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Discuss Throw

Muscles Involved
Sure, here's a brief sequence of the muscle activation involved in discus throw:
The athlete starts in a standing position, with the core muscles engaged to
provide stability and balance.

 As the athlete begins the throwing motion, the leg muscles, particularly
the quadriceps and glutes, are engaged to generate the explosive power
needed to initiate the throw.
 As the athlete transitions into the wind-up phase, the shoulder muscles,
including the deltoids and trapezius, are activated to provide the
strength and range of motion needed to make the throwing motion.
 During the release phase, the arm muscles, particularly the triceps and
forearm muscles, are engaged to generate the force needed to
accelerate the discus and release it with the desired trajectory.
 The hand muscles and fingers are activated to control the discus and
ensure a smooth release, allowing the discus to follow the desired
trajectory and achieve maximum range.
 Throughout the throwing motion, the core muscles remain engaged to
provide stability and balance, and the leg muscles continue to provide
support and generate power as needed. The complex sequence of
muscle activation requires a combination of strength, speed, and
explosive power, making discus throw a challenging and rewarding event
to master.

Muscle Origin and Insertion

Here's a brief summary of the origin and insertion of the muscles involved in
discus throw:
1. Core muscles: The abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis,
external and internal obliques, and transverse abdominis, originate from
the pubic bone, ribs, and spine, and insert into the sternum, ribs, and
pubic bone. The lower back muscles, including the erector spinae and
quadratus lumborum, originate from the spine and pelvis and insert into
the ribs, spine, and pelvis.
2. Leg muscles: The quadriceps muscles, including the rectus femoris,
vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius, originate from
the femur and insert into the patella and tibia. The hamstrings muscles,
including the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus,
originate from the ischial tuberosity of the pelvis and insert into the tibia
and fibula. The gluteus maximus muscle originates from the ilium,
sacrum, and coccyx and inserts into the femur.
3. Shoulder muscles: The deltoid muscle originates from the clavicle,
acromion, and scapula and inserts into the humerus. The rotator cuff
muscles, including the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and
subscapularis, originate from the scapula and insert into the humerus.
The trapezius muscle originates from the occipital bone, spine, and
scapula and inserts into the clavicle and scapula.
4. Arm muscles: The biceps brachii muscle originates from the scapula and
inserts into the radius. The triceps brachii muscle originates from the
scapula and humerus and inserts into the ulna. The forearm muscles,
including the flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and extensor carpi
radialis, originate from the humerus and ulna and insert into the bones
of the hand.
5. Hand muscles: The hand muscles, including the intrinsic muscles of the
hand, originate from the bones of the hand and insert into the bones of
the fingers and thumb.
It's important to note that the origin and insertion of muscles can vary
depending on the individual and the specific muscle, and the muscles involved
in discus throw can be activated in a variety of ways depending on the athlete's
technique and individual strengths and weaknesses.

Primary and Secondary Muscles

The muscles involved in discus throw can be categorized as primary and
secondary muscles based on their level of contribution to the movement.
Primary muscles are those that are directly involved in generating the force and
motion required for the throw. These muscles include:
1. Leg muscles: The quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes are the primary
muscles involved in generating the explosive power needed to initiate
the throw.
2. Shoulder muscles: The deltoids, rotator cuff, and trapezius are the
primary muscles involved in providing the strength and range of motion
needed to make the throwing motion.
3. Arm muscles: The biceps, triceps, and forearm muscles are the primary
muscles involved in generating the force needed to accelerate the discus
and release it with the desired trajectory.
Secondary muscles are those that contribute to the throwing motion by
providing stability, support, and additional power. These muscles include:
1. Core muscles: The core muscles, including the abdominals and lower
back muscles, provide stability and help transfer force from the legs to
the upper body during the throwing motion.
2. Hand muscles: The muscles in the hand and fingers provide the
necessary grip to ensure a smooth release and contribute to the
accuracy of the throw.
While all of these muscles are involved in the throwing motion, the primary
muscles are typically the most important in determining the success of the
throw. The secondary muscles play a supporting role and can help improve the
athlete's technique and overall performance.

