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The rhythm and charm of the Colombian Pacific are represented in all its culture.

Thanks to
the Afro heritage that its inhabitants carry, this region is characterized for being one of the
happiest in Colombia. Festivals such as San Pacho and the Petronio Álvarez festival are some
of the most attractive events for tourists from Colombia and the world that allow
themselves to be infected by the flow of the euphoric residents of Chocó.

The Afro heritage of the Pacific region is just one of the country's cultural manifestations. Do
not stay curious and feel the Afro rhythm: visit the Chocó, dance currulao and salsa, try a
delicious shrimp ceviche, and rest on the paradisiacal beaches of this wonderful region of

This region of Colombia is characterized by its cultural wealth. Its afro descent has
positioned it as a region of joy and flavor.

On the Pacific coast of Colombia in the department of Chocó, a paradise where the jungle
mixes with the sea, indigenous culture coexists with Afro culture, currulao, and salsa are
danced equally and the rhythm of Colombia seems to be the common one denominator.

The Colombian Pacific beaches are recognized worldwide, as they are almost deserted and it
is possible to practice a large number of water sports, such as surfing or skiing. In fact,
Malpelo, the Gorgona Island, and the beaches of Nuquí are key points in the almost intact
marine ecosystems, they can be observed by those who like to practice care and diving.

Another of the great attractions of this region, located in western Colombia, is whale
watching. For almost three months (from August to October) hundreds of these gigantic
mammals visit the Chocó coast to appear and give light in the warm waters of the Pacific.
This is an unmissable natural spectacle, which can be seen in the towns of Nuquí, Gorgona,
Bahía Solano, or La Barra, among others.

The proximity to the sea allows the gastronomy of the Colombian Pacific coast to be rich in
fish and shellfish, whose preparations have been preserved for many generations and are
part of the cultural tradition of the region.

The region comprises territories of five departments: Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Nariño, Cauca
and, tangentially, Antioquia. It is the Ancestral Territory of Original Peoples such as the
Emberá, the Wounann, the Gunas (Kunas) and the Awá. Also, it is a place of concentration
for the roots of the Afro-Colombian population.
The history of the Colombian Pacific is full of exclusion. Although also of resistance and
struggle ... Of the fight for the freedom of the enslaved. From the struggle of the social
movements that have defended and defend the Territory. From the daily struggle of its
inhabitants, whose traditional and community life models resist the ferocity of modern
colonizers ...

The current scenario is not encouraging. However, the resistance of the Peoples continues,
with woven efforts like the one that crystallized in the Pacific Regional Coordination. It
includes both ethnic-territorial organizations such as the Catholic Church, various NGOs, and
the Academy. Its objective is to make threats visible and act within the framework of the
rule of law and the international human rights system.

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