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Form 21GA (1lll06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Uder Case No. 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S"C, 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
tl'lan for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Namr;; of Transferee:
fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Central Cleaning
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harbor Cnpital,l,LC
Ansnnia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
Phone: 212 4035,,,=:iiiit===:-
Last Four Digits of Acct #: _
Name and Address where transferee payments
shou'd be sent (if different from above):
?hone: =---,,----
Last Four Digits of Acct #: __ ,n/...._ __ _
Name of Transferor:
Central Cleaning
Court Claim# (if known): none
Amount of Claim: $898.80
Date Claim Filed.
Name and Address of Transferor:
Central Cleaning
786 South Somway Road, Suite
Onando, FL 32807
Last Four Digits of Acct.#: --"OULI,a __
I declare under penalty of perjury tPat the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief,
By: Is/Fredric Glass Date: May 5. 2011
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Ptmally fcrmsking !'I false s/lilf!'trtumf: Fine of up tc $500,000 o: imprisorme'1t for up to 5 years, or bCUL 18 U.S.C. & :5571.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Soutllern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No.
10-13825, (Jointly Administered Uder Case No. 10-13800)
C!ajm No. none !if known}
was filed or deemed filed under i 1 U.S.C. 1111\a) In this case by the aUeged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of c!afm, the transferee filed a Transfer af Claim Other than for Securtty in the clerk's office of
this court on May 5, 2011.
Mpme of
Fair Harbor Capital, u..c
As assignee of Contra! Cleaning
Ji'air Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
NewYork,NY 10023
Name of A11S%ttii.9 Transferor:
Central Cleaning
Name and Address of Alleged
Central Cleaning
786 South Somway Road, Suite
Orlando, FL 32.807
The lransferor of claim named above 1s advised the Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
fled fn the clerk's office of this oourt a:s evidence of the iransfer. Objecl:ion must be filed with the court Wilhln twenty
(20) days of the mailing of this noOOe. If no objection ia timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted
as the oliginal Claimant without further order of the court.
Date: ______ _
Clerk of the Court

('- N!i. l1M3Jll5
(.fointlf U.,d.r 'lin..