Discus throw is a complex movement that involves several joints in the body.
Here are the main joints involved in the throwing motion:
1. Ankle joint: The ankle joint is involved in the initial drive phase of the
throw, as the athlete generates explosive power from the legs to initiate
the throwing motion.
2. Knee joint: The knee joint is involved in the initial drive phase of the
throw, as the quadriceps and hamstrings work together to generate the
necessary force.
3. Hip joint: The hip joint is critical in the throwing motion, as it allows the
athlete to transfer force from the lower body to the upper body, and
provides the range of motion needed to complete the throwing motion.
4. Shoulder joint: The shoulder joint is one of the most important joints in
the throwing motion, as it allows the athlete to generate force and
provide the necessary range of motion to complete the throwing motion.
5. Elbow joint: The elbow joint is also important in the throwing motion, as
it allows the athlete to generate force and provide the necessary range
of motion to complete the throwing motion.
6. Wrist joint: The wrist joint is involved in the final release phase of the
throw, as the athlete uses their wrist to control the discus and ensure a
smooth release.
All of these joints work together to create a seamless, coordinated movement
that allows the athlete to generate the force and trajectory needed to achieve
a successful throw. It's important for athletes to properly train and strengthen
these joints to improve their technique and reduce the risk of injury.

Axes and Planes of Movement

The discus throw involves movements in multiple planes of motion and axes of
movement, including:
1. Sagittal Plane: The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right
halves and involves movements that occur in a forward or backward
direction. In the discus throw, the athlete uses the sagittal plane to
generate force and power during the wind-up phase and to transfer
energy from the lower body to the upper body during the throw.
2. Transverse Plane: The transverse plane divides the body into top and
bottom halves and involves movements that occur in a rotational or
twisting direction. In the discus throw, the athlete uses the transverse
plane to generate rotational force and transfer energy from the lower
body to the upper body during the throw.
3. Frontal Plane: The frontal plane divides the body into front and back
halves and involves movements that occur in a side-to-side direction. In
the discus throw, the athlete uses the frontal plane to stabilize the body
and maintain balance during the throw.
The axes of movement involved in the discus throw include:
1. Medial-Lateral Axis: The medial-lateral axis runs horizontally from side to
side and is perpendicular to the sagittal plane. In the discus throw, the
athlete rotates around this axis during the wind-up phase and the
release of the discus.
2. Anterior-Posterior Axis: The anterior-posterior axis runs horizontally from
front to back and is perpendicular to the frontal plane. In the discus
throw, the athlete rotates around this axis during the throw, generating
rotational force and transferring energy from the lower body to the
upper body.
3. Longitudinal Axis: The longitudinal axis runs vertically from top to
bottom and is perpendicular to the transverse plane. In the discus throw,
the athlete rotates around this axis during the wind-up phase and the
release of the discus, generating spin and increasing the discus's
aerodynamic stability.
Understanding the planes of movement and axes of movement involved in the
discus throw can help an athlete to optimize their technique and generate
maximum power and speed during the throw.

There are several forces involved in a discus throw, including:

 Gravity: This force acts on the discus, pulling it towards the ground.

 Weight: The weight of the discus is the force that the discus exerts on
the athlete's hand or fingers holding it.
 Centripetal force: This force is generated as the athlete rotates their
body in preparation for the throw. It acts towards the center of the
rotation and helps to keep the discus in motion.

 Centrifugal force: This force is generated as the discus is released and

moves away from the athlete's hand. It acts away from the center of the
rotation and can help to increase the distance of the throw.

 Air resistance: This force acts against the motion of the discus as it
moves through the air. The athlete can use techniques such as
aerodynamic positioning of the body and spin to minimize this force and
increase the distance of the throw.

 Friction: This force acts between the athlete's shoes and the ground,
helping to prevent slipping or sliding during the throw.

 Tension: This force is generated in the athlete's muscles as they rotate

their body and pull their arm back to prepare for the throw. It helps to
store potential energy that can be released during the throw.

 Inertia: This force describes the tendency of an object to resist changes

in its motion. The athlete must overcome the discus's inertia in order to
set it in motion and achieve a successful throw.

