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Ftlml 210A (1(11()61

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,et al,
Case No. 10-13825, et al., (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S. C. 1111(a). Transferee
rereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001{e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced In this evidence and notice.
of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of West Coast valet Service
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Sta tlon
PO Bo-x 237037
York, NY 10023
Phone: 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: n/a
Name and Address where transferee payments
shouid be sent (if different from above}:
Phone: nia
Last Four Digits of Acct#: nJa
Name of Transferor.
West Coast Valet Service
Court Claim# (If known): 1691
Amount of Claim: $1,355.00
Date Claim Flled:
Name and Address of Transferor:
West Coast Valet Service
855 MalcoM Road
Burlingame, CA 94011
Last Four Digits of Acct :ff:.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the Information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By: lsi Fredric Glass Date: May 10. 2011
Transferee!Transferee's Agent
Pcnn/ly for making a ,'tllse s._tgterr,ent: f"'-ne of uclo $50:>.00:> or impr's<wnent for up to 5 years, or b:Kit 1.!1 u.S.C. & 2571,
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,et al,
Case No. 1 D-13825, et al., (Jointly Administered Under Case No 1D-138DD)
Claim No. 1691 (if known)
was filed or deemed 41ed under 11 u.s.C. 11 1n this case by the alleged transferor, As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the t-ansteree filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security ln the clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 201 '.
N5!me of Transferee:
Fafr Harbor Capital. LLC
As assignee of West Coast Valet Service
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ans<tnia Finance StBtioo
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
West Coast Valet service
Name and Address of Alleged
West Coast Valet Service
855 Malcom Road
Burlingame, CA 94011
The transferor of claim named above is advised 1he this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerk's office of lhrs court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed with the court within twenW
(20) days ofthe mai!ing of thrs notice. If no objection Is timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted
as the original claimant without further order Of the court.
Date:. ______ _
of the Court
tJII'itd Sllllhl. etmr1
Smuhern \'nrk
CH:rn Nn. 10-USJ:$
(.lqintly \ fmkr N<'l.
OF Cli\IM OTilER Tn,v.: H)f< S:t:Cl'nlTV ANP WAIVER OF NOTlCf.
R"'c 300(l(e)
!'LfiA:SF T AK!' NOT!('!'. thm sc><x!:told e!nim o!Wt:ST Ol,\ST \'.-\l.t'r Sf.RV1CE f'l'rlltl,f<:mr.:'") "f.,lliot the In nrumm: <1r$!J...O:." 14, rut
liru:d >Yilhin Sc:wrtdr r SPhtdu;,; ,r and fiWd by the wvl (indutllng w::hm:! !m!l,llku lite f'r0f nf Cltlim,
idmtificd ilc!<m- Trmu;(C'\>r'> rif!hlt !> Mil :hnl k m:ty ll<' cr,<iUed '" nn ntwHnl o! !IIC l'r
(1:' lo tlw ]aim l!Jlri if :my. whi<:h T'.VI)' b<' pwd with Mtp<:r.t 1<: lire C:Oim ilml nil i1lh(\f rtf dtr:
Ocbt<'f, ilt. n ffi!in!cs. n.ty jUJimln\o irt ollw. third ('llrty. with vnlir-s ami other tr.d bene filii f !lm. tw HI mw oft 'Je 1hrq!'llll!t
"II t:fl'h, inWlUemt oCT> ;>l"opert}' wl;icb mn_v he paid 11r lo;sued hv Debl<)r i!'l s.lli.ira.:tib/1 f' ,..'"'nf ufTr.msfi::tm hlJvc \H:.Cillra!1S'(emd
a;;si;;ped (lllll:flhiiO fN hl Flm llart>crr LU" in stlfl) of T:,,. of thr. Tnm,ren;o: ""'
'I"RANS.FF,R OF etA OTHI'.k THAN fOR SECiJRJTY ANI) WAIVER OF "JOl'ICI\ :wldttwe l)J'll]<' dauiH !lmlltl: tljfhls rtf'd h:ncf'h t>f
