtosity. Here, we

55 may also mentlon that we do not propose to give in these lessons the method of casting a horoscope from Panchanga, as there are irutumerable panchangas all telling different tales. So please c\ome to the worktn$ out of the Lagna of the nativity given above' Boy born in Delhl at 9- I 5 A.M. I.S'T. on I Sth March I 973 Ttme of birth Minus Hr. Min. l5 9 2l Sec. OO A.M. I.S.T' 52 A.M. L.M.T.


(If you see pages lOO- 1O5 of the book you will fincl there is a list of lmportant cities of India, Ceylon and Pakistan, thetr latttudes, lon$itudes, the difference between I.S.T. and L.M.T., correction to Indla'n Sidereal Time and correction to Greenwich Sidereal Time in respect of all the places lncluded in the list. Delhi will be found on page lO2. Its latitude has been given as 28o-39', longitude as77"-13'E, L.M.T. bycorrection to I.S'T' as'2l minutes 8 seconds'and correction to Indian Sidereal fime as'+3 seconds'. We witl be usin$ all this information for our illustratlon).
L.M.T. Now from pe1ge2 we wlll take the Sldereal Ttme for l5th March tt ls...... From page lO2 correctton for Delhl From page 4 we wlll take correc' tlon for 1973 whlch ls Stdereal Tlme for 12 noon for l5-3-1973 Hr. Min. Sec. A.M. a-53-52

23 29 +3 23 29

37 40


56 As the birth is before 12 noon we will deduct the L.M.T. 8-53-52 from 12 hours. This will cpme to 3 hours 6 mlnutes and 8 seconds. A further correction is necessary to this time according to Table [V on page 5. For 3 hours the correction is +30 seconds and for 6 minutes and 8 seconds the correcflon is + I second. So we will add this 31 seconds to the L.M.T. By doing so the corrected tlme interval before noon will come to 3 hours 6 minutes and 39 seconds. This will have to be deducted from the Sidereal Tim e for L2 noon on I 5-3- 1973 w., 23 hours 30 minutes 55 seconds. Sid. Time for 12 noon Less corrected time lnterval before noon Sid. Time for the Epoch (Time of birth)

H. M. S. 23-30-55 3-6-39

On pages 9-79 of the book are given ascendants (lagnas) for the vanious Sidereal Tlmes of birth for places located on latitude OoN to 60e N. For locating our asedt; we have to see the pages on which the lagnas for latltude nearest to the Latttude for Delhl are given. We find this on page 48. As the sid. Tlme of birth in this case is 2O hours 24 minutes and 16 seconds we see under the column of '2O hours'. There we find that the ascendant (lagna) for 24 minutes is O-25-15. This means 25" 15'of 20 hours Mesha and the lagna for 2O hours 28 minutes as O-26"26'. (The lagnas are given for every 4 minutes). The difference between the two is 1o-ll'. This is for four minutes. For one minute tt urill be about 18 minutes of longitude and for 16 seconds it will be near about 4'.


Lagna for 2O hrs. 24 mins. for 16 seconds For 20-24-16

H. M. S. o-25-15 4 o-25-19

After obtaintng this Lagna we have to make @trection in respect of Aganamsha for 1973 as per page6. For 1973 the correction ls-29' (i.e. 29 minutes). After deducttng this 29' from O-25- 19' arrived at above we get O24-50'as the final Lagna for the rratlve. Thls means that the Lagna is Mesha 24-50'. What we have explained in so much detait for the beneflt of students, has been explained very briefly on page (vi) of the book. Here lt may be mentioned that to be very eract we have calculated for 16 seconds of sidereal time. There would not have much difference if we had lgnored these 16 seconds. Thts lllustration is of a birth before 12 noon. For births after 12 noon we have to proceed tn a slightly dilferent manner. We flnd out the L.M.T. of birth and the sidereal tlme at 12 noon on the date of birth in the same manner as glvenabove, butinsteadof deductingL'M.T. for 12 hours we Just correct the as done in the above lllustratlon L.M.T. according to Table IV on page 5 and add it to the sidereal time for 12 noon and then work out the Lagna. Suppose the birth is on 15-3-f973 at 5-3O P.M. I.S.T. H. M. S. I 5 30 00I.s.T. Btrth Tlme 2l 08 5 08 52 L.M.T. + O OO 5O Corrected as per Table IV (49 seconds for 5 hours and I second for 8 mlnutes 52 seconds) =50942 Corrected Tlme lntenral

H. M. S.
Sidereal Time for 12 noon for l5-3-73 Plus corrected Ttme Interval after 12 noon Sldereal Time for the EPoch As hours are more than 24 we wlll deduct 24 hrs. S.T. for the Epoch For 4 hours 4O minutes lagna ls For 4 hours 44 minutes lagna is Dlfference for 4 minutes 53' Difference for I mlnute 13' Dlfference for 37 seconds 9' Thus for sld. ttne 4 hrs. 40 mlnutes Ior 37 seconds

23 30 55 50942 28 40 37 24 00 00

R. D. M. 41925 42018

41925 o0009

.'. For Sld. tlme 4 hrs' 40 mln. 37 seconds 4 19 34 0 0O 29 Less Ayanamsha correctlon for 1973

41905 Thus the Lagna for the birth at 5-3O P.M. I'S.T. will be Simha 19"-05'. Lest the students may get confused we make the following two Polnts clear to them: ( l) The tlme of birth I.S.T. or L.M.T. and the Sidereal Tlme ls expressed ln terms of hours, minutes and seconds. The Long;ttude of the Lagra, other houses (bhaua's) and planets is expressed in terms of Rashi (sigp)' degees stg;nified by the symbol (o), minutes si$nified by the symUot (') and seconds signtfled by the symbols (")' The

59 students should not mix up tlre minutes and seconds of time with tlrc rninutes and seconds of longitude. (2) In expresslng the longitude tlre Lagna, other bhavas and planets we use'O' for Mesha, 'l' for Vrishabha and '2' for Mithuna and so on. Thus if we have to say ttnt the Lagna ls Mesha 13"-21'we will write it as O13o-21'. This means that the previous Rasi Meena is over and Lagna ls 13o-21'past Mesha or Mesha 13o-21'. If the Lagna is Meena (whlch ls the l2th sign) 12"-15' we will not write it as 12- 12"- 15'. This means that l lth sign viz., Kumbha ls over and the Lagna has gained l2o-15'in the next stgn Meena. In the 2nd example of working out Lagna aborve we have written the Lagna 4-19"-O5' and called it Slmha l9o-O5'. This means that the 4th sign Kataka ls orrer and the next sign Simha has gained 19oO5'. We would like to advise the students to read in thls ontext carefully pages, V, VI and MI and also the explanatory notes etc., with the Tables on pages 5-7 of the book Table of Asc.endants' very carefully. We hope that the detailed instructions wtrlch we have given read along with those notes will make the process of worklng out the Asaendant or Lagna for any plaae whatsoever will be qutte clear to them.

Lclson VIU


After working out the Lagna we have to work out the cusps of the other eleven houses. Here we may explaln that cusp means the middle point of a house or bhaua according to the Hindu System of Astrologr. We should never (as ls done acrcordtng to the western system) treat cusps as the commencment of a bhaua. The longitude of the Lagna as worked out in the previous lesson is the middle point of Lagna whlch is the first bhcua in the btrth chart. In order to work out the cusps of the other houses, we may flrst work out the cusp of the X House (which you will flnd in many books being termed as M.C.) In accordance with the method given in the Table of Ascendants'. For the working out of the cusp of the Tenth House the sidereal Tlme of the Epoch (rriz. the time of btrth) would be the same as has been worked out for Lagna. Then the cusp of X house wlll be calculated in aocordance with the Table on page 8 of the 'Table of the Ascendants'. Let us calculate the X House of the naflve who was born at 9-15 A.M. on 15-3-73 at Delhi (ttre flrst orample in the previous lesson). H. M. S. Sidereal Time for the Epoch 20 24 16 Now from the Table of the Tenth House on page 8 we flnd under tlre column for 2O hours that the longitude for

6l 2O hours 24 mrnutes of Sidereal Tlme is 9-l0o-41'and that for 20 hours 28 minutes it ls 9- 1 lo-39'. Thus there is a difference of 58' in 4 minutes of time. For 20 hours ze linutes 16 sec'onds X house

R. D. 9lo4l



For 20 hours 24 minutes 16 seconds Less Ayanamsha crorrectlon



45 29

Thus the cusp of the X House will be l@-16' of Makara After knowing the Longitude of the LaSa tf we add 6 rashls to it we get the Cusp of the seventh house whlch isJust opposite to it in the birth chart. Similarly if we add 6 rashis to the cusp of the X House we get ttre cusp of the lV house which ls opposite to the X House. Then the dillerence between the ascerrdant and X House (M.C.) i3 divtded into three equal parts and by adding t}Js thlrd pa.rt to the X House we get the I lth House and agafn addlng the third part to the I lth House we get the l2th House. By adding 6 rasls to I lth and 12th houses we get tlre cusps of the Sth and 6th houses. Similarly by addtng to the Ascendant or lagna successively the l/3rd of the dtfference between the 4th house and the ascendant, the longltudes of the 2nd and 3rd houses are obtalned. Addtng 6 rashis to tJre lon$tudes of the 2nd and 3rd we arrive at the longitudes of the 8th and 9th houses that are opposite to them. By the above method we are on$ able to obtaln the

62 longitudes of all the twelve houses; but that is not all. We have also to work out the stretch of each house. Thds we can do when we are able to find out the longitude of the ending point of a particular house and the commencement of the next house. This point of demarcation is called 'Sandhi' in Hindi. Therefore, thg simpler methocl which will give us not only the cusps of the remaining house except I, IV, VII and X, which we already know after working out the Cusps of Lagna (I) and X t{ouse, would be to divide the difference between I and X Houses by 6 and aclding successively the 6th part to the longitudes from X onwards, we will not only get the longitudes of XI and XII Houses, but also the Sandhis between X and XI, XI and XII and XII and I. In the same manner after finding out the difference between IV and I house, dividing it by 6 and by adding successively the 6th part to the longitudes of I House, we will get the longitudes of II and III Houses as well as the sandhis between I & II. II & III. and III & IV. Then by aclding 6 rashis of the available longitudes we will get the longitudes of the remaining houses and Sandhls between thern. The significance of finding out the sancthis will'be appreciated when we proceed further in our lessons. We will now work out for the sake of illustration the longitudes and sandhis in the case of btrth at Delhi at 9- 15 A.M. on 15-3-73 (the first example) ln the previous lesson. (The following abbreviations will be used extenslvely and should, therefore, be remembered. R-Rasl, ('), $-Seconds ('), LongD-Degree ("), M-Minutes l,ongltude, Lat.-Latitude, S-Sandhi or the demarcatlon point between the previous house and next house). Longitudes of various houses etc., or Bhoua Spast tn respect of tlre example under illustratftrn:

R. D. M. S.
Long. of I House (Lagna) min. minus Long of X House (Iagna) mtn.

o 245000 I 3 lo1600 143400

Thi;s dturded by 6 Long. of IV House

o t72540
3 lo l-6 0O (obtained
by adding 6 rasis to longitude ofX house)

Mlnus long. of I House

O 24 SO


Thls dMded by 6 Long. ofX House Add SandhlbetweenX&Xl

t5 2600 123420 lo1600 t72540 274t40 t72540

o + = I o 9 o

lo 15 07 20 R. D. M. s. lo l5 07 20 o 1 7 2 5 40 ll o ll 0 2 3 3 oo t 7 2 5 40 195840

XI= + Sandht between XI & XU = + Iong. of XII House =


o t72540
Sandht between XII & I +

o o

072420 172540

o 245000 o t23420

I o

072420 t23420


o t23420
2 02 3300 o t23420 2 o 150720 t23420

S. between II & m

+ S. between III & W +

2274140 o t23420 3 lo1600


Now havlng obtained the longitudes of the cusps of the varlous houses (bhavas) and of the Sandhls between them, it would be convenient and useful to tabulate them as under: Bheve Sgnlt Tbble I Sandhi il I l9 58 40 Sandhi

l5 7 20



24 50

I 7 24 20

2 2 33

2 27 4T 40



Sandhl 3 27 4l 40

4 l5 7 20

Sand ht

VI 5 19 58 40 IX
8 l5 7 20 XII l1 l9 58 40

Sandhl 6 7 24 20

3 10 l6

5 2 33

ir s
R D M S 6 24 50

7 t9 58 40 XI
10 l5 07 20

7 7 24 20

8 2 33

I 27 4l 40


I lo :

9 27 4l 40

ll 2 33

7 24 20

It wiU be seen from the worklngs that we had obtained longitudes of XI and XII and of Sandhls between X and XI, XI and XII and XII and I, longitudes of lI and III cusps and of Sandhis between I and II, II and III and III and IV. The longitudes of MI, VIII and IX cusps of Sandhis between WI and VIII, VIII and IX and IX and X have been obtained by adding 6 rashis to the longttude of I, Sandhl between I and II, to II, to Sandhi between II and III, to III and to Sandhi between III and IV. In the sune nuuuler longitudes of [V, V and VI eusps and Sandhis between IV and V, V and VI and Vl anC MI have been obtalned by adding rashis to the longitudes of X, )O and )OI cusps and the concerned Sandhis.

66 From thds tabu}ar statement we clear$ gpt the stretch of each house or bhava. For example, we see that the stretch of ffrst bhava or Lagna ls from O-7o-.24'-2O"to l-7"-24'-2O that ls, from Mesha 7"-24'-2O'to Vrishabha 7o-24'-2O'. Again we see that the stretch of the seventh bhava ls from 6-7"-24'-20', ttrat ls, from Tule-To-24'-2O' to Vrishchik a7"-24'-2O". In the same manner we should understand the stretch of each bhava. The uillity of this information wiU be potnted out later.


Lecson f,tr


In this lesson we wtll deal with the fixarg of the posltion of the nine planets in the varlous rashls and the various houses of the example nativit5l. Only when this has been done, the birth chart could be completed. For this purpose we will need the book Annual Ephemeris' for 1973 by N.C. Lahiri a mention of which has been made at the c\ommencment of these lessons. A glance through this book would show that it contains daily Longitudes of all the planets at 5-3O A.M. I.S.T. for eaeh month from Januar5r to December lg7g. Now in our example nativit5r we have to calculate the longitudes for the time of birth viz., 9-lS A.M. I.S.T. on l5-3-73. Before we describe the process for sueh calculations, the students may please note that for calculation in the longftudes of the planets it is not necessary to cpnvert the I.S.T. to L.M.T. as vrrasdone to calculate the Lagna. The process for calculating the lon$tude for a partlcular date and particular time is as follows: (l) We take out the page on which the longitudes of the month in question is given. Here the month is March f 973. so take out page. (2) Then we should work out the motion of each planet irr24 hours. This is done by finding out the difierence in the longitude of the particular date and the next date. In the present case the

68 date is 15-3-73. So we have to flnd out the difference between the longitudes of each planet as on 16-3-73 and 15-3-73. (3) We will note the difference between the actual time for which the longitude is to be found out and the time for whieh the longitude is given in the Ephemeris. In our example the time for which longitudes are required is 9- l5 A.M. I.S.T. and the time for which longitudes are given in the Ephemeris ls 5-3O A.M. So the difference in the two times is 3 hours 45 minutes. (4) Then instead of using the usual rule of three we will take the assistance of 'Proportional Logarithms' given on pages 80-81 of the boox and work out the longitudes of all planets ror 9-15 A.M. I.S.T" The above instructions will become quite clear by the workings given below: For 16-3-73 For 15-3-73 Dlfferencei.e. motion in 24 hours 59'-45" 13-44' 43' S8'(Retrograde motion) I I' l"-14' 3' 6'

Ravi ll I Chandra 3 24 KuJa I 28 Budha LO 27

46 46 49 34

55 53 OO O0

ll O 3 II I 28 lO 28

47 02 06 32

lO 50 OO OO

Guru 9 lO 39 O0 Shukra lO 25 29 O0 Shani ! 2l OO OO Rahu a 20 42 OO

91o2800 to 24 l5 00 t205700 8204800

69 Calculatlng Longltudes of Planets wlth the asslstance Logarlthms of Proportlonal 'Indian Ephemeris' for 8O-81 of the book On pages 1973 we firid logs (abbreviatlon for Logarithms) for both degrees and minutes.of Longitude and for hours and miirutes of time' In tlre vertical column are Logs for O"23oor O-23 hours and in horizontal columns are Logs for O to 59 minutes. The manner in which these logs should be used is also given on page 81 . Now we will, for the sake of illustration, work out the longitudes of all the planets' Raui; The longitude for 5-3O A'M' for 15-3-73 is I lOO-47-lO. The motion for 24 hours is 59'-45" which we should take as 1o.The difference between time 5-3O A'M' for which longitudes are given in ttre ephemeris viz' !-SO A.M. and the time for which longitude is tobe worked out vu.9-15 A.M. is 3 hours 45 minutes' Log. for l' + l,og. for 3 hrs 45 min. = 1.3802 .8062 2.1864 Now tlle nearest log. for 2.1A64 B 2'241 which lndicates that the motion-for Sun upto 9-15 A'M' should be taken as 9'. (It will be seen that the Log' 2'20'41stands for 9'). If we add this 9'to the longitude for 5-3O A'M'' we get the longitude of Ravi for 9-15 A.M. Thus the required longitude will be f t-00-56-lO. This method has now to be adopted for calculating the longitudes of the remairring planets' Chandra: Log' for motion of 13"-44' = .2424 = .9062 + Log. for 3 hours 45 minutes l.O486
= 2o-9'

70 (Please note that we have to take the log. nearest -longitude to this flgure) Adding 2o-9' to E-gO A.M. 3- I I -O2-5O we get 3- t g- I I -bO whtch will be the iong_ tude for 9-f 5 A.M. Kuja : Log. for motion of 43' + Log. for 3 hours 45 minutes

= =

1.5249 .8062

2 .33r I
This means log. being 2.931I the motion from b_3O A.M. to 9-15 A.M. will be Z'. This added to longitudes for 5-3O A.M. viz. 8-28-06 will give tlre longitude for 9_lS 4.M.8-28-13. Budha: Log. for motion of Eg' + l,og. for 3 hours 45 minutes = = 1.3946 .8062

The nearest log. being 2.2041the motion from S-BO A.M. to 9-15 A.M. will be 9'. In the case of Budha we flnd that unlike the previous three planets he is in retrograde motion l.e. he is moving backwards. This is clear i.rt"r, we see that the longitude for 16-3-73 is less than for lS3-73. Therefore in this case we will deduct 9' from the longitude for 5-3O A.M. By doing so ilre longitude for Budtra for 9-I5 A.M. will be lO-2-8-32-9, = lO-28_3g. Guru : Iog. for motion of I I' + tog. for 3 hours 45 minutes

= =

2.ll70 .8062 2.9232

The nearest log. being 2.gSZg the motion from 5-3O A.M. to 9-f 5 A.M. will be 2'. Thus the longitude for g-lS A.M. wilt be 9-lO-28 + 2, = 9-IO-BO.

7L for motion of lo-14' = Shulcrc : I.r;rg. = + Log. for 3 hours 45 minutes 1.2891 .8062 2.0953 The nearest log. being 2.ll70, the motion for 5-3O A.M. to 9-f 5 A.M. will be I l'. The longitude for 9-15 A.Mwill be lO-24- 15 + I L' -- 10-24-26. Shant : In this case as the motion fot 24 hours is only 3 minutes, there will hardly be any si$nificant motion tn 3 trs. 45 minutes. Thus the longitude for 9-15 A.M. would be the same as for 5-3O A.M. vlz. l'2O'57. = 2.3802 Rahu : Log. for motlon for 6' = .8O62 hours 45 minute + Log. for 3 3.1864 The nearest log. being 3.1584 we get I' as the motlon from 5-3O A.M. to 9-15 A.M. As Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion we deduet I' from the longitude for 5-3O A.M. and thus get the longitude for 9- 15 A.M., as 8-20-47. Ketu: As Ketu always remains six rashis away from Rahu the longttudes of ketu would be 2-20'47. Thus the longitudes for the Lagna and the various planets for 9-15 A.M. on 15-3-73 are as follows: S. R. D. M. O 24 50 OO l.e. Mesha 24.'5O'-OO" Lagna lO" I I OO 56 OO l.e. Meena OOp'56'' Ravi Ol OO OO or ll 3 13 I I 50 t.e. Kataka 13o-Il'-5O" Chandra l3 12 OO or3 28 l3 OO t.e. Dhanu 28o-13'-OO" I KuJa Budha (R) lO 2e 23 OO l.e. Kumbha2A'23.'OO'

Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Ketu 9 lO I 8 2 lO gO 24 26 20 Sz ZO 4Z 20 4T
O0 0O 0O 0O l.e. Makara lOo-gO'-OO" i.e. Kumbha 24o-26,-0O, l.e. Vrtshabha2O"-ST,-OO' l.e. Dhanu 2V-47,-OO,

OO t.e. Mithuna ZV-42'-OO,

(The above table is called Grahc_ Spast Tabte _t.e. the Table *! gives the longitudes of planets known as Grahcs in Hindi). And we hive the birth chart readv.
Ravl Budha Shukra Lagna


Chandra r4

Guru to

KtrJa Rahu

North IndlanJorm

South Ind.ianJorm South IndianJorm

In the birth chart (also cailed rashi chart or horoscope or Janma Kundati) the figure (The house eontain_ ing the ligure'l') is Lagna. We-have explained earlier in the North India form of birth charts the Lagna ls always shorvn at the place-we havd put the figure .1, which means the Lagna is Mesha the first sign or rashi of the Zodiae. Then we move anti_clockwise and in ilre second house we have Vrishabha rashi in which Shani has been ro his longtucte. The other ptanets have 1111d."".:rgitrq Deen similarty placed in the houses containing the vari_ ous rashis. In the f<rrm used in South India, askptAnea earlier tJ.e places of the rashis are always the same and

73 all we have to do is to place the Lagna and other planets in the chart according to their longitudes. This is what we have done in chart No. 2. At the risk and trouble of repeating we may remind the students that in South India form the rashis are placed suceessively in clock_ wise order. So when Lagna ls Mesha, the second house right to it has Vrishabha rashi and so on. Bhava Chakra The Rashi chart which we have prepared above shows the signs or rashis in which the various plianets are posited in the birth chart. The Bhava chakra-is that chart which bhavas the planets actually occupy accord_ ing to the stretch of each bhava. As the planets exert their influenee not only on the strength of their rashi but also by their position in a particular bhava, the erection of a bhava chart is very important for theJudgement of horoscope. In the bhava chart we give no place to rashis but only indicate the bhavas and position of pl,anets in vari_ ous bhavas. A planet is placed in a bhava, whatever be his rashi in the stretch of a bhava, has already been explained in Lesson VIII. For the sake of illustration let us prepare the bhava chart for the example horoscope. The bhaua chart is also called bhaua chalit chakra or bhaua chakra, Bhava Chakra

Chandra IV

Kuir Gtrru

74 The roman flgures I, II etc. tndicate the numbers of bhavas. Note lI- In the South Indian form the house ln which L'agrta falls, will always be treated as bhava I. It will be seen that as a result of the preparation of the Bhava chakra Ravi who was in XII house in ttre Rasi chart has come to XI bhava, and Kuja who was in the 9th house has come to X bhava. The remaining planets remain in the same position. Now for the changes in the position of Ravi please see tl".e Bhava Spast Table in lesson VIII. The stretch of XI Bhava is from 9-27"-41''40' to I l-2"-33'-OO". Ravl whose longitude is I l-00"-56'-lO" falls within this stretch. Ravi has, therefore, been placed in the )(I bhava. The stretch of the X bhava is from 8'27"4l'-4O' to 9-27"-41'-4O" and KuJa whose longltude ts 828"- l3' falls within this stretch. KuJa has, therefore, been placed ln the X bhava in the Bhava Chakra. If the students will check and verlfy, they will find that the other planets have been placed ln the other bhavas by adopting the same principle. In Lesson III we have given the lordships of the various rashis. To repeat Ravl is lord of Simha, Chandra of l(ataka, Kuja of Mesha and Vrishchika, Budha of Mithuna and Kanya, Guru of Dhanu and Meena, Shukra of Vrishabha and Tula, Shani of Makara and Kumbha, Rahu and ketu do not own any rastri. We find that KuJa lord of Lagna (or lst house) and 8th house is placed in the example Rashi Chart prepard by us is posited in the 9th house; but in the Bhava Chakra he is placed in the X house. Shukra lord of 2nd and 7th houses is placed in the XI house both in the Rashi as well as Bhava Charts. Buddha lord of 3rd and 6th houses is pLaced tn the XI in both the rashl and Note I-

75 bhava charts. chandra tord of the 4th house is placed tn ' 4th house both ln Rashi a'd Bhava Charts. Ra-vi lord of the sth house rs phced tn the l2th house tn Rastrl chart; but tur the I lth house in the Bhava Chart. Guru lord of 9th and l2th houses is placed in the l0th both tn tlre Rasht and Bhava Charts. Shanl lord of loth and llth houses is placed in tlre 2nd in both Rasht and Bhava Charts. Rahu and Ketu remain irr the same houses in both Rashi and Bhava Charts. We harrc mentioned all this here on$ to bring home to the students that tt is the position of a planet ln the Bhava chart that counts for the Judgement of a horoscope. or Bhavr Madhya Chsrt We have already explained that the eusp means the middle point of a Bhava. tn tl-e Bhava Table in Lesson VIII we have given the Cusp or Bhava spast (whlch is also Bhava Madhya) of each house. When we prepare the cuspal chart it will clearly show in which rashls fall the cusps of the various houses. The cuspal chart of tlre example horoscope will be as on the next page. Cuspd

Cuspal Ch.rt
XII l9 58' Lagna I 24" 50'

19 58'



l0 16'

lo 16'



l9 58'

vII 24o50'

VI l959'

(lhe romanflgure shousthe house or bhaua cuspsJ.

76 It is a cpincldence, in thls case all the cusps have but quite fallen in the sanne rashi as in the Rashi Charts' in one often it so happens that more than one ctrsp falls the rashl rashi. The rJsult of this is that the lord of the cusps in that rashi' It will be becomes lord of both horobetter if tllustrate this by an example of another scope. Rashf Chart
I agna I Guru Chandra

Cuspal Chsrt

Fbvi a Kuia 6


born at Thls is the birth chart of a native who has see the world of Agra at 1.15 P'M' I.S.T. on 1' lO'25' Just houses has di-fference the position of cusps of the various Chart the third made in this horoscope. In-the Rashi chart house falls in Kumbha rashi while in the Cuspal lord of III House the III cusp falls in Meena rashl' So the Chart the IV is Guru and not Shani. Again, in the Rashi chart the_ House falls ln Meena Rasli but in the cuspal lord of rV falls tn Mesha, thus making KuJa the W the ".r"p V and VI cusps have fallen in Vrishabha in it V and M " of the "r"p. CtJp"f chart making Shttkt" tle l9.rd in the Rashl Chart the lord of 5th wtrite it would So the lord-of "pp""i ls KuJa. The IX -usp has fallen in Kanya' amd not Ravl as would appear from the Budha x u.i--" Shukra the iastri Chart. The X cusp falls in Tula' making

77 lord of X and not Budha as shown in the Rashi Chart. The XI and )OI cusps fall in Vrlshchika making Kuja the lord of these two houses and not Shukra (of XI) and KuJa (of XII only) as would appear in the Rashi Chart. We have dealt this matter at some length in view of great importance of the Cuspal chart in horoscopy. It is from the Rashi Chart that we should see the position of planets in various rashis, their aspects, conjunctions' yogas (this will be dealt with later). From the bhava chart we should see the position of planets in various bhavas; and frorn the Cuspal Chart we have to see which planr:t is lord of a particular cusp (bhava or house). If two cusps fall in a particular rashi, the owner of l-hat rashi becomcs lord of both the cusps (bhavas)' This has alrcacly been adequately explained in the cxanrple givcn abovc. We would advise thc st.udents not to gct conftrscclby trylng to assess the valtte of these charts bttt just to try to follow them ancl ttnderstand them as per instruction given in this lcsson and the previous lessons. It will not be difficult lor them to understand their significance more clearly as they advance in their study of the subject.

78 Iesson X

According to Hindu system of astrologl ln order to estimate the strength of planets and also to assess their auspiciousness or otherwise, six, seven, eight, ten or sixteen minute divisions of the lagna and planets are worked out. However, generally six or seven divisions known as shadvargas or saptavargas are in vogue. The sharlvargas are Rashi (Janma kundali), Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa, with Saptamamsa adclcd, we have Saptavargas. We do not propose to go into detail about these Vargas because for the bcgirmcrs it will be sufficient if they have the Rashi (along with Bhava Chart as explained earlier) and the Navarnsa charts. Experience has shoum that very accurate predietions are possible with these charts only. Navamsa means ninth part of a sign. So eaeh navamsa is of 3"-2O'. For ready use I give the table of navamsa on the next page with the help of which the Navamsa Chart ean be prepared in a few minutes. Now with the help of this chart let us preprre Navamsa chakra or chart fior the example horoscope. We have got the longitudes of the lagna and the various planets. We have to give their navalnsas in the Navamsa chart. Lagna is Mesha 24-SO,.In the Navamsa table given above, we find that Mesha 24-SO,falls in Vrishchika Navamsa (see column2 of the Table). So the Navamsa lagna falls in Vrishchika rashi. Ravi is Meena 0o-56'. If we see column 13, we find this that it would fall ln the Navamsa of Kataka. So we put Ravi in Kataka in the Navamsa ctrart. Chandra is Kataka l g"- I l'-SO". If we

E(! X

|o o



o) o



ld -l u, lc)






lo ld to



ro (o


fi Ra

* gJ 5



(o r,. o) o


tx lo


co (o

dG *r!

a X




c-l a







(o t'.

o o|









gE 8;




8q =(U




rO (o


F c.l

85 &

-o o ct tf o sti o b (o (o (o N b


0 (o o (o 6l

o 2

80 see column 5, we flnd that this falls in Navamsa of Tula rashi. So we put Clrandra in Tula in this Navamsa chart. By following thts method we will get Kuja in Dhanu' Budha in Mithuna, Guru in Mesha, Shukra in Vrishabha. Shani in Kataka, Rahu in Tula and Ketu in Mesha Navamsa. The Navamsa chart so prepared will be as under:

Guru Ketu



L"agna 8 Navarnsa Shulca 2

Ravt Shanl



)handra Rahu

There is another way of describing the position of pianets in the Navamsa Chart. The lagna of the Navamsa Chart is Vrishchika. So we will say that the lagna in the Rashi Chart is in the Navamsa of Kuja lorcl of Vrishchika Rashi. In the sarne way, we say that Kuja is in the Navamsa of Guru, Guru and Ketu are in the Navamsa of Kuja, Shukra in his own Navamsa (Shukra is lord of Vrishabha rashi), Budha in his own Navamsa (he is lord of Mithuna Rashi), Ravi and Shani are in the Navamsa of Chandra, Chandra and Rahu are in the Navamsa of Shukra.

