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ILMU HADITS Disusun Oleh : Khairul Anam Jauhari B. Joe : Good morning friend Good morning too..!

what you are looking at this library? I am looking for a book about the science of hadith ...! Joe : already see the book yet? ya ya already see the book anyway as far as what the heck you hadith science? Anam : if you ask me that hadith science is the study of both the prophet sayings, deeds andbehavior of the prophet. Joe : oh .. Science of Hadeeth so that the study of everything related to the prophet?

Anam : Joe :

Anam :

Anam : Joe :

Anam : Joe :

yes true. how to legally keep people who do not believe in the apostle al-qur'an or hadith?

Anam :

if you ask me, believe the apostles were the pillars of faith. so if we believe in the apostlesmust have believed in what he was carrying the Qur'an and hadith, if we do not believe inwhat is brought by the apostles then just as we do not believe in the apostles and the legalperson is unbeliever.


ok agree, you are brilliant student, yes,,! most people say like that, but I never felt like that, hahahaha .....

Anam :


you could have .. after this you go home? I have not run out to his home friends, the problem is the task group to make paper.

Anam : Joe :

Anam :

indeed the task of papers which you have not

yet finished? Joe : English term papers. oh ... so you have not completed the English language papers ..!!! Joe : yes .. I have not done, then have you been? yes .. mine is finished. if you want this to go after? I still want a working meeting of the organization. Joe : Did you join any organization? I joined the organization HMI. it's gone, yes I am home first. ok. Carefully street see you tomorrow

Anam :

Anam : Joe :

Anam :

Anam : Joe :

Anam : Joe :

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