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Recce Document

Location One-

On the script, the first location is called burned down building lair. We plan to film this
near Littlefields; a burned down pub near our houses. Littlefields is not the safest place
to enter, which is why we will be filming on the outside of its gates, rather than inside
the actual grounds. Littlefields burned down last year, and its grounds are covered in
rubble, glass and rats. When planning a risk assessment, this location would provide a
larger risk than any other. This is our reasoning for filming outside of the gates. Filming
the opening scene/ ending scene anywhere else would not be as effective, because the
building has a certain eerie-ness to it, which is why we want to have it in our footage.

Location Two-

Willys Pub & Brewery (undecided as of 30th March 2017). Initially, we wanted to film
this scene at Riverhead Coffee in Freshney Place. However, the store declined our
wishes. Willys was suggested as an alternative. We need this location for a brief scene
at the beginning. The scene doesnt involve dialogue, merely a panning camera
beginning with a shot of the back of main characters head, which then turns slowly into
a close-up of his face.
Location Three-

Franks bedroom is the third location on the script. As of the 30th of March 2017, we
have not completely decided who is portraying our main character yet. Despite this, to
keep travel arrangements simple, we will be using my bedroom as Franks bedroom.
This is because my house is close to Littlefields, in addition to being close to college. It
is the simplest place to film this scene.

Location Four-

Undetermined alleyway. A problem we have discussed in reference to filming in an

alleyway at night, is the safety of it. Grimsby isnt the friendliest place, so being down an
alleyway at night with expensive, borrowed equipment may be problematic. A way
around this could be to film in a more public place, but present it as if it was an alley.

Location Five-

Undetermined street. This part of the film will be set at night. The problem with filming in
a street, at night, is that we may disturb peoples sleep. A method to avoid this may be
to film on a Friday/ Saturday night, or alternatively, film on a street that doesnt have a
lot of a houses on it.

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