8l Lesgon ttr


In a horoscope houses l, 4, 7 and lO are called Kendras (9uadrants, angle); 5 and 9 trikonas (trine); 2, 5, 8 and ll Panapharas (cadent) and 3, 6, 9, 12 as apokllmas (succeedent). As Sth and 9th are trines, they should not be treated as panaphara and apoklima respectively. Houses 3, 6, lO and l1 are upachayas which means houses of growth. The lagna (lst house) is treated as kendra as well as a trikona. Planets when posited in kendras are strongest--next in order are those posited in trikonas, panapharas, alrcklimas. It is believed that all planets do good when they are in upachaya houses. There is another school of thougtrt that natural benefics are not so good (rather harmftrl in these houses) while natural malefics give good results when posited there. We do not agree with the latter view and shall dlscuss this matter in greater detail at a Later stage. House 3, 6, 8, 12 are bad houses (dusthanas). Any planet posited in these houses destroys the slgnification of the house which he owns. Lords of these houses do harm to the sigyrtfication of the houses where they are posited. However, lords of dusthanas lf posited in dusthanas give good results. The principle behind this is that lord of a dusthana does good when he is rendered weak. A planet becomes weak when he is placed tn dustharra. a{piltcatton of thc Houccs F'lrst House (Lagna)-Physical stature, compledon, form and shape, cpnstitutlon, health, vitallty and vigour,

natural dlspositions and tendencies, personaUt5l and struggle for life, honour, dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues, longevit5r, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life. Second House-Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one's power and resources, world$ attainments and possessions of extrinsic value, jewellery, precious stones, bonds, securities and shares, speech, vlsion or power, right eye, memory, imagination, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, chin, family members. Thi's is also house of death or maraka sthana. incltnation, abtlity, lrrtellect, Thlrd House-Mental lnclinatiorr to study, courage, flrmness, valour, prowess, heroism, younger brothers or sisters, couslns, neighbours, short travels, communications such as rail, wireless, po.sts and telegraphs, correslrcndence, writings, change of resldence, sigping contracts or agreements, rumours carrytng tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collar bone, arms and nervous system. Fourth House-Mother, one's home (nattve plaee), residence, domestic environments, EFave, prfuate afiatrs, secret Me, vehlcles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines, buildings (houses), ancestral propert5r, hidden treasure, aeademic education, wells, water, milk, ponds, rivers, lakes. Flfth House-Progeny (chlldren), lnclination, pleasamuseure, artistic talents, recreation, entertainment, ment, sports, romanc, comtrretitive activities llke cards, crosswords, lottery, gamb[ng or betting, love alliairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra, tantra, relig[ous mfuededness, high learning and wisdom, enormous rlches, splritud practice. Slxth House-icknegs, disease, nursing, f@d,

83 Service, employees, subordinates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, lntense anguish. Seuenth House-Hciuse of unlon or earthly ties, legal, partner in life (wife), partner in business, oonJugal life, litigation, lnlluence in foreign countries and reputation achleved there, danger oflife, maraka sthana (house of death). Etghth House-Longevity or span of life, also called house,of death (because end of life-or rongevity is death), lnheritance, legacies, wills, insuranc, pension and gra_ tuit5r, accidents, death by drowning, fire or suicjde, mlsery, mlsfcrtune, sorrow, strife, worrles, disgrace, delay, deJection, disappointment and defeat, OsJ ana obstruction, theft, robbery. Mnth House-Fatth, wisdom and divine worship, f"I,-"t: (bhagral, philosophy, religious and philosoprucal beliefs, meditation, lntuition aiO forettrought, pt"..s of worship, sacrifices and charit5r, father,"pre".pto, (Guru), teaching, dharma, dreams and visions, nication with spirits, long journeys, sea voyage, "o**.r-air travel, higher education, ficreign travels, knees-. .Tenth House-Honour, dignit-v, public esteem, narr-re and fame, power and prestige, credit tfor gooa work) and conduct, success ancl stltus, rank and renown' respect and reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, premanency (in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's parents, religious functions, Govern_ 1ent, high position such as president, prime Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honour from Covern_ ment, thighs. Eleuenth House-Friends, society, communit5r, fa_

84 vourites, ambttions, wishes, desires and their fulfilment' gains of wealth, suceess in undertakings, incoming profits, prosperlt5l, elder brother, recovery from i""fth, illness, dawn of fortune, ankles' TwelJth House-Loss and impediments' restraint waste and extravaganc'e' expenses' and limitation, drudgery and deception, investments, donations' charities, leparation from family, going to far away places' sorrow lnd sin, misery and misfiortune, povert5l' imprisonment, secret enemies' confinement in hospital' assassination, fraud, scandal, disgrace and secret sorrows' Successthroughoc-cultaffairs,thefeet,thelefteye'the left ear, comfoits of bed, debts, life in a forei$n place' The first house in Hindi is called Tanu (body)' the second as Dhana or Kutumba (wealth or family), the third as Sahaj or Parakro:m (brothers, c'ourage)' the (children)' fourth as Sukha (happiness) the fifth as Suta Jaga (wife)' the sixth as Ripu (enemies), the seventh as the eighth as Ayu or Mrttgu (longevity or death)' the ninth as Dharma, the tenth as Ko,rmo, the elevcnth as Lc.bha (gains) and the twelfth asVgctga (loss or expenditure). The 8th and 3rd are also callerl houses of longevity and2ndandTthashousesofdeathrrrmarakastharras. According to'Bhavat Bhavam' theory 3rd is eighth front the 8th house.

85 Lcsson XII


Planets on account of their continuous movement get into certain states of existence called avasthas. Each avastha produces its own result and this has to be taken into account at the time of the Judgement of the horoscope. The various avasthas are as follow: Deepta (bright) or Exaltatton-A planet in hds exaltation sign is deepta. The result of this is gain from conveyances, respect from elders, fame, wealth and good progeny. 2. Suasthrr (healthy) or own house-A planet gets this avastha when he is in his own sign or rashi. In a horoscope if Shukra is in Vrishabha or Tula rastri, we will say that he is swastha. Result-Fame, wealth, good position, etc. 3. Mudita (happy)-A planet is happy when he is in a friend's sign. Friend's sign or rashi means the rashi owned by a natural friend. For example, if in a horoscope Guru is in Simha rashi which is owned by Ravi, as Ravi is a natural friend of Guru, it is said that Guru is in a friendly sign. If Guru were in Tula or Vrishabha which is owned by Shukra, we would say that Curu is in an enemy sign as Shukra is a natural enemy of Guru. Shanta-When a planet is in favourable sub-division (by sub-division means that he is favourably posited in various vargas mentioned in Lesson X) he is said to be Shanta. A planet in this avastha is said togive favourable results.

86 planet ls powerful when he ls Shakta (powerfulFA retrograde. is tn tJlis avastha when he Peedga (unhappyFHe is in the last quarter of a sigp. It is said that a planet between zero to six degrees and 25" to 3Oo does not give his full results. We may mention tn this conneetlon that this has not been fiound c.orrect in practice and we would advise our students not to consider a plianet week unless he ls in lo and less or 29" and more. Of course, it is indisputable that if a planet is in l2o to 18" in a rashi he is most powerful. Deena (helplessF-A planet ts ln this avastha when he is in enemy's sign. We have already explained above what is enemy's sign. Vikala (in trouble or distressFThis happns when a planet is combust. A planet is said to Qg combust when he is near Ravi. The folloMng degrees of nearness to the Ravi to the sign are said to cause combustion: Chandra Kuja Budha 12 17" 13"

Shukra Shani

I l"
90 l5o

Here again, we would say that in actual practice eombustlon as described above has not been found to cause adverse results as described in the classical texts. The adverse results described as disease, becoming orphan, losing wife and children and disgrace. We have seen a number of horoscopes where planets said to be combust have given good results during thbir mahadasha. But then the principle as latd down by our ancients has to be remembered and judged in actual practice. We may also mention tn this connecilon that it

is also believed when Budha is{n rapt conjunction with Ravi, that is, he is in the sarne degree as Ravi he $ves excellent results. We would advise the students to take the nearness of 3o to Ravl as real combustion. In giving this advlce we are going against the accepted principles of Hindu Astrologl, but then actual experience ls more trustworthy ttran what we read in the books. The students would do well when they get advanced in their studies to test what we trave said and from their own Judgements in this resPect. Khala (badFA planet is tn this avastha when he is in his debilitation rashl or neecha rashi.If Ravi is in Tula rashl or Chandra in Vrishchika rashi they would be in Kllrl;la avastha. Such planets cause losses, troubles, quarrels wlth parents, imprisonment, etc. (in fearFThis happens when a planet Bheeta moves much faster than his normal motion. A planet in thls avastha also gives adverse results. Planetary Strengths Each planet is supposed to get a particular share of streng;th when he occupies a particular position. There are the following six kinds of strengths considered in Shadbalas: Hindu Astrologl<alled is the strength which a planet Sthanabala-This derfues by virtue of his occupying a particular house in a horoscope. A planet gets sthanabala when he is exalted, is in his own house, moolatrikona and friendly house or when he is in own sign in shadvargas. (For exaltation and moola trikona signs see Lesson V). 2. Dtgbala-ThLis is the directional strength. Guru and Budha have Digbala in the east (that is, when they are postted in lagna), Ravi and KuJa have Digbala in the eouth (fOth house), Shani ln the west (7th house),

88 Shukra and Chandra in the north (4th house). (Motional StrengthFRavi and 3. Chesta bala Chandra get this source of strength when they are in Makara. Kumbha, Meena, Mesha, Vrishabha and Mithuna rashi (which is Ravi's northernly cottrse i.e. Uttarayana). Kuja, Budha, Guru, Shukra and Shani get this source of strength when they are in retrograde motion or when they are in conjunction with Chandra (i.e. within 12" of Chandra). 4. Ko,labala-This means temporal strengfh. Chan' dra, Kuja, Shani are powerful at night (i.e. in chart of night births). Ravi, Guru and Shukra are powerful during the day. Buctha is powerful both durin$ the day and in the night. Malefics and bcnefics are powerful during the dark half and bright half of the lunar motrth rcspectively. Budha is powerful at sunrise, Ravi at noon, Shani in the evening, Kuja at first part of the night' Chandra at rnidnight ancl Shukra at the last part of the night' Guru is powerful always" Planets are said to be powerful in their week days, months and -years. About this source of strength we may point out to the students who are only beginners that they shottld keep the above principles in mind. 5. Drig bala-'Drig bala is retkoned as a result of aspect to rvhich each planet is subjected to by thc other. We have already discussed the aspects of planets in Lesson V. The aspcct of a malcfic or an enemy planet lessens the Drig bala of the aspccted planets while the Drig bala is increased if he receives the aspect of a benefic or a friendly planet. 6. Nalsargik bo;la-This means permanent or natural strength. Ravi, Chandra, Shukra, Guru, Budha, Kuja and Shani are strong in the above order. Ravi is most

89 powerful and Shani has the least natural strength or nolsargik bala. Our classical texts have laid dovm very detatled principles to work out the strength of the planets on the basis of the sources of strength described above. It is a very lengthy procss and very few astrologers take the trouble of going in that much detail. For our students lt will be sufficient to know the various sources of strength' Experience and practice will enable them without arithmetical calculations to Judge the strengths of planets ln a horoscope. There is a sayin$ that too much arithmetic spoils the preclictive ability of an astrologer. Believe it or not, this is very true.

90 Lesson XIII


There are several dasha systems for timing of the events but vimshottari dasha has been acclaimed as one giving more accurate results than other systems. We shall follow the vimshottari dasha system in our lessons. The total of different periods (maha dashas) of the planets has been put as 12O years which our ancients considered as the natural life period of a human being. The position of Chandra at birth is taken into account in the calculation of maha dasha. Every nakshatra covers 13"-20' of the zodiacal space. Each nakshatra has a planet assigned as its lord and dasa at birth is determined by the nakshatra occupied by Chandra at that moment. Table of Mahadashas (M{or
Nakshotras Krittika, Uttara phalgunt, Uttara shada Rohini. Hasta. Shravan Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanlshta Aridra, Swati, Shatabhisha Ptrnarvasu, Vishakha, Poorva bhadra Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttara bhadra Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati Magha, Moola, Ashwini Poorva phalgunl, Poorva shada, Bhartni

Inrds Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Shanl Budha Ketu Shukra Year 6 l0 7 18 16 19 17 7 20

9l The following method ls adopted for calculating the baliance of maha dasha at birth. In the example horoscope the longitude of the Moon is Kataka l3o-12'. Kataka is composed of one quarter or 3o-2O' of Punarvasu, four quarters (13'-20') of Pushyami and four quarters of Ashlesha. ' As the longitude of Chandra is l3o- 12' in Kataka, it has passed the 4th quarter of Punarvasu in this sign and ls in Pushyami Nakshatra. To flnd out how much it has moved in Pushyami we will deduct g"-2O'of Punarvasu from the Chandra's l3o-12'. Thus the balance comes to 9p-52'. The'extent of the whole of Pushyami nakshatra is l3o-2o'. The lord of this nakshatra is Shani whose total maJor period is 19 years. Therefore, 13"-20' being equal to 19 years, 9"-52' wlll be equal to I 4 years, O months and 22 days. This tndicates that 14 years and 22 days of Shani's mahadasha are alreadv over at birth and the balance that w6uld remain at Jredit at birth will be 19 years minus 14 years 22 days, that is, 4 years I I months and 8 days. All. thls detailed calculation will be avoided if we obtain the balance of dasha at birth from the tables glven on pages 68 and 69 of the 'Indian Ephemeris for 1973. The heading of the first table ls 'Balance of Vtmshottari Dasha by tongitude of Moon'. In column one the longitude of Moon ls glven and in the other four columns the slgn or rashi of the Moon. We flnd that we in our present are concemed with the last column under which balance of dasha is glven if Chandra ls ln l(ataka, Vrishchika or Meena- The longttude of Chandra ls I 3o-I 2' tn the orample btrth chart. In column ffve the balance of dasha is given for every 2O' of longitude. For l3o-OO'of Katalca the balarrce of Shani dasha (maha dasha) is 5 years 2 months and 2l days. For 12'we wlll have to flnd

92 'Proportional Parts for Dasha of Planout from the table ets' on page 69. Here for 1O' the balance of Shani dasha ls 2 months 26 days and for 2'it is l7 days. So for 12' it would be 3 months and 13 days. If we deduct this from the balarrce of dasha for l3' viz. 5 years, 2 months and 2l days we get 4 years I I months and 8 days. This will be the balance of Shani maha dasha at birth. We hope that the students will find the method easier. It is for them to adopt whlch of the above two methods suits them. Here we flnd ttrat the maha dasha at birth ls that of Shani. As this dasha system is based on Nakshatra' Budha lord of nakshatra next to Pushyami (in which the Moon is at birth in the example horoscope), that ls' Ashlesha, will be the next maha dasha lord. After Budha It will be Ketu, then Venus and so on. The order in which the maha dasha will follow has already been given in the Table of Maha dashas earlier in this lesson. After flnding out the Maha dasha at birth we have to flnd out the sub-periods of Antardashas. In the Maha dasha of each planet we have the sub-periods of all the nine planets in proportton to the periods of their Maha dasha. The first sub-period belongs to the Maha dasha lord himself and the sub-periods of the remalnlng eight planets will be in the order given in the table of Maha dashas. In the example case the first sub-period wtll be of Shani and the remaining sub-periods will be tn this Ketu, Shukra, Ravl, Chandra, KuJa, order-Budha, Rahu, Guru.

Raui's Maha dashrr 6 gears Y. M' D' Sub-periods Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Shani Buclha Ketu Shukra Chandra's Mahrr do'shrr 1O gears Y. M. D' Sub-periods Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru Shani Budha Ketu Shukra Ravi

o03 18 o 0600 o 0406 o lo24 o09 l8 o ll 12 o lo06 o 0406 I OOOO

6 0000

o o I I r I o I o

1000 0700 0600 0400 0700 0500 0700 080() 0600

lO Years Rahu's Maha dasha 18 gears Antardashrl, Sub-Periods Rahu Guru Shani Budha Ketu Shukra Ravi Chandra Kuja

KuJa's Maha dasha 7 geors Antordasha Sub-periods Kuja Rahu Curu Shani Buclha Ketu Shukra Ravi Chandra Y. O I O 1 O O I O O M. D. 04 27 OO l8 ll 06 Ol Og ll 27 04 27 02 OO 04 06 07 OO

Y. M, D. 20812 2 0424 2 1006 20618

I OOlS 3 0000

o ro24
I 0600 loolS 18 00 00

7 0000

94 Guru's Maha dasha 16 gears Antardashas Sub-perlods Y, M. D, Guru 201 18 Shani 20612 Budha 20306 Ketu o ll 06 Shukra 20800 Ravi o09 l8 Chandra I 0400 Kuja o ll 06 Rahu 2 0424 16 00 00 Budha's Maha dasha 17 years Antard.asha (Sub-periods) Y. M. D. Budha 2 04 2Z Ketu O tt2Z Shukra 2 lO OO Ravi O lO 06 Chandra I OS OO Kuja O It 2Z Rahu 2 06 t8 Guru 2 Og 06 Shani 2 08 09 Shcnl's Maha dasha 19 gears Antardashas y. M. D, Sub-pertods g OO Og Shani Budha Ketu Shukra Ravi Chandra Kuja Rahu Guru 2 08 09 I Ol 09 g 02 OO O ll L2 I OZ OO I Ot 09 2 lO 06 2 06 12 19 00 00 Ketu's Maha dasha 7 gears Antardasha (Sub-pertods) Y. M. D. Ketu o 0427 Shukra I 0200 Ravi o 0406 Chandra o 0700 KuJa o 0427 Rahu I OOtS Guru o ll 06 Shani I Ol09 Budha o tt27

17 00 00

7 0000

95 Shukra's Maha Dasha-30 Aears Antardasha Sub-periods Y. M. D. 3 04 0O Shukra Ravi 1 00 00 1 OB 00 Chand-ra Og 00 Kuja 1 Rahu 3 0O 00 OB 0O Gum Z 03 OO Shani I 10 00 Budha 2 1 08 0O Kehr

80 00 co
There is an easy method by means of which the antardasha can be independently calculated. This may be helpful at times when the antardasha tables are not readily available. Multiply the number of years of the maha dasha period of the planet by the number of years of the maha dasha period of the planet whose antardasha is required. Then cutting off the last digit of the product' multiply it by 3 and keep that figure as days' Suppose' we want to find out the antardasha of Budha in the maha dashs of Shani. Multiply the maha dasha period of Budha l7 years by that of Shani 19 years i.e. 19 x 17 = 323. By adopting the above methods the antardasha of Budha will be 32 months and 9 days i.e. 2 years 8 months and 9 days. The sub-periods are further sub-divided into mlnor periods (Pratyantardasha). The further sub-divislons are Sookshama, Prana and Swara. In our lessons we would like to conflne ourselves to sub-periods only'

96 because onc.e the principle is known to find the result of mahadasha and antardasha, the results of further subdivisions can also be assessed. That would be a matter for more advanced study of the subJect. Here we may mention for the guidance of students that in tire books published in South India, the major periorl (maha dasha) is called 'dasha' and the sub-period (antardasha) is called'bhukti'. We have seen in respect of the e.xample thert ln balance of Shani mahadasha at birth horoscope has been worked out as 4 years I I months atnd 8 days. It may be rrcccssary at times also to know the antarclasha operating at that time. With the cxpired portion of maha dasha at birth there would be ccrtain antarclashas wltich would have expired. After determfuritrg them we can say under. what antardasha the birth has occurred. To do this, find out all the sub-periocls {antarclashas) in a maha dasha. Acld togcthcr these antarclashas from the beginning one by one till the total is a little over the expired portion of the maha dasha at birth. Recluce this total by the expired part of maha dasha and the remainder gives the balance of unexpirecl antarclasha at birth. In our example horoscope" the expired portion of Sharil maha clasha at birth is 14 years 22 days. The to[al pcriod of maha clasha is 19 years. Antardasha Shani Budha Ketu Shukra Ravi Chandra

Y, M. D, 30003 20809 lol09 3 02 00 12 o ll t0700

KuJa Rahu Less expired portion

lol09 21006
16 .Q5 l8 L4 00 22

Thus the antardasha of Rahu at btrth uras 2 yeerrg 4 months 26 days. When a very small portion of maha dasha is left as balance at the tlme of the birth, students proficient in arithmetic or even other can work this out from the other end.



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98 Lceron XII/

LLr\rIoNs NAr(sr{ArTiJ"""JFff
By nakshatra, we mearl the nakshatra tr which Chandra transits at the time of btrth. In common astrologtcal parlance such a nakshatra is called Janma nakshatra. The effects of the varlous Jannra. nakshatras given below are general in nature. These effects are modtlied by the structure of an tndividual's horoscope. They are, however, not completely wtped out. '., Ashwanl-Beautlful appearanc, love for adornment, likcd by all, clever, accompltshed, wealthy ' and unperturbed lt tmthful, healthy, enJoys life; 2. Bhcrinl--Steady, learned, wealthY. (fond of rtch food and 3. I{rttllka-4luttonous drlnks), lustful, stror4f, decettfttl, famous, has cpnnectlons ln royal or hlgh offlclal clreles. ' good conversationallst, 4. Rohlnl-Truthful, steady of mlnd, charitable, excepttonally large' eyes. -5. ' nature, good talker, Mrlgashlra-Perserrertng wealthy, loves easy llfe, su-frens from tnferlorlty complex, loves good bath. selflsh, proud, ungyateful' 6. rtrldra-lnslncre, wlcked, easily. angered. ' tactful, trrvalld. behaved, 7. Punanrasu-Well water, uses hatrsh words, drtnks too muctr clever, cunnlng.


99 dutiful son, good-natured, S.Pushgamt-Lawyer, learned, wealthy, popular, rl$hteous, unperturbed. 9. Ashtesha--Strong, joyful, learned, ungrateful, 'leceitful, multi-tongued. God-fearing, highly enthusilO. Magha-Wealthy, astlc, loves flowers and fragrance, has many servrnts. sweet tongued, ll. Poorua phalgunl--4haritable, successful busiofficer far-seeing, unsteady, ness man. short truthful, 12. IJttara phalgunt-Intellectual, tempered, healthy minded, bad appetite. courageous, enthusiastic' 13.Hasta-Learned, grateful, wealthy towards the later part of life' merciless, shameless, potential thief. 14. Chitra-Lovely eyes, shapely figure. good natured, fond of ornaments, dull witted, cleliberate' miscrly. charitable, God-fearing, 15. Suati-Well'behaved, sctiolarly, dutiful to parents, sweet tongucd, has self-mastery, oflicer of state. : 16. Wshakha--Jealous, miserly, praying, careful in ' speech, short-tempered, God-fearing, scrvant. honoured by thc grcat' 17. Anuradha-Wealthy, to parents, rides on elephants (trorv-adutiful days we can say that he has comforts of vehicles ancl conveyances), has beautiful hair, recl cye lashes, loves tambul (pan-betel-lea0 has a flare for fair sex, always travels on foreign soil. angry, uses harsh words' 18. Jgeshtha-Violently poor, tells lies, charitable, few friends, word-

100 Juggler, joyful. 19. Moola-Proud, rich, of steady mind, ease-loving, short-tempered, harsh, hates relatives, loves discipline. 20. Poorua Ashada-{all, proud, tras a loving wife, far-seeingi, kind to his mothqr, truthful, loves travels, beloved of women and has wealthy friends. 21. Uttara Ashada--Strong, museular, of long nose, grateful, popular, humble, Gocl- fearing, beloved of his parents, loves wholesome mals, has great regards for his relatives, has clear knowledge of good and bad. qna-Scholarly, famous, circumspective, 22. Shro.u beloved of the other sex, loves perfume, enthusiastic, perfect gentlcman. 23. Dhonishtha-Fearless, indepenclen t, noblc, valiant, highly opinionatecl (thinks highly of himself), esteemed by tl-re elderly, loves musiC. 2 4. Shatqbhlsha-Lawyer, u ncomprom isi ng, tru thful, harsh-tongued, learnecl, couragcous, tactful, dependent loved by kings. 25. Poorua bhaclra-Sad, easily won over by women, inhcrits money through womcn, has giftccl tonguc, learned, Codless, avariciotrs, jealous. 26. Uttara bhadra-Charitablc. Lalkatirrc, tactfr_rl. deceitful, deadly in argumcnt, prolific in procreation, has an aptitude for learning. 27. Reuati-Perfect boclied, extremely popular, hcroic, scorns other's money, has a weakness fior women, easily swayed, tactful speaker, leaves no room for blame.

10t It will also be relevant to let the students know at thts stage that it is generally believed that birth ln some quarters of a few nakshatras are considered inauspicious and might caus harmful effects to the native or hls parents etc. If at birth Chandra is in the first quarter (pada) of Aswini, 4th pa.da of Ashlesha, Ist pada of Magha, 4th pada of Jyestha and Ist pada of Moola, the child may not surrrive. The life of father or mother may also be in danger. If, however, the child survives the teen age by other powerful, comblnations, the child is said to ripe old age in a halo of glory. If at birth Chandra ls ln the flrst pada of Jyeshtha, It denotes harm to ttre elder brother and lf Chandra ts ln the 2nd pada of Jyeshtha, harm may be caused to the younger brother. Yogas As there are twenty seven nakshatras, there are twent5r seven yogas. So far these yogas have not been given any significanc in predictlve astrologi except that birth in certain yogas is considered auspicious while in others not very auspicious. The general effects of birth in the various yogas are glven below; but if the structure of the birth chart is very good the inauspiclous effects of the yoga may be negativated to a great extent and viee verisa. over enemies, wealthy, l. Vlshkambha-4onquest attractive, blessed with cattle and lands. 2. Prttt-Loved by all, attracted by women. 3. Agushman-Good health and longcvity. ' 4. Scubhagga-Happiness and comforts. 5. Shobhana*Lascivious, selql. tendencies, meetlng wlth 6. Attganda-Criminal

marry obstacles and acrcldents |rr life. good and noble 7. Sukarma-Doing wealthy. 8. Dhrid-Indulging 9. Shoolam-Angry I O. Gandham-Bad Il.Vrlddhl-Progress 12. Dhruua-Fbdty 13. Vgaghot-{ruel deeds,

ln others' money and women. and quarrelsome. character. day by day, tntelligent. of mind, ooncentration, wealtlry.

minded. L4. Harshana-Che.erful, tntelltgent. I 5. Vq,fra-Wealthy, lascivious. 16. Siddhr-Will have several attatnments and prote.ctor of others. , 17 . Vgatlpata-Unreliable. 18. Varigan-Bad character, lascivlous. 19. Parigha-Wealthy, quarrelsome. 20. Shtua-Respected by kings, cool and calm, well versed in Shastras, wealthy. 21. Stddha-Oood natured, interested tn reltglous rites, successftrl. 22. Sadhg a-Good manners. 23 ; Shubha-Wealthy, lustrous, fatr, unhealthy. 24. Shukla-Good mannered, wavering mind, talkative impulsive. 25. Brahma-Higtrly confldenttal, hdgh asptrattons, has capacity to Judge crorrectly. 26.Indra-Walthy, learned and helping nature. 27. Valdhlffi-Cunning, blaming nature, wealttry, strong.