hUIJe Cl1tfm . The ()f) ll_IO\ItiL" il): he ,d.!ente;l antlh.'ihllc ar.<luhcoJruliH"'lill
trantftrnfthe l!><: of @!! th!'!ll H<ll ri-d It' t:l'lme ON<; !hat lhrbtlf Ot;'iiinl. r t:C K!ml
ohligatc1 tn tile ;my nppllca:irn. mV.m, l'n: .. rurC'ilim vdlll !l<e Otn with !l:!ll't<llo ymw dmrr.,
l, !be of lilt lli'UW d<"SUffid hrvl1:,' my rli!'l!$ anrt fill rig:113 lin<k>' W n;mn 11. 'iC1
J<1nh m le.!er <teeiv-ni. ll'tlf!T<'M<"t >11> W>tmu'll !ha: d:c !5 nut I:&< th:m nnd llll:lnlll been n!)j.:cllf H:. "oli\. "r 1!1"01'
.notl!icatlnt> t1fT>1lt1J11i>rnc !lljfftc II' reim!>ll!.,., Tmnsfcret: 11 .. !a porlifm pritc ir1te c;;dm io MJoxtOO !<l. nr in <r
l:>J 111r !1\c Cmm. ""lilly t<ther ptrt; and Trunsremr an<i iiHlt \here no ur tlfpn:k!',.':'!linl p;ty-nrn'V !hal I>;W\1
:-1"'l!'> nr !1:11} he hy :>ron hchglfDI l)!h!IJ;m any miter f'Wiy hl the ;tmmml Claim orl<l impnir >18 \'fi!nr.
/\ rr:mfflrr::.tim I:I.U ill. Ill" I Ilea md \ll''ll"l:r filed ln !Ill: (n:id "tnlt r>'flY llf 1 I 'roof nl
('bim h '" 'I'(I<Jf lif JnlOHn1 rliffiTS t'rom (he Cbiim mn..1nn1 r<:>r.h all'""- Tmn$lbrei! tlc
nwtu:r<lf II>"' l'm<:>f(i.'Cilllm >mhirct hl !IR !l( thi; 'hall'><: '" itkntlft ty,.-m:;''"f Pro<' >I'Cinim <>II Jb,; reeonls f'fth;
In 1lw e--.= !lm Chlim ;., m>ai!'I<'>Uill Ul .,,.-ce;s arr:NH!I p!W<lbll$<;:l hr.rclr., ,k.!nr>!>l h> ,ell t<\ .<t
0fA:ioo only, :o plttuhase, ,-,) C111im m the i'r <:hi11 jUi<l !tCI'<:!;"' !l!ll to ;wke
Clnim nomt,>l Sj1<X'if1cri Trt>csfm"' <"11 mmil pnynun\ In TrluHfcwr qwn TrW>Sfcre<:!. thnllhe Clnirn h;,:; b!:ll\1 e!lilwt'<i i>) "itclCI'
mll<lli!V Ill!! I is 1\i1l Ill nny objeclkn hy IlK Dd>tor.
L \Jlt hcmh)' autfm:i;o:.. TmMf.,c<: In nn1icc oftmll$J'm phrsHiml fo R::le 30(): (r.
oftll<' or Bnnkmplq f"m!'edvt" t
C'FRBF''). wiil: w dtc Cbo\m, -Mile T nn;ICrce pcrt(!.'ln$ dtli': rli!if!;<:llet! on Clnim. :.1 w il',llin!l. !he
h:K-k !o TrmHft:rrn d!'l: i! <nl ;n m>k nnd Jlllt:\t\1nl Ll Rule 3001 (d <lf:hc HlHP. ln!tk ncnt
lM Clni111 had.: t:> 7r.t'ltnt or Jr,-. lti 1;ur\J hillh -:"rtmsJl...,.,-,r ;w,d nih::;- lrll!l :md any
,-,hli:;mil"a t>r re.e;rrii"t ,;;..,:gnmt!1! FWI!lfcrM nlld Cll\tlt:nls 1(1 Ml oirftc :;<:1 rtlllh in
:m:l hcrchr '''llh-c<: (i: rir;h 10 r4ite 1\0Y !l'Hl (1i) llJ!.Ill t(i N'tcivn llll\i'.' pi;ttl;ll.. -.1 1 o Ru'c 3(f.)l (c) nftl>e 1'1t8i'. hereby
t.ltt: >'1tll lllll'ighl. !ttk u.d in!erest !llTrnr.gfun.'l i<> nod to :hh rmru;f,;c nfCIDim. /'.!'
fll..,; Wi\"Tan'k)( :n!Wu WNic thecxeenuon "nd Clnim tnd il!l) 'm<lh
fllhcr l!wn shV.:d r,b(WE. RMI'l'\\:iated with deNn(,; ablh:y 10 r!i!:trihlllc f11n1lF. TmniJ'Cl'or lp dclhcr<r> h>tl ('ll.plllll.
LLC my !'ccd od tu tlled;uc igM !!lis agmcm""t der:k ,-.ttlw L I<> d!m'Ct;
t'egl"rrliog_lh<:,f.i:lim.njfht>.Jtl!t\:l.f.:tc'.l<l.ltru nf.tl1c ___ - _ . . ----- ...... --_,
nf Clnim J11!e:ll;:.:l hy mKI !11 ru:c;.r(ian"" \vill1 the n!' Stnl<l (>( Y <!!'k. AllY milO" mtkr ,.,. 111 111 is
may fJ IJritiJglll in !l()ll't Inc MOO In nf"Jc'.v Yt. rr:mdemr ttl :ani f"'rEo.,i
jurf1'dk1i011 ,w;::r 1;:; ;uch .rrn,r: nr eNlr1o and service may be <lf'I'Jil Tr"<zo.f<:n:'M hy rMiling. Mpy 1:> :v
>11 lhrllt i1 llus A'l.'lil!nmu-1 ofC,llln. n'\il io Jay \\C1ion hcr<:nnrier TrArsfeM ill:: rij!llt tn <knM! uinl hyjur:'
!hat<!> d:c Umt t\e Dcbi<'J:{J; :as:: iH M tml"l{'tled II' 11 CJfC Q\ilptcr 7 c,)dc and frurn\lCrec hi\$ in: tile
o,.;,, imnwdinldy o::mlt :<l all paid by1'!1l$J'el':l! in r<'gord tn t1'<:(:13im Md V''ITI#$hip 6f t hli<:k to

l!\5 MALCOM 11.0.\!).
RIJ!<UNOAMti- f'/1 L)'iA I - ,
l'ri"t '-bwe: .. !S:.. N"-'ll:i _
'"''"'"" -'""' ;} n/ !I _
Pl>r.N:: __ ... : .. _
Fait f.Jerhru C>lf!il I. i.IX
ll'nl Rnm1>vl)'., .lti;c
New Yt'l'IL W02,l

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