?J..EASE TAKE NOTICE dtJt \l.lafmllt'(.'JUili'AAL <U:4.NlNQ. ("'Tr&1SlCrl"') 'lftbtc$). In 1ile amount oJ.'ill!lfi.!IO, S listt:d within
F of ilm StmWn!c M;eb: ani Li!W<litiet Gltd t)}' llll: m aH clllir'n1t (buOOfill$: w!JM<Jtli:m!tnhm ttl" l'trxd' of Cll!lm, lt'el!y, i'&mr.l&d
(.dew M\4 Tt'flmlf'erou tl.,eM.:i til pcrnll!Je& It rtmybe' Mtitil:d < ,ort af{lg ot11ny Cllllelll/',ry>
or mrl'l !'tin, if lt!!$, v:hlcilmay be wl!h t:0 tbeCT!IIm Md oll!!!! c:U!R5 11$1MMt L'le Debtor, iii
liD)' gtlJmUIICI' ildl!ll' llt!rd 1100 m11er ri8\tt '$Tid bmr.rllts 6mn. lll"tkt MN!Mine to ;rcy of 1\!'!d llll
:msh, ;m(i (llhr;r Me}' paid or \zy Dt:tr.or at lbe C'Wm)
lf!Nl&mJd li!!h than A:rr $QI'lflri!:r to fl!lr Hr C:.;:het LLC in ot'II!i!> tnm < ; N't'M th's-
TRANSFM Of <:LATh'! 011-lmt 'fH.\r; F(lji; SEctJIUT'i' AJ!,:l) WAWR!I' OF NoTICE !:f wldlfQGt "" , , ----- -- tOO delnn ru:d rightl !md h<mlfilll Gf
'Inmgferor m1 mIke CWm. The Clelm W', ro '!mrafmt!r 1':1 Dcbwt mtd tf;ia t:w* A!Xlif be.llWUfttll <m Ullrl
trmt.erot'tbe C'utfm fur 1m plJfiiOI!C of oolkctkm Ill(', ID.J;:t 1'\lr.: be deemed p::mti:.y lt.term l"''tmmtJ: !bat Flik l:bfbtr Capl'":!tl, LLC btlliii
Q;il$atf:dt(lfifr:, (lily l'tOOi'Mtialm ot Coun:w!th w ytut olcirn.
1. me r.rnkrtlgrWj vfiht.i llblwt-ttcscrf!<ed. c!a\J>:& Mi! ttmfllr my thlioo ,.,.a 1111 ri;hW t:her: .. :llduta die 'frnla!\m;q uptm ll:l'mN as 11'11
ii.m:h In lelter rec:eivd, 1 Mli! ""''.rmnt Umtittt e'\l:ilt 1lt not lestlttn 11"14 h<l$no! Ql)jeekd ar$Mistiod. C]X'Q
fltltltiat.llo:t by 'ff'{rnsftri'ce, 1 l'rnns&n:' 11 pro-n,t!!'m ilflllc: pure'Mse pciQ:: lflbe <::lllfm l(>, Pr Whol; IJI'
put In !he I'HlbtJc, !lie Cwrt. "" "')! <:tthar fldl'ly aml rt:!)m$<,<m sod ttl!t Me 110 (11' dtfrn!ldO <lt prefctMti.:tl :hat !!Ave
fw:m m ... .. ll<l l:'lim:i".:ed by tlr on bthalf '11' !Ill)' Q'fuei' pmty !0 the a{ t11f Cllllm arta Jmplllr
A .Prililf wt !!lll(IW,/tf$ ,... lffti 11ft! <hliy tll'.<i!lmcdy f!.lf<rlintow (Mii tf8\ft:ll PI'Mf of
Clahtt if. attaelm:l t() !his lr :11 Proof tJcwm IISUOtmf dlfft:m fl'tl1n lhCial::: l\lllO\lJlt m ftnb ;lrlll &c
O?; bft!!at l'ttf Bll'lt<llt.ltl ilk: oflhls Aew;m(l!ll.li1Jthhill! bP!em!tlid to id>:Dtify !!lldf OW!lftl' afso.wh 1'rllcl' Cl11m (jjl the
m Ute went 100 C!llim U ultimWJJy .. :mwed in P:t amoonUn cmtn ?i'lhl: ;n.:!(lllltt 1Mirdr!, hereby <lmd It Ill' mit, m
(tffly, to: pvn:l\<.1:1, 11\1!1 bollll!>te oi11l1d C!elm utlil:lo Sl8iUl uf<:!ailn ptid mrt ttl a=4 lht
'11(\UI)I. al:o>m. sha't re:mt Jli!.}'l:m:nt 119f1r! fl'm1 till< Claim ht>n bc.m .Unwtd ln the'
llmi'l\mtm fs nm fi!l.ll obj.ttlilrr bytlli:obt$w.
1, 1'r1i!lru"l:l'l\r uu:!tDriu til fit..' gool {4/ of tit" ,FU\'lenl
\'<.-111> 1 die whit.: rerRn<:r<l iti:l dbe 00 Tl'J!11;'&rW, lJt il:ll'Ol<l opi.iO!f, tl'lzy mru;fu lfle
Cllllm t:'! il1 Ml TmRil'<:e's t\t.'\1;;300: Y:lUil'. fll >bt
!:"SJJSftrs th:: Cttdm hru;k g. lltl'll:mmf1r, *I s-.illl! tit bO'D':: TthMI\!!'Of IIWi ffiftrt!lc !l:lh!!l' ru"all $(! f!E.Y
:ol>ligndoo ot li11\>llll3' 1"1illiM'rcl rnd tt'IMmiS mail of\114 funll in thb 't'rll!lsfur at Oaim
md !lQl"llbr'l'llliVe!! il)i:s ti!ilt ro t!IY c'ij!le!.iun lmeto, 1lllll (li) 1tJ rj#ot !'!IC1Wl R>illl t (;:J oftbe F!fAP. '1'ra!lsfemr
!!cla!oW!edilfl' mo; otsuy tinle nmi:gn fue Cklm, rlf'!t. tlile DM intemt in U'llrl tot!'. is. 'frmoim' nf At\
and bern a!t:lll t1w and Q,ll'my ofClt!ltr. t.'Ul t1cy
Othtltlllll llh.Jv,t, ii.!IWf!1h nl! mkil :a!Joo!.md with del!ll:);''f. 2i.ri)ity to tu de1ivu-to Fn!r HJTb\'11' Cnpit41.
LLC lillY Jl4l)':l1mls 'f3'l:I'JaiM!bMQIIItlll tg 'l:lwdllW illil: The clnrlt of !he /11 ID fu(i
ad&reu teprd!iJ& tOOn:n!m Tl'l1l'ltf<:mto!Mt
'i'Jil.fl An)' l!\tkl1l'ID; :ll't'l\!latirglb tlfff:"
or CIM-Il T11l,Y ln Snne i)f ;mttt loOII!ed In :J\e of':-k:w Y?l'k, ami u. 1.nd f'I:QI'IIIa;
jpffldiqtk!n ow:r 'l'lh11kfmlr l:y tm:li ''Jit OT md thai: lti!W U;JOll by nm:1hlg fiiPY Wd f\I'OCifl: to ru
Wdl'eSll S4l fort!! in th!s A,_"'!\gMJilit !.If Claim.. illld in scy ecil '.U dlltmmtl ;. trttl hy jut) Tnwfl:l'\lt
W lbc ewmt tbNtk I/dio;r' s tmnk*wptey cti<> is dl.:.wi:<lll<:ld :!f V> a 7 afll!e 'B:o.:WU[Iicy Cade nr.d l12!i !lll\d ftr die
w-;:;fl tG mcn\u J:aid by iJ: (0 tl:\1 O<!lttlllllil mttm Claim thtcti 11:vetl hMk t;;
surre.M {)J
t@11!o. .'NirJJ_. _
Pnge Jof I
:Fair .H:orlx'>r CnplW, LLC
U4i &lril:c
Vmt.l-'1' l

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