Every nakshatra has a corresponding yoga. Their order ls as under: Yoga Star fNakshatra) Vishkambha l. Pushyami Priti Ashlesha 2. Ayushaman 3. Magha Saubhagra phalguni 4. Poorva Sobhana 5. Uttara phalguni Atiganda 6. Hasta Sukarma 7. Chitra Dhriti 8. Swati Shogla 9. Vishakha Ganda lO. Anuraclha Vriddhi ll. Jyeshtha Dhruva Moola 12. Vyaghat 13. Poorva ashada Harshana ashada 14. Uttara Vajra 15. Shravan Siddhi 16. Dhanishtha rryatipata 17. Shatabhisha Variyan 18. Poorva bhadra Parigha ig. uttarh bhadra Shiva 20. Revati Sidcllra 21. Ashwini Saclhya 22. Bharini Shubha 23. Krittika Shukla : 24. Rohini Brahma 25. Mrigashira Indra 26. Aridra ' VddhriU 27, Punarvasu

104 yoga at the time oJ birth Add the longitude of Ravi and Chandra and then add 3 rashis 3o-2O' to it. From the total find out the star falling in that longitude. The yoga will be one which corresponds to that star in the above table" In the example horoscope-Longitude Rashi D, M, Ravi lt oo 56 Chandra 3 13 t2 Plus 03 3 20 How tofind




When the total is above l2 rashis dedtrct l2 from it. Thus thc total in the above case will be &t7-ZB that is Kanya 17"-20'" From the Table of Rasl-riand Nakshatras in lcsson III we may find out the Nakshatra in which this longitude falls. In Kanya rashi we havc Hasta nakshatra from loo Lo23-20'. So the above longitucle falls in Hasta nakshatra" The yoga corresponcling to tl-ris nakshatra is Atiganda. But please note thc nakshatra workecl out abovc is not Janma nakshatra. Janma nakshatra is only that in which Chandra is transiting at the time of birth. In the cxarnple horoscope, the longittrclc of Chandra is kataka 13"-12'. This falls in Ptrshyami nakshatra. So Jarrma nakshatra is Pushyami, which Chandra was transiting in at the time of birth.

l05 Lcsson Xlf


Rislng sign means the ascendant or lagna. Our T,odiac ls constantly moving and all the twelve signs get an opportunity to rise or become lagna irr the 24 hours comprising a day. Generally the duration of one lagna is two hours. Janma rashi means the rashl or slgn in which Chandra ls posited at the time of birth. Janma rashi is also called Chandra lagna and is as lmportant as the lagna in the horoscope. Therefore, the ellect of the sign in which lagna or the Chandra lagna falls will almost be the same, arrd are not belng glven separately. Mesha Persons born urrder thls sl$n, that is, natives of Mesha Lgt. or whose Janma rashi ls Mesha are of middle stature. They possess a lean and muscular body. They are neither stout nor thick. Their complexion is rough and they have a fairly long neck and face. They may have bushy eye-brows and have a sharp sight. As KuJa the planet of pa.ssion and aggressiveness, rules this sign the Mesha Lagna natives wiU be active and ambitious. They are bold and impulsive. lf there is bad lnfluence on the lagna they might become rash and aggressive. If there are good lnlluences on lagna the naflves beoome confldent, ceurageous, enterprisln$ with hlgfir aims and also liberal. Mesha tagna natives deslre to be at the head of all

l06 affairs and they are inclined to act aceording to thelr own (the other Judgement. As Mesha is the positive of Kuja sign owned by Kuja viz. Vrishchika is his negative si$n)' It gives determinatlon and forcr of character. The natives of this lagna act with self-confldenc-e. They have much executive ability and uncompromising spirit. Mesha ls a 'movable (chara) sign, they are capable of makfng changes quite often. As it is a fiery sign, they are aggressive and their deslre ts always to implement thelr tdeas as quickly as possible. Bad influences make the natlve quarrelsome and obstinate. , Mesha natives are over optimistic and they llke to take up fresh ventures before they have finished the one tn hand. Generally Mesha lagna people, because of thelr impulsiveness and changeable m@ds, are not capable of amassing wealth. Mesha lagna natlves are good lovers and have a charm which attracts the opposite sen. If there are bad inlluences on the lagna the natives (males or females) become Jealous, very passlonate and they go astray. Mesha lagna people shlne ln professlon of marttal nature like police or anny. They can become good surgeons chemlsts, olflcers of law, mechanics, engineers (particular$ electrical engtneerinp, wrestlers etc. Vrlshabh Vrishabha lagna people (that ls, people whose lagna tsVrtshabha or in whose birth chart Chandra is tnVrtshabha) will have medium stature and plumpy body. Thelr forehead wotrld be broad, neck thick and stout' eyes brigfrt, hair dark, complexion clear. They will be solldly UuUt wittr btg shoulders and muscles well-developed. Vrlshabha ls a fxed and earthy slgn. Vrfetnbha

t07 lagna people have, therefore, lreat endurance and patlence. But when provoked, they become angry and viclous lllre a bull (the plctorlal slrmbol allotted to thls sign ls a bull wlth horns). Ttrey are slow and steady, plodding and persevering, pa.ttent and persistent. They are oonservatlves. They do not waste their energy. They have a ctrong will. They dont act in an impulsive manner. They wait for the opportunity to crome and then take full advantage of it. If there are bad lnlluences on the lagna, they become lazy arld, self-tndulgent. The nhtives of th,is lagna are fond of good food and are very much after money and other worldly possesslons. Tlrey are ambitious and cheerful. They are also fond of enJoyment as the ourner of it is Shukra. Shukra gives wealth. So Vrishabha lagna people (if the horoscope ls otherwise not weak) are fortunate and are f,avourities of goddess Lakshml. The natives of this lagna are sexy, but they are steadfast in their love. Bad lnfluences may make them take interest in women other than their own wife. They are fond of music, arts, einema, drama etc., as Shukra is the lord of the sign. They generally enjoy good health; but if they lell ill, recovery in their case ls slow. They accumuliate and hoard money and are very eautious in spending. They never take risks in money matters. As Shukra is the lord of this sign Vrishabha lagna people take up trade of luxury goods, cosmetics, scents, Jewellery and gems. They can also become agriculturists and farmers as thrls is an earthy sign. They can become actors or actresses or musicians, songsters, IIlm produc-

l08 ers, o$rners of theatres etc. They are good husbands or wfues and their domestle life is stable and happy. They are generally attached to their natlve place. Mlthuna Mithuna lagna or when Chandrd ts in Mithuna Ar the birth chart: Mithuna lagna natives ane tall, and upright and have a straight body, the hands being long. Complexion ls moderate, fair or dark. The eyes look sharp and active, nose is long. Mithuna is an airlr sign. So persons with this lagna Itve most$ in the mind. They are canefree and Joyous. Thelr mfurds are positive and strong. They are versatile, restless and like changes very often---even if they don't like they sttll get changes. Budha is the lord of this sign. So one is inclined to be a gooct reader and is fond of writing. Mithuna lagna has the capacity to adapt himself to any circumstances. Mithuna is a dual or common sign. This makes the natives of this lagna travel frequently. They are of two minds aluays and are, therefore, not able to take decisions quickly. Because of the dual nature of the sign, the natives are able to follow more than one occupation at a tlme. Their faults are mainly because of the duality in their nature which gives them fickle mindedness and inability to flnish their work. In sptte of these faults they have tntellectual qualities. They crn understand, ana$se and quickly grasp things. They have good retentlve power and reproduction abiltty. They are curious to know new things. They can become good detectlves, research scholiars, editors, Jour-

109 nalists, commercial, travellers, accountants, lecturers, solieitors, professors, business men, secretaries, personal assistants, brokers, mathematicians, advertisers. However, persons of this lagna do well when they work under somebody. They are not successful when they are the bosses. They are good husbands; but they might become untolerable if their married partners come in their way for love of variety and change. Kataka Kataka laqna or when Chandra is in Kataka: Kataka lagna persons have a heavy bocty, slencler llmbs ancl powerful claws. The uppcr portion of thcir bocly is gcnerally largc. In later agc thcy gct a promincnt abdomcn. Tltey walk with a rolling gait. Their stature is ,gcncrallyshort. As thc lorcl of this sign is Chanclra .vho rvanes aricl waxes. Thc nativcs of this sign havc, thcrcforc, a rcmarkable, changcablc lifc trnlcss ttrc lagna or Moon tras influ_ cncc of Shani or if Charrdra is placcd in a fixcrl sign. Shani's infltrcncc rnakes tlrem less changcful. Like ihc tratrrre o[ Chanrlra their livcs arc full ol' liclcs ancl cbbs (ups and clorvrrs). Thcir imagination is fcrtilc, brrt iltcy arc oftcn crnotional ancl ovcr-scnsitivc ancl also s-ynrpathctic. Bccarrscof scnsilivcrrcss, thcrc is a high clegrccof ncrv_ otrs irrilatrilitv in thcir nature. Thcv arc tinriclat onc tirnc and cotrragcous at other tinrc. Iri prrblic lifc, they arc $cncrall.y strcccssfrrl and are ablc to achieve ho.ours and wealth. Thcy gct angry sucldenly; but their angcr disappears soon. Kataka lagna persons are fond of home and faunily comforts. They have a very good memory and when they get into old age they take pleasure in reliating even '

llo. unirnportant errents of their life to thelr grand chlldren, because they are able to remember the minute details of the past events. The ladies with this lagna are discreet and indepenclent in many ways, but they are not easy to cope with because of their changing ideas and moods. Kataka lagna people generally prosper in the later part of their life. They also get inheritances; but never' wil lrotrt difficulties or obstructions. Natives of tl-ris sign are foncl of traveUing as Kataka is a rnovable (chara) sigtt. Thcy arc steaclfast in their life; but because Shani nrakcs the house of his partncr, thcse pcrsons generally have to face atr untrappy marricrl life unless there are gocxl infltrcnces on thc scventh housc or the lord of the scvcnth house. Kataka lagna pcople vcry oftcn miss thc bus as thcy takc a long tirtrc in cotning to a clccisiotr' Kat.aka la$na nativcs lovc moncy ancl like to hoard nloncy. Many o[ thcnt are of a tniscrly nature. Thcy arc all pronc to digcstive ancl lung troubles and also lr-vstcria,trcrvotts clebility etc. Thc profcssions sttitcd for thcsc pcrsons are govt scrvicc. coltrmcrcial carccr' busincss in liquids, sea 'procltrcts jcrvcllcry, rcsl-aurants. Thcy can be good sailors, sca calttains, cxplorcrs' As Gttru is exalteclin this sign thcy ean also bccotnc iuelgcs or ministers' Simhc Simha lagna or when Chandra is in Simha rashi in the birth chart: One born with Simha lagna has well-developed bones and broad forehead. He is moderate stature, well

butlt and muscular. His appearanee is dignified, inrpos_ ing anO commanding as this rashi is owned bv Ravt slgptffcator of royalty and pictoriial symbol of this rashi is a llon' The above characteristics wilr be striking if Ravi is also posited in Simha in the birth chart. Persons born in this sign are generally (that ts, when there is no bad influence on the tlgna) noUte, large_ hearted magnanlmous and generous. Tiey are helpfuito the mankind. They have great faith irr friends and rela_ tlves They become head of organisations with which they are connected. If they are in government or any commercial organlsation, they attain high positions there. They do not talk much. They are fair in their views atd want to be treated Justly. They also deal with others tn the sarne manner. As simha is a fiery sign, it gives authority, ambitton anrt brilliance, also a boasting nature. Natives of this get honours ancl respect. They are kind and royal. !gr" They like pomp and show. As Simha is a fixed sign the natives may be obstinate and firm in their thinking and attitudes. When they get angry they roar like lions; but their anger is short lived. They have splendid consUtution and recpver early from illnes.s. They are spendthrifts, but if their financial position ls not good they have the eapacity to face hard times. They have also a liking for gambling and sperulation. Prof,ession most suited to them is to be leader of qgliflcal parties, minlstership, government service, jew_ ellery, dealershtp ln preclous metals. Simha lagna native trles to rlominate his household ard ttrere wtll be peace only if hls authority ts accepted

lL2 by all. Very often their married life is not happy as the opposite stgn which belongs to his partner in life is owned by Shani, an enemy of Ravi the lord of Simha rashi. Kanga Kanya lagna or when Chandra is posited ln Kanya rashi in the birth chart: Natives of Kanya lagna are tall with a slender body' Their eye-brows are curved with hair growth. Their voice ls very often thin and sometimes even shrill. They walk quickly and they seldom have a pot-belly. As they are very acttve, they often appear younger than their actual age. Kanya is ruled by Budha who ls an inconstant planet. So Kanya lagna persons are fond of quick changes. However, they are very conscientious and very capable of handling even unfavourable situations. They are quick like the fast moving Budha. They are thorough ancl methodical, practical and discriminative but they lack will-power. ,' Kanya is an earthy slgn, so the natives will have desire to save money. They have sound commercial instinct and they want to grow rich as quickly as possible. The professions most suited to them are doctor, auditor, journalist, teacher, commercial agent' accountant, lawyer, statistician, etc. In spite of the fact that Kanya lagna natives are changeable in nature, their married life is not unhappy; but it is seen that the Kanya lagna natives take a long time in taking a decislon about their marrlage. Some of them remain bachelors for a long time, on thls account. Some remain unmarried for llfe.

113 A Kanya lagna wife wants to treat her married life as a legal partnership. She does not find the sex-life very attractive and w'ould like her husband not to be very demanding in this respect. Our own experience has shown that while Kanya lagna husbands are not so critical or dominating in their homes, Kanya lagna wives criticise their husbandssometinres to such an extent that their discussions take the shape of a quarrel. Of course, such things happen mostly when lagna gets evil influence of Shani, Kuja, Rahu or ketu. Tulo. Tula lagna or when Chandra is in Tula rashi in the birth chart: The natives of this lagna grow tall with age and have a well-proportioned body. The limbs are slencler but strong. The appearance is graceful and attractive. They get bold in acltrlt agc. The nose is like a parrot. Thc natives of this lagna are level-headed. They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then express their opinion. They are constructive critics. The pictorial syrnbol of thcir sign is'balance'. The Tula lagna natives are, thcrefore, reasonable and just. They are also modest and gentle. They love happy and harmonious life. 'Ihey want peacc even if they are losers in transac,tion. If they lose their temper, they soon subside. Tula is a movable sign. Therefore, Tula lagna persons like changes in their life and environments. They are popular and have a spirit of sacrifice in them. Tula is an airy sign. All airy signs rnake the native Intellectual. So tlrey have ferille imagination, cprrect lntuition, brilliant intellect, reflnement and pleasant nature.

l14 Ttrla lagna natives have an unassumlng nature and humanltarlan lnstincts. They lean more to the sptritual side than to the pure physical one. Many illustrious saints of the world were born with Tula lagna. Tula lagna natives love peace alright; but they cannot be bullied. You cannot get anything out from them by threatening them or by force. On their side they are against such things. They are fond of good dress and other comforts as Shukra is the lord of this sign. Tula lagna persons are most suited for business and law. They can also become good actors, musiclans, architects, salesmen and story-writers. As Tula lagna people love peace, thelr domestic ano married life is generally happy. They love their home, famrly and their property. Tula lagna girls are tactful, intelligent and wise. They love and adore their partners. Vrlshchika Vrishchika lagna or Chandra in Vrishchika rashi in the birth chart: Vrishchika ts the negative si$n of Kuja and therefore, the persons with Vrishchika lagna will manifest the qualities di{ferent from those of Mesha lagna, as Mesha is Kuja's positive rashi. This is not one of the good signs of the zodiac. Vrishchika is pictorially represented as a soorpio who is venomous. The body of the Vrishehika lagna native is well-proportioned. Hands are generally long. The stature is above average. Face is broad with commanding aPPearrnceSuch natives generally have a gmd persorality. Vrtshchdka is a llxed sigp. As a result the native ls partteularly determtned tndivldual. He wtll crush tlre

obstacles before him and move forward. He will fight up to the end ev'en if the battle is a losing one. It is also a watery sign whlch gives fertile imagination and sharp intelligence. The native is also emotional. He has remarkable. tntuitive powers. As a medical man this would help him to diagnose correctly. 'lhe native has self assertion, impulsiveness, courage, resolution, independence excitement and forcefulness. He has his own likes and dislikes. He is an extrerrilst. He has either practical business ability or he is quite reckless. He is unyielding. He is self-made" It is a highly sexed sign. We have seen in our experience several horoscopes of Vrishchika lagna people whose serual madness is beyond description. In one crse we found that in his sexual adventures the native had illicit connections with low caste women working in his home. He also did not spare even his near female relations falling within prohibitccl category. Such natives have their lagna and seventh house Guru and Shukra badly afflicted. A good Vrishchika lagna native evinces grcat interest in occult sciences and spiritual expr:riments. There are good research scholars amongst persons having this lagna. Vrishchika lagna persons have a very harsh tongLlc, they think of thentselves only. Thcy are sclfish to the core. They do not hesitate in passing sarcastic rcmarks. They have something tridden up in their sleeves secrets with which to beat or disgrace others. Tlrcy are revenge ful and if they are at any time bcaten or injured by some body in some way or other, they must take revenge even tf they have to wait for an opportunity for the whole of their life. They take special pleasure in criticising others

116 to prove their own suPerioritY' Recently a lady brought to us a horoscope of her husband. His lagna was Vrishchika with the lord of lagna badly placed. We frankly told the lady that her husband must be a very demanding one. Before we could give further reading of the horoscope she showed us her bare skin which bore blue marks of cane-beating. Such are Vrishchika lagna people if the lagna does not get god influertces frorn planets like Curu. As we have saicl earlier they are extremists and whcn thcy lose control on themselves, they can go to the farthest lirnit of depravity' The domestic life of Vrishchika lagna persons can be happy only if every member of the family is submissivc to them. Only thcir say in all matters should count. They are extrava{4nt in expenditurc most of which is on their own comlofrs ana plcasures, thus creating at times difficult situations in thc family' The profcssions rnost suitccl to Vrishchika lagna pcrsons are--chenristry, meclicine, insttrancc. surgcry. arnry, police, butchcry, traval scrvicc. Thcy can becrcmc very successful cletcctives. Our intention in dcscribing abovc the general characteristics of Vrishchika lagna persons shoulcl not bc intcrprctccl to mcan that all nativcs of this lagna arc bacl" Otrr latc lamctrteciancl a statesnran of thc highcst calibrc Rajaji was a Vrishchika lagna Iralivc; but the stuclcnts will sec that he had also Inan-v of thc qualitics of Vrishchika lagna we have clescribcd abovc. Dhanu Dhanu lagna or Chandra in Dhanu rashi in the birth chart: Dhanu is owned by Guru and it is Guru's positive sign.

tt7 The natives of this lagna have a well proportioned and well-developed body. They are generally tall with a large forehead, high and bushy eye-brows, long nose, bright eyes, graceful look, fair complexion and handsome figure. Dhanu is a fiery sign. The natives are, therefore, bold, courageous and pushful. They are ambitious, greecly and have high aspirations. They are not timid. They face adverse situations with fortitude. They have self-eonlldence. They are at tl-reir best when they have difficultics and obstacles before thcm. The fiery sign gives them energi, enthusiasm, vigour and vitality. Dhanu is a dual or a common sign. The natives of this lagna are, therefiore, unable to takc quick clccisions. Thcy will bc, for quite sometime, considering the pros and cons of thc problems bcfore them. As Guru is the lorcl of this sign the natives are Goclfearing ancl love only truth. Thcy stick to their principles. Even though thcir action is likely to bring unfavourable results. They go in for higl-rer education and are ficnd of travellin. Thc lord of thc sign Guru givcs them a broad mincl, conficlcnce, truth ancl spiritual trplift. They arc very intuitive and thcir intuition generally proves corrcct. They arc always for justicc. If tl-rc lagna is afflictccl by cvil influcnccs of Shani, Kuja, Rahu or Ketu, thc natives becomc deccptive. They exaggeratc thcir own qualities. They try to shorv thcmselves as great men which they know they are not. They make promises with no intention of keepin$ them. Dhanu lagna persons can get success in government servicr, as judges, lawyers, teachers, writers, astrologers, preachers, lrclitieians, ministers, bank em-

118 ployees or as heads of workers of rellgious institutlons. Makara Makara lagna or when Chandra is in Makara rashi in the birth chart: Makara lagna persons are emaciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plumpy or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becomingyoung and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes cleep set. The hair are coarse. Makara is an earthy sign. So the Makara lagna native is economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is rnetl-todical,slow and steady and patient. He is calculative and business-like. Makara is also a movable sign. This inclicates after givingdue consideration to any matter, the Makara lagna native will come to a quick clecision. He will have push ancl confidence. He has spccial organising capacity and lot of tolcrance. A Makara lagna nativc is gcnerally not an optimistic pcrson. He will have to accept the reality of a thing when thc outcome is known. Makara is ownecl by Shani. If tire lagna cloes not have cvil inlluenccs, thc native will be honest, sincere ancl reliable. If thc lagna is afflictecl, he will be clishonest' sclfish, grceclyrniserly and may evcn bccome a criminal. Furthcr witlt good inflttcnccs on lagna the native will nevcr bc idlc. On thc other hand, he rvill be very hardworking always kccp himself busy. With bad influences on lagna the native will becorne Lazy and a pessimist to the extreme. Makara lagna natives are conservative by nature. They will not care fbr difficulties, handicaps and hin-

l19 drances whlch will always be there for such people. They will continue to work until they bring their work or task entrusted to them to a successful conclusion. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. Professions most suitable to Makara lagna people are-service in business concerns, munielpality or government. They are also very well suited to work in mines and oil concerns. They can also become engineers, scientists or research scholars. Makara lagna people generally marry late. They are good husbands and fathers of many children; but they do not make a show of their affcction. On the other hand, they would enforce discipline in the house as they do in the place of their work. Kumbhrr Kumbha lagna or when Chanclra is in Kumbha rashi in the birth chart: The persons born in this lagna are gcnerally tall with full stature. They are strong. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. . Kumbha is an airy sign. So the Kumbha lagna natives are intelligent. They are not carried away by flattery..They are intelligent.'They are not carriecl by flattcry. They act after very carcfully considcring thc pros arrd cons of everything. They are slow in understanding things; but once they get at them, they can handle them with ease and confidence. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. They are unsellish, human and impersonal. They move in a select striet5l. They are reserved in nature and are great moralists. Tlrey have wonderful intuitional capacit5l.

120 As Kumbha is a fixed sign, the natives stick to their principles. They work persistently in all their undertakings. They are very strong in their likes and dislikes. towards learning psynic They have inclination subjects. They develop intuition and inspiration. They prefer secluded places and go in deep meditation. Many of the saints of our t-imes and great men who have or had sacrificed their lives for the good of humanit5l, were born in Kumbha lagna. Kumbha lagna persons are at home in every profession. They are good in government service, in commercial institutions, as engineers or research scholars. On account of their intuitional capacity they become very proficient astrologers. Thcy shine best as heads of religious or charitable institutions. The married life of Kumbha lagna native is happy only if their partner is as intelligetrt as thcy are. They arc stcadfiast in their alfcction; btrt they clo not likc to display it. Meena Meena lagna or when Chandra is posited in Meena rashi in thc birtl'r chart: Meena lagna persons are generally short in stature; but they are plump-y with short hands ancl feet. Meena is a watcry sign ruled by Guru. The natives are, thercfiorc, by nature philosophical, restless full of imagination, and licnd of romantic life. They arc honcst, 'forget and forhumane and helpful. They always have give' spirit. On account of their being overliberal and overgenerous, they often hamper their own progress. They are very happy when they can spend their money to help others and on charitable causes.

t2l Meena is a dual sign, so the natives are not steady. They may easily change from one profession to another. Meena lagna people can be good occultists and traders dealing in liquids. They can also succeed irl import and export business; but they are best suited for actors charitable institutions. They can become gd as Shukra is exalted in this sign. They and musicians can also succeed as ministers and physicians. They are also successful in the navy, in shipping organisations, hospitals or sanatoriums. The married life of Meena lagna persons is generally happy; but thcy have a jealous nature and being natives of a dual sign, they are always two minded. Their partncrs in lifc have, therefore, to be careful and try to adjust themsclves with the changing moods, tastes and fancies of their husbands if they want to have a peaceful and happy domestic life.

Iesson XltI


RAVI Mesha: When Ravi is in this sign the native is aetive, intelligent, f,amous, fond of travelling, wealthy, but there is rise and fall in fortune. He is ambitious, has initiative and possesses a dominating nature. He is honest, liberal and is inclined towards spiritualism particularly in old age. Ravi is exalted in this sign. Vrishabha: Slow and steady, obstinate, fond of pleasures, hard worker, fond of music and arts, likes good food and female company, sociable, intelligent. Mithuna: Talkative, intelligent, learned, scholarly, wealthy, critical, lacks originality. Kataka: Poor, sad, unhappy, sickly, traveller, subordinate, lack of initiative, rlull, homosexual tendencies. Simha (Own sign)-Obstinate, firm, dominating, not always rich, does not like dependence on othert, liberal minclecl. Kanga: Fond of literary pursuits, likes poetry and literature, linguist, scholarly, good memory,very good in arguments, logical, acts like females, intelligent, journal_ ist, mathematician, Tula {Sign of debilitation}-Sells or makes liquor, tactless, drunkard, morals not $ood, abusive speech, bad character, submissive, showy. Vrishchlka: Reekless, bold, cruel, obstinate, Mthout flrm princlples, can become a good surgeon and army

,123 or pollc officer. Dhanu: Happy, Xked by people, earns well, rich, honest, dependable, but short tempered. (Thls is so because Ravi l,s a fiery planet and Dhanu is a flery sigln.) Makara: Mean, obstlnate, miser, larir,bard workprudent, progress slow. lng, Kumbha: Unhappy, obstlnate, no riches, obstacles and dilflcultles ln Me, rnay renounoe world ln later age, good astrologer. Ivleena: Fond of pac, dealer ln Jewellery, liquld preparatlons, sea products, wealthy, Uked by women, fond of ocrult actMtles. CIIANDRA Mestn: Llkes travelllng, lmpulstve, likes other sex, rrttable nature, flckle minded, passionate, ambitious, very sensltfue about hls self respect, bold, acflve, aggresslve and at times rash. Vrlshabha: Happy, intelltgent, good tookfng, ffil body, fond of oppostte sex, happy tn mtddle and old built age, r{ch, patlent, lncpnsistent, waverlng mlnd, fond of popular in publlc, passionate. eailng and ddnkfng, (Chandra is exalted tn thls sigr). Mtthuna: Learned, scholarly, good looking, looks younger than hfs/her age, good speaker, fond ofhumour muslc, lntultive, long lived. lnlluenoe of women, Kato,ka (Oum slgpFUnder good nature but waverlng mtnd, good looking, ldnd, sensitive, fond of travelllng overseas, o\ilns lands and buildlngs, walks wtttr a wavering gatt. Stmha: Bold, arrogant, not hked by the otler sex, etomach troubles, untrappy, mental anxiety, proud, ambltious, orthodox vlews.

Kanya: Beautiful complexion, good looldng, rich, honest, well behaved. modest, truthful, virtuous, intelltgent, good talker, gets more dauglrters than sons, astrologer, fond of music, dancing and arts. ?ula; Deformed limbs, sickly, not popular amongst relations, intelligent, business-like, balanced mind, clever, good nature, not ambitious, contented. Vrlshchika (Sign of debilitationFlikes to live away from his parents and elders, quarrelsome, frank, cruel, maliclous, unhappy, obstinate immoral but wealthy. Dhanu-Good intellect, happy married life, gets inheritance, likes literature and arts, showy, author. Makara: Virtuous, attached to his wife and children, qulck grasp, selfish nature, Arconsistent, low morals, laz5r, mlser, mean. Kumbha: Fair looking, well formed body, tall, diplomatlc, good far-stght, learned, emotional, mystical, healing power, good tntuitlon, fond of meditation and rellgious activitles, gets vlsions, may renounce world at a later stage in life. Meena: Dealer lrr llquids, sea products, Jewellery, @smetics, perfumes, subdued by opposite sex, learned, steady, simple, popular, modest, spiritually, lnclined in later life, fond of occult actlvitles. KUJA (Ov,rn stgn)-A very good orgrniser, comMesha mander, army officer, physician, surgeon, police officer, rash, aggressive, acflve, hast5l, frank, generous, extravagant, acts first and thinks later. Vrlshabha: Very sexual, loose morals, no princlples, selllsh, \rrant, rash, emotional, more ern animal thqn human tr hts passions, wrestler.

125 Fond of domestic life, refined taste, Mithuna: learned, well built, ambitious, good poet or musician, diplomatic intelligent, can become a good detective. wealtlry, Ko,taka (Sign of debilitationFlntelligent, rich, wicked, medical and surgical proficiency, fickle minded, speculative nature. Simha: Leanings towards astronomy, astrologl and mathematics, obedient to parents, respects elders, liberal, mental complaints, successful, restless. Kanga: Digestion poor, marriect life unhappy, accident prone, conceited, boastfrrl, deceptive. Tula: Tall, good bocly, complexion fair, ambitious, works hard to become wealthy, warlike, kind, gentle, fond of women ancl gets into trouble on account of his excesses in this direction. Vrishchika; Diplomatic, good memory, malicious nature, very obstinate, aggressive, proud, succcssful. Dhanu: Popular, famous, achieves high authority in aclministration, good statesman, fcw children, quarrelsome, law abicling, active, ambitious, aggrcssive pushful. Mqkara (Sign of exaltation)-Riclt, high political position, commander, high police officer, administrator, many sons, gencrotrs, inclustrious, good constitution, rcspccted, bravc, influcntial. KtLmbha: Unhappy, poor, liar. icliot, unwise. Meena: Fair complcxion, passionate, faithful, unclean, instable life, unhappy domestic life. BUDHA Mesha: Morlcrate hcight, clever, scJial, materiat.stic, instable thinking, impulsive, deeeitful, unreliable, evil minded. Vrishabha: Well built, intelligent, stability in think-

t26 ing, generous, wealthy, sensual, capable of holding high position, well read, showy. Mithuna (Own signl-Well behaved, good looking, youngish features, tall, active, good in research work, witty fond of music, fond of travelling, long lived, wealthy. Katako; Low stature, diplomatic, sensitive, sensual, Iiable to consumption, loose morals, wavering nature. Simha.' Wanderer, proud, orator, early marriage, impulsive, likes wandering about, generally likes to be in stable profession like government service. Kanga (Own and exaltation signFGood looking, well-read, generous, good intuition, orator, author, journalist, astrologer, astronomer, mathematician, teacher, good character. 'Tulct: Fair looking, goort intuition, courteous, faithful balancecl mind, philosophical. Vrishchika: Loose morals, excessive sex inclulgence, victim o[ venereal diseases or diseases of generative organs, selfish, arrogant, indiscrect. Dhanu: Respectecl in society, talcntecl, well built, reckless, learnecl, rash, good organiser, capable, honest. Makara: Inclined to enter business line, economical, clcvcr, suspicious, slow, hard working. Kumbha: Quarrelsome, sociablc, famous, makes quick progress, hcalth not good. Meena (Sign of clebilitationFServant, imitable nature, brooding, petfv minded, failures in life. GURU Mesha: Fiery nature, powerful, urcaltlry, learned, many children, generous, courteous but has a sense of superiori$1, happy married llfe, holds high positions.

t27 Vrlshabha: Learned, stabilitv in life, has lixed ideas about things, showy, very able, Jensual, inclined to the evil of self gratification. Mithuna: Able debater, tall, well built, generous, learned linguist. Kataka (Sign of exaltationFWell read, like a king, wealthy, intelligent, faithful, minister or high priest or a great saint. Simha: Impressive appearance, mcderate stature, ambitious, active, happy, intelligent, literar5z pursuits, author, holds governmental positions. Kanga: Ambitious, selfish, fortunate, miser, learned, patient. Tulct: Good looking, open-minded, strong, able, religious minded, just. Vrishchika.; Good manners, well built, foncl of showing his superiority over others, selfish, not very good health, passionate, unhappy. Dhanu (Own signF*Wealthy, learned, infltrential, noble, dependable, charitable, good organising capacity, good talker Mqkara (Sign of debilitation)-Tactless, ill behaved, unhappy, jealous, inconsistent. Kumbha: Not rich but learnecl, popular, amiable nature, dreamy and meditative, inclinations towards re nunciation. Meena (Own signFlikely to get some inheritance, medium stature, enterprising, holds high positions. SHUKRA Mesha: Emotional, impulsive, dreamy, fickle minded, unhappy, wise, easy going, loose morals, exiravagant, mainlv spends for satisfaction of lust.

128 looking, good body, Vrishabha (Own signfGood firm, independent, sensual, fond of pleasures, lazy, has taste in music, dancing, fine arts. Mtthuna: Wealthy, generous, respected, popular, intelligent, ficnd of women, learned. Kataka: Emotional, timid, may'marry more than once, sorrowful nature, many children, sensitive. Sfmha; Makes money through or from women, passionate, emotional, hasty, superioritlr complex, victory over enemies. sexy, illicit Kanga (Sign of debilitationl-Unhappy, loose morals. connections, talkative, rich, learned, Tula (Own sign)-l ntelligent, gcncrous, philosophical, goocllooking, happy marriage, passionate, proud, respectecl, good intuition, intellectual pursuits, wide travels, may bccome a great statesman, balanced nature, inclined to write poetry or fiction on romatttic thcmes. Vrishchika: Quarrelsomc, indcpcndent, unjust, notorious for love affairs, not rich, sex maniac. Dhanu: Wealthy, powerftrl, influential, respcctecl. happy clornestic life, high position. Maksra: Foncl of lorv class women, no principlcs, loosc morals, weak bocty. Kumbha: Popular, handsotne, chaste, lovcs peace, hclpttrl to otltcrs. Meena (Sign of exaltation)-Good ancl humorous nature, lcarned, popular, refined, respected, lond of comforts and pleasures, wealthy. SHANI wanderer, cruel, Mesha (Sign of debilitationFldiot, commits frauds, quarrelsome, perverse, sorro\ilful, unhappy.

