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Name: ___________________________ Date: _________

Stop Motion Animation

1. What is stop motion?

2. What is stop motion similar to?

3. When was the first stop motion animation made?

4. True or False: Stop motion is only used in TV. 5. List at least three movies where stop motion has been used:

6. What inanimate object was animated in a Christmas Dream?

7. How many photos were used in making Fantastic Mr. Fox?

8. How many frames should your storyboard be?

Ms. Krieger | 8th Grade Art | Stop Motion Animation

9. What is the minimum amount of pictures you must take?

10. The class adjective is _________________. 11. How do you make a stop motion animation look more smooth/fluid?

12. Describe the basic steps in making a stop motion animation.

Ms. Krieger | 8th Grade Art | Stop Motion Animation

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