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Form 211lA f11l!

United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Admlnlsterad Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THfS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuantto Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R Bankr. P., of the transfer, otl1er
than X.r security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name .of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee af Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harlmr Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 2370.37
NewYnrk, NY 10023
Phone. 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: nla
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):
Phone: .la
Last Four Digits of Acct #: --'n'"la,_ __
Name of Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Court Claim# (If known):
Amount of Claim: $961.65
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
565 Rahway Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Last Four Digits of Acct. #: _..In!.,a.__
I declare under pena:ty of perjury that the information provided in thls notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By: isiFredrlc Gl8$S Date; May 10. 2011
Transfereerrransferee's Agent
Penally for making a false statement FIM of up to $500,000 or iMprisonment fur up to 5 years, or both. 18 U,S.C 152 & 3571,
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC, et al.,
Case No. 10-138211, et al., (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. (If known)
was filed or deemed fifed under 11 U.S. C. 1111{a} in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of C!alm Other than for Security in the clerk's office of
!hiS court on May 10. 2011.
Name of Tra_QSferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Fail' Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Srntioo
PO Dox 237037
New York, NY 10023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Name and Address of Alleged
Fowler Equipment Co Inc.
565 Rahway Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
The fransferor of daim named aboW: is adyfsed the !hiS Notice of Transfer Of maim Other than for security has been
illed in the c
erk's office: of 1his court as evidence Of the transfer. Objection must be. flied with the court within twenty
(2.0) days of the mailing of thi'll notice. If no objection is timely received by the oourt, the transferee win be substituted
as the original o!alman! without further order of 1he court.
Pate: ______ _
Clerk of the Court
Uniw! St<tt<w BAnkruptcy Court
Southern O(N<m< Y !!rk
Tn n:


CJse No. 10-13SU
(Jointly Adndnktered Und'"'r Cue Nil.. J0--13800)
Amount S96:US
'9.trtknq;tcy Rule 3COO{n)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE dmt !he scluu:bb' clulm ofFOWl..t'REQ'OIPMl!:NT CO.lNC. (''Tre:.sfemr"'} qyrl'lllJtthcDebtor(s) in the ruttOII!Il ofS9G1.ti5, M
!iil\00. wllhir. Sebedule F of the Sclu:!tiule of ASSets aM Liilbll!ties filed by t!-& Debtot(s), and nTI .claimll (including wtthoutl!tttiultion !he Proof ofClnim, if eny, '::iclow nod Tt'lm''s rlghiS ':1:1 all interest, JX'naides, G'flt'l! pa_vments tblit ltnuty be cntit1ed to receive on accmmt Qf the n.'n!mp:ioo uf MY
execil!Wy related to the C:.rt:ro fl!'ld If a::y, which may be phld v.itt nmpoot to 1M Claim ltnd ;lll ether claims, CtJIJS('Jl of action the
Debtor", its afflllntes, any gutl(antor or 1hlrd party, wlfu V()-ting !111!1 flt'ho."'J: rights lllid bcn.dl% aril\ir,g fro:w, t.llll.ler ct relnting w any oftlw foregoing,
and al! cash, instruments and other propert.y v:hiclt =-Y be paid oriS!> .red by Debtor in s!ftisfnct:iun of d!e Claim) l'mve been tmnsl'em!C
und o6er th!m fur ,ecurity to Fait Harbor Capital, UC (''Transfee") in GOO.'!lderaticr. of\l!estu'rt 1 The glgnature this
TRANSfER OF CUlM 01liER THA.N FOR SEClfRIT"f M'D WAIVER OFNOTICEW eo.<idem:e of the."""'"'"' ot theclllirrt$ !ind ail rlsb.U audb;melits .:.f
n;;:atlrii to the ChUrn. The Cl!!im is bMM tm (1".\IM w by Debtor and this !l'!lnllib' be det:l'tlefl m1 rtb%clute and
or the ClAim fur the purpose of c;;lleotton end emll not he t a ;recurity Pleeoo nota thM Fak HarlJor OJ.pital, U.C is l\Ot
tn file any !!pp:icalion, nmtion, .Fn.>oi of Claim Of' Wlcr Co!r.C'Jlt. wid! the C1t with tegmd 10 yorrr clsim.
1. !he Tr.m$:1\:ror the eJulrus, lttt'eby a!lllign a::d trensf" roy deinm and til rights thi!Hl J:J:X1el to tlw T-rnrctkrea llp(in tertl\! ru set
fu:'th b O'J'ICZ letter tool'jvcd.. t and wammt timtthG el!rlm is not less than $961.65 nnd 'has not beeu. objemed to. oold, or sutfflfied. Upon
ootif.CII.titm W7fi\!I"H::fur, J !!glee te reimburse T!an.;fl.fte a pro-rota portion ofthep!trcheseprice tfthe ela!m is reduo;d, ubjectedlxl, or dl3111lowed in Vll:lole rrr
plirt by !he Debtnr, lhe Court, or any d.h ptlri.Y end Tnmsiirrm' m:d wacrnnts that tl;_em !Ire no ofi!let3 or de:bR'It\5 or preferential 'PI1Yll'!Nll$ {I !fit !taw:
bcoo or m.;cy be ll!loorted by or ;m txtullf of Dehlor (r. any other pmty to n:duce the ammu.Jt of the amm 'to impllfr its V'Hl.oo,
A Proof ofC'Jeim HAS in tAA ll!!lOIIBI; (I[$ .'Hu t.f!!rike.@W beM du1y end filed in 1be (tmd n true !::UpJ afmu;h Proof of
Claim if IIU:Itehed ro !his AS!Iigmn<mt). If the J'n:.ofvfChim tm'.m!.I"Ji di:ffern lin!:'. the Cblm ammmt tie': fortt.abo<ro, be
!hat Proui ofClllim S\Jbject m the: tem:s of this Awaamer;tmldshall be ;!'(]titled to idenHf}IOOfWJ ownrrofS"JC:'l ProofufCJaim or. of the
k the evctl the Clnin1 is ultim&ety allowed In !JJ\ amount Jr. ofthc 3l'I'IOOOt p1t1ci'.amd herein. Transfet'(!l' is l::Mlhy deMled tr1 !(ljl to 1'nut.sfe!te. and, Iii
Transferee's Ctp'Joo only. TrnnsfCI'ehetiiby a3i't!l ro pmxhooe, the Cl!liD'.nt lhc of claim pa:id lrmdD no'.
Cl2:m amo:mlliJleciiled a.bnve. TrM!!/I.!rnc sbnll remit S!.Wb p.tyrt'le!'lt to 'Trtms&mr tJplln. 7ransftme's