 Reaction force: This force is generated by the discus as it is released from

the athlete's hand and propels forward. The athlete can use this force to
their advantage by ensuring that the discus is released at the optimal
angle and point in the throwing motion.
 Ground reaction force: This force is generated as the athlete pushes off
the ground during the throw. It helps to generate the necessary power
and speed to propel the discus forward.

By understanding and optimizing these forces, an athlete can achieve a

successful and effective discus throw.

Laws of Motion
The laws of motion are fundamental principles that govern the motion of all
objects, including a discus in a discus throw. Here's how the laws of motion
apply to a discus throw:
1. First Law of Motion (Law of Inertia): An object at rest will remain at rest,
and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity
unless acted upon by an external force. In a discus throw, the discus is
initially at rest, and the athlete must apply force to set it in motion. Once
in motion, the discus will continue to move forward at a constant
velocity unless acted upon by external forces, such as air resistance or
the athlete's hand releasing it.
2. Second Law of Motion (Law of Acceleration): The acceleration of an
object is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely
proportional to its mass. In a discus throw, the athlete applies a force to
the discus, generating acceleration and increasing the discus's velocity.
The mass of the discus also affects its acceleration; a heavier discus
requires more force to achieve the same acceleration as a lighter discus.
3. Third Law of Motion (Law of Action and Reaction): For every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a discus throw, the athlete
applies a force to the discus, generating a reaction force in the opposite
direction. As the discus is released, it exerts a force on the athlete's
hand, propelling it forward and generating a reaction force that can aid
in the throw.

Projectile Motion in Discuss Throw

Discus throw is a track and field event in which an athlete throws a heavy disc
called a discus. The athlete aims to throw the discus as far as possible, and the
throw involves projectile motion. Projectile motion is a form of motion in which
an object is thrown or launched into the air and follows a curved path due to
the influence of gravity.
When a discus is thrown in discus throw, it experiences two types of motion:
horizontal motion and vertical motion. The horizontal motion of the discus is
constant, and it moves in a straight line until it hits the ground. The vertical
motion of the discus, on the other hand, is influenced by gravity and follows a
parabolic path.
The discus is launched at an angle with respect to the ground, and the angle at
which it is launched affects its range. The optimum angle of launch for
maximum range in discus throw is around 40-45 degrees.
The speed and height at which the discus is launched also affect its range. The
higher the discus is launched and the greater the initial speed, the longer it will
stay in the air, and the greater the range will be.
Factors such as wind speed and direction also affect the trajectory of the
discus. Athletes must take into account these factors when making their throws
and adjust their technique accordingly.
Overall, discus throw is a complex event that requires a combination of
strength, technique, and understanding of projectile motion principles to
achieve maximum performance.

Lever Involved
The lever involved in a discus throw is a third-class lever. In a third-class lever,
the force is applied between the load and the fulcrum. In the case of a discus
throw, the athlete's hand holding the discus acts as the force, the elbow joint
acts as the fulcrum, and the weight of the discus acts as the load. The athlete
applies a force to the discus by rotating their body and pulling their arm back,
which generates angular momentum. The discus is then released at the
optimal point in the throwing motion to achieve maximum distance. The length
of the athlete's arm acts as the lever arm, which determines the amount of
force and speed that can be generated. The longer the lever arm, the greater
the force that can be applied, which can result in a longer throw.
Classification of movements in Joints
The discus throw involves several joints and movements, which can be
classified as follows:
1. Shoulder Joint: The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint that allows
for a wide range of movements, including flexion, extension, abduction,
adduction, internal and external rotation, and horizontal abduction and
adduction. During the discus throw, the athlete uses these movements
to generate momentum and transfer energy from the lower body to the
upper body.
2. Elbow Joint: The elbow joint is a hinge joint that allows for flexion and
extension. In the discus throw, the athlete uses the elbow joint as the
fulcrum for the throwing motion, generating force and speed through
the extension of the arm.
3. Wrist Joint: The wrist joint is a condyloid joint that allows for flexion,
extension, adduction, abduction, and circumduction. In the discus throw,
the athlete uses the wrist joint to control the release of the discus and
generate spin.
4. Spine: The spine is a complex structure that allows for a combination of
movements, including flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation.
During the discus throw, the athlete uses the spine to generate rotational
force and transfer energy from the lower body to the upper body.
5. Hips: The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint that allows for a wide range
of movements, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
internal and external rotation, and circumduction. During the discus
throw, the athlete uses their hips to generate rotational force and
transfer energy from the lower body to the upper body.
6. Knees: The knee joint is a hinge joint that allows for flexion and
extension. In the discus throw, the athlete uses the knees to generate
force and power during the wind-up phase and then to transfer this
energy to the upper body during the throw.
7. Ankles: The ankle joint is a hinge joint that allows for dorsiflexion (lifting
the foot) and plantar flexion (pointing the foot). In the discus throw, the
athlete uses their ankles to generate force and power during the wind-
up phase and to provide stability and balance during the throw.
By focusing on the movements of these joints, an athlete can maximize their
power, speed, and accuracy during the discus throw.

