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This document certifies that you subscribe in duplicate with the same content and value, the contract of part-time work, which entered into by IBSA QUINTO, properly located with BROMO JALAN 26, SPAIN, with Phone: 62.341825503 Fax: 62.341825502 , who henceforth will be referred to the employer, and the other party don Juan Pablo Maza ZEVALLOS, identified with DNI 40990741 N9, residing in District Tuman Street, Block 9945, Jurisdiction of Chiclayo, Lambayeque Department, Republic of Peru, with technical degree in the specialty of Mechanics Bank, who henceforth will be referred to the worker, on the terms and conditions: 1. The employer is a private institution, the Fisheries Sector, which requires the services of part-time worker to work in the post of MECHANICAL BANK - OILER, only during the period from 20 January 2005 until 12 May 2009. 2. Under this contract, the worker is obliged to provide services to the employer for the following activities: Lubrication of Motor Controls Panels Verifiable Machine, under the supervision of their bosses or instructors and it is given by the service needs exercising the powers of directors and management of the company, 3. In consideration of the services of the employee, the employer is obliged to pay the sum of $ 70 dollars per day cost, canceling an allowance of $ 2,100 USD. Also agrees to provide the worker with the necessary materials to develop their activities and give the benefits that by law, agreement or custom to have the employees of the company hired to partial time and time limit. 7. The worker must provide services to meet a schedule up to 8 hours per day, distributed according to the requirements of the employer, forced to enroll the worker in the Book of payrolls and make knowledge of the administrative labor authority this contract, for information and registration. 8. The employer is required to meet the worker's basic needs as food, clothing and housing are the same as those expressed in the same responsibility. 10. The contracting parties expressly waive the legal jurisdiction of their homes and submit to the jurisdiction of justices of Lambayeque to resolve any dispute that the performance of this contract could result. In a sign of agreement, the parties have signed this document in the city of Chiclayo at 20 days of January, two thousand five.

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