Vrtshabha: Deceitful, suc,eessful, likes loneliness, has self control, worries about small things. Mlthuna: Miserable, untidy, thin, few children, narrow ndnded. Ko,to,ko: Poor, pli:asure seeking, few children, rich but selfish, obstinate, may be deprived of mother's association. Simha: Obstinate, few sons, unfortunate, good writer, malicious nature. Kanya: Poor, malicious nature, quarrelsome, rude, weak trealth, orthodox type. Tula {Sign of exaltation}--Fa,mous, leader of men, politician, rich, respected, powerful, sound judgement, charitable, foncl of wonlen. Vrishchikcr; Rash, hard-heartecl, petty minded, violcnt, unhappy, danger from poison, fire and weapons, poor health, bacl trabits. Dhanu: Active, clever, farnous, loves peaee, unhappy married litic, wealthy, gencrally happy. (Own signF--lntelligent, harci working, Makara goocl domestic life (if Chandra is not afflicted), lcarned, suspicious, revengeful, pl-rilosophical. Kumbha (Own signFDiplomatie, able, happy, intellecttral, enernies prove more powerful. Meena: Wealthy, famous, giftect, polite, happy, helpful. RAHU Mesha: No eourage, lazy, not straight forward, lmmoral. Vrlshabha (Sign of exaltationFHappy, ugly, emotional, wealthy.

130 , Mtthuna: Singer, saintly, courageous, long lived' Ko,taka: Liberal, sickly, poor, clever, deceitful, mrny enemies. Simha; Clever, dtplomatic, noble, th,inker. Kanga: Popular, soft-spoken, poet, writer, singer' wealthy. Tulc; Short lived, dental troubles, good executlve, gets inheritance. loose Vrishchlka (Sign of debilitationFDeceitful, moral, sicklY, extravagant. Dhanu; Happy in early liG, may be adopted in childhood, a bad friend. Kumbha: No family, learned, friendly, sweet speech, (Some take Kumbha as own sign of Rahu). Meena: Religious minded, well behaved, peaceful' fond of arts, clever. KETU Mesha.: Instable, talkative' happy. lazy, Vrishabha (Sign of clebilitation)-Unhappy, talkativc, lustY. MiLhuna: Suffers from wincly troubles, proud, not easily satislied, short lived, looses temper easily' 'Katako: Unhappy, fear from ghosts. Simha; Talkative, timid, impatient, fear of snakebite. Kanga: Sickly, idiot, suffers from digestive troubles. Tula: Suffers from leprosy, lusty, short-tempered, unhappy. (Sign of e:<altationFShort-tempered' Vrishchika leprosy, clever, talkative, deceitful, poor. Dhanu: Liar, deceitful.

181 Makaro: Goes tn exlle, hard worklng, courageous, famous. Kumbha: Unhappy, r*anderer; ortravagant, ordinary means . Meena.. Goes to foreign lands, emotional, hard working devotional, inclined tonrards splritualism. Note I: Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets and generally give the results or effects of the lord of the stgn in which they are placed or the planet with whtch th6y are ln conJunction. The rashl-wise effects of Rahu and Ketu should not, therefore, always be accepted as gospel truth. Note II: The above are general effects of planets in dlfierent signs. The results are modified according to thetr position with reference to lagna, and other inlfluences on the planets by aspects of other planets or by conJunctlon etc.

t32 kcson )(\/II


RAVI Flrst: Very particular about hJs self respect, shorttempered, suffers from bilious and windy troubles, emotional, lives in foreign lands, thin body, broad forehead, courageous, wealthy unstable, little hair on the head. Second: Mouth troubles, wealthy, fortunate, quarrelsome, poor eyesight, dental troubles, troubles from Sovernment, family unhapptness. Thlrd: Brave, f,amous, respected by government, poet, no happlness from brothers and relations, wealthy. Fourth: Unhappy, handsome, cruel, squanders, aneestral wealth, unhappiness from reliations, fond of occult sclences, no conveyances. Flfth; Stckly, few children, good morals, intelligent, untrappy, short-tempered. Stxth: Conquers enemies, f,amous, good vitality, bad for maternal relations, brave, Just, healthy. Seuenth: Unhappy conjugal life, sensitive about self-respect, hard hearted, selffsh, punished by government, anxiety. Etghth: Bilious troubles, anxietSl, short tempered, wealthy, impatient, dull headed. Yogi, good morals and good behavtour, Mnth: leader, astrologer, courageous, comfort of conveyances,

133 servrnts, bad for father. Tenth: Respected, wealthy, famous, respected and honoured by government, high administrative posltion, minister, liberal, popular, Eleuenth: Wealthy, powerful, happy, proud, yogi, few chilclren, stomach troubles. Tuelfth: Left eye troubles, laz.y, goes to foreign countries and prospers there, no friends, emaciated body. CHANDRA First; If lagna bc in Kataka, Mesha, Vrishabha or Tula rashis, or Chandra be waxing, thcn native will be handsome, libcral, lcarned ancl wcalthy. In other rashis Chanclra gives bacl effects likc bacl hcalth, littlc wealth and unhappiness. Seconcl; Happy, good friends, rvcalthy. If there be full Moon, the native is very wcalthy. Third: Looks aftcr his brothers and sistcrs, bold, learncd, miser, changcs his prolession many timcs. Fourth: Goocl rclations, happincss, wcalthy, conveyanccs, all comforts. Fgfth; Tinricl, lcarnccl, intclligcnt, man-y chilclren. Sixth: Stomach troubles, sickly, defcatccl by encmies, poor. Seuenth: Handsome, happy, lrrsty. If thc Chandra be waning, sickly and poor. Eighth: Intelligent, sickly, short lived if Chandra be waning. Ninth: Intelligent, happy, happiness in regard to children. attracts women. Tenth: Wealthy, plous, cpurageous, charltable,

134 happy. Eleuenth: Wealthy, many children, long lived, good frlends, many sewants, famous, courageous. TuelJth: Jealous, mean, eyesight weak, liazy, unhappy, gets disgrace and insultsKUJA First: Cruel, courageous, rash, ambitious, prone to aceidents, rnarks of wounds, cuts on face or body, unhappy, not rich. Second: Harsh tongue, poor, dull headed, causes quarrels in family, thief, eye troubles. Third: Famous, brave, patient, courageous, expert in many fields, loss of brothers and sisters, harsh tonguc. Fourth: Comfort of conveyances, blessed with chilclren, loss of nrother or unhappiness from that direction, may live away from native place, short lived, untimely dcath, gains in agriculture. Fgfth; Short-tcrnperccl, deceitful, bad habits, sickly, particularly stomach troubles, enrotional, loss of childrcn, Srxth; Courageous, powerful, patient, vanquishes cnemics, inclcbterl, police officer, skin troubles, bloocl poisoning, cxtravagant. Seuenlh: Unhappiness irt rnarriccl lifc, loss of lifc partner, short-tempered, harsh tongue, cunning, poor, jealous. Eighth: Sickly, loose morals, drunkard, harsh tongue, eye troubles, thief, poor. Mnth: Jealous, false pride, short-tempered, leader, high officer, f,amous, bad relations with brothers, bad for


135 Tenth: Wealthy, happy, famous, respected, comforts of conveyances, few or no children, bad for mother. Eleuenth: Harsh tongue, false pride, short-tempered, wealthy (though by undesirable methods), courageous. Twelfth: Bad eye-sight, loss of wife/husband, short-tempered, quarrelsome, extravagant, mean, has secret enemies br he acts as a secret enemy to others. BUDHA Flrst: Long livecl, mathematician, witty, liberal, learned, popular with opposite sex, sof$ speech, friendly nature, wealthy. Second: Orator, harrrdsomc, happy, clever, a gooct lau4yer, successful agent, accumulatcs ryealth, @urageous, good deeds. Third: Proficient in his work, hard working, timid, author, gooct palmist, editor, poct, has chilclren, foncl of comforts, few brothers and sisters, instable, $ood bussinessman, ficncl of short travcls, good ncighbours. Fourth: Learnecl,fortunate, comfort of conveyances, charitable, diplomatic, hcavy bocty, lazy, fionclof music, liberal writer. Flfth: Happy, intclligent, respected. foncl of instrtrmental nttrsic, poct, harcl working. Srxth; Quarrclsomc, laz,y, sickly, proud. wcak, constitution, lustSr,illicit love affairs. Seuenth: Handsome, learnctl, goocl in business, wealthy, writer, eclitor, happy, religious nrinded, lacks vitality, long livcd. Etghth: Long lived, respected, proud, respected by government, mental unhappiness, orator, wealthy, likely to get inherltance.

t' r,i

136 Ninth: Good morals, poet, singer, editor, writer, astrologer, learned, fortunate, lftes to be a businessman. Tenth: Truthful, learned, popular and respected, studious, clever, fortunate, obedient to parents, landlord. Eleuenth: Longlived, yogi, good morals, wealthy, famous, learned. honest, handsome. has children. victorious over enemies. TweIJth: Learned, lazy, speaks ltttle, learned in shastras, writer, knowledge of Vedanta, charitable. Note; It should always be kept in mind that Budha is generally very near the Sun and on account of this constant association, he is not ablc to give all results in l'ull as dcscribed above. He is able to give results ascribed to him when hc is free from combustion and malefic association.

l. irj

CURU First; Astrologer, long lived, devoted to his work, lcarned, social u'orkcr, illustrious, frank, sensitive about his sclf respcct, handsome, happy, hunrble, wealthy, has nrany childrcn, rcspcctecl by govcrnment, religious nrincled. Seconcl: Handsorne borly, srvect spcech, loud voice, has children, rvcalth and immovablc property, resprectecl by goverruncnt, poprrlar, good clccds, fortrrnate, defcats encrnics, long livcd. Third: Has control over his senses, lcarnecl in shastras, author, gocs away from nativc plarc, yogi, respectcd, lusty, fond of women, flond of travelling has many brothers and sisters. Fourth: Fond of comforts, good body, proficient, hard working, astrologer, gocd education, few children,

respected by government, loves mother, practical habits. Flfth: Astrologer, popular, highest position in the family, successful in speculation, many children. Soft spoken, famous, learned, urcak Slxth: constitution, recovers from illness early, few enemies. Seuenth: Fortunate, learned, orator, head of clan, humble, patient happy married life. Etghth: Long lived, goocl manners, soft-spoken nriter, loses werlth, gets diseases in secret parts. Mnth; Farnous, many renounc'e world, yogi' highly religious, learncd in shastras and vedanta, fortunate, learned, respe.cted by govemment ancl pe'ople' intelligent, has children. Tenth: Good deeds, famous and respected, holds position of clignity, judge or minister, prime minister' president, j ust, successful astrologer, truthful, obedient to gurus and parents, rich. Eleuenth: Handsome, healthy, gains wealth' good businessman or banker, contetrted, few children' learnecl, respected by governrnent, spends on good causcs. TtuetJth: Lazy. happy, yogi. helpful toothers, liberal, greedy. Note: There is a school of thougtrt that if Guru is and l1' hc gives evil positcrl alone in bhavas 2,5,7 results of that bhava. Expcricnce has shown that this is not true. Actually if a malefic planct in any bhava comes in association with Gttru, he gives good results at the cost of Guru's gooclqr.ralities. Guru thus gives evil results only when he is in association with a rnalefic planet or owrrs evil houses in any particular horoscope. We shall discuss this matter further in a later lesson.

138 SHUKRA FirsL Long lived, handsome f,ace and body, respected and famous, happy, soft spoken, cultured, likes to go away from his native place (this happens when Shukra is in a moveable sign), passionate, attraction towards opposite sex, respected by government (this means he holds high position in government). Second: Wealthy, fond of sweet fbods, famous, fortunate, good family, dealer tn jewellery or ownsJewellery, learned. Third: Happy, wealthy, miser, lazy, artist, learned, fortunate, fond of travelling, has more sisters than brothers. Fourth: Handsome, powerful, helpful to others, charitable, proficient, practical and clever, foncl of eomforts fiortunate, has ehildren, long-lived, owns conveyances. Fglth: Happy, fond of pleasures, just, charitable, dependable, learncd, famous, orator, blessed with chilclren. poet, romatic. Srxth; Benefit of conjugal happiness, many friends, immoral, urinary troubles, poor, disease in secret parts, no enemies. Seuenth: Conjugal happiness, liberal, popular, wcalthy improvcmcnt in lifc altcr marriage, passionate, illicit conncctions, fiond of music. fortunate. Eighth: Goes to foreign lands, crucl, sickly, short tem pered, ineli nation towa rd s occult sciences, stud iotrs, unhappy, illicit relations with persons of oppositc sex. Nintfi; Religious minded, clever, happy domestic life, kind, goes for pilgrimage to holy lands, respected by government.

139 Tenth: Fond of pleasures, has conveyances, stable wealth, popular, helpful to others, Jeweller, very rich, passlonate, has ehildren. TltelJth: Just, liaz5r,sinful, semirral disorders. has @nnectlons wlth persons of the opposite sex, wealthy, voraclous eater, e<travagant. SIIANI First: If Shani is in Makara or Tula rashi (own and exalted signs respectively) then very rich and happy, otherwise poor. Second; Diseases of mouth, harsh tongue, quarrels ln family. Good if Shani is in Tula or Kumbha rashis. Then wealtlry and good fiamily relations. Thtrd: Good health, yogi, learned, quick worker, wrestler, defeats enemies. fortunate. Fourth: Infamous, emaciatecl body, short- tempered, deceitful, fortunate, melancholy, little domestic happiness, bad for mother. Flfth: Windy troubles, wanderer, learned, has children. laz.y. Sixth; Vanquishes enemies, foncl of pi.asures, yogi, throat troubles, asthma suffercr, powcrful but irnmoral. Seuenth: Short tempcrcrl, froor, wanclerer. low deeds, lazy, passionate, troubles in conjugal life or no marriage at all or mapriagc at late stagc, illicit connection with persons older in age. Eighth: Dereitful, talkative, suflers from leprosy, timid, disease of generative organs, piles, learned, libcral, long-lived. Nlnth: Sickly, wanderer, talkative, religious minded, wlthout brothers and sisters, bad position fior father. Tenth: Leader, Just, hard worker, stomach troubles,

140 respected by government, rich (It is belteved that Shant ln tenth at times brings a sudden fall from high position). Eleuenlh: Long life, short tempered, happy, yogi, hard working, successful business, learned, childless, may have some daughters, good health, powerful. Twelfth: Insanity, imprisonment, ,lazy, siekly, extravagant, bad habits, immoral, harsh tongue, suspicious, jealous, harmful for maternal relations. RATIU First; Selfish, suspicious, head diseases, rebel, low cleecls, studious, weak constitution, passionate, few chilclrcn. Seconcl; Prospers in foreign lancls, gencrally lives away from tiamily or crcates trotrblcs in family, harsh tongue, few chilclren, wealtlry, miser, meat eatcr. Third: Yogi, gocs away lrom native place, long-livecl, learnccl. Fourth: Discontented, unhappy, littlc happiness from mother's side (may be clue to early cleath of mother), untruthful. domestic life clisturbccl. F![th: Stomach ailnrents, a good diplomat, poor. squandcrs family's wcalth, fiortunatc, fond of shastras, rrot a goocl position fior progeny (chilclren)--causes abortions or gives ferv childrcn if in a bcnefic rashi. Slrth; Gains from forcigncrs, hcaltlry, vanqtrishcs cnemies, waist pains, long-lived, courageous, wealthy, flamous. Seuenth: Early deatl-r of wife, loss in business, wanderer, immoral, greedy. Etghth: Diseases of generbtlve organs or other seeret parts, short-tempered, harsh tongue, boastful, passionate.

l4l Ninth: Goes away from native place, does pilgrimage to holy places, not very fortunate up to the age of 42' religious minded. Tenth: Lazy, talkative, irregular in work, religious minded, unhappine3s in regard to children. Eleuenth: Few children, not intelligent, gains from foreigners, long-lived, hard worker, earns wealth through questionable means. TwetJth: lmmoral, ictiot, harcl working, sen'ant, extravagant, passionate. , KETU lnstable mind, timid, mischievous, cruel, Jtrst: short-lived, icliot, goocl results if Ketu is in Vrishchika rashi. Then he gives wealth and comfiorts. Second: Unhealthy, harsh tongue, mouth diseases' rebel. Third: Instable, suffers from windy diseases, no brothers or sisters or little happiness from them, gooctfor wealth. Fourth: Talkative, useless, lazy, uncmployed' Flfth: Harms progeny, yogi, intelli$ent but suspicious, short temperecl, fond of pleasures, does not do goocl to anybody. ' Sixth: Fear from ghosts, wincly diseases, fevers, accidents, long-lived, wealtlry, quarrelsonre, liti$ation' Seuenth: Idiot, untrappy conjugal lil'e' may cause separation amongst Partncrs. EighLh: Evil minded, meart society, clever, shortlived, bad for husband in a female horoscope. Mnth; Infamous, unhappy, no rise in life up to 48 years.

142 Tenth: Misbehaves with father, unfortunate. false pride, yogi, may renounce world. Eleuenth: Gains from unfair means, not tntelligent, harms himself, long-lived. Twelfth: Thiel tantr:tk, yogi, extravagant, tll health, may cause insanit5l, gives salvation. Note.. Above are descrlbed the general effects of planets in different bhavas (houses) lccording to the natural significations and characteristics of the planets and the houses (bhavas)" These effects are likely to be modifiecl in different birth charts in accordance with the rising sign i.e. lagna and the sign in which a planet is positecl. The lordship of houses of the planets will also have influence. For example, if Mesha is lagna and Guru is in the fourth house, he will be in Kataka rashi which is the exaltation sign of Guru. But if rula is lagna fourth house will fall in Makara rashi and Guru will lhen be in his sign of debilitation (neecha rashi,l. In Mesha Curu is lord of ninth house, an auspicious house, so his presence-in fourth will give very auspicious results in regard to what Guru signifies, what the fourth house signifies and what the ninth house signi.fies. In Tula lagna Guru will give bitter results because not only he witibe in his sign of debilitation but because he would be lord of the 3rcl and l2tl-r houses-two inauspicious houses. In this manner the results have to be assessed from tlre position of a planet in a particular house-but weight hai also to be given to the natural significations as described in this lesson in coming to a final conclusion.

r43 IcsEon XVm


After givtng the students a general idea of the characteristlcs of rashis and planets, guiding them how a horoscope is cast, how the positions and strength etc., of planets are ascertained, what is the signification of each house, how the vimsottari dasa, major periods and mlnor periods are worked out, we came to the predictive part of astrologl from Lesson KV. The present lesson is the most lmportant one from the predictive point of view and for Judgement of a horoscope. Because it is the ownership of a planet of a good or bad house which modifies, to a great extent, the efiects of hls natural good or malefic nature. Natural beneflcs llke Guru, Shukra, Chandra, Budha become malefics and even killers (marakas) for crtaln ascendants on account of their ownership of bad houses whlle maleflcs lfte Shani and KuJa become beneflcs par excellence by virtue of the ovrnership of good or auspicious houses. Ac.cording to Parashari system (that is according to prtnciples of Hindu Astrologr lald down by Maharist Parashara) the lords of trines (trikonas) are always auspiclous. The trikonas are 5th and 9th houses and also Ist whtch is a trlkona as well as a kendra house. When beneflcs own kendras they are sald to become evil. When maleflcs become lords of kendras (angles or quadrants), they are beUeved to invarlably become good. The lords of 2nd and l2th houses give good results if they are ln oonJuncUon wlth favourable planets. Thts ls what the

t44 Parashari principles say but in actual oiperience and working we do not consider the lord of l2th giving gootl results. l2th house is one of the bad houses and its lord should be treated as such. This is our adviee based on practical experience. The lord of 8th, if he happens to be lord of Ist or lagna, becomes goocl. We will find this position only when the lagna is Mesha or Tula. When Mesha will be first house, the 8th house will fall in Vrishchika Rashi. So Kuja the lord of Ist and 8th for Mesha lagna will give good results in spite of his lordship over the 8th house. In Tula lagna Shukra wtll be lord of Ist and the 8th houses. Flere the 8th house will faU in Vrishabha rashi. When a planet is lord of a kendra as well as a trine he will be a benefic par excellence. In astrological terminology we call such a planet as a yogakaraka planet for that lagna. Rahu and Ketu produce good results when they are in lagna. Rahu and Ketu produce good results when they are in benefic signs-that is, in the signs of planets who are benefic by lordship for particular lagna. Another princlple is that the good or evil planets (by lordship) becorne more and more powerful as they are lords of Ist, 4th, 7th, loth houses; sth, gth houses; 3rd, 6th, l lth houses. In other words,-4th is stronger than Ist, 7th than 4th and lOth more than 7th. Similarly 9th is a more stronger trine house tlnn the Sth, and amongst upachaya houses I lth is the strongest and the 3rd the least powerful. These are three separate groups. Then another Parashari principle is that the lords of 3, 6, 8 and I I do evil and cause miserles in life. Here with due respect to the principles laid doum by the great Parashara, we ln actual practice find that the lord of l ltlr (llth house being the house of gains) gives monetary gains to the native according to its strength and position

145 in the horoscope. Here it is vrorth mentionlng that while the I lth lord has been called evil, nowhere in any standard classical text-book written according to the parashari system of astrologi has the I lth house been balled inauspicious. On the other hand, we have invariably found all such books telling us that if the lord of I lth is strong whether he be the natural benefic Guru or 'the natural malefic Shani, he will fetch enormous financial gains to the native in his mahadasha. Apart from 'this, the lord of l lth in a horoscope is a very beneficial partner for creating dhana Aogas (wealth giving cornbinations) with lords of other good houses. So we do not consider the lord of eleventh house as evil. However, except Chandra and Ravi all planets own two houses, so It is possible that the lord of eleventh for a particular lagna may also be lord of an evil house. An easy example is of Mithuna lagna where the lord of l lth Kuja is also lord of sixth house. As lord of I lth Kuja will give good results when he forms a combination with lord of another :good house such as lord of second which is the house of wealth (dhana bhaua) or lord of 9th (bhagga house) but being lord of 6th he will also create debts, diseases and enemies. This is how we should follow these principles. It is said that benefics when they own kendra, become evil. There are four liagnas-Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanu and Meena where we find that two kendras are 'olrned by benefics. In Mithuna lagna, Budha owns the lst and the 4th. Both are kendras but the Ist is trikona also, but Guru owns the 7th and loth the two kendras. For Kanya, Budha owns Ist and loth-the flrst being both kendra and trikona and loth only a kendra anJ Curu owns 4th and 7th kendras. For Dhanu lagna Guru owns Ist and 4th-flrst being kendra and trikona and 4th ong kendra, and Budha owns 7th and l0th both P.i.rg

146 kendras. For Meena Guru owns Ist and lOth-the first being kendra and trikona and the lOth being only kenkendras. dra, and Budha owns the 4th and 7th-both According to the strict exponents of the Parashari principles for Mithuna and Kanya lagnas, Budha has been treated as a neutral planet and Guru an evil one. For Dhanu and Meena lagnas Guru has been treated as a neutral planet and Budha an evil one. There is some controversy in this regard. There is a sctrool of thought that benefics as lord of kendras do not become incapable of givlreg good results. Our view is that they are not tncapable of giving good results in respect of wealth etc.' but they do cause ill health and even death if they are posited in bad houses, particularly 2nd and 7th whteh are called maraka sthanas (we will come to this later ln this lesson) or when they are conJoined with such planets, or are aspected by them. We are also of the oplnion that if a planet is lord of lagna and also owns a beneflc house, he will be good for the natlve and will not brtng any untoward results. The lagna represents the natlve and the lord of the lagna ls always the protector of the native. We are sorry to say that the contradictions of tttis nature which put the students of astrologl particularly the beginners in confusion. Whtle orthodox or strict followers of the Parashari system at one place say that if the lord of lagna being a natural beneflc owns a kendra he becomes a neutral, they do hesitate in saytqg that the lord of lagna enhances the good results of a house where he is posited. What we have said about natural beneflcs holds good also for natural maleflcs. There is no lagna in which arry maleflc is owner of two kendras, therefore, when assessingi the results of such planets we should attribute both good and bad results to them acoording to ttreir



147 lordship of a kendra and an inauspicious house. But when a beneflc or malefic is lord of trine and also an evil house, he would predominate in giving good results as lord of the *rine. When a planet is lord of a kendra as well as a trine, he ls, as we have already said, a benefic par excellence or a yoga-karaka for that blrth chart. By yogakaraka we mean a planet who gives wealth, name, fame and hfgh positfon. Thus our view is that 1,2, 4,7, 9, lO and I I are auspiclous houses and 3, 6, 8 and 12 are lnausplcious houses or dusthanas (bad houses). Ttrere is a peculiarlt5r about 3,6 and ll. They are also called upa.ehaya houses, that is, the houses of growth. Amongst them 6th being a dusthana, is a weak upachaya house. Whlle the lord of the 3rd and 6th are evil planets posited tn these houses are said to give good results gpadually. All planets are said to give good results in the I lth house, but in the 6th upachaya elfects may be olpected when the house tras the aspect of a benefic, otherwise it should be treated as dusthana. Anongst the dusthanas 3rd ts a mtld dusthana, the 8th is the worst. Then come the 6th and the l2th. It is said that lords of dusthanas destroy the effects of the houses where they are posited and if the lords of the good houses, if posited ln dusthans i.e. 3, 6, 8 and 12, spoil the effects of the houses they own. For example, if the lord of 4th house ts posited in the 8th house. This will spoil the effects of the 4th house and cause domestic unhappiness, obstructions ln educaUon, loss of ancestral property and unhappiness from the side of mother. The lord of the 8th house, if posited in 4th house, will spoil the signilicatlons of the 4th house and at the same time because he becomes stronger by befueg postted in a kendra house, it will enhance the signifleance of the 8th house. That is, wtrlle tt wtll gtve good longevit5r, other evil significations

148 of the 8th house will increase. It is also mentioned irr our standard classical texts that if Chandra and Ravi, who are also called luminaries, are lord of the 8th house they do not become evil. Our experience and that of marry learneds is that in practice that is not true. No exeeption should, therefore, be made in case of Ravi and Chandra. Planets Maraka or l)eath Infllctlng and the 8th, therefrom i.e. the 3rd The 8th house house, are considered as houses of longevity. As the l2th house to the lagna is known as the irouse of loss' sp the l2th house to every house will be house of loss to it. On this principle 12th to 8th is the 7th house and l2th to 3rd is the 2nd house. Therefore, these houses cause loss to longevity and are called maraka sthanas' Planets posited in these houses, those aspected by these planets and lord of these two houses are called marakas or death inllicting planets. There is another class of maraka planets also. They House are those which are posited in the Badhaka (house of obstructions), its lord and the planets aspected by them. For a lagna falling in movable sign, the l lth house or Badhaka sthana, for lagna house isaBadhaka ln a fixed sign the 9th and for lagna in a dual sign the 7th house is a Badhaka sthana. The maraka planets mentioned above cause death in their mahadasha or antardasha if according to the assessment of longevity of the native, the mahadasha or antardasha coincides with the age when the death is likely to occur. The assessment of longevity is a very intricate and complicated process and astrologers with great proficiency in arithmetic and astrologt can pinp"ir"t the period of death; but tt is possible to judge

149 w{thout much difficulty whether a person will be long lived or short lived from the structure of horoscope. However, we will deal with this subject briefly in a later lesson but detailed and complete discussion on this subJect is beyond the scope of our lessons which are lntended only for beglnners. We have said above that lords of 2nd and 7th are marakas-also lords of llth, 9th and 7th who are lords of badhaka sthanas for lagnas in movable, Ilxed and dual slglrs respectively. We have also said ttrat they have powers to inflict death in their maha-dasha or antardasha. The second house is also called dhana bhava or the house of wealth. The seventh house is also calledJaya bhava or the house of life partner or marrlage. The ninth house is also the house of bhagla and the l lth house is also of gains. It can be argued why the lords of houses which are givers of wealth, which cause marriage, which lmprove our bhagra and which give us gains of wealth are marakas. The reply to such an argument ls not dlfficult to give. The lords of the 2nd, 9th or l lth can give gains of wealth and also cluse death if the time of death has arrived according to the assessment of the longevity of the native. Have we not seen cases when a person lmmediately elfter taking charge of a high position dies suddenly or after winning a large sun in a lottery is so overwhelmed with Joy that he dies of shock? According to the principles of astrologr the marriage is likely to take place in the maha dasha or antardasha of the lord of 2nd or Tthboth of whom are maraka planets also. Have we not heard of cases where the bridegrooms are ldlled soon after marriage as a result of some accldent or other causes? So both the events can take place simultaneously during the Maha dasha or antardasha of such planets. But the person who gains wealth on ac-



count of happy positlons of the lords of 2nd' 9th and 1lth, will continue to enjoy it if the time of death has not come according to the assessment of the longevity of the native. Similarly, tf the marria$e takes place in the mahadasha and antardasha of the lords of 2nd or 7th' the natives will enJoy their married Me if further lease of life ls promised to them in ttretr btrth chart.