Clnlm hllll been nl:owtd i:l theJI!g)oer

amo\Ult mJ.d is not s>:'l!lcct to llll5 nbjectim:. by the Dobtl'lf.
l, Trnnsftror h::rcb:y arrthori'1,1:1 Tr;m;ferw 10 iile 11 nftnmsfer pum1ant to Rule 300i {e) of'the Fecicml Rill ofBerkupwy Pre-eOOurl'J
\'FRBI"'), with to the Cl!rim, -while Tam.,flwe pnrforru i3 :l11e diligence on the C!ni:m. Trtmsfuree
at its solo iJPM;t, may snb:wquontly tmnsfer lhe
Claim bflclt to Trar.s:futw if due dillg;mt;e is IY1taat:illf.:cte:y, in Tram;ferce's :o!eAnd abro:me discreliropurswmtto Rute 3{11}1 (eJ ofJm FRDP. In the everr lri'l::':rilrs the Cltim 1::BckW !he nt such time both 77'11JlS:furonmd i:ransfme rtle05ceacl.: olherofa:landnny
o'!:!Jlgiltiw rrr \i3bJ1ity n:gardingthie of Claim. herd.'ly !!Jld CCtt$t'nt!l to all ofthlil t:errtl.lllet furth in !hi'! Tnm1foc of Clnl.m
Qlld Mrcby (i) ib: rlght tn rni'se my olljectkm l!ereiD, em! (H) its rig.!ttto;e pur$1llll'lt to Rule 3Cf)l (c) Qfthe FRill'. Trtttslhur l!e:Wy
acknowledges lfwt Tra.11:1li'b= lltll!lyimt reauigr: Ute Claim, togel:im-with all rigbt, title end it;. and tot!:lrn All
fll?Te?CI'l'ta:tian f!Ild watT&rrtiet mad:!! shall thr od ofthhi Tfl:U'ISfoc ot'Cla.lnt acy $ncb m.ll$$igi!mfJ'l11.
Otherth:m sta;!ed above., TrlmSfcroe a:J t.kkl> 33Soolaied with debtor's Wit:tym dimibute fmd._o::. Tre.nsferoregroo:t to deliver to Flllr Hmbor Capital,
LLC MY to lhe date Tl'tl.!15fereo .iigns!bis The clerk nf!be cw.rt !JI!ihorb:ed to eh.:mge the
addri:Mlragmding :.'ie claim of the Ttwlliferm to that o:flhl' Tnmsr::ree:llited below.
lhls Tl'l!!lsful> ,-,fC!uiro shall he by aJul ht accordll:lce with the lnws of the Stat!! HfNew Y o:k. Any actino arisirtg tu1dcr or relating w thl:.
M O:ri:m may be io ecy !tate M Federnl e.YJrt k:leeled in the; State nf'New YOrk,. &u:l T to nnd ronfcrs personal
Jurlsdictloo over Tra.."1til:)ror1y s11Ch cml1't thiltservice of process may be upon Tmuilferor bymalltng tt copy nfsnid p:ru:es.!l to 7nnUcror 11t
the eddrMs set fuM ln thisA!ilfgnmentafCWJtn, lllld in nnynction hermmdct !he right to derooruln triel by Jury. Tmsfcror &cknow!eUgas
!:hat, in tht: .went !Mt btt.rikl-..,xcy ease o:: IX!!Wertmito tt Cll$f! 1mde:' Clwpter 1 oftlw Bankruptcy Code o:nd bas paid fur \be
Onim, TrAosfi=ror s'hill! irrmeclia!ely to Trantferw all mcr:Ues puid by Trnnsfc:ec tn C!.aim o:nC: WII;rr3bip l)flfu; Claim f'i'Jill revert lmnk to
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