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Production Schedule Location Visit Sheet

Music Title: Video Artist : Altered Minds Writer: Altered Minds Producer: Georgina, Dmee and Gianni Director: Georgina, Dmee and Gianni Date: 5th November 2012

Photos of location, including electricity points, access or special considerations

Access to location via: Dmees house is located close to college ,so we can walk to get this location. Name and number of location contact: South Norwood, a contact number does not apply to this location . Health & safety issues to note: The equipment is heavy and to access this location the equipment needs to be distrupteed so that the load is managable . Another health and safety issue crossing the roads to get therere , as a group we have to esnure that our actors are safe at all times . Potential filming problems: As it is one of the crew members house , we have to ensure that her parents are in the house because we require adult supervison . Another potential filming problem is finding the correct light as this can affefct the outcome within the mise en scene. Notes: Finding a time where the location is not busy is a important factor.

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