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l5l Iccson t(f,K

Thts lesson ls in contlnuation of the previous lesson and deats wtth the same subJect. We are taking the liberty of mentioning the auspiclous and lnauspleious lords of bhavas as given ln the book'Hindu Predtcttue Astrologr'by Shri B. V. Raman. 'Key Planets for Each Sign' Prof Raman calls them, ln other wordg, key planets for each lagna. They are deecrlbed as under ln his book referred to above. Budha and Shukra are lll dls' Meshalagna-Shani, posed, Guru and Ravt are auspiclous' The combinatlon of Guru and Shani produces no beneficial results. Guru is yoga karaka or the planet producing suceess' If Shukra becomes a maraka he will not kill the native, but planets like Shani wtll brtng bbout the death of the person. ts the most auspicious and Vrlshabhalagna-.Shani beneflcial planet. Guru, Shukra and Chandra are erril planets. Shani alone produc'es raJayoga. The native will get death in the periods and sub-periods of Guru, Shukra and Chandra if they get death Aflicting powers. Guru and Ravi are evil. Mtthuna lagna-KuJa, Shukra alone is most beneflcial and ln conJunction wlth Shani tn good stgns produces an excellent career of much fame. Shukra and Budha when well associ;ated

t52 cause rajayoga (this rneans that this combination gives narne, fame and wealth to the native). Chandra (who is Iord of 2nd the maraka sthana) does not kill. Here Guru. lord of 7th (another maraka sthana) becomes a maraka planet and may kill the native when his dasha cn amtardasha is operating. Kataka lcgna-Shukra and Budha are evil. Guru and Kuja give beneficial results. Kuja is rajayoga karaka. The combination of Guru and Kuja also causes r4iayoga. Ravi, though lord of 2nd, does not kill. Shukra and other lnauspicious planets kill the native. Simha lagna-Kuja is the most auspicious planet. The combination of Shukra and Guru does not cause raJayoga, but the conjunction of Guru and Kuja in favourable houses produces raJayoga. Shani, though lord of 7th, does not kill, but Budha (lord of 2nd) and other evil planets inflict death when they get maraka powers. Ko,nga logna--Shukra alone is most beneficial. tsudha and Shukra when combined together cause raJayoga. Kuja and Chandra are evil. Ravi does not kill even if he becomes a maraka; but Shukra, the Chandra and Guru will inflict death when they are possessed of death inflicting power. TuIa lagna-Shani alone @uses rajayoga. Guru, Ravi and Kuja are inauspicious. Budha and Shani produce good. The conjunction of Chandra and Budha produces rajayoga. Kuja himself will not kill the person. Guru and Shukra, when possessed of maraka powers, certainly kill the native. Vrlshchtka lagna-Guru ls beneflcial. Ravi and Chandra produce raJayoga. Budha and Shukra are evll. Guru, evenif hebecomesamaraka(lord of 2nd), doesnot tnllict death. Budha and other evtl planets when they get

'153 death inflicting powers do not spare the native. Dhctnu lagna-Kuja is the best planet and in conwith Guru produces much good. Ravi and Kuja Junction also produce gd. Shukra is evil. When Ravi and Kuja combine together they procluce rajayoga. Shani (though lord of 2nd) does not bring about death. But Shukra causes death when he becomes a maraka planet. Makara lagna--Shukra is the most powerful planet and in conjunction with Budha produces rajayoga, KuJa, Guru and Chandra are evil. Kumbha lagnc-Shukra alone is auspicious. The combination of Shukra and Kuja causes raJayoga. Guru and Chandra are evil. and KuJa are auspicious. Meena lagna-Chandra Kuja is most powerful. Kuja with Chandra or Guru causes rajayoga. Shani, Shukra, Ravi and Budha are evil. Kuja, though lord of 2nd, does not kill. The above description of the auspicious and inauspicious planets by Prof Raman is strictly accordlng to the Parashari principles and should be followed by the students to what has been sta.ted by us in the previous lesson. If they go through the above description, they will ftnd tl:at the evll planets are lords of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, llth and 12th and the benefics are lords of kendras. Amongst the auspicious or favourable ptranets are lords of lagnas, pLanets who own trines. Amongst the yoga karaka planets are those who are lords of a trine and a kendra. It will also be noted from the above descriptlon that in most cases lord of 2nd (whlch is a maraka stlnna) has been exempted from the power of tnllicttng death. Our humble view based on experience is that tlds exemption does not prorre true ln practiee. In ttre pnevrous lesson we have stated tn detall very clearly what banrrens actuall5l ln practlce in sptte of the

principles of Parashart system and the students would do well to read the potnts made out by us very carefully. E>rperience alone will prove the truth of what le oontained in that lesson. We have given the descrlptlon of auspiclous and inauspicious planets from Shrl Raman's book wlth a vlerV to acqualnt the students with the Parasharl principles.

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157 learned, respected, wealthy. Tenth: Respected by government, gains from governmental sources like government service or contracts, fortunate, wealth3r, good morals. Famous businessman, very wealthy, Eleuenth: famous, conquest over enemics, fortunate. This is an excellent position for the lord of 2nd. This position brings easy gains to the native. Twelfth: Poor, indebted, goes to foreign lands for his livelihood" earns by undesirable means. ,'t Inrd of 3rd Bhava lf ln First: Idiot, loose morals, servartt, cruel, bad relations in family, not rich, quarrelsome. Seeond: Beggar, poor, short lived; but if the lord of 2nd is a natural benefic the results are better. Then natives become fortunate and not poor. Still this is not a beneficial position for the lord of 3rcl. Thircl: Friendly, religious nrindcd, gains from government and if the lord of 3rd is a natural benefic, then will bc goocl rclatiolrs amolrgst brothcrs ancl otltcr ncar relatives. If l-reis natural malefic thc rclations alnongst brothers etc., may not be good. Still it is a gooclposition for thc lorcl of tltc 3rrl as hc rvill be irt his orvtt hottsc. Evcry planct rvhcthcr hc is bcrtcfic or ttlalcfic givcs good rcstrlts of thc ltor-tschc orvtrs if hc is llositccl lhcrc' Fourtlu Rcbcls agaitlst parctrts, grcccty, notoriotts. sqtrandcrs arrccstral rvcaltlt. clotrlcstic ttnl-tappitrcss. Flfth: Not intclligctrt, has ctrilclrcn. is ablc to cartr enollglr for his livclihood, goocl rclations with brottrcrs. Sixth; Quarrelsomc, bad connections with ncar relativcs, helpful to brothcrs, respected. Seuenth: If the lord of 3rd is a benefic the wife will

158 tre beautiful and fortunate; but tf the lord of 3rd is a malefic the wife will be of loose morals and may have lllicit connecttons with any of his younger brotheis. It is not good position for the setrenth house to have the lord of 3rd postted there. Etghth: Troubles from brothers or loss of brothers sisters, bad relations with near relatives, loss of aourage, good for longevity as both the 3rd and gth house are of longevity. Mnth: Prosperity for younger brothers and sisters (because from ninth house the lord of 3rd aspects his own house), bad position for native. If the lord of third is a benefic the native gets help and respect from his brothers and sisters. Tenth: It is stated in the classical texts that this is a good position for the lord of Brd and makes the nailve prosperous, respected and fortunate. Our humble vlew which we will recommend to the students is that if the lord of 3rd is in the loth, the native has to put in colossal efforts to make himself prosperous in life. Ii the structure of thc horoscope is otherwise goocl and therc are benefic i'fltrcnccs by aspect or conjunction on the loth house ancl the lord of Srd, the native gcts brilliant success in his eflbrts. ' Eleuenth: This again is consiclerecta goocl position for lhc lorcl o[ thc 3rcl by our ancicnts; but our humblc vicw is lhc samc as wc have givcn in reslrcct of the loth hotrsc. Thc ains rvilt be thcre; but thcy will not be easv gains. To gct thcm the native will have to put in hard work. In this position there is likelihood of the native getting gains through brothers. Twelfth: Does not like relatives or friends, Jealous, goes to foreign lands, strange habits. We have already ex-

Leson I


Iprd Bbrvr lf ln Ilrsh If tlre lord of lagna ts fn lagna the natlve wlll long-llved, pourerful, trard working, wealthy' be telthy, Hewlll have ahappychtldhood and willhave agood start ln llfe. Second: Wealthy, respected, long-lived, wifl do good deeds, leader ard gracefuf. Thlrd: Good brothers and slsters and friendly, coura$@us, charltable, rellglous mlnded, reslrected tn soclety. Fourth: Respected by gwernment, long-llved, obedlent to parents, gets ancestral property, hard worklng ard bold. Good chlldren, has spirit of sacrifice, reFlfth: up..t"d, famous, wealthy, humble, learned' long lived' devoted. Stxth: Powerful, miser, poor health, poor start in of ld life, has enemies. Seuenth: Well behaved, husband of a devoted, chaste and beautlful wife, fortunate, long-lived' Etghth: Bad health, miser, short lived, gets diseases ln secret orgurs, immoral if the planet is a malefic' Mnth: Charitable, courageous, famous, proud, well behaved, good morals, religious minded, famous, luclgr'

156 wealthy. Tenth: Learned, $ood morals, gains from $overnment and fue profession, respected, wealthy and good longevity. Eleuenth: Healthy, good gains from profession, happy, famous, respected, ponrerful, trard working. Twelfth: Cruel, deceitful, goes away from naflve plaee, sickly, poor start h life. ,l t'r. Iord of 2nd Bhava lf ln Flrsfi Stingf, trader, self made man, earns wealth by hfs own efforts, famous, respected. Second: Wealthy, charitable, helpful to others, greedy, clever, earns wealth easily, gains in business, famous, good speaker, learned handsome, good eyesight. Third: Quarrelsome, thief, instable life, discourteous, dishonest. Fourth: Gains from father, gains of ancestral propert5r, truthful, long lived, owns lands and buildings, happy, hard working. Flfth: Gains through children, good deeds, good morals, famous, miser, intelligent. Sixth: Accumulates wealth but also loses it on aceount of acts of his enemies, by theft or by being deceived by others, earns by doing service, poor eyesight, not a good position for the lord of 2nd. Seuenth: Husband of a wife fond of pleasure, wife helps in accumulation of wealth, gains after marriage, fond of women other than his own wife, may commit suicide. Eighth: Deceitful, sudden gains of wealth by inheri_ tance or otherwise, lazy, fatalist, wealthy. Mntfu Charitable, famous, religious minded,

' pressd


the view that Srd house is a dusthana (an inaushouse) and so is the twelfth. If the lord of a it"io.r" iusthana is postted in another dusthana, he gives good this dtspositlon ts called Vlpreet Raresult---actually that if the lord of a Jagoga. The prtnciple behind this is powerful he does harm to the house O.r"inatta becomes he owns; but if he becomes weak he gives opposite 'Vtpreet means opposite' The results (i.e. good results). lord of dusthana becomes powerful tf he is posited in kendra or trikona or even in 2nd and I lth which we don't cpnsider as trad houses except that the 2nd and 7th houses are also maraka sthanas. The lord of dusthana becomes weak if he is posited in any of the dusthanas' or if posited in auspicious house in debilitation or rendered weak by aspect or conjunction of malefics' What we have stated here will apply to the lords of all dusthanas. Lord of 4th Bhevr lf ln Ftrst: Obedlent and loyal to parents, loved by parents pa.rticuLarly mother, improves the posttion of hi-s family, wealthy, inherits ancestral property, owns land' buildings and conveYances. Second.: Gets gains of wealth from n;cther and from maternal relations, inherits ancestral propertli, domes tic happiness, goocl in education. A natural malefic' if lord of 4th, may crcate troublcs in family. Thlrd.: Quarrels with mother, causcs losses to mother, loss of paternal property' not gooct clomestic li[e' Not good position for the lord of 4th, as the 3rd house being l2th to 4th is a negative house for the 4th house' Fourth: Respected by parents and the government or king, gatns from ancestral property, long lived mother' ownei ol hnd, buildings and conveyances' domestic

160 happiness, prospers most in his rrative land, good morals, peaceful and happy end of life, may get hidden treasure (this may happen if there is good relationship by aspect or conjunction with the lord of l lth). Flfth: Long lived, receives honours frorn government, high position in Governrnent, highly edueated, intelligent, famous, enjoys ancestral property. Sixth: Accumulates wealth; but it may be lmt on account of diseases or by enemies, unhappiness from mother, may not get ancestral proprerty, bad character, no pcace of mind. Seuenth: Gains from father-in-law, conjugal happiness, good eclucation; but may get a step-mother. Eighth: Unhappiness from mothcr who is long lived, loss of ancestral propertlr, land, building and conveyances or may not be able to own land, building or conveyrnces. Not a good position for the lord of the fourth as far as the native is concerned. It also disturbs domestic happiness and peace of mind. Ntnth: Learned, remains in good society, religious mindcd, if in movablc sign may havc crccasion ficr firreign travel and to acquire wealth, dcvoted to lathcr and guru, pilgrimage to holy places. Tenth: Owns lands and builclings, long lived mothcr. sLlccess in professipnal carcer. respcctecl, lcarncd, cloesgoocldccds i[ thc planct is a nattrral bcncfic likc Guru ancl Shukra. If Curu, hc will be religious minded ancl a gooct and succcssful lawl'cr, judge or minister. If Shukra, he will be cqually succcssful; but will be inclined to have pleasure and comfiorts and association of women for pleasure's sake. Eleuenth: Wealthy, respected, cpmfortable, happy, gains from mother.

161 Tuelfth: May have to live in forei$n lands, domestlc unhappiness, loss of ancestral property. If a natural benefic end of life may be peaceful-if a natural malefic, it may be otherwise. t ord of 5th Bhava lf ln Ffrsh Goott children, learned in Shastras, intelligent, thinker, clever. Second,' Wealtlry, famous, gains from speculation, lottery etc. (For lottery the conjunction of lord of I lth in second or his aspect on the lord of fifth in 2nd is necessary). He has many children, looks after his family and is lovecl by his wife. Third: Liked by brothers, backbiter, miser, selfish. This is not a good position as far as the native is concerned as the 3rd house is dusthana (bad house). Fourth: Happy, father and mother long lived and prosperous, intelligent, minister; but few or no children because fourth is 12th to Sth and, therefore, a house of loss for the 5th. It gives good results in other respects because the lord of Sth being the lord of trine is posited in a kendra rvhich is an auspicious house ancl from there aspects the loth house, the house of profession and honours. Fifth: Happiness from chilclren, clever' intelligent' farnotrs. Hcre thc lorcl of thc 5th is in his orvrl hottsc. Thcrefore, all goocl rcsttlts of [hc si$nifications of this house may be expectecl. Srxth; Enmity or quarrcls with his own chilclren or chilclless, or adopts a child. Respected, happiness from children' Seuenth: charitable, good for conjugal life. Elghth: Few children or no children, asthma pa'

L62 ' tlent, loss of peace of mlnd, short-tempered, unhappy. Ninth: Son becomes famous, high officer, mlnister' He is wealthy, happy, author, famous and brings good narne to his familY. Tenth: This is an excellent positlon for the lord of fifth. He beeomeswealthy, holdshigh position in Government or otherwise, gets name and fame; but fewchildren' position because Eleuenth: This is also a very gd an auspicious lord is in an auspicious house and from the I lth house he aspects his own house. When the lord of a house aspects his own house particularly from an auspicious house, the aspected house gets strengthened ancl gives good results according to its significations' Thus with this disposition the native is wealthy, famous, has children, popular, h,ighly intelligent, author and powcrful. TweIJth: Loss of children or childless or adopts a child. This is a bad position because the 12th house ls the house of loss for the native, as lt is 8th from fifth house. It may be noted here when the lord of a house is in 3rcl, 6th, 8th or l2th from his own house, the significations of that house differ' This principle is of a great importance and should always be kept in mind' The exceptions to this principle is that when the lord of house is in 3rcl, 6th, 8th or l2th from l-risown house; but that housc is an auspicious house, the significations o[ the housc rvill suffer; but preclominantly goocl rcsults will be seen. Thus lorcl of 5th gives gooclrestrlts to'the native if he is in lottr, which is 6th from Sth, as the loth is a very powerful and auspicious kendra house. Lord of Stxth Bhava lf ln First: Sickly, famous, inimical to hts relations, rich, eourageous. The native is more sickly than famous or

163 rieh in this disposition. Second: Losses through enemies or bad health, bad eyesight, diseases of the mouth, may do better in foreign lands. Thtrd.: Short tempered, inimical to younger brothers and sisters. Fourth: Little happiness from mother, loss of land and property through enemies, backbiter, jealous, indebted. Flfth: Inimical relations with children. Instable wealth. But this position is good for health. Sth being l2th to Sth, i.e. the house of loss for the 6th, the disposition of the lord of 6th in 5th destroys enemies and bad health. In other words he keeps good health, is free from enemies, debts etc. Slxth; This will be hCsown house and it is, therefore, a good position. The lord of 6th in 6th will destroy enemies, give good health to the native and also wealth by service and through cattle. Seuenth: Bereft of conjugal happiness, urife sickly, the native also suffers from ill health. Eighth: Sickly, loose morals but wealthy. As explained earller the disposition of a lord of dusthana in another dusthana gives rise to Vipreet Raja-yoga and this makes the native wealthy. But this happens only when the nraha dasha or antardasha of lorcl of thc sixth ls in operation. Ninth: Creates obstructions in tkre rise of the native. causes losses of wealth. Tenth: As a lord of dusthana he creates obstructions in profession through enemies, not a good position. Eleuenth: May get gains from enemies. Losses througfir enemies are also indicated.

164 Twelfth: Extravagant, loose morals, violent, Jealous; but may get sudden wealth as lord of 6th will be in a dusthana. Lord of Seventh Bhava lf ln First: Adulterous, clever, impatient, wife lon$ lived. Second: May have more than one marriage, gains after marriage. Third: Loss of children, no marriage or delay in marriage. Fourth: Happy, intelligent, religious mindcd. Fifth: Famous, respected, happy, wealthy. Sixth: Sickly wife or may be bereft of wife or unhappy conjugal life. Seuenth: This will be his own house for the lord of 7th. He will have a good healtlry wi[e, early marriage, good children, tre will be wealthy and have good position in life; if in business good reLations with partners. Elghth: Wife sickly, loss of conJugal happiness, wife wealthy if lord of seventh is a benefic planet and owns a good house counted from the 7th. The 8th house will bc 2nd to 7th and will, therefore, be dhana bhaua (house of wealth) for the wife. Mnth; Many women will come in his life, wealthy happ-v, gains after marriage. Tenth: Happy, wifc may also bc carning and a little clominatin$, sllccess in business partncrship. Eleuenth: Gains after marriage or through wific, good children. Twelfth: A very bad position for the lord of 7th and as the l2th will be 6th to the 7th house and, therefore, the lrouse of diseases, debts and enemies for the wife. Recult*wife sickly, loss of wealth through wlfe or on ac-

165 count of her health. In a female horoscope slckly or poor husband. Lord of 8th Bhava lf ln Firsl Bereft of bodily happiness, that is, ill health, prone to accidents. Some authorities are of the view that this position is good for longevity. The reasoning is that the 8th house is house of longevity and when 8th lord is ln the first house, he becomes very powerful and, therefore, bestows good longevity. This reasoning looks to us quite plausible; but for good longevity not only the lord of 8th be in the lst; but the lord of lst should also bevery powerful by being posited in an auspicious house with favourable aspects. Second; Poor, he never gets back what ls lost, good for longevit5l as lord of 8th will aspect hls own house. Thtrd: Bereft of happiness from younger brothers and sisters, lazy, weak minded, timid. But lord of 8th is said to give longevit5r as the 3rd being 8th to 8th is also treated as a house of longevity. Fourth: Bereft of happiness from the mother or lgss of mother in childhood, loss of ancestral property or'no ancestral property, unhappy. Flfth: Idiot, few chlldren, long lived. Slxth: Defeats hls enemies, slckly, danger of snake bite or accidents particularly by drowntng, may get wealth suddenly (lord of a dusthana in another dusthana). Seuenth: Loss of wife, unhappy married life, losses in business partnership. Etghth: Long lived, loose morals, backbiter. Mnth: Long lived, unlrcpular, causes obstructlons ln rtse ln life, loss of wealth, bad for fattrer.

166 Tenth: Losses and obstructions in profession, loose morals. backbiter. Eleuenth: Long ltved; but poor. Twelfth: Extravagant, not good for longevit5r; but good for wealth as lord of 8th will be in another dusthana. l,ord of 9th Bhava lf ln First: Fortunate, respected by govt/king, good manners, good morals, handsome, learned, popular. Second: Learned, popular, wealthy, lusty and has happiness in regard to famtly anrd chdldren. Thlrd: Happy relations with brothers and slsters, wealthy, clever, good manners. It will be noted that thtrd house is a dusthana; but lord of 9th gives gocd results in this house, flrstly because he is the lord of a very auspicious house and secondly because he aspects the 9th house (hls ourn house) from thls lrcsition making it 1rcwerful. Fourth: Comforts of houses, larrds and conveyances, happlrress in respect of mother. Flrth; Good children, natlve devoted to his preeptor, good morals, religious minded, learned, respected, famous and wealthy. Stxth: Fluctuating fortunes, no good terms with materrral relations, troubled by enemie. Seuenth: C.ood gains after marrtage, learned, famous. Etghth: Unfortunate in errery respect. Thts ts the worst position for the lord of the 9th; as 8th ts l2th to 9th and is, therefore, the house of loss for the 9th. (Own house): Very fortunate, gets all he Mnth wants. If gth may be a morrable slgn he may go abred

t67 and earn wealth, nrme and fame there also. Has long lived ard prosperous father. In this position the lord of 9th causes a powerful raJa-yoga. Tenth: Becomes klng or like a king or minister, Prtme Mlnlster, Presldent, a hlgh govt. official, a very euccessful businessman. This disposition also gives rise to a powerful raJa-yoga. Eleuenth: Gains always, devoted and obedient to elders and his guru; clever, charitable. ' Twelfth: Unfortunate, spends lavishly on gd 'causes and thereby becomes poor (there are many examples of people who g[ve all their wealth for charitable purposes). It will be noted that 12th being 4th from 9th, the position of lord of 9th in t2th is not bad; but good for tlee father of the native. Lord of Tenth Bhava lf ln Flrsh Learned, famous, wealthy, poet, sickly in childhood, later picks up health, his wealth grows day by day. Second: Happy, wealthy, respected by govt., charitable, general\r his wealth is self acqulred. Thtrd: Courageous, generally his livelihood is from gervice and he can become well off only by hard work. Fourth: This is an excellent position for the lord of tenth. From here he aspccts his own hotrse the tcnth, happiness from mother, owns convcyat'rccs, lands ancl buildings, is wealthy and learned. Flfth: Rise in career by changcs, high education, course of good carer, learned, intelligent, wealthy, happiness from children. The Sth house is 8th from loth and, therefore, a dusthana for the lOth house. But the 5th house ls very auspicious from the lagna. Therefore,

168 while there may be changes in career, ultimate result will be beneficial to the native. Slxth: Ups and downs in professional life, unfortunate, troubles from enemies in his profession. For a person in service, this position of the lord of the tenth may result in being ofterr superseded by his juniors who may be engaged in inimical activities'against him. Seuenth: Learned, good thinker, studious, good rnarried life. His wife may also be earning, and may be helping him in his profession. Eiohth: Bad morals, backbiter, black mailer, losses in prolession, disgrace but long livcd. Ninfhi Although ninth is l2th to loth and, thcrefore, the house of loss lbr the loth. But 9th is the most auspicrous house countcd from lagna. Therefore, the disposition of the lord of the loth in the gth gives rise to a powertrrl raja-yoga giving name, fame and wealth to the native. he has good children and is learned and happy. Tenth: This will be his own house. In this position lord of tenth gives rise to a powerful raja-yoga. He is clever, happy enterprising, truthful, rvealthy, famous, learned and gets honours lrom governrnent. He holcls high position in govt or political spheres. Eleuenth: Happiness from children, trutMul, always happy. Gooclqains of wcalth by orvn cfforts--that is. b_vhis profcssional carccr. Tuelfth: Losscs tlrrorrg.h govt. (likc fincs, ta;ccsctc.) rrnhapp-y,losscs in profcssion, troublcci in prolession by sccrct encmics. Lord of Eleyenth Firsh gains. Bhava if in Wealthy, happy, poet, orator, alu'ays gets

169 Second: Has wealth of all kinds, all ambitions fulfilled, successful in all ventures, happy. He may get sudden gains from speculation if there is an aspect or conjunction of the lord of the Sth. Third: Obstructions in gains on account of brothers. Not a good position for the lord of 1lth as the native is concerned. Fourth: Gains of wealth from the mother or maternal relations, fond of pilgrimage to holy places, acquisition of lands and buildings etc. Flfth: Good and prosperous children, happy, learned. Sixth: Slckly, never goes straight in life, goes away to foreign lands, troublcd by enemies. Also losses through enemies. Seuenth: Galns from wife's side, that is, from the father-in-law's family, liberal, lustlr, dominated by his wtfe. Etghth: Long lived; but life full of obstaeles and losses. His wife dies during hJs life-time. ' Mnth; Fortunate, clever, writer, editor, respected by govt, wealthy. Tenth: Tenth is l2th to eleventh and, therefore, the house of loss for the eleventh; but again loth is a powerful auspicious house from lagna. Therefore, the presence of lord of f lth in the loth ls considered ausplcious and good for the native, but the gains of wealth will come as a result of hard work in the profession and not easily. In this disposition there is also a tendencv for the native to renounce the world and become a sanycrsl. Eleuenth: This will be his own house and, therefore, wiII bring easy gains of wealth. The natlve will be happy both tn regard to wealth as weIJ as children. His elder

170 brother will be prosperous and long lived. He will have good and true friends. causes, extravagant, fond Tuelfth: spends on gd of women (the twelfth house also represents cpmforts of bed). Lord of Tvclfth Bhava lf ln bereft of Ftrst: Extravagant, weak constltutlon, adverse\r wealth and education. Thls disposition also affects the longevtty of the native. Second: spends on good ceruses! religious mlnded, happy; but wlthout much wealth. Thlrd: Bereft of happtness from brottrers and slsters, Jealous, no lnltiative, selflsh and untrappy. Fourth: Deprived of comforts of lands, bulldlngs, conveyances, loss of domestic happtness, urlth thts disposition the natlve may not get happlness from hls mother; but it is good for hls motlrer because l2th house is 9th from the 4th and is, therefore, tl:ie bhaggo house for his mother. Flfth: Devoid of education and ctrlldren or has to incur losses through his children. S{xth: Jealous, short tempered, unhappy, adulterer, but he is wealthy and famous because the dtsposition of the lord of a dusthana ln anotlrer dusthana causes u lpr eet r aJa-g oga. Seuenth: Losses through women, little marrled happiness. There may be separatlon between husband and wife. Etghth: Wealthy (Lord of dusthana in other dusthana) medium life. Mnth; Selfish, poor, unfortunate. Tenth: Unhappy, difrculties in profession, may be

t7l punished or disgraced by government. Eleuenth: Here almost all the classical texts say that in this position the lord of l2th results in extravagances on the part of the native. We feel that I lth is l2th to l2th (house of loss) the disposition of the lord of l2th will negativate the losses and make the native wealthy. Tu;elJth: This will te own house for the lord of 12th. Every planet is happy and beneficial in his own house. This position will give the native good gains of wealth, comfort of bed (he may get the company of many women). If the lord of 12 is Guru, Ravi, Chandra or Shani, the expenditure will be on good causes, otherwise on getting pleasures.


Lesson XXI


We have decided, for the guidance of students, to have a separate lesson on these planets. All learneds in astrologl agree that Rahu and Ketu are only shadowy planets and have no physical bodies like other seven planets, but there is lot of controversy as to whether they eue owner of any rashls or not. We would advise the students, until by further study and experience they are able to rorm their own Judgement, to accept the position that Rahu and Ketu are not Iords of any rashis, and also that Vrishabha is the exaltation rashi of Rahu and Vrishchika is his debilitation si$n or rashi. Similarly' Vrishchika may be accepted as the exaltation sign of Ketu and Vristrabha as h'is sign of debilitation. This view is supported by Maharishi Parasara's Brihat Parasara Hora. Rahu and Ketu should be treated as shadowy pian'lhey represent the Iord of the sign' They also act as ets. a strong agent to the planet "arith which they are conJoireed. If they are not conJoined with any planet, they give the results of the planets whicl-r aspect them. Only when they are ncitlter conjoined rvith nor aspcctcrl by any planets, they represent tlrc lorcl of the hottsc itr which they are positccl. It is on accottttt of this principlc of astrologl that we find that while pcoplc shivcr rvherl they are told that the maha dasha of Rahu or ketu is on or is about to operate, but actually when we see the results they prove very auspicious if Rahu and Ketu represent auspiciotrs planets in the chart. If Rahu and Ketu occupy beneflcial houses like the

173 fifth or the ninth and ir they are in conjunction with or aspeeted by the lord of the maraka house 2 or 7, they cause death in their dasha even though the lord of houses 5 and 9 are to produce raja-yogas (good results). If Rahu and Ketu are in maraka houses i-e.2 or 7 and if they are conjoined with or aspected by the lords of the Sth and the 9th, they do not cause death, but on the other hand, they increase one's wealth, improve one's health and contribute for a long span of life. But if Rahu and Ketu are in 2 or 7 and if the lords of 2 or 7 are conjoined with either of them or if they aspect Rahu or Ketu, the latter then get power of inflicting death. If Rahu and Ketu ocupy an evil house and conJoin with lords of kendra or trikona they cannot produce beneficial results. If Rahu or Ketu is in either 6, 8 or 12 and if they are cpnnected with lords of kendras or trikonas, the natives will enJoy the beneflcial results durin$ the antardasha of such a lord, but they will suffer from disease, undergo many dilfieulties, meet with accidents etc., during antardasha of the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th. If Rahu or Ketu occupies the houses 1, 3, 4, 7 or 9 or 10 and yogakarka planets conjoin them or aspect them, one crn expect happiness, health, wealth, children, power, prosperity arrd comforts of conveyance in thetr periods.


Lesson X)ilI

In our previous chapters beginning from lesson XIV we have given, in sufficient detail, almost all necessary informations with our c\omments for the judgement of a horoscope. We have indicated the general characteristics of persons born in a particular constellation, yoga and lagna, the effects of various planets in each sign and house, the auspicious and inauspicious planets for each lagna and the effects of the lords of houses when posited in various houses. Actually with this information it should be possible for a student to judge a horoscope. Still we have added this lesson so that there may be no kind of confusion left. Before comir:g to the Judgement stage of the horoscope we should ensure that we have before us: (l) The Rashi chart (Janma Kundali), (2) The Bhava chart, (3) The Cuspal chart, (4) The longitudes of planets (Grah spast), (5) The longitudes of bhavas (Bhava spast), (6) The Navamsa chart. In examining a house in horoscope due importance should be given not only to the Rashl; but also to the Navamsa and the other charts mentioned above. Each house or bhava has to be analysed carefully one by one. In doing so the following factors should be taken into account: ( 1) The strength, aspects, conJunctions and location of the lord of the house.

175 (2) The strength of the house ltself. Thts will be Judged by the position of its lord, the position of planets (benefic or malefic) in the house, by aspects on the house, and the conjunction of the lord with other planets (benefic or malefic) and the aspects on hlm. (3) The natural characteristics of the house, of its lord and the planets in it or those who aspect the house. (4) Whether the lord of the house is exalted. in debilitation, retrograde or direct, in a friendly or tnimical house. (5) Whether the lord of the house is favourably situated in Navamsa. If the lord of the house under Judgement is situated in the Navamsa chart in the same sign as in the Rashi chart, it is avery good positionwhich in astrological terminologr is called Vargottama position. If the lord of such house is exalted in the Rashi chart; but is in debilitation in the Navamsa, the good effects of his being exalted vanish. On the other hand, if such lord is in debilitation in the Rashi chart and exalted in the Navamsa the bad effects of the planet in question will be converted into good effects as if the planet is exalted, In Navamsa the planet in question (lord of the house under judgement) is said to be favourably situated if it is Var. gottama, in exaltation, in his own sign and in a friendly sign. Even if he is in an enemy sign he will not be very bacl if he is positccl in a kendra, trikona, 2ncl and llth, but hc will bc consiclered in unfavourable navamsa position if hc is in clebilitation or posited in 3, 6, 8 or 12 houses of the Navamsa chart. Here, for the benelit of the students, we shall quote principles for the judgement of bhavas as given in a very respected treatise in Hindu astrologr, rrarhely 'Jataka Desamarga' without cliariffcations and ampllflcaUons. We have so far abstained from quoting from arry classtcal

176 texts; but we are doing this now because the prineiples lald down are most scientific and will be of great use in the Judgement of a horoscope. These principles are as follows: ( I ) A horoscope or blrth chart should be judged with reference to lagna as well as Chandra,lagna i.e (the sign in which Chandra is posited is Chandra lagna). We should judiciously judge the effects of the Rashi in which the lagna and the Cl'randra fall. (2) The effects of planets in conjunction with the bhava and those aspecting them should be taken into account. (3) The position of karakas of the bhava to be judgecl has to be considercd. The kcrrctkas are natural significators of a house. The karakas for the various
houses are as undcr: First hotrse Sccond lrouse Third housc Fourth house -

Ravi Guru Kuja Chandra (for mother) and Shukra (for happiness, comforts etc.)