Complete demonstration and Execution

Set Up Method
The set up method in discus throw involves the athlete preparing for the throw
by positioning their body correctly and getting into a proper stance. Here is a
step-by-step guide to the set up method in discus throw:

 Approach: Begin your approach to the throwing circle from the back of
the runway. You should be focused and relaxed, with your eyes fixed on a
target in the throwing sector.

 Starting position: Once you reach the throwing circle, assume a balanced
and stable starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your
toes should be pointing slightly to the left if you're right-handed, and to
the right if you're left-handed.

 Grip: Hold the discus in your throwing hand with your fingers
underneath and your thumb on top. The discus should be positioned
against your palm, with your wrist slightly flexed.

 Wind-up: Take a small wind-up step with your non-throwing foot, then
begin rotating your body to generate rotational force. The wind-up
should be smooth and controlled, with your eyes fixed on the target.

 Power position: As you complete your wind-up, transfer your weight

onto your back foot and bring the discus to the power position. This is
when the discus is held near your right hip (if you're right-handed) or
your left hip (if you're left-handed).
 Delivery: Begin your delivery by shifting your weight onto your front foot
and driving your hips and shoulders forward. Extend your throwing arm
and release the discus, following through with your arm and body.

Remember to stay relaxed and maintain proper form throughout the set up
method in discus throw. With practice and repetition, you can improve your
technique and generate maximum power and speed during the throw.

Stance Method
The stance method in discus throw involves the athlete taking a stable and
balanced stance to optimize their power and speed during the throw. Here is a
step-by-step guide to the stance method in discus throw:
1. Approach: Begin your approach to the throwing circle from the back of
the runway. You should be focused and relaxed, with your eyes fixed on a
target in the throwing sector.
2. Starting position: Once you reach the throwing circle, assume a balanced
and stable starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your
toes should be pointing slightly to the left if you're right-handed, and to
the right if you're left-handed.
3. Weight distribution: Shift your weight slightly onto your back foot to
initiate the wind-up phase. As you rotate your body, transfer your weight
onto your back foot to generate power and momentum.
4. Power position: As you complete your wind-up, transfer your weight
onto your back foot and bring the discus to the power position. This is
when the discus is held near your right hip (if you're right-handed) or
your left hip (if you're left-handed).
5. Foot position: Pivot on your back foot and turn your hips and shoulders
to face the throwing sector. Plant your front foot at a 45-degree angle to
the throwing sector, with your heel touching the ground and your toe
pointing towards the target.
6. Knee position: Bend your front knee slightly to lower your center of
gravity and maintain balance. Your back leg should be extended and
slightly bent to support your weight.
7. Arm position: Hold the discus in your throwing hand with your fingers
underneath and your thumb on top. The discus should be positioned
against your palm, with your wrist slightly flexed. Your throwing arm
should be extended and parallel to the ground, with your elbow pointing
towards the target.
Remember to maintain a stable and balanced stance throughout the throw,
using your lower body to generate power and momentum and your upper
body to transfer that energy into the discus. With practice and repetition, you
can improve your technique and achieve maximum distance in the discus

