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(Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacture/Computer Integrated Manufacture)

Computer Aided Design

CAD (Computer Aided Design) is used all over the world by many different types of engineering manufacturers. You are probably familiar with some forms of CAD software which you may have used in school, e.g. 2D design, Corel Draw, Solid Edge, Prodesktop. Deleted etc. In industry, CAD refers to any computer software that is used to produce high quality drawings and models which meet exact specifications. CAD software is often then linked to machinery to perform a task to manufacture part of or a whole product; this is known as CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture).

Computer Aided Manufacture

CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture), like CAD, is used all over the world by many different types of engineering manufacturers. CAM allows products to be manufactured with very little effort compared to more hands on techniques where humans are controlling the machines. CAM involves using CNC (Computer Numerical Control), whereby a machines movement is described in exact detail by the computer program. Some examples of products produced using CAM are:
Mobile phones Trainers Mountain bikes Games consoles Many, many more

Computer Integrated Manufacture

CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacture) allows for the connection between all aspects of the production of a product. CIM can be viewed as an integrated system, e.g.
A drawing of a component/product is produced using CAD The CAD file is then processed using CAM to create a sequence the machine will understand deleted full stop for

The CAM sequence is then downloaded to a CNC machine/machines which manufacture the component/product

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