Guru Fifth house Kuja and Shani Sixth house Shukra Scvcnth housc Shani Eighth housc , Ravi & Guru Ninth house Buclha Tenth house Eleventh house Guru Twelfth house Shani The principle to be followed ts that while Judging a bhava in addition to ottrer things like the lrcsition of the

177 lord of bhava etc., the position of the karaka should also be considered. The karaka is a kind of natural lord of the bhava whlle the rashi lord is the functional lord. Thus while the functional lord will be the lord of the rashi fatting ln a bhava and may be different in the birth chart wtth difierent lagnas, the karaka of each bhava (whatever be lagna) will always remain the same. (4) Beneflc planets (natural benefics) will produce good results while evil ones (natural maleflcs) will do the reverse i.e. generally destroy the advancement of the bhava. When a planet functions as a karaka for a good (auspicious) as well as a bad house it will produce good effects if it is endowed wtth strength, otherwlse it will on\r eause evil. (5) A bhava becomes completely suc-cessful and effective when it is in a beneflc rashi (this means that the lord of that rashl ls a natural benefic), is occupied by a beneflc pLarret, by its lord or a friendly planet, or aspected by a planet possessed of strength, or when the lord of the bhava or lts karaka is endowed with superior strength. (6) When the several stgnillcators mentioned in (5) above are aspected by a malefic, the lord of 6th, or the 8th house. it should lead to the extinction of the bhava. (7).If there are malefics (natural) on both sides of bhava, they occupy 4th and 8th houses from the same (i.e. the 4th & 8th houses from the bhave under judgement), or the 5th or 9th position from the same, the destruction of the bhava will be the result. (8) If a bhava is aspected or occupied by tts own lord, the bhava ts strengthened. (Here we mention that this is our view whlch is different from one given by the author of 'Jataka Deshmarga'. According to that author if a bhava be conJoined with or aspected by its lord who is a

178 malefic and is possessed of strengfh, the effect of the bhava will prove mostly evil). We wiU give an example. Suppose we are judging the lst bhava which is in Makara rashi. The lord of the Saturn occupies the lst bhava which will be hls own bhava. Shani the lord is a natural malefic. Our view is that by the occupation of the lst bhava by Saturn in spite of his being a natural malefic, the native the lst bhava will give excellent results-i.e. will have good appearanc, gd health, good start in life and good longevity. The same will be the position if Shani aspects bhava by his Srd, Tth or loth aspect from any place in the horoscope. It is not logical that whether a man is goocl or bad he will never like to spoil the house belonging to him? (9) In all cases it is auspicious for any bhava to be connected with the lord of lagna by conJunction, aspect or by his occupation of kendra or trikona house, and it ls inauspicious to have any sort of mutual Sambandha (relationship) or connection with the lord of 6th, 8th or l2th (from lagna) by conJunction, aspect etc. ( lO) the lord of 6th will cause danger from enemies, debts, diseases etc., while the lord of 8th will cause risk to life. The lord of the 12th house will cause fall from one's position, poverty and the like. These adverse effects will become more and more acute when a malefic conJoins with, or aspects such planets, namely the lords of 6th, 8th or l2th. (lf ) The 6th, 8th, 12th houses in any nativit5r are evil houses (In addition 3rd house ls also evil). Even those houses whose lords are conJoined with or aspected by the planets owning the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 12th houses, the planets occupying these houses and the houses themselves are productive of evil results of the native.

179 The sum and substance of thts princtple is that a bhava will give bad results if the lord of 3rd, 6th, 8th or l2th is posited there or if the bhava is postted in arry of these houses. ( 12) If the bhava lord and the bhava karaka or any bhava occupy exaltation, own, friendly and favourable position in Navamsa, but be placed in 8th, the benefic results of that Bhava will not be enJoyed by the rratlve. Where a bhava lord and karaka due to their occupatlon of debilitation houses and the like, have become weak, but are posited in very auspicious houses such as the ,l lth etc., they prove good notudthstanding thelr decaSrcd condition. The above ls what exactly the book Jataka Deshmarga says. We agree with everything except ttnt if the lord of the 6th is in 6th. or the lord of 8th is tn Sttr or the .lord of l2th is in l2th, they would not give evll results. Also, if the lord of one evil house is in another he gives ulpreet raJa-yoga. Therefore, the position of the lord of 6th in 6th, 8th, l2th or 3rd, the position of the lord of 3rd tn the 6th, 8th, or l2th the position of lord of 8th in 3rd, 6th or l2th and the position of the lord of l2th tn 3rd, ,,6th or 8th is productive of good results, as this dtsposition causes ulrpeet raJa-goga. ' These are the general prireciples whdch should be followed in Judgtng a horoscope. When we a bhava 'for judgernent we sbould treat as if that bhava is lagna and then sec how the planets are placed ln that chart as ,reckoned from the bhava. It is bad for that bhava if the lord of that bhava Is placed In the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th as reckondJrom that bho,ua as well asfiomlagna. Lagna represents the native. Therefore, the position from lagna has to be taken into acrcount.


In this chart we want toJudge the Sth bhava regardlng children. Let us treat the Sth bhava as lagna. We find that lord of the 5th Shani is in the 4th from Sth; but in the Sth from lagna. Sth house represents the first child of the native. Sth is also the house of progeny. Here the house is also aspected by its lord, thus strengthenlng it. The karaka lbr tl.e Sth is Guru which is very strong in the 3rd being in his own sign. Guru is in the l lth from the Sth. The results of this disposition are to be read as follows: ( 1) As lord of Sth Shani is in the 8th, the position of 5th lord is not good for native. But the 5th lord aspects 5th house, therefore, the position has improved. There is no bad aspect on the Sth house not on its lord Shani. The karaka for the Sth Guru is strong and there is no bad lnfluence on it by conjunction or aspect. So the natlve wlll have chlldren; but not mrny and he wtll not derlve much happiness from any chlld. As far as the child is concerned, he will be well off as ttre lord of 5th which is the representative of lst child aspects his own house from the 4th house to the 5th and the karaka for the 5th ls in I lth to 5th, a very good position. However, there are malelics in the 2nd house to Sth who will cause loss of wealth to the first child of the native. The position of Ketu in 8th to the Sth is also not good. This ls how each bhava of the horoscope ls to be judged.

l8l Two things more remaln to be mentioned here(l) After examining the bhava in all their aspects we should examine whether there are rny raja-yogas' dhana-yogas, darldra yogas or avayogas present in the chart and if so how strong they are. We would give lnformation about important yogas in one of the followlr41 lessons. Yogas are only certain dispositions of the planets in the horoscope. Good dispositions become raJa-yogas and dhana-yogas and bad ones become avayogas (bad yogas). (2) All conJunctions, aspects and yogas are to be Judged from the rashi chart. The lordship of a particular bhava should be considered from the cuspal chart and tle positton of a planet uis-a-uls another planet or a bhava should be consldered from the bhava chart or bhava chakra. When cronsidering aspect, we should Judge its streng;th by the dlfference tn the longitude of aspector and aspectee whether the aspectee be a bhava or a planet. If the aspect falls within 1O or 12 degrees of the cusp (middle potnt or bhava madhya) of the bhava or the longitude of the aspected planet it is efiective. When it ls beblnd the longitudinal degree it is an applying aspect and when it is after the longitudinal degree of the cusp of the btrava of the aspected planet it is separating aspect. Naturally the effect of the aspect wlll be more pronounced when lt is very near the cusp of the bhava or the longltudinal degree of the aspected planet. The applying aspect ls ccnsidered stronger than the separatlng aspect. For example, lagna is Vrishabha wfth the lagna cusp at 27'. Shukra the lord of lagr" is in the Here there is difference seventh house tn Vrishchika2|. of only 3o between the longitude of Shukra and the lagna cusp. Therefore, he powerfully aspects the lagna whlch is hls oum house.

t82 Lcsgon XXm


In this lesson another scientific method of Judging the horoscope is being given for the guidance of students. We may divide the planets, excpt Rahu and Ketu who do not o\ /n any slgn, into four sets. l. Naturo,l beneJtcs: These are those who are benefic by nagure. They are Guru, Shukra and Budha unassoctated with any maleflc. The waxing Chandra (i.e. from the 8th tithi of Shukla paksha to eighth tithi of krishna paksha) is also a natural benefic. 2. Nafitral malqflcs: Budha associated with natural malefics, waning Chandra, Ravi, Kuja, Shani, Rahu and l(etu. 3. F-uncttonal benefics: All planets whether natural benelics or malefics owntng houses other than 3, 6, 8 and t2. 4.Junctlonal malefics: All planets whether natural benefics or maleflcs owning houses 3, 6, 8 or 12. The elfects of these natural and functlonal benefics and maleflcs should be assessed as follows: (a) Natural benefics do good to the bhaua theg con(occupU) or aspect whlle so far as their natural charJoln acteristics (karakatwas) are concerned they do good whlle in good bhavas (1,2, 4,6,7,9, lO, 1l) and bad when in dusthanas except in case of 3 and 6 (upaehaya) where gradual good is seen.

183 (b) Natural malefics spottthe efiect's oJ allthebhauas theg coryioin or aspect whlle their karakatwas prove to be goi *tt"tt ttt go"d bhavas and bad when irr 8 and 12 6h"ln." giving gradual good in 3 and 6 the upachaya house. (c) Functional beneflcs when in good bhavas do good to the bhauas they own while in 3, 6, 8 and 12 theg ipotl the god oJ the bhaurr owned bg them' (d) Natural maleflcs when in good bhavas atta|n stengthto lncreasethe bad effects oJthebharsatheg own wtrite in dusthanas (3, 6, 8 and 12) they get weakend to do bad. and subsquentlg cause whatls known as ulpreet raJa-goga. While readlng the effects of the natural and funcuonal beneffcs and maleflcs we will ffnd contradictory effects artsing. These differential effects will occur during the dasas of such planets' For example, for T\rla lagna Guru, a natural beneflc, bein$ lord of tl-e 3rd and 6th house is a functional malefic. He ls posited tn 4th house' Guru as natural benefic tn the 4th house tn hris dasha wtll give domestic trappiness, good education, comfort to mother, happiness from mottrer, a hous or conveyance' Thus he will do because as a natural children, *.atn' beneflc he is in a good house. He does goocl to the,4th housewherehetspositedandhealsogivesfruitsofhis natural good qualities. He is $iver of wealth, knowledge and children. So by hls being postted tn 4th he will show these good results but since he is lord of 3rd and 6th' he' of being placed In a kendra house becomes o. "" to increase the evil significations of these stronger wlll be many; but there will be bad houses. His brothers reliations with them. He will be courageous; but he will be on the wrong side. As lord of 6th trr 4th he will make the native suffer from enemies, debts and diseases'

184 In following the above principle one should not be misled by the fact that because a planet is in exaltation, he is good. Exaltation gives the planet more strength to do good or bad. If a natural benefic is exalted he will do more good to the house where he is posited and if he is a functional benefic also i.e. if he is lord of a good house (other than 3, 6, 8 and 12) he will give excellent results of that house also. However, if he is a functional malefic he will do more harm to the house he owns-in other words, he increases to a greater degree the evil significations of the house owned by him. A planet whether a natural malefic or natural benefic if he is posited in his own house, gives good results in regard to that bhava. For example, if the lord of 6th whether he is Shani or Guru will, if posited in the 6th, free the native from debts, diseases and enemies and get him name, fame, wealth and good health during his dasha. But if he is lord of a good house also, e.g. Kuja for Mithuna lagna is lord of 6th and I lth, then as lord of 6th in 6th he is good, but as lord of l lth in the 6th he will spoil the good effects of I lth house. So both these results will manilest in the dasha of Kuja. Lord of gth whether Kuja or Shani if posited in 8th will increase longevity, bring inheritance, and sudden gains to the native because from this house the lord of the 8th posited in his own house will aspect the 2nd house, the house of wealth. Here also if a planet is lord of 8th as well as a gd house then as lord of good house in 8th he will spoil the good effects of the later house. It is thus likely that confusion may arise in respect planets which own two houses, one of which may be of a dusthana and the other a good house. For Tula lagrra, Shukra is iord of lst a gd house and 8th a bad house. For Vrishchika lagna KuJa is lord of lst a good house and

185 6th a bad house. For Kataka lagrr. Guru is lord of 9th house a gd house and 6th-a bad house. When such is tJre case the planet should be treated both as a functional beneflc as well as a functional malefic. Take the case of Guru for Kataka lagna. If Guru is posited in loth house, as a natural benefic he will do good to the significatlons of tlee loth house, tlnt is, he will give good rise in professlon, make a man religious minded, bless him with chlldren, wtll give him name and fame. By being a functlonal benefic as lord of 9th posited in a good house, he will also inprove the signilication of the 9th house, the house of bhagla and father etc. But he, being lord of 6th also, will act as a functlonal malefic and by his being postted in the lOth house (a good house), he will gain more strengttr to lncrease the bad effects of the 6th, house i.e. set backs in earrler on account of enemies and diseases. The effects of ownership of both the houses will be realised during the dasha of Guru; but as 9th house ls one of the most ausplcious houses in the horoscope there wlll be predominance of good effects during the dasha of Guru. Here, there is one exception. If Guru as lord of 9th is postted in the 9th itself, the evil effeqts of hls lordship of 6th wlll not be felt at all.


1 ,I

Lesson XXfV


We have said almost everything w,e could about the principles to Judge a nativit5r (horoscope) but we have since come aeross some very important tips which we give here for the benefit of our readers' Every planet has definite characteristics which become imprinted upon the child at birth' Whatever be the cause f* thi", it has been proved by experience that those who are born under the influence of a particular planet portray the characteristics of that planet most strongty in their mental temperament and this finds reflection in both motive and action' The influences of the strongest planet are called in 'signatures of the planet" astrological terminolo!$ the The planet who is placed tn the lagna, or the lOth house(wtrichisalsoknownasmidheaven)orthelord of the ascendant or the 10th house has chief influence in this matter. Very often the strongest planet tn the th"t (particularly wtren the lagna lord or the lOth lord is ill of the indivlditacea or weak) speaks of characteristics ual. The effects of various planets in such a position be as follows: RAVI a regal and magnanimous nature' Ravi denotes clear thinking, open mindedness, frankness, kindness' fondness for the daylight and averseness to cliques' He

gives generosity, but firmness and fltness to govem and direet others. When affficted Ravi indicates a person who is fond of flattery, false pride, an egotist, an overbeartng and selfregarding person always thinking himself more important, vain gloriious, fond of exaggeratlon and flnery of all sorts, ruled by appearance.father than by tntrinsic values. Weak and vacillating; unstable and time serving.

Chandra exerts her benign lnlluence in the direction of producing a character that is marked by grace and proper dignity, one who is kindly and humane, and very sympathetic, easily persuaded by appeal to the feeling;s, generous in the scorn of consequence, and well disposed according to regulation of social and domesttc ltfe. Persons under the strong influence of Chandra are frequently disposed to public life and to activlties whlch conduce to a degree of publicity. They are fond of travelling, have a disposition to romance and are gifted with creative imagination. They thus become good writers and artists. If Chandra is alllicted in a chart, we very often flnd in the native some most unfortunate and dlsreputable characteristics. Such natives are instable, self lndulgent, unreliable, shift5l, wandering and never flnding anchorage. KUJA KuJa gtves frankness, directness of attack, abtlity to take decisions, gd organising capacity, courap, dartng warmth of feeling and truthfulness. He has strength of body as well as charaeter and is fearless. If KuJa is afiltcted or badly pliaced, he tends to

188 encourage quarrels, strife and violence, destructiveness and lawlessness. Instead of industry, we find thievishness and licentiousness. He is careless and is inclined to achieve his object even if violence has to be employed. BUDI'IA Budha gives activity, alertness, desire for knowledge, watchfulness, general ability in languages and commerce and often in science and art. The person is well informed and is eager for knowledge of all kinds' Such natives are quick and energetic, both phystcally and intellectually and alongwith not commanding the highest positions, they are found ln the forefront of all progressive movements. If Budha is afflicted, the natlve has in hts rrature pettiness and meanness of spirit, lack of ambition and slavishness. GURU Guru renders the mind buoyant (cheerful) and hopeful, generous and just, incapable of lasting resentment, forgetful of injuries, disposed to ambitious proJects on the grand scale, tiee, frank and easy going' sympa: thetic and companionable. Guru ls at his best in all phJl,anthropic works and organisations for the betterment of people. If Guru is alflicted or badly placed he tends to exaggeration and extravagance, and lends himself to dissipation and high lMng, bravado, bragging. The native becomes a'swelled head'. SHUKRA Shukra renders the nature doclle, gentle, ktndly' elegant and artistlc. The person is reflned and cultured'

189 soctably disposed and very amiable. The artistic sense to which Shukra is allied may express itself variously in personal neatness and good taste or in the production of works of art, music, painting, singing, sculpture, poetry, etc. If Shukra is afllicted, this planet produces idleness, .disorder, uncleanliness and neglect of obligations of ,social and domesUc life. No planet is capable of greater 'trrerversion than Shukra if afflicted. SIIANT Shani gives the native a melancholy habit of mind and a philosophical turn of thought. Persons under the lnfluence of Shani are thrift5r, careful, cautious and slow. They are patient and enduring and very steadfast in their afilections, having rooted likes and dislikes. They are lnclined to become creatures of habit and lack flexibility of temperament. If afllicted or badly placed, Shani tends to produce a morbid person, gives meanness of nature and makes the nativq tlrrannous over the weak and poor. He becomes wholly immersed in selflsh thought and care.





Yoga is a Hindi word which means addition; but while using this term in connection with the judgement of a horoscope, yoga nreans a combination or disposition of some planets in such a way as to mar or improve the structure of the horoscope. Good disposition of the auspicious planets in the horoscope gives rise to beneficial yogas which have been given differetrt names as dhana. Aogas meaning wealth gling combinations, rajayogas meaning combinations which give name, fame, honour and wealth to the native. Still highly categorised yogas are calld maha bhagra yogas, maharaja yogas etc., to the native. Classical texts on Hindu astrolory are full of such yogas. There are thousands of them and it ls impossible to bring them all in our lessons but still we will, in order to give an idea to the students, describe in this lesson some of the goocl and bad yogas. That will also give them guidance to judge the disposition and combination of the planets in the horoscope and find out which of them could be beneficial to the native and which one would be harmful. At first we will describe how the dhana yogas (wealth giving combinatlons) and daridra yogas (poverty gling yogas) are formed. Dhana Yogas (t) When lords of 9th and I lth house are In one house (2) When lords of 9th and loth house are ln one house

191 (3) When {4) When (5) When (6) When (71 When (8) When (9) When ( I O) When (l l) When (12) When (13) When (14) When ( I 5) When {16) When (l7l When (18) When (19) When l20l When (2 I ) When lords of 9th and 4th house are ln one house lords of 9th and 5th house are in one house lords of 9th and lst house are in one house lords of 9th and 2nd house are ln one house lords of loth and I lth house are ln one house lords of loth and 4th house are in one house krrds of l0th and Sth house are ln one house lords of lOth and 2nd house are in one house lords of l0th and lst house are in one house lords of I lth and lst house are ln one house lords of I lth and 2nd house are ln one house lords of I lth and 4th house are ln one house lords of I I th and Sth house are ln one house lords of lst and 2nd house are in one house lords of lst and 5th house are in one house lords of lst and 4th house are in one house lords of 2nd and 5th house are in one house lords of 2nd and 4th house are in one house lords of 4th and 5th house are in one house

These yogas will bear fruit only if they are formed in ausplcious houses i.e. lst, 2nd, 4th, sth, 7th, gth, loth and I lth. They will be of little value if they are formed in houses 3, 6, 8 and 12. Not only the association of the above planets constitutes dhana yoga but the yoga arises also if there is mutual aspect or even one sided aspect :rmongst them. Daridra Yogas of (1O) 6th and 7th houses (ll) l2th and Sth houses (12) l2th and 7th houses

Combination of lords (l) 6th and 2nd houses (2) 6th and lst houses (3) 6th and 4th houses

1.92 ,{4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) l2th and 4th houses l2th and 2nd houses l2th and lst houses 6th and loth houses l2th and loth houses 6th and 5th houses Og} 6th and 9th houses (l4) l2th and 9th houses (15) 6th and 3rd houses (16) l2th and 3rd houses (lZ) 6th,and llth houses (18) l2th and I lth houses

Rashi Partuartan Yoga Thls means when the lord of one sign (house) is in another sign (house) and the lord of the latter sign (house) is in the former. This yoga becomes ^ nio_ habhagga yoga if exchange is between lords of auspi_ cious houses vrz. 2, 4, 5, Z, 9, I O and I l. Such yoga gives in the maha dasha of one and the antardasha of otne, planet (who are involved in the yoga) great name, fame and wealth. However, if the exchange is between the lord of gooct house and lord of 3, 6, g or 12 it is called datnya goga which causes ups and downs and struggles in life, particularly in the maha dasha and antar dasha of plan_ ets involved in theyoga. Tlrc exchange of houses between lords of 3, 6, 8 and 12 amongst themselves is good and becomes vipreet rajayoga.

Shani 4

10 Chandra

The above is the horoscope of our late prime Minis_ ter Shrimati Indira Gandhi. In this horoscope there is rashi parivartan yoga between the lord of Znd and Sth

193 and between lst and 7th. This was proved very beneflcial for Shrimati Gandhi. There was also a dainya yoga caused by the exchange between the lord of l lth and 6th. Sunapha Yoga ' When there are planets in the 2nd to Chandra this yoga is caused. It gives wealth, name and fame to the native according to the natural qualities of planet. Even a malefic is considered good in this yoga----of course he will give the benefit according to his own qualities. Ravl, Rahu and Ketu don't count in this yoga. Anapha Yoga This is formed when there are planets in the l2th house to Chandra. Here it is better if the planets are natural benefics. Malefics give trouble and benefics give the native nrme, wealth, fame and succss; but all has to be achieved by his own efforts. Here also Ravi, and Ketu are not considered. Durudhara Yoga Ttris is caused when there are planets both inthe 2nd and 12th houses to Chandra. Benefics give very good results and malefics cause trouble. Benefics and malefics combined give mixed results. Kemadruma Yoga This is an inauspicious yoga and is caused when there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th houses to Chandra. Presence of this yoga in the horoscope, it is said, lessens the good effects of other yogas and gives little success to the native in his life. It is believed that the evil effects of this yoga are cancelled if Chandra is posited in the horoscope in kendra to the lagna, or

194 Chandra is in hls own sign Kataka or if ttrere are planets tn kendra position of Chandra. We have in our experlence, seen very evil results coming out if this yoga ts present in a horoscoPe. Chandra Mangal Yoga If Kuja (Mangal) is associated with Moon this yoga is formed. Some say that thts yoga is also formed if there is mutual aspect between Chandra and KuJa. The efiect of this yoga is gain of wealth though through occupattons like selling llquor, blackmarkettng, selling women, keeping brothels. If the combinatlon has good aspect of Guru or Shulrra, the gain of wealth will be through fatr means. L ag n adhl gog a and Cho,ndro,dhtg og a When there are benefics (Guru, Shukraand Budha) tn the houses 6, 7 and 8th or 6th or 7th or 8th from tragna or Chandra (Chandra lagna) this yoga is formed. For the yoga to be fully effective it should be formed by all three benefics not Qy one or two only. The presence of thJs yoga in the birth chart will make the native polite and trustu'orthy, happy, wealthy, famous and will enable him to be victorious over hls enemies. Tbls is consldered to be one of the most beneficial and ausplcious yoga. Chadtssara Yoga This yoga is caused when all the kendras are ocupied by planets. With this yoga in tlre horoscope the native wlll earn good reputation, will be very well off in his life and will be blessed with children and will have nune and fame all over the country. VasumatlYoga This yoga ls formed when beneflcs occupy

195 Upa.chaya houses (3, 6, lO and 11) from Lagna or Chandra. The result of thts yoga is that person will not be dependent on others and will be wealthy. Amala Yoga Tbis yoga is formed when there is a beneflc in the lOth house from Chandra or Lagna. The presence of this yoga ln the birth chart will enable the native to aehieve lasting fame and reputa.tlon. He will have good moral character and be prosperous. Kahola Yqa Thts yoga is formed when the lords of the 4th and 9th houses are in kendras from each other and lord of lagna is strong. This yoga makes the native stubborn, brave and head of a village or communit5l. Shubha Vesl Yoga If benefic planets other than Chandra occupy the 2nd from Ravi, thts yoga is formed. This yoga makes the person fortunate, happy, virtuous and liamous. Papa VeslYoga Thrs yoga is formed by the malefics being 2nd to Ravt. The result is oplrcsite to Shubha Vesi Yoga. ShubhaVastYoga Beneflc planets are ln 12th house to Ravl. The efiect ts good orator, well proportioned limbs, wealthy and liamous. Papa VaslYoga Is formed by maleflcs Ar the l2th to Ravi and glves optrlosite results. IJbhagacharl.Yoga Thls ts formed when there are planets on both sldes

of Ravi. Obviously benefic planets will give the results of the Shubha Vesi and Shubha Vasi yogas and the malefics the reverse of that. I I Gaja Kesart Yoga This yoga is formed when Guru is in kendra from Chandra. This yoga gives many relations, makes the native polite and generous, builder of a village or town or its ruler and famous. P anchrr Mahapurusha Yogas (l) RuchakaYoga: when Kuja is in his exaltation sieln or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Chandra. The person born in this yoga will have good health, win be ruler or will hold high office in the army or police. He will be liberal, wealthy and longlived. (2) HamsaYoga: When Guru is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to Chandra or lagna. With this yoga the native will possess a beautiful body, tte will be liked by others and will have a good moral character. (3J BhadraYoga: When Budha is in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Chandra the person born in this yoga will have good physique and well proportioned limbs, strong as that of a lion. He will be longlived and will do good to others. (4lMalauAaYoga: When Shukra is in his exaltation or own si$n and ls ln kendra to lagna or Chandra. Person with this yoga will have a well built body, be handsome, wealthy, happy with wife and children. He will also be longlived, famous and will have the cornfort of vehicles-(his own or those under his control). (5) Sasa Yoga: When Shani ls in his exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Chandra. The person with thts yoga will have many servants at hls

disposal. He will be cruel, a leader or the head of avinage' town or he will be inclined to deprive others of thelr riches for his own benefit. Pushkala Yoga This yoga is formed when the lord of the sign occupied by Cfraiara (who should be associated with the lord of Ugnat be in kendra or in the house of an intimate be frreni aspecting lagna and at the same time lagna This yoga makes-the occupied Uy poweiful planets. natG weatitry soft-spoken, famous and respected by government. Lakshml Yoga This yoga is formed when the lord of lagna is powerful and itre tora of the gth occupies a kendra trikona in own or exaltation sign, With this yoga the native wiU be good noble, rich,'learnea, tranasome, famous, honest' ruler and will enjoy all comforts of life' Katanidhl Yoga This yoga is formed when Guru be aspected by Budha or Shukra either in the 2nd or in the 5th house ancl Guru be in the 2nd or 5th in the si$n of Budha or Shukra. This yoga makes the native highly passionate' and he gets good naturea, respected by authorities and other luxuries' iomforts of conveyances Kusuma Yoga This yoga is formed when Guru is tn l'agfra' the Chandra in the 7th and Ravi in the 8th from Chandra' With thls yoga the native will be a person of a very high he status or Ueleaa of a town, village or community and rePutation. will have good

198 Asatgauadt Yoga This yoga is formed when the lord of the 2nd occupies the house of Shani or Kuja and if malelles Join kendras and trikonas. This yoga makes the native a perfect liar. Rajagogas RaJayogas are those which give name, fame, wealth and authority. Some selected rajayogas are given below: (l) Three or more planets should be ln exaltation, own house, occupylng kendras. (2) When a planet is rn debilitation but is retrograde and octupies a favourable position. (3) Three or four planets possess digbala. (4) The lord of the sign in which a planet is debilttated or the planet who would be exalted there, should be in kendra to Chandra or lagna. This ls also called Neechabhanga raJagoga. (5) Chandra be tn kendra (not in l"g.t") and be aspected by Guru. (6) Out of the lords of the 2nd, 9th and I lth houses, at least one planet be in kendra from Chandra; and Guru be lord of 2nd, 5th or the l lth house. (7) (a) L,ord of gth in gth. (b) tord of loth in loth. (c) Lord of 9th in foth or lord of lOth in gth. (d) l,ord of 9th and loth in lOth or in 9th. (e) Lord of 9th from 9th t.e. 5th in 5th. (f) Iord of loth from loth i.e. 7th ln 7th. (g) lord of lOth from 9th i.e. 6th tn 6th.

199 Mahabhagga Yoga

As the name denotes this yoga is supposed to make the native very fortunate. This yoga is formed tn day birth chart if the lagna, Chandra and Ravi are all in odd siglrs. In a night birth chart the L,agn", Ravt and Chandra should be in even signs. The above are some of the seleeted yogas collected for the benefit of the students. Students are advised to check the yogas when present in the horoscope very carefully because yogas to be fully efficaclous should be formed in auspicious houses and the lords of auspiclous houses with the exception of Chandradhd and lagnadht yogas tn which the planets have to be in the 6th, 7th or Sth houses from the lagna or Chandra.


