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Tsuki waza
are techniques of Karate with particular value, which are executed in straight line. These techniques are executed using various striking surface: seiken, hiraken, nakadaka ippon ken, ippon ken, shihon nukite, ippon nukite, nihon nukite. The three joints primarily involved in Tsuki Waza are shoulder, elbow and radioulnar joint. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint formed between the humerus and the scapula. The elbow is a hinge joint formed by the humerus and ulna. Radioulnar joint is joint formed by radius and ulna.

Joints involved Articulating bones Shoulder Elbow Radioulnar Humerus and scapula

Action Flexion & internal rotation

Agonist Muscle Anterior deltoids and Pectoralis major (upper fibers), coracobrachialis, Pronator teres, pronator quadratus

Humerus and ulna Extension&pronation Triceps brachii, anconeus Radius&ulna pronation

Muscle of the shoulder, erector spinae and abdominal etc, are stabilizing muscles which also play important role in executing of all karate techniques. All these muscle we need to stretch to strength to be effective in executing of tsuki waza. If we raise up shoulder when we execute this techniques all muscle included we lose efectiness, because muscle which raise shoulder

play important role in stabilizing of humerus when we executing tsuki waza, or move shoulder blade forward (scapula) we can lose also efectines of the techniques because muscle for move shoulder blade (scapula) forward also play role in stabilizing.

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