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Does any of this sound familiar?

Your child will only fall asleep while nursing or bottle feeding

Your child needs a soother in order to get to sleep
You are waking up with your child once, twice, three (or more) times each night
Your child needs to be rocked, bounced or taken for a car ride in order to nap
Your own lack of sleep is starting to take a toll on you and your family Leading Accredited Professional Infant & Toddler Sleep Consultant, Janey Reilly, Owner & Founder of WeeSleep will be sharing advice and answering questions on how you can help your child sleep through the night (10-12 hrs straight!) and have the daytime naps they require. During this 1-hour complimentary seminar she will discuss baby and toddler sleep, the importance of sleep and most common issues, and the top 5 sleep strategies to help get you and your family start getting the sleep they need and deserve! There will also be a question and answer period for you to get personal advice.

Do you dream of a full nights sleep? It is 100% possible in LESS THAN 10 DAYS!

Date: NOVEMBER 14 Time: 9-10 am

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