Lesson X)(VI


In lesson XIII we have given the students a clear idea of mahadashas (which we shall call for convenience as 'dasha or dashas') and antardashas of all the nine planets and how they are calculated accordlng to Vimshottari dasha system. These dashas and antardashas are meant for predicting as to when a particular event will happen and whether at a particular time am individual is going through a f,avourable or unfavourable period. A planet during his dasha or antardasha will be eapable of producing good or bad results pertaining to his natural characteristics (karakatwas), the sign and the house he owns. The results would be favourable according to his being strong or benefic, or weak or malefic in the horoscope concerned. It is impossible for us to lay down any firrn or definite details or clescription of the results of the dashas and antardashas of different planets as their operation would depend on the structure of each horoscope and like a human face we seldom find two horoscopes almost identical. We shall, therefore, give a general idea of the results and with this it should be possible for the students to work out the results in an lndividual horoscope. . RAVI MAFIADASHA If Ravl be a strong benellc (that is, lord of an auspicious house) and well placed in the horoscope (that ls, not placed in houses 3, 6, 8, f 2) during the dashaor antardasha. there will be birth of children and the native

201 would get power and authorit5l, fame, favour from elders and govt. There will be success in undertakings and the father of the native would benefit. The rrative would also enjoy good health. If Ravi be weak and malefic in the btrth chart his dasha and antardasha results would be unf,avourable. Ill health, biltous troubles, heart diseases, eye troubles, skln troubles, loss of wealth and reputation, imprisonment, ill health of father and quarrels in the family may be expected. CFIANDRA If Chandra be strong, benefic and well placed in the birth charts, her dasha and antardasha will bring tranquility of mind, success ln business, enJoyment of comforts, birth of children, marriage, gains from lands, houses and government. If Ctrandra be weak, maleflc and ill placed the results would be unfavourable. Sleeping disease, drowsiness, anxie$ of mind, diseases like diarrhoea, Jaundice, anaemia and impurity of blood may be expected. Danger to mother, loss of ancestral properff and loss through female agency may be expected. , KUJA If strong, beneflc and well placed success tn litgation, defeat of enemies, birth of brother or Prosperity to him, gains from lands, minerals etc., may be e><pected. Fame will increase and the natlve may be able to get a position of command and power. If Kuja be weak, maleflc and ill pliaced, fiailure tn litigations or other ventures, quarrels in the family, ill health to or loss of brothers, loss of propert5l, danger from accldents, displeasure from high offIcials, loss by IIre and diseases like bilious troubles, impurit5l of blmd, high

202 blood pressure, fevers, eye troubles, appendicitis, throat troubles etc., may be expected during Kuja's dasha and antardasha. BUDFIA be strong, benefic and well placed, we may If Budha expect in his dasha and antardasha increase of fame, improvement in educational lield, new knowledge, respect from learneds, honours in sports, high position, gains from business, proficiency in subJects like astroloSf, astronomy, mathematics etc. If Budhabe weak, malefic and ill placed, skin troubles. anaemia, heart trouble, mental troubles, nervous disorders, quarrels wtth friends, displeasure from superiors, failures in edueational and research work, losses in business, losses to or death of maternal relatives may be expected during his dasha and antardasha. GURU If Guru be strong, benefic and well placetl in the horoscope lncrease of wealth, expansion of the ffeld of activitlt in which the native is engaged, gains of name and f,ame, respect from elders, favours from govt., promotion in service, btth of children, acquisition of vehicles, marrlage of self or tn family, acquisition or improvement in knowledge, relating to religious scriptures, good health etc., may be expected during his dasha and antardasha. If Guru be weak, malefic and ill-placed, ill health or of children, s,candals, failure in undertakings may be loss expected. The native may also suffer from intestinal dlsorders, appendicitis, tainting, ear troubles, $ddiness, liver troubles, dlabetes, can@r during hls dasha and antardasha. SHUKRA If Shukra be strong, beneflc arrd well placed, there

203 will be marriage, conJugal enJoyments, blrth of daughters, acquisition of articles of luxury and comfort, conveyances and house, honours from govt., success in undertaking, gain of wealth etc., may be expected. If Shukra be weak, malefic, or ill placed, tll health or death of wife, entanglement with low class or immoral women, loss of vitality etc., may be expected in his dasha and antardasha. Diseases like venereal complaints, anaemia, kidney and urinary troubles, eye troubles etc., may also be expected. SHANI If Shani be strong, benefic and well placed in the birth chart we may expect during his dasha and antardasha, gain of high position and authoritSl, influence over masses (Shani represents democracy), gains through servants, gains from land and agriculture, cattle, business etc. If Shani be weak, maleflc and ill placed, we may expect during his dasha and antardasha lll health (chronic troubles), death of elderly members in the family, trouble through servants, loss from lands, quarrels, and loss of influence in the public. Shani at times gives lot of misery if he is badly placed in the birth chart. It may also produce rheumatlc complaints, colic pains, fatigue, general debility, lnJuries, ill health to wife and children or their death. Shani if a great malefic in the chart, becomes first class death inllicting planet to the native. RAHU If Rahu be strong, beneflc and well placed in the horoscope, we may expect during trls dasha and antardasha, accumulation of wealth, gains from business, prosperity or promotion in professlon, gains of position and respect, a diplomatic or polittcal assignment, general

204 happiness and pilgrimage to holy places. If Rahu be weak, malefic and ill placed, we may expect loss of wealth, wanderings, quarrels, disputes, povert5r, ill health (diseases may deff diagnosis), death ire the family, contagious diseases etc. KETU If Ketu be strong, benefic, and well placed in the birth chart, we may expect during his dasha and antardasha gain of wealth, gains through evil actions, well being and general prosperity. It is said that death during the dasha of Ketu gives mokshc (salvation from rebirth). If Ketu be weak, malefic and ill placed, we may expect during his dasha and antardasha loss of wealth, ill health, disgrace, imprisonment, association with low class people, fear from thieves or the native becoming a thief himself, diseases like leprosy and other troubles of chronic or incurable nature. Note: The benelic places for Rahu and Ketu are 3rd, 6th and l lth houses. Rahu is powerful to do good in the 4th, 9th and loth houses also; but in 5th house, he will cause death of ehildren or abortion. In ttre 8th and l2th he is very troublesome. In 7th he will cause death of wife and immoral tendencies. Ketu ls benefic in 3rd, 6th and l lth places. He is malefic in other places. Rahu and Ketu being shadowy planets, their functioning will, in spite of what is stated above, also depend mainly on their conjunctions with other planets and the aspects they receive. In this connection what has been stated ln lesson XXI about Rahu and Ketu should always be kept in mind while assessing their results during their dasha and antardasha.


Lesson X)(I/II


In the previous lesson we have given the results we might expect in the periods (dasha and antardasha) of the planets Ravi, Chandra etc., aecording to their natural characteristics. But what actually happens is that along with these effects they also give results according to the of the houses they own in a particular significations natlvity (birth chart). The results according to the lordshtp of varlous houses are given below. I HOUSE (Lagnal .{, f"" Durlng the dasha of ttre lord of lagna who is strong arrd well placed, the person will rise to eminence, will be happy, enJoy good health, gains wealth, narne and fame ard his popularity and inlluence wlll Arcrease. If the lord of lagna be weak, tll placed and afllicted (affilictlon means bad conJunctlon, bad aspect, etc.), the person will suffer from ill health, mental arudet5r, loss of wealth and position and will lead a miserable life. He may erren have to leave hls native place. II HOUSE If the lord of 2nd house is well placed duringi his dasha and antardasha, there will be general prosperity in of the family, enJo5rment of good food, aecumulation wealth, gain of knowledge, political gains etc. If the lord be weak, tll placed or aftllcted during his periods, we may expect financial loss, loss of protrrert5l, troubleg zrmongst members of family, hearr5l expenditure

206 and fall in lncome. The native might suffer from eye and mouth diseases and indulge in falsehood. III HOUSE If the lord of the III house is strong and well placed, during his periods, we may expect prosperity of brothers and sisters, receipt of good news anQ success in new ventures. If otherwise, the native might face loss of brothers or sisters, becpme timid and immoral and suffer disgrace. IV HOUSE If the lord of the IV house be strong and well placed during his periods, the native would enjoy domestie happiness, achdeve success ire educational field, get help from his relations and friends, there will be good income from house and tranded property and comfort of vehicles. He might achieve higher status in societlr and get promotion if in service. Pleasant trips might also be enjoyed by him. If otherwise, we may expect illness or loss of mother, domestic troubles, departure from native place, loss of ancestral propert5r, loss of vehicles etc. V HOUSE If the lord of the V house is strong and well placed, during his periods the rrative may expect birth of children. The rrative may achieve success in manta and slddhl. If a politician or in service he might get a good diplomatic assignment, or become a minister. He would do vlrtuous deeds, become popular and be happy" If the lord of V be weak or ill placed we may o<pect the native to suffer from loss of mental equilibrium and loss of children. He may have to face scandals and troubles of stomach.

207 VI HOUSE If the lord of the M house be well placed, during his periods we may expect the native to vanquish his enemies, to pay off his debts, to enjoy good health and to gain name, f,arne and wealth by daring acts. It is not good for the lord of this house to be strong. If it be otherwise, the results will be opposite and the native be expeeted to have a miserable time on acoount of ill health. debts and enemies. It should, however, be remembered that the 6th house is a dusthana. So it is always better for the lord of 6th to be weak in the horoscope or to be in hls own house or to be in 8th or l2th house by whtch position he would cause a uipreet raJagoga. ffi VII HOUSE If the lord of the VII house be strong and well placed, the native may expect during his periods, hls marriage, acquisition of items of luxrrry and comforts, married happiness, success in partnership buslness etc. If it be otherwise, tlrcre will be separation from wlfe, troubles from other women, venereal disease, tiring Journeys and wandertngs. VIII HOUSE If the lord of the MII house be strong and rryell placed, during his periods the native is expected to discharge his debts, gets sudden wealth by tnheritance, lnsurance money, pension, gratuit5r etc. If it be otherwise, the native would suffer from obstructions from loss of health. As to what would be good lrcsition for the lord of 8th, what has been said under the VI house will apply to the lord of VIII house also.

IX HOUSE If the lord of the [X house be strong and well placed, the native can expect all kinds of happiness and crcmforts, name, fame and wealth. He can also attain success in higher education, become learned in scriptures and may perform gainful journeys to distant places (foreign countries). If it be otherwise, the results will be the reverse of what has been said above. X HOUSE If the lord of the X house is favourably disposed, during his periods the native will achieve success in his profession, acquire narne, fame and honours. If a politician, he may become a minister, prime minister or president; will do good deeds and will lead a happy life. If otherwise the results will be opposite of what has been said above. XI HOUSE if the lord of the XI house is favourably disposed, the native will have continued gains of wealth, his business will become very profitable and he will receive respect from others. He will make good friends and will construct houses and own conveyances. If it be otherwise, the results will be also otherwise. )OI HOUSE If the lord of the XII house is in his own house or in 6, 8 or 12 the native will gain name, fame, wealth and get bed ccmforts, will possess luxuries and be happy. If the lord of 12th is posited elsewhere he will involve all kinds of losses to the native and his life will be miserable. The results on account of lordship of house given


above should be read along with Lesson )O( in which we have mentioned the results of the lords of various houses on aceount of their position in different houses. Thus in order to. arrive at a conclusive decision as to what will be the effect of a planet we should carefully see the results by his position in a rashi and house and his lordship, as well as his natural qualities. The lesson XVII may also be read in which we have given the results of position of planets in varlous houses. The results given there will also occur in the dasha or antardasha of these plianets. Thus we lind that on account of the varieties of functions performed by planets (viz. his being a natural benefl.c or malefic, hts being a functional benefic or malefic by lordship, having his own natural characteristics and his position in a particular house), the results gtuen by him in his dasha or antardasha will be many. In 'order, therefore, to assess all results correct the varieties of the functions should be ta.ken lnto account. In our endeavour to give as much guidance as possible in the llmited space available, we give some further tips for assessing ttre antardasha readings. The maJor dasha of a planet lasts from 6 years in case of Ravi to 2O years in case of Shukra. So about the whole major period we can only say dasha of such a planet will be generally good or bad according to his standing tn the horoscope. For the antardasha we will have to be precise. Whtle the dasha lord will make hls elfects feel througlrout the dasha: it wiU be the antardasha lord who will have a real say during the pertod of his antardasha according to his position. While assessing tlre merits of an antardasha lord, we should study his position to see how he could act lf

he were the dasha lord. After this assessment the following principles may be followed to judge his effects. (l) If the major lord (mahadasha or dasha lord) is good. (a)and sub-lord (antardasha lord) is also good, good effects of both the major lord and antardasha lord will be felt if they are mutually related. There will be mutual relation amongst the two planets where: (i) they occupy each other's sign; (ii) they are in conjunction; or there is mutual aspect amongst them; (iii) 15"t are in mutual kendras; or in trikona position. (b) A good sub-lord not related to the major lord remains neutral and the effects of the maJor lord will only be felt. (c) A bad sub-lord reLatpL to the good dasha lord modi8es tlle dasha lord's elfecbs depending on their relaflve strengtJr in the charl (d) A bad sub-lord not related to the goocl major lord remains neutral and major lord's good effects only will be felt with traces of evil efiects of the antardasha of sublord. (2) A maJor lord in the house of a sub-lord becomes tJre latter's tenant. As such he gets its trait changed by the sub-lord. If that sub-lord be good, good effects will be realised but if he be bad, bad effects of the sub-lord will be felt by the native. If the maJor lord is also bad, very bad results may be orpected. If the maleflc sub-lord is weaker than the good maJor lord, there will be mitigation to a great extent of the evil elfects of the sub-lord. (3) If only one of tlrem aspects, the other one not re-

2Ll ciprocating, the characteristics of the aspector should be added to the aspectee and combined results should be predicted. If the aspector is the dasha lord hls effects will Se more predominant and vice-versa. (4) In the case of conJunction the effects of more powerful planet predominates. (5) There is a view that the maJor lord tn hls own sub-period (which is always the first antardasha) does not give his effects. Practical o<perienc has proved thls theory to be incorrect. If the major lord ls good and well placed. in his antardasha we should expect all good effects due from that planet. (6) The relative posttions of the maJor lord and antardasha lord are also of great importance. If they are 6, 8 and 12, the antardasha will not be good ln spite of the maJor and antardasha lords both being good. When the sub-lord is in the 2nd the posltlon ls not so bad; but tf It occupies the 12th house to the maJor lord, the lrcsltlon wlll be consldered bad. There is a dictum ln our classical texts that dwtrdusadasha (2nd and 12th) position of tJre 'maJority of planets in a horoscope ls not a healthy stgn ln a horoscope, Such a position makes the life full of 'struggle and ups and downs.

212 Icrcon l(Iffm


There is practically not much difference in the analysis in male and female horoscopes. What is said of male horoscopes applies equally to female horoscopes the female native ls orcept for ttre following difference-If not an independent earning member living separately or maintaining a separate individuality, all elfects read out of her chart e>rcept a specifled few should be ascribed to the person on whom she ls dependent, namely father, mother, brother or husband. There are two lagnas both for meR and women' namely the risin$ sign orJanmarashl (the sign occupied by the Moon). Aswe have already mentioned earlier' the oia .ign" are called cruel and the even signs are called mild. From tlne Janma lagna, we get lndications about the complexion, beauty and general Sppearance of the women and the 8th house from lagna is to be consulted for her widowhood ot saubhagga (mangalyam) the disposition of the 7th house from lagna is to be examined ior ttre conditlons of married life, sexual passions, her husband's character, her fortune and general happiness' The fourth house glves informaflon about her character and the flfth house has to be o<amtned to find out matters relatlng to her issue conceptions and abortions' If ttre lagna or chandra falls in even signs, she Jvill trave feminin; characteristics. If they have beneflcial aspects or conJunctions, the female wlll be beautiful, will have ornaments and will be resPected. If lagna and Chandra fall in odd signs she will be masculnL tn appearance and temper' if these lagnas are

2t3 combtned wlth, are aspected by cruel planets, her character will be bad and sinful We now give below the characterlstics which the female native may possess when born in vanomous nakshatras, yogrs and tragnas. Elfectc of blrth ln dlfierent nskghstrlr Here we may repeat that the nakshatra means here the nakshatra in whlch Moon transits at the tlme of bfrth. Suppose the longitude of Chandra at the btrth ls 3- loo- 15' i.e. 1O"-15' of Karka. If we see tlre table given in lesson No. III, we will flnd that Chandra with this longltwould betude will be Ir Pushyami Nakshatra-which come the Janma nakshatra. Ashwtnl: A female born ln this nakshatra wtll be clever lrr domestic and other work, handsome, fuubhagyauatl, loyal and faithful to her husband, dear to the members of her famlly, plumpy and wtll be lorred by her husband. Healttry, regular arrd punctual, wlll be Bharlnl: blessed with wealth, chlldren and other comforts' She will also be handsome and trust worthy. IftItt&ca: She wtll be a voraclous eater, mlschievious, miser and an adulteress. Rohlnt: One born in thts nakshatra will be of good nature, will speak the truth, handsome, stable mfrded and wealthy. Mrlgashlra: Ttmld, clever, fatthful, tnstable nature' cheerfuland blessed with children and wealth' Artdra: Cruel hearted' proud, ungrateful' slnful ard quarrelsome. Handsome, happy and comfortabb' Punonnsu: satisffed wlttr what she gets, not very lntelligent'

2t4 Pushgamt Fortunate, wealthy, blessed wlth ehlldren, learned, calm and clever in household duties. Ashlesha: Ist quarter evil for her mother, non-vegetarlan, u$y, instable mind, deceptive ungrateful, vlolent. Magha: Obeys her parents, wealthy, has many servants, hard working and pains takinS. Poontaphalgunt: Sweet speech, wlfe of a ldng or a person of ktngis status, handsome, pla1rfrrl, eharttable. Uttora Phalgunl: Fortunate, soublnggausatl, wealthy, well educated, blessed wittr chtldren and other oomforts, lorred by her husband. Hasto,: Bereft of shame and qlmpathy, fond of tnl to:dcants, handsome, thlef, instable mtnd. Chltra: Beautifrrl eyes, gd morals, has marry ornaments, loved by her husband. Swatl: Good natured, well behaved, sweet speech, relgous mlnded, obsenres tJre prescribed lhsts etc., clever in buslness. Vlshakho,: Handsome, good cpnversationallst, Jearous. Birth tn last quarter erril for ttre 5rounger brother of her husband. Anuradha: Always hungry, fond of wanderlng, wealtlry, generall5r away from her husband (who perhape has to go out of tJre rratlve place for hfs [velihood). Jgeshtha: Eastly angered, flrst quaner of nahshatra evil for the elder brother of her husband, satisfled wtth whatever she gets, performs reltglous cremorues. Moola: If born lnlastpada of thts nahshatra stre is errll for her fatJrer-tn-law. Otlrerwtse has patlenc and perseveriarloe,l vlolent, bas all luxurles and comforts at her dfsposal.

If born tn 4th pada of this nakshatra, she is very fortunate, wealthy, learned, popular, kind and religious minded. Pooruashada: Pious, good husband, wealthy, has all luxuries and comforts at her disposal and is blessed wtth children. Humble, religious minded, grateful, Iltturashada: fortunate, blessed with children. Shrauana: Has good general knowledge, well informed, famous for her good qualities and good deeds' wealthy, wifv of handsome husband, blessed with chtldren. increases family Soubhaggawatt, Dhanlshta: wealth, charitable, patient, clever in music. Conquers her enemles, frank, no Shatabhtsha: control ofanybody on her, courageous. Pooruabhadra; Unhappy, keeps her husband under her control, learned, wedthy but miser. Wealthy, conquers her enemies, lJttarabhadra: tactful faithful to her husband, wealthy, blessed with children. Revail: Respected ever5rwhere, wealthy, fortunate, very handsome, has a beautlful body, is blessed with chlldren. General elfectr of blrtb ln dllferent yogao Vtshkambhc: One born in this yoga is wlse, learned, ornaments, rellgious mlnded, handwealthy, gets gd some, fortunate. Pritt Loning and afiectionate nature, pious, loved by her husband, urell versed Ar religious scriptures, trard working. Agushman: Kingls wlfe or wlfe of a person of equlva-

lent status, proud, wealthy, learned, long ltved. Soubhagga: Fortunate, happy, well versed in affalrs of household, beloved of her husband. Shobhan: beautiful body, fortunate, blessed with children, careful about household propert5l, cheerful and clever. Attganda: Troubles for mother, love of freedom, separated from husband, adulteress. Sukarma: Pious, well versed in domestic affairs. $ood morals, well behaved, sickly, sweet speech. Dhrttl: Patient, wealthy, famous, well educated, fortunate. Shoolal Suffers from c.rlic pains, well versed in shcrstras, religious mlnded. Gonda: Suffers from throat troubles, handsome, wife of a man of high status, blessed with children. Dhruva: Fair complexlon, stable mind, beautiful eyes, handsome, longlived. Vgagaghata: Receives lnJuries from weapons, good general knowledge, popular, clever. Harshano; Always happy, healthy, verywealthy like a queen, well versed in religious scriptures. VaJra: Well built body, firm, well educated, wealthy. Slddht: Always achleves succss, charitable, wealthy, healthy. Vgattpata: Dles in childhood. If on acrount of other $ood factors in the horoscope she survives, she becomes very well off in every respect. Varlgan: Powerful, faithful to husband, well versed ln religious scriptures, fond of music and dancing. Parldht: She is the lustre of both her father's and husband's house, powerful, wlse, learned, sensuous,

2L7 aweet speech. Shiua: Happy, gets all comforts of Me, wise, beautiful body, fond of shastras and music. Siddha: Fulflls all her ambitions, blessed wlth 'successful h all ventures. children, handsome, Saddhga: Faithful to husband, happy, famous, respected. Shubha: Fortunate, happy, beautiful body, rellgious minded, speaks truth, honest, wise. Shukla; Ltke an ornament for the parents, and husband's family, learned, wealthy, blessed with children. Bro,hmo,: Intelltgent, wise, well educated, clever, happy, fortunate, soubhoggauatt. Indra: Husband highly placed. Bec'omes very wealthy and attains high status even if born in a poor family. Valdhrltt: Always busy ln doing some work or other, good character, does good to others, still not very popular. LsgBa or Janma Rasl Mesha: Angry nature, unhappy, suffers from bilious compliaints, bereft of happiness from parents in childhood miserly, few chlldren. VrLshabha: Thick lips and nose, wealthy, extravagant, few ehildren, hard working sensuous, higttly sexed. Mlthuna: Suffers from phlegm, wind and biles. Not very htelligent, small body, sweet speech, extravagant. Ko,taka; Sulfers from phlegm and ndnd doshas, suffers from venereal diseases, disgraced by her relatlons, husband not suited to her, manychildren, spends otJrer people's money. Slmha: Th,tck nose, non-vegetarlan, trnwerful, few Elfects of blrth ln dllferent

218 ehildren, popular, slander waist, uranderer, earns wealth herself, sufiers from pftta dosha, mtser$. Kanya: Soubhaggauatl, many daughters, suffers from kapha, uatra, pttta doshas, well versed in household affairs, rellgious mlnded, well provided with her requirement of cloths and ornaments, w,ealtlry. TuIa: Small sized neck, obedlent to parents and elders, stable mind, fond of travelling, suffers fromkapha. and uata doshas htgh position amongst women, wealthy. Vrtshchlka: Long fae, phtn dosha, eyes honey coloured, extravagant, trrasslonate, mlschlevous, bereft of happiness from her husband on account of her loose morals. Dhanu: Thick lips, btg teeth, thick nose, kapha and Vata doshas, strong arms and thlghs, learned, does not keep good relatlons with husband. Makara: Btg face, small nose, uata dosha, tlmld, miserly not very rich, few children, beautiful eyes, lnstable mtnd, husband mean and troublesome. Kumbha: Cruel, holds a respectable positlon tn her fami\r, uata-pttta dosha, beautiful nose, mrrry senrants, extravagant, does not carry on well with her own relatlons. Meena: Thtck nose, kapha and pttta.doshas, skln troubles, wealthy, good morals, good and respected husband. Elfects rcoPC of plenets ln dllferent houges ln femnle horo-

RAVI Ist: Sickly in childhood, eye troubles deprtved of happiness of chtldren, poor. tf Ravl be e>lted and ls low

2t9 or in an auspicious house or be in h'is own sign, effects will be good. 2nd: Eye troubles, family troubles, ordinar5rwealth. lf Ravt be exalted, in his own sign or lord of an auspicious house effects will be good. Srd: No happiness from the side of brothers; but , gets a good husband and children. She is wealthy courageous and protecter of others. 4th: Happy, comfortable, good nature, good husband, cheerful, loves music. 5th: If Ravi is in any slgn other than Mesha or , Slmha, sickly ln chdldhood, few children, poor. Ravi if exalted or posited ln hls own slgp will give good results in tlls regard. 6th: Victory over enemies or rivals, good body, looks after her reliations well, blessed with children, intelligent and popular. 7th: Unhappy married life, loose morals, angry nature, husband cruel. 8th: Sickly, lmmoral, wlthout happlness from husband, but long lived. 9th: Wealthy, respected, beautiful hair, truthful, eickly in childhood, happy in mtddle age, unhappy in old age. IOth: Charitable, proud, forturrate, wealthy, blessed with chlidren, fond of music and danclng. I lth; Always happy and wealthy, handsome, good morals, well behaved, blessed wtth ctrildren. 12th: Eye troubles, lean and thin, passionate, foollsh adulteress' .FIANDRA Isb If Chandra is good and strong the natlve wtll be well versed in world affairs, wealthy and very beautiful.

220 If Chandra be weak (waning Chandra), the native will be lean and thin and unhaPPY' 2nd: Wealthy, happy, well behaved, charitable' Many brothers and sisters, wealthy and Srd: blessed with children. 4th: Domestic happiness, beautiful, sweet speech' fond of meat, waning Chandra gives bad results' lth: lf. Chandra be good and strong wealthy' many children, trappy, well behaved, beautiful' Waning Chandra gives oPPosite results. 6th: Sickly in chlldhood, victorious over enemles or rivals. If Chandra be exalted or in own sign good results may be exPected. 7th: lf Chandra be gmd and strong, she will trave a learned and handsome husband' She will be happy' beautiful and well behaved. Wanin$ Chandra will give opposite results. 8th; If Chandra be in conJunctlon with or aspected tf"o by a natural malefic, death in early age' Otherwif 'thispositionforChandralsnotgood.Causesasthmatic troubles. 9th: Fortunate, happy. If Chandra be wanin$ she will be devoid of haPPiness. If Chandra be strong and good (by good is llth: meant good by lordship), wealthy, good husband, good ctrildren all happiness. If Chandra be malefic oppo'site results. Always has lots of wealth, beautiful' l|th: Soubhagganpatl, wealthy, blessed with children' If Chandra be-wantn$ the quantum of good results win be reduced, but not wiped out. I2th: Extravagant, Sick\r, weakeye sigfrt' immoral'


Ist; Lean and thin, sickly in early age, no happf ness, sinful. The results will not be bad if Kuja is in Mesha. Vrishchika or Makara. 2nd: Little wealth, hard working,leanand thin, wife of a gambler, may become a widow. Not a good position for Kuja unless he is in his own sign or exalted. Srd: lean and thin, devoid of happiness in regard to brothers and sisters. Opposite results if Kuja is in own or exalted stgn. 4th: Domestic troubles, unhappy, greedy, lmmoral, foolish, sickly. ith: Children dle after birth, bad character, unhappy. Not so bad results tf Kuja ls ln his own sign or exalted. 6th: Fearless, healthy, happy, wealthy, good husband. 7tfu If Kuja does not receive a benefic aspect or conJunction, widowhood. 8th: This position of KuJa also causes widowhood or separation from husband. Wealth also not good. 9th: Not wealthy, not religious minded; but clever tn arts. IOth: Respected posltlon in family and crommunlty, wife of a person of high status, helps others, contented, wealthy. I lth; Wealthy, gains from all sldes, good husband and children. 12th: Extravagant, wldowhood or separation from husband, unhappy, poor, bad character. BUDFIA Learned, patient, well behaved, tnany chlldren,


222 well-versed in domestic duties, fond of arts, sweet speech, charitable. 2nd: Wealthy, handsome, obedient, hard workirg, happy, blessed with children. Srd: Narrow minded, unhappy, few brothers and sisters. 4th: Happy, good and pious friends, respected family, charitable. 5th; Few chlldren, well to do husband, handsome, respects elders, ordinar5r wealth, obJectlonable conduct. 6th; Hating enemies, kind hearted, long life, actlve habits, passlonate. 7th: Respected, well versed in domestic dufles, religious mtnded, good reputation. 8th: Ungrateful, unsympathetlc, uncharitable, sickly, timid; but long llved. Gets inheritance. 9th: Plous, good moral charaeter, wealthy, sweet speech, truthful, happy. I Oth: Good character, devoted to husband, wealthy, handsome, courteous. I I th: Contented, gains of wealttr, good nature, good moral character, bdanced temperament, popular. I2th: Foollsh, quarrelsome, thin and lean body, stckly. GURU Ist: Very good posttion for Guru in a female horoscope even if he is a lord of an inauspicious house. Guru represents husband in a female horoscope and from this house he improves the flrst house, aspects lth, 7th and, 9tlt houses whlch are all important houses. The results are-truthful, good, happy llfe, respected, beautiful, leader amongst women.


223 2nd: Wealth, enJoyable life, good and friendly na_ ture, good deeds, a useful member of family. From here Guru aspects the eighth house the house of ,Mangalam,. If Guru is lrr the 2nd house the wife will die Soubhagga_ usatl. With few excptions and inspite of the effecl of western culture on the women now a days, Hindu wife wlll consider herself very fortunate if she dies in the Iife time of her husband and is saved from the stiglna of widowhood. 3rd: Disgrace, no respect, sinful, sick$. 4fh: Excellent position for Guru, great happiness, wealthy, many servants, rich parents and rich pirlnt_in_ laws, good moral chalacter, possesses cosily oinaments, beautlful, a very comfortable old age. 5th: This is also a very gd posifion for Guru, because he lmproves the 5th house effects and aspects Lagna and tlre 9fi house-the house of bhagga. Results are--4ood and prosperous children, plous, gd naturs. lehgious minded, truthful, respected. 6th; Pious, slckly, timid, lnsincere. 7th: Excellent position for Guru. Results are_good nature and conduct, a very learned and truthful hus_ band, few enemles, showing moral character, faithful to husband. 8th: Llar, long ltved and soubh agyawail; but ltfe not very happy. 9th TrutMul, religious minded, happy, eharltable, flne reputation, wealthy. From this houssGuru aspects lagna and the 5th house. loth: Yery good nature and moral conduct. From thts position Guru removes many doshas (bad effects) from the horoscope, beautiful, polite, virtuous. I lth: Good reputafion, devoted to husband and

224 blessed with children, wealthy, truthful. l2th: Spends lot of money on charitable institutions, sickly, becomes poor on account of extravagance, good end of life' 'HUKRA Ist: Goocl husband, happy life, wealthy, pious, good nature, well versed in household duties. 2nd: Yery wcalthy, beautiful in all respects, charitable, sweet speech, learned, well up in house-hold duties. Srd: Poor, unhappy, speaks like a defeated person, timid. 4th: Great happincss amd wealth, cheerful, wittlt charitable, controi over passions, an asset to ttre family. lth: Wealthy, many daughters, holds respectable position in thc familY. 6th; Mean, cruel, passionate, unhappy married Ufe. 7th: Wealthy, god, beautiful' clever, trappy married passionate; but character good unless there is influlife, ence of Kuja or Shani. 8th: Proud, unhappy, poor, loose rnoral' but a benefic as Shukra in this position is good for soubhagya (saves from widowhood). 9th: Holds a respectable position in the family or a communit5r or group of women, social worker; wealthy, fond of luxuries, good husband. IOth; Good respect and reputation, wealthy, beautlful, does good deeds. I lth: Great gains, great influenc, many houses. l2th: Extravagant, unhappy, deceitful, sickly. , SFIANI Isf Ugty and deformed body, unhappy, protruding

225 teeth, fiery temperament, obstinate, there will be good results if Shani is in Tula, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha or Meena rashi. 2nd: Poor, insignificant, cruel, unjust, irrltable, harsh language. Srd: Good position, powerful, many issues, eharitable, wealthy. 4th: Unhappy, dull, ungrateful, miserly, does evll deeds, questionable morals. 5th: May have no issues, very proud, unchaste, bad associations. 6th: Dull, many issues, good position in family, good character. 7th: Delay in marriage or no marriage, tf married widowhood likely, bad associations, sinful, sexual acts with elders and low caste people. 8th: Sinful, cruel, liar, thief, deceitful, life full of dangers. 9th: Mear, extravagant, uneducated, harsh manners. IOth: Evil deeds, angry nature, love for filthy literature, poor, bad conduct. I Ith; Good issues, great wealth, handsome personality, luxurious food, great gains, bold. I2th: Blood complaints, windy diseases, stupid, perverse nature, sorrowful and rejected by many. Rahu acts like Shani and Ketu acts like KuJa. It may also be noted that the above results are likely to be modified if a particular planet owns a good house and is posited in an auspicious house. Every planet whether benefic or malefic gives good results if he is in the house he owns.

