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Cuba can be seen in the architecture of Havana and various museums, but if you go to the field go to the field to see the valleys, caves coffee fields

In my opinion I like to travel why Cuba is a great place because there is a lot of vegetation, very nice places. Also because I have relatives living there and I hear it's very nice and green


is located at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, between latitudes 20 and 23 degrees latitude north and between 74 and 85 degrees west longitude.

Cuba is famous for your beaches, food and dancing

Cuba is famous for its beaches and weather high of 24 to 34 There is lots of wildlife teeming with crocodiles, bats, fish and sea animals. Dominated by lush green forests and caves also The typical dance of Cuba is the sauce that was born in the casinos where women danced while the men played

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