Breathing Technique
Breathing technique is an important aspect of the discus throw as it can help
the athlete maintain their focus and control their movements during the throw.
Here are some tips on breathing technique in discus throw:
1. Deep breaths: Take deep breaths before the throw to relax your body
and calm your mind. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly
through your mouth.
2. Hold breath: Take a final deep breath and hold it as you initiate the wind-
up and begin the throw. Holding your breath can help you maintain your
focus and stabilize your core.
3. Exhale: Exhale forcefully as you release the discus to transfer power and
energy into the throw. The exhale should be timed with the release of
the discus for maximum effect.
4. Inhale: Inhale deeply again after the release of the discus to recover and
prepare for the next throw.
Remember to practice your breathing technique along with your other
throwing techniques to ensure proper coordination and timing during the
throw. With practice and repetition, you can develop a breathing technique
that works best for you and helps you achieve maximum distance in the discus

Thrust is a term used in discus throw to describe the explosive movement that
propels the discus forward. It involves the athlete generating power and
momentum from their lower body and transferring it into the discus through a
series of coordinated movements. Here are some key aspects of the thrust in
discus throw:
1. Wind-up: The wind-up is the initial movement in the throw, where the
athlete takes a few steps back and begins to build momentum. This is
where the athlete will initiate the thrust.
2. Weight shift: The athlete shifts their weight onto their back foot to
initiate the thrust. This is done by bending their back knee and pushing
off the ground to transfer their weight forward.
3. Hips and shoulders: The athlete begins to turn their hips and shoulders
towards the throwing sector, generating rotational power and torque.
4. Leg drive: The athlete drives their front leg forward and pushes off the
ground with their back leg to generate more power and momentum.
5. Arm action: The athlete extends their throwing arm and rotates their
forearm to generate more speed and power in the discus.
6. Release: The athlete releases the discus at the peak of their momentum
and power, with the discus spinning rapidly out of their hand and soaring
through the air.
The thrust in discus throw requires a combination of speed, strength, and
coordination, and is a critical aspect of achieving maximum distance in the
throw. With practice and repetition, an athlete can develop their thrust
technique to optimize their power and performance in the discus throw.

Planes of Action
There are three planes of action that are involved in the discus throw:
1. Sagittal plane: The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right
halves, and movements in this plane involve flexion and extension. In the
discus throw, the sagittal plane is involved in the wind-up and leg drive
phases, as the athlete bends their back knee and pushes off the ground
with their back leg to transfer their weight forward.
2. Transverse plane: The transverse plane divides the body into top and
bottom halves, and movements in this plane involve rotation. In the
discus throw, the transverse plane is involved in the rotation of the hips
and shoulders during the wind-up and the release of the discus.
3. Frontal plane: The frontal plane divides the body into front and back
halves, and movements in this plane involve abduction and adduction. In
the discus throw, the frontal plane is involved in the arm action and
release of the discus, as the athlete extends their throwing arm and
rotates their forearm to generate more speed and power in the discus.
Each of these planes of action is critical to the success of the discus throw, and
the athlete must coordinate their movements in all three planes to achieve
maximum distance and accuracy in their throw.

Common Errors
Here are ten common errors in discus throw:
1. Poor grip on the discus: If the athlete does not grip the discus correctly, it
can affect their accuracy and distance. The fingers should be spread
apart and placed under the rim of the discus, with the thumb resting on
2. Improper stance: If the athlete's stance is too narrow or too wide, it can
affect their balance and stability during the throw. The feet should be
shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the other.
3. Inadequate wind-up: If the athlete does not wind up enough before the
throw, they will not generate enough power and momentum for a strong
4. Incorrect weight shift: If the athlete shifts their weight too early or too
late, it can affect their balance and timing, leading to a weaker throw.
5. Poor leg drive: If the athlete does not use their legs to drive forward and
transfer their weight, they will not generate enough power for a strong
6. Insufficient rotational power: If the athlete does not rotate their hips and
shoulders enough during the throw, they will not generate enough
rotational power to maximize the distance of the throw.
7. Incorrect arm action: If the athlete does not extend their throwing arm
or rotate their forearm enough during the throw, it will affect the speed
and accuracy of the throw.
8. Early release: If the athlete releases the discus too early, it will not have
enough momentum to travel far.
9. Late release: If the athlete releases the discus too late, it will affect the
accuracy and trajectory of the throw.
10.Lack of practice: Discus throw requires a lot of practice and repetition to
develop proper technique and timing. Without regular practice, the
athlete may make mistakes or fail to improve their technique.

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