226 In a female horoscope great tmportance is given to the trlmsamsas, in which lagna or Chandra are posited. This ls done to check up the character of the person. Take lagna or Chandra and flnd out who ls most powerful amongst the two. Hal"tng done so flnd out trlmsamsa in which the lagna or Chandra is situated. For ready reference, we give here how to find out the trlmsamsa. Trimsamsa mearls f /3oth of a sign or one degree. Inodd signs the trlmsamsas are distributed thus: degrees KuJa .5 5 degrees Shani 8 degrees Guru 7 degrees Budha 5 degrees Shukra Total 30 degrees

In even signs the rerrerse holds good. Thus in the even sign 5 degrees Shukra 7 degrees Budha 8 degrees Guru 5 degrees Shant 5 degrees KuJa Total



Thus tn odd signs the first trimsamsa will go to KuJa, then Shani, Guru, Budha and Shukra, and in the even signs this order is reversed, so that the ffrst Trimsamsa is ruled by Shukra and last by Kuja. Ravl and Chandra have no lordship in trimsamsa. If the lagna or Chandra falls in Mesha or Vrlshchlka 1.e., lf Lagna is Mesha or Vrishchlka or Chandra ls ln

227 lhese stgns dnd it is ln the trimsamsa of Kuja, the girl will have very loose morals and may be a virtual proititute. If it is in shukra's trimsamsa she will become adulterous. If she is born in Budtra's trimsamsa, she becomes, a very bad woman. She will commit adultery in such a way tha*t nobody will be able to detect her sinful actions. if tn lagna or Chandra falls in Guru's trimsamsa, the gtrl will be virtuous, modest, dignined and respectable. Iishe is born ln Sharri's trlmsamsa, she beccmes a servant or dependant in whlch posiUon she may be forced to lead a stnful life. If lagna or Chandra falls ln Kanya or Mithuna and It is KuJa's trimsamsa, the woman beetmes clever in conceafing her slns. If it ts in Shukra trirnsamsa she becomes a prostltute. If it is in Budha trimsamsa the womul will be noble and chaste. If it is in Guru iriT-samsa the girl is virtuous, grateful and loving. If it is tn Shani's trimsamsa, she may become impotenf{I hope tlrat the parents know that females crn ilso be impotant-which means that ilrey are physically incapable of having a sexual act). If lagna or Chandra falls tn Tula or Vrishabha, and it is tn KuJa's trlmsamsa, her ctraracter rs questionable. If it is Shukra's trlmsamsa she becomes a good and learned womrn. If it is in Budhas trimsamsal the girl becomes skilful and enpert in music. tf it is in Gur-u's trtmsamsa, she will be noble, generous and virtuous. If It ls irr Sbani's trimsamsa, she marries arrother person after her marrtage. If Chandra or l,agrra falls in Kataka, and it is ire KuJa's trtmsamsa, she will be sinful and have loose morals. If it ts in Shukra's trimsamsa, she becomes tmmoral. If it is tn Budha's trimsamsa she becomes fond of muslc and arts. If tt is in Guru's trimsamsa she will

224 she possess noble qualities. If it is in Shani's trlmsamsa' kill her husband' i"Un, be unchaste and even KuJa s If Chandra or lagna falls in Simha' and if it is qualittes' If it is in *"t"uline trlmsamsa, she will It"l " becomes adulterous' If it is in Shukras trimsamsa, she character' If Budha's trirnsamsa, she becomes mascullne woman' it is in Gurus trimsamsa, she becomes a noble queen' If it is in Shani's trimsamsa' she a queen or like a wiit change her caste and go to other caste' and it If lagna or Chandra falls tn Dhanu or Meena' good UaV' Jl f- 5 ls in Kuja's trlmsamsa, she becomes a If it is in Shukra s trlmsamsa, she becomes adulterous' If tt is in Guru's tn Budhas, she becomes a clever artist' If it is in trimsamsa, she will possess good qualtties' sexual desireShani's trimsamsa, she will have little may be imPotent. and If lagna or Ctrandra falls in Makara or Kumbha' she becomes a srvant' If it tf it ts irr"KuJa s trimsamsa, a widow woman' ts in Shukras trlmsamsa she becomes she becomes a loving wtfe' If It if it in Guru's trimsamsa, of low class it is Shani's trimsamsa, she becomes fond women. Some yogas Pccullar to femde horoccopy 1. SoubhaggaAoga: Thls is caused when: (a) The lord of 7th ls tn lagna with the lord of lagea arrd is asPected bY Shukra' (b) The lord of 7th ls ln 7th and the lord of lagra ls also there aspected by Guru and Chandra' (c)IfthelordofTth|sexaltedandt}relordoflagra ts in lagna. ' (d) lf nra of hgna is in his higlrest exaltation degree' ln kendras' the lord of 7th is In Zttr and beneflcs are

229 These yogas in a female horoscope makes the native lucky and she enJoys conJugal happiness for a long time. 2. Sahacharyrr yoga.: This yoga arises when: (a) If lord of 7th occupies 6th or if the lords of 6th & 7th are together in l2th. (b) If the lord of 7th is in lagna, lord of 6th is in l2th and have mutual aspects. (c) If the lord of 7th is Chandra and is in lts last navamsa and ls aspected by the lord of 6th. (d) If the lord of 7th ls in 1, 4, 7 or lO, and ts found ln the navrmsa of the lord of 6th and has the aspect of the lord of 12th. The result of these combinailons in a female horoscope will be that the woman wlll be virtuous, modest popular and will command respect from others. 3. Vatdhauga. yoga fttldowhod); This is caused when: (a) The lords of 7th artd 8th are in ath aspected by evil planets, there can be widowhood. (b) Rahu ls in 7th and the lord of Zttr has conJunctlon with Ravl, and has aspect of the lord of 8th, there will be widowhood. (c) If the lord of 7th is with Strani, is aspected by Kuja and Chandra, and Rahu is in 8th, there will be widowhood. (d) If KuJa ts tn 8th ln csmbination wtth the lord of 8th, and lagna falls ln anvil navarnsa, there will be wtdowhood. (e) If Rahu is witl. shani and KuJa and they are in 7th or 8th, early wtdowhood is indicated. (f) If the lords of 7th and 8th Join together and are poslted in ttre l2th, and the 7th has evil aspect, there will be widowhmd very early in ltfe.

230 (g) If lord of 7th is badly placed orafflicted and Kuja and Shani are in tt:re 7th or 8fh early widowhood ts indica.ted. (h) If the 7th house is between two or more malefic (natural) planets and the lord of 7th ts similarly situated unthout beneficial aspects, widowhood may take place' In all the above widowhood cases' the tragedy ts likely tobe averted f tl:reTth house or the lord of 7th $ets conjunction or aspect of Guru who ls tlre greatest benefactor to women in their horoscopes. KuJa Dosha or Mangall Dosha The following sloka explains what is KuJa or Mangali Dosha in a horoscoPe. tri-qA q qrild qrkt q qf !f'-e: t

r*rt1 rrrdrt fr-*i"

qrercq dfrtrvn1


This means-"If Kuja is in the 2nd, 12th, 4th, 7th and 8t}r house in the horoscope of a female, the death of the husband will occur; similar situation in the husband's horoscope cruss death of wife". The lagna represents body, the Chandra mlnd and Shukra sexual relations. Therefore, the houses have to be reckoned wlth reference to all the three, vlz,' la$na' Chandra and Shukra. The dosha (evil) ts consldered weak when it exists from lagna, a little stronger from Chandra and still stronger from Shukra. Some learneds say that even lf Kuja is in the l st house, there will be Kq,fa dosha, It is so because from here Kqfa aspects the 7th house. The second house signffIes liamily, the (wetfth represents comforts and pleasures of bed. The fourth rules domestic happiness. The seventh tndtcates husband and

23r the eighth represents the longwtty of the husband or wife. Therefore, the placement of KuJa tn these houses ls supposed to produce KuJa dosha. It is also belierred that lf such dosha ls found in both the horoscopes of bride and bridegroom, the dosha gets cancelled. Unfortunately the famtly pandits or astrologers glve so much importance to thls dosha that it becomes dillicult for a girl wfth such dosha ln her horoscope, to get a suttable partner. However, lt is now being realised that there are several elements of much more lmportance ln the evil inlluence on a horoscope than KuJadosha-and account of the bad positton of KuJa is only one of them. We have seen serreral horoscopes of girls and boys when there ls no KuJa dosha per lagna, Chandra or Shukra, sttll the gfrl became a widow or was sent away by or separated from the husband. We have also seen horoscopes when KuJa dostra ls present ln one of tlre horoscopes, sttll the couple have been living happily. What ls necessa4l is that the horoscopes of both the brtde and bridegroom should be e<amlned carefully and tf they promise domestic happtness and good longevit5l to tJre couple, the KuJa dosha should not be made an obstacle ln their being united by marriage Professor B. V. Raman's view as given in hls book 'Electional Astrologl' is given below for the guidance of the students: '.. ... Granttng that KuJa dqsham is a factor whose occurenc should not be ignored, there are antidotes which are not generally known to the rank and file of Htndu Astrologers. The exceptions are: Mars (KuJa) in the 2nd is bad provided 2nd house ls any other ttran Gemini and Virgo; ln the 12th the dosha ts produced when such l2th house is arry other than

23.2 Taurus or Libra; in the 4th house Mars causes do.sha provtded the house falls in any stgn other than Aries or Scorpto; when the 7th ls other than Capricorn and Cancr, the dostra is gfven rise to; and Mars gives bad effects in 8th, prorrlded the 8th house ls other than Sagittarius and Plsces. In Aquarius and Leo, Mars produces no dosha what so ever. The dosha is counter-acted by the conJunctlon of Mars and Jupiter or Mars and the Moon." Prof. Raman has orpressed the view whtch should be followed by the students tllat KuJa dosha does not de' serve much consideration whlch ls nour being Pald to it. In the conslderation of mariage adaptability there are varlous other factors wtrlch should be carefully examined. I also take the Uberty of quottng here very interestlng vtews in this regard by Shri H. R. Seshadari lyer. He 'New Techniques of Predictlorr*Part I'says in his book 'Angarak (KuJa) dosha ls another greatly misconclerred subJect. Its mere lnsture ln l, 2, 4,7,8 and 12 from lagna, Moon or Shukra ls supposed to cause wldowhood or wldowerhood. I have witnessed many horoscopes being dtscarded for marriagp alliance on this ground. If it edsts ln one chart they require one with a slmilar dosha to counteract the evil. What a wonderful illogical statement it ts! As per thetr own fear that the existence of thts dosha ln one is llkely to ldll the other, then I argue that both dle due to dosha of each other. If really there by such a dosha in a horoscppe, you must look to the longevity of the other and not a simlltrr dqsha. Merely beeause KuJa is there how can you mark hts real qualtt5f If suppose, he be in 8 (8th house) is he there to harm the partner, hls younger co-borns, his lands or the efiect of bhavas owned by KuJa or not at all to harm but to glve

233 yoga (good results)? For Simha lagna KuJa ln 4 (4th -hoirsel-is yogakaraka (gfver of wealth and fame)' Then I say there ts KuJa and not KuJa dosha. ...'Astrologl is not soeirsy to handle. Let the old school revise their conception at least hereafter." For mere$ it was not our furtention to lnclude the subJect 'Femaie Horoscopy' in our lessons; but we felt thai ttre groundtng we intend to give would have been subject' But the incompleie without this important students may note that we have given on$ essentlal features of thts very o<haustive subJect. The students' wtll leam more about lt when they go through the elassical texts and more advanced books on Fllndu System of Astrologr


ffi'asrn-or-gc.Y P. S' Sastrl Prof.

not I"t is work a must onlv !?,.l1slylt-lYi^, The of astrologv' tol'inli;"in?; ;t!g;is andpractitioners

wolli'fl'8iiit ExHAusrIvE

Rs' Deluxe 800/--,-, .,lP*tt'S/i

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PUBLIcATI9NS. ifarva-oani NewDelh 110002




As we have already exptralned in our previous lessons that the planets are always moving. It is the effect of thetr movement from one sign to another that ts called 'Gochar phala' ln Hindi. Almost all the periodicals nowa-days glve transit results of the planets f,or persons born between certain dates under the headlng'How is this week for you?' or 'How is this month for you?' but it is generally found that such results do not generally prove correct. This ls due to the fact that those results are based either on the position of planets with reference to Ravi or with reference to Chandra, and then how can the results gtven for the period of one week or one month can apply to all persons born during that period-becruse their birth charts would be different from each otherand the most effective, sensitive and important point in the horoscope-the lagna would be different. Correct or nearly correct results from transit can be ascertained only with reference to one's own chart and how this is done, is the subJect matter of this lesson. Planets during their periods through various signs of the zodlac produce certain elfects aceordireg as they are benefic or malelic trr the horoscope. Transit results are important in as much as they supplement and modiff the dosha and anta.rdasha results. Suppose a person is having Guru Mahadasha and Guru is well placed in the natal chart (this is another name for the btrth ctrart). If ln transit Guru gets tn debilitation or in an unfavourable

235 positlon the result of the dastra as long as Guru remalns unfavourable would be slightly unfavourable. The same would apply to the antardasha lord. Thus when we are judging the dasha and antardasha results we should also see how the dasha lord and antandasha lords are placed with reference to Chandra lagna and with refer ence to each other. If they get into 6th-8th position between themselves, they would adversely affect the dasha and antardasha results. While considering the effects of translt the Chandra lagna or the sign which Chandra ts posited in the birth chart (Janma rashi) and not the lagna is taken into consideration. The sign where Chandra is postted at birth is the radical sign of Chandra whtch ts popularly known as Chandra lagna. As mentioned above referencc to transits of planets are always made from the radical Chandra. Houses are reckoned for this Chandra tn the same manner as from lagna. The general results of various planets transiting places counted for Chandra lagna are given below. RAVI when he transits the 3rd, 6th, lOth and f lth Ravi, houses reckoned from Chandra lagna produces beneflc results. In other houses he will be malefic. Ist house: Loss of wealth and honour, ill health like blood pressure, heart disease, fatigue, stomach ache, chest paln, aimless travels, irritation. 2nd house: Loss of money, arxtet5r, quarrels with friends and relatives. Srdhouse: Happiness, lmprovement ln career, promotlons in servtce or business, honour, good heatth, domestie comforts.

23,6 thhouse: Domestic unhapptness, ill health, debts, flnancial troubles, quarrels with relatlves. 5th house: mental agitation, ill health to self and children, displeasure from govt. 6th house: Good health, destruction of enemies, trappiness, peac of mind, success in all undertakings. ' 7th house: Unnecessary and ungainful travelling, diseases of stomach and anus, urinar5l complatnts, fever, unhappy marrled life. 8th house: Ill health of wife, disgrace, displeasure from superiors, depresslon of mind, unhappiness ln conJugal relations. 9th house: Loss of status, enemit5r with elders, separation of near relations. loth house: Victory, fulfilment of ambltions, gains of honour, money and articles of ltrxury, promotion to higher posts-for politiclans ministership etc. llth house: New position and honour, gain of wealth, sucoess and prosperit5l, domestic happtress. 12th house; Sorrows, loss of wealth, ill health, disgrace, arxiety etc. CHANDRA Chandra, when she transits the lst, 3rd, 6th, 7th, loth and l lth houses from her posltion in the birth ehart, shall produce benefic results. In other places she will give unf,avourable results. Ist house: Good health, peac of mind, good gatns, serrual enJoyments. 2nd house: Loss of honour, orpenditure. ?rd house: Sucr,ess, gains of good dress, gatns of wealth, happtness. The naHve may get a change for tlre better.

237 4th house: sorrows, domestic unhapplness' loss of property and money, anxletS/, worries etc' Sthhouse: Illness, dtsappotntments, loss of money' etc. ithhouse: Gainsof wealth, happiness, good health' 7th house: Sexual enJo5rments,conjugal happiness' marriage if not marrted, birth of children, gain of wealth' enJoyable JourneYs. 8th house: Loss of money, disgrace, ill health' 9th house: Mental agony, general debtlity, loss of money etc. lOth house: Good gains in servlce or busirtess' gucrcess lrr undertakings, Pleasure, comforts at house' 1 lth house: Marrrage, happiness from friends' good gains of money, galns tn specutration, good health' 12th house: Busirress losses in undertakings' er<penditure, illness, disgrace. KUJA KuJa, durlng his transit in the 3rd, 6th and l lth houses for radical Chandra produces good effects while ln otleer houses glves unfavourable results' Ist house; Danger from flre, 1rclson, acidents' weapons etc., lossof money, ill-health, diseases of blood' bile, heat etc. 2nd house: Displeasure from govt', payment of flnes, loss of money in other ways also, honest speech' fear from thieves and enemies, disgrace' ete' \rd house: Good heatth, gets position of authorit5r' gains of money, happtness, success in undertakings' pleasure from brothers and slsters' 4th house: Il-health on account of dtgesttve troub-

238 les, fever, blood pressure, blood discharges, loss of posi,tion, lo,ss of properf, domestic troubles and worries. 5th house: Quarrels with sons and relatives, ill_ health to children, loss of peace of mind, set back in education, irritable temperament. 6th house: Good health, success over enemies. success in litigation, success in undertakings, honour, lncreased income. 7th house: Quarrels with wife or business partner, domestic quarrels, loss of money, urinary complaints etc. 8th house: Accidents, wounds, fever, loss of health, anaemia, mental worry, death etc. 9th house: General debilit5r, wearlsome Journeys, dtsgrace, loss of money etc. loth house; Failure in attempts, misbehaviour, ill health. It is said that in second. half of transit in this house Kuja gives favourable results. Ilth house: Financial gains, good health, gains of landed property, honour, birth of children, success in undertakings, domestic happiness. 12th house; Unnecessa4r expenditure, eye troubles, quarrel.s with wife, mental worries, dishonour and losses. BUDHA During his transit from the position of radical Chandra, Budha produces mixed results in the 2nd and good results in the 4th, 6th, 8th, loth and l lth houses and in other houses he will produce maIeIIc results. Isf: Unsteady mArd, wicked speech, loss of propergr, dull intellect, evil advice of wicked people. 2nd: Harsh speech, scandals, g;riel anger; but glain _ of money.



3rd: Enmity with brothers, sisters and nelghbours, troubles from superiors, receipt of bad news, ungainful Journeys. 4th: Prosperit5r to relatives and family, domestic happiness, gain of money and property, suc@ss in education, honours, happiness, prospertty. 5th: Quarrels with wife and sons, scandalous love affairs, loss of po.sition, dishonour, dull intellect, loss of peace of mind. 6th: Popularity, vietory and eminence, prosperit5r, mental and domestic happiness, gain of money, succss in undertakings, renown etc. 7th: Mental worry, conJugal unhapplness, obstacles in undertaking, useless journeys, domestic worries. 8th: Sudden'gains of wealth, importance, good lntellect, happiness. 9th: Obstacles and hindrance in undertaklngs, loss of money, disgrace, wearisome journeys. I Oth: Success in undertakings, qains of name, f,ame and wealth, succss over enemies, domestic happiness, professional sucress, prosperit5r. I lth: Gain of money, birth of chdldren, marrlage, auspicious functions ln the family, increase ln prosperity. 12th: Troubles from enemies, lllness, domesilc quarrels, loss of mental peace, etc. ! GURU C'urrdudnghis transitinthe 3nd, 5th,7th, 9th and I lth houses from radical Chandra produces very good results. In other houses bad efiects are realised. Ist.' Loss of money, disgrace, domestic worries,

240 increase of enemies, heavy expenditure, ill health, failure in undertakings. 2nd: Galns of wealth, domestic happiness, succss in undertakings, marriages, birth of children, new status and position, prosperit5r. 3rd: Loss of wealth, failures in undertakings troublesome Joumeys, loss of position, ill-health, change of place. 4th: Disgrace, demotion, false accusations, loss of relatives, domestic unhappiness, worries, loss of wealth etc. 5th: Birth of children, marriage, success in romance, ofllclal favours, ma.nta siddhl, .'ionours, dcifeat of enemles auspicious functions, gain of knowleclge, acquisition of Jewellery, increase in prosperity, etc. ' 6th: Domestic unhappiness, ill health, quarrels, anxietSl, troubles from enemies, indebtedness, loss of money. Ith: Domestic and conjugal happiness, marriage, birth of children, gain of wealth, good health, acquisitlon of vehicles, prosperity. 8th: Fatigue, ill-health, loss of money, grief, dishonour, disputes, accldents in Journeys. 9th: All round success, prosperlt5l, marrlage, birth of chlldren, promotion in service, sucress in undertaklngs, new status, auspicious functions, increased lncome, etc. IOth: Loss of status, ill-health, loss of money, lllhealth to children, change of places, danger to propert5r, gcandals, dlspleasure of supcriors etc. I I th: Domestic happiness, health, birth of children, marriage, promotion, success in undertakings, honour, respect, prosperit5l.


I2th: Loss of money, fiel separation from family, loss of children, increased expenditure. SHUKRA produces good results when it transits the Shukra lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, sth, 8th, gth, l lth and l2th from Janma Rashi and in other houses evil results are reallsed. Ist: Acquisltion of articles of luxury, conjugal happiness, marriage, proslrerit5r, good health. 2nd: Birth of chlldren, marriage, gains of wealth, receipt of gifts and presents, prosperity in family, domestic happiness. , 3rd: Increased influence and position, wealth, respect. 4th: Domestic happiness, acquisitlon of vehicles and articles of ltrxury, marriage, birth of children, increased happiness, pleasure trips, gain of property. Stfu Birth of children, good friends, mental peace, gucress in love affalrs, honours, gains of name, fame and wealth. 6th: Dishonours, troubles from enemies, ill health, lndebtedness, litigation, danger. 7th: Troubles from women, veneral dlseases, ill health to wife, domestic unhappiness, loss of money through women. 8th: Gain of health and wealth, land, houses, domestic happiness, married bliss, favours, honours, prosperity. 9th; Good deeds, galr of wealth, marriage, gain of articles of luxury, increase in knowledge, gainful journeys, prosperity. ' loth: Dlsgrace, quarrels, defeat in ltilgation, but success irr profession.

242 1Lth: Gain of friends, wealth, birth of children. lncreased prosperity. 12th: Gain of things of enjoyment, luxury, increased expenditure and indulgence in temporar5r pleasures. SHANI Shani, during his transit from ,the Janma rashl produces good results in the 3rd, 6th and l lth houses. In other places evil results may be realised.. Ist: Ill health, death of relatives, fear from enemies, journey to distant places and separation from family, loss of wealth, imprisonment, death of children, death of or separation from wife, increased expenditure. 2nd; Loss of wealth and happiness, ill health, loss of position, increased expenditure, financial difficulty, gain of wealth to be lost later, death of wife and children. 3rd: Cain of wealth and servants, prosperity, good health, success in undertakings, defeat of enemiesl increased influence, happiness. 4th; Loss of wealth, separation from family, death of relations, disgraee, ill-health, unhappkress. 5th: Loss of children, loss of wealth, increased ex_ penditure, eonfusion in mind, separation from fami$, anxiety. 6th: Victory over enemies, good health, married happiness, gatn of wealth and all round prosperit5r. 7th: TroublesomeJourneys, separation from wife, tll health, delay in marriage, loss of wife and children, disease of sexual organs, ill health of wife and children. 8th; Loss of wealth, ill health, disgrace, accidents, death of wife, rniserable life, gambllng ana inauryence in other vices. 9th: Troubles from enemies, criminal prosecution,

243 loss of wealth, fallures, unhappiness. loth: Loss of money, scandals, new employment, prosperity and sucress in undertakings, loss of savings, sinful deeds, loss of honour. I I th: Gain of property, marriage, gain of servants, lncreased fame, acquisition of wealth, honour and position. 12th: Calamitles, loss of wealth, ill health hospitalisation, imprisonment, disgrace, quarrels in family, $eneral debility, separation from family. The transit of Shani in the l2th, lst and 2nd houses from the Janma Rashi is known as Sade-Sati (7-l/2 years evil period). In the life of a person, the cycle may occur once, twice or ttrree times accordlng as the native ls short lived, medium or long lived. In the flrst cycle the evil effects shall be felt by the parents. In the second cycle the evils shall be concentrated on the domestlc and professional fields of the person. Durtng the thtrd cycle It affects one's children, health and may even cause death. Shani's transit in the 8th from the Janma rashl is known as Ashtamesh Shani.' This transit also causes very evil effects and makes the life of the natlve miserable unless he is passing through a f,avourable dasha. It ls, however, believed that the Shani's sade-satl and 'Ashtamesh Shani' are less evil for people whose lagna or Janma rashi is Tula, Vrishabha, Makara or Kumbha. For Tula and Vrishabha Shani ts a yogakaraka planet and Makara and Kumbha rashis are owned by him. How to spply tranclt results

Transit results of Rahu wtll be like Shant. But Rahu will gtve good results while transtting the lOth house. The result of ketu will be like KuJa.

244 The results of the transits of the various planets glven above are to be applied with reference to the position of planets in a horoscope. Some tips as giverl by the famous author in this book 'What the Stars Foretell' are given below. (1) A planet while transiting a favourable house identical with its exaltation, own or friendly sign will produce very gd, good or ordinary results; while in inimical or depression sign it will produce no good results at all. (2) Planets while transiting unfavourable houses ldentical with their exaltation, own or friendly signs will produce only very mild and ordinarlr bad results while in their inimical and depression signs they will produce maximum miseries. (3) If the transiting planet be benefic to the horoscope, in the favourable houses it will produce good results and ln unfavourable houses produce the intenslt5l of evils. (4) If the planet be malellc to the native, the goort effects will be feeble while transiting favourable houses, and the evils will be marimum while moving in unfavourable houses. (5) Durinl the transit if the p}anet receives beneflc aspects or association good results will be increased and bad results will be reduced, whereas tf the aspect or association be maleflc, good results will be minimum and bad results will be maxlmunr. (6) A natural benefic whlle transiting a favourable house, if retrogrades will intensiff the good results. If the transitting house be maleflc the evil results of transit will be reduced to minimum. (7) A natural maleflc whlle translting a favourable

245 house, if it gets lnto retrograde motion there, will neutralise the benefic results of transit, whereas in an unf,avourable house under retrograde motion the malefic results will be accelerated. (8) A benefic plianet while operating lts dasha and antardasha produces good results during its transit in f,avourable houses to the full extent, whereas in evil houses the evils of transit as well as the benelic nature of dasha and antardasha will be increased. (9) If a maleflc pl,anet, while operating lts dasha or antardasha transits through a beneffc house, it will reduce the beneflc effects of transit. If it transits through an unfavourable house, the evils of transit will be increased. (lO) Planets when transiilng through favourable places from Chandra, if eclipsed, they become incapable of producing goocl results whereas, if they be eclipsed while ln unfavourable places for Chandra, the evtls will be maximum. (l l) If a planet, while transiting a favourable place from Chandra, be hemmed in between turo maleflcJ, the good results of transit will not be felt. whereas when transitting unfavourable houses tn these clrcumstances the evils will be felt to the greatest extent. (f 2) If a planet, while transiting a favourable house, be hemmed in betwecn two beneflc planets, the good results of transit wtll be maximum. If the transit be through unfavourable house and the planet be between beneflcs, the evil results of transit will not be realised. (13) If there be a beneflc planet in the 4th, Sth, gth houses reckoned from a planet who is transitting through a favourable house, the good results will ba reaped to the full extent, whereas if the transiting pLrace be unfavourable under similar condiilons, the evil results will not be felt.

246 (14) If there be malefic planets in the 4th, sth, 8th or gth house reckoned from a transiting planet who is favourable, the good effects of transit will be neutralised whereas, if the transit be unfavourable the evils will be increased. ( 15) When a planet transits through a slgn (whether favourable or unfavourable) if there be another planet moving at the uedha point, the effects of transit will be checked and will not be felt. Vedha polnts or points of obstruction are as under:

t245 36

7lO 2 ll


9t2 6 KuJa t2



Budha 712 ll Quru t24 t2

Shukra 8 3 Shant

310 34 7ll0
6 ll




247 In the above numerals those above flee llne are places of benefic transit of the planet. Those below each number are the Vedha or obsiruction houses for such transits. For 6th, loth and I lth for janma rashl. If there ls another planet transiting the gth house for Chandra -3rd, lagna whcle Ravi rs in the vedha or obstruction is caused. Whatever benefic results Ravt ought to produce in the 3rd house, will not be realised as thi ptanit ln the 9th house has obstructed Ravl's inlluence. Conversely if Ravi. by transitting the 9th house and there is a pt^irei moving in the Brd house, then also obstmction to Ravi's evil inlluence in the gth house takes place. The same should be understood for other places of Ravi and other planets. But tt may be noted that there ls no Vdha between Ravl and Shanf and Ctrandra and Budha. Vdha must be taken into consideration while considerlng the transit effects of various planets.


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DAILY POSITION based on ( Lahiri's) Ayanamsa Chitrapaksha Rs.150/-

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