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Media studies

By Jared & Adam

In our Video production we have decided to have our 5 minute movie
scene based in Rednock school. We have decided to choose this location
because it is very accusable and there will be no need of travelling for
both off us as we live in walking distance. This location will be perfect for
the first part of the scene as we are going to perform all of out flashbacks
in the main entrance of the school, this flashback will show the robber
steeling money from the bank. The bank in our 5 minute opening scene
will be played as the main entrance of the school but to make it look like a
bank we are going to have cutting scenes throughout the video so that
the first flashback will show the front of the real bank down in Dursley and
the second shot will only show the robber walking into the bank which will
then be located in the school.

Our second location will be based not far from the town centre and
Rednock school, as part of our story line is that when the robber runs out
the bank and flees to the woods which will then be located up by cam
peak. This location will enable us to capture various and accurate high and
low angle shots of the robber when he sprints through the woods. W have
chosen to use Cam peak woods because the hill which is known as cam
peak will be perfect for an extreme long shot when the robber runs up the
hill. We are going to use several flashbacks throughout this scene, so
when the robber runs up the hill about half way then we will have a
flashback. Following those flashbacks we will be including our title
sequence throughout the scene which